if i had known then … a blueprint for hope and change

Post on 01-Jun-2022






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If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


If I Had Known Then ... A

Blueprint for Hope and Change

“Our problems are many but our

capacity to solve them are limitless.” –

Ronald Reagan, January 1966

The stories and case studies in the following

pages of this book are true. They were

written from the experiences of a group of

life coaches participating in a Mastermind created by David Krueger, M.D. We were

together for a year on a monthly teleconference sharing what was called, “hot seat”

subjects with each other, our fears, and our wins. Each month, we were given a specific

book to read on business, life, and the advances in neuroscience. Dr. Krueger invited

various authors to speak with us at our monthly teleconferences.

As we approached the end of our time together, we had a discussion about the footprint

this group of gifted committed professionals could collectively leave for the coaching

world. Each of us had case studies from our coaching practices, and our own stories of

failure and success. We shared the value of having had more insight when making

decisions throughout our lives? So, we decided we would compile these stories of If I

Had Known Then to provide A Blueprint for Hope and Change for you.

We all have disappointments and regrets in our lives that continue to unconsciously limit

us today. Until we consciously recognize how these events hold us back, and choose to

respond differently, we will not experience lasting change. As Dr. Krueger teaches us

through The Roadmap for a New Life Story® and New Money Story®, we must

recognize authorship of our old story, interrupt our behaviors and limiting beliefs, decide

what to change, and map the changes, in order to author new experiences.

Each of us, in authoring our new stories realized every moment in life is precious. We

hope you identify with one or more of these and are inspired to begin your own journey

of discovery, daring to author your new life or money story.

We also invite you to check out the Notes and References which provide tools and

resources, as well as the BIOS of each professional that contributed to this project.

MentorPath® Mastermind Group Legacy Project

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


The Vice of Self-Deception

Vincent (Ace) Wagner

Miracles are a result of the choices we make. They are not given, nor do they simply

happen to us, rather they flow from our way of being and the mindset we enact. We are

the authors of that mindset, that story that underlies our way of being. Sadly, I have

lived chapters of my life where this awareness escaped me. I may have deceived

myself, unwittingly, into a less than mindset.

To move from the depths of self-deception toward a greater awareness of our true self

is a miracle. Open-mindedness is a miracle. This miracle is simply the removal of our

self-deception - those thoughts of being less than, of being alone, powerless, unhealthy,

unworthy on any level. Instead of giving in to these deceptions, we can create miracles

by becoming the author of our own life story. To make this shift requires nothing more

than a nanosecond to permit an awakening, to make the “choice” for completeness, to

free us from the deceptive pattern of “choice” for something other than wholeness,

wellness, or completeness.

At 45 years of age, I began to experience some miracle-mindedness. The books I read,

the people I hung out with, the healers I met all helped me reverse the confounding self-

deception I was living. This removal of limitations and acceptance of abundance is an

ongoing process enabled by the recognition of that which is possible. It is not a one-time

event. I work on it by simply accepting it through the choices that I make. In so doing, I

recognize the “choice” I have to choose a life story written for me by others, the choice

to give in to the sense that life is “happening to me,” or to instead recognize that my life

and well-being are a choice I make, second by second. Recognition of this responsibility

has been the first step toward a more fulfilling life.

This is a story of my journey towards making those choices for myself.

I naturally inherited a business partner for life, a brother in whom I have complete

confidence. With the addition of a couple of other guys who were friends, we created a

very successful enterprise in the construction materials supply industry. As

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Midwesterners, we proudly succeeded in having exported to over thirty-four countries

and thirty-five US States. We enjoyed one another’s company and allowed our love of

life to help others in our organization enjoy their work and to create our mutual success.

However, over time the adage “a business needs to either grow or die” prevailed in our

industry and took root in our minds. We chose to grow, through a merger which

accelerated our enterprise from a decent-sized company with twenty million in revenue

to an organization of over seventy five million just three years later. The numbers and

the growth were both alluring, but I may well have sold my soul in exchange.

In the early days post-merger, the new broader ownership and overall organizational

vision took a great deal of my time and energy as CEO of the Division I led. As a

member of the Board of the parent company, I was called on to help organize, align,

and otherwise engender confidence in this newly formed entity with both our employees

and our clients. This was a challenge. My instinct was not always aligned with what

needed to be communicated, which required additional energy from me in order to be

convincing. For seven years I labored at this task. There were laughs, successes, and

failures along the way - and my job was not toil in the salt mines! However, I fear l

unknowingly furthered my self-deception during this time. But sometimes we see self-

deception in others and that helps us recognize it in ourselves.

Within the new organization, words like “partner” and “shared voices” were used to lead

the organization. I used these concepts to both convince others to work at our company

and customers to trust us with their business. It was this language that evoked the very

merger I was then living. I put my trust in our leader - the founder of the enterprise, the

CEO of the holding company, and a friend who used this language regularly. However,

what I learned over time was that when push came to shove his personal interests

trumped those of our supposed “partners” & shareholders.

On one key, Board-level decision made for his benefit, others voted in favor, but I

clearly saw a raw, painful conflict between the fairness implicit in the words being used

by our organization and the actions of this leader. The ideas of inclusion and fairness

were being substituted for personal gain, and this leader was intransigent to

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


suggestions of change. It was the lack of alignment between these words and the

leader who would not honor them that sparked my visceral need for clarity. Others could

seemingly manage the contrast, but I could not.

If I agreed and voted in favor my self-deception would continue. However, language

matters to me, and the growing awareness of the “choice” that defines my very

existence was becoming more apparent to me. I was asked for my position on the

Board matter in advance and I was lobbied for my support, as my vote and my

leadership were crucial to its passage and acceptance. I simply responded to the two

gentlemen lobbying me that sometimes we are called to “vote with our feet.” They

looked at me, puzzled. I bet they remain puzzled to this day, but I had come to

recognize that the way this ship was being captained was simply not for me. Alignment

of my values required the removal of my self-deception that such disingenuousness

behavior was acceptable in my life.

I fired myself!

Free of this self-deception, I longed to serve others in their journeys to make this

miracle happen in their own lives. I decided to use my newfound knowledge about

neuroscience, the architecture of “choice,” and miracle-mindedness to imbue my days

with greater meaning. I wanted to be who I truly was, and I very much wanted to assist

others in reaching their own potential.

Today, I challenge my clients to be authors of their own stories, reminding them gently

that this authorship is a gift given to each of us. If we choose wisely, we can listen to the

inner voice that guides us to become world-class authors of our own life story. Being

coached and coaching others facilitates miracle-mindedness. Being true to our true self

is the opposite of self-deception; and with this simple yet elegant knowledge, we can

make miracles happen every day. The shift from fear to letting go and allowing self-love

its rightful place is a miracle. This right is our sole responsibility. It is a choice we make

for ourselves.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


The Power of Faith, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Regulation

Bonita Cartwright-Thornton

How I often heard my words, “I would rather clean my kitchen, than write”, and I don’t

enjoy housework. For years, I could not identify when the resistance to writing began.

Perhaps in college, I observed fellow students completing papers seemingly within

hours. However, it would take me days, even weeks to complete the finished product.

