iel session 1

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Integrated Evangelism LifestyleSession 1

Prepared by: Valentine M. Aplod Ministerial Secretary

Mountain Provinces Mission

What is our DIRECTION in LIFE?




Good Job

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What is Our Direction in Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle?

Evangelism – Go ye into All the World

Marcos16: --- 15,Ket kinunana cadacuada: incay iti isu-amin a

lubong, ket icasabayo ti evangelio iti isu-amin a parsua.


The Seventh-day Adventist Church is currently engaged in a massive

evangelistic outreach to impact six hundred and fifty of the world’s

major cities.

This initiative began one year ago with a comprehensive evangelistic approach in four hundred locations in New York

City which resulted in thousands of church members equipped to reach

their friends and neighbors for Christ and 5,295 baptisms.

 “Evangelistic work, opening the Scriptures to others, warning men and women of what is coming upon the 

world, is to occupy more and still more of the time of God’s servants.”—

(Review and Herald, Aug. 2, 1906.)

What is the Success of this Purpose,Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle?

We are Created With Purpose

Key Texts: Ephesians 2:10

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

“Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards

build thine house.”

Proverb 24:27

Achieve Greater Success. Do It On Purpose!

• Are you living a life of passion and purpose?

• Do you ever get the feeling you're not quite living life to the fullest?

• Do you believe you are capable of so much more, but just don't know where to start?

Pastor Rick Warren, in his thought-provoking book, The Purpose-Driven Life, posed the question of the ages...

1. "What on Earth Am I Here For?“

2. "How in the world am I going to make this happen?!"

• However, once you know the answer to this question—once you understand the Divine reason for your existence—there's an even bigger question to be answered...

Achieve Success On Purpose...

Success On Purpose is the STARTING-POINT for a life of true and lasting success—however you define it:

Wealth... Power... Happiness... Significance — or just the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have done your very best.

STARTING-POINT for a life of true and lasting success

• Discover your Natural MISSION and Authentic DIRECTION...

• Expand your VISION of what's possible for your life...

• Learn how to achieve SUCCESS without limits...• Create a life of PASSION, significance and meaning...• Develop a WINNERS Mindset: Absolute Clarity...

Unwavering Conviction... Total Commitment... and the Courage to overcome fear, uncertainty and doubt and take bold ACTION

• Your Purpose Challenge: Become Truly ALIVE...

• Our mission is to help people immediately find the STARTING POINT for a wonderful new future... a life of Happiness... Satisfaction and Significance.

Is a lack of Mission causing you problems?

When your sense of Mission is strong and vibrant….

• You are already an incredible success... but want to take it up to the next level. You simply need to discover and release you hidden potential.

• You are focused on specific lifetime visions, and each day brings new opportunities to make your dreams come true.

• You find ways to make a difference with your time and your life in a pursuit higher than your own personal interests.

• You believe life is full of meaning and purpose, meant to be lived to its fullest.

When your sense of Mission is strong and vibrant….

• You know who you are and what you stand for.• You feel confident in who you are and what you can

do.• You say no to distractions and interruptions that

would take you off track from your dreams and goals.• You have purpose and passion and so you don’t allow

anger, guilt, fear and drama to run your life.• You courageously take on new challenges and

changing events.• You believe in your innate ability to overcome and

succeed no matter the setbacks or obstacles.

When your sense of Mission is weak and faded...

• You feel directionless and lack clear goals for your life.• You know you are becoming old and cynical... not old and

successful.• You lack clarity of vision and have no compelling conviction that

what you are doing is the right thing to be doing.• You feel like you are falling behind... with no way to catch up.• You feel like you just need to start over... find a new life...

because the life you are living provides little joy, happiness and satisfaction.

• Nothing really seems to matter, and you feel like you are—year-after-year—constantly moving in circles... stressed out, burned out and running on empty.

• You have no money... limited savings... lack of financial freedom.

When your sense of Mission is weak and faded...

• You are deep in debt... leveraged to the hilt... always just one step ahead of a major financial disaster.

• You have no time for you... no time for others... you are literally being pulled apart.

• You lack focus on top priorities and are consumed by urgencies.• You work your butt off, with limited, or no job growth and

career progress.• You are working paycheck to paycheck... limited potential for

advancement.• You are no closer to the success you desire than you were 5-10-

15-20 years ago.• You seem like a success... you have it all... but inside you feel

like you're living a lie.

WHY do people ultimately Succeed?

• They succeed... simply because they EXPECT to succeed... crystal-clear expectations born from powerful clarity, conviction, commitment and courage.

So, WHY do people ultimately fail?

• The REASON is simple: People never really EXPECT to succeed in the first place... because they never even get to the Starting Point for true and lasting success.

• No question, we are saved by Grace... but leave a legacy of works/results that derive from our faith in action.

• This is why Success On Purpose is so important. It connects our Divine Purpose with Personal Performance. The only way we can LIVE our Purpose... is to PERFORM on Purpose.

• Just HOW can I live a life of passion and purpose?

• What, exactly, am I expected to do? • How can I transform my life's purpose into an

unstoppable mission... and ultimately achieve the success I desire, personally and professionally?

"Our chief usefulness to humanity rests on our combining power with high purpose. Power undirected by high

purpose spells calamity, and high purpose by itself is utterly useless if the power to

put it into effect is lacking."

Theodore Roosevelt

Simple Truth...

The truth is, understanding your purpose in life is not just a good idea. It is everything.


Because your purpose is what establishes your direction in life.

"The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder—waif, a nothing, a no man. Have a purpose in life, and, having it, throw such strength of mind and muscle into your work as God has given you."

Thomas Carlyle

In a sense, your purpose is your life. Understand the WHY of your existence, then living your purpose becomes much easier—and far more rewarding.

Without a clear sense of "Who Am I, and Why Am I Here," there is no need to improve your performance. You don't know where you are going, so there is no real need to help you get there any faster.

However, once you truly understand your unique purpose, your performance is everything. Why? Because you want to actually LIVE your purpose—rather than just passively watch your life go by.

Why is this a serious issue?

Without a strong sense of purpose and direction, people...• Feel like they are merely running in place...• Feel like they are living someone else's life... a

life not of their own choosing or making...• Have low self-esteem and self-confidence

issues...• Have no clear and tangible Goals, thus live a life

of regrets, not results...• Have no way to focus their performance on what

matters most to them.

Worse, they start believing the "Myth of Life"... that they are not "good enough"... not "smart enough"... not "rich enough"...

or are too young... too old... the wrong education... not enough money... not

SOMETHING enough. Pure bull.

Here's what the Holy Bible says about Faith and Deeds...

• James 14: What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?

• 15: Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.

• 16: If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?

17: In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18: But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."

Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

I know that Paul and Peter had a "time" with James, arguing if faith is all we need, but if we do not ACT on our faith... take ACTION to right the wrongs, help the poor, feed the sick (all verbs) -- then what we have in the end are words that are not true expressions of our faith -- to serve -- to love -- to help -- to, as I like to put it, live the law with love.

This is why Success On Purpose is so important. It connects our Divine Purpose with Personal Performance. The only way we can LIVE our

Purpose... is to PERFORM on Purpose.

If we get this right, we will help our members to grow in faith and invite more

people to the foot of the Cross.

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