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    Supervised by

    Dr. Hans van Ees

    This paper was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters of

    Business Administration (MBA) degree at the Maastricht School of Management (MSM),

    Maastricht, the Netherlands, May 2009.

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    This thesis is displayed at the library of the FHR Lim A Po Institute, Paramaribo, to optimize

    added value to the reader and to leverage his/her knowledge in the subject covered. For

    further information about the theses, their contents, value, grade and overall quality, you are

    advised to contact the Academic Degrees Programs Managera

    a Copyright Shung Tak Chan, 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the author.

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    I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to my thesis advisor,

    Dr. Hans van Ees, for his tremendous guidance and support through my research.

    To my employer N.V. EBS for giving me the opportunity and support to enrich my

    knowledge and skills through this MBA course.

    My sincerest appreciation to all the participants in the interviews who gave freely of their

    valuable time. These participants are from N.V. EBS, Suralco and SPCS.

    I also owe deep appreciation to Mr. Hans Lim A Po and his administrative team from FHR

    Lim A Po Institute, for their tremendous guidance, support and good accommodations


    Finally, to my ever loving family, especially my wife Iris and my sons Yau Tchu and Yau Fa

    for their patience, support and encouragement all the times.

    Sincerest thanks to all.

    Shung Tak CHAN

    May 2009


    Electrical energy is in this modern world indispensable. This commodity cannot be stored and

    needs to be generated at the instant when it is needed. The customers also demand for

    continuity and reliability of this commodity. Historical data shows that blackouts and rolling

    blackouts (i.e. load shedding) are results from shortages of electrical power in the power


    The Surinamese electrical energy sector is regulated. One vertically integrated electricity

    company N.V. EBS provides the service through its generation, transmission and

    distribution sections. In addition, electrical energy is purchased through PPAs with IPPs

    which N.V. EBS is very dependent on. This company is the sole supplier of this commodity

    and has to protect its reputation.

    Can N.V. EBS (as a monopolist) guarantee a delivery of continuous and reliable electrical

    energy? The problem statement is how to achieve an optimal guarantee of electrical energy

    supply to customers in Suriname. The guarantee is a direct derivative from the conditions of

    the power plants. The general objective of this study is to help the N.V. EBS to understand

    the involved risks of the different interconnected power plants for optimal dispatching of

    electrical energy. In order to improve the service of electrical energy supply, an integral

    approach for the identification of existing and potential risk factors of the power plants is

    conducted where the role and the risky ness of the power plants are determined. This

    information will give better insight for the N.V. EBS in order to transform into a sound


    The method use in the research is a top-down approach with the pre-determined variables or

    sets of variables from the research questions, related to the objectives of the research i.e. the

    role of the different power plants, risk models, risk factors, ranking and prioritization. Data

    gathering is done through interviews with experts and management in the generating section

    of the power plants. An integral methodological approach of the assessed risks is defined and

    tested for N.V. EBS. The transformation into a sound dispatcher is described with the

    organizational changes needed to achieve this goal for N.V. EBS.

  • vi

    The overall finding is that N.V. EBS can guarantee continuous and reliable electrical energy.

    The guarantee lays in the defining of the weighting matrix of the power plants in risky ness

    that serves as and input for the improved methodological framework with decision tree for

    dispatching electrical energy by N.V. EBS. These topics are the centre focus of this research

    and are in details in this paper further described.

  • vii


    Figure 1 General overview of the flow of electrical energy from generating to

    transmission to distribution and to customer......2

    Figure 2 Suriname energy consumption forecast......3

    Figure 3 Research model for the thesis topic8

    Figure 4 AU-NZ Risk Process....14

    Figure 5 General risk-based maintenance (RBM) model ..17

    Figure 6 Enterprise Risk Scorecard.19

    Figure 7 A block diagram illustrates the research design...22

    Figure 8 A methodological framework and decision tree for

    dispatching electrical energy53

    Figure 9 Improved methodological framework with decision tree

    for dispatching electrical energy...54


    Table 1 Weighting matrix of the categories vs. the power plants..51

  • viii




    Power was lost completely

    Brokopondo Agreement:

    A power purchase agreement of Hydro electrical energy between Suralco LLC and Suriname.

    Annually the amount of 800 GWh of electrical energy is dispatched.

    GWh (Gigawatt-hour):

    One billion watt-hours of electrical energy. A unit of electrical energy, which equals one

    gigawatt of power used for one hour.

    Load shedding or rolling blackout:

    Controlled way of rotating available generation capacity between various districts or

    customers, thus avoiding wide area total blackouts

    MW Megawatts:

    The unit of measure for active power in power systems. When only linear loads are

    considered, this quantity is an indication of the amount of power. This power is the sum of

    the losses and also the actual rate at which work has been done by the electrical energy in

    turning motors and obtaining mechanical energy etc. A 1000 kilowatts make up one

    megawatt or MW.

    MWh Megawatt-hour:

    The unit of measure for electrical energy. It is the amount of electrical energy, which is

    consumed by a load or is generated by a generator. It is equivalent to the situation when the

    rate of electricity demand or supply (also called the power) is one megawatt and is sustained

    for a one-hour period by the load or generator. It is also equivalent to 3600 Mega joules of


  • ix


    The Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition system. In process control, programmable

    logic controllers (PLCs) pass information to the central SCADA system, which collates and

    presents it to an operator who then has a systems view of the plants control system. The

    operator then uses the information from the SCADA system to implement control changes to

    the control system using this same SCADA system.


    DEV Dienst Electriciteitsvoorziening

    ERM Enterprise Risk Management

    EPAR Energie voorziening Paramaribo

    COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

    GDP Gross Domestic Product

    HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

    HMI Human Machine Interface

    ICT Information and communication technology

    IPP Independent Power Producer

    ISO International Organization for Standardization

    kV kilo Volts

    N.V. EBS N.V. Energie Bedrijven Suriname

    SPCS Staatsolie Power Company Suriname

    SBU Strategic Business Unit

    PPA Power Purchase Agreement

    RBM Risk Based Maintenance Model

    ROI Return On Investment


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ iv


    LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................vii


    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................1

    1.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Background information....................................................................... 2

    1.3 Scope of research.................................................................................. 6 1.3.1 Research area ............................................................................................... 6

    1.3.2 Reason for choosing this topic ..................................................................... 6

    1.3.3 Research problem ........................................................................................ 6

    1.3.4 Validity in management field....................................................................... 7

    1.3.5 Research objectives ...................................................................................... 7

    1.3.6 Research main question ............................................................................... 7

    1.3.7 Research central questions .......................................................................... 7

    1.3.8 Research model ............................................................................................ 7

    1.4 Limitations ........................................................................................... 8

    CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW (A description of

    alternative approaches to risk) .............................................................. 10

    2.1 General............................................................................................... 10

    2.2 Risk in different industries.................................................................. 11 2.2.1 Industries.................................................................................................... 11

    2.2.2 Categories of risks...................................................................................... 11

    2.2.3 Sub-summary ............................................................................................. 12

    2.3 Probabilistic vs. Subjective framework............................................... 12 2.3.1 Sub-summary ............................................................................................. 13

    2.4 Risk models........................................................................................ 13 2.4.1 COSO ERM................................................................................................ 13

  • xi

    2.4.2 AU-NZ Risk model..................................................................................... 13

    2.4.3 Risk-based maintenance (RBM) model..................................................... 15

    2.4.4 Real-Time Risk Based Model .................................................................... 17

    2.4.5 Enterprise Risk Scorecard Model ............................................................. 19

    2.4.6 Sub-summary ............................................................................................. 20

    2.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 20

    CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................... 22

    3.1 General............................................................................................... 22

    3.2 Research material ............................................................................... 23

    3.3 Research technique............................................................................. 23 3.3.1 Method and data ........................................................................................ 23

