ielts writing academic task 1 ver2

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IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 Ver2


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the changes in maximum number of Asian elephants between 1994 and 2007.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

The graph shows the estimated maximum population of elephants in a range of Asian countries in both 1997 and 2004.

In most of the countries included in the graph, the population fell. This was most noticeable in Malaysia and Thailand, where the number of elephants was thought to be less than half the figure in 1997. In the former, the number of elephants dropped as low as 1000. India remained the country with by far the largest elephant population, but experienced a dramatic fall in numbers so that in 2004 there may have been as few as 7500. Despite its size, China had a very small population of at most 500 elephants by 2004.

Although the trend was downwards overall, elephant populations were thought to have remained stable in Laos and Vietnam at approximately 1200. The only country where elephants showed signs of recovering was Cambodia, where numbers may have risen by up to 200.

(155 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

Brick manufacturing

model answer:

The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in seven consecutive steps.

First the raw material, clay, which was just below the surface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be dug up by a digger.

Then the lumps of clay are placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whose motion further segregates the bits of clay. Sand and water are added to make a homogenous mixture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut into brick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.

Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, several dozen if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are then transferred to a so-called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. First they are kept at a moderate temperature of 200C – 1300C. This process is followed by cooling down the finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber.

Once the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final destination, be it a building site or storage.

(217 words)

Band 9This response fully satisfies the requirements of the task. All key features of each stage of the process are appropriately and accurately presented. An excellent overview is given at the beginning of the response and this skilfully incorporates part of the rubric, changing the grammatical function, to give a brief summary of the whole process. The message is very easy to read with seamless cohesion that attracts no attention. Paragraphing, linking and referencing are all skilfully managed. The language used is very fluent and sophisticated. A wide range of vocabulary and structures are used with full flexibility and accuracy. Only rare minor‘slips’ can be found and these do not detract from the high rating.This script is a good example of a Band 9 performance.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the production of the world’s oil in OPEC and non-OPEC countries.Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

The graph gives past, present and future data concerning the production of world’s oil on OPEC and non-OPEC countries. The figures indicate that while the production of oil in Middle Eastern OPEC countries is predicted to increase considerably, oil production elsewhere is likely to fall.

Between 1980 and 2000, most of the world’s oil came from non-OPEC countries; only two million barrels per day were produced by OPEC countries. Since then, these figures have changed considerably. Between 2000 and 2010 it is predicted that approximately 10 million barrels will come from Middle Eastern OPEC countries, while a further 10 million barrels will be provided by other OPEC or non-OPEC countries.

Although forecasters predict that oil production is likely stabilise between 2010 and 2020, a lot more of this oil is expected to come from the Middle Eastern OPEC countries, and under 5 million barrels per day from other areas.

(149 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar charts below show the Marriage and Divorce Statistics for nine countries in 1981 and 1994.Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

As we can see from the information, there was a general trend for the number of marriage to decrease over 13 years in most of the countries. In 1981, the USA had the most marriages (10.6 per thousand) but by 1994 this had fallen to 9.1 per thousands. The number of marriages also fell substantially in Finland and France. The only country where there was an increase in the number of marriage was Denmark.

By comparison the rate of divorce increased in most countries over the same period. The only exceptions to this trend were Germany, where there was no change, and the USA and Denmark, where the figure fell. The country with the fewest divorce in both 1981 and 1994 was Italy.

(123 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table below gives statistics about the size of US households over a number of years. (Household = all the people living together in one house.) Study the information and answer the question.Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Write at least 150 words.

US household by size 1790-1990


Per cent distribution of number of households

Average population per household1 person 2 person 3 person 4 person 5 person 6 person 7 person

1790 3.7% 7.8% 11.7% 13.9% 13.9% 13.2 35.8% 5.4

1890 3.6% 13.2% 16.7% 16.8% 15.1% 11.6% 23.0% 4.9

1990 24.6% 32.2% 17.2% 15.6% 6.7% 2.3% 1.4% 2.6

model answer:

We can see from the table that households in the US have become much smaller over the last 200 years. Households in 1790 had an average of 5.4 members but by 1990 the figure had fallen by about half to only 2.6.

In 1790 35.8% of all households had seven members. This was still the most common household size in 1890 but the proportion had dropped slightly to 23%. One-person households were the least common, representing less than 4% of the total in both 1790 and 1890. By 1990, however, there had been a major change. Now only about 1% of household had seven members, while 56.8% of all households consisted of only one or two people.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below gives information about global population percentages and distribution of wealth by region.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

The chart compares population shares in various regions of the world with the distribution of wealth in these same regions. It can be seen that population shares in almost all cases do not relate to the distribution of wealth.

Even though North America has only approximately 6% of the world’s population, it boasts nearly 34% of global wealth. A similar situation can be seen in Europe, which has 15% of the global population but 30% of global wealth, and the rich (high income) Asia-Pacific countries with 5% of the world’s population but 24% of its wealth.

On the other hand, the total wealth of people in China, India, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, and the other poor (lower income) countries in Asia-Pacific is far less than their shares of the world population. This is most striking in India, where 16% of the world’s population own only 1% of the world’s wealth and in China, which has the highest percentage of global population (24%) but only 3% of the world’s wealth.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table shows the worldwide market share of the mobile phone market for manufactures in the years 2005 and 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

Worldwide Mobile phone Sales in 2005 & 2006 (% share of market)

Company 2005 % Market share 2006 % Market share

Nokia 32.5 35

Motorola 17.7 21.1

Samsung 12.7 11.8

Sony Ericsson 6.3 7.4

L.G 6.7 6.3

BenQ Mobile 4.9 2.4

Others 19.2 16.2

TOTAL 100.0 100.0

model answer:

The table gives information on the market share of mobile phone manufactures for two consecutive years, 2005 and 2006.