Although the grades were B+ and A’s, the graders had no idea of the price I paid in time

and lost sleep. It was by grace, perseverance, and prayer, that I was able to complete

the work. This pattern remained with me over the years, much to my chagrin. I learned

to use expanded outlines, lectures, and presentations in creating my work. These short

sentences cued me into the knowledge stored within and suited me well in an

extemporaneous style of presenting. Technical excellence, combined with the blessing

of God; you must prepare, be prepared, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. This proved

to be true on many occasions. However, the challenge of my perceived writing deficit

was still not being addressed.

I began to work with Tony Robbins who writes about six core needs that drive behavior;

Certainty, variety, significance, love, growth, and contribution. With certainty/comfort, we

have a need to know we can avoid pain and gain pleasure.

The class of experience we choose to satisfy these core needs is selected based on the

pleasure it brings us, how it serves us, how it serves others, and how it serves the

greater good. The classes of experience can be categorized as follows:

o Class 1- Feels good, is good for you, is good for others, and serves the greater


o Class 2 - Doesn’t feel good, is good for you, is good for others, and serves the

greater good.

o Class 3 - Feels good, is not good for you, is not good for others, and doesn’t

serve the greater good.

o Class 4 - Doesn’t feel good, is not good for you, is not good for others, and

doesn’t serve the greater good.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Robbins challenges us in this model to discover the motivation for our behavior by

asking the question, what need am I trying to meet by choosing a particular experience?

Choosing the “Class 1 Experience” is the ultimate aim. Most people avoid “Class 2”,

because there is usually little or no pleasure involved, even though it serves us and

others. An example of a “Class 3 Experience”; overeating or excessive spending might

feel good however, it can render a disastrous outcome.

Tony’s work guided me to a better understanding of why I do what I do. I came to

understand my need to be certain I could avoid my perceived pain of writing. I often

chose a Level 3 or 4 Experience. I would say no to writing opportunities or exposing my

work to scrutiny (no risk, no reward). But it was not good for me, not good for others,

and it did not serve the greater good. I would attempt to alter behavior by considering

the pain of not completing a required writing project, or embracing an opportunity, but in

the process, I would feel embarrassed, as if I had failed myself and others. I would

attempt to contrast that outcome with the pleasure of completing the project feeling

confident, accomplished, and good about myself. Because I did not really believe in my

ability to write fluidly or with “perfection” there was no lasting change.

Over the years, my writing challenge was exacerbated by my lack of typing experience,

including slow speed with a multitude of errors. It pains me to admit that I compensated

by dictating the work to others or more often painstakingly pulled all-nighters. Work

performance was impacted and I would turn down writing opportunities. My work may

have been excellent, however if it was never documented no one would ever know.

Though I desired to share my story, I didn’t trust in my writing.

During my role as a clinical specialist in Cardiovascular Nursing, I was invited to write

an educational book on High Blood Pressure, by a major publishing firm. I submitted the

first draft for proofing. It was returned as expected, with many pink stickers, not for

content, but grammatical style, punctuation, etc. My objectivity was lost, as those pink

stickers fueled this belief, Bonita, you are not a writer. The publication went forth with

success, as the suggestions were incorporated and a talented staff packaged it

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


beautifully. However, pink stickers fit my schema, and I allowed those to ghost-write a

chapter in my writing story.

My work in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a gentle mind/body meditative

practice, and my work in New Life Story® guided me to discover the past event that I

had been allowing to fuel my negative, limiting belief.

I used many tools and over time this helped me to produce change by challenging

assumptions that supported this old story and distorted belief. I engaged trusted

colleagues to edit and critique my work. Faith in God, Emotional Freedom Technique

(EFT) and New Life Story® guided me on my journey to continue even risking not being

accepted by others. I realized I first needed to accept myself!

I’ve learned to take personal ownership of my life story. If I created the belief, allowing

the assumptions and storyline to produce a conclusion that was not productive to the

glory of God, for me or for the greater good of others, I was also capable of change!

When I chose to stop living in the past, ruminating on what was lost, and chose to be in

the present, and slowed down from a chaotic pace … change was possible. I realized,

while some opportunities might be good ones, not all are of Divine inspiration, or in my

best interest. Indeed, an ill-timed opportunity could distract me from my higher purpose.

Insight and change happened as I released false beliefs and assumptions and self-

regulated for change.

As the journey in my New Life Story continued, I explored self-identify, how I defined

myself. During this self exploration, I realized, I am contradicting my core beliefs in faith

by holding onto any false belief, defining myself by performance. At the core of my

identity is my relationship with my creator and Savior Jesus Christ, The One who loves

me, who died on the cross, and rose again that I, and all who believe in Him, are set

free from sin and all bondage. As a beloved daughter of the most high God, I am

forgiven, and under Grace, in His unmerited favor. When God chooses me for an

assignment, He does not judge me by my outer countenance. He looks to my heart. For

too long I measured myself by performance, and if it was not perfect, I believed it was

not good enough. This applied to writing, the concept of submitting a draft to the

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


scrutiny and critique of others was seen as exposing a weakness, rather than an

opportunity to improve the work.

In the past, I chose to address false assumptions and not receive God’s Grace. But He

said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in

weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that

Christ’s power may rest on me. – II Corinthians 12:9.

In the normal course of my clinical work with clients, I utilize Emotional Freedom

Technique (EFT) on issues such as stress and anxiety, unwanted emotions or

behaviors. This facilitates stress reduction to compliment therapeutic intervention. EFT

is a mind/body method using mindful touch, a gentle finger-tapping on Acupressure

Points on the face and body, while focusing on a problem or issue to be resolved.

Research reveals that EFT works with our body’s subtle energy system and can

produce changes at a neural and cellular level. As clients are guided in using EFT and

begin to develop skill in this technique, they become empowered to respond to their

emotional state and help themselves feel better more quickly.

EFT has proven effective in helping clients in lowering stress, anxiety, and overcoming

the emotional effects of trauma. While EFT is easy to learn and non-invasive— trauma

and other sensitive issues should be engaged with the support of an experienced EFT


Exploration with my mentor and coach, David Krueger, M.D., opened my awareness

and provided me tools to empower self-regulation. I recall sitting at my desk, one late

evening, fatigued, the Automatic Negative Thoughts (Ants) were abound in my head, I

said to myself, enough already, you should be typing faster by now, what is wrong with

you? The more frustrated I became, the slower the work progressed, until I reached a

standstill. I realized these thoughts were not productive and were keeping me in a state

of emotional reactivity.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Important note: I don’t think for a second that as a practitioner, I have it all together.

Grace does abound in weakness. Once calmed, I could become aware and discover

the powerful impact of understanding and regulating my own state of mind.

It is my privilege to work with my clients utilizing EFT and New Life Story® and witness

their transformations as they embrace greater possibilities for their next chapter in life.

The message in my story is clear. I am endowed with incredible gifts and Divine

purpose. What I now believe about myself and others will guide my story to completion,

to bless me and those around me. With faith, the right tools, and informed choice, I was

able to interrupt old patterns and create a new life story, one I want to live out. I decided

to allow God’s love, grace, and truth to come alive in me. I decided to embrace the

powerful tools for change God placed in front of me to enrich my journey and bridge the

gap from my old story to my new story. My journey came to where I am today through

faith, self-acceptance, and a willingness to self-regulate.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


If I Knew Then!

