identifying lineage relationships in human t cell...

Post on 27-Aug-2018






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Identifying lineage relationships in human T cell populations


Celia Lara Menckeberg

A thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham

for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

School of Immunity and Infection College of Medical and Dental Sciences

The University of Birmingham December 2010

University of Birmingham Research Archive

e-theses repository This unpublished thesis/dissertation is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the author or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder.




CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations can be divided into subpopulations based on expression of

surface markers CCR7 and CD45RA. The resulting populations are referred to as naive,

central memory, effector memory and effector memory RA+ (EMRA). The aim of this study

was to identify potential lineage relationships between these subpopulations for both CD4+

and CD8+ T cells through microarray analysis. The genes found to distinguish between these

subpopulations include many molecules with known functions in T cell differentiation,

including CCR7, CD45RA, granzymes, L-selectin and TNF receptors. Several genes from the

tetraspanin family of proteins were found to be differentially expressed at mRNA and protein

level; suggesting a possible role for these genes in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell activation,

migration and lysosomal function. Other genes identified, such as LRRN3 and CXCR5 which

were expressed highest on naive and CM T cells respectively, provide interesting gene targets

to follow up on their function in these T cell populations. Microarray data was validated

through Real Time PCR and suggests that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells differentiate along a

linear pathway of naive to central memory to effector memory. The transcriptional

programmes responsible for these differentiation steps were distinct between CD4+ and CD8+

T cells, although additional elements were common to both subsets.


Dedicated to Mama en Papa



First I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. John Curnow for guiding me through this project and for adopting me when it was very much needed. The encouragement and advice he has given have helped me grow as a scientist and as a person. I would also like to thank Professor Mike Salmon, without whom this project would not have been possible.

Huge thanks to Steve (Stev) Kissane for all his help throughout these years, not only was he my microarray specialist but also a source of knowledge in many different topics. Thanks for always being there to help with any questions I had and for the countless lab bench and lunch time chats. I would like to thank Dr. Graham Wallace for all his support throughout and helpful discussions along the way and Dr. Ewan Ross for being a source of knowledge and always ready to help.

Also I want to thank all my lovely friends that I made working on the 3rd floor IBR. You were my family away from home and made living in Brum for four years so very special. Fern (Barry) Barrington, thank you for being my Harborne and vacation buddy; I loved our movie and Sunday cooking nights! Dr. Sarah (Chuckles) Essex thank you so much for being the smiling face I saw sitting across from me for almost four years, as well as for introducing me to the wonder that is a lemon drizzle cake. Katherine (Kaaath) Howlett for being my gym and pub buddy and subsequent fellow Harbonite! And for the many, many, many excellent cakes in these past four years. Lorraine (Lore) Yeo thank you for taking over from Sarah when it was needed and of course for the excellent white chocolate and raspberry muffins. To all my other friends, Dr. Peter Hampson, Dr. Jason Lee, Dr. Sian Lax, Siobhan Restorick, Hema Chahal, Emma Yates and many others, thank you for being a huge part in why the department of Rheumatology was such a nice place to work. I would like to acknowledge Professor Janet Lord and Professor Chris Buckley in their roles as head of the Marie Curie TRIFID project and head of the Department of Rheumatology respectively.

To my lovely friends and family back home, Ranjeeta Bendter, Francis Saridin and Serge Parabirsing, thank you for always supporting me and for always being only a phone call away. Jeeta, thank you for sticking with me for almost 25 years (playground buddies for life!) and Francis, my study-buddy, 10 years and counting! Serrie thanks for staying positive throughout everything that has happened.

I want to thank my sister Tanja and her husband Rodney for all their help along the way and for giving me the best gift ever by making me the proud auntie of Rafaël. Mostly I would like to thank my parents for always believing in me and encouraging me; for instilling in me a thirst for knowledge from a very young age and for being my rock to fall back on. You are my heroes.



ADD2 Beta-adducin

AEBP1 Adipocyte Enhancer Binding Protein 1

ANOVA Analysis of Variance

APC Antigen Presenting Cell

BCR B Cell Receptor

BHLHB2 Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein B2

BM Bone Marrow

BSA Bovine Serum Albumin

CLIP Class-II-associated Ii peptide

CLP Common Lymphoid Progenitor

CM Central Memory

CMP Common Myeloid Progenitor

Cn Calcineurin

CTLA-4 Cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4

Cy3/Cy5 Cyanine 3 or 5

DAG Diacylglycerol

DC Dendritic Cells

DN Double Negative

DP Double Positive

EAE Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

EBV Epstein-Barr virus

EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

EM(RA) Effector Memory (RA)

ER Endoplasmic Reticulum


ETP Early Thymic Progenitor

FACS Fluorescent Activated Cell Sort

FDC Follicular Dendritic Cell

FDR False Discovery Rate

GPS Glutamine Penicilin Streptomycin

GZM Granzyme

HCL Hierarchical Clustering

HEV High Endothelial Venules

HLA Human Leukocyte Antigen

HSC Hematopoietic Stem Cell

HVEM Herpesvirus entry mediator

ICAM1 Intracellular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1

IFNγ Interferon γ

Ig Immunoglobulin

Ii MHC-II specific chaperone invariant chain

IL Interleukin

IP3 Inositol 1,4,5-triphospahate

IS Immunological synapse

KLRB1 Killer Cell Lectin-like Receptor subfamily B member 1

KLRC4 Killer Cell Lectin-like Receptor subfamily C member 4

KLRF1 Killer Cell Lectin-like Receptor subfamily F member 1

LAT Linker for T cell Activation

LFA-1 Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1

LIGHT homologous to LTs, exhibits inducible expression, and competes with HSV gD for herpesvirus entry mediator, a receptor expressed by T lymphocytes or TNSF14

(p)LN (peripheral) Lymph Node

Lo/Ld Liquid order/Liquid disorder


LRRN3 Leucine Rich Repeat Neuronal protein 3

LTα1β2 Lymphotoxinα1β2

LTβR Lymphotoxinβ Receptor

LTi Lymphotoxin inducer

LTo Lymphotoxin organiser

MAdCAM-1 Mucosal Addressin Cell Adhesion Molecule-1

MALT Mucosal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

MHC Major Histocompatibility Complex

MLP Multilymphoid Progenitor

MTMR8 Myotubularin related protein 8

MVB Multivesicular Body

MTUS1 Mitochondrial Tumor Suppressor 1 isoform 3

MYBL1 Myb-related protein A

MYO1F Myosin-If

NFAT Nuclear factor of activated T cells

NGFRAP1 Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (TNFRSF16) Associated Protein 1

NK cell Natural Killer cell

NKG7 Natural Killer Cell protein 7

PALS Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath

PAMP Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns

PBMC Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline

PCA Principal Component Analysis

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

PF Primary Follicles

PIP2 Phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate

PLEKHK1 Pleckstrin homology domain containing family K member 1


PKC Protein Kinase C

PLC1 Phospholipase C-1

PNAd Peripheral Lymph Node Addressin

PP Peyer’s Patches

PRDM8 PR domain zinc finger protein 8

PRR Pattern Recognition Receptor

RORγt RAR-related orphan receptor gamma

RT Reverse Transcription

SAM Significance Analysis of Microarrays

SH3BP5 SH3 domain-Binding Protein 5

SLC22A17 Solute carrier family 22 member 17

SLO Secondary Lymphoid Organs

SLP-76 SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa

SMAC (c/p-) Central/peripheral supramolecular activation cluster

SP Single Positive

TAP Transporter associated with antigen processing

TCR T Cell Receptor

TEM Tetraspanin Enriched Membrane

TFH T follicular helper

Th T helper

TLR Toll like Receptor

TNFα Tumour Necrosis Factor α

TRANCE(R) TNF-related activation-induced cytokine (receptor)

(n/i) Treg (Natural/inducible) T regulatory cell

VCAM1 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1

ZAP70 -associated protein of 70kDa

ZNF Zinc Finger




ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................... iv

ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................v

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES ..............................................................................................................................xii

LIST OF TABLES..............................................................................................................................xvii

1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................2

1.1 Innate Immunity......................................................................................................................2

1.2 Adaptive Immunity .................................................................................................................4

1.3 Hematopoiesis.........................................................................................................................5

1.4 Lymphoid organs ....................................................................................................................8

1.5 T cell development................................................................................................................12

1.6 T cell memory .......................................................................................................................16

1.7 T cell activation.....................................................................................................................18

1.8 CD4+ T cells..........................................................................................................................23

1.9 CD8+ T cells..........................................................................................................................26

1.10 Tetraspanins ..........................................................................................................................28

1.11 Transcriptome analysis .........................................................................................................36

1.12 AIMS.....................................................................................................................................38

2 MATERIAL AND METHODS....................................................................................................40

2.1 Peripheral blood ....................................................................................................................40

2.1.1 Cell isolation .................................................................................................................40

2.2.1 Antibody Dilutions for flow cytometry.........................................................................41

2.2.2 Flow cytometry .............................................................................................................42

2.2.3 Flow cytometry intracellular cytokine staining of stimulated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations....................................................................................................................................42

2.2.4 FACS sorting of CD8+ CCR7/CD45RA populations ...................................................43

2.2.5 FACS sorting of CD4+ CCR7/CD45RA populations ...................................................44

2.2.6 Sorting CD9 subsets from CD4+ T cells .......................................................................44

2.3 RNA extraction .....................................................................................................................45

2.3.1 DNase I treatment .........................................................................................................46

2.3.2 Reverse transcription.....................................................................................................46

2.3.3 PCR product purification ..............................................................................................47


2.4 Real Time PCR .....................................................................................................................47

2.5 Microarray spotting...............................................................................................................48

2.5.1 CyDye labelling ............................................................................................................48

2.5.2 Hybridisation.................................................................................................................49

2.5.3 Microarray data analysis ...............................................................................................50

2.5.4 Statistical tests...............................................................................................................51

3 EXAMINING GENE EXPRESSION PROFILES OF CD4+ AND CD8+ T CELL POPULATIONS DURING DIFFERENTIATION...............................................................................53

3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................53

3.2 Results...................................................................................................................................55

3.2.1 Sorting CCR7 and CD45RA based CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations for gene expression analysis on microarrays...............................................................................................55

3.2.2 Microarray analysis of sorted CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations ...............................58

3.2.3 Comparing the four differentiation states without distinguishing between CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations................................................................................................................59

3.2.4 Comparing three differentiation states within the CD4+ compartment .........................62

3.2.5 Comparing four differentiation states within the CD8+ compartment ..........................73

3.2.6 Comparing between CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states ..........................................84

3.2.7 Shared and unique genes in CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation pathways ........................92

3.3 Discussion. ............................................................................................................................99

4 VALIDATING GENE EXPRESSION PROFILES OF CD4+ AND CD8+ T CELL POPULATIONS BY REAL TIME PCR ANALYSIS .......................................................................115

4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................115

4.2 Results.................................................................................................................................117

4.2.1 Sorting CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations based on CCR7 and CD45RA for gene expression analysis on microfluidic cards ..................................................................................117

4.2.2 Gene expression profiles identified through microarray correspond with the expression found through Real Time PCR analysis......................................................................................119

4.2.3 Comparing the three differentiation states without distinguishing between the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment.....................................................................................................121

4.2.4 Comparing the three differentiation states within the CD4+ T cell compartment .......123

4.2.5 Comparing the three differentiation states within the CD8+ T cell compartment .......128

4.2.6 Comparing between CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states ........................................132

4.2.7 Shared and unique genes in CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation pathways ......................135

4.3 Discussion ...........................................................................................................................138

5 EXPRESSION OF TETRASPANIN FAMILY MEMBERS ON CD4+ AND CD8+ T CELL POPULATIONS .................................................................................................................................148

5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................148


5.2 Results.................................................................................................................................150

5.2.1 Expression of tetraspanin CD9 on human CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations is biphasic 150

5.2.2 CD37 is not expressed on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations ...................................154

5.2.3 CD53 and CD63 expression on CD8+ T cell populations increases during differentiation..............................................................................................................................156

5.2.4 CD81 is expressed at high levels in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations...........161

5.2.5 CD82 is expressed at very high levels on CD4+ T cell populations and its expression decreases on CD8+ T cells as they differentiate..........................................................................164

5.2.6 CD151 expression is highest on CD4+ and CD8+ EM T cell populations ..................167

5.2.7 Expression of tetraspanins on the cell surface of CD4+ or CD8+ T cell populations is not altered when comparing populations based on CD27 and CD45RA or CCR7 and CD45RA 170

5.2.8 CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells within CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations do not differ in the ability to produce cytokines ....................................................................................173

5.2.9 CD9 expression on sorted CD4+ CM and EM T cell populations...............................177

5.3 Discussion ...........................................................................................................................183

6 GENERAL DISCUSSION .........................................................................................................193

6.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................193

6.2 A shared differentiation pathway for CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations based on CCR7 and CD45RA .........................................................................................................................................195

6.3 Differential expression of tetraspanin family members on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations......................................................................................................................................198

6.4 Future work leading from this study ...................................................................................200

7 REFERENCE LIST ....................................................................................................................205

8 APPENDIX.................................................................................................................................225



Chapter One: Introduction Figure 1.1 Schematic overview of hematopoiesis 6 Figure 1.2 Osteoblastic and vascular niches in bone marrow 8 Figure 1.3 Structure of secondary lymphoid organs 9 Figure 1.4 Models of positive selection of double positive thymocytes 14 Figure 1.5 Model of CD4+ effector cell differentiation, based on the

production of cytokines 25 Figure 1.6 Representation of tetraspanins 29 Chapter Three: Examining gene expression profiles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations during differentiation Figure 3.1 Sorting populations based on the expression of CD4, CCR7 and

CD45RA 56 Figure 3.2 Sorting populations based on the expression of CD8, CCR7 and

CD45RA 57 Figure 3.3 Comparing naive, CM, EM and EMRA T cell populations from

both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment 61 Figure 3.4 Comparing naive, CM, EM and EMRA T cell populations from

both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment PCA analysis 62 Figure 3.5 Comparing naive, CM and EM T cell populations from the CD4+

T cell compartment 63 Figure 3.6 Comparing naive and CM T cell populations from the CD4+ T

cell compartment 65 Figure 3.7 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list

generated when comparing naive and CM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment 66

Figure 3.8 Comparing naive and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment 68

Figure 3.9 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment 69

Figure 3.10 Comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment 71

Figure 3.11 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment 72

Figure 3.12 Comparing naive, CM, EM and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 74

Figure 3.13 Comparing naive and CM T cell populations from the CD8+


T cell compartment 75 Figure 3.14 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list

generated when comparing naive and CM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 76

Figure 3.15 Comparing naive and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 77

Figure 3.16 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 78

Figure 3.17 Comparing naive and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 79

Figure 3.18 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 80

Figure 3.19 Comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 81

Figure 3.20 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 82

Figure 3.21 Comparing EM and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment 83

Figure 3.22 Comparing CD4+ naive and CD8+ naive T cell populations 85 Figure 3.23 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list

generated when comparing CD4+ naive and CD8+ naive T cell populations 86

Figure 3.24 Comparing CD4+ CM and CD8+ CM T cell populations 88 Figure 3.25 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list

generated when comparing CD4+ CM and CD8+ CM T cell populations 89

Figure 3.26 Comparing CD4+ EM and CD8+ EM T cell populations 90 Figure 3.27 Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list

generated when comparing CD4+ EM and CD8+ EM T cell populations 91

Figure 3.28 Unique and shared genes can be found when comparing the three differentiation states between the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments 93

Figure 3.29 Venn diagram of seven conserved genes can be found when comparing the gene lists generated to find the biggest difference between the differentiation states within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments 97

Figure 3.30 Seven conserved genes can be found when comparing the gene lists generated to find the biggest difference between the differentiation states within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments 98


Figure 3.31 Linear model of T cell differentiation based on gene expression profiles 110

Figure 3.32 Non-linear model of T cell differentiation based on gene expression profiles 111

Chapter Four: Validating gene expression profiles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations

by Real Time PCR Figure 4.1 Sorting CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations based on the expression

of CCR7 and CD45RA 118 Figure 4.2 Comparing the log 2 fold differences from the Real Time PCR

data to the log 2 fold differences from the array analysis 120 Figure 4.3 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, CM and EM

CD4+ T cell populations 125

Figure 4.4 Nine shared genes can be found when comparing the

differentiation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 136

Figure 4.5 One shared gene can be found when comparing the

differentiation states of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells 137

Figure 4.6 Comparing microarray analysis to Real Time PCR analysis 140

Figure 4.7 KLRC4 gene expression is highest in CD8+ T cell populations 142

Figure 4.8 NGFRAP1 gene expression is lowest in EM CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 143

Figure 4.9 SLC22A17 gene expression is lowest in EM CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 144

Figure 4.10 CXCR5 gene expression is highest in CM CD4+ and CD8+ T cell Populations 146

Chapter Five: Expression of tetraspanin family members on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations Figure 5.1 CD9 expression on CD4+ T cell populations is varied between

donors as well as differentiation states 151 Figure 5.2 CD9 expression on CD8+ T cell populations is varied between

donors as well as differentiation states 153 Figure 5.3 CD9 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations is

varied between differentiation states 154 Figure 5.4 CD37 is not expressed on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 155


Figure 5.5 CD53 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 157 Figure 5.6 CD53 expression on CD4+ T cell populations stays similar as

the cell differentiate, but the expression increases during differentiation on CD8+ T cell populations 158

Figure 5.7 CD63 is expressed at low levels on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell Populations 159

Figure 5.8 CD63 expression on CD4+ T cell populations stays similar as the cell differentiate, but the expression increases during differentiation on CD8+ T cell populations 160

Figure 5.9 CD81 is expressed at high levels on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell population 162