    3.3.2 Sample ........................................................................................................ 23

    3.3.3 Reliability ................................................................................................... 24

    3.3.4 Analyzing data ........................................................................................... 24

    CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS............................................................................................... 25

    4.1 General............................................................................................... 25

    4.2 Power plant SPCS .............................................................................. 25 4.2.1 Data set ....................................................................................................... 25

    4.2.2 Findings ...................................................................................................... 26

    4.2.3 Summary .................................................................................................... 28

    4.3 Suralco ............................................................................................... 29 4.3.1 Data set ....................................................................................................... 29

    4.3.2 Findings ...................................................................................................... 30

    4.3.3 Summary .................................................................................................... 31

    4.4 EBS .................................................................................................... 32 4.4.1 Data set ....................................................................................................... 32

    4.4.2 Findings ...................................................................................................... 33

    4.4.3 Summary .................................................................................................... 34

    4.5 Dispatch Centre .................................................................................. 35 4.5.1 Data set ....................................................................................................... 35

  • xii

    4.5.2 Findings ...................................................................................................... 36

    4.5.3 Summary .................................................................................................... 36

    4.6 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 37

    CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 38

    5.1 General............................................................................................... 38

    5.2 Part one: Unitization, Categorization and

    Inferences of findings for answering the research

    main questions ................................................................................... 39 5.2.1 Research Central Question 1 ..................................................................... 40

    5.2.3 Research Central Question 2 ..................................................................... 42

    5.2.4 Research Central Question 3 ..................................................................... 44

    5.2.5 Research Central Question 4 ..................................................................... 47

    5.2.6 Research Central Question 5 ..................................................................... 48

    5.3 Part one: Conclusion........................................................................... 50

    5.4 Part two: Implementation of the results from part one to EBS. .......... 51 5.4.1 Research Central Question 6 ..................................................................... 52

    5.4.2 Research Central Question 7 ..................................................................... 55

    5.5 Summary ............................................................................................ 55


    AND FUTURE RESEARCH ................................................................. 57

    6.1 General............................................................................................... 57

    6.2 Conclusions ........................................................................................ 57 6.2.1 Role of the power plants ............................................................................ 58

    6.2.2 Risk models, risk factors, ranking and prioritization............................... 59

    6.2.3 Dispatch Centre.......................................................................................... 60

    6.2.4 Changes in the organization of EBS.......................................................... 60

    6.3 Recommendations .............................................................................. 61

    6.4 Future research ................................................................................... 62

    REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 63

  • xiii

    APPENDIX 1 LIST OF INTERVIEWEES OF SPCS................................................... 65

    APPENDIX 2 LIST OF INTERVIEWEES OF SURALCO ......................................... 66

    APPENDIX 3 LIST OF INTERVIEWEES OF EBS..................................................... 67


    THE DISPATCH CENTRE OF EBS ..................................................... 68


    1.1 GENERAL

    The role of the power plants is very important for the continuous and reliable electrical energy

    supply, which is important for the development of the country. It is unimagined to stay

    without electricity in todays high tech and modern world. The electrical energy sector has

    two forms namely de-regulated and regulated. Globally the trend is to move to de-regulated

    electrical energy environment. This is already highly improved in many developed countries.

    Still in many developing countries, the Government controls the electrical energy sector. This

    structure, as the case of Suriname, may result in a not optimal service of the electrical energy.

    The problem statement is how to achieve an optimal guarantee of electrical energy supply to

    customers in Suriname. The guarantee is a direct derivative from the conditions of the power

    plants. In order to improve the service of electrical energy supply, an integral approach for

    the identification of existing and potential risk factors of the power plants will be conducted.

    The inputs of these identified risks from the different power plants will give better insight for

    the N.V. Energie Bedrijven Suriname (from this point on mentioned as EBS) in order to

    transform into a sound dispatcher.

    Risks are present in every stage, from the planning phase to the design and construction phase

    and in the expansion phase. It is therefore important to identify risk factors in every stage,

    understanding them and put control mechanism to mitigate them. This will benefit the

    organization in performance and avoid negative criticism. Also by not proper understanding

    this issue will lead to loosing opportunities and facing with choosing the improper decisions,

    actions and planning. This will result in higher costs, inefficiency and ineffectively in the


    To understand the risks of the different plants in Suriname, an analysis of the regulated

    energy environment is necessary. It is important to distinguish the different role of the power

    plants in a regulated energy environment and understand how the risk appetites are



    Electrical energy is important for the development of the economy of a country. It is a

    cornerstone on which the economy and the daily lives of the Surinamese citizens depend.

    This essential commodity has no substitute and cannot easily be stored, so it must be

    produced at the same instant it is consumed.

    The basic processes of electrical energy consist of a generating part, a transmission part and a

    distribution part as it is depicted in figure 1.

    Figure 1 General overview of the flow of electrical energy from generating to transmission

    to distribution and to customer.

    The generating part is in the power plant and may include steam turbines, diesel engines, or

    hydraulic turbines connected to alternators that generate AC electricity. Generators produce

    three-phase current at voltages ranging from 2,000 to 24,000 volts. This electricity must be

    transformed to higher voltages for efficient long-distance transmission.

    The transmission part is the interconnection between power stations, through underground

    cables and overhead lines, and is terminate at substations.

    The distribution part is where the voltage in the substations is reduced to the primary

    distribution voltage e.g. from 33 kV to 12 kV. This voltage is then supplied directly to large

    industrial users or is further transformed down to e.g. 227 V / 127 V for local distribution.

  • 3The goal of the modern-day power systems is to generate and deliver electrical energy to

    customer as reliably, economically, and safely as possible while maintaining the important

    operating parameters (voltage, frequency, and phase angles) within permissible limits.

    The electrical energy sector in Suriname is still regulated by the Government. In a regulated

    market, the regulator decides the electricity price charged to consumers. Regulated electrical

    energy systems have been facing major challenges to generate enough resources for future

    development to cope up with the demand growth of electrical energy. Figure 2 gives the

    predicted relation of the base-, low and high scenarios of energy consumption against time

    for the Surinamese situation.

    Figure 2 Suriname energy consumption forecast Source: IDB study 2008

    EBS is fully Government-owned and has the monopoly position in the transmission and

    distribution of electrical energy to customers consisting of households (88%), commercials

    (9%) and industries (3%).

    The power plants, which are contributing to the electrical grid, are:

    - The EBS;

    A Government-owned company with its thermal power plant.

  • 4- The Suralco LLC;

    A subsidiary of Alcoa with its hydro- and thermal power plants. Part for the

    generated electrical energy is for own consumption for the refinery and melt

    shops. The rest of the available electrical energy is for the State according to the

    Brokopondo agreement and transferred to EBS for further transmission and


    - The SPCS (Staatsolie Power Company Suriname);

    An Independent Power Producer with its thermal power plant. The generated

    electrical energy is available for EBS for further transmission and distribution.

    - Dienst Elektriciteitsvoorziening (DEV);

    Small thermal power stations operated by Ministry of Natural Resources for rural

    areas and the interior.

    While there may be some commonalities among the risk factors in the generating section of the

    different power plants, each risk is unique as for the different roles they play in the regulated


    History has shown that the electrical energy sector in Suriname has many shortcomings.

    These shortcomings relate to the generating capacity of the power plants.