In both years, Nokia was clearly the market leader, selling 32.5% of all mobile phones in 2005, and slightly more (35%) in 2006. This is a greater market share than its two closest competitors, Motorola and Samsung, added together.

Motorola increased its market share from 17.7% in 2005 to 21.1% in 2006. In contrast, Samsung saw its share of the market decline slightly from 12.7% to 11.8%.

The other companies listed each had a much smaller share of the market. Sony Ericsson’s share increased from 6.3% in 2005 to 7.4% in 2006 whereas L.G decreased slightly from 6.7% to 6.3%. BenQ Mobile’s share more than halved from 2005 to 2006; from 4.9% of the market to only 2.4%.

Other mobile phone manufactures accounted for 19.2% of the market in 2005- more than all the companies mentioned except Nokia. However, in 2006 the other companies only made 16.2% of mobile phone sales- less than both Nokia and Motorola.

(176 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table below gives information about rail transport in four countries in 2007.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

CountryNumber of People using rail transport (not including metro)

Passengerkilometres per head of population

Cargocarried (billions of tons)

Malaysia 5.9 770 22.2

Canada 0.3 80 2820

China 27 1980 23.01

UAE 5.5 780 21.9

model answer:

The table shows details for four countries concerning the percentage of the population who use the railways, how many kilometres each person travels on average, and the number of tons of cargo the railways carry.

What is surprising is that very few Americans use rail- less than half of one per cent- and they do not travel far (just 80 kilometres). However, the Canada carries by far the most cargo, nearly 3 thousand billion tons. This contrasts greatly with China, where 27% of the population use rail, and they each travel further (1980 kilometres) than any of the other countries. On the other hand, less than 25 billion tons of freight is carried.

The two countries which are most similar are the Malaysia and UAE. Both have between 5 and 6% of people who use trains, they travel between 770 and 780 kilometres and the amount of freight is approximately the same (22.2 and 21.9 billion tons respectively).

In general it can be seen that while citizens of the Canada use rail transport the least, they transport the most amount of cargo by rail.

(184 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The flow chart illustrates the consequence of deforestation. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The flow chart shows what typically occurs as a consequence of deforestation. When trees are removed, there are four main immediate effects, which eventually result in flooding, degraded vegetation and a loss of biodiversity.

One immediate effect is soil which has been compacted by heavy equipment. The result hard, ‘baked’ soil contributes to the run off of rain water and, eventually, flooding.

Another immediate consequence of logging is a reduction in the number of roots holding the soil together. This leads to soil erosion. As a consequence, the quality and variety of vegetation is compromised.

The third immediate effect is burning, both deliberate and a consequence of an increased risk of forest fires. The waste that remains after loggings is destroyed and the microorganisms that feed on this material are lost. This leads to degraded vegetation.

The final immediate consequence is a reduction in the amount of moisture plants return to the air. Because there is less moisture in the air, there is less precipitation and an increased incidence of drought. This too reduces plant growth and ultimately results in degraded vegetation and a loss of biodiversity.

(187 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagram shows how apple is canned.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The diagram shows how fresh applet is canned. First the apple is picked from trees by hand. It is then transported to the cannery by large trucks. At the cannery the apple is washed and quality checked, and any poor quality apple is rejected.

The good quality apple is put into cold storage. When it is ready for canning the apple is weighted and graded. The grading ensures that the apple of a similar size is kept together. After this the apple is peeled and the cores are removed. It is then sliced into the required sizes and put into cans. Juice or syrup is also added to the cans.

Once the cans have been filled they are sealed and cooked over heat to ensure that the cans are sterilized. When the cans are cool, a label is attached and they are placed into storage. The canned apple is now ready to be despatched to supermarkets and sold.

(158 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar chart shows different methods of waste disposal in four cities; Toronto, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Amman. Summarize the information by describing the main features of the chart and making comparisons where appropriate.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The bar chart depicts four types of waste disposal in four cities. Landfill was the most popular method of waste disposal in Toronto and Amman. Toronto used landfill for disposing of about three-quarters of its waste with the remaining quarter split between incineration, recycling and composting.

Amman used landfill for disposing of almost half of its waste with most of the rest being incinerated. Incineration was the most popular method of waste disposal in Madrid and Kuala Lumpur.

Kuala Lumpur disposed of more than half its waste by incineration with less than one quarter going for recycling and even less still going for landfill and composting. Recycling was the second least popular method of waste disposal.

No cities disposed of more than 25% of its waste by recycling and in the case of Toronto, it was less than 10%. Composting was the least common method of waste disposal. No cities disposed of more than 10% of its waste by compositing and Amman hardly did any composting.

(166 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table below gives information on internet use in six categories by age group.Describe the information in the table and make comparisons where appropriate.Write at least 150 words.

Internet activities by age group

Age group

Activity% Teens 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70+

Get News 76 73 76 75 71 74 70

Online games 81 54 37 29 25 25 32

Downloads 52 46 27 15 13 8 6

Product research 0 79 80 83 79 74 70

Buying a product 43 68 69 68 67 65 41

Searching for people 5 31 23 23 24 29 27

model answer:

Comparing activities, we can see that getting news is the most popular activity with users of all ages. At least 70% of people use the internet to get news.

Whilst 80% of teenagers play online games, this table drops to 54% of people in their twenties and 37% of people in their thirties. Online gaming reaches a low of 25% with people in their fifties and then increases in popularity with older people.