Deb Dedrick

Have you ever found yourself in despair after an argument, a relationship in tatters?

Questioning why you just had that same argument again. When you think back, you just

don’t understand why you said and did those mean things. It has been said we often

treat the ones we love the most, the worst. Why is that? Who said that’s okay? Why

haven’t we been taught to think and realize mean behavior gets meaner, and

conversely kind behavior gets more kind? Don’t beat yourself up. Most of us go through

life doing the same things getting the same outcome. There is hope. You can create

lasting change, I did and you can too. In 2011, I’d had enough, one argument too many,

my heart shut down and I gave up.

After twenty-five years of marriage, my husband and I separated and divorced. That

Summer, sitting outside on my deck, reflecting, I questioned how did I get here? I never

thought I’d get divorced. A smart woman, I knew how to sustain relationships (or so I

thought). Yet, here I was in the middle of a stressful divorce and dissolving business

partnerships. Feeling scared and alone, I asked myself, why I repeated behaviors that

sabotaged and ruined my relationships? Why did I stay stuck in patterns that weren’t

working? Why hadn’t I tried something new? Was change too hard to implement and

stick with? I felt desperate to figure out why I had stayed stagnant. I wanted to learn

how to change.

I started searching for a solution. Looking for a “how to” on good relationships. I wanted

to break the generational curse of despair in my family tree. Tracing back, I could see

my great-grandma, my grandma, and my mom had each suffered with broken

relationships, low self-esteem, addiction and mental illness. I didn’t want my children to

inherit these patterns or suffer the pain from broken relationships.

Over the next five years, I read everything I could get my hands on. I traveled all over

the country, scoured the Internet. My quest led to my coach and mentor Dr. Krueger.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Under his tutelage, I learned the comprehensive Roadmap success system; step-by-

step processes to help me understand, recognize, and change patterns of behavior. I’d

found my “how to”, and I started learning a process to break bad habits and build

happier relationships, starting with my relationship with self. I found out quickly, internal

change doesn’t come easily. Memorizing the steps, I began to recognize patterns of

behavior that weren’t working and try different ways. I learned to be patient with myself

when I messed up and fell back into the same old routines. I didn’t give up when I failed,

but was patient with myself and kept trying. Over time, I learned to stop, pause, think,

interrupt and substitute with positive behaviors. With persistence and steady focus, I

replaced bad habits with good ones. These new skills gave me the tools needed to

restore my relationships. I took opportunities to practice when dealing with my loved

ones. Slowly with time, as trust was restored, I built a friendship with my ex and

strengthened bonds with my children.

My kids’ awareness of the Roadmap system is now their “how to” for building happy

relationships, working from the inside out. I feel I’ve been a pioneer creating positive

behavior changes that will impact future generations in our family. I didn’t know my

journey would not only improve the quality of my relationships, but also lead me down

the path to a new career. Armed with a blueprint to help others create lasting changes, I

became a life coach.

I’ve been asked by others, “What’s a life coach? Why do I need a coach?” My

passionate answer is; all great teams, athletes, etc. have coaches. A coach,

unconditionally, supports you through life’s challenges. They are present to hold you

accountable and push you to become the best you can be. Encourage you when you

feel alone and are struggling, support you when you succeed and meet your goals. If

you watch the Olympics, after each event you can see the love and support between an

athlete and their coach, win or lose.

In 2013, I was certified as a New Money Story® and a New Life Story® Coach.

I help others learn to create lasting internal change and improve their interpersonal

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


relationships. One great success story is Blake. I’d been around him for years, yet I felt

no real connection with him. Detached emotionally, he wasn’t able to open up to others,

feel or display emotions. He appeared aloof, standoffish and unapproachable. Traits not

conducive to building happy relationships. Unaware, he was repeating negative

behaviors, patterns and habits modeled by his parents. As we worked together,

examining why he reacted to situations the way he did, he learned to think and question

the whys behind his choices. One-on-one coaching provided unconditional support for

him as he worked to build his internal confidence. Mentoring helped him understand the

limitations of others. He was able to forgive past hurts, abusive behavior from loved

ones and tear down the walls he’d built to protect himself. Slowly, he shifted from a

guarded, closed off person into a happy, well-adjusted, confident man. He developed

the skill set to make positive self-serving choices that build great relationships. He too

has broken the generational curse of broken relationships. Just the other day, he came

into my office, beaming. Grinning, he told me his relationships are connected and he

feels happy and confident.

The scenarios I described detail how using the Dr. Krueger’s Roadmap can create

lasting internal change and build happy relationships. Using a new skillset you are able

to assess what needs to change and make conscious choices that lead to lasting

changes. By utilizing positive behaviors, you can break generational patterns and habits

that cause despair and ruin relationships. As you learn to choose your course, stick to

an action plan, you too can create lasting change and positivity in your life and


YOU too can take control of your life and choose your personal journey. Why not start


If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


How Changing my Relationship with Money Changed my Life

Lynda Moore

It dawned on me just how badly I was doing on one stand-out day just over a decade


It was a time full of emotion. My only daughter had just flown off to Argentina on a year-

long student program. I was missing her already. It was my birthday too. All my friends

had come round, and then they left me in my half-empty house.

I looked around my house. It was no longer my home. My marriage had ended and the

house had been sold. I was surrounded by boxes, all packed and ready to move, red

stickers for me, and green for him.

I went outside. The moon was bright and felt very tranquil, and slowly the tears started

to fall. How on earth did I get to this place? This isn’t where I thought I would be when I

planned my life as a 20 year-old.

You see, I was hiding a secret. To the outside world I looked like a success, but on the

inside I was struggling. I was in debt to the tune of $600,000 and I felt completely

trapped. I was scared. I’m the expert, I’m the accountant, I thought. This shouldn’t be

happening to me. It was the shame of it. I remember, mostly the shame.

I was well and truly stuck in the cycle of debt. I had to keep working in a business I was

no longer passionate about, to pay the bank and to keep a roof over my head. So,

whilst I generated enough income to keep paying the bills, I just wasn’t moving forward

financially and the stress level kept increasing.

The months passed. I was still being the ostrich with my head in the sand. The

business was chugging along, the bills were getting paid, I was meeting my commitment

to the bank. Everything was in a holding pattern so I was able to keep sleepwalking

through the days doing what I needed to do to keep all the balls up in the air. But only


If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


In the midst of all of this, I’d even managed to fund (OK, I took out a personal loan) a

trip to Argentina to see my daughter. When you’re as deep in the hole as I was, what’s

a few more thousand dollars of debt?

The stress was starting to get to me. It was relentless keeping up appearances with

friends and clients that I was the prosperous person that they saw on the outside. But

on the inside, I was like the duck in the pond—all was calm on the surface, but

underneath my feet were frantically paddling.

I think I must have been looking a little stressed as a friend of mine suggested we go

out for dinner. Fortunately for me he offered to pay, as I really wasn’t sure my credit

card would handle my share of the bill.

We were chatting over a glass of wine waiting for our mains to arrive. I don’t even recall

what triggered it, but I felt myself starting to well up with tears. Get a grip, I told myself.

This is ridiculous! But by the time I was half way through my main course, the

floodgates just opened and I started sobbing. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

All I could think of was thank goodness it was a quiet weekday so not too many other

diners were there to see what was going on. My friend hastily paid the bill, and we left.