    In late 2004 there where shortages of generating capacity from power plant of Suralco due to

    low lake level at the hydro-dam. Emergency power in the form of mobile containerize units

    where forced to be hired at an instant from the company Aggreko. The director of NH

    (natural resources) stated that this action was to mitigate the shortages of electrical energy

    and to prevent blackouts (where power was lost completely) and load shedding" or a rolling

    blackout (controlled way of rotating available generation capacity between various districts

    or customers, thus avoiding wide area total blackouts). The Governments opinion was that

    Suralco power plant should contribute electrical energy according to the Brokopondo

    agreement for 800 GWh annually. Suralcos defence was that the low lake level the result

    was of a drought, an act of God, and thus classified as force majeure (Staat en Suralco oneens

    over verdeling kosten generatoren, De Ware Tijd; 02/02/2005). In the end, both parties had to

    split the bill for the services of the emergency power. In this case, the compliance and

    operation risks were present.

  • 5Another shortcoming was, when the power plant of EBS could no longer guarantee the

    electrical energy due to the increasing diesel fuel price (Stroomlevering verder onder druk.

    Loadshedding onvermijdelijk, De Ware Tijd; 10/18/2008). EBS was not allowed to adapt it

    electrical energy tariff with the rising fossil fuel price. The tariff is still controlled and

    decided by the Government (EBS niet happy met voorstel energiecommissie, De Ware Tijd;

    06/08/2006). In this case, the operation risk was present.

    Due to the generating capacity struggle of EBS, an Independent Power Producer (SPCS) was

    granted the concession right by the Government to generate electrical energy also (Staatsolie

    bouwt elektriciteitscentrale voor energielevering aan EBS, De Ware Tijd; 05/06/2005). In

    this case, the strategic risk was present.

    In August 2006, SPCS went into operation with a contractual PPA (power purchase

    agreement) between EBS and SPCS for purchasing 100 GWh of electrical energy annually.

    This agreement did not execute effectively until today. As in the months that follow, heavy

    seasonal rain was filling the lake at the hydro-dam with high speed that there was a threat of

    excessive water, which had to be spilled in avoiding critical operation of the turbines. The

    Government intervened by dealing with Suralco to expand the purchasing contact to prevent

    spilling and waste of resources (hydro) and avert a float in the villages in vicinity and

    downstream of the dam. With this intervention, EBS made great use of cheaper hydro

    electrical energy and was able to manage its cash flow better by using less thermal generation

    with fossil fuel (EBS zit goed op stroom, De Ware Tijd; 06/06/2008). In this case, the

    strategic-, compliance and operation risks were present.

    On October 5, 2008, EBS announced through news ads and TV spots to the households and

    industries to reduce the electrical energy consumption. The reason was that the power plant

    of Suralco had to reduce its generating capacity due to preventive maintenance at the hydro-

    dam (Verlaagde weekend-energie door daminspectie Suralco, De Ware Tijd; 10/06/2008). As

    in this case, the dependency on one big power plant is crucial. In this case, the operation risk

    was present.

    The historical data has shown that in certain times there is not enough generating capacity

    from the power plants. This is always the case when demand does not match supply. The

  • 6consequences are discontinuity of electrical energy supply, rolling blackouts (cutting off

    electrical energy at interval) and in the worst case a total blackout.

    As there are more cases and the list can goes on and on, it is clear from the mentioned

    shortcomings that running power plants deals with risk and opportunities. An integral

    approach in identifying the risk factors of the generating section of all the power plants and

    dealing them with proper will assure better electrical energy for the Surinamese citizens.

    The motto of every stakeholder must be Let there be continuous light.


    The customers have constantly questioned the quality of service provided by the electricity

    company EBS. Todays customers do not tolerate poor quality or discontinuity of electricity.

    The guarantee of good service lies primary in the performance of the power plants. These are

    the places where the electrical energy is generated. It is therefore of great importance to asses

    the risks factors associated with the operation and strategic of the power plants. In the next

    paragraphs, the outline of this research will be discussed.

    1.3.1 Research area

    The research area is the associated risk in the generating section of different power plants and

    their role in the regulated electrical energy environment.

    1.3.2 Reason for choosing this topic

    A continuous and reliable electrical energy service is important for the electricity company.

    Electricity is a commodity, has no substitute, and cannot be stored. The demand of electrical

    energy must be generated in the power plants at the same moment. If the demand-supply

    equation is not managed in an adequate manner, there will be total blackouts or rolling

    blackouts (cutting off electrical energy at interval). Shortages, breakdowns and maintenances

    are major aspects to consider as these factors influence the demand-supply equation.

    1.3.3 Research problem

    Can EBS (as a monopolist) guarantee a delivery of continuous and reliable electrical energy?

    There should be a thorough understanding of the generating capacities of the different power

    plants and their future developments.

  • 71.3.4 Validity in management field

    Understanding the risk factors of the power plants will lead to creating and setting up control

    mechanism to mitigate these risk factors. This will guarantee the continuous and reliable

    electrical energy services. For the companies the benefits will be a positive financial position,

    avoiding and minimizing negative critics, operational effectiveness and contributing to

    economic growth.

    1.3.5 Research objectives

    To assess the current and potential risk factors in the different power plants

    Formulate an alternative methodological approach to assure a better or excellent

    energy supply service by EBS

    To assess the organizational changes required for EBS to transform into a sound


    1.3.6 Research main question

    Can the supply of electrical energy be improved through an integral methodological approach

    by using the assessed risks factors of the different power plants?

    1.3.7 Research central questions

    What is the role of the different generating sections of the power plants in a regulated


    Which risk models do the power plants pursue?

    What are the existing and potential risk factors?

    What is the operation and maintenance philosophy?

    Are the different risks prioritized and what are the criteria?

    How can EBS as the dispatcher of electrical energy guarantees improvement with the

    integral methodological approach of the assessed risk factors?

    What are the organizational changes required for EBS to transform into a sound


    1.3.8 Research model

    The research model is depicted in figure 3. The approach is to focus only on the strategic and

    operation risks in the power plants that are relevant for the performances. There are also

    financial risks but these will be limited in this research. The primary focus is thus the

  • 8continuous and reliable service of electrical energy contributed by the different power plants.

    An assessment of the strategic and operation risks for the different power plants are then

    conducted with in mind the different role they fulfill in the regulated energy environment.

    Figure 3 Research model for the thesis topic.

    The next step is to identify the crucial risks and then tries to incorporate in the electricity

    company (EBS) risk-base for a better understanding and judgment to optimize strategic and

    operation performances. EBS is the sole provider (monopolist) of electrical energy directly to

    customers and is accountable for this service. The integral methodological approach of the

    assessed risks will be formulated and tested in EBS. This will result in a transformation of

    EBS into a sound dispatcher thus optimize the performances and mitigate poor services. The

    follow-up is to establish the conclusions and recommendations for eventually organizational

    changes if implementing this formulated methodology.


    The limitation of this research is that the results are case specific and may not be applicable

    for other similar industries. The limitations are:

    Monopolistic position of EBS

    Surinamese regulated electrical energy environment

    Distinguish only the role of the power plants in the regulated energy environment and

    not the structure.








    plant 1


    plant n











  • 9There is no international interconnection between the transmission networks.

    Interconnected power plants in the EPAR (Energie voorziening Paramaribo i.e.

    supply of energy to Paramaribo and surroundings) system.

    The recommended process changes for EBS are limited to Power Plant and Dispatch

    sections in mitigating operations and strategic risk.

  • 10

    CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW (A description of alternative approaches to risk)

    2.1 GENERAL

    This Chapter deals with some related background information on risks for this research.