Figure 5.10 CD81 is expressed at high levels on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 163

Figure 5.11 CD82 is expressed at high levels on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 165

Figure 5.12 CD82 is expressed at very high levels on CD4+ T cell populations and its expression decreases on CD8+ T cell populations as they differentiate 166

Figure 5.13 CD151 is expressed at low levels on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 168

Figure 5.14 CD151 expression goes up in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations as they differentiate. 169

Figure 5.15 Tetraspanin expression on CD4+ T cell populations based on CCR7 and CD27 does not differ 171

Figure 5.16 Tetraspanin expression on CD8+ T cell populations based on CCR7 and CD27 does not differ 172

Figure 5.17 No difference between CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells IFNγ production in CD4+ T cell populations 174

Figure 5.18 No difference between CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells IFNγ production in CD8+ T cell populations 176

Figure 5.19 Sorted CD4+ CM CD9 negative populations 178 Figure 5.20 Percentage positive cells of sorted CD4+ CM CD9 negative

populations in culture 179 Figure 5.21 Sorted CD4+ EM CD9 negative populations 181 Figure 5.22 Percentage positive cells of sorted CD4+ EM CD9 negative

populations in culture 182 Figure 5.23 Summary of tetraspanin expression on CD4+ and CD8+

T cell populations 184 Figure 5.24 Model of CD9 involvement on recently activated CD4+

T cell populations 189 Figure 5.25 Model of analysin CD9 involvement on recently activated

CD4+ T cell populations 190


Chapter Six: General Discussion Figure 6.1 Adapted linear and non-linear models of T cell differentiation to

reflect active inflammation and resolved inflammation conditions 196 Figure 6.2 Graphical representation of how gene expression analysis of

peripheral blood cells can be important in identifying disease related transcriptional changes, adapted from Pascual et al (2010) 198





Chapter Three: Examining gene expression profiles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations during differentiation

Table 1 Genes shared between the comparison CD4+ naive versus

CD8+ naive and CD4+ CM versus CD8+ CM 94

Table 2 Genes shared between the comparison CD4+ naive versus

CD8+ naive and CD4+ EM versus CD8+ EM 95

Table 3 Genes shared between the comparison CD4+ CM versus

CD8+ CM and CD4+ EM versus CD8+ EM 96

Chapter Four: Validating gene expression profiles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations by Real Time PCR

Table 1 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, CM and

EM CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 122

Table 2 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, CM and

EM CD4+ T cell populations 124

Table 3 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and CM

CD4+ T cell populations 126

Table 4 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and EM

CD4+ T cell populations 127

Table 5 Comparing the gene expression of sorted CM and EM

CD4+ T cell populations 128

Table 6 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, CM

and EM CD8+ T cell populations 129

Table 7 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and CM


CD8+ T cell populations 130

Table 8 Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and EM

CD8+ T cell populations 131

Table 9 Comparing the gene expression of sorted CM and EM

CD8+ T cell populations 131

Table 10 Comparing the gene expression of sorted CD4+ naive and

CD8+ naive T cell populations 132

Table 11 Comparing the gene expression of sorted CD4+ CM and

CD8+ CM T cell populations 134

Table 12 Comparing the gene expression of sorted CD4+ EM and

CD8+ EM T cell populations 135



Chapter One Introduction  1 

Chapter One


Chapter One Introduction  2 


The immune system consists of many different cell types and organs, all of which work

together to protect the body from infection. The cells of the immune system are constantly

communicating with their surroundings by sending and receiving signals and by responding

to those signals. The immune system itself has several levels of protection which a pathogen

has to breach in order to cause damage. First there are external and chemical barriers, such as

the skin and stomach acids. And then there are two branches of immune responses, the innate

and adaptive 1. Innate immunity is the first line of defence against pathogens and depends on

a fixed number of germline encoded receptors. The adaptive immune response requires some

time after activation to clonally expand, but it is capable of specifically recognising a wider

variety of pathogens and of forming immunological memory 1-3.

1.1 Innate Immunity

As mentioned above the innate immune system is the first cellular defence mechanism the

body has to protect itself from pathogens. It consists of cells which can be tissue residing

(e.g. dendritic cells and macrophages) or patrolling (e.g. neutrophils and monocytes) and

display immediate and non-specific effector functions 1;4. The cells classified as innate

immune cells are neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs) and natural

killer cells. These cells have several ways of detecting and clearing a pathogen. They express

receptors on their cell surface, referred to as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) which

recognise several evolutionary conserved molecular structures, referred to as pathogen

associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) 5. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are very important to

Chapter One Introduction  3 

innate immune cells, since they are capable of recognising a variety of organisms. There are

ten human TLRs described so far and these can be expressed on the cell surface (such as

TLR1, 2, 4, 5 and 6) or within intracellular compartments (such as TLR3, 7, 8 and 9). The

nucleotide organisation domain (NOD) family of receptors are mostly expressed in the

cytoplasm and react to intracellular pathogen derived molecules. Through phagocytosis

innate immune cells are capable of engulfing a pathogen and trapping it within a vesicle, in

which the pathogen is destroyed by digestive enzymes or reactive oxygen species 1. Almost

all cells of the innate immune system are capable of phagocytosis. Innate immunity can also

activate a humoral response through the complement system 6;7. The complement system uses

antimicrobial peptides and opsonins to target and lyse the pathogen, and produces

chemoattractants. The result of this is that more cells are attracted to the site of inflammation

and cause the classical signs of inflammation, such as swelling, redness, pain and heat 7.

Chapter One Introduction  4 

1.2 Adaptive Immunity

In contrast to the cells in the innate immune system, cells of the adaptive immune system (T

and B cells) are capable of recognising specific antigens due to the expression of antigen

specific receptors on their cell surface 6. B cells express on their cell surface a B cell receptor

(BCR), which is an antibody unique for an antigen. When a B cell recognises its antigen, it is

stimulated to proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells and memory B cells. Plasma cells

produce large amounts of soluble antibodies (immunoglobulins) of a defined specificity,

these antibodies are then released into the blood 1. Immunoglobulins are produced through

somatic recombination and mutation of a limited set of gene segments, resulting in an almost

infinite diversity. Immunoglobulins are Y shaped molecules consisting of two heavy chains

and two light chains which are linked together by disulfide bonds. Both the heavy and light

chains have a constant and a variable region. The class of antibody (isotype) is determined by

the heavy chain, of which there are five resulting in five isotypes IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and

IgM. IgM antibodies are low affinity and are produced in the primary response. In a

secondary response, resulting from B cell activation through T cell help, the higher affinity

IgG antibodies are produced. Antibodies will bind to their antigen and neutralise them in this

way 1.

T cells are divided into a CD4+ and a CD8+ compartment, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells

express an antigen specific T cell receptor (TCR) on their cell surface. The TCR is very

similar to an immunoglobulin, being composed of immunoglobulin-like domains, however a

different set of genes is involved in producing the TCR. When the TCR is activated the T

cells can be induced to produce cytokines as well as exert effector functions. CD8+ T cells are

cytotoxic through the secretion of perforin and granzymes resulting in the death of an

Chapter One Introduction  5 

infected cell. CD4+ T cells upon activation can secrete cytokines and differentiate into several

subsets which can exert either effector or regulatory functions 1. DCs are classically innate

immune cells, but they provide an important link between innate and adaptive immunity 5.

When residing in tissue, DCs are capable of taking up antigens, which they then present on

their cell surface. They subsequently migrate to lymphoid organs where they can present the

antigen to T cells initiating the adaptive response 1;5

1.3 Hematopoiesis

Hematopoiesis is the process in which the cells of the blood are generated in the bone

marrow. This process is classically thought to start out with a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)

which divides and gives rise to progenitor cells which will differentiate into one of the blood

lineages 8-10. A linear model for hematopoiesis was adopted after Kondo et al (1997)

described a clonogenic common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) in mice and Akashi et al (2000)

found a clonogenic common myeloid progenitor (CMP) 11;12. This classical model of

hematopoiesis starts with an HSC which differentiates into either of the multipotent

progenitors CLP or a CMP committed to either the lymphoid or myeloid lineage (Fig. 1.1A).

With the identification of mouse progenitors capable of giving rise to both lymphoid and

myeloid lineages the question arose whether the split between the progenitors capable of

giving rise to these distinct lineages was as clear cut as suggested in the classical model.

Doulatov et al (2010) compared the developmental potential of seven progenitor populations

in humans and suggested an adapted model of hematopoiesis in humans (Fig. 1.1B) 10. They

found that the CLP which was thought to only give rise to cells of lymphoid origin, was also

Chapter One Introduction  6 

capable of giving rise to cells of myeloid origin and termed it a multilymphoid progenitor


Figure 1.1. Schematic overview of hematopoiesis in humans, adapted from Dorshkind 2010 13. The classical view of hematopoiesis assumed an early split between lymphoid and myeloid lineages (A), whereas more recent data suggests that there is some degree of multi-lineage potential even in the more differentiated subpopulations (B).

Chapter One Introduction  7 

It is thought that hematopoiesis occurs in two specialised stem cell niches in the bone

marrow, namely the osteoblastic niche and the vascular niche 14;15. A stem cell niche is

thought to provide a microenvironment to stem cells, which supports self renewal and

proliferation (Fig. 1.2). The development of adult blood lineages from HSCs is dependent on

a balance between the self renewal capacity of the cells and the capacity to differentiate. One

way in which this is achieved is by asymmetric division of the HSC; when dividing one

daughter cell will become an HSC whereas the second daughter cell will differentiate along a

pathway. The other factor influencing this balance is thought to be the microenvironment

provided to the HSCs. Among HSCs there are long term (LT) and short term (ST) HSCs, in

which the LT HSCs are mainly kept in a quiescent state and ST HSCs are proliferating cells

14. Several mouse studies have shown that an increase in osteoblastic cells in the bone

marrow correlates to an increase in the number of LT HSCs found, suggesting a role for the

osteoblastic niche in the generation and maintenance of LT HSCs 16;17. The vascular niche

does so by providing a nutrient rich environment, which is less hypoxic compared to the

osteoblastic niche 14;18. The vascular niche also provides stimuli which help the HSC migrate

across the endothelium (e.g. SDF-1) and migrate to peripheral sites as well as home back to

the bone marrow.

Chapter One Introduction  8 

Figure 1.2. Osteoblastic and vascular niches in bone marrow, adapted from Yin and Li 2006 14. Hematopoiesis can occur within two distinct niches in the bone marrow. The osteoblastic niche is thought to provide a microenvironment which keeps the HSCs in a quiescent state, whereas the vascular niche helps with the HSC migration across the endothelium as well as providing an environment which promotes proliferation and differentiation of the cells.

1.4 Lymphoid organs

The cells of the immune system arise in the bone marrow from a hematopoietic stem cell,

they then travel between the blood and lymphoid organs until they encounter antigen. The

lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes which are connected by lymphatic vessels 19. Since

the bone marrow and thymus are the sites of lymphocyte generation in the immune system

they are referred to as primary lymphoid organs 20. Lymphoid cells, such as B and T cells

travel through lymphatic vessels from tissues to secondary lymphoid structures 19.

Chapter One Introduction  9 

As opposed to primary lymphoid organs there are also secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs).

Spleen, lymph nodes (LN) and mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) are examples of

these lymphoid structures. Secondary lymphoid organs are involved in the retention of

foreign antigens and subsequent presentation of these antigens to lymphoid cells (Fig.1.3).

These lymphoid organs are spaced throughout the body in such a manner that ensures optimal

capture of antigen 21. The spleen plays a pivotal role in detection and clearance of blood-

borne antigens. Lymph nodes on the other hand are important in detecting interstitial antigens

and MALT does so at mucosal surfaces 22.

Figure 1.3. Structure of secondary lymphoid organs (SLO). The cortex of a SLO has T and B cell areas, consisting of primary follicles and, after antigen challenge, secondary follicles containing germinal centres. Afferent lymphatic vessels form the entry route for antigen loaded DCs and naive B and T cells extravasate through High Endothelial Venules (HEV) and lymph leaves the SLO through the efferent lymphatic vessels.

The development of LNs occurs after lymph sacs are formed from endothelial cells during

early development 23. From these lymph sacs the lymphatic network is formed under the

control of the transcription factor Prox1, which is expressed by lymphatic endothelial cells.

CD4+CD3-IL-7Rα+ lymphotoxin inducer (LTi) cells form aggregates near endothelial cells at

sites where a LN will develop. The LTi cells trigger the differentiation of VCAM-1+ICAM-1+

Chapter One Introduction  10 

(vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, intracellular cell adhesion molecule 1) lymphotoxin

organiser (LTo) cells by binding to the lymphotoxin beta receptor (LTβR) on these cells. This

results in the production of the chemokines CXCL13, CCL19 and CCL21 which attract

circulating hematopoietic cells resulting in the formation of an early lymph node anlagen 24.

From the 12th week of gestation T cells are starting to appear in the periphery and the number

of circulating cells that enter the lymph node increases 25. After week 14 CD4+ T cells can be

found in the lymph node anlagen, whereas very few CD8+ T cells can be found. The B cells

that are present at this stage are not organised into lymphoid follicles yet, this occurs during

the subsequent weeks when primary follicles (PF) are formed. In these PF precursors for

follicular DCs (FDCs) are present. The first fibroblastic reticulum cells (FRC) are found in

the paracortical regions of the lymph node after the 16th week, this marks the formation of a T

cell zone 25. FRCs form a reticular network together with reticular fibres and fibrous

extracellular matrix, the reticular network functions as a scaffold for the structure of a lymph

node 26;27.

An adult lymph node consists of B and T cells and APCs arranged into specific

compartments; an outer cortex and inner medulla which are surrounded by a capsule and a

lymphatic sinus 28. The B cells and follicular dendritic cells can be found in the cortex,

whereas T cells and dendritic cells can be found in the paracortical region. The subcapsular

sinus and medullary cord contain the macrophages (Fig. 3) 29;30.

The B cells are organised into primary follicles, which can form germinal centres when a B

cell is activated with its antigen. Within the paracortex near the border with the B cell area

there are high endothelial venules (HEVs), through which B and T cells enter from the

Chapter One Introduction  11 

circulation, if they do not get activated the cells leave the LN via the efferent lymphatic

vessels 28;31.

The spleen can be divided into two areas, the splenic red pulp and white pulp. The red pulp

functions primarily as a filter where aged or damaged erythrocytes are removed from the

blood. The white pulp is organised into T and B cell areas and has a single vascular supply,

the splenic artery. The splenic artery branches into central arterioles which enter the white


The central arterioles are surrounded by a T cell compartment called the periarteriolar

lymphoid sheath (PALS). After the central arteriole leaves the PALS it forms a marginal

sinus which contains endothelial cells expressing mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1

(MAdCAM-1). The B cells in the white pulp are organised into two compartments, one

which consists of naive B cells and the other consists of follicle associated cells, which are

organised into primary follicles 28.

Chapter One Introduction  12 

1.5 T cell development

The development of T cells in the thymus can be divided into several distinct phases. The

first phase entails thymic colonisation and committing to the T cell lineage. The second phase

sees the development of two distinct T cell lineages based on the T cell receptor (TCR)

expressed on their cell surface. T cells which express a αβ TCR respond to antigen presented

on MHC molecules and require the co-receptors CD4 and CD8, whereas T cells with a γδ

TCR can recognise antigen which is not presented on an MHC molecule. During the third

phase both the αβ and γδ lineages complete their differentiation 32;33. Early thymic

progenitors (ETPs) are thought to colonise the thymus while retaining some myeloid

potential. The environment in the thymus is thought to drive the cells to become committed T

cells in a gradual process in which the cells become less multipotent in each subsequent

stage. The double negative (DN) stage in which the cells do not express CD4 or CD8 on their

cell surface, can be divided into four stages based on the expression of CD44 and CD25. The

ETPs are cells in the DN1 stage and exhibit a CD44+CD25- phenotype, these cells can give

rise to T cells, B cells, NK cells and DCs. ETPs and DN2 (CD44+CD25+) cells undergo a

burst of proliferation, they may also initiate some V(D)J rearrangement but this does not

result in the full rearrangement required for expression of a functional TCR on the cell

surface. When the cells reach the DN3 stage (CD44-CD25+) they stop proliferating and the

TCR gene rearrangement is increased resulting in the first fully rearranged TCR loci. The

DN3 stage can be further divided into a DN3a and DN3b stage, the DN3a cells have not yet

successfully rearranged the TCR gene, whereas DN3b cells have. The DN3b cells

subsequently undergo TCR dependent selection, referred to as β-selection, after which the

cells switch on CD4 and CD8 expression and become double positive (DP) TCR αβ cells. If

Chapter One Introduction  13 

the DN3b cells express a γδ TCR they are selected as γδ T cells, which do not express the co-

receptors CD4 or CD8 32;33.

DP cells are subjected to a process called positive selection, in which cells are presented with

self antigen expressed on MHC molecules. DP cells are the first to express a fully assembled

αβ TCR and the ligand specificity of this TCR will determine their fate during positive

selection. The generation of αβ TCRs through V(D)J rearrangements results in a huge

repertoire of antigen specific TCRs, most of which will not be able to recognise self antigen

and therefore result in the death of the cell expressing this TCR during positive selection. DP

cells undergoing positive selection are required to only respond to survival signals

downstream from TCR ligation and remain unresponsive to other survival signals, such as IL-

7. The CD4 and CD8 co-receptors are transmembrane molecules whose extracellular domain

binds to the MHC-II or MHC-I molecules respectively. Their intracellular domain binds to

protein tyrosine kinase Lck, which initiates TCR signalling when activated. The progression

from the DP stage to the SP stage is a result of positive selection, in which thymic epithelial

cells express self antigen on MHC molecules and trigger TCR signalling 34;35. The TCR

binding with self antigen on MHC is required to be a low affinity bond otherwise the cells

undergo programmed cell death.

