ie business school application - question k - ferrari luca

Post on 24-Jan-2017



Presentations & Public Speaking



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Application IE Business School

Question K: If all of the world´s cultural heritage (sports, music, fashion, architecture,

literature, painting, etc..) was contained in a time capsule, what would you include to

demonstrate the legacy of your country?

Ferrari Luca

The role of History

Italy, as well as other European countries, is characterized by many ancient cultural heritage sites and a lengthy and dramatic history. I believe it is safe to say that Italy is world-wide famous for its tangible cultural heritages such as the Colosseum and the Pisa tower, and together with its customs, traditions, values and yes, hand gestures, is one of the most iconic country of the globe. History has great role in determining the legacy of a country and Italian history is very much extended and characterized by so many events that is almost impossible to put everything in a time capsule…

The role of history

…But something must be selected and preserved in case there is a need to preserve pieces of our culture to be handed down to future generations. To understand our cultures and believes, history is the best teacher and therefore I selected some of the most important historic periods from our history, where I chose the most representative objects to show what should be conserved.

The Roman Ages

The Roman Emperor was one of the first ones to develop an

organized society characterized by politics, commerce, social life, and laws. The Roman Emperor was vast

and powerful and had a strong influence over the Italian

architecture, literature, and language. The Colosseum, and the

Twelve Tables of Roman Laws, which had, and still have, a huge influence over our contemporary

civil laws, must be insert in the capsule.

The Middle Ages

The middle ages was a dark period of our history characterized by many wars and a slow cultural development. Religion played a key role during this period, in fact the Papal State was born in the middle age. Nowadays the Vatican City as well as the Papal Residence and the Church headquarters are in Rome. The Christian Church consolidated in the Middle ages and since then it always influenced and sometimes even governed over the Italian population and its politics. Italy it’s the country with one of the highest number of churches and cathedrals, in fact, only in Rome there are more than nine-hundred churches. Because of the influential position of the Church in Italy and because Italy, even if not officially expressed in the Constitution, is a Catholic country where around 85% of the population practice the Catholic religion I believe the Gospel is required when demonstrating the country’s legacy.

The Middle Ages

Finally, during this period, the Italian poet Dante

Alighieri was born and with him the “Divina

Commedia”; probably the most important written

piece of literature ever written by an Italian author.

I would have to put a copy inside the Italian time


The Renaissence Following the Middle Ages, it comes

probably the most splendid and creative period in terms of the quantity of tangible cultural heritages created, known as the

Renaissance. Geniuses like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci characterized this age with their

innovative ideas and creativity. Michelangelo’s architectural and

sculptural works such as “Santa Maria Del Fiore” and the “David” are unique

treasuries which still today represent a huge national heritage which deserve to

be put inside the time capsule.

The Renaissence

Leonardo’s inventions and paintings such as the “Gioconda” and “Ultima Cena” are

mandatory when studying the Italian history of art; they are tremendous proves of our Italian legacy and therefore both artist’s works need to be present in the capsule.

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century

From these centuries, I mainly selected two figures whose works were

inspirational for the future generations and still today demonstrate the most

intellectual part of my country. The first one, Guglielmo Marconi, was the pioneer of the Radio Transmission and the second one, the poet Giacomo Leopardi, was the

major exponent of the Italian romance age. His poem “L’Infinito” contains

everything to understand this period. Their scientific findings and literary

writings cannot be left unconsidered.

The Nineteen Hundred

This century has been characterized by two World Wars and an exponential technological and industrial development. In Italy, after WWI, the fascist ideology developed, and Mussolini dictatorship took place. It is our responsibility to study it and to be informed about it and not just to pretend it did not happen. At the same time, I think is vital to put something representing the Partisans; the civilians who courageously fought against the dictatorship and following their democratic ideals mainly contributed to the liberation of Italy.

The Nineteen Hundred

The Costitution entered into force with the beginning of 1948.

Moreover the 2nd of June 1946 the Italian Republic was born followed by the writing down of the Italian Constitution.

The Constitution is an examle of what we achieved as a country through history, and it shows our values and deepest believes. It must be placed inside the capsule.

The nineteen hundred

Beside the historic events, the nineteen hundred is also the century in which the automotive industry had its

main breakthroughs. The Italian company FIAT launched the famous Fiat 500 in those days, and

recently Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s are between the most beautiful luxury cars and most recognized brands

in the car industry .

Today Some objects today have an intrinsic value which show the word our spirit and traditions.

Even if they are only simple objects they represent Italy in all its shades. In the capsule I

will include a soccer ball; soccer is the national sport and represent our competitive spirit

and attachment to our home. In addition, I will put a dish of

hand-made pasta, which better than anything explains our

relationship with food and our long-lasting tradition of sitting

together with the family.


Italian stylists like Armani, Versace, Valentino and Ferre’ began with designing simple

dresses and now produce one of the most fashionable and valuable product Italy has to

offer to the world. An example of one of these

products I believe is necessary to be inserted in the time



Nowadays, it is hard to realize what piece of our heritage will be considered to be part of our legacy; as probably Dante didn’t realize the impact that his work would have had for the following generations. I believe our goal, as students and future generation of Italy, is to follow our passion and believe in what we can achieve through studying and learning. Who knows, maybe the next Dante might be already working on his Commedia.

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