Downloads activity display a similar trend to internet games, but they are less popular in general and decline markedly with people over age 40. Only 6% of people over age 70 download.

Online Product research is made by over seventy percent of all people except for teenagers who do not research product. Product research peak in the forties age group, when almost three-quarters of people research for product in this way.

Buying a product online is equally popular with all internet users except those at either end of the age scale: teens and internet users age 70 or older. Searching for people online is done by between one-quarter and one-third of people depending on age, except for teenagers who make only five searches out of every 100.

(198 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie charts below show the percentage of housing owned and rented in the UK in 1991 and 2007. Summarize the information by describing the main features of the charts and making comparisons where appropriate.Write at least 150 words

Housing owned and rented in the UK

model answer:

The pie charts compare home ownership and renting for 1991 and 2007 in percentage terms. In 1991, home owner were the most popular type of housing, accounting for 60%, or more than over half of all homes. The next largest sector was social rented homes, amounting to 23% or nearly one-third of homes. The remaining homes were mostly privately rented (11%) with a tiny fraction being social housing (6%).

Sixteen years later, in 2007, the number of home owners had risen to 70%, or almost three quarters of all homes. This was an increase of 10% compared with 1991. Much of the increase in home ownership can be explained by the decrease in social rented homes, which had dropped from 23% to 17%.

The percentage of privately rented homes had remained unchanged at 11%. However, there were 5 million more homes in 2007 compared with 1991 so the number of rented homes had increased despite the same percentage. Social housing has decreased three-fold from 6% in 1991 to 2% in 2007, and it remains the least popular type of housing.

(180 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph gives information about drinking habits of the US population by age. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The bar chart shows information about people’s drinking behavior by age group in the US. Several trends are evident.

The highest proportion of those who never drink (nearly two-thirds) was in the 16 to 24 years group. The proportion tended to decrease with age. Only 40 per cent of people aged 65 to 74 had never drink.

On the other hand, the percentage of those who had quit drinking tended to increase with age. Only 5 per cent of those in the youngest age group (16 to 24) were ex-drinkers, as opposed to roughly 40 per cent of those aged 65 to 75.

The percentage of those classed as heavy drinkers also showed a distinct pattern. People in middle age (35 to 54) tended to be the heaviest drinkers – approximately 13 per cent of the total. A relatively small proportion of those in the youngest age group, and an even smaller percentage of those in the oldest group (roughly 3 per cent) drink heavily.

Overall, age appears to be a significant factor in patterns of drinking behavior.

(177 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table shows the average length of YouTube video advertisements and average length of time viewers spend watching them. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.Write at least 150 words.

Average YouTube Video ad length and time viewed

Type of YoTube adAverage length of YoTube ad (seconds)

Average time viewed(seconds)

Public service 66.7 28.1

Business and finance 35.1 24.6

Entertainment and news 30.8 26.5

Travel 28.7 23.0

Technology 39.3 20.9

Retail 26.5 20.1

Consumer electronics 24.9 17.3

Clothing 23.4 16.6

Pharmaceuticals 21.8 16.0

Lifestyle 33.7 14.3

Overall 38.1 20.4

model answer:

The table shows the average length of YouTube video advertisements by sector and average length of time viewers spent watching these advertisements.

The average length of the advertisements varied from a low of 21.8 seconds for pharmaceuticals to a high of 66.7 for public service advertisements. With the exception of government- and technology- related advertisements, in general, products and services which required a large financial commitment tended to have longer advertisements. Entertainments, financial services and travel advertisements, for example, were all twenty eight seconds on average or longer. Less expensive products, on the other hand, such as consumer electronics, clothing and medicines, tended to have shorter advertisements.

Adverts for more expensive products or services also tended to be watched for longer than adverts for less expensive items. Viewers on average watched more than 50 per cent of advertisements for entertainment, travel, business and finance. In contrast, viewers tended to watch less of government advertisements and advertisements for cheaper goods such as consumer electronics, clothing and medicines.

Overall, length of YouTube video advertisements and length of time spent viewing such advertisements appears to be associated with the perceived cost of the product or service being advertised.

(195 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table shows the percentage of journeys made by different forms of transport in four countries, The bar graph shows the results of a survey into car use.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Journeys made by Canada Belgium Germany Netherland

Car 90% 72% 68% 47%

Bicycle 1% 2% 2% 26%

Public transport 3% 12% 18% 8%

On foot 5% 11% 11% 18%

Other 1% 3% 1% 1%

Most cited reasons people travel to work by car (Canada)

model answer:

The table compares modes of transport used in four countries: Canada, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Percentage of journeys made by car, bicycle, public transport and on foot are given. The bar chart shows the results of a survey into reasons people in the Canada travel to work by car.

As can be seen from the table, cars were the most frequently used from of transport in all four countries. However, the proportion of journeys made by car ranged from a low of 47 per cent in the Netherlands to a high of 90 per cent in the Canada. Figures for the other forms of transport also varied considerably. Not surprisingly, in the Netherlands, a high proportion of trips were made by bicycle (26%) and on foot (18%). The highest rate of public transport use was in Germany, where nearly one in five journeys was made by public transport.

The bar chart provides information that may help explain why car use in the Canada. The most frequently cited reason was lack of any other alternative (38%). Although a sizeable percentage said it was more convenient (12%), the other factors listed appeared to relate more to need than preference, e.g. working night shift.

Overall, the figures show considerable variation in modes of transport used, though the car continues to dominate in most contexts.

(223 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar graph below shows the numbers of male and female research students studying six computer science subjects at a US university in 2011.Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The bar chart shows the gender distribution of students doing computer scientific research across a range of disciplines at a US university in 2011.