There are several models on how TCR specificity determines whether a DP cell will become

a CD4+ or a CD8 + single positive (SP) T cell. In the classical stochastic model it was thought

that the lineage choice was random and would result in halted gene expression of one or the

other co-receptor as a consequence of the same signalling event (Fig. 1.4A). After this first

step a second TCR rescue step would be needed to assure that only SP cells with matched

TCR and co-receptor survive 36. This model requires the new SP cells to be short lived if their

TCR and co-receptor do not match, however this has been contradicted by experiments that

Chapter One Introduction  14 

show SP cells with mismatched TCRs and co-receptors are in fact not short lived but capable

of differentiating into mature T cells.

Figure 1.4. Models of positive selection of double positive (DP) thymocytes, adapted from Singer et al 2010 36. During positive selection DP αβ T cells are presented with antigen on MHC-I or MHC-II molecules, depending on which co-receptor gets activated during positive selection the cell differentiates into either a CD4+ T cell or a CD8+ T cell. A) The classical stochastic model assumes that positive selecting T cell receptor (TCR) signals randomly stop the expression of one or the other co-receptor molecule, creating short lived intermediate cells which require a second TCR signal for their rescue. B) The strength of signal model suggests that a weak TCR signal halts Cd4 expression, whereas a strong TCR signal halts Cd8 expression. C) The kinetic signalling model postulates that regardless of the specificity of their TCR, a TCR signal induces the DP cell to become CD4+CD8- intermediate cells. If the TCR signal persists in this intermediate cell it will differentiate into a CD4+ T cell, if not it will become a CD8+ T cell.

Chapter One Introduction  15 

The strength of signal model assumes that CD4 and CD8 co-receptors provide signals of a

different strength during positive selection (Fig. 1.4B). The intracellular tail of CD4 is

capable of binding more Lck than that of CD8 therefore the engagement of TCR and CD4

generates stronger signals than TCR engagement along with CD8. When engineering a CD8α

gene in mice to express the cytosolic tail of CD4, it was shown that expression of this

engineered gene resulted in more MHC-I T cells being rescued, but that there was no effect

on CD4/CD8 lineage choice because all the MHC-I T cells in the engineered mice were

CD8+ T cells 36.

The kinetic signalling model suggests that TCR signal duration and cytokines of the common

γ chain family acting as sensors to detect the duration of the TCR signal determine CD4

versus CD8 lineage choice. Based on experimental observations it was proposed that in the

kinetic signalling model DP cells switch off CD8 gene expression and then assess the effect

of a lack of CD8 on TCR signalling (Fig. 4C). If a TCR signal persists in the absence of CD8,

the cell differentiates into a CD4+ T cell, if no signal is detected then the cell becomes a CD8+

T cell. This model proposes that persistence of the TCR signal stops IL-7 signalling allowing

the differentiation of CD4+ T cells, whereas a lack of TCR signalling leads to IL-7 signalling

allowing the differentiation of CD8+ T cells 36. A round of negative selection occurs in which

cells which have migrated to the cortico-medullary junction are exposed to self antigen. Cells

which bind with high affinity to the self antigen, hence are auto-reactive, will then undergo

apoptosis 35;37.

Chapter One Introduction  16 

1.6 T cell memory

Before antigen activation naive T cells circulate through the body between secondary

lymphoid organs via the blood and lymph. This circulation of naive cells is necessary to

increase their chances of encountering antigen 38. Without antigen activation naive T cells

have a prolonged lifespan, this is a result of continuous recognition of several ligands which

deliver sufficient signals to keep the T cells from dying. The main survival factor for naive T

cells is the cytokine IL-7, in vitro culture of naive T cells showed IL-7 kept the cultured naive

cells alive, whereas naive cells cultured without IL-7 died 26. Three subsequent events occur

when a naive cell homes to peripheral lymph nodes (pLN), first the cell starts rolling due to

interaction of CD62L with its ligand PNAd (Peripheral Lymph Node Addressin). The cell

then adheres by the ligation of CCR7 with its ligand CCL21, resulting in the activation of the

integrin LFA-1. LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1 results in firm adhesion of the cell, allowing

extravasation of the cell 39;40. After recognising antigen presented on APCs the naive T cells

undergo clonal expansion and differentiate into effector cells. CD8+ T cells differentiate into

cells capable of producing IFN-γ, TNF-α and several chemokines as well as directly killing

their target cells. CD4+ T cells differentiate into either of several subsets of T helper cells,

Th1, Th2, Th17, T follicular helper (TFH) and regulatory T cells (Treg).

The immune response is divided into several phases based on the accumulation and/or

disappearance of antigen specific cells during the response 41. After antigen stimulation

occurs, a lag phase in which antigen specific cells are stimulated to become activated, but do

not divide. During the expansion phase that follows the antigen specific cells expand and

differentiate. The cells eventually reach a plateau stage which is followed by a contraction

phase 41. After clearance of the antigen the majority of effector cells are removed since they

Chapter One Introduction  17 

are no longer required 38;39. A small number of T cells persists after antigen clearance and

become long-lived memory cells. Memory T cells provide long-term protection to re-

exposure to antigen, resulting in a faster and stronger response after re-exposure 38;39;42. As

opposed to the naive T cell pool, the memory T cell pool has a narrower TCR repertoire.

Another striking difference between memory T cells and naive T cells is that memory cells

are able to produce a wider variety of cytokines than naive cells. The exact route of memory

T cell formation is not yet clearly understood, one possibility is that memory cells are

descendants from the effector population. There might also be a group of activated cells

which are either predestined to become memory cells or driven to become memory cells 42.

Memory T cells can be further divided into two subsets of memory cells (central and

effector), based on their rate of proliferation and surface marker expression 38. Sallusto et al

(1999) describe four T cell populations based on the expression of CCR7 and CD45RA;

naive, central memory (CM), effector memory (EM) and EMRA populations 43. The EMRA

population (CCR7-CD45RA+) shares many of the features of the EM cells but are thought to

be terminally differentiated cells.

The naive population described by Sallusto et al (1999) is double positive for both CCR7 and

CD45RA, whereas the central memory population expresses CCR7+CD45RA- and has a

lower rate of proliferation 43. The effector memory cells have a fast turnover and exert

cytotoxic effector functions. These cells express the activation markers CD69 and CD25 and

have lost expression of lymph node homing receptors CCR7 and CD62L expressing a CCR7-

CD45RA- phenotype. Memory T cells are more metabolically active than naive T cells,

suggesting that these cells receive constant signals essential for providing a survival stimulus.

Even though memory T cells show a higher rate of proliferation total numbers of memory T

cells remain fairly constant through life. Moreover after each infection a new memory subset

Chapter One Introduction  18 

is formed, resulting in a redistribution of the number of memory T cells already present, so as

to maintain a similar total number of memory cells 44.

1.7 T cell activation

When a T cell recognises its antigen on the surface of an APC an adaptive immune response

is initiated. Antigen, in the form of peptides, is presented to the T cells on a major

histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule present on the cell surface of an APC, such as

DCs or B cells. DCs express several molecules needed for efficient activation of T cells,

especially naïve cells, such as the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86, the adhesion

molecules ICAM-1 and ICAM-3 as well as high levels of MHC class I and MHC class II

molecules 45;46. As described above, a TCR present on a CD4+ T cell will recognise antigen

presented on MHC-II whereas a CD8+ T cell will recognise antigen presented on MHC-I.

CD4 and CD8 are coreceptors which will directly bind to non-polymorphic regions of MHC-

II or MHC-I respectively, thereby strengthening the interaction between the T cell and APC.

T cell activation is a direct result of the recognition by the TCR of antigen presented in the

peptide binding groove of MHC-I and MHC-II molecules. The way in which peptide is

acquired differs between MHC-I and MHC-II. MHC-I is primarily thought to present

intracellularly acquired peptides, as a result of the presence of a viral infection, an

intracellular bacteria or changes within the cell. In comparison MHC-II is thought to present

extracellular antigens. There is also the process of cross-presentation by certain specialised

APC particularly plasmacytoid DC, where extracellular antigens are presented by MHC-I.

MHC molecules are heterodimeric proteins, consisting of an and chain and which span

the plasma membrane 47;45. Newly synthesised MHC-II dimers are chaperoned by binding

Chapter One Introduction  19 

with the MHC-II specific chaperone invariant chain (Ii), this prevents the MHC-II

heterodimer from forming aggregates which is a result of not having bound peptide in the

binding groove. The Ii protein has a classII-associated Ii peptide (CLIP) which occupies the

binding groove as well as sorting signals which direct the MHC-II molecule to the endocytic

system 45. Within an endosome the Ii protein is degraded by proteases, except for the CLIP

region, which stays bound to MHC-II. CLIP can be removed by non-classical MHC-II

protein HLA-DM, when HLA-DM colocalises with MHC-II in an endosome it catalyses the

dissociation of CLIP from the MHC-II molecule 45.

MHC-II molecules encounter their antigen after APCs take it up from the extracellular

milieu, the antigen is then contained within a phagosome. The phagosome fuses with a

lysosome, giving rise to a phagolysosome, in which the contents of the phagosome are

degraded by lysosomal acid hydrolases and cathepsins. In the phagolysosome the degraded

contents of the phagosome can be loaded onto the MHC-II molecules which were present in

the lysosome. MHC-II molecules loaded with antigen are then transported to the cell surface

where they can present their load to circulating CD4+ T cells 47.

The MHC-I molecule consists of an (heavy chain) and 2 microglobulin chain, of which

the chain is membrane spanning. MHC-I molecules present antigen derived from cytosolic

proteins that they encounter in the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) where both chains are

synthesised. Proteins which are destined for degradation are ubiquitinated and processed by a

proteasome within the cytosol. The degraded proteins are then transported into the ER by the

transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) complex. In the ER the peptides can

interact with the newly synthesised MHC-I molecule 47.

Chapter One Introduction  20 

As described above (1.5 T cell development) a TCR can consist of either or chains.

The TCR forms a complex together with CD3. CD3 consists out of four subunits of , ,

and and these subunits associate with the TCR as three dimers, namely , and

48When a TCR binds to its antigen on an MHC molecule, the TCR:CD3 complex undergoes

a conformational change, resulting in CD3 protein intracellular domains becoming accessible

to phosphorylation. When several TCRs on the same T cell are engaged in binding to antigen,

TCR clustering occurs. This creates the possibility for the CD4 or CD8 coreceptors, which

are associated with the Src kinase Lck, and the membrane protein Fyn to phosphorylate

ITAM motifs on the CD3 chains 49. Phosphorylation of the chain creates docking sites for

the -associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP70) and subsequent phosphorylation of ZAP70 by

Lck activates ZAP70, which in turn phosphorylates the membrane protein linker for T cell

activation (LAT) as well as the SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa (SLP-

76). Together SLP-76 and LAT form a docking site for phospholipase C-1 (PLC1), PLC1

is activated by the kinase Itk and activated PLC1 cleaves phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-

4,5-biphosphate (PIP2) to form inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG).

IP3 binds to IP3 receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resulting in the release of

intracellular calcium stores. Calcium itself is involved in many biological processes and the

rise in calcium concentration in the cell results in cell membrane calcium released activated

calcium channels (CRACs) allowing extracellular calcium to enter the cell 49;50. Calcineurin

(Cn) is a serine-threonine protein phosphatase which can transduce the calcium signal. The

nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) family of transcription factors are principal targets

of Cn. When a cell is activated the NFAT proteins are dephosphorylated by Cn, this results in

a conformational change which exposes a nuclear localisation signal. NFAT is then

translocated to the nucleus where it can activate gene transcription.

Chapter One Introduction  21 

It has been shown that during the interaction between T cells and APCs the surface molecules

are organised in a specific manner, forming what is referred to as an immunological synapse

(IS). The IS on the surface of a T cell consists of two concentric rings, the centre ring or

central supramolecular activation cluster (c-SMAC) contains the TCR:CD3 complex, the

costimulatory molecule CD28 and the kinase Lck. In the outer ring or peripheral

supramolecular activation cluster (p-SMAC) there are high levels of the integrin leukocyte

function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1), the p-SMAC thus provides anchoring of the T cell to

the APC 45. There is another ring of proteins formed outside of the p-SMAC, where proteins

such as CD43 and CD45 accumulate. These proteins are quite big and therefore stick out of

the plasma membrane which would make it impossible for the much smaller TCR to stay in

contact with the MHC molecule 45;50. Optimal T cell activation requires there to be a second

signal from co-stimulatory molecules in addition to TCR recognition of antigen. CD28 is a

potent co-stimulatory molecule and it binds to its ligands CD80 (B7-1) and CD86 (B7-2)

present on the cell surface of APCs 51. As mentioned before, CD28 co-localises with the TCR

within the c-SMAC, where together with the TCR signal it enhances the gathering of lipid

rafts as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of molecules involved in T-cell activation 51;52. The

actual signalling pathways used by both the TCR and CD28 have common characteristics and

this suggests that CD28 signalling can lower the threshold for T cell activation. Cytotoxic T

lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) structurally resembles CD28 and also binds to CD80 and

CD86, but ligation of CTLA-4 leads to an inhibitory signal limiting T cell activation 51;52.

CTLA-4 is not normally expressed on the cell surface of a resting T cell, but its expression is

induced by T cell stimulation via the TCR; the one exception is on the surface of regulatory T

cells. CTLA-4 has a much higher affinity for binding to CD80 and CD86, thus making it

possible to inhibit further T cell activation as a result of TCR and CD28 signalling. Since

CD86 is constitutively expressed on the cell surface of APCs, whereas CD80 is induced upon

Chapter One Introduction  22 

stimulation, it is thought that CD86 functions primarily as a ligand for CD28 and CD80 as a

ligand for CTLA-4. PD-1 (CD279) is another inhibitory protein related to CD28 and it is

expressed on activated T and B cells. The ligands for PD-1 are PD-L1 and PD-L2 and both

ligands have different expression patterns. PD-L2 expression can be induced on DCs and

monocytes, while PD-L1 expression is constitutive on T cells, APCs as well as on non-

hematopoietic cell types such as vascular endothelial cells 51.

Chapter One Introduction  23 

1.8 CD4+ T cells

CD4+ T cells are classically described as helper T cells, since they provide several signals to

activate other immune cells. They promote isotype switching and somatic hypermutation in B

cells. They also induce B cell differentiation to plasma cells and memory cells in germinal

centres 53. Another role attributed to CD4+ T cells is helping naive CD8+ T cells to allow

differentiation into effector and memory cells 54-56. CD4+ T cells also provide help to

macrophages and APCs 53.

After antigen stimulation naive CD4+ T cells become activated and differentiate into effector

cells. Several CD4+ effector T cell subsets have been described based on cytokine production

(Fig.1.5). Th1 cells are identified by their production of IFN-γ and the expression of

transcription factor T-bet, Th2 cells predominantly produce IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 and express

the transcription factor GATA-3, whereas the Th17 subset most notably produces IL-17 and

requires the expression of transcription factor RORγt 57. The development of the different

subsets of T helper cells can be driven by CD4+ T cells response to different cytokines.

Polarisation towards the Th1 phenotype can be achieved by stimulating the cells with IL-12

and IFN-γ, whereas it is inhibited by the addition of IL-4. The Th2 subset is promoted by IL-

4 and can be inhibited by IFN-γ. Th17 cells develop after stimulation with IL-6 and require

IL-23 to be maintained; their development is inhibited by the Th1 and Th2 cytokines, IFN-γ

and IL-4 respectively (Fig. 1.5). Once the subsets are formed their own cytokine production

will skew subsequent effector cells towards that specific phenotype 53. Follicular T helper

(TFH) cells are involved in regulating B cell maturation. IL-21 and the transcription factor

Bcl-6 are required for the differentiation of TFH cells. TFH are localised within germinal

centres and express high levels of the chemokine receptor CXCR5 58. They have been shown

Chapter One Introduction  24 

to be able to produce the Th2 cytokine IL-4, which promotes isotype switching to IgG. IL-21

and IL-6 can induce TFH differentiation as well as Th17 differentiation, but TFH produce very

low levels of IL-17. It was shown that overexpression of Bcl-6 led to suppression of IL-17

production by non-polarised and Th17 polarised CD4+ T cells in vitro 58.

Regulatory T cells are another subset of CD4+ T cells which are involved in regulating the

effector responses of the T helper subsets and are thought to be important in controlling

autoimmunity, by their suppressive action on self-reactive T cells 59-61. Tregs are

characterised by the expression of the transcription factor Foxp3. There are two subsets of

Tregs which can be described, the naturally occurring Tregs (nTregs), which develop in the

thymus and express CD25 and the inducible Tregs (iTregs) which develop in the periphery

induced by TGF-β expression 57;59.

Chapter One Introduction  25 

Figure 1.5. Model of CD4+ effector cell differentiation, based on the production of cytokines. A naive CD4+ T cell recognises its antigen and becomes activated, depending on the cytokines produced by the micorenvironment, it can give rise to one of five effector lineages.

As described above CD4+ T cell populations have not only been described based on their

cytokine production profiles, but also on the expression of cell surface markers. Frequently

used markers are the chemokine receptor CCR7, the costimulatory molecules CD27 and

CD28, CD62L and CD45RA 62-64. Amyes et al (2005) described the CD4+ T cell

compartment using CCR7, CD45RA and CD28 63. They described the eight possible

populations when using these three markers and looked at the relative numbers of cells in

each population and also analysed their cytokine production. Using CCR7 and CD45RA four

populations can be described, a naive population that is CCR7+CD45RA+, a central memory

population which is CCR7+CD45RA-, an effector memory population of CCR7-CD45RA-

cells and a terminally differentiated subset of cells which re-expresses CD45RA (CCR7-

CD45RA+, also called EMRA population). When adding in CD28 these four populations

Chapter One Introduction  26 

were further subdivided into either CD28+ or CD28- cells. The authors found that the naive

and central memory populations consisted of mostly CD28+ cells. When analysing the

cytokine production of these populations, it was found that the naive and central memory

cells could produce cytokines but did this to a limited extent compared to the effector

memory and EMRA populations. Naive and central memory cells preferrentially expressed

IL-2 and TNF-α, while effector memory cells were more likely to produce IFN-γ than the

EMRA population.