We sat on a bench in a park, waiting for me to calm down enough to speak. Then

everything just poured out of me. It really was like a river bursting its banks—the words

just kept coming. When I finally got to the end and was quiet, there was a sense of

relief. I knew I wasn’t out of the woods, but just sharing with someone made things feel

so much better.

He looked at me and in a very non-critical way he simply said “Well, what are you going

to do about it?” I know this may sound crazy, but at that point I hadn’t even considered

that there was anything I could do about it! So, we literally pulled out the notebook that I

always carry with me and we started to put together a plan. My head came out of the

sand, my focus returned and so did my determination to fight my way out.

I learned very early on in my journey to fix my life; managing your money is only 20% of

the equation to becoming financially fulfilled. The other 80% is your money mind-set

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


your beliefs and behaviours with money. I understood the 20% but the other 80%; my

relationship with money was in dire straits.

If I had known then, what I know now:

I wouldn’t have got into so much debt in the first place.

I would have realised that it didn’t matter how many spreadsheets I built, or how I

analysed the numbers, that wasn’t going to fix my problems.

I would have spoken out sooner and asked for help. I wouldn’t have buried my

head in the sand hoping it would just go away.

I would have realised that I wasn’t the only person in this predicament. There are

so many other business owners and individuals who feel just as trapped and

scared as I did. They just don’t know how to ask for help, or who to turn to.

The good news is you don’t have to spend years to make the changes in your life.

Using my knowledge of numbers from my accountancy background and combining

those skills with Dave Krueger’s New Money Story® Mentor training, I can help others

fast track the changes needed by working through the equation. I became a life coach. I

know that beliefs drive behaviours which drive results. If you don’t like the results you

are getting, step back and look at your behaviours, and then take a further step back

and look at your beliefs. Wrapped around the mind-set work we do together in

coaching, we’ll also look at your numbers. Once you understand your relationship with

money, you can change it from one that isn’t working to one that does. The changes will

last a lifetime.

You need to be prepared to take a good hard look at yourself, ask the hard questions,

and do the work—I can’t do it for you. But, like me and like so many of my clients, if you

are prepared to take the journey it’ll be worth it.

I worked recently with Shelly, a business owner, professional, someone at the top of her

field. Her story is just one example of how I can help you retake control of your life:

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


“In 7 weeks, under Lynda's expert guidance, I've completely changed my relationship

with money. I feel empowered. I'm clear on my goals. I have a great plan in place. And

I've never felt more in control of my finances.

I'd known for decades that there was something flawed in my thinking about money. I'd

seen psychologists to try to figure it out. But I never got even close to understanding

the root of what was going on. After one session with Lynda I had a complete

breakthrough about my values (which are great!) and how they were driving my

spending (which was bad!). Within 3 sessions I became aware of some deep-rooted,

misguided beliefs that have always held me back. The simple act of becoming aware

meant I was able to implement instant change.

Once the head and heart stuff was sorted Lynda helped me get the numbers

organised. We improved my accounting practices dramatically, separating my personal

from my business with surgical precision! We planned, rejigged, refined, revisited, and

recalculated until I got my head around it all. I am NOT a numbers person, but Lynda

was supportive and understanding and always nearby.

I can't recommend Lynda enough. She was generous with her time, encouraging, on

call, and taught me things about my business I had no idea I needed to learn.”

Whether your finances are in dire straits or you just know they can be improved, don't

hesitate--you'll get the results you want!

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Creating a Thriving Mindset!

A New Coaching Paradigm

Gloria Manchester

While I was in my own New Money Story® training with Dr. Krueger, I recall writing in

my notes, why do I continue to sabotage my financial success? I am passionate about

my profession. I work hard. I have meaningful relationships and I take care of my health.

What’s my problem? We were in Step 4 of Dr. Krueger’s class at the time.

Step 4: Decide What to Change in Your Money Story. When people change their

minds and create new experiences, new neural networks and brain connections

form. Success involves creating a new story inside and outside: An evolving internal

model combined with new experiences.

As the class went on, reading from the material, this sentence stood out for me; my prior

knowledge is physical, real, and PERSISTENT as a neural pathway in my brain. The

light bulb went off! I realized I was still unconsciously holding on to my past failures. If I

am to change my life and finances, I am going to have to be more mindful and interrupt

my negative thinking and behaviors. I must ask myself daily, what negative past events,

regrets, or disappointments, am I re-enacting in my life in this moment? No matter how

much positive thinking I had been doing, meditating, and faking it until I make it, without

identifying my saboteurs, I wasn’t changing those neural pathways. Although

unconscious, my negative thinking was physical, real, and persistent.

I committed right then to make some major changes in my lifestyle and go for the gold.

My intention had been to pay off all my debt by my birthday in February 2015 and

launch my new coaching programs by the end of the year. I have accomplished the first

and I am within days of launching Prosperity IQ (P-IQ)™ as of the writing of this paper. I

love the coaching business and I appreciate my financial business as well. I love shifting

from one position to the other, coaching and consulting. It is challenging and I know I

am making a contribution to my clients and the people in my life.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


My major saboteur from the self-assessment in the book, Positive Intelligence was

“Restless”. The definition in the assessment result is; constantly in search of greater

excitement in the next activity or constant busyness, rarely at peace or content with the

current activity. In other words, I was easily distracted. I start on one thing, get bored,

and then start on another project. Because I also have a need to complete what I start, I

eventually go back to each project. I had to interrupt this process, if I was going to make

lasting changes. I needed to stay focused on one major event, task, or program at a

time and follow it through.

All of this insight was my secret weapon for my coaching practice!

By the time I acquired my Specialty Certified License as a Mentor Coach for New

Money Story®, I was on a quest to develop a dynamic coaching program based on what

I had learned about myself. I decided I needed a phrase that would speak to all my

coaching programs. I submitted a trademark request for Prosperity IQ (P-IQ) to use as a

brand in promoting all my courses including, the New Money Story®. Prosperity as a

brand has a much larger meaning then simply creating wealth; for my purpose it

encompasses influence, relationships, and emotional and physical health. Living with a

prosperity mindset is about thriving in all areas of life.

I started marketing my first New Money Story® group in November 2015. Several past

clients leaped in. I had designed the group for six participants but I already had seven

enrolled. Their stories are inspiring! Over seven weeks, Via ZOOM video conferencing,

the group met with me once weekly and I had a one-on-one with each of them midway

through the course. They read through more of the material from Dr. Krueger’s

Roadmap for Money Mastery, on their own, as they were preparing to write their stories

and they engaged with each other between sessions to complete a few specific


Here’s an example of one testimony from a graduate:

“Through this experience in the New Money Story® series, my relationship with money

has drastically changed. I am now more conscious about my money mindset and how it

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


has influenced my behavior around money and loss. As a result, I now catch myself

before self-sabotaging and see that I can easily choose to move into actions that better

serve me and my financial goals. It has been an invaluable experience and I have no

doubt I will be using the tools I learned for the rest of my life.” – R.C. - California

Using Dr. Krueger’s concept, “State of Mind/Story/Strategy” I started by having the

course participants develop a lifeline of their negative events around money, as an

assignment before we had our first session. As they went through each decade of their

lives they discovered how their past defined their current negative money mindset. I had

them take the Color Code Personality Self-Assessment*, which describes their natural

strengths and limitations, and the Positive Intelligence Saboteur Assessment that

describes the major saboteurs getting in the way of their success. Integrating these and

other strategic tools, I coached them around their barriers to success. The process

worked so well they began to dig deep to monitor themselves daily to discover what was

not working and what was working.