In five of the six disciplines, males outnumbered females. Male students made up a particularly large proportion of the student group in subjects related to the study of programming objects: mathematics, programming, and engineering. The gender gap was particularly large in the field of mathematics, where there were five times as many male students as female students.

Men and women were more equally represented in subjects related to the study of computer science: natural sciences, psychology, and linguistics. In natural science, there were nearly as many women [approximately 200] as men [approximately 240]. This was also true of psychology. Linguistics was the only discipline in which women outnumbered men [roughly 110 women vs. 90 men].

Overall, the chart shows that at this university, computer science subjects continue to be male-dominated; however, women have a significant presence in fields related to psychology and the computer sciences.

(169 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie charts show the average consumption of food in the world in 2008 compared to two countries; China and India.Write a report to a university lecturer describing the data.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The graphs illustrate the consumption of 4 types of food used in the word in 2008. The figures are compared to the amounts of food used in china and India in the same year.

As an overall trend, the two countries showed different food consumption from the world average, while processed food consumption still had the largest percentages in all the three charts.

In particular, processed food consumption was the highest in the in the world, accounting for 41%, which was followed by vegetables and fruits at 29% and animal food at a quarter. Only 4% consisted of nut and seeds consumption.

Likewise, China used processed food in the largest proportion of 39%. Animal food showed the same figure as the world’s average, 25%. Vegetable and fruits was used at 23% while nuts and seeds showed less than a half figure.

In India, both vegetable and processed food were used the most in the year 2008 with percentages of 34% and 32% respectively, nuts and seeds used in this country showed the largest proportion among the three charts given, making up 19% at this time.

(185 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.Write a report for a university or college lecturer describing the information.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The flowchart illustrates the various steps that a high school student must follow to enter university.

Once the high school has been obtained, students need to complete an application for university entrance. This can be downloaded from the university website. The completed application should then be sent to the administration.

Applicants receive a reply two weeks later which is provisional acceptance, a rejection or an acceptance. If a rejection is received, students can either cancel their application altogether or complete an application for an alternative course and send to the administration office.

A provisional acceptance means that more documentation is required. Applicants in this situation should complete the additional documentation and submit them to the office. When an acceptance is received, the applicant should complete the enrolment form and select which subjects he or she wishes to undertake and register with the dean. When all this is complete, the applicant may enter university.

(194 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graphs show changes in spending habits of people in UK between 1971 and 2001.Write a report to a university lecturer describing the data.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The pie charts show changes in UK spending patterns between 1971 and 30 years later, 2001.

As an overall trend, increased amounts of money spent on cars, computers and eating out were made up for by drops in expenditure on food and books.

In detail, food and car made up the two biggest item of expenditure in both years. Together they comprised over half of household spending in the UK. Food accounted for 44% of spending in 1971, but this dropped by two thirds to 14% in 2001. However, the outlay on cars doubled, rising from 22% in 1971 to 43% in 2001.

Other areas changed significantly. Spending on eating out doubled, climbing from 7% to 14%. The proportion of salary spent on computers increased dramatically, up from 2% in 1971 to 12% in 2001. However, as computer expenditure rose, the percentage of outlay on books plunged from 6% to 1%.

(151 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie chart below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in UK in 2002.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

Proportion of people from each household type living in poverty

model answer:

The pie chart examines the different type of families who were living in poor conditions in UK in the year 2002.

As an overall trend, 14% of the entire households in UK at that time were in conditions of poverty. In general, single people struggled more than couples.

In particular, as far as people with children are concerned, sole parents showed the highest percentage of 26% among all the given categories while couples with children accounted for a relatively smaller percentage of 15%.

When it comes to people with no children, single people made up a large percentage of 24%, which is almost the same figure for single people with children. On the other hand, only 9% of the couples without any children suffered from poverty in2002. In terms of aged people, singles had a slightly higher percentage than couples. Only 7% and 5% of the aged population had hardships in their living circumstances.

(155 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar charts below give information about the railway system in six cities in Europe.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

The bar charts illustrate comparable information related to railway systems in six capital cities in Europe; Paris, Stockholm, Lisbon, Rome, Madrid and Berlin.

In general, railway systems in different cities vary in terms of the start dates of each system, the sizes, and the numbers of passengers using the systems in a year.

As far as the ages are concerned, Paris has the oldest railway system among the six cities. It was opened in the year 1863, which is incomparable to the other cities. On the other hand, Berlin has the newest railway system which was opened in Europe 2001.

In terms of the sizes, Paris, for certain, has the longest route, 394km, which is nearly twice the figure for Stockholm. Madrid, in contrast, has the shortest route in its railway system, only 28km.

When it comes to the numbers of people using the railway system in each, Lisbon shows the largest number of 1927 million passengers in a year while Madrid serves the smallest number of railway users, 45 millions.

(170 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar graph indicates sales figures for reading materials from 2002 to 2012.Write a report to a university lecturer describing the information shown below.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The graph shows the changes in the sales of four different types of publications for a decade since 2002.

In general, all the given categorise except hobbies book showed a rising trend in the sales over the period. The sales of history books were the highest while those of art books were the lowest.

In particular, the sales of the biggest sellers, history books, experienced an overall growth during the period. The sales were around 4500 copies in 2002, and then reached a peak of 10000 in 2008. Although the figure dropped slightly after then, history books remained the greatest sellers with around 9000 copies sold in 2012.

The sales of art books and entertainment books showed a similar pattern of a steady growth. The figure for art books increased slowly from around 1500 copies in 2002 to just under 4000 in 2012 while that for entertainment books went through a moderate rise from approximately 1300 copies in 2002 to 3000 in 2012.