The study by Amyes et al (2005) and other studies have described CD4+ T cell populations

based on different strategies, either looking at cytokine production or expression of cell

surface markers 63. These studies have resulted in the description of various CD4+ T cell

populations, such as Th1, Th2, CM and EM.

1.9 CD8+ T cells

CD8+ T cells are important mediators in protection against virally infected cells, tumour cells

and other damaged cells. Most CD8+ T cells are cytotoxic, capable of directly killing the

target cell and producing cytokines, some are found to have regulatory functions 65;66;67. As

mentioned above the CD8+ T cell compartment can be divided into four T cell populations

based on the expression of CCR7 and CD45RA (Sallusto et al 1999), however as was the

case in the CD4+ compartment other markers can be used to describe CD8+ T cell populations


Chapter One Introduction  27 

Hamann et al (1997) describe that using an array of surface molecules, including CD45RA,

CD27 and CD28; they were able to find three CD8+ T cell populations, a naive

(CD45RA+CD27+CD28+), a memory (CD45RA-CD27+CD28+) and an effector subset

(CD45RA+CD27-CD28-) 68. The naive subset expressed high levels of CD62L, whereas the

effector subset downregulated CD62L expression. The three cell populations also differed in

their ability to produce cytokines, with the naive population producing the narrowest

repertoire of cytokines. Appay et al (2002) also describe three populations of CD8+ T cells

using only CD27 and CD28 as markers, an early population of CD27+CD28+, a late

population of CD27+CD28- cells and an intermediate population of CD27-CD28- cells 69;70.

They suggest that these three subsets overlap with the CM, EM and EMRA populations


A subpopulation of CD8+ Treg cells has been described using a mouse model 65;71, this Treg

was capable of binding to Qa-1 (HLA-E in humans) on B cells which resulted in the

suppressive activity of CD8+ T cells; CD4+ T cells were subsequently inhibited in their

response. There are no good surface markers to distinguish CD8+ Tregs from effector CD8+ T

cells, however CD28 expression has been implicated with CD8+ Tregs. It was shown that

depletion of CD8+ T cells from CD28 deficient mice resulted in experimental autoimmune

encephalomyelitis (EAE), adoptive transfer of CD8+CD28- T cells into CD8 knockout mice

resulted in disease suppression 72. The CD8+ Treg which is based on Qa-1 recognition

suppresses EAE development 65. The exact mechanisms through which CD8+ Tregs work or

are induced are not known.

Chapter One Introduction  28 

1.10 Tetraspanins

Tetraspanins are a family of membrane spanning proteins, consisting of 33 family members

in humans and mice 73;74. Tetraspanins can be found in a wide range of multicellular

organisms, such as plants, schistosomes and Drosophila melanogaster 75. Drosophila

melanogaster has 36 known tetraspanins, whereas Schistosoma has 25 76. Unicellular fungi

do not express tetraspanins, compared to multicellular fungi which do express tetraspanins.

The presence of tetraspanins in such a wide range of organisms suggests that they play a very

fundamental role in the organisation of the cell membrane. Mammalian tetraspanins consist

of four transmembrane domains, a small and a large extracellular loop and two short

intracellular amino and carboxyl tails (Fig.1.6). The large extracellular loop (EC2) consists of

a constant region, containing three α-helices (A, B and E) and a variable region. The variable

region contains most of the known tetraspanin protein-protein interaction sites 77.

Many tetraspanins are postranslationally modified by the addition of palmitate to the cysteine

residues closest to the membrane. This addition of palmitate allows the formation of

tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs) at the cell surface. Tetraspanins have been

implicated in having a role in many biological functions, such as cell activation, membrane

fusion, adhesion, differentiation and metastasis 78-82.

Several tetraspanins have been shown to have a widespread expression, such as CD81 on

almost all cell types and CD151 on epithelial, endothelial and fibroblastic cells. Other

tetraspanins such as CD37 have been shown to have a narrower expression pattern only on

lymphocytes. Tetraspanins are thought to be involved in many cellular processes as master

organisers of the cell membrane, through the formation of TEMs 77.

Chapter One Introduction  29 

Figure 1.6. Representation of tetraspanins, adapted from Hemler (2005). Tetraspanins contain four transmembrane domains, a short extracellular loop (EC1) and a longer extracellular loop (EC2). EC2 is divided into a constant region (yellow) and a variable region (blue). The variable region contains several protein interaction sites.

Chapter One Introduction  30 

The tetraspanin CD9 has been described to be involved in membrane fusion, metastasis

suppression and sperm-egg fusion 80;81;83 and CD81 in cell migration, hepatitis C infection

and also membrane fusion 80;84-86. CD63 is highly expressed on late endosomes and exosomes

78. It has been suggested that there are several levels of interaction which can occur in the

‘tetraspanin web’ 76;87. It was shown that when using different detergents to extract

tetraspanin complexes direct or first level interactions can be revealed by using stronger

detergents, whereas using more gentle detergents results in identifying second level

interactions 81;87. The first level interactions are quite rare and these include tetraspanin

homodimers and homotrimers as well as heterointeractions between tetraspanins. The second

level interactions are mostly between tetraspanins and integrins. Yanez-Mo et al (2008)

showed direct association of CD9 with ICAM-1 as well as recruitment of VCAM-1 into

TEMs by its association with CD151 87;88. CD151 is also described to associate with α3β1

and α6β4 and by doing so is involved in regulating integrin-dependent cell morphology,

migration and adhesion 89.

As mentioned above CD9 has been implicated in several cellular reactions and several

binding partners for CD9 have been described. Among these are several integrins, proteins of

the EWI family and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) 90. Miyado et al (2000)

generated a CD9-/- mouse and found that male and female CD9-/- mice were born healthy and

showed no developmental differences with their wild type controls 91. They did, however,

find that CD9-/- females produced smaller litter sizes (less than 2%) than the wild type

females did. No difference was found between the CD9-/- males, as well as no difference

could be found in the frequency of copulation vaginal plugs between CD9-/- and wild type

females. The knockout females also showed no histochemical changes compared to the wild

type females and when treated with hormones, no difference in ovulation could be found.

Chapter One Introduction  31 

They then isolated oocytes from both wild type and knockout females and applied in vitro

fertilisation with wild type sperm. Analysing the cells 6 hours after insemination revealed that

for both the wild type and the knockout cells the sperm had penetrated the zona pellucida of

the eggs. A difference in the ability of the CD9-/- eggs to fuse with the sperm and from

pronuclei was found, since almost all of these eggs failed to fuse with sperm 91. Recently

Jégou et al (2011) suggested that CD9 could be providing adhesion sites where fusion of

sperm and egg will take place 92.

CD9 and CD81 seem to be very closely related in several of their functions, as exhibited by

the exacerbation of the phenotype of CD9 and CD81 double knockout mice compared to the

respective single knock outs 93. CD9 and CD81 double knockout mice were found to

spontaneously develop pulmonary emphysema and as the mice aged, symptoms outside of

the pulmonary tract could be identified, such as weight loss and osteopenia. Takeda et al

(2008) show that CD9 and CD81 expression is reduced in the macrophage cell line

RAW264.7 after smoking-related stimuli. Since smoking reduces the expression as well as

the activity of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in the macrophages of chronic obstructive

pulmonary (COPD) patients, they analysed the effect of HDACs on the expression of both

CD9 and CD81 in RAW264.7 cells. Using the HDAC inhibitor TSA they found that protein

levels for both CD9 and CD81 were lower after treatment with TSA. An increase in matrix

metalloproteinase production in macrophages of COPD patients is involved in the pathology

seen in these patients and Takeda et al found that the downregulation of CD9 and CD81 by

TSA correlated with the upregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9. They further supported this

finding by using specific siRNA’s for CD9 or CD81, which led to a similar increase in MMP

production. They analysed the phenotype of CD9/CD81 double knockout mice and found that

these mice developed pulmonary emphysema and showed signs of alveolar destruction and

Chapter One Introduction  32 

remodelling. More inflammatory cells could be isolated out of the lungs from the double

knockouts and there was a higher activity of MMPs found in these lungs. Macrophages from

the double knockout mice showed impaired motility compared to those from wild type mice.

CD63 has been described as a marker for exosomes, these vesicles can be formed when

endosomes fuse with the plasma membrane and release their contents into the extracellular

space 94. Recent data suggests that exosomes are not just a way for cells to rid themselves of

unwanted contents, but that exosomes are important for intercellular communication, cellular

adhesion and migration. Koumangoye et al showed that the detachment of cells to their

surroundings induces the release of CD63 positive exosomes 94. A vector encoding a GFP-

tagged CD63 was transfected into a human breast cancer cell line (BT-549) and the uptake

and release of CD63 positive exosomes was analysed. Firstly cells which were kept in a cell

suspension were found to release 5 to 6 times more exosomes compared to cells which were

kept in an adherent culture for 16 hours. They then analysed the effect of detaching the cells

from the culture dishes, by adding ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to the culture. The

addition of EDTA to the cells results in contraction of the cells followed by the release of

CD63-GFP positive exosomes, seen under the microscope as green vesicles projecting out of

the plasma membranes of the cells 94. Exosomes are also described to express MHC

molecules as well as some co-stimulatory molecules, such as CD86. CD63 is expressed on

endosomes positive for MHC-II and it could be involved in regulating peptide loading of

MHC-II 95. Petersen et al (2011) knocked down CD63 expression in both the Epstein-Barr

virus (EBV) transformed B lymphoblastoid cell line and the HeLa-CIITA (Class II major

histocompatibility complex transactivator) cervical cancer cell line. Surprisingly they found

that loading both CD63 deficient cell lines with EBV synthetic peptides resulted in better T

cell recognition of the peptide compared to the control cells. They then analysed the effect of

Chapter One Introduction  33 

CD63 deficiency on the surface expression of MHC-II peptide complexes and found that this

was not affected. They concluded that CD63 may very well be involved in the trafficking and

fusion of endosomes as well as exosomes, but not in the formation of these vesicles, since

they can still form in the absence of CD63 95.

CD81 has been described in both B and T cell activation. It associates with the B cell

signalling complex consisting of CD19, CD21 and Leu-13. CD19 expression has been shown

to be reduced in CD81 deficient B cells. Shoham et al (2003) show that this reduction in

CD19 expression is especially pronounced on CD81-/- small pre-BII cells 96. The CD81-/-

small pre-BIII cells did express mRNA for CD19 at levels which were similar to those

expressed in wild type cells, this suggests that CD81 may be regulating normal cell surface

expression of CD19. The CD19 defect could be rescued by transfecting human CD81 back

into the CD81-/- cells, restoring CD19 surface expression back to wild type levels. CD81

binding to CD19 is thought to lower the threshold for B cell activation by linking two

processes on the cell surface of the B cell; namely antigen recognition and CD21 mediated

complement activation 79. Boismenu et al described a role for CD81 in T cell development in

the thymus 97. Using a monoclonal antibody which was generated against a, at that time still

unknown, surface marker of the PAM 212 epithelial cell line, they found that addition of this

antibody led to halted T cell development in fetal thymus organ cultures. The ligand for this

monoclonal antibody was found to be CD81. In the fetal thymus organ cultures no

development of CD4+CD8+ TCR thymocytes could be found 97. After 7 days of cell

culture in the presence of either medium alone or a control monoclonal antibody 80%

CD4+CD8+ cells could be found in the culture. This compared to 0.5% of CD4+CD8+ cells

found when the cells were cultured in the presence of the anti-CD81 antibody. No effect was

Chapter One Introduction  34 

found on the development of T cells. Todd et al (1996) analysed CD81 expression on

thymocytes and found that it was expressed at all stages of thymocyte development. Using

co-immunoprecipitation, they found that CD81 on thymocytes was strongly associated with

both CD4 and CD8, but more weakly associated with CD3 98. When CD81 was ligated on

these cells by the addition of an antibody against CD81, this resulted in cell adhesion and cell

aggregation. This cellular adhesion and aggregation could be blocked by antibodies against

both LFA-1 and ICAM-1. The upregulated cellular adhesion and aggregation is thought to aid

in T cell-APC contact; strengthening the contact between the two cells will enhance the

ability for the APC to stimulate the T cell 98.

CD151 expression can be found on epithelial cells and muscle cells, as well as on platelets 75.

In endothelial cells CD151 is found in the cell-cell junctions. CD151 is also the tetraspanin

with the most pronounced interaction with laminin binding integrins, such as 31 and 61

99. Interactions between CD151 and laminin binding integrins are necessary to recruit these

integrins into TEMs 100. Through these interactions with integrins CD151 is thought to

regulate cell motility and adhesion 101. Wright et al (2004) were the first to generate and

describe the phenotype of a CD151-/- mouse 102. Analysing the blood and bone marrow

compartments of these mice, Wright et al found that compared to wild type mice a significant

increase of immature myeloid cells could be found in the bone marrow. This increase of

immature myeloid cells corresponded with a decrease in the number of lymphocytes.

Histological analysis of tissues from the mice showed that there was no significant difference

between tissues from wild type mice and those from the CD151-/- mice. Absence of CD151

also did not seem to result in reduced expression of the 3, 6, 1 and 4 integrin chains on

the cell surface. A difference in the ability of CD151-/- keratinocytes to migrate was seen,

Chapter One Introduction  35 

however these cells had the same proliferative capacity as their wild type counterparts. Based

on tail bleeding experiments these mice were found to display abnormal hemostasis, signified

by longer bleeding times of the tails, as well as the amount of blood lost during the tail

bleeding time. They concluded that this bleeding effect indicates an underlying defect in

endothelium and/or platelet function 102.

Chapter One Introduction  36 

1.11 Transcriptome analysis

DNA microarrays provide a useful strategy to analyse the gene expression of cells.

Microarrays allow the analysis of thousands of genes or even the whole genome at the same

time. This results in microarray analysis producing large data sets and it is therefore

important to utilise appropriate statistical analysis to be able to draw any conclusions 103.

Depending on the aims of the study microarray analysis can be sorted into three groups,

namely class comparison, class discovery and class prediction. Class comparison studies try

to identify genes that are differentially expressed between two or more groups; this can be

used when wanting to compare two cell types to each other. Class discovery tries to classify

groups using the samples or genes examined; one can envisage using this when analysing

samples from patients who have yet to be diagnosed. Class prediction tries to predict whether

a sample belongs to a certain group, by comparing gene expression profiles 104.

Several groups have used microarrays to try and delineate different cell populations in

humans. Most groups have sorted cells based on the expression of surface markers and

subsequently taken the mRNA of these sorted cells and used this to analyse on an array.

Holmes et al (2005) used microarray analysis to investigate the relationship between naive,

effector and memory CD8+ T cells 105. They sorted these three populations based on CD27

and CD45RA expression and analysed the samples on arrays. Identification of genes which

were differentially expressed between the populations found that memory cells show gene

expression patterns intermediate between naive and effector T cells. Du et al (2006) used

microarray analysis to compare gene expression between CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD19+

B cells, CD56+ natural killer (NK) cells and CD14+ monocytes. They also selected a number

Chapter One Introduction  37 

of genes that have previously been reported to be involved in ischemic stroke, Tourette

syndrome and migraine and used these genes to analyse if cell specific expression of these

genes could be found 106. They concluded that most blood cells express a similar pattern of

genes but that there are also genes which seem specific to a certain cell type. Palmer et al

(2006) also looked at cell type specific gene expression in blood cells. They compared B

cells, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, granulocytes and lymphocytes on microarrays containing

18,000 human genes 107. Their analysis showed that differentially expressed genes could be

found when comparing the different populations to each other, resulting in gene expression

signatures for each cell type. Haining et al (2008) identified an evolutionary conserved gene

expression pattern for CD8+ memory differentiation which was shared by B cells. The gene

expression of CD4+ and CD8+ naive and memory T cell populations in human and mouse

were analysed 108. Comparing the results from these analyses resulted in a list of genes which

were conserved in mouse and human memory T cell differentiation. When comparing this

conserved gene list to the gene expression of human B cells it was found that the expression

of these genes were also conserved in B cells. These studies show that microarray analysis is

a useful strategy to utilise when trying to identify differences between cell populations sorted

based on expression of surface markers.

Quantitative Real Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a more accurate way of utilising

PCR analysis to quantify the expression level of a certain gene in a sample. The addition of

fluorescent probes to Real Time PCR allows accurate measurement of a fluorescent signal

during the PCR reaction, hence the addition Real Time 109. Real Time PCR has been used to

validate gene expression results obtained from microarray analysis because it allows the

researcher to focus on several specific genes without the costs associated with microarray

analysis. Wang et al (2008) used Real Time PCR to validate their microarray results, when

Chapter One Introduction  38 

comparing the gene expression levels of the bulk CD3 population to the bulk CD4+ and CD8+

T cell populations. They found that the Real Time PCR data corresponded very well with the

microarray data 110. Chtanova et al (2001) validated the gene expression results from their

microarray experiment through Real Time PCR as well and the data from the Real Time PCR

corresponded with the data from the microarrays 111. To this date Real Time PCR remains the

gold standard for validating microarray results 109;112.

1.12 AIMS

The separation of T cell populations based on cell surface marker expression is a relatively

blunt tool. We therefore formed the working hypothesis that microarray analysis of purified

populations of human blood cell populations will further extend our understanding of T cell

subsets and provide novel targets to control immune responses.