To strategically shift them into a positive money mindset and powerful vision for

themselves, I co-created with them a personal declaration statement. It is a short “I am”

statement that speaks to the financially successful person they are striving to become.

At this point, I introduced our trademarked “Playing to Win” chart as a recalibrating tool.

They started using our Prosperity IQ Mapping to assist them in making a paradigm shift

from their negative triggers or usual response to distress, to be at choice in mastering

their emotions and take back their power.

In the book I coauthored, RE-The Wisdom in Rethinking Your Life and in our leadership

seminars, we use the terms Shit Happens (circumstances) and Shift Happens (choice).

The New Money Story® group realized their circumstances were still their

circumstances, but the shifts they were willing to make, by interrupting their thoughts

around past failures, and recognizing their negative triggers, changes the game! By

taking a different action, they could change the outcome. They began writing their new

money stories with ownership, from the inside-out, to author a new experience.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Here are the four (4) dynamic elements I prescribed to make lasting changes:

Self-awareness (be mindful) – Be self-aware and stay mindful of how you think

and express yourself, to interrupt your negative thinking and behavior patterns.

Recognition (recognize how you self-sabotage) – Once you recognize the

negative triggers in your life, the sabotages at play, stop yourself and consider,

am I fighting, freezing, fainting, or taking flight? What limitation from my

personality assessment is holding me back?

Grounding (reinforce the “I am”) – In the same moment, stop, take a few deep

breaths and say your personal declaration to yourself. These were co-created

from the natural strengths they wanted to rebuild and refine during this coaching

process, designed around who they aspired to be. (Example: I am a trusting,

confident, and persuasive woman or man.)

Self-regulation (taking a different action) – By being willing to take a different

responsible action, and not reacting to the negative trigger in the usual manner,

you are rewiring your brain and building on your strengths.

Next, they began to recognize and recalibrate whether they were “Playing to Win” or

“Playing Not to Lose” and they could see the difference in their relationships, career

goals, and general well-being. As they practiced, they were boosting up their

endorphins and feeling good about themselves.

**As a coach, you can use our link to acquire Hartman Color Code Assessments for

your clients by going to http://starrpartners.org/ps/ - one-third of the proceeds for each

report is donated to CARTE (Child Abuse Resolved through Education) for the STARR

Life Course for at-risk teens.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Here are two more testimonies from graduates:

“Through this experience in New Money Story®, my relationship with money has

completely changed for the better … I have shifted my limiting belief of being unworthy

and unskilled at how to create financial abundance, to deserving and capable. I learned

to recognize the various mental saboteurs that threatened my focus and progress, and

now I am feeling totally empowered. Through the support and encouragement of the

program and our coach, I have a plan of action towards an exciting course for success

in my coaching business.” - Annette Moreau – Tennessee

In New Money Story© I did not expect to transform my limiting beliefs around

creating healthy relationships …

“I did not expect to transform my limiting beliefs around creating healthy relationships.

That was a bonus! As I got coaching from Gloria during the series, I realized I had

allowed my past partners to ignore my feelings and needs. Now, I value myself as a

talented woman who deserves respect, quality time, and authentic personal touch. My

goal is to continue growing my business and have the relationship I deserve.” - Heidi

Bogert – Hawaii

The New Money Story® group results were amazing. In a short seven-week series of

coaching, they went from self-sabotaging, recalibrating, and self-regulating to authoring

and living their new money stories.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


I Wish I Knew

Families in Transformation Coach

Shelli Lether

“I’ll bet you can’t help me,” Steve said, sinking deeper into his chair.

I had first met Steve a few weeks earlier when his realtor Pamela was showing

him an apartment in my building. Pamela, knowing a family whom I’d recently helped

transition through a challenging divorce, hoped I could help Steve avoid spinning out of

control to self-destruct.

At our next meeting over coffee this soon to be divorced father of two small boys

laid out for me what he saw as a hopeless situation involving the family-law legal

system. I heard the resignation and self-doubt in Steve’s voice as he described what he

saw as his tragic predicament.

On his way to becoming a successful hedge-fund manager, Steve faced one of

the most important and difficult decisions of his life: Should he give up a custody battle

as his young sons’ mother moved with them across the country to be near her parents?

Doing so would significantly limit and perhaps even curtail his involvement in the little

boys’ lives, and he worried about the impact on their future.

Steve’s defeated stare and apathetic attitude let me know he was beginning to

believe his wife’s legal team’s accusations—that he was a joke as a father, had no idea

how to parent while holding down a job, and should simply disappear off the map. Oh,

but he should surely go on sending those child-support checks!

However defeated Steve seemed, I knew something he didn’t yet know––

something I hadn’t known either, back when my children were little. Just like Steve, I too

had considered giving up, until another person helped me realize my unacknowledged

strengths as a parent and my potential to become the mother my children needed. I

knew that if Steve let his boys move away without fighting to be a better father, he

would never forgive himself. But—and this was a big but—if he made a commitment to

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


reflect faithfully on and take responsibility for his life actions, both inside and outside

fatherhood, he could create a far more rewarding relationship with his sons.

I had also believed, like Steve, thirteen years earlier that I was an incompetent

parent and that my ex-husband would have to take on the sole care of our children. In

the aftermath of a shattered marriage, I was struggling with depression and post-

traumatic stress. My boys and I were about to lose our home, my ex had cashed in his

IRA, and he’d spent all our savings as well as the children’s college money. His lawyer

informed me, an uneducated stay-at-home mom, that their father had nothing left to

support the children and me, calling me “an insult to working mothers.”

Yet I now had to take full financial and emotional responsibility for my boys.

Where on earth could I turn? I searched frantically to find a blueprint. My severely

depressed mother, who had been in and out of mental hospitals throughout my

childhood, was now homeless and rarely checked in with me. She certainly couldn’t

serve as my role model or source of strength. My alcoholic dad had run off to marry

again, breaking one of his many promises to be the reliable father and grandfather we


Most nights during that scary time I stood in the dark with a drink in one hand and

an Ambien in the other, terrified by the waves of anger and blame that filled my head,

trying to come up with a way to run away before I really hurt the children. I didn’t know

that I had the power to get them fed and to bed on time, let alone pull myself out of such

dire circumstances and parent my boys the way they deserved. I felt the most hopeless

on the night after I put my children’s lives in jeopardy, when my distressed nine-year-old

son looked me in the eyes and said, “Mommy, you would be happier if I were dead.”

Steve in his present plight may also have thought things could only get worse,

but my experience had shown me differently. I had been to hell and found my way back.

I wanted to offer Steve, and above all his children, an opportunity to benefit from my


After he agreed to work with me, at first my new client didn’t seem like the best

family guy, appearing career-centered and often looking for validation in the fast lane.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Like my own earlier self, he clearly lacked the experience and understanding of being

child-centered. Steve also demonstrated impulsive behavior, such as sending unfeeling

emails to his wife and putting his needs before those of his family.