On the other hand, the last category, hobbies book, did not show an upward trend. The sales of hobbies book showed the lowest sales figures, and the figure generally remained constant at between 500 and 700 copies.

(199 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graphs show figures relating to hours worked and stress levels amongst professionals in eight groups.Describe the information shown to a university or collage lecturer.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

Two graphs give different information related to eight professional groups. The bar chart indicates the number of weekly work hours done by the groups while the pie graph illustrates the percentages of people suffering from stress related illness in the different professions given.

In general, business men work the longest among the eight groups while the smallest amount of time is normally worked by lecturers. According to the pie chart, lecturers struggle the most with work-related stress. Although their average working hours is smaller than any other group in the chart, lecturers suffer from the highest level of stress caused by their job.

The bar graph shows that business men and movie producers work the most at about 70 hours and 62 hours per week respectively. At the opposite end of the scale, lecturers work only around 25 hours. Working hours of other professionals varied with doctors, writers, programmers, lawyers and chefs working approximately 52, 46, 35 and 32 hours per week in the name ordered.

The pie graph shows that the professional who has the highest incidence of stress related illnesses is lecturers at 25%. Movie producers and doctors also have high rates with 18% and 15% each. The figures for business men, lawyers, chefs and writers can be grouped into percentages between 11 and 8%. The lowest rate of stress illness is attributed to programmers at only 5%, which is only a fifth the figure for lecturers.

(239 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in Netherland between 2001 and 2006.Describe the information in the table and make comparisons where appropriate.Write at least 150 words.

Average distance in miles travelled per person per year, by mode of travel

2001 2006Walking 255 237

Bicycle 51 41

Car 3199 4806

Local bus 429 274

Local distance bus 54 124

Train 239 366

Taxi 13 42

Other 450 585

All modes 4740 6475model answer:

The chart illustrates average distance travelled by various modes of transport in Netherland in 2001 and 2006. The figures are given in miles and to show how people’s preference changed over time.

In general, people in Netherland travelled more in the year 2006 than in 2001. Cars showed unparalleled figures among the given categories. Except walking, using bicycles and taking local buses, most of the categories showed overall increases in the distance travelled.

In detail, a person driving his own car travelled 3,199 miles on average in 2001, and the average distance showed a moderate rise to 4,806 miles in 2006. Apart from cars, taking trains, using long distance buses and taxis also experienced an overall growth in their figures from 289 miles to 366, from 54 miles to 124, and from 13 miles to 42 respectively in the order named.

On the other hand, walking and rising bicycles were not more favored by Dutch people. Both categories showed a moderate decline in their figures. Meanwhile, the number of people who used local buses must have dropped significantly as the average distance experienced a dramatic fall from 429 miles in 2001 to 274 miles in 2006.

(195 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graphs indicate the source of complaints about the bank of America and the amount of time it takes to have the complaints resolved.Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The two graphs depict different information related to complaints within the bank of America. The pie graph shows the sources of complaints, while the bar graph illustrates the average time taken between investigation into complaints and final action taken.

In general, by far the highest number of complaints against the bank of America originated from the public. The bar graph shows the average time period between investigation and action is around 5 months.

63% of all complaints against the bank of America are lodged by the public. Of the remaining 37% of complaints, the figures can be grouped into percentages between 11 and 8%, which are made up of government agencies, out-of-state agencies, and insurance companies. Then interestingly, media and bank employee made up and equal figure, 3% in the chart.

The bar graph shows that 2001 had the highest waiting time for complaints of medical misconduct at 6 months. Although there is a significant drop from 6 months in 2001 to 5 months in 2002, all previous and proceeding years display an average waiting period of 5 months. Despite this, over time the average waiting period is decreasing.

(189 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The flow chart below shows an automatic photo booth.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

Autumatic Photo Booth

model answer:

The flow chart shows the main feature of a coin-operated photo booth, which allows the user to take large or passport-size self-portraits.

Two buttons on the outside of the booth allow you to select the size of photo (large format or passport size). If the large format setting is chosen, you will only receive one photo. Passport-sized photos are issued in sets of four. Two buttons below these let you choose colour or black and white, although you must choose colour for passport photos. There is also a slot on the outside of the booth for the insertion of coins, and a larger slot where the photos are delivered.

Inside the booth, there is an adjustable seat to sit on. The seat should be adjusted so that your eyes are level with the arrow on the screen. A mirror allows you to check your appearance before the photos are taken.

The curtain in the doorway should be closed when the photos are taken. A light to the right of the screen comes on, telling you to prepare. After this, the flash goes off after three seconds. The photographs are delivered outside within sixty seconds.

(193 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie graphs show the nutritional consistency of two dinners.

Write a report to a university lecturer describing the data.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The graphs compare the proportion of various nutritional compounds contained in two different foods; macaroni and medium baked potato.

In general, there are a larger percentage of carbohydrates and saturated fats in macaroni than in medium baked potato. In contrast, medium baked potato has a much higher amount of protein and glucose.

In particular, macaroni mainly consists of large amounts of carbohydrate and saturated fats. Carbohydrates take up slightly more than a half, 52%, while a little less than a quarter is made up of saturated fats. The other nutrients show relatively lower proportions.

On the other hand, medium baked potato is mostly comprised of carbohydrates and protein. The amount of carbohydrates in the food is less than in macaroni, but they still take up the greatest percentage of 35% in medium baked potato. Interestingly, this dinner cereal has a large amount of protein with 25%, which is very different from macaroni. The other types of nutrients do not show significant figures in the pie chart.