The main aim of this study was to examine lineage relationships between human CD4+ and

CD8+ T cell populations. To address this specifically:

(a) The gene expression patterns of T cell populations based on the cell surface markers

CCR7 and CD45RA will be examined by microarray to identify genes shared between

the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments as well as genes which are unique;

(b) The microarray analysis will be validated by Real Time PCR;

(c) The role of genes of interest in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells will be examined.

Chapter Two Material and Methods 39

Chapter Two

Material and Methods

Chapter Two Material and Methods 40


2.1 Peripheral blood

Samples from peripheral venous blood from healthy controls were collected with

informed consent, into a 50 ml Falcon tube with Heparin (CD Pharmaceutical Ltd).

2.1.1 Cell isolation

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) were isolated from fresh, heparinised,

venous blood from healthy controls using ficoll (GE Healthcare) density

centrifugation. Peripheral blood was diluted 1:1 in RPMI-1640 (Sigma) 1% GPS

(Sigma, 2 mM Glutamine, 100 u/ml penicillin, 100 µg/ml streptomycin), 1% HEPES

(Sigma) and 10 ml were layered onto 15 ml of ficoll and centrifuged at 320 g for 30

minutes at 20ºC. The resulting buffy layer of mononuclear cells was removed by

Pasteur pipette and washed 3 times in RPMI-1640 1% GPS, 1% HEPES. The cells

were then counted on a haemocytometer and used in staining for flow cytometry.

Chapter Two Material and Methods 41

2.2.1 Antibody Dilutions for flow cytometry

CD3 FITC 1:20 Immunotools

CD3 PE 1:20 Immunotools

CD4 PECy7 1:10 BD Pharmingen

CD8β PECy5 1:20 Beckman Coulter

CD8α FITC 1:20 Immunotools

CD8α PE 1:20 Immunotools

CD9 PE 1:20 Biolegend

CD14 PE 1:50 Immunotools (dilution used for sorts)

CD14 PE 1:100 Immunotools (dilution used for FACS)

CD14 PECy5 1:100 Immunotools

CD27 FITC 1:20 BD Pharmingen

CD37 PE 1:20 ImmunoTools

CD45RA ECD 1:80 Beckman Coulter

CD53 PE 1:20 BD Pharmingen

CD63 PE 1:20 Biolegend

CD62L PE 1:50 BD Biosciences

CD69 FITC 1:10 Beckton Dickinson

CD81 PE 1:20 BD Pharmingen

CD82 PE 1:20 Biolegend

CD151 PE 1:20 BD Pharmingen

CCR7 FITC 1:10 R&D systems

TCR γ/δ 1:20 BD Biosciences

IgG1 FITC 1:20 Dakocytomation

Chapter Two Material and Methods 42

IgG1 PE 1:20 BD Biosciences

IgG2a PECy5 1:20 Immunotools

IgG2a PE 1:20 eBioscience

2.2.2 Flow cytometry

PBMC were used for flow cytometry, 2 x 105 cells were seeded per tube in 5 ml

polypropylene tubes (Falcon 352063). The tubes were spun for 3 min at 320 g at 4 ºC,

after which the supernatant was discarded and the tubes were briefly vortexed to

resuspend the cells. Subsequently 50 µl of antibody dilution was added and the cells

were incubated on ice for 20 minutes. The cells were then washed twice, by adding

500 µl of PBS (Sigma) 2% BSA (Sigma) and centrifuging the tubes for 4 minutes at

320 g and 4 ºC. Finally the cells were taken up in 400 µl of PBS 2% BSA and run

through the flow cytometer, Beckman Coulter, Cyan.

2.2.3 Flow cytometry intracellular cytokine staining of stimulated

CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations

PBMCs where isolated from whole blood as described above, the cells were plated in

a 96 well flexiplate at 1x106 cells/well in 50 µl culture media. The cells were then

stimulated with PMA (500 ng/ml) and Ionomycin (500ng/ml) and Brefeldin A (2

µg/ml) was added to the wells after which the cells were cultured for 3 hours at 37°C.

Chapter Two Material and Methods 43

The cells were subsequently stained for the relevant antibodies for the surface markers

CD3, CD4, CD8, CCR7 and CD45RO and incubated on ice for 20 minutes, after

which the cells were fixed and permeabilised using the FIX & PERM® cell fixation

kit from Invitrogen. The cells were subsequently stained for the relevant antibodies

for the intracellular markers IFN-γ, IL-17 and IL-22 and incubated on ice for 20

minutes in the dark. The cells were subsequently washed and taken up in 400 µl of

PBS 2% BSA and run through the flow cytometer, Beckman Coulter, Cyan.

2.2.4 FACS sorting of CD8+ CCR7/CD45RA populations

120 ml of blood was collected from a healthy control and PBMC were isolated as

previously described. Compensation between two colours used in the staining was

achieved by staining 2 x 105 cells with single antibodies. The cells for the population

sort were stained with an antibody cocktail of CD8β PECy5, CD45RA ECD and

CCR7 FITC in a volume of 1 ml. The cells were stained for 20 minutes on ice, after

which they were washed and filtered through a 50 µm filter (CellTrics®) and put into

5 ml polypropylene tubes (Falcon 352063). The cells were sorted on the Mo-Flo

MultiLaser flow cytometer (DakoCytomation), after being gated on forward and side

scatter profiles to include only live lymphocytes, and on cell surface marker

combinations to select the cell populations of interest. These populations included

only CD8β+ cells and were based on expression of CCR7 and/or CD45RA,

CCR7+CD45RA+ (Naive), CCR7-CD45RA+ (Effector Memory RA), CCR7-CD45-

(Effector Memory) and CCR7+CD45RA- (Central Memory).

Chapter Two Material and Methods 44

2.2.5 FACS sorting of CD4+ CCR7/CD45RA populations

120 ml of blood was collected from a healthy control and PBMC were isolated as

previously described. Compensation between two colours used in the staining was

achieved by staining 2 x 105 cells with single antibodies. The cells for the population

sort were stained with an antibody cocktail of CD4 PECy7, CD14PE, CD45RA ECD

and CCR7 FITC in a volume of 1 ml. The cells were stained for 20 minutes on ice,

after which they were washed and filtered through a 50 µm filter (CellTrics®) and put

into 5 ml polypropylene tubes (Falcon 352063). The cells were sorted on the Mo-Flo

MultiLaser flow cytometer (DakoCytomation), after being gated on forward and side

scatter profiles to include only live lymphocytes, and on cell surface marker

combinations to select the cell populations of interest. These populations included

CD4+CD14- cells and were based on expression of CCR7 and/or CD45RA,

CCR7+CD45RA+ (Naïve), CCR7-CD45RA+ (Effector Memory RA), CCR7-CD45-

(Effector memory) and CCR7+CD45RA- (Central memory).

2.2.6 Sorting CD9 subsets from CD4+ T cells

120 ml of blood was collected from a healthy control and PBMC were isolated as

previously described. Compensation between two colours used in the staining was

achieved by staining 2 x 105 cells with single antibodies. The cells for the population

sort were stained with an antibody cocktail of CD4 PECy7, CD9PE, CD45RA ECD

and CCR7 FITC in a volume of 1 ml. The cells were stained for 20 minutes on ice,

after which they were washed and filtered through a 50 µm filter (CellTrics®) and put

Chapter Two Material and Methods 45

into 5 ml polypropylene tubes (Falcon 352063). The cells were sorted on the Mo-Flo

MultiLaser flow cytometer (DakoCytomation), after being gated on forward and side

scatter profiles to include only live lymphocytes, and on cell surface marker

combinations to select the cell populations of interest. The sorted populations were

CD9-CCR7+CD45RA- central memory T cells and CD9-CCR7-CD45- effector

memory T cells.

2.3 RNA extraction

Samples were lysed using 350 µl of lysis buffer (Qiagen, RNeasy® RLT buffer) and

were frozen down at -80 ºC, for at least a day. The samples were then defrosted at

room temperature and 350 µl of 70% Ethanol was added and mixed in. This mix was

then applied to a filter cartridge and spun for 1 minute at 11000 g. The filter was then

washed with 700 µl of buffer RW1 (Qiagen, RNeasy®) and spun for 1 minute at

11000 g. The filter was washed again with 500 µl of buffer RPE (Qiagen, RNeasy®)

and spun for 1 minute at 11000 g after which a final wash was done using 500 µl of

buffer RPE (Qiagen, RNeasy®). The sample was then spun for 2 minutes at 11000 g,

after which the filter cartridge was transferred to a clean eppendorf. 35 µl of H20 was

added to the filter and which was subsequently spun for 1 minute at 11000 g. The

RNA was then used in a DNase I kit (Ambion) treatment to remove any

contaminating DNA.

Chapter Two Material and Methods 46

2.3.1 DNase I treatment

3.5 l of 10x DNase I buffer and 1 l of DNase I were added to the RNA samples and

the samples were incubated at 37 C for 30 minutes. Following this, 5 l of DNase

inactivation reagent was added and samples were incubated at room temperature for 2

minutes, before being centrifuged for 1 minute at 11000 g. The supernatant containing

the RNA was transferred into a fresh tube. The yield of RNA was quantitated using a

spectrophotometer (Eppendorf Biophotometer, Helena Biosciences) at a wavelength

of 260 nm. Isolated RNA was stored in DEPC treated water at -20C until needed.

2.3.2 Reverse transcription

cDNA was reverse transcribed from the isolated RNA samples using the cDNA

synthesis kit Superscript VILO® (Invitrogen). The equivalent amount of RNA to

1x105 cells was used in the reaction, together with 4 l 5x VILO® Reaction Mix, 10x

Superscript® Enzyme Mix and DEPC treated water to make up the reaction volume to

20 l. Samples were kept at 25C for 10 minutes, 2 hrs at 42C and 5 minutes at

85C. The resulting cDNA was then PCR purified and used for microarray analysis or

Real Time PCR.

Chapter Two Material and Methods 47

2.3.3 PCR product purification

After reverse transcription the cDNA was purified using NuceleoSpin® Extract II

(Macherey-Nagel). First the cDNA was bound to the column by mixing 1 volume of

sample with 2 volumes of Buffer NT and spinning the sample for 1 minute at 11000

g. The silica membrane was then washed by adding 700 µl of Buffer NT3 and

spinning for 1 minute at 11000 g. The membrane was dried by a subsequent spin of 2

minutes at 11000 g, after which the cDNA was eluted in 50 µl DEPC H2O by

spinning for 1 minute at 11000 g. The eluted cDNA was then quantitated with a

spectrophotometer (Eppendorf Biophotometer) at 260 nm and tested for purity via

electrophoresis gel and stored at -200C.

2.4 Real Time PCR

Gene expression profiles of purified total RNA from sorted cell populations were

analysed using TaqMan Low Density Arrays ( A

working solution was prepared per sample; this consisted of 50 μl cDNA (equivalent

to 1x105 cells) and 50 μl Taqman Gene Expression Master Mix. Approximately 95 μl

of each sample’s working solution was then pipetted into two ports of the card. The

cards were then centrifuged twice at 300g for 1 minute to allow adequate distribution

of the sample over the probes. The plate was then sealed and the ports cut off. The

Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System was used to perform the

real time-PCR with the following cycle conditions: 50°C for 2 minutes, 94.5°C for 10

minutes and then 45 cycles of 97°C for 30 seconds and 59.7°C for 1 minute.

Chapter Two Material and Methods 48

Data was analysed using SDS 2.2 (Applied Biosystems). Relative quantification of

signal per gene was achieved by setting thresholds within the logarithmic phase of the

PCR for the control gene and the target gene. The cycle number (Ct) at which the

threshold was reached was then determined. The Ct for the target gene was subtracted

from the Ct for the control gene and the relative quantity was calculated as 2-ΔCT.

2.5 Microarray spotting

The probes used for the arrays were Operon Human Genome Array-Ready Oligo

Set™ V4.0 (AROS) and were spotted by the Liverpool microarray facility, University

of Liverpool. The oligos were spotted using a TAS microgrid II robot (BioRobotics).

AROS contains 35,035 oligonucleotide probes, representing approximately 25,100

unique genes and 39,600 transcripts excluding control oligos.

2.5.1 CyDye labelling

cDNA samples were labelled with Cy3-dCTP and Cy5-dCTP prior to hybridization.

500 ng of sample cDNA was added to 20 l of random primer mix from the Bioprime

Labelling Kit (Invitrogen) and the volume was made up to 43 l with de-ionised

water. The mix was heated to 94 C for 5 minutes and then cooled on ice before

adding 1.2 l (10 mM) dATP, 1.2 l (10 mM) dTTP, 1.2 l (10 mM) dGTP, 0.72 l

(10 mM) dCTP, 0.68 l de-ionised water, 1 l of either Cy3 dCTP or Cy5 dCTP

(Amersham Biosciences), and 1 l (40 U/l) Klenow enzyme (from the Bioprime

Chapter Two Material and Methods 49

Labelling Kit, Invitrogen). The reaction was kept at 37C for 2 hours before labelled

cDNA was purified using the NuceleoSpin® Extract II. Labelled cDNA was eluted in

70 l de-ionised water instead of using the elution buffer supplied. The quantity of

labelled product was determined using a spectrophotometer (Pharmacia Biotech

Ultrospec 2100 pro) at a wavelength of either 550nm (Cy3-dCTP) or 650nm (Cy5-

dCTP). The picomole (pmol) yield was calculated as follows:

Cy3 = Abs550 x dilution factor /0.15

Cy5 = Abs 650 x dilution factor /0.25

Labelled cDNA was stored in the absence of light at 4C until hybridisation, which

was performed later on the same day.

2.5.2 Hybridisation

The microarrays were pre-hybridised to GAPS II coated slides (Corning) for 2 hours

at 42 C. Pre-hybridisation solution consisted of 12.5 ml of formamide (Sigma), 12.5

ml of 20 x SSC, 0.25 ml of 20% SDS and 50 l of 100 mg/l Fraction V BSA

(Sigma), made up to a volume of 50 ml with de-ionised water. Equal quantities (100

pmol) of labelled cDNA from the test and reference samples were added together and

concentrated using a Microcon YM-30 concentration column (Millipore). The column

was centrifuged for 10 minutes, inverted into a fresh tube and the concentrate was

eluted in a final volume of 30 l of de-ionised water. The hybridisation mix was made

up using the instructions provided with the GAPS II coated slides and contained 20 l

Chapter Two Material and Methods 50

of formamide, 20 l of 20 x SSC, 0.4 l of 20% SDS, 2.5 l (2 mg/ml) of PolyA

DNA (Invitrogen) and 4 l (2 mg/ml) of Cot1 DNA (Invitrogen). This was added to

30 l of labelled cDNA and the volume was made up to 80 l with de-ionised water.

The solution was then denatured at 95 C for 5 minutes and kept on ice.

Pre-hybridised slides were dipped in de-ionised water and then ethanol, centrifuged

until dry and placed into a hybridisation chamber (Corning), which had been prepared

by using 10 l of de-ionised water to moisten the seal. The hybridization mix was

added to the surface of the slides and a Lifter Slip (VWR International) was applied.

The hybridisation chamber was then sealed, wrapped in a dampened paper towel and

foil and kept in a hybridisation oven for 16-20 hours at 42 C. After hybridisation, the

Lifter Slip was removed by immersing the slide in a solution of 2 x SSC (0.3M

sodium citrate + 3M NaCl, pH 7.0) + 0.1% SDS at 42 C. The slides were then

washed for 2 minutes at 42 C in 2 x SSC + 0.1% SDS and for 2 minutes at room

temperature in 0.2 x SSC. This was followed by 4 washes of 2 minutes at room

temperature in 0.05 x SSC, before the slides were dipped into de-ionised water,

followed by ethanol, and then centrifuged until dry. After hybridization, the arrays

were scanned using a Perkin Elmer Scanarray Gx Plus scanner and Scanarray express.

2.5.3 Microarray data analysis

Slide scans were processed first using Scanarray express. A prepared (and thoroughly

checked) GAL file was used to interpret the slide image and the intensity data was

extracted. This was then exported as a gpr file. The resulting files were then uploaded

Chapter Two Material and Methods 51

into the Gene Expression Pattern Analysis Suite v2.0 (GEPAS) analysis software

( for normalisation. Normalisation was performed using

print-tip normalisation with background subtraction. This was performed first within

slide, and then between slide. Data for the normalised data was then exported to TIGR

Multiexperiment Viewer (TMEV), which allowed the data to be analysed by SAM

analysis, hierarchical clustering and PCA.

2.5.4 Statistical tests

For analysis of the sorted T cell populations supervised statistical tests were used,

SAM (Significance Analysis of Microarrays). SAM is a supervised statistical test.

The test results in a list of genes significantly different between the samples and the

samples were then clustered together based on gene expression profiles, using

hierarchical clustering (HCL). Hierarchical clustering analysis clusters genes or

samples together based on similar expression profiles. An HCL could then be

visualised using Principal Component Analysis.

Statistical analysis of flow cytometry data was carried out using GraphPad Prism

computer software (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA) and performing a t-test.

Chapter Three Results 52

Chapter Three

Examining Gene Expression Profiles of CD4+ and

CD8+ T Cell Populations During Differentiation

Chapter Three Results 53


3.1 Introduction

After recognizing antigen presented on mature dendritic cells naive T cells undergo clonal

expansion and differentiate into effector cells. CD8+ T cells differentiate into cells capable of

producing IFN-γ, TNF-α and several chemokines as well as directly killing their target cells.

