identity in · school will resume on monday, january 5th, 2015....

Post on 10-Aug-2020






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Saint Paul Lutheran Church and School

The Sword December 2014

750 W Keady Ct., Roseburg, OR 97471

541 – 673-7212

Identity in Christ

We have been preaching through Ephesians with the mega theme: Who am I? Finding your Identity in Christ.

This means the following so far:

I am not defined by my past sins, but I am redeemed

I am predestined

I have knowledge of God and this life: I am enlightened

I am not defined by my performance, but I am saved by grace

I am reconciled to God

I am a fellow heir with all Christians regardless of race

I am loved by God

I am a member of the body of Christ

I pray that as we move forward in this series, our identities would be so formed in Christ that it would inform

everything else in our lives.

Your Partner in the Gospel,

Pastor Andrew

Visit our website for pictures and updates on all church activities

Inside this issue: School News………………………......2


Care Ministry…………………………..3

Youth Group Update………….……4

Growth Groups…….………….….….5

December Celebrations….…......6

Dec. 18 –will be the Children’s

Christmas Program at UCC

Christmas Family Chapel

will be held at 8:50 am on December 4th

and December 10th

These 2 services will be our Advent


Page 2

Saint Paul Lutheran School News

St. Paul Lutheran School has its own website!

Please visit us at:

At our site you can see information regarding classes and childcare and view upcoming events and calendar!

Celebrate Christmas!

We are very thankful during this thanksgiving season for all the great families here at St. Paul. We have a very

busy month coming up in December. On December 4th

and 10th

from 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. we are inviting

parents to attend Chapel. Also, we have our annual Christmas Program on December 18th

at 6:30 p.m. We are

very excited about this year’s Christmas Program and are very thankful to be able to share about Jesus during

the Christmas season. We are very appreciative to all the teachers and parents as well as the volunteers that

help with our school. May God bless all of you who support our school and bless your families during

Christmas. !

Christmas break for St. Paul School is December 22nd

-January 4th

Childcare will be available December 22, 23, 24th

, December 30,,31


The last day to sign up for child care is December 17th —please see Sherri Hu in the office.

School will resume on Monday, January 5th

, 2015.

Christmas Blessings to you and your loved ones

Pastor Andrew Farhat Principal Kyle Crane

. Thank you Janice Mattos and Becky O'Neill for maintaining our prayer request

line. If you would like to be part of our phone prayer chain contact Janice Mattos at 541-680-8637. If you would like to be part of

our email prayer chain contact Becky at

Page 3

LWML News Barbara Campbell, President

Advent and Christmas are now upon us. A very blessed time of the year. Our LWML women will be busy as

usual serving in various capacities. We will be providing "brunch" for those attending our morning Advent services on

December 4 and 10. Following the service, those who have signed up will journey to Myrtle Creek for a "Christmas Tea"

at the Painted Lady.

We are currently collecting cookie tins to once again fill and offer for sale at the Children's Christmas Program.

We invite all women of the congregation to bake your favorite cookie (one that holds together well) and bring them to the

church by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, December 17.

God bless you and your families as you celebrate the "reason for the season", the birth of our Lord and Savior,

Jesus Christ.

May God bless all your Christmas celebrations with His great love.

Barbara Campbell for St. Paul LWML

You may purchase Poinsettias for the altar in Honor or in Memory of a loved one.

Checks should be made out to St. Paul LWML, the cost is $7.00 each.

You may also donate to the Altar guild separately by submitting a check made out to St. Paul LWML

Lynn Mathweg, Director

With Christmas fast approaching, it's time to remember our homebound with cards and phone calls. Our

homebound members are looking forward to the upcoming holidays and hearing from you. Bette Hand, Pat Churchill,

Margie Derr, Pastor Len Galster, LaVerne Jaeger, Don and Betty Kitzman remain at home. Mary Yackle and Leroy

Johnson are at Riverview Terrace. Carolee Fourtner is at Manor House. Carol Anderson is at Curry Manor. Remember

to keep these friends in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you also to those who have continued to keep our homebound uplifted in prayer.

If you have questions or concerns please contact Lynn Mathweg at 541 672-8694

Happy birthday, Jesus!

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Youth Group Update

Youth Group Christmas party Wed., Dec. 17th

6:30-8:30pm at the Timothy House.

Bring some snacks to share and a white elephant gift for the gift exchange.

See you there!

Pastor Andrew’s sermons air every Tuesday at 12:40 pm on

KGRV radio 700 AM and can be downloaded anytime from our

website. CDs are also available from the church office

Mite Sock Sunday Don’t forget to bring your Mite Socks on Sunday

December 7st If you forget your sock, you may

give the collected money to a LWML member the

following Sunday

The North Roseburg Growth Group is again purchasing gifts for the residents of Casa de Belen.

There is a tree in the entry with the needed gifts written on tags. If you would like to assist us in our efforts,

please take a tag and return the gift, un-wrapped, to the box on the hearth marked “Casa de belen Gifts” by

Sunday December 14th. Some of the gifts are more expensive than others. Two or more couples (or families) might

go together to purchase those.

We thank you in advance for your willingness to help us reach out in love to those less fortunate than ourselves.

If you have any questions, please call Elaine Warren at 541-580-0303

Prayer shawls Just a reminder, we have prayer shawls

available to give to friends, family and those

in need. Our prayer shawls were created by

hand and stitched with prayers of love, hope,

comfort and joy. The shawls are a gift, a hug

from God. We pray that the shawl will bring

blessings of warmth and the knowledge that

they are loved.

Contact Lynn Mathweg at or 541-672-8694.