An extremely intelligent man, he was, however, eager to change if doing so

served his goal, and he responded well to suggestions, helpful data, and nonjudgmental

encouragement. Steve had high aspirations of becoming an effective leader and making

his mark on the world. Again, like the “old” me, he needed someone to see and believe

in him. He needed a framework to both manage his career and reconstruct his job as a


I knew that Steve would discover his greater self by learning to focus on his

children’s lives and needs, rather than simply trying to seem a heroic parent. Over the

course of our time together I was able to empathize with him, sit with him through his

insecurities and struggles, and help him reflect on his actions and ideas. By meeting

with child experts, custody evaluators, and even other parents, Steve soon recognized

the importance of his role. We used all of our findings as fuel for a plan with one goal:

keeping Steve’s children in his life no matter where they lived. While we co-created

strategies to navigate the legal system and keep his career on track, it was Steve’s

newly discovered passion that built the positive, resilient relationship with his boys he

set out to achieve. Steve learned, as I had years before, that confronting the things he

feared most in himself was what would allow both him and his family to flourish.

Steve’s struggle to keep his sons close to him went on for years. During that

time, he grew as a father, and his boys grew to know, love, and respect him. Ultimately

Steve grew to such a degree in all ways that a custody evaluator recommended that he

be awarded 60/40 custody.

Just as both my children and I benefited from my transformation into a better

parent, Steve and his boys experienced a more fulfilling relationship and built a

foundation that will serve them for years and years to come.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change



On Continuing Lessons

David Krueger, M.D.

I knew from close to the beginning that I was as much my daughter’s student as

her parent. Lauren continues to contribute to my life’s work in spoken and unspoken

ways. Her legacy goes both directions, now to her four daughters as well as to me.

The last installment of what I have learned from Lauren—and from my

granddaughter Norah—is illuminated in the passages that follow.

Excerpts from My Daughter Lauren’s Caring Bridge Journal Entries

August 23, 2015

Life is precious and can take a turn at any moment. Our sweet Norah (age 7)

went from playing in the sand on our Cape Cod vacation to being diagnosed with a

brain tumor in a matter of twenty-four hours. The most aggressive form of brain cancer,

glioblastoma multiforme, was removed from this vibrant, sweet young girl’s brain.

Despite removal of a tennis-ball–size tumor, she maintained her optimism, playfulness,

and irrepressible sense of style through daily challenges.

August 26, 2015

We had a meeting with our treatment team. The neurosurgeon recommended

against a second surgery, showing us how the remaining piece of tumor was resting on

Norah’s motor cortex. Her prediction was that with another surgery Norah will be, at

best, paralyzed on her left side; yet without it she has a six-month life expectancy. In my

research, I found the one constant among the few children with this tumor who beat the

odds was a full resection of the tumor. Even with a second surgery, the odds are not

good: Of all children under 10 with this tumor, only five have ever survived.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


So, I fight back at the doctors who say we are hurting our child by saying yes to

the surgery. No, we are saying yes to her soul, her wit, her personality, her intellect, her

fight, her love of fashion, her love to read, and above all else NORAH! We can push

with all the best OTs and PTs in the world to strengthen her arm and leg. One thing I am

good at is helping children with disabilities, so thank God I can be an expert for her in

this realm. So, we proceed and we get the tumor out and start our true fight.

Norah will be Number 6.

We have asked that the second surgery be postponed until Wednesday because

school starts on Tuesday. Norah loves school and loves her school friends, so I went

with Norah to her classroom so she could see her teacher and her seat after the

surgery, to picture what she is fighting for. So, she will WALK to school the first day to

be with her friends and enjoy that first day of school. Then we will begin our fight to

walk or roll to that seat on her second day of school, whenever that will be after the


DK: A Back Story

Several years ago, I was talking with a legally blind 15-year-old girl whose

macular degeneration had come out at age 12. I asked her if she experienced

particular challenges in the classroom when she couldn’t see the blackboard, or

new information on the overhead projector. Her response was, “Everybody’s got

something. I find a way to get the information.”

Planning for the future, her dad took her on skiing trips and used only

public transportation, moving about without car or limitation. She learned to ski

expertly so didn’t need to read the signs signifying the difficulty of the slopes.

She chose a college in Boston and later a doctoral program in Chicago

where she could rely on public transportation. She began her clinical psychology

practice in Boston to help autism spectrum disorders children and their parents,

building a staff of twelve therapists and special education teachers to become the

East Coast referral center for Asperger’s children and their families, coordinating

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


treatment, preschool, school, and summer camps. To support her therapeutic

school she formed Foundation for Understanding Social Engagement, or FUSE.

The program trains professionals from Harvard Medical and Rutgers and

collaborates in clinical research.

FUSE is now an official nonprofit sponsor of the Boston Marathon, which

she has run regularly since 2012 and completed successfully with amazing

times. She carries all of her water around her waist for each marathon, because

she cannot see when people offer her drinks—whether water, Gatorade, or other

liquids—and has learned to rely on herself for these needs.

So, my daughter Lauren crafted a very positive and powerful story for

herself. She has taught me a great deal and remains my inspiration. She and

Norah, her second oldest, continue my education.

September 2, 2015

Immediately after the eight-hour surgery, the neurosurgeon came to speak to Tim

and me. She began with an apology, indicating her belief that she had resected the

remaining tumor as best she could, and that we were right to insist on having the

surgery. She again apologized, emphasizing our tenacity and bravery in wanting the

best for our child.

Miraculously, in the recovery room, Norah was able to move both her left arm

and leg.

September 3, 2015

Norah had her second first day of school. She had surgery last Wednesday and

was back to school today. Fewer days absent than the common cold requires. She

WALKED to school all smiles and as brave as ever with a large bandage covering the

right side of her head. What I did not know but learned today from her teacher is that

her classmates asked Norah last Tuesday when she would return to school, and she

said without hesitation, “Next Tuesday, I will be back.”

The doctors and treatment team informed us that Norah would need sedation

each day for the radiation treatment, since she was too young to be able to hold her

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


head absolutely still. But daily sedation would mean losing her morning at school each

day for the six weeks. They agreed with my request for a practice appointment to see if

she could do it without sedation. I asked for a radiation mask to practice the weekend

before the first treatment.

She was in a good mood for the first real treatment, had a great first half day at

school. Then we entered the sterile room with eight (but felt like 100) white-coated

doctors staring at us over a flat table plus a medical technician holding the horrid mask.

At that I lost her completely. She went into her newfound adaptive shutdown

accompanied with non-responsiveness. She stood there, refusing to get on the table,

and just cried. I talked, but nothing was working. Peripherally I saw four of the doctors

shake their heads and walk out of the room. I turned around and said, “Give me one

more try, and all of you move back and give us space.” Then I sat there and told Norah,

“This is your choice, and I know you can do it. I know you are brave, and you’re the only

person who can show these doctors that you don’t need medicine every day to lie still.