CD4+ T cells can differentiate into several subsets of T helper cells (Th) Th1, Th2, Th17 and

regulatory T cells (T regs) 57;113. CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations have been described

based on their cytokine production profiles (T helper subsets) and on the expression of cell

surface markers. Based on the expression of CCR7 and CD45RA the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

compartments can be divided into a double positive naive population (CCR7+CD45RA+), a

single positive central memory population (CCR7+CD45RA-), a double negative effector

memory population (CCR7-CD45RA-) and a single positive effector memory RA population

terminally differentiated cells (CCR7-CD45RA+) 43.

Other frequently used markers are the costimulatory molecules CD27 and CD28, CD62L and

CD45RA. Using these markers several populations also designated naive, central memory

and effector memory populations can be described 62-64.

Several groups have used microarrays to delineate different cell populations in humans. Most

groups have sorted cells based on the expression of surface markers and subsequently reverse

transcribed the mRNA of these sorted cells to cDNA for use in an array. Holmes et al (2005)

used microarray analysis to investigate the relationship between naive, effector and memory

Chapter Three Results 54

CD8+ T cells in humans 105. They sorted these three populations based on CD27 and

CD45RA expression and determined genes which were differentially expressed between the

populations. It was found that genes expressed in memory cells show intermediate levels of

expression between naive and effector T cells. Wang et al (2008) examined gene expression

for human CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations 110. The cells were stimulated and the

gene expression on the different time points was analysed and Wang et al described a list of

upregulated and downregulated genes during activation. Chtanova et al (2001) analysed the

gene expression of murine CD4+ Th1 and Th2 and CD8+ type 1 and type 2 cell populations

111. Their analysis resulted in lists of genes differentially expressed between the four cell

types studied. These previous studies have shown that microarray analysis is a useful strategy

to utilise when trying to identify differences between cell populations sorted based on

expression of surface markers.

The aim of the experiments in this chapter was to identify shared and unique genes during the

differentiation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. We set out to sort the T cell

populations based on CCR7 and CD45RA and describe the gene expression profiles for each

subset. Genes that are shared in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell differentiation will come up in

gene lists generated when comparing the differentiation states within their compartment and

genes which are unique to differentiation states in either CD4+ or CD8+ will not.

Chapter Three Results 55

3.2 Results


3.2.1 Sorting CCR7 and CD45RA based CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations

for gene expression analysis on microarrays

CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations were sorted based on expression of CCR7 and CD45RA.

Since monocytes express low levels of CD4 (Fig 3.1) an antibody against CD14 was included

in the protocol to exclude these cells. Sorting of the CD8+ T cell populations was based on

CD8β expression which allowed the analysis of CD8αβ T cells and exclude any natural killer

(NK) cells which express CD8α as a homodimer (Fig. 3.2). After sorting, the populations

were all more than 95% pure. As can be seen in both Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2, the sorting gates

used differ slightly from the gates used to analyse the purities of the sorts. This was due to

trying to ensure the purest populations during the sort by setting a very tight gate around the

population of interest. When the purities were analysed after the sort, it was therefore

warranted to use a gate which was slightly bigger than the sorting gate used.

Six healthy donors were used to sort six replicates of each population and the mRNA of

100,000 cells from each population was reverse transcribed and the resulting cDNA was then

used to run on a microarray. The CD4+CCR7-CD45RA+ population gave less than 10,000

cells when sorted, which would have required amplification of the samples to get enough

material to put on the arrays and therefore this population was not analysed.

Chapter Three Results 56



Figure 3.1. Sorting populations based on the expression of CD4, CCR7 and CD45RA. A) Representative donor (n=6) showing the gating used during the sort and representative percentages of each population. B) Representative purities for sorted CD4+ naive T cells. C) Representative purities for sorted CD4+ central memory T cells. D) Representative purities for sorted CD4+ effector memory T cells.

Chapter Three Results 57


Figure 3.2. Sorting populations based on the expression of CD8, CCR7 and CD45RA. A) Representative donor (n=6) showing the gating used during the sort and representative percentages of each population. B) Representative purities for sorted CD8+ naive T cells. C) Representative purities for sorted CD8+ central memory T cells. D) Representative purities for sorted CD8+ effector memory T cells. E) Representative purities for sorted CD8+ effector memory RA T cells.

Chapter Three Results 58

3.2.2 Microarray analysis of sorted CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations

To address the question of which genes allow the best distinction between the four described

CD4+ or CD8+ T cell populations, the cDNA from each population was run on a full human

genome microarray which contained 35,035 oligonucleotide probes, representing

approximately 25,100 unique genes and 39,600 transcripts excluding control oligos. Each

microarray analysed a single sample and a human reference sample, labelled with different

Cy-dyes hybridised. The human reference sample consisted of a low number of RNA

transcripts for 99% of genes expressed on the arrays. The addition of a reference sample

allowed for the comparison of different slides to each other, since the reference sample

should give a similar signal every time. The expression levels of the genes on the array are

therefore expression values relative to the human reference sample. The expression value of a

particular gene was calculated by taking the human reference value for that gene and dividing

by the sample value for that gene. This means that if the gene in question has a very low level

of expression in the sample the expression value relative to the human reference will be a

positive number, whereas if the gene is expressed very high in the sample, the expression

value becomes a smaller minus number.

Chapter Three Results 59

3.2.3 Comparing the four differentiation states without distinguishing

between CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations

SAM analysis was performed, dividing the samples into the four differentiation states: naive,

central memory (CM), effector memory (EM) and effector memory RA (EMRA). The

samples were not divided between CD4+ and CD8+, therefore each SAM group contained 12

samples (six CD4+ populations and six CD8+ populations), except for the EMRA group

which only contained six CD8+ populations. This analysis resulted in a SAM gene list of 115

genes which differed significantly in their expression between the differentiated T cell

populations and a false discovery rate (FDR) of 1% (Supplemental Table 1). This gene list

was used to analyse the samples by hierarchical clustering (HCL). Fig. 3.3 shows how the

samples cluster together based on these 115 genes. Based on these genes five CD8+ samples

were misclassified. A CD8+ naive sample clustered more closely together with CD4+ naive

samples, however it is also clear from the clustering that all but two naive samples clustered

separately from the other differentiated populations. The two CD8+ naive samples which

clustered together with the more differentiated populations clustered very close to the

differentiated CD8+ populations. One CD8+ EMRA sample clustered together with the CD8+

EM population from the same donor (donor F). Another CD8+ CM sample clustered together

with the CD8+ EM population from the same donor (donor E). Lastly the CD8+ EM and

EMRA from donor A clustered together.

Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to visualise the clustering from the HCL (Fig.

3.4). The PCA shows the naive samples clustering very close together, regardless of whether

they are from the CD4+ or CD8+ compartment. The more differentiated populations however

showed a split between CD4+ and CD8+, even though this was not one of the criteria which

Chapter Three Results 60

generated the SAM gene list. Within the CD4+ compartment the EM population (red spheres)

differed the most in its gene expression profile, compared to the naive samples (light blue

spheres). The gene expression of the CD4+ CM population shows that the expression levels

of those genes are intermediate to the naive and EM population. The CD8+ compartment

shows a similar trend, albeit not as clear as can be seen within the CD4+ compartment. This

could be due to the EM and EMRA populations sharing a lot of functions and therefore

having very similar gene expression profiles.

Chapter Three Results 61


Figure 3.3. Comparing Naive, CM, EM and EMRA T cell populations from both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment. HCL using the gene list generated by SAM (1% FDR) comparing the four differentiation states without distinguishing between CD4+ and CD8+ populations. The HCL shows the clustering of the samples. Five samples are misclassified based on this clustering.

Chapter Three Results 62

Figure 3.4. Comparing Naive, CM, EM and EMRA T cell populations from both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment. PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

3.2.4 Comparing three differentiation states within the CD4+ compartment

To generate a list of genes which are significantly differentially expressed between the three

cell populations within the CD4+ compartment a SAM was performed, dividing the samples

into three groups. This generated a list of 226 genes with a FDR of 1% (Supplemental Table

2), Fig. 3.5A shows the HCL based on this gene list. The HCL reveals that these 226 genes

allow very good clustering of the samples into their relevant differentiation states. All three

groups branch off their own HCL branch, except for one EM sample which branched from

the same arm as the CM samples. This did not result in mislabelling of the sample however

Chapter Three Results 63

and as can be seen in the PCA (Fig. 3.5B) this does not have an impact on the visual

representation of the clustering of the samples. The PCA shows that the naive population is

the most different in its gene expression compared to the EM population. The CM population

again showed an intermediate expression level of these genes to that of the naive and EM


Figure 3.5. Comparing Naive, CM and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 226 significant genes (1% )FDR. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 64

To identify the genes significantly differently expressed between CD4+ naive and CM

populations, a paired SAM was executed. This meant that the naive and CM population from

one donor were paired together in the analysis, to address any donor variability that may have

been present. The paired SAM resulted in a list of 135 genes, with a FDR of 1%

(Supplemental Table 3). The HCL in Fig. 3.6A clearly shows the ability of this gene list to

separate the two populations from each other. Both populations clustered very tightly

together on two separate arms of the HCL. The PCA (Fig. 3.6B) again shows two distinct

clusters correlating to the two populations. Fig. 7A shows the 4 genes with the highest fold

difference (> 2 fold) in the naive population compared to the CM population. The gene

LRRN3 (Leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 3) came up on this list as one of the genes with

the highest fold difference between CD4+ naive cells and CD4+ CM cells. Fig. 3.7B shows

the 10 genes with the highest fold difference (> 2 fold) in the CM population compared to the

naive population. The two genes with the highest differential expression between CM CD4+

T cells and naive CD4+ T cells are KLRB1 (killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B

member 1 or CD161) and FGFR1OP (CCR6 or CD196).

Chapter Three Results 65

Figure 3.6. Comparing Naive and CM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 135 significant genes (1% FDR). A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 66

Figure 3.7. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and CM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. A) The four genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ naive T cells compared to CD4+ CM T cells. B) Ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ CM cells compared to CD4+ naive cells.

Chapter Three Results 67

The same approach was used to identify genes which are differentially expressed between

CD4+ naive and EM populations. In this case the paired SAM resulted in a list of 279 genes

(Supplemental Table 4) with significantly different gene expression between CD4+ naive and

CD4+ EM T cell populations (1% FDR). The resulting HCL (Fig. 3.8A) shows the ability of

this gene list to distinguish these two differentiation states based on their gene expression.

The PCA (Fig. 3.8B) shows the two populations clustering apart from each other in

concordance with the HCL. The 10 genes with the highest fold difference in CD4+ naive T

cells compared to CD4+ EM T cells are shown in Fig. 3.9A. LRRN3 again is more highly

expressed in CD4+ naive T cells compared to the CD4+ EM T cells (17.1 times higher

expression). Fig. 3.9B shows the 10 genes with the highest fold difference in CD4+ EM T

cells compared to CD4+ naive T cells. The two genes with the highest fold difference were

KLRB1 (Killer cell lectin-like receptor) and GZMA (granzyme A) which are both genes

involved in T cell effector function.

Chapter Three Results 68

Figure 3.8. Comparing Naive and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 279 significant genes (1% FDR). A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 69

Figure 3.9. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. A) The ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ naive T cells compared to CD4+ EM T cells. B) Ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ EM cells compared to CD4+ naive cells.

Chapter Three Results 70

The last comparison to be made within the CD4+ compartment was between CD4+ CM and

EM populations and to this end a paired SAM was executed. The paired SAM resulted in a

list of 40 genes with significantly different gene expression and a 1% FDR (Supplemental

Table 5). The resulting HCL (Fig. 3.10A) shows the ability of this gene list to distinguish

these two differentiation states based on their gene expression. The PCA (Fig. 3.10B)

visualises the two populations clustering apart from each other. The 10 genes with the highest

fold difference in CD4+ CM T cells compared to CD4+ EM T cells are shown in Fig. 3.11A.

The genes with the highest fold difference between CD4+ CM and CD4+ EM populations

were CCR7, LRRN3 and SELL (L-selectin or CD62L), both CCR7 and L-selectin are surface

markers used by CM cells to regain entry into LNs. Fig. 3.11B shows the 10 genes with the

highest fold difference in CD4+ EM T cells compared to CD4+ CM T cells. Within these 10

genes several genes associated with effector function can be found, such as SLAMF7 (SLAM

family member 7 precursor, CD2-like receptor activating cytotoxic cells or CD319), NKG7

(Natural killer cell protein 7), GZMH (Granzyme H), GZMA (Granzyme A) and PFR1


Chapter Three Results 71

Figure 3.10. Comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 40 significant genes (1% FDR). A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 72

Figure 3.11. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD4+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. A) The ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ CM T cells compared to CD4+ EM T cells. B) Ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ EM cells compared to CD4+ CM cells.

Chapter Three Results 73

3.2.5 Comparing four differentiation states within the CD8+ compartment

To generate a list of significantly differentially expressed genes between the four cell

populations within the CD8+ compartment a SAM was performed, dividing the samples into

four groups. This analysis resulted in a list of nine genes which were found to be expressed at

significantly different levels between the four differentiation states (1% FDR, Supplemental

Table 6). This list of genes was then used to cluster the samples together based on their gene

expression profiles for these genes, shown in Fig. 3.12A as a HCL. Using these nine genes to

cluster the samples resulted in five samples being misclassified. One CM sample clustered

together with two naive samples, whereas another CM sample clustered together with the EM

sample from the same donor (donor E). As was seen before in 3.2.3 distinguishing between

the EM and EMRA populations proved difficult, which may be a result of the many shared

functions between these two subsets. In this case three EM samples were misclassified as

EMRA samples. Fig. 3.12B shows the resulting PCA which shows that the gene expression

of the naive CD8+ T cell population differed the most from the CD8+ EM and EMRA T cell

populations, with the gene expression levels of the CM population intermediate between the

naive and effector populations.

Chapter Three Results 74

Figure 3.12. Comparing Naive, CM, EM and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 75

Comparing the CD8+ naive and CM populations using a paired SAM resulted in a list of 4

genes, with a FDR of 1% (Supplemental Table 7). The HCL in Fig. 3.13A shows that based

on the expression profiles of these four genes the samples can be divided into the two groups

(naive or CM). The PCA (Fig. 3.13B) visualises the separation achieved using these four

genes. The graph in Fig. 3.14 shows the fold difference between the four genes for the naive

and CM populations. Three of the four genes (KRT72, MTMR8 and NP_689619.1) are found

to be upregulated in the naive population compared to the CM population. The only gene

upregulated (opHsV0400012617) in the CM population compared to the naive population

shows a fold difference of 2.3.

Figure 3.13. Comparing Naive and CM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 76

Figure 3.14. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and CM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. Three genes with the highest expression level (≥ 1.5 fold) in CD8+ naive T cells compared to CD8+ CM T cells. opHsV0400012617 is expressed ≥ 2 fold in CD8 CM than in CD8 naive cells.

Gene expression of CD8+ naive and EM populations was then compared using a paired SAM,

this resulted in a list of 23 genes with a FDR of 1% (Supplemental Table 8). The HCL in Fig.

3.15A shows that all samples are classified correctly using the expression profiles of these 23

genes, however two naive samples clustered off of the same branch as the EM samples.

These two naive samples could be seen to cluster halfway in between the naive and EM

populations in the PCA shown in Fig. 3.15B. This indicates that these two naive samples

show an expression level intermediate between the naive phenotype and effector phenotype.

The graph in Fig. 3.16 shows the 10 genes with the highest fold difference in expression

between the naive and EM populations. All 23 genes from the SAM list were found to be

upregulated at least 1.4 fold in the naive populations compared to the EM populations. The

Chapter Three Results 77

gene with the highest fold difference in expression level was CCR7 with a 28.3 fold

difference between naive and EM. LRRN3 again is more highly expressed in the naive

population, as was seen within the CD4+ compartment.

Figure 3.15. Comparing Naive and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 78

Figure 3.16. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. The graph shows the ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD8+ naive T cells compared to CD8+ EM T cells.

Comparing CD8+ naive and EMRA populations a SAM list of 24 genes, with a FDR of 1%

(Supplemental Table 9) was generated. The HCL in Fig. 3.17A shows that all but one sample

were correctly classified based on this gene list. Two naive samples are shown to branch off

of the same HCL branch as the EMRA populations and one EMRA sample is classified as

naive. The PCA in Fig. 3.17B shows the clustering of the samples and the two naive samples

can be seen clustering closely to the EMRA samples. As was the case in the CD8+ naive

versus EM populations; all significant genes found in this comparison are upregulated in the

naive samples compared to the EMRA samples. The ten genes with the highest fold

difference are shown in Fig. 3.18.

Chapter Three Results 79

Figure 3.17. Comparing Naive and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 80

Figure 3.18. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing naive and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. The ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD8+ naive T cells compared to CD8+ EMRA T cells are shown.

The paired SAM used to identify the genes significantly differently expressed between CD8+

CM and EM populations resulted in a list of 10 genes, with a FDR of 1% (Supplemental

Table 10). The HCL in Fig. 3.19A shows the resulting clustering of the samples based on this

gene list. The gene list allows all but one sample to be classified correctly, one EM sample

was classified as a CM sample. Another conclusion which can be reached from looking at the

HCL is that separating the two groups of samples into their respective groups is difficult, as

the gene expression of the CD8+ CM and EM T cell populations seems quite varied. This is

also reflected in the PCA shown in Fig. 3.19B. The graph in Fig. 3.20 shows all five

significant genes found using the paired SAM analysis. These five genes were found to be

more than twofold up in the EM population compared to the CM population. GZMH and

Chapter Three Results 81

KLRF1 (Killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily F member 1) are both genes associated with

effector function. A similar paired SAM analysis comparing CD8+ CM to CD8+ EMRA

populations did not find any genes that were significantly different in their expression.

Figure 3.19. Comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 82

Figure 3.20. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CM and EM T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. The ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD8+ CM T cells compared to CD8+ EM T cells are shown.