Sleeping Mats for the Homeless

We have several members who are joining Heidi

and Charitee Voohees in crocheting sleeping mats

for the homeless here in Douglas County. If you

would like to join this very worthwhile

project, directions to create mats will be

provided. Contact Lynn Mathweg at 541-672-8694

or Otherwise you can help

by bringing your plastic grocery bags to church. It

takes 500 to 700 to create a mat so, any bags you

donate would be appreciated. Bags can be left in

the fireside room.

This is an ongoing project and bags are always


Page 5

St. Paul Lutheran Church -

Multi-Aged Bible Class A class that reads and discusses different sections of the Bible together.

Meets Sundays and 9:00 AM, all year long in the Library at St. Paul Lutheran School’s building.

Single and Couples (childcare available) A group open to all that discusses the sermon text from Sunday in more detail and how to approach application in their own


Meets the 1st Friday of each month at 6pm for a potluck and time in the word at the Timothy House or Pastor Andrew’s

home. For information contact Pastor Andrew Farhat at

Multi-Age Del Rio Group is open to all and meets every Monday at 7 PM to discuss the sermon from Sunday in more detail and to help

make applicable to our lives. Call Mike at 541-430-7925 for more information.

Sutherlin Group is open to all and meets every Tuesday at 2:00 PM.

Call Kyle at 541-459-2385 for more information

West Harvard Group is a group open to all and meets every Tuesday at 1:30 PM.

Call Glenn at 541-957-0947 for more information.

Life Light Bible Study. They meet in the West Roseburg Area on Tuesdays at 2PM..

The leader and contact is Jim Kuether at 503-260-5972 email is:

Men’s Multi-Age McMennamins Group

A group that discusses Scripture based books that are related to the meaning and application of the Bible in one’s life.

Meets every 3rd

Friday 6:30 p.m. at McMennamins in Roseburg, contact Phil Hu at 541-863-9749 or

for more information.

Women’s Multi-Age Garden Valley Group, Women of God’s word growing in the knowledge of God.

Open to all women. Currently reading through The Vine Speaks.

Meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 PM. Call Barbara at 541-672-6302 for more information.

Winchester (North Roseburg) Group

Through our weekly Bible study, we will be drawn closer to God; through fellowship, we will be a blessing to one another;

by giving of our time and talents, we will make a difference to others in our community.

Meets every Thursday at 9:30 AM. Call Elaine at 541-672-0477 for more information.

Christian Book Study- This group gives women a chance to get together and read Christian books.

Then using scripture find practical ways to apply these lessons to everyday life.

Meets every second Monday 6:30 p.m. at Timothy house. Call Sherri at 541-863-9750 for time and place.

LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) The mission of the (LWML) is to assist each women of The Lutheran

Church- Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to

the people of the world

Meets the 1st Thursday of the Month in the Timothy House. Contact Barb Campbell @ 541 672-2976 for time.

Teens Group A group of teenagers seeking fellowship and relevant application of the Bible in their lives. Once students finish

confirmation class they are encouraged and expected to get connected with this group.

Meets every Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Timothy House. Contact Dave at 541-580-3900 for more information.

Children’s Church Classes for children ages 4-8 to learn about the Bible.

Sundays during the first half of the service. Meets in the educational wing just past the elevator.

Confirmation A group open to 6

th- 8

th grade students who want to learn the major doctrines of the Christian faith in preparation for

receiving their first communion. Meets Sundays at 9:20 am in the Music Room at St. Paul

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MacKenzie Fitzsimmons

Jacqueline Janzen

Gary Wilfong

Aysha True

David Larecy

Glen (G.O.) Pederson

MaryLou Carroll

Marjorie Derr

Vicky Kuester

Derek Simmons

Michael Brosius

Denny Napier

Addison Weckerle

Amy Felker

Emanuel Skarlatos

Shirley Triber

Allessondra Belloir

Sinah Pederson

Jeffrey Nelson

Todd Hinrichs

Joyce Kuether

Jack Bass

Marilyn Makela

Thomas Murray

Gene Kemp

Meet with Pastor Andrew

every other Wednesday

in the sanctuary at 1:15pm

for a time of dedicated


for our church and school

December 2

December 3

December 4

December 5

December 6

December 8

December 12

December 15

December 15

December 15

December 18

December 18

December 18

December 19

December 19

December 20

December 21

December 21

December 22

December 23

December 23

December 29

December 29

December 30

December 31

Christmas Eve Service

December 24th at 5:00pm

Christmas Day Service

December 25th at both the

8:30 and 10:30am services

Pastor Andrew & Daisy Farhat December 4

Robert & Lois Ford December 11

Bob & Joyce Aldrich December 17

Thomas & Kay Murray December 22

David & Lynn Mathweg December 27

December Calendar Events Sundays: Worship Services

8:30 Traditional

10:30 Contemporary

Coffee/lemonade and cookies will be served after each


Children’s Church & Nursery is only offered

at the 10:30 service.


Prayer Team 1:15 pm


Quilting 9:00 am

LWML meeting 1st Thursday at Noon, Timothy House

Elders meeting 2nd

Thursday 6:00 pm

School Ministry Team 2nd

Sunday 9:00 am

Parent Teacher Organization 2nd

Th. 5:30 pm

Finance Committee 3rd

Thursday Noon

Special dates November 30 First Sunday of Advent

December 7 Second Sunday of Advent

December 14 Third Sunday of Advent

December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 24 Christmas Eve

December 25 Christmas Day

If we have missed your birthday or anniversary

Please contact the Church office.

We may not have your information in our computer.

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