    Various studies have been done on identifying the risk factors in different industries. Many

    policies and strategies regarding risk management have been developed to mitigate failure

    rate and uncertainty. Various models are adopted in the environment specific situations such

    as the case in the electrical energy environment.

    The literature study begins with the description of risks involving in all kind of industries.

    The identification of risks is a process where the generic ERM framework, a well-known and

    used model, is pursued by all industries for managing risks and mitigates the impact on the

    business. Different industries have different risks, but identification and handling process of

    these risks factors may be the same. For the identification purposes, risks are grouped in

    major risk areas and sub-areas.

    Once the risks are identified and categorized the next step is to assess the probability and

    consequence. This is done in a probabilistic- and a subjective framework and the results are

    then prioritized.

    A company can pursue several risk models. For enterprise level approaches, the generic

    models like the COSO ERM and the Australian New Zealand risk model has been proven

    to work for the electrical energy sector. For businesses with valuable assets as in the power

    plant, a more comprehensive and in-depth framework at micro level is being used. This

    framework is based on the justification whether and when to plan a maintenance on a system

    and sub-system. The data collection and input for this risk-based maintenance model is

    nowadays improved with the development and aid of ICT (information and communication

    technology). Real-time data is collected and processed for better judgment by the decision-

    makers. At the end, the success of a business is measured through several indices related with

    the overall performance and the risks assessment. These factors must be balanced and

    managed which can be done with the Enterprise Risk Scorecard model to create value for all


  • 11


    2.2.1 Industries

    Risk has been recognized and dealt with several industries e.g. process plants, transportation,

    pipelines, environment, health etc. (Taylor J., 1994). Risk is defined in the different industries

    as the probability of loss. These losses may be of many kinds: loss of opportunity,

    production, equipment failure or breakdown, environmental damage, injury e.g., which have

    an overall impact on the financial status of the company. Every industry has different risks

    but the handling of these risks can be the same with the overall and general objectives to

    mitigate and eliminate risks. The objectives of the power plants are to manage the resource

    inflows and identify the impact of their disruption or termination, contingencies and

    measurements etc., then consider how best to manage and minimize or eliminate the risk

    factors. The resource inflow can be fossil fuel, scheduled preventive maintenance (PM),

    environment issues etc.

    2.2.2 Categories of risks

    The awareness of risk has changed in the recent years (Mitchell and Jones, 2007). In todays

    business, one has to consider the multiple sources and type of risks he or she might

    encounter. A strategy has to be developed to mitigate these risks. This will not be reached

    only with the increasingly hours spent in boardroom brainstorming about risks, but every

    organization should develop risk policies for each risk category and having fully accountable

    risk owners.

    As in the different industries, risks are divided into major areas and sub-areas for

    identification purposes. General the three main categories of risks are:

    1. Catastrophic risk, 2. Strategic risk and 3. Operational risk.

    These risks have the probability of resulting in failures for the business. These failures are not

    mutually exclusive. Catastrophic risk has to do with impact on the business due to external

    (originate in the business environment) and internal factors (originate within the company).

    Strategic risk is when a company pursues an inappropriate strategy or drifting away from the

    core missions. This will result in exhaustion of recourses with losses at the bottom line.

    Operational risk is when the company cannot deliver its products or services to key

    stakeholders in a satisfaction way.

    Moeller R. (2007) has a more comprehensive approach of the business risk model.

  • 12

    There are four main risks Strategic, Operation, Finance, and Information , which are

    further subdivided into relevant risks in the main categories. Some examples are Process risk,

    Compliance risk, People risk, Credit risk, Technological risk etc. Thus, the risks are classified

    as the result of the impact and the effect that it has on business.

    2.2.3 Sub-summary

    The involvement of risks is in every industry present. Different industries encounter different

    kind of risks but the approach of risk identification and risk response may be the same. For

    identification purposes, risks are divided in major areas and sub-areas. The result of a risk is

    the probability of failure for a business.


    The next step in the development of a risk model after categorizing the risks, is to assess the

    two measurable parameters involving each risk namely probability (or likelihood) and

    consequences (or occurrences). Weighting of these factors depends on individual (or group)

    perceptions and interpretation of risk and on historical data and events. An overall detail of

    knowledge of the studied environment is needed.

    In the electrical energy sector, risk is approached in a probabilistic and subjective framework.

    A probabilistic risk framework emphasizes a statistically descriptive form and is very

    complex, while the subjective framework imposes lack of robustness, transparency and

    repeatability because of no formal structured approach to include risk (G. Latorre, R. Cruz, J.

    Areiz, and A. Villegas, 2003).

    The probabilistic framework uses differently structured approaches like the Monte Carlo

    simulations, Fault trees and Event trees analyses. These structuring approaches define the

    failure logic to quantify the probability or likelihood of critical failures. These approaches are

    well-used techniques especially for random systems and equipment failure interval in a power

    plant. It is indented for internal risk factors because they can be easily accessed and

    controlled within its boundaries to mitigation core business damages.

    A subjective framework has the advantage of capturing the subject matter expertise from the

    plant operators and managers in their daily operations. This group, because of their daily

    involvement and expertise, must formulate the best-input data and defining risk appetite. The

    disadvantage is that the dependence on the operators and managers is high, thus more

    subjective and this can influence the outcome of the analyses. This is the effect of missing a

  • 13

    formal structured risk approach. The consequence is that this approach will lead to individual

    perception and interpretation of risk.

    Nevertheless, the subjective risk framework is a frequently used approach in the power plants

    because certain events are not yet recorded or missing, for example new installed equipments

    where failure rate is unknown. Assigning a probability in these cases is not possible.

    2.3.1 Sub-summary

    The weighting process of the identified risks is done with a probabilistic- and subjective

    framework. The advantages and disadvantages of both frameworks are briefly discussed. For

    the electrical energy section, the subjective framework is the most commonly used model.


    This paragraph will focus on the applicable risk models for the thesis topic.

    2.4.1 COSO ERM

    For any activity whether implementation of a project, changing in condition and daily and

    routine operation, risk is the only given certainty. It is important to identify measure, assess

    and mitigate the effect of such risk. It is therefore not surprising that also the electrical energy

    section applies risks assessment and management (Wenyuen Li, 2005). In todays world, risk

    cannot be managed in silos. As in a regulated electrical energy sector where an electricity

    company is typical vertical integrated (generation, transmission, distribution), a paradigm

    shift from silos approach to an enterprise level approach has to be realized. That is why it is

    recommended that the electricity companies should pursue the COSO risk model for

    achieving enterprise level risk management (online available at (2004).

    2.4.2 AU-NZ Risk model

    A commonly used risk model for the electrical energy sector is the AU-NZ (Australian

    New Zealand) risk model (Risk management handbook, AS/NZS 4360:2004). The AU-NZ

    risk model provides a comprehensive framework for treatment of risk. This model imposes a

    generic one and is independent of any specific industry or economic sector. The design and

    implementation of risk management system are influenced by the various needs of an

    organization, its particular objectives, its products and services, and the processes and

  • 14

    specific practices employed. In figure 4 is the AU-NZ risk process depicted. As the figure

    shows, there are seven steps approaches Establish the context, Identify Risks, Analyze

    risks, Evaluate the risk, Communicate & Consult, and Monitoring & Review.

    Figure 4 AU-NZ Risk Process

    Source: Risk Management Handbook, AS/NZS 2360:2004 handbook

    Establish the context is where strategy, culture and organizational structure play an important

    part. The risk appetite is derived from these factors.

    Identify risk is the phase where the current and possible risk events are being assess with

    questions like what and how.








    Establish the context

    The strategic context The organizational context The risk management context Develop criteria Decide the structure

    Identity Risks

    What can happen? How can it happen?