And, oh yeah, I will give you a play date every afternoon and a new Justice outfit every

week if you can do it without medication.” And then I stopped talking and waited and my

brave sweet warrior emerged! She allowed me to put her on the table, put her head on

the cushion, and did not move as they placed and tied the full head and neck mask. She

was whimpering and tearing the entire time, but her head was still. She did it! This is a

triumph, as it allows us the ability to keep things positive and as normal as possible for a

half day at school each morning—unsedated—before leaving for treatments each


September 9, 2015

Norah was sitting my lap as we watched her sister’s soccer game, and I was

stroking her head and thinking, Wow, we need to brush her hair because she’s

shedding. And then I stopped and clicked into the new reality and thought, Oh, she is

SHEDDING! And at that moment my thinking diverged: I could be sad as I pulled out

strand after strand, or I could gain strength from each strand I pulled out. Luckily there

were many strands and many minutes of soccer, and I wiped away my tears and

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


realized what every parent should stop and acknowledge: Hair means nothing; hair is

an accessory that does not define any one person, but accents a person. I regret every

time I have said, “I love Norah’s curls,” or her hair color, because that is not who Norah

is, and that is not what makes Norah who she is. Norah is her smile, her heart, her

kindness, and her logical simplicity. But I pray tonight and tomorrow and the next day

that everyone else will realize this and help their children realize that hair is not the

beauty, but merely a covering of her inner beauty shining brighter and fuller.

September 27, 2015

Norah was ten days into radiation and beginning chemotherapy. The cancer

becomes more real because now everyone will know Norah has cancer, and the pity we

have tried to avoid and stay positive will be even harder. So, we can either be sad, or

make it into an event and celebrate it. We have begun the celebration. Wednesday was

a holiday, and I turned it into a girls’ day in the city. A stroll on Newbury Street and an

opportunity at the fancy Salon 10 for a custom-made wig for our stylish Norah was the

beginning of the day. Norah was the queen, she had the fitting, and we were told to

come back next Wednesday for the cutting.

September 30, 2015

Once Norah’s hair started falling out, I gave her the chance to shave it all or let it

fall out, and she has clearly stated each time I asked that she does not want to shave it.

Today we headed to her appointment, and once again before we got there I asked if

she wanted them to shave it, and she said no. We all arrived for the appointment, she

sat in her chair and saw the wig, and then she had a moment to think. And like every

other choice moment she has had in the last month, her bravery, courage, wisdom, and

inner strength showed, and she said to everyone she was ready for them to shave her

head. And without flinching she watched her remaining hair fall to the ground. Her sister

and I had to leave the room for a minute to gain the strength that Norah possesses. But

everyone should wipe their tears because this diva has a new do that has given her a

swagger and smile that allows no one to pity her or be sad for her. Rejoice in her

strength and courage and take strength in her smile, as she is happy. She recently said

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


that she wanted longer hair; today she was the boss and she decided length, style, and


October 13, 2015

Every day is not great. Norah gets tired. She gets sad she cannot eat on her

special diet what her sisters eat. She gets frustrated that she has to take so many pills,

she gets terribly nauseous every morning, and she has a hard time waking up each

morning from both the chemo pills and the radiation treatments. Yet every day she

smiles, she laughs, and she reminds us all what is really important. She is herself, and

she is happy. Every day we make something special from something small, and we

celebrate the moment and the experience.

October 26, 2015

Norah has bravely endured thirty-three radiation treatments to her brain. For

each of the sessions, Norah has left school early, been driven from Lexington to Boston,

easily spending two to three hours in the car each day, wearing a fitted mask on a cold

table, losing her hair where the radiation hits, and being nauseous daily. Each day I saw

her smile when she left school and enter the car to go to radiation therapy. I saw her

smile when I put her on the table to endure the radiation. I saw her smile when we

walked out of radiation therapy. A child who just wanted to start second grade in

September, and has only been able to have one full day of school—the first day—

before her second surgery. Since then her life has been consumed by treatments.

December 2, 2015

Our world has changed and our normal is new, but we are so thankful for what

we have and what we cherish of family and friends. We have Norah, and she is

currently tumor-free and thriving. Norah is herself: happy, joyful, friendly, shy, sweet,

logical, sensible, caring and kind and so much more. We can wait for something

different, but we will not be wasting our time and energy because we need to live and

enjoy the day and the price of these precious moments we are given.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


December 31, 2015

The year 2015 tested us all, and we have prevailed to enter 2016 with new hope,

new energy, and a positive frame of mind. We watch Norah every day just being a 7-

year-old fighting with her sisters, refusing to eat broccoli, dancing with Marin, texting her

sister five feet away, and laughing with Caitlin about nothing; that is our excitement. Our

New Year’s resolution is to live in the moment and never take it for granted.

The beauty is right in front of you, stop searching for it—you’re looking right at it.

Please keep us in your prayers, as Norah’s chemotherapy regimen will begin

again in January.

DK: My Note

Norah Strong #6 became a beacon of hope and inspiration for family,

friends, teachers, and classmates. We each wear our Norah Strong #6 T-shirts—

family, teachers, classmates, and friends. Families who had benefitted from

FUSE began a GoFundMe campaign through Caring Bridge to fund the initial

expenses of house modification, treatment, chemotherapy, and radiation. In three

months, 1,004 people raised $106,000. Incredible community bonding and

cohesiveness for positive energy and prayer became a daily occurrence.

Two well-researched scientific papers found that prayer by people for

someone—even when they do not know the person they are praying for, and

when the person they are praying for does not know that they are praying for

them—has a positive effect on better recovery of patients. Called “demonstrable

effects of distant intercessory prayer,” the research findings are powerful.

Lauren and Norah both remind me daily that whatever we experience, we

either create or accept, that we daily write every aspect of the story of our lives.

Everybody’s got something. It just depends on what you do with it.

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Notes and References

1. Page 2: Introduction—A Coaching Mastermind Legacy Project. New Life Story®

and New Money Story® are both programs of MentorPath®, a unique system

created by David Krueger, M.D. that is designed for your success, honed by over

three decades of helping executives and professionals create strategies to

master changes of mind, brain, and behavior to make changes that last.

http://www.mentorpath.com/ - All coaches contributing their stories are certified in

one or both of these programs.

2. Pages 3-5: Vincent “Ace” Wagner, The Vice of Self-Deception, Certified Coach –

www.acewagnerco.com - Institute of HeartMath® https://www.heartmath.org/

3. Pages 6-10: Bonita Cartwright-Thornton, The Power of Faith, Self-Acceptance,

and Self- Regulation, B.S., R.N, M.S, PMHNP-BC, CRNP, AAMET Certified

EFT Level ii Practitioner – Feinstein, D. (2012). Acu-point stimulation in treating

psychological disorders: Evidence of efficacy. Review of General Psychology.

Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/a0028602 - Church, D. (2013). Clinical

EFT as an evidence-based practice for the treatment of psychological and

physiological conditions. Psychology, 4,645-654. doi:10.4236/psych.2013.48092

-Church, D. (2009). The treatment to combat trauma in veterans using EFT

(Emotional Freedom Technique): A pilot study. Traumatology, 1-11.

doi:10.1177/1534765609347549- Holy Bible, NIV 1996 Zondervan Corporation:

Isaiah 7:14, Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-17, John 3: 16, Romans 3:23, 6: 23, 5:

8, 10: 9-10, I Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:23, Isaiah 43:18, Romans 8:38 -

Krueger, David, MentorPath®: Live a New Life Story®, Page 6-7: Robbins,

Anthony, Get the Edge 2000 (CD Series)

4. Pages 11-13: Deb Dedrick, If I Knew Then, First R and R Group, Certified Coach

– Roadmap for a New Money Story® www.debdedrick.com

5. Pages 14-17: Lynda Moore, How Changing my Relationship with Money

Changed my Life, Money Mentalist - www.moneymentalist.com

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


6. Pages 18-23: Gloria Manchester, ACC, Creating a Thriving Mindset, A New

Coaching Paradigm www.leaptoexcellence.com – Prosperity IQ (P-IQ)™

www.prosperityiq.org - Page 20: Saboteur Assessment from Positive Intelligence

– Hartman Color Code Personality Science - Page 21: Playing to Win Vs Playing

Not to Lose Chart

7. Pages 24-26: Shelli Lether, I Wish I Knew-Families in Transformation,

www.shelliletherlifecoach.com, www.familiesintransformation.com,


8. Page 27-33: David Krueger, M.D. Norah Strong #6, On Continuing Lessons


If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Contributing Coaches


If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Vincent “Ace” Wagner

Vincent “Ace” Wagner is an Executive Mentor Coach

and Founder of Ace Wagner Coaching & Consulting,

LLC. The company provides one on one coaching and

group training designed to challenge resistance and

foster new energy and transformation for individuals and


As a trained facilitator of the Institute of: HeartMath’s

Resilience® program; the Arbinger Institute; and as a

Licensed, Specialty-Certified New Life Story Coach Training and New Money Story®

Mentor Training; Ace serves his clients with a multi-disciplinary approach fostering

change management by incorporating emerging Neuro-Science, heart focused

resilience and principles of quantum physics. As a business owner, Board member and

significant employer for over thirty years, Ace’s business acumen and experience are

integral to the coaching and consulting practice.



If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Bonita Cartwright-Thornton

Bonita is a Post Masters graduate of The University

of Maryland. She is a Board Certified Psychiatric

Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. She is a Certified

New Life Story® Coach and Wellness Coach. She

is also an AAMET Certified Level II Practitioner in

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and

empowers individuals and couples to achieve

emotional healing and stress reduction through this

self-administered, gentle form of Meridian Tapping.

Through her coaching practice, SYNERGY for NEW LIFE and HEALTH, she partners

with clients in a co-creative relationship to guide their success, whether to create a new

relationship or to achieve optimum health and wellness. She uses proven techniques to

help clients to “Bridge the Gap between where you are and where you want to be!”

Bonita and her Husband, William Tazwell Thornton, are passionate about empowering

couples to build strong marriages, and families. They believe God is the author of the

Marriage Covenant After working with thousands of engaged and married couples, they

have found, as couples apply godly principles, they become equipped with invaluable

tools to build marriages characterized by, commitment, fidelity, integrity, relational

closeness, passionate intimacy, improved communication, and a God a centered family

unit. Tazwell and Bonita have been privileged to come alongside churches, to assist

them in developing and or enriching couples and marriage ministries for 23 years. The

many resources offered by Family Life (Homebuilders, WTR Conferences, Art of

Marriage) have greatly impacted and empowered that effort.

Bonita Cartwright-Thornton, BS.RN, MS, CNS, PMHNP-BC, CRNP



If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Deb Dedrick

Licensed, Specialty-Trained New Life Story®

Wellness Mentor, and New Money Story®

Mentor. A Mother of four, Business Owner,

Entrepreneur, Trainer and Facilitator, Deb draws

on years of experience as she helps clients move

their lives toward achieving optimal success. Deb

believes success comes as clients learn to

balance five areas of life: psychology, physiology,

financial, social, and spiritual.

Deb emphasizes staying in the present moment and teaches skills her clients utilize to

manage their states of mind, body, and emotions. She leads by example, and is an

enthusiastic player in the game of life. She helps clients achieve success personally and


Visit her at:




If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Lynda Moore, B.Com, Grad Dip Arts (Psych)

Money Mentalist

Lynda is a rare breed. She is an accountant, with more

than 20 years of experience in practice, who also has a

Graduate Diploma in Arts (Psych).

Her passion is helping people achieve their personal and

business goals by teaching them to understand the link

between their “money mindsets” and the way they manage

and grow their wealth.

Many of her clients have a clear idea of what they want to achieve in life, but are held

back by the way they approach finances. Using her skills in accounting and training in

psychology, the Money Mentalist Programs were created to help clients work through

their obstacles and find financial success.

Lynda has worked closely with Dr. Krueger to develop her own ability to assist clients in

challenging their existing money mindsets and developing positive money management


Lynda is Australia’s only Licensed Specialty-Certified New Money Story® Mentor




If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Gloria Manchester

Gloria Manchester is President of Leadership

Education Action Programs (LEAP), where she

develops and facilitates its personal development

seminars and coaching programs. She was certified as

a coach by Coach Training Alliance (CTA) in 2008 and

received her ACC Credential from International Coach

Federation (ICF) in 2016. She is also a Hartman Color

Code Personality Science Trainer.

Gloria is a Licensed Specialty-Certified New Money Story® Mentor Coach trained in Dr.

Krueger’s ground-breaking work. Gloria is the coauthor of an Amazon Bestseller, RE—

The Wisdom in Rethinking Your Life! She has two grown children, successful in their

respective careers, three grandsons, and one granddaughter.

Gloria is the co-founder of Child Abuse Resolved through Education (CARTE), a 501C3

nonprofit organization and its current president. She supports the work of the nonprofit

by providing funding and co-facilitating the STARR Life Course for At-Risk Teen Girls.

Email: programs@leaptoexcellence.com

Websites: www.leaptoexcellence.com www.starteen.org www.starrpartners.org

www.prosperityiq.org www.wisdominre.org

If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


Shelli Lether

As a Transformational Life Coach and a New Life Story®

Wellness Coach, Shelli guides individuals and families to

take ownership of their lives and rise above perceived

limitations. A graduate of Coach Training Alliance 2010

and Yoga Works Teacher Training 2009, she is also a

Professional Supervised Visitation Provider.

Shelli’s unique coaching approach grew out of her own

commitment to heal herself and her troubled family. Now

able to enter empathically into her clients’ experiences yet

remain grounded, she inspires others affected by childhood victimization, eating

disorders, violence, addictions, divorce, and difficult financial and personal issues.

A frequent school volunteer who empowers children through reading, Shelli also

encourages fathers to embrace their parental role, guides mothers in creating positive

family cultures, and helps children find the courage to take charge of their futures.




If I Had Known Then … A Blueprint for Hope and Change


David Krueger, M.D.

David Krueger, M.D. is an Executive Mentor Coach, and

CEO of MentorPath®, an executive coaching, training,

publishing, and wellness firm. His approach integrates

the insights of psychology, neuroscience, and quantum

physics with strategic coaching to help professionals

successfully write the next chapter of their business

stories. Author of 19 trade and professional books on

success, wellness, money, and self-development, and 75

scientific papers, his coaching and writing focus on the

art and science of success strategies: mind over matters.

His most recent book, The Secret Language of Money (McGraw Hill) is a Business

Bestseller translated into 10 languages. He is Founder and Director of the Licensed,

Specialty-Certified New Life Story® Coach Training, and New Money Story® Mentor





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