[ieee 2005 9th ifip/ieee international symposium on integrated network management, 2005. im 2005. -...

Post on 10-Mar-2017






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MPLS Operations and Management Thomas D. Nadeau Monique J. Morrow Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. 300 Beaver Brook Drive Glatt-Com, 2nd Floor Boxborough, MA Glattzentrum USA Switzerland tnadeau@cisco.com mmorrow@cisco.com

Abstract This tutorial will present the ins and outs of the state of the art in MPLS Operations and Management. Areas of interest include detailed presentations of standards work going on at the IETF, ITU, IEEE, MEF and the MPLS-FrameRelay Alliance. The tutorial is broken into several components. First, we will explore tools available to monitoring and trouble-shooting the data plane. Tools in this area include LSP Ping and LSP Traceroute. Next, we will present tools and techniques available to trouble-shoot and diagnose the MPLS control plane. The third area covered is the management plane. In this area, we discuss the management interfaces to these various tools and some techniques that management systems can use to manage each of the tools presented earlier. Finally, we present why it is important and critical to combine the information provided by tools used to diagnose the data and control planes to provide the user with a complete picture of MPLS network health, and how the combination of this information cannot only be automated and displayed via the management plane, but also how devices may employ this information internally to more quickly repair the defect, thereby providing a certain degree of self-healing capability.


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