    Analyze Risks

    Determine existing controls





    Estimate Level of Risks

    Evaluate Risks

    Compare against criteria Set risk priorities



    Treat Risks

    Identify treatment options Evaluate treatment options Select treatment options Prepare treatment plans Implement plans




    NoAssess Risks

  • 15

    Analyze risks is the step where identified risk events are being analyzed and put against

    control plans to determine the likelihood and consequences.

    The next step is the evaluation phase where the criteria of the organization (risk appetite) are

    put against the results of the risk analyses. The outcome of this comparison is to accept risks

    or not. If risks are not accepted then treatment plans should be engaged to mitigate these

    effects. Communication, Consult, Monitoring and Review are constantly active throughout

    the whole process.

    This model is suitable for the power plants and the electricity company (Varadan S.,

    Mittelstadt W.A., Aggarwal R.K., VanZandt V., Silverstein B., 2008). The biggest challenge

    is to adopt these specified guidelines from the standards to the specific environment. The

    organizations culture and the ability to embrace changes play a crucial role of success

    because the model with it seven steps must be followed in the structural sequence. A cultural-

    and change management is therefore necessary.

    2.4.3 Risk-based maintenance (RBM) model

    The most important asset (key success factor) for a power plant is to have a good running and

    on time maintained piece of equipment. Managing and improving equipment availability with

    better prevention of failures will results in reliability and continuity in supply of electrical

    energy. Various studies have been done about equipment reliability improvement and

    management (Khan F., Haddara M., and Krishnasamy L., 2008). Many maintenance policies

    and strategies have been developed in order to minimize failure rate and improve equipments

    reliability and availability like corrective maintenance, scheduled maintenance, condition-

    based maintenance, and reliability-centered maintenance. The objective of these maintenance

    policies is to safeguard the availability of the system so they can perform as its required

    function at a given time or over a stated period of time. A well-known and general used Risk-

    based model (Arunraj J.M. (2007) is depicted in figure 5. The methodological approach here

    is to start with defining a major system and its subsystems. A major system in the power plant

    is comprised of several subsystems. The generator for example is a major system and rotating

    - , seal oil & lubricant -, cooling system is categorized as subsystems. The analysis is to focus

    on a total failure scenario and not on poor performance, or partial production scenarios. The

    next step is to investigate the failure modes of the system, and its associated subsystems

    (hazard estimation). The data-input comes from the power plants operators, which is then

    ranked in a fault trees and event trees. The quality of the input information depends greatly

    on human expertise, interest to the method and capability to access the information. In this

  • 16

    stage, the difference between continuous and non-continuous subsystems must be cleared.

    With non-continuous subsystems are meant components that are not designed to operate

    continuously, such as alarm, emergency, and standby systems. These subsystems may suffer

    failures while they are in a non-operating state. The failures are not detected until the system

    is called upon to operate. These failures are often caused by manufacturing defects, corrosion,

    or mechanical fractures. These failures affect the availability of the system. An effective

    inspection strategy is required to ensure the availability of the system when it is needed.

    After assessing the likelihood and consequences estimation, the result is analyzed in the risk

    evaluation phase and rank in high, medium and low risk units. The last two steps test the risk

    appetite of the organization and contingency policy in operation. A system must be secure for

    (n-1) contingency perspective to guarantee continuous operational. This approach (n-1) is a

    well-accepted planning practice where no loss of operation is experienced when any single

    component (for a possible n component) in the power plant fails. This means that there

    should be redundancy (reserve capacity) built in the system for continuously operation.

  • 17

    Figure 5 General risk-based maintenance (RBM) model

    Source: Arunraj, 2007

    2.4.4 Real-Time Risk Based Model

    The disadvantage of the earlier described Risk-Based Maintenance Model is that the quality

    of data input relies heavily on human factors. It should be emphasized that focusing on data

    retrieval and updated - as automatic as possible - to prevent risks analyses obsolescence, is

    very important.

    Divide the system in to manageable units

    Consider a unit

    Hazard analysis

    Likelihood estimation Consequence estimation

    Risk evaluation

    Identify high, medium and low risk units

    Is risk


    Is there any

    other unit?



    Maintenance planning





  • 18

    Real-Time Risk Monitors are now being used routinely to provide risk information for use by

    plant operators in managing the power plant more effective and efficient (Mili A., Hubac S.,

    Bassetto S., Siadat A., 2008).

    First, data is collected by software programs from the major and subsystems. The data

    generates risk information for use in the day-to-day management of operations and provides

    an input for maintenance planning. The objective is to ensure that these activities are

    scheduled in such a way that high peaks in the risk are avoided wherever possible and the

    cumulative risk is low. They provide information on which components should be returned to

    service before particular maintenance activities are carried out and which of the remaining

    operational components are the most important to ensuring plant safety during specific

    maintenance outages. There is even software programs to control and monitor systems

    (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) and its subsystems which are integrated for the

    whole power plant. The user friendly HMI makes decision making very simple with risk

    bands that is presented as risk information in the form of colored displays that give the user a

    clear visual indication of the level of risk. This is normally done using a four band scheme as


    - low risk band where maintenance can be carried out with no restrictions,

    - moderate risk band where maintenance needs to be completed quickly,

    - high risk band where severe time restrictions need to be imposed and compensatory

    measures may be required, and

    - unacceptable risk band which is not entered voluntarily and immediate action needs to

    be taken to reduce the risk.

    The risk information is sometimes presented in a three band scheme where the moderate and

    high bands are combined. Entering a higher risk band will also result in actions to heighten

    the awareness of plant personnel and often require higher levels of management involvement

    and approval to allow additional or continued maintenance activities.

    Second, with the automated collected data the power system operator can made on-line

    contingency analysis to provide a continuous assessment of current power system conditions

    and vulnerabilities. This analysis is automatically updated periodically (such as every 10 min)

    and may consider several hundred worst-case contingencies. Based upon this information, the

    probability of falling below (or above) plant acceptance criteria can be determined.

  • 19

    Financial risk Perspective

    Internal Business risk Perspective

    Innovation and learning risk Perspective

    Customer risk Perspective

    2.4.5 Enterprise Risk Scorecard Model

    An overall performance for the enterprise can be approach through several indices. As

    performances are measured through the Balance scorecard (Kaplan and Norton et al, 1996) so

    is also risks measured through the Enterprise Risk Scorecard. This model was adopted by

    Calandro and Lane (2006). The basic idea is that both performance and risk should be

    measured and managed to create value. Figure 6 depicts the Enterprise risk Scorecard.

    The electrical energy sector is regulated and thus the electricity tariff is fixed. The challenges

    for these power plants are to operate efficient, cutting down cost and mitigate risks. It is

    interesting to investigate in the power plants if the Enterprise Risk Scorecard is already

    applicable and applied. Literature survey shows further on that risk is an uncertain event that

    if occurs, has a negative effect on the objective of an organization. Managing risk is a process

    where all stakeholders are involved. Processes, tools and techniques should be developed to

    cope with risks. The process steps for risk management can be done with quantitative and

    qualitative risk analysis (Moeller R., 2007).

    Figure 6 Enterprise Risk Scorecard Source: Calandro and Lane

  • 20

    2.4.6 Sub-summary

    The generic COSO ERM and AU-NZ risk model are accepted in the electrical energy sector

    and are applied at macro level for assessing risks. At micro level, risks are assessed with the

    risk-based maintenance model. The enterprise risk scorecard is a model for expressing the

    performance and managing risk process in a scorecard.