Comparing the CD8+ EM and EMRA populations resulted in a SAM list of two genes, with a

FDR of 1% (Supplemental Table 11). The HCL in Fig. 3.21A shows the clustering of these

samples based on these two genes. Two samples were misclassified using the SAM list, one

EMRA sample clustered as an EM sample and one EM sample clustered together with the

EMRA samples. The two genes found were upregulated more than 1.5 fold in the EM cell

populations compared to the EMRA cell populations (Fig. 3.21B). ZNF563 was upregulated

1.7 times in CD8+ EM T cells and opHsV0400008530 showed a fold difference of 1.3.

The two genes identified by this SAM comparison were unique to these two populations and

did not show up in any other comparisons made.

Chapter Three Results 83

Figure 3.21. Comparing EM and EMRA T cell populations from the CD8+ T cell compartment. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) Graph showing the fold difference in gene expression for the two genes significantly different between EM CD8+ T cells and EMRA CD8+ T cells. Both genes are more than 1 fold upregulated in EM CD8+ T cells as opposed to EMRA CD8+ T cells.

Chapter Three Results 84

3.2.6 Comparing between CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states

To identify the genes significantly differently expressed between CD4+ naive and CD8+ naive

T cell populations, a paired SAM was executed. The CD4+ naive and CD8+ naive population

from one donor were paired together in the analysis, to address any donor variability that may

have been present. The paired SAM resulted in a list of 52 genes, with a FDR of 1%

(Supplemental Table 12). The HCL in Fig. 3.22A shows that using these 52 genes results in

perfect clustering of these two T cell populations, which is also shown in the PCA in Fig.

3.22B. The graph in Fig. 3.23A shows the 10 genes with the highest fold difference in the

naive CD4+ T cell populations compared to the CD8+ naive T cell populations. CD4 was the

gene with the highest fold difference (11.4) in CD4+ naive cells compared to CD8+ naive

cells and the gene TSPAN18 (Tetraspanin-18) was upregulated 4.6 times. The graph in Fig.

3.23B shows the five genes with the highest fold difference in the naive CD8+ T cell

populations compared to the CD4+ naive T cell populations. CD8β and CD8α were among

these five genes with the highest fold difference in CD8+ naive cells compared to CD4+ naive

cells as was KLRC4 (NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein or CD314), which is

normally expressed on NK cells.

Chapter Three Results 85

Figure 3.22. Comparing Naive CD4+ and Naive CD8+ T cell populations. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 86

Figure 3.23. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CD4+ naive and CD8+ naive T cell populations. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. A) The ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ naive T cells compared to CD8+ naive T cells. B) Five genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD8+ naive cells compared to CD4+ naive cells.

Chapter Three Results 87

The paired SAM comparing CD4+ CM and CD8+ CM T cell populations resulted in a list of

735 genes, with a FDR of less than 1% (Supplemental Table 13). The HCL in Fig. 3.24A

shows the resulting clustering of the samples based on these 735 genes. All samples were

correctly classified; however one CD8+ CM sample branched off of the separate arm for the

CD4+ CM samples. The PCA in Fig. 3.24B shows the separate clustering of the two groups

and the one stray CD8+ CM sample in between the CD4+ CM samples. All 735 genes found

in this analysis were upregulated more than 1.5 fold in CD4+ CM populations compared to

CD8+ CM populations. The graph in Fig. 3.25 shows the 10 genes with the highest fold

difference. CD4 was the gene with the highest fold difference (12.8) in CD4+ CM cells

compared to CD8+ CM cells. TSPAN18 again was more highly expressed in the CD4+ cells

than in the CD8+ cells (fold difference of 6.4), however since the 10 genes with the highest

fold difference were all more than eight fold higher TSPAN18 is not represented in Fig. 25

(see Supplemental Table 13).

Chapter Three Results 88

Figure 3.24. Comparing CM CD4+ and CM CD8+ T cell populations. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 89

Figure 3.25. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CD4+ CM and CD8+ CM T cell populations. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. All 724 significant genes were found to be more than 1.5 fold upregulated in CM CD4+ T cells than in CM CD8+ T cells. This graph shows the 10 genes with the biggest fold difference (>2 fold).

Comparing the CD4+ EM and CD8+ EM T cell populations resulted in a list of 72 genes, with

a FDR of less than 1% (Supplemental Table 14). The HCL in Fig. 3.26A shows the resulting

clustering of the samples based on this gene list, all samples were correctly classified. The

PCA in Fig. 3.26B shows the separation of the CD4+ EM samples away from the CD8+ EM

samples. The graph in Fig. 3.27A shows the 10 genes with the highest fold difference in the

CD4 EM populations. MAL (Myelin and lymphocyte protein or T-lymphocyte maturation-

associated protein) was the gene with the highest fold difference (17.4) in CD4+ EM cells

compared to CD8+ EM cells, CD4, IL-7R and IL-2RA followed and TSPAN18 was

expressed higher (6.5 times) in CD4+ EM than CD8+ EM. The graph in Fig. 27B shows the

Chapter Three Results 90

10 genes with the highest fold difference in the CD8+ EM populations. CD8β was the gene

with the highest fold difference (26.1) in CD8+ EM compared to CD4+ EM T cells.

Figure 3.26. Comparing EM CD4+ and EM CD8+ T cell populations. A) HCL using the gene list generated by SAM, showing the clustering of the samples. B) PCA visualising the clustering of the samples.

Chapter Three Results 91

Figure 3.27. Genes with the highest fold difference from the gene list generated when comparing CD4+ EM and CD8+ EM T cell populations. The graphs show the expression levels for each donor for that gene on a log scale, with the bar indicating the median expression level. A) The ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD4+ EM T cells compared to CD8+ EM T cells. B) Ten genes with the highest expression level (≥ 2 fold) in CD8+ EM cells compared to CD4+ EM cells.

Chapter Three Results 92

3.2.7 Shared and unique genes in CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation pathways

To identify genes which were consistently different between CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations the SAM lists generated when comparing CD4+ T cell populations to CD8+ T cell

populations were compared, resulting in the identification of two genes consistently able to

distinguish whether a cell was a CD4+ or a CD8+ T cell. These two genes were CD4 and

TSPAN18 and their expression was higher in CD4+ cells than in CD8+ T cells. Tables 1, 2 and

3 show the genes which are shared between the three gene lists generated by the three

possible comparisons when comparing the differentiation states between compartments

(CD4+ naive -  CD8+ naive, CD4+ CM - CD8+ CM and CD4+ EM - CD8+EM, represented in

Fig. 3.28). Table 1 shows the genes shared between the comparisons CD4+ naive/CD8+ naive

and CD4+ CM/CD8+ CM and that these shared genes are all upregulated in the CD4+

populations. This indicates that either these genes are not expressed in CD8+ T cell

populations or just not as high as they are expressed in CD4+ T cells. The fold difference

CD4/CD8 is bigger in the CM comparison for 18 (out of 21) genes, indicating that there is a

bigger difference in expression levels for these genes between the CD4+ CM and CD8+ CM


Chapter Three Results 93

Figure 3.28. Unique and shared genes can be found when comparing the three differentiation states between the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments. The gene lists were generated by paired SAM analysis and subsequently analysed for any unique and shared genes. A) Venn diagram showing the shared and unique genes when comparing CD4+ differentiation against CD8+ differentiation. B) The two genes which are shared between all three comparisons, fold differences in each comparison and description of the genes are shown.

Chapter Three Results 94

Table 1. Genes shared between the comparisons CD4+ naive versus CD8 + naive and CD4+ CM versus CD8+ CM. These 21 genes are shared between the two comparisons made between the CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states, fold differences in each comparison and description of the genes are shown.

Eight genes were shared between the comparisons CD4+ naive/CD8+ naive and CD4+

EM/CD8+ EM of these eight genes, one gene (CD8β) was expressed higher in CD8+ T cells

than in CD4+ T cells (Table 2). Five genes (CD4, IL2RA, PLEKHK1, PRDM8 and

TSPAN18) showed a bigger differential expression in CD4+ EM/CD8+ EM than in CD4+

naive/CD8+ naive. This indicates that the expression levels of these genes go up during CD4+

T cell differentiation, but stay downregulated in CD8+ T cells.

Chapter Three Results 95

Another eight genes were shared between the SAM lists from comparisons CD4+ CM/CD8+

CM and CD4+ EM/CD8+ EM (Table 3), all of which were upregulated in the CD4+ T cells.

Six genes showed a higher differential gene expression in the gene list from the comparison

CD4+ EM/CD8+ EM than in the comparison CD4+ CM/CD8+ CM. Of those six genes MAL

and TIMP1 showed the highest difference, indicating that although both these genes are

upregulated in the CD4+ T cells when comparing to CD8+ T cell populations their expression

is also higher in EM CD4+ T cells compared to CM CD4+ T cells.

Table 2. Genes shared between the comparisons CD4+ naive versus CD8 + naive and CD4+ EM versus CD8+ EM. These eight genes are shared between the two comparisons made between the CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states, fold differences in each comparison and description of the genes are shown.

Chapter Three Results 96

Table 3. Genes shared between the comparisons CD4+ CM versus CD8 + CM and CD4+ EM versus CD8+ EM. These eight genes are shared between the two comparisons made between the CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states, fold differences in each comparison and description of the genes are shown.

To identify genes shared during the differentiation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, the SAM

lists generated by comparing the differentiation states in either CD4+ (three differentiation

states) or CD8+ (four differentiation states) were compared and seven conserved genes were

found (Fig. 3.29 and 3.30). These seven genes are shared in both the CD4+ and CD8+

compartment when trying to distinguish between differentiation states. All seven genes

showed highest expression in the naive populations and lowest expression in the EM

populations (Fig. 3.30).

Chapter Three Results 97

Figure 3.29. Seven conserved genes can be found when comparing the gene lists generated to find the biggest difference between the differentiation states within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments. The gene lists were generated by multiclass SAM analysis (three classes within CD4+ compartment and four within the CD8+ compartment) and subsequently analysed for any shared genes. A) Venn diagram showing the genes shared during CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation. B) Table showing the seven shared genes and their description.

Chapter Three Results 98

Figure 3.30. Seven conserved genes can be found when comparing the gene lists generated to find the biggest difference between the differentiation states within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments. The gene lists were generated by SAM analysis and subsequently analysed for any shared genes.

Chapter Three Results 99

3.3 Discussion.

T cell populations have been described using cell surface markers as well as intracellular

markers (transcription factors) and the ability of the cells to produce cytokines 43;57;58;114. Cell

surface markers, such as CCR7, CD62L and CD45RA/RO, have been used to describe

memory populations in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, however it is likely that within these

seemingly homogenous populations there is a variety of cell types which have not been

described yet 115. Microarray analysis can be used to identify genes (and genetic profiles)

which differ between T cell populations, but have not yet been described as having a role in T

cell biology. Several studies have shown that microarray analysis is a useful strategy to utilise

when trying to identify differences between cell populations sorted based on expression of

surface markers 108;111;116-118. The aim of the experiments in this chapter was to describe genes

which are significantly different in their expression between the T cell populations based on

CCR7 and CD45RA within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments as well as genes which are

shared in the differentiation process in both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments.

It is noticeable when analysing the various SAM gene lists generated in the different

comparisons, that the number of differentially expressed genes in the CD8+ compartment is

lower than in the CD4+ compartment. This might indicate that the four differentiation states

within the CD8+ compartment are very similar in their function. The lower amount of

differentially expressed genes corresponds to the fact that in the literature CD4+ T cells can

be subdivided into many T helper subsets, whereas this has not been the case for the CD8+

compartment. The variety of T helper populations within the memory populations of the

CD4+ compartment may result in many more differentially expressed genes within the CD4+

compartment compared to the CD8+ compartment. When going through the gene lists

Chapter Three Results 100

generated it is noticeable that none of the CD4+ T helper cell associated genes, such as T-bet

and GATA-3 can be identified on the gene lists. This is also true for the typically Th1 or Th2

associated cytokines, such as IFNγ and IL-4, show up on the lists. This indicates that these

cells are either present at too low a frequency or that these gene products are only expressed

at relatively low levels. The genes which the array analysis has identified are therefore more

likely to be genes shared by all CD4+ T cell populations.

Microarray analysis identified several genes which are unique to the differentiation process

within the CD4+ or CD8+ compartments as well as genes which are shared between the two

compartments. The Venn diagram in Fig. 3.29 shows that there are seven genes which are

shared between the gene lists generated when comparing the three differentiation states

(naive, central memory and effector memory) between CD4+ and CD8+. These seven genes

are involved in the differentiation process in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, CCR7 and LRRN3

are two genes from this list, which show differential expression levels as the cells

differentiate (Fig. 3.30). Two genes (CD4 and TSPAN18) are shared between the lists

generated when comparing the differentiation states from the CD4 compartment to those of

the CD8 compartment (Fig. 3.28). This indicates that at least in our arrays the expression of

these two genes is sufficient in determining whether a sample is from the CD4+ T cell

compartment or from CD8+ T cell compartment.

Chapter Three Results 101

Many of the genes identified in our gene lists have already been described in T cell biology,

such as CD4, CD8, CCR7 and granzymes which supports the validity of finding other genes

which have not yet been implicated in T cell biology.

CC-chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) has been used to describe several T cell populations in

combination with the surface marker CD45RA 114. CCL19 and CCL21 are the only two

ligands for this chemokine receptor and lymph nodes reticular fibroblasts in the T cell area

produce CCL21 which then allows circulating naive and CM T cells entry into the LNs 119.

Whereas both naive and CM T cells express CCR7 and therefore can recirculate through

peripheral lymphnodes, CCR7 expression is lost on the EM population 114. As shown in

figure 3.30, our results correspond with the literature, in that CCR7 expression from both

CD4+ and CD8+ naive and CM T cells is higher than that found in the EM or EMRA


L-selectin (SELL or CD62L) was among the 10 most differentially expressed genes between

the CD4+ CM and EM populations, with the highest expression found in the CD4+ CM

population. This corresponds with the described function of L-selectin as being expressed on

the surface of both naive and CM populations for both the CD4+ and the CD8+ compartments.

L-selectin allows these cells entry into LNs, by binding to its ligands, such as peripheral node

addressins (PNAds) present on the surface of high endothelial venules within the LNs 120 121.

CCR6 is a chemokine receptor and its ligand is CCL20, CCR6 expression has an important

role in mucosal immunity 122. In our arrays CCR6 (or FGFR10P) is more highly expressed in

both the CD4+ CM and EM populations compared to the CD4+ naive population. CCR6 and

CCL20 are important in intestinal immunity. CCR6-mediated signals help to organize

Chapter Three Results 102

lymphoid tissues such as Peyer's patches (PPs), mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and

gutassociated lymphoid tissue (GALT) by recruiting both lymphoid and myeloid cells.

Expression of CCR6 has been described on both Th17 and Treg cells and this could

correspond to the higher expression of CCR6 found in our arrays in the more differentiated


TNFRSF14 (or Herpesvirus entry mediator, HVEM) belongs to a group of molecules

involved in costimulation as well as inhibition of T cell responses. These proteins span the

plasma membrane and their ligands are type II transmembrane proteins with intracellular N

terminus domains 123. OX-40 (CD134) and CD27 are both known members of the TNFRSF

family and both are known to function as costimulatory molecules on T cells during T cell

activation 123. HVEM, however, can inhibit T cell activation by binding to coinhibitory

receptors, such as B andT-lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) or CD160 as well as as costimulate

T cells by functioning as a receptor for LIGHT (homologous to LTs, exhibits inducible

expression, and competes with HSV gD for herpesvirus entry mediator, a receptor expressed

by T lymphocytes or TNSF14). Expression of TNFRSF14 was found to be more highly

expressed on the CD4+ CM population compared to its CD8+ counterpart. Most T cells

express TNFRSF14 on their cell surface and recently it has been shown that knocking out

TNFRSF14 in a mouse model leads to a reduction in the amount of Th2 memory cells 124.

As described above CTLA-4 and CD28 are structurally related receptors present on the cell

surface of T cells. Both receptors can bind to CD80 and CD86, but ligation of CTLA-4 leads

to an inhibitory signal limiting T cell activation, whereas CD28 signalling functions as a

costimulatory signal 51 52.Furthermore, whereas CD28 expression on T cells is constitutive,

CTLA-4 expression is induced by T cell stimulation via the TCR. CTLA-4 expression was

Chapter Three Results 103

found to be higher in the CD4+ EM population, when compared to the CD8+ EM population.

This higher expression could be due to the presence of Tregs within the CD4+ compartment,

with Tregs constitutively expressing CTLA-4.

Myelin and lymphocyte protein (MAL) was cloned from both human T cells as well as from

cells in the nervous system, such as myelinating cells and oligodendrytes 125. MAL was

identified in our arrays as a differentially expressed gene within the CD8 compartment,

comparing CD8+ naive cells with CD8+ EM cells, with expression being higher in the naive

cells. It was also found to have higher expression in CD4+ CM and EM T cells compared to

their CD8+ counterparts. MAL is a transmembrane protein and has been described to be a

component of detergent insoluble complexes in myelinating and epithelial cells as well as in

T cells 125. In 2008 Antόn et al showed that MAL was required for efficient Lck expression

on the cell surface of T cells 126. The MAL protein contains a MAL and related proteins for

vesicle trafficking and membrane link (MARVEL) domain, which is present in proteins that

are involved in membrane localisation events. Antόn et al showed that Lck is transported to

the plasma membrane of T cells in MAL expressing vesicles. When they used a Jurkat TCR-

signalling impaired mutant, which did not express any MAL mRNA, they found that these

cells also did not express any MAL protein. The mutant Jurkat cells were found to be unable

to transport the TCR, ZAP-70 as well as LAT into the immunological synapse (IS). This

same phenotype was found when MAL expression was knocked down in both wild type

Jurkat cells as well as primary T cells by using MAL specific siRNA. Lck expression at the

plasma membrane was found to be significantly lower in the mutant Jurkat cells, as well as in

wild type Jurkat cells and primary cells treated with MAL specific siRNA. Expression of Lck

was found to be concentrated at a specific intracellular location within the MAL deficient

cells. Antόn et al showed that MAL expression in T cells is needed for a specific Lck

Chapter Three Results 104

transport pathway, required for Lck expression at the plasma membrane. A more recent paper

from Antόn et al (2011) describes a role for MAL in delivering proteins to the central

supramolecular activation cluster (cSMAC), which forms on the T cell surface within the IS

127. These data indicate an important role for MAL in T cell function and as figure 3.30

shows, MAL expression was found to be highest in the less differentiated cells from both

CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments. The overall expression of MAL seems to be higher

within the CD4+ compartment, which could possibly correlate with the fact that the CD4

molecule is able to bind more Lck than the CD8 molecule.