(166 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows two different processes for manufacturing black tea.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words


model answer:

The diagram shows the two processes for manufacturing black tea. The traditional way is used for making loose tea and modern process is ideal for teabags.

When collecting tea, the tea picker picks only the two top leaves and the bud of ensure a high quality tea. Then, the tea leaves go through withering, where leaves are spread out and air is passed through withering, where leaves are spread out and air is passed through them to remove up to 60 per cent of their moisture.

After that, the leaves are ready for rolling or cutting. Factories use traditional methods of rolling and crushing or faster modern methods of cutting, tearing and curling to make teabags. In both processes, natural enzymes are produced from the leaves. The next step is oxidation, where the enzymes from the leaves mix with the air. This changes the colour of the leaves from green to copper and creates a nice flavour and aroma. Finally, the leaves are fired and dried. By this stage, little moisture remains in the tea-just three per cent.

(178 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram shows the relationship between a numbers of different languages. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The diagram shows the varieties of English spoken throughout the world and how they are related.

There are two main branches of English: British English and American English. The British English Branch is geographically wide-spread. It extends across several continents from the West Indies, through the British Isles themselves, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, the Far East and Australasia. In addition to the four varieties of English spoken in the British Isles (i.e. in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England), it includes a large number of other varieties, for instance Jamaican English, South Africa English, and Australian English.

The American branch is largely restricted to the American continent. It comprises the varieties of English spoken in the different region of the United States itself, as well as in Canada. Beyond the continent, the extent of its influence is limited to the Philippines in the Far East and American Samoa in the Pacific.

In brief, the diagram shows that, like the economic and political influence of the Anglo Saxon countries, the reach of English has extended to virtually every region of the world.

(180 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The barchart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in Australia, divided into three categories, from 2001- 2008.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The chart shows the time spent by Australian resident on different types of telephone calls between 2001 and 2008.

Local fixed line calls were the highest throughout the period, rising from 72 billion minutes in 2001 to just under 90 billion in 2003. After peaking at 90 billion the following year, these calls had fallen back to the 2001 figure by 2008.

National and international fixed line calls grew steadily from 38 billion to 61 billion at end of the period in question, though the growth slowed over the last two years.

There was a dramatic increase in mobile calls from 2 billion to 46 billion minutes. This rise was particularly noticeable between 2005 and 2008, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled.

To sum up, although local fixed line calls were still most popular in 2008, the gap between the three categories had narrowed considerably over the second half of the period in question.

(157 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Oman and Spain in 2005 anf projections for 2055.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The pie charts show significant comparison of age groups in Oman and Spain. Initial statistics are concerning 2005 and some predictions about the ages of the populations are made referring to 2055.

It is apparent from the charts people who were under consisted half of the population of Oman in 2005. 48% and a negligible 4% of Oman population were 15-59 and 60 and over respectively. However, following a half century is assessed to bring staggering alteration of dominant positions in Oman population. Proliferation from 48% to 57% can be cited as example which will make 15 to 59 year old Oman people dominant in 2055.

However, in 2005, 62 percent of Spanish people were between 19 and 59. Predictions about that status illustrate not significant alterations in the dominance of age groups.

Overall, it is important to note that, in 2055, proportion of people under 14 will slide away in both countries. However, this trend will cause middle aged people to take over dominant position solely in Oman.

(169 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below give information about five countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

The chart compares the spending habits of shoppers in five European countries on six consumer products, namely console games, outdoor game accessories, cosmetics, books, toys and camera. Overall, more money was spent on the latter two than on any other product.

It can be observed that in Britain, the highest amount of money was spent on camera (more than 160 million pounds), while similar amounts were spent on console games and outdoor game accessories. The Austrian spent the second highest amount of money on the first three products while they stood last in the latter three. It is also revealed that Spanish spent more money on toys than on any other product (a bit less than £150 million), but they also paid a lot for camera. Finally, Belgian spent the least overall, having similar spending figures for all 6 products compared in the bar chart.

To sum up, the British were the biggest spenders in all six categories among the nations compared in the bar chart while the lowest spending levels were attributed to the residents of Belgium.

(178 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below gives information about “Istanbul Promo plus” sales in 2007. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The chart shows how Promo Plus in Istanbul fluctuated over a period of 12 months. It is observed that in the first month of 2007, Promo Plus sales stood at 200 million turkish lira and rose slightly to reach about 225 million in February. This was followed by another increase, although much steeper, in March when sales where almost 125 million turkish lira higher than February.

However, this upward trend was suddenly broken and sales plummeted dramatically over the next 4 months to reach a little over 100 million turkish lira in July. August sales showed a significant rise back to January levels as figures nearly doubled, but this was not to last as they dropped again in September to the same level as they were in July. October came with a small increase of about 100 million turkish lira in sales, after which sales figures levelled off and remained relatively static over the last two months of 2007.

Overall, Promo Plus in Istanbul remained relatively unchanged in 2007 as January and December sales were fairly equal. Also, sales were at their highest in March while the weakest sales figures could be observed in July and September.

(197 words)

Test tip: In IELTS writing task 1, sometimes in the exam you can be asked to write a graph with a future trend. You should write your answer in the same way as before, but instead of using the past simple, change the grammar and use future tenses.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below highlights data on the number of travelers using three major German airports between 2007 and 2012.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

Airport visitors, 2007-2012 (millions of travelers per year)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012Dusseldorf 27.2 36.4 48.2 37.1 33.2 45.6Frankfurt 36.5 41.9 44.4 47.3 51.1 69.3Berlin Tegel 17.3 26.6 39.9 43.3 43.3 43.3

model answer:

The table shows information about how many people visited Germany through three major airports, over a five-year period, there was a fluctuant trend in the number of travelers who travelled via Dusseldorf, while the other two airports saw an upward trend. Another interesting point is that Frankfurt airport was the most popular at the end.