    The literature review point out that risk is present in every business and industry. The

    assessment of risks involves every stakeholder of the organization. It starts with the

    companys vision and mission. To reach the target objectives of an organization, a balance

    between performance and managing risks should be maintained. Organization in todays

    business environment is dealing with risk in a broader way. Enterprise Risk Management is a

    common tool for doing business today.

    The overall objective for the power plant is to strive for continuity, reliability, and keeping

    least cost option. A very well known Risk-based maintenance model is used as a basis for the

    data collection, identification and evaluation. In the fast changing technology world, ICT

    simplifies the data collection of events and make the identification and ranking of risks easier

    and faster.

    In general, the electrical energy sector is facing many challenges. One is the constant pressure

    for more reliable and stabile power from the electricity provider(s). This is especially the case

    in a de-regulated electrical energy environment where the different entities - generation,

    transmission and distribution with separate owners have to operate efficient and effectively

    to reduce cost. In the de-regulated environment, the customers (end-users) have the obligation

    to choose and switch to any electrical energy provider. These providers search for the best

    offering from the power generating sections. Competition is encouraged alone the whole

    process line.

    On the other hand, in a regulated electrical energy sector one electricity company has been

    granted for the operation of the three entities: generation, transmission and distribution,

    which are vertically integrated in one company. This does not necessarily imply a monopoly,

    only that competition is regulated and less intense.

  • 21

    In both cases, the Government has put emphases on the utilities to guarantee continuously

    electrical energy because it affects the development of the economy, which results in socio

    benefit for the country.

    The objective of the different entities, generation, transmission and distribution, is to

    safeguard the electrical energy supply. This thesis will focus only at the primary source

    namely the power plants in Suriname where electrical energy is generated. As in the past

    there was only one power plant in Suriname, nowadays there are four power plants tide in the

    transmission grid. The development for the future is unpredictable and for now it is of

    importance to maximize the output of these power plants in a most efficient and effective

    way. Future incremental changes have to be considered and planned. To achieve this goal, the

    power plants have to identify the risk factors effecting their operation and strategic goals for

    pursuing the continuity of service to the whole nation without any interruption.

    The electricity company with its Dispatch Centre plays a crucial role in the demand-supply

    chain. It is in this centre where all the Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) are performed.

    This centre must be able to oversee in advance the availability of the different power plants,

    especially in the Surinamese case where there are few generating stations.

    In the process of identifying risk factors in the generating section of the power plants, the

    relationship and the applicability of the topics from the literature study are being investigated.

    The investigation consists of the following major steps:

    Determine the power plants existing vision and mission.

    Determine the power plants risk model

    Determine the evolvement of the used risk model

    Determine the major risk areas and sub-areas

    Determine the risks assessment and appetite

    Determine the process maintenance schedules

    Determine the relationship with the dispatcher of electrical energy (EBS)

    Further explanation on the investigation is described in the research methodology Chapter 3.

  • 22


    3.1 GENERAL

    This chapter explores the research technical design as depicted in figure 7 more in-depth.

    Figure 7 A block diagram illustrates the research design

    The research was conducted in the power plants of Suriname. The research strategy was to

    collect data by taking semi-structure interviews with the key persons responsible for the

    generating section of the power plants. The sample for the data collection consisted of

    operational-, maintenance and management staff. An individual and focus group semi-

    structure interview technique was used for more broad view where then the qualitative

    analysis approach was followed. In this phase the risk models or equivalent models of the

    power plants where reviewed and the similarities and differences were analyzed. An integral

    methodological approach of the assessed risks was defined and tested for EBS. The

    transformation into a sound dispatcher was described with the organizational changes needed

    to achieve this goal for EBS


    Interview for Identifing risk factors of the different power plants Plant A: .. Plant B: ..

    Literature review - risk models - industries - regulated environment - mitigation plan - ERM etc

    Sound dispatcher

    EBS case

    Secundary data

    Primary data

    Qualitative analysis


    Integral approach


  • 23


    The research material for the topic of this thesis consists of:

    - Primary data through interviews with keys stakeholders.

    - Secondary data through literature studies focusing on risks, different industries, risk

    framework, control and mitigation processes, ERM and implementation, etc.

    - Records (maintenances, failures, accidents) of the power plants.


    3.3.1 Method and data

    The aim of the study is to help the electricity company EBS to get a better understanding of

    the involved risks of the different power plants for the dispatch operation of electrical energy.

    The result will benefit the improvement of the quality and reliability of electrical energy


    The literature review and secondary data serve as the basis for a better understanding of the

    risks involved with the generating section of a power plant. Several risk model approaches

    will be questioned and an in-depth exploration of the existing and used models of the power

    plants will be conducted.

    The method use in the research is a top-down approach with the pre-determined variables or

    sets of variables from the research questions. Data gathering will be through interviews with

    experts and management in the generating section of the power plants. The interview will

    focused on what are the risks and why. Further on the how to mitigate, prioritize and

    ranking. The independent variables may consist of organization structure, culture, risk

    appetite and human factors. The moderate variables are the different role of the power plants

    in the regulated electrical energy environment. The dependent variables are the various

    potential risks the dispatcher has to encounter and manage to mitigate the effects.

    3.3.2 Sample

    The studied objects are the four power plants of the three different entities in Suriname

    namely Suralco, SPCS and EBS (also dispatcher)

  • 24

    The selection of the sample is focused on plant operators, maintenance crew, mangers and

    decision makers for their expertise. This will limit the sample size to less then 20.

    3.3.3 Reliability

    To achieve high reliability of data, the interviews are mostly conducted in focus group where

    the subjectivity is minimized. The personal interviews with the managers and decision

    makers will complete the data set.

    3.3.4 Analyzing data

    After assessing the different risks factors, the data is categorized and grouped. The risk

    factors are then prioritized and serve as input for the integral methodological approach for the

    dispatcher for day-to-day operation, which leads to improvement in this function.

  • 25


    4.1 GENERAL

    The general objective of this study is to help the electricity company EBS to understand the

    involved risks of the different interconnected power plants for optimum dispatching of

    electrical energy. To do so, data is collected from the different power plants with their role in

    the regulated energy environment.

    The data sets are derived from the interviews with the different stakeholders. The selection of

    the interviewees is based on the experience and expertise in- and around the power plants.

    The interviews are focusing on the role of the power plants, risk models, risk factors,

    operation and maintenance - and prioritization and ranking philosophy. The purpose is to

    assess the risky ness of these power plants.


    The power plant of SPCS consists of two diesel generator sets of 7.5 MW each (an installed

    capacity of 15 MW) and running on HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil). This power plant produces

    electrical energy since August 2006 and operates as a subsidiary of State Oil Company. This

    co-generation plant produces also heat (steam), in the process of generating electrical energy,

    for the oil refinery in the surrounded area. With the expansion vision of State Oil Company in

    its refinery capacity, SPCS has to adopt also the strategic plan for increasing its electrical

    generating capacity and secure the heat demand. Currently SPCS is considering installing an

    additional 15 MW of generation. The current PPA is to supply 100 GWh and delivers 15

    MW, approximately 10% of base load to EBS.

    4.2.1 Data set

    The data is gathered by carrying out interviews with a focus group consisting of the

    employees directly involve with the power plant. These are Manager, Superintendent,

    Operation Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor and Electrical Engineer. The experience in

    this group varies between inexperience to experience respectively 1 year of working skills to

    many years. The place of interviews is at the power plant of SPCS on Monday April 6, 2009

  • 26

    and last about two hours. A focus group is chosen because of the researcher time-frame and

    the availability of the interviewees for this research.

    The interviews are semi-structure with flexibility in question design and follow up, especially

    in a focus group with diversity of expertise. Questions are asked to every participant of the

    focus group and there is no dominator noticeable that monopolizes and influences the

    answers. It is further noticeable that the respondents in this focus group are willing to

    corporate and give complete response to the questions.

    The details of the interviewees are in appendix 1.

    4.2.2 Findings

    The electrical energy business is a new branch of core business for State Oil Company. SPCS

    operates as a SBU and arises from the Corporate Vision 2020. According to the power plant

    manager, this SBU is a challenge for the State Oil Company for entering into the electrical

    energy sector. Equipped with the Corporations management skills and experience, the power

    plant manager hopes to succeed its mission. The rest of the interviewees agree that SPCS will

    add value to the Corporation.

    All the interviewees agree that this SBU adopts the overall strategic, operational, reporting

    and compliance rules of the Corporation. They understand that the oil and electricity

    businesses are different. That is why this SBU strives to adopt the existing best practice

    proven model to its business environment and learn from the peers i.e. from the power plant

    of EBS and own Corporations small emergency back-up power plants.

    The power plant Manager and the Superintendent are responsible for the formulation and

    description of processes. Both agree that these tasks are doable due to the advantage of

    having processes of the Corporation that mostly are ISO certified and accessible for using in

    the SPCS power plant. The well-proven standardized processes in the Corporations oil

    business can be easily adopted for the electrical energy environment.

    The Operation Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor and Electrical Engineer find the

    execution of processes with the ISO certification structural and effective. They all agree that

    SPCS still has to standardize some specific processes regarding the generation of electrical

    energy to get an ISO certification. Their input to the overall process is thus important.

  • 27

    The focus group does not know and have not heard about the COSO ERM framework or

    AU/NZ risk model. The interviewees recognize some part of these frameworks when

    confronting with the content. The focus group further states that this SBU does not pursue a

    specific risk model. Their risk model does have the essential components of identification-,

    analysis-, evaluation-, response process and communication. They agree that their risk

    process is not so structural and formal like the COSO ERM framework and the AU/NZ risk

    model and that is limited to department or division level. Thus a more silos approach,

    managing one risk at a time and not holistically.

    The overall opinion of this focus group is that in the quantitative risk analyses process, the

    probabilistic approach is used for the justification of a new project or a project affecting high

    financial consequences. For existing processes and sub-processes, the overall approach is a

    combination of subjective and probabilistic method with skewing to the subjective method.

    The power plant Manager explains further that the ranking and prioritizing of the assessed

    risk factors rely on experience of the appointed team that participates in the risk process of a

    project or system and is highly subjective. The remaining interviewees agree with this


    The Superintendent, Operation Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor and Electrical Engineer

    agree that they have to manage the costly assets. Their priority of ranking varies from

    manufacturing recommendation to fault events to human judgment. Their opinion is that the

    working force will achieve higher goals if they adopt the learning process.

    The power plant Manager states that he is responsible for the learning and training programs

    so that the working force can make better judgment for the maintenance and operation of the

    power plant.

    The power plant Manager also states that he is responsible for contracting and hiring

    experienced personnel for key processes to become competitive. He strives for empowerment

    in this organization and let everybody knows their role and accountability. The

    communication is from top-down and vice versa and across. The rest of the interviewees

    agree to this statement.

  • 28

    All of the interviewees state that SPCS has a good infrastructure in fuel pipeline from the

    refinery that guarantees the fuel intake. Their opinion is that SPCS operates optimum, which

    results in cost and time reduction, by having a sound procurement and purchase system for

    major- and minor parts and consumables. Owing to this, the organizational external risks i.e.

    depending on suppliers are mitigated significantly.

    All of the interviewees state that the corporate evaluation process is not supporting

    performances with risk management. This is still a vague and new concept. The employees

    are review from their performance indices.

    The power plant Manager states that at this moment, the PPA is not adequate executed and

    the supply of electrical energy to EBS is merely 25%. The below-target realization is due to

    the low off-take by EBS, as a result of the availability of excess hydropower from Afobaka

    power plant. The sole customer under this PPA is EBS. Nevertheless, the need for expanding

    the installed capacity is under debate and confidential at top level of the Corporation. The rest

    of the interviewees agree with the low off take of electrical energy but do not have an opinion

    about the expansion plan. This is above their competence.

    All of the interviewees state that the objective is to be available, contribute at any moment to

    EBS, and make a profit for further existence.

    4.2.3 Summary

    The findings of SPCS are listed below.

    a) SPCS is a young and learning organization with minimum experience in running a

    power plant.

    b) SPCS aspires to guarantee continuity in electrical energy supply.

    c) SPCS uses ISO certified models from the Corporation and adapts to its organization.

    d) SPCS uses no specific risk model but recognizes part of elements from the COSO

    ERM or AU/NZ risk model i.e. the identification-, evaluation-, response process and

    communication. The risk processes have a more silos then holistically approach.

    e) SPCS empowers the work force, communicates from top-down and vice versa, and

    across and holds each individual responsible for his or her actions.

    f) SPCS uses probabilistic approach for justification of new project.

  • 29

    g) SPCS uses probabilistic and subjective approach for existing processes with more

    emphasis on the subjective approach.

    h) SPCS prioritizes and ranks risk factors on organization and personal experience.

    i) SPCS maintenance philosophy ranks from manufacturing recommendation to failure

    rate to human judgment.

    j) SPCS has minimum suppliers threat.

    k) SPCS wants to expand its installed electric generating capacities.

    l) SPCS PPA contract with EBS is not optimal executed.

    m) SPCS measures only performances indices and no risk management indices.

    4.3 SURALCO

    Suralco is a subsidiary of ALCOA and operates as an independent company that owns and

    operates generation, transmission and distribution in the southern part of Suriname from

    Afobaka to Paranam. This system contributes and serves to the Surinamese power system as

    the main source of power. Suralco operates two power plants.

    1. The Afobaka Hydro Power Plant consists of six turbine generators and an installed

    capacity of 189 MW (3x33 MW and 3x30 MW turbines). The generated electricity is

    transported from Afobaka to Paranam through a 161 kV transmission double circuit. A part

    of this electrical energy is used for the alumina refinery and the rest is transferred to the

    Government according to the Brokopondo Agreement, a PPA between Suralco and the

    Government of Suriname. After closing of the Suralco aluminum smelter at Paranam in 1999,

    the availability from the hydro electrical energy for the Government (i.e. to EBS) has

    increased considerably, especially with the high seasoning rainfalls resulting in the high

    water inflow into the lake of the dam. This covers almost 90% of the load of EBS.

    2. The Paranam Thermal Power Plant has an installed capacity of 78 MW and is located at

    the Suralco alumina production plant in Paranam. The main objective of this power plant is to

    supply heat and electrical energy (co-generation plant) for the Suralco operations. This power

    plant does not contribute to the PPA.

    4.3.1 Data set

    The data is gathered by carrying out interviews with a focus group consisting of the

    employees directly involve with the power plant. These are Manager, Superintendent,

    Operation Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor and Electrical Engineer. This group has many

  • 30

    experiences in managerial- and operational fields. The place of interviews is at the power

    plant of Suralco at Paranam on Thursday April 9, 2009 and last about one and a half hours. A

    focus group is chosen because of the researcher time-frame and the availability of the

    interviewees for this research. The interviews are semi-structure with great flexibility in

    question design and follow up, especially in a focus group with diversity of expertise.

    Questions are asked to every participant of the focus group and there is no dominator

    noticeable that monopolizes and influences the answers. It is further noticeable that the

    respondents in this focus group are willing to corporate and give complete response to the

    questions. The details of the interviewees are in appendix 2.