Looking at the detail, the number of passengers at Dusseldorf started at 27.2m in 2007, and then increased remarkably to reach the highest point of 48.2m in 2009. In 2011, the figure dipped to 33.2m. At the last year, there was a slight growth to 45.6m. On the other hand, Frankfort began at 36.5m in 98, after that it rose remarkably for the next three years, at 47.3m. In 2012, Frankfort hit the peak point at 69.3m passengers.

However, if we look at Berlin Tegal airport, it started at the lowest point of 17.3m travelers in the first year. After this point, the trend increased significantly to 43.3m passengers.

(165 words)

Test tip: In IELTS writing task 1, to summarise the information given in a table, remember to mention specific numbers and percentages from the question in your writing.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie chart gives information on UAE government spending in 2000. The total budget was AED 315 billion.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The graph tells us about the budget of the UAE government in 2000. In general, the most important targets were social security, health, and education.

The biggest slice of the pie chart is taken up by social security including pensions, employment assistance and other benefits which made up slightly under one-third of total expenditure. Health and personal social services was the second highest budget cost. Hospital and medical services accounted for AED 53 billion, or about 15% of the budget. Education cost UAE AED 38 billion which comprises almost 12% of the whole budget. The government spent about seven percent of revenue on debt, and roughly similar amounts went towards defence (AED 22 billion) and law and order (AED 17 billion).

Spending on housing, transport and industry totalled AED 37 billion. Finally, other expenditure accounted for AED 23 billion.

All in all, the bulk of UAE government spending goes on social welfare and health. However, education, defence, and law and order are also major areas of spending.

(167 words)

Test tip: In IELTS writing task 1, always look carefully at what figures represent. If they represent percentages, you must use expressions such as a large/small/higher/lower percentage of … If the figures give numbers, you can write many/more/most/few/fewer…

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart shows the number of visitors to three London Museums between 2007 and 2012.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The bar chart illustrates information about how many people per year visited three London museums over six-year period from 2007 to 2012.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is there was gradual upward trend in the number of visitors of the National Gallery, which became the most popular museum from being at last place, while the Victoria and Albert Museum followed the opposite trend. In detail, in the first two years of the period, the number of visitors of Victoria and Albert Museum remained stable at 13.5 million, and then fell to 9 million in 2010, while that of British Museum, dropped significantly by 50%, from 12 million to 6 million and remained at this level in 2009.

However, there was gradual upward trend in the number of visitors of both British Museum and Victoria and Albert from 2010 to 2012, the former number doubled and the latter rose by more than 50%, finishing at 14.5 and 40 million respectively. In addition, there was significant increase of the number of visitors of National Gallery over the whole six-year period, the figure finishing at almost 16 million.

(184 words)

Test tip: In IELTS writing task 1, remember that you are not to give your opinion on the information you have to describe. You should merely present the information factually.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The line graph shows Paris Metro station passengers. Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The line-graph indicates the number of people using a metro station in Paris over a given day of year.

The number of passengers rises sharply in the morning reaching a peak of 400 at 8 am. After the morning peak there is a steady drop to 300 at 9 am and less than 200 at 10 am. Between 10 am and 11 am there is a slight increase. The number plateaus just below 300 between 12 noon and 2 pm. In the afternoon, there is a decline in the number of citizens using the station to just 80 at 4 pm. The evening brings a huge increase from 200 at 5 pm to almost 400 at 6 pm. The number of passengers tapers off slightly after 6 pm, but falls quickly to 120 by 8 pm. After a small rise at 9 pm, the number tails off to 120 at 10 pm.

All in all, the time series show that the greatest number of passengers gather in the station early in the morning and also early in the evening.

(178 words)

Test tip: Grammar for describing trends in IELTS writing task1(present);a) If the task represents changes or actions which happen regularly (such as a process or a chart displaying general average values):• Simple present (for graphs, charts and tables)• Simple present and present perfect (for processes and cycles)b) If the trend starts in the past, reaches now and has a break point at the present time: Present perfect for the trend that begins in the past Simple present for reporting its present value

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting description of the correlation of the table that follow.Write at least 150 words.

Alcohol-Related Deaths 2005 beers consumption per

capita, 2002 (litres)Total Male Female

Lithuania 125,000 112,000 13,000 91

Ireland 582,000 413,000 169,000 104

Czech Republic 1,369,000 900,000 469,000 132

Canada 580,000 505,000 75,000 86

Estonia 383,000 332,000 51,000 98

Germany 1,185,000 986,000 200,000 107

Austria 913,000 783,000 130,000 106

model answer:

There is a clear correlation between the litres of beer consumed per capita and number of alcohol related deaths. The table shows that the greatest beer consumption in 2002 was to be found in Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, and that each of these regions also had by far the largest litres of alcohol related deaths in 2005. Czech Republic, with the greatest beer consumption per litre, namely over hundred and thirty for 2002, also experienced well over one million litres alcohol-related deaths by 2005. The region with the second highest beer consumption was Germany, with nearly 107 litres, and it also recorded the second highest number of alcohol-related deaths, namely 1.185 million.

In all regions except Canada it can be seen that the higher beer consumption, the higher the alcohol-related mortality rate. It is interesting that in Canada, with the lowest level of beer consumption, at 86 per capita, the mortality rate was the high as in Ireland, namely 0.58 million, although in the latter the consumption level was high. Clearly other health or economic factors must be involved. It is also interesting to note that in each case the number of female death was significantly lower than that of males, which seems to be a reflection of the fact that in general far fewer women than men drink.

(220 words)

Test tip: There is no special vocabulary to be used for describing correlated graphs and tables.There are two grammatical forms which are more likely to occur in this context: the superlatives of quantity such as the greatest number, the lowest incidence/occurrence etc.and the comparative form: the greater the… the greater the…,etc.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the number of houses built per year in two cities, Derby and Nottingham, Between 2000 and 2009.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Write at least 150 words.

model answer:

The bar chart describes the number of houses built in two neighboring cities, Derby and Nottingham, Between 2000 and 2009.

Overall, the number of houses that were erected in Derby exceeded upwards the quantity constructed in Nottingham. The trend for the former was decidedly upwards, with Derby experiencing a steady rise from 40 new houses in the first year, to just under 120 during the 2003. Over the next 4 years of decade, new houses construction in Derby remained constant at just under 120. This is in sharp contrast to the last two years when the number of houses that went up in Derby leapt, first to 280 and then to 350 houses.

Houses building in Nottingham, by comparison, was much more erratic. In the first two years of the decade, more houses were erected in Nottingham than in Derby. In 2002, however, construction declined to only 20. Over the next three years, houses numbers rose steadily, only to drop practically to zero in 2006. There was then a dramatic surge in 2007 with over 200 houses being built. While in 2008 saw house building in Nottingham plummeting to only 10, in 2009 the number of new houses rocketed to 270, a rise of more than 2600 % on the previous year.

(212 words)

Test tip: If you do not begin your sentence with a time expression, in many cases, particularly those involving line graphs, the time frame is given and is an important element of the visual and will need to be mentioned. For this reason it is important that you know how to use the common expressions of time, and that you revise them from any normal grammar book if they cause you difficulties. Here are the common ones:inforbetween -andduringbeforefrom – to / untilafter

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below presents the employment patterns in the USA between 1930 and 2010.Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

model answer:

In 1930, 75% of the labour force in the USA was employed in farming, fishing and foresting while only 10% worked in sales and office and trade. At the same time both the Industrial sector and the technical sector constituted just 2% of the workforce each. This situation changed only very gradually over the next 20 years, except for the technical workforce, which increased more than threefold.

However by 1980 there had been a significant change in the pattern of employment. While the farming, fishing and foresting employees had declined in number to 40% of the workforce, Industrial employees as well as technical had increased their share to 13% and 10% respectively.

Similarly the sales and office sectors did not increase until 1980. The most dramatic change could be seen by 2000, when the proportion of farming, fishing and foresting works reduced to just 10% while the three other major sectors had all increased to over 20% of the workforce.

(160 words)

Test tip1: spend time studying the information first. The title given may help you with your first sentence, but try to use different words and don’t just copy words from the question paper. Try to identify key areas in the data. Do not miss out any important details in your description and make sure you stick to the time limit so that you leave enough time to answer task 2.

Test tip2: Writing about Graphs, Tables and Diagrams, Similarity can be shown by using:similarly likewise equally

in the same way the same in a similar way I fashionboth…. and…. as well as not only… but also

also too like x, y….as…. as…. just as x, y… just as x, so y….

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the percentage participation of men in senior development in three companies between 1980 and the year 2010.Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

The bar chart shows the percentage of men in senior development position in three companies from 1980 to 2010.

While more men were in senior positions at Apple than other two companies in 1980 at 15%, the trend was fairly erratic with a 2% drop to 13% in 1985, followed by a rise of 1% five years later. In 1995, men held 7% more top development jobs than in 1990. After a slight drop back to 19% in 2000, by 2010 25% of top posts were filled by men.

By contrast, at IBM men fared much better. In 1980, 2% of senior posts were occupied by men with no change five years on. By 1990, the figure had increased to 13%, doubling to 26 per cent in 1995. Five years afterwards, there was a 6% increase in male senior development jobs with a near twofold jump in 2010 to stand at 63%, the highest for the three companies.

The situation was less remarkable at Microsoft than the other two firms except for the year 2010. In 1980, the percentage of senior posts held by men was 8% climbing at the rate of 2% in each subsequent period until 2000, after which it leapt to 45%. From the data, it is clear that men dominated senior posts at IBM by 2010.

Test tip: make sure you read all of the information provided very carefully. Look at the statistical information you are given and choose the most important features. Look for data which is the same or similar and features which show important differences or changes.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart shows the number of overseas students enrolled in a third year Computer Science course at a Canadian college.Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words

model answer:

According to the bar chart, students from four Asian countries (China, Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka) and one European country (France) are taking

Computer Science at the collage. Some students are enrolled in the Database core option; the others are taking Networking.

Overall, the China has the largest number of enrolled students (17) and France has the smallest (5). Singapore and Sri Lanka both have 12 students;

Malaysia has 11. It is noticeable that Singapore and Sri Lanka have similar profiles.

Students from all five countries are enrolled in Database, but more males are taking this option than females (21 and 9 respectively). For each nationality,

the males taking Database outnumber the females, except in the case of French students with 3 females to only 1 male. The China has the most students

studying Database (9); Sri Lanka is next with 7, while Singapore has 6. Malaysia and France have 4 Database students each.

As for Networking option, more females than males are enrolled from every country except France. In fact, no female French students are taking

Networking. Only 1 male from each country is enrolled in Networking, except for 2 males from Sri Lanka.

Test tip: In the main body of your report, you may organise the information in this way; first group the information. Then compare and contrast the data. After that, select important information to report.

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