    4.3.2 Findings

    The power plant Manager explains the vision and mission of the Corporation. Alcoa is known

    for its alumina businesses around the world. Suralco as an independent subsidiary add also

    value to its mission by delivery of electrical energy at the lowest attainable cost, consistent

    with economic conditions. The rest of the interviewees state that signs with missions are

    hanging in every building and these are well known to all employees.

    The power plant Manager knows the COSO ERM framework and had work with this model

    in previous Corporation projects, especially in feasibility studies. The power plant does not

    use this comprehensive model. The other interviewees do not know and have not heard of the

    COSO ERM framework or the AU/NZ risk model.

    The focus group states that experience and knowledge are inputs to higher management for

    risk evaluation. The risk processes start with an internal proven document BLITZ This

    document starts with the identification phase of a process or project by the power plant or

    Corporation. Several stakeholders from different discipline and background are then selected

    by their experience for brainstorming. They aim for least impact on environment, health and

    safety, cost saving, sustaining, strategic modernization and growth. The interviewees state

    that this approach is more holistic.

    All interviewees agree that a combination between probabilistic and subjective approach

    influences the decision-making. The power plant Manager states that he is fully responsible

    and accountable for the success or failure of the approved projects or processes.

  • 31

    According to the Superintendent, the power plant adopts the Reliability Excellence (ReX)

    program. This program involves all employees in the ReX continuous improvement process

    that will reduce maintenance, material and operating costs and improve equipment efficiency

    by re-engineers business processes around materials management, work management and

    reliability engineering. The focus group further state that the ReX program is updated, tested

    by benchmarking and undergoes an annual audit process.

    The power sector seems to evolve with the need of electrical energy for the alumina industry.

    According to the power plant Manager and the Superintendent, the installed electric

    generating capacity (Afobaka Hydro power plant and Paranam Thermal power plant) is

    enough to sustain contractual and refinery demand. They further state that the PPA is

    executed based on long-term agreements and system limitations. The rest of the interviewees

    agree with this statement.

    The focus group states that Suralco guarantees for continuity of processes due to a sound

    procurement system. Listed alternative suppliers of Alcoa worldwide cover also the resource

    replenishment for Suralco.

    The power plant measures its performances but not in combination with the risk management

    process. All of the interviewees agree that their performances are measured through only

    performance indices. The opinion of the power plant Manager is that managing risks do not

    have to add direct noticeable value to the performances in the same period. That is why it is

    difficult to link these two indices.

    All of the interviewees agree that the operation of Suralco depends heavily on the bauxite

    reserve in Suriname. The organization faces at this moment some setback in the world market

    price of alumina.

    4.3.3 Summary

    The findings of Suralco power plants are listed below.

    a) Suralco is an old and experienced organization that operates two power plants with

    enough knowledge and expertise in the energy business.

    b) Suralco aspires to guarantee continuality in electrical energy supply.

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    c) Suralco does not use a comprehensive risk model like COSO ERM. They use standard

    in-house working procedures i.e. BLITZ document and ReX. These processes

    have more a holistic approach.

    d) Suralco appoints the overall responsibility to the manager.

    e) Suralco uses probabilistic approach for justification of new project.

    f) Suralco uses probabilistic and subjective approach for existing processes with more

    emphasis on the subjective approach.

    g) Suralco prioritizes and rank risk factors on collective input from their Blitz working

    document process.

    h) Suralco uses ReX for maintenance philosophy that is benchmarked and audited.

    i) Suralco has minimum suppliers threat.

    j) Suralco has no need for expanding its installed electric generating capacities and the

    PPA contract with EBS is within the limits.

    k) Suralco measures only performances indices and no risk management indices.

    4.4 EBS

    EBS owns a thermal power plant that is located in Paramaribo. The plant consists of 11

    Diesel Generator Sets. Four of the machines are recently (2005- 2008) installed, while the

    rest are other diesel generator sets varying between 14 to 30 years old. The output of these

    older engines is approximately 25% less than the nameplate capacity. The total installed

    capacity of the power plant is 82 MW with an actual output of about 68 MW, an average of

    83% actual capacity. EBS has managed to convert four old engines to HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil)

    use and the performances of these engines are optimum. Only three remaining engines, which

    are also the oldest ones, run on premium diesel fuel. The conversion on the engines is not


    The electricity company EBS is 100% Government owned with a vertically integrated

    organization structure of generation, transmission and distribution.

    4.4.1 Data set

    The data is gathered by carrying out interviews with a focus group consisting of the

    employees directly involve with the power plant. These are the Director of Generation &

    Transmission, Manager, Operation -, and Maintenance Mechanical Engineer. Further, an

    individual interview with the Operation Electrical Engineers is conducted. These groups have

  • 33

    many experiences in managerial- and operational- and maintenance fields. The place of

    interviews is at the power plant of EBS at Saramaccastreet on Wednesday April 8, 2009, for

    the focus group and Tuesday April 14, 2009 for the individual interview. The duration is

    respectively two hours and one hour. A focus group is chosen because of the researcher time-

    frame and the availability of the interviewees for this research. The interviews are semi-

    structure with great flexibility in question design and follow up, especially in a focus group

    with diversity of expertise. Questions are asked to every participant of the focus group and

    there is no dominator noticeable that monopolizes and influences the answers. It is further

    noticeable that the respondents in this focus group are willing to corporate and give complete

    response to the questions.

    An individual interview with the Operation Electrical Engineer is chosen due to the

    organizational structure of the power plant, which is divided into mechanical- and electrical

    division. The details of the interviewees are in appendix 3.

    4.4.2 Findings

    According to all interviewees, EBS is in a transformation phase for realizing its corporate

    vision and mission 2009-2013. This process is thoroughly explained and exercised from top

    to bottom. Every employee is responsible and accountable for his or her actions.

    The Director of Generation and Transmission points out that one of the core missions is to

    supply reliable and affordable electrical energy nation wide. This is achieved by applying

    improved technology and obtaining the operational excellence tactics, which is agreed by all

    the interviewees.

    The power plant Manager and the Operation Electrical Engineer agree that the power plant

    does not use a specific risk framework. All of the interviewees do not know and have not

    heard about the COSO ERM framework or AU/NZ risk model.

    The Director of Generation and Transmission states that processes are now standardized and

    executed. According to the rest of the interviewees, the process begins with the formulation

    and identification with a probabilistic and subjective method. The emphasis is more on

    subjective method.

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    According to all interviewees, the risk appetite is low due to the commitment of the

    Corporation for continuous supply of electrical energy. The power plant uses high-tech

    system for monitoring and controlling. The collected data serves as input for the operation

    performance and maintenance frequency.

    The opinion of the Operation -, Maintenance Mechanical Engineer and the Operation

    Electrical Engineer is that with the improved system the maintenance and operation is more


    The power plant Manager explains further that the ranking and prioritizing of the assessed

    risk factors relies on experience of the appointed team that participates in the risk process of a

    project or system and is highly subjective. Their risk processes have more a silos approach

    and limited to divisions. The remaining interviewees agree with this statement.

    All of the interviewees state that the Corporation does not link the performances with risk

    management. It is also not one of the objectives of the corporate mission.

    The Director Generation and Transmission and the power plant Manager state that the power

    plant depends heavily on fuel and consumables for the generating of electrical energy. There

    is only one supplier of the HFO, namely State Oil Company. Their opinion is that the

    procurement processes are not always optimum and need improvements.

    The rest of the interviewees agree with this statement.

    The opinion of the interviewees is that the power plant has to expand the generating capacity

    to sustain the (n-1) criteria. This will guarantee the supply of electrical energy.

    4.4.3 Summary

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