The genes for perforin (PRF) and granzymes A and H (GZMA/H) were found to be more

highly expressed in CD4+ EM, when compared to CD4+ CM T cells. This finding

corresponds to the literature where it has been described that cytotoxic T cells express high

levels of these proteins within their secretory granules 128. When granzymes are synthesised

they are inactive zymogens, when cleaved they become enzymatically active. Within the

secretory granules the granzymes are in an acidic environment, but when released into the

cytosol which has a pH of around 7, they become maximally active, since their pH optimum

is at 7.5 129. Granzyme A can aid in T cell motility by cleaving several extracellular matrix

proteins 128. In total five human granzymes have been described (A, B, H, K and M), of

which GZM A and GZM B are the most abundant 129. Delivery of granzymes to the target

cells is reliant on perforin created pores 130 131. Perforin itself is a calcium dependent pore

forming protein of 67 kDa and it is present together with granzymes within the secrotory

granules. There are two possible pathways described for how perforin aids granzyme delivery

to the cytosol of the target cells. The first possibility is that the granules are secreted into the

IS, where perforin forms a pore through the plasma membrane, allowing entry of the

granzymes. The second possibility is that when the granules are secreted into the IS, they are

Chapter Three Results 105

subsequently endocytosed by the target cell, after which perforin will form pores through the

membrane of the granule into the cytosol of the target cell 131.

Tetraspanin18, which was found to be significantly more highly expressed in CD4+ T cells,

compared to CD8+ T cells is a gene identified by our arrays which currently has no known

function in T cell biology. A second gene which currently has not been implicated in T cell

biology was LRRN3, which was found to mimic the expression of CCR7 in that it is highly

expressed in naive T cells, drops in central memory T cells and is lowest in effector memory

T cells. For both these genes there is no literature as to what their function might be in T cell

biology. The family of tetraspanins has been implicated in organising the cell membrane

resulting in coordinating signalling pathways and several groups have reported a role for

tetraspanin microdomains in MHC-II clustering on APCs 73;82;132;133. Unternaehrer et al

(2007) described that CD9 on mouse DCs is involved in the multimerisation of MHC-II

molecules on the cell surface and suggested that this multimerisation could enhance the

ability of DCs to engage with the T cell receptor. They found that the absence of CD9

abrogated MHC-II clustering 134. Kropshofer et al (2001) used an antibody against CDw78

microdomains on human cell lines and found that tetraspanins CD9, CD81 and CD82

associate with MHC-II in these microdomains. The function of tetraspanins on the cell

surface of APCs seems to enhance the signal strength from loaded MHC-II molecules, the

role of tetraspanin18 on the cell surface of CD4+ T cells could have a similar function, in

creating tetraspanin enriched domains containing CD4, costimulatory molecules and TCRs.

Since Tspan18 expression is consistently higher in CD4+ T cells compared to CD8+ T cells it

is possible Tspan18 actually clusters with the CD4 molecule on the cell surface. Another

possibility is that Tspan18 associates specifically with a molecule which is only involved in

CD4+ T cell function and not CD8+ T cell function. If a specific antibody against Tspan18

Chapter Three Results 106

becomes available it could be possible to test whether this holds true by doing a co-

imunoprecipitation assay with Tspan18.

LRRN3 has been implicated as a candidate gene for autism 135, because of its proximity to a

marker which consistently showed up in screens of chromosome 7. The region 7q22-31 is

suspected of containing a gene associated with autism. However it was concluded after

genotyping that there is no genomic variation in the LRRN3 gene associated with autism and

thus LRRN3 is in fact unlikely to be related to autism 135. NLRR-3, which is the mouse

ortholog of LRRN3 is highly expressed in the brain of mice and is thought to be important in

the development of the murine nervous system. Studies in Drosophila also suggest that the

LRR family is involved in target recognition and cell differentiation during the development

of the neuronal network 136. Haines et al (2005) describe NLRR-1 as possibly being involved

in myogenesis. In their paper they also examined the expression of NLRR-2 and NLRR-3

during mouse development 137. NLRR-3 was found to be highly expressed at 10.5 dpc in the

trigeminal and facio-acoustic ganglia and in the migrating germ cells in the tail. Its

expression in the neural tube was restricted to the developing motorhorn, whereas NLRR-2

expression could not be found during development. In adult mice NLRR-3 was highly

expressed in brain and in lower levels in lung, kidney and liver. The NLRR family are

proteins which are expressed on the cell surface and could be involved in cell adhesion or

signalling 137. Since LRRN3 consistently followed the same directionality as CCR7 it is

possible that LRRN3 on T cells functions as a cell surface marker which is expressed on cells

which need to be able to gain entry into LNs. To determine whether LRRN3 itself functions

as a receptor which allows entry into LNs, a chemotaxis assay could be set up if a suitable

antibody against LRRN3 becomes available.

ADD2 (Beta-adducin) shows up on two gene lists within the CD4 compartment, in the

comparison naive against CM as well as in the comparison naive against EM. In both

Chapter Three Results 107

comparisons its expression is higher in the naive population. ADD2 is a subunit of the

adducin cytoskeleton protein 138;139. Yenerel et al (2005) found that during in vitro erythroid

differentiation of human cells expression of ADD3 was higher than ADD2 expression at day

8, but by day 10 this had reversed. This data suggests that ADD3 is needed in early erythroid

differentiation whereas ADD2 is needed in later stages of differentiation. In our arrays the

expression of ADD2 highly expressed in the naive CD4 T cells compared to the differentiated

CM and EM populations. If ADD2 has a similar role on T cells as Yeneral et al (2005)

describe for red blood cells, it could be that during T cell maturation in the thymus a similar

switch of ADD3 and ADD2 occurs, reaching highest levels of ADD2 in the naive cells which

are then released into the periphery 139

AEBP1 (adipocyte enhancer binding protein 1) and MTUS1 (mitochondrial tumor suppressor

1 isoform 3) are shared between the gene lists generated when comparing CD4+ naive T cells

to EM and CM to EM cells. In these comparisons, both genes were more highly expressed on

naive or CM cells respectively. Ro et al (2007) describe a role for AEBP1 in energy

homeostasis of mice 140. Rodrigues-Ferreira et al (2009) describe a correlation between

MTUS1 downregulation and breast cancer tumours which are highly proliferative 141.

S100A4 (S100 calcium binding protein A4) shows up in the comparisons naive versus CM

and naive versus EM and in both cases the gene is expressed more highly in the more

differentiated cells. Haining et al (2008) also identified S100A4 as a differentially expressed

gene, in studies addressing a transcriptional signature of human CD8+ memory cell

differentiation which is shared by T and B cells 108. S100A4 has been described to enhance

the motility of cancer cells by its interaction with myosin-IIA, Haining et al (2008) suggest

that its function on more differentiated cells could be to enhance their ability to migrate

108;142. MYO1F (Myosin-If), also found to be upregulated in previous studies, showed the

same trend as S100A4, in that it is more highly expressed in the more differentiated CD4+ T

Chapter Three Results 108

cells. Kim et al (2006) showed that mice deficient in Myo1f have increased adhesion and

reduced mobility 143.

BHLHB2 (class B helix-loop-helix protein 2) can be found in all three gene lists generated

when comparing the three differentiation states within the CD4+ compartment. Spontaneous

activation of T cells occurs in mice deficient in the transcription factor Stra13 (BHLHB2) and

these mice go on to develop autoimmunity 108;144. Haining et al (2008) suggest that increased

expression of BHLHB2 in the more differentiated cells could be needed for quiescence 108.

Indeed BHLHB2 expression was found to be highest in the more differentiated CD4+ EM

population. Based on the results discussed in this chapter a list of 96 genes was generated to

validate the array results by Real Time PCR.

Based on our data two possible models of T cell differentiation can be suggested, a linear

model of T cell differentiation and a non-linear model of T cell differentiation (Fig. 3.31 and

3.32). Several models for T cell differentiation have been proposed before; Kallies (2008)

suggests a pathway for CD8+ T cell differentiation which is similar to the non-linear model of

T cell differentiation shown in Fig. 3.31 145. Kalies suggests that differential expression of

transcription factors and responsiveness to cytokines results in the development of distinct T

cell populations. Kallies’ model is based on expression levels of the cytokines IL-2 and IL-12

and transcription factors T-bet, Eomes and Blimp-1, he suggests that low levels of IL-2 and

IL-12 in the environment skew naive T cells to memory precursor effector cells (MPECs),

which express low levels of T-bet, Eomes and Blimp-1. The MPECs can then give rise to

long lived memory cells (central memory) and long lived effector cells (effector memory).

High levels of IL-2 and IL-12 will skew the naive cells towards short lived effector cells.

Chang et al (2007) suggest that the occurrence of distinct differentiated T cells is a result of

Chapter Three Results 109

asymmetric cell division 146. A naive T cell is activated by an antigen presenting cell (APC)

and this results in the formation of an immunological synapse containing CD4+ and CD8+ T

cell coreceptors, adhesion molecules and cytokine receptors. The interaction between the T

cell and the APC lasts for several hours and could therefore last during cell division. They

suggest that the daughter cell near the immunological synapse gives rise to effector cells,

whereas the cell derived from the distal end differentiates into memory cells 146. Catron et al

(2006) suggest yet another possibility as to how central memory cells arise. First they

assessed what the dynamics of naive T cell circulation were when naive CD4+ T cells specific

for the I-Eα MHC-II molecule were injected into wildtype C57BL/6 recipient mice which

lack this antigen. Naive cells were shown to quickly enter lymph nodes using CD62L, where

they remained for a day before returning to the circulation. Their subsequent experiments

identified two populations. The first is a resident population, which was not affected by

blocking CD62L with an antibody, had gone through more than six cell divisions and the

majority of which did not express either CD62L or CCR7. The second population, the late-

arriving population, could be blocked by anti-CD62L treatment, had undergone one to six

cell divisions and expressed both CD62L and CCR7 at high levels. The features of the late-

arriving cell population suggest that these could be central memory cells, whereas the

resident population shares the features of an effector population 147.

Chapter Three Results 110

Figure 3.31. Linear model of T cell differentiation based on gene expression profiles. The genes shown are all on the lists generated by (paired) SAM analysis and subsequently analysed for similar expression patterns as the cells differentiate. A) Seven genes shared during differentiation within the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments show a clear pattern of reduced expression in the more differentiated subpopulations. B) Two sets of genes showing a clear pattern of switching off or on of genes as the cells differentiate. 1 Change only seen in CD4+ T cells. 2 More pronounced difference in CD4+ T cells. 3 More pronounced difference in CD8+ T cells.

Chapter Three Results 111

Figure 3.32. Non-linear model of T cell differentiation based on gene expression profiles. The genes shown are all on the lists generated by (paired) SAM analysis and subsequently analysed for similar expression patterns as the cells differentiate. Genes in top box show a clear pattern of reduced expression in the more differentiated subpopulations. Genes in the bottom box show a clear pattern of switching on as the cells differentiate.

Chapter Three Results 112

The gene expression patterns described in this chapter cannot by themselves point to which of

these three described theories of T cell differentiation is true for the populations analysed. It

is also not necessarily the case that these three differentiation pathways are mutually

exclusive of each other. What our data does suggest is that for many of the genes shared

when comparing between the naive, CM and EM populations for both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations the CM population shows gene expression levels intermediate to those of the

naive and the EM populations. This suggests to us that these genes could very well be

important in the fine-tuning which results in the different differentiation states. Fig. 3.31 and

3.32 both show the seven genes which are shared when comparing the SAM gene lists

generated through the comparisons of differentiation states in either CD4+ (three

differentiation states) or CD8+ (four differentiation states). It is clear that these genes show

the highest expression in the naive population and lowest in the EM population. This

indicates that in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells there are several important genes which need to

be switched off or downregulated during the differentiation of a naive T cell into an EM T

cell. The genes in Fig. 3.31B are selected from the SAM lists of all comparisons specifically

looking for genes which show a trend. It shows that apart from those seven shared genes

there are another nine genes which follow the same trend of highest expression in naive T

cells and lowest in EM T cells. There are also 11 genes which follow the opposite gene

expression in that their expression is highest in EM cells and lowest in the naive cells, many

of which are known to be involved in effector function (such as the granzymes and perforin).

Both a linear model and a non-linear model of differentiation could be supported by our data.

Naive T cells could give rise to CM T cells by downregulation of some genes and

upregulation of several others, after which the CM T cells could continue the downregulation

and upregulation of the same genes and give rise to the EM population which would be in

line with a linear pathway of differentiation. However a non-linear model of differentiation is

Chapter Three Results 113

also supported by our gene expression patterns and incorporating the asymmetric model of

differentiation we could postulate that a naive T cell can give rise to both a CM and an EM T

cell. The late-arriving cell model of differentiation could also be used in conjunction with our

non-linear model of differentiation, where a naive T cell encounters antigen in the lymph

node and is activated to give rise to an EM cell and a subsequent naive T cell to arrive to the

site of antigen presentation is stimulated to give rise to a CM T cell. Our data cannot exclude

the possibility of ‘inter-differentiation’ where a CM cell could differentiate into an EM cell

and vice versa.


Chapter Four Results 114

Chapter Four

Validating Gene Expression Profiles of CD4+ and

CD8+ T Cell Populations by Real Time PCR


Chapter Four Results 115



4.1 Introduction

The results from the previous chapter showed that a number of shared and unique genes

could be identified when comparing CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. To validate the

results from the microarray analysis a list of 96 genes was chosen from the different

Significance Analysis of Microarray (SAM) lists generated by all the different comparisons.

These 96 genes included two housekeeping genes, ribosomal RNA 18S and GAPDH.

Quantitative Real Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a more accurate way of utilising

PCR analysis to quantify the expression level of a certain gene in a sample. The addition of

fluorescent probes to Real Time PCR allows accurate measurement of a fluorescent signal

during the PCR reaction, hence the addition Real Time 109. Real Time PCR has been used to

validate gene expression results obtained from microarray analysis because it allows the

researcher to focus on several specific genes with a more quantitative technique. Wang et al

(2008) compared the gene expression profiles of bulk CD4+ and CD8+ T cells against each

other as well as against the total CD3+ population; gene expression between these three

populations was found to be largely conserved, but not identical. They then used Real Time

PCR to validate their microarray results and found that the Real Time PCR data for several

selected genes corresponded with the microarray data. By comparing the log ratios of the

timepoint/0 hour calculated for both the PCR data and the microarray data on an x/y-plot, the

correlation between the data sets could be visualised 110. Chtanova et al (2001) used

microarray analysis to compare the gene expression profiles of murine CD4+ Th1 and Th2

Chapter Four Results 116

cells and CD8+ type 1 and type 2 T cells. Type 1 CD8+ T cells are thought to arise by

exposure to IL-12, whereas type 2 CD8+ T cells require IL-4. The populations analysed were

shown to exhibit differential expression of cytokine, growth factor and transcription factor

genes; which was validated through Real Time PCR analysis 111. To date Real Time PCR

remains the gold standard for validating microarray results 109;112.

TaqMan low density arrays (LDAs) are customisable 384-well micro fluidic cards designed

to be used with the Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System. Each LDA

can be used to perform 384 real-time PCR reactions on one to eight samples simultaneously.

To validate the gene expression profiles found in Chapter 3, 96 genes were selected from the

SAM lists generated in Chapter 3 and a specific LDA was created with each card containing

four repeats.

The aim of the experiments in this chapter was to validate the gene expression values

identified through the microarray results by analysing the gene expression values of 96

specific genes through micro fluidic Real Time PCR (Supplemental Table 1).

Chapter Four Results 117

4.2 Results


4.2.1 Sorting CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations based on CCR7 and

CD45RA for gene expression analysis on microfluidic cards

CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations were sorted based on expression of CCR7 and CD45RA.

In the sorting protocol for the CD4+ T cells monocytes were excluded by adding an antibody

against CD14 (Fig. 4.1A). CD8+ T cell populations were sorted based on CD8β expression

which allowed the analysis of CD8αβ T cells only and excluded any NK cells which express

CD8α as a homodimer on their cell surface (Fig. 4.1B). The resulting sorted populations were

all more than 95% pure. Sorting gates used differed slightly from the gates used to analyse

the purities of the sorts. During the sort a very tight gate was set around the population of

interest, to ensure the purest populations possible; when analysing the purities a gate which

was slightly bigger than the sorting gate could therefore be used.

Five healthy donors were used to sort five replicates of each population, two donors which

had been analysed in the microarray experiment and three new donors. The mRNA of

100,000 cells from each population was reverse transcribed and the resulting cDNA was then

used to run on a micro fluidic card. The relative quantity of signal per gene was calculated by

setting thresholds within the logarithmic phase of the PCR for the control gene (18S) and the

target gene. The cycle number (Ct) at which the threshold was reached was then determined.

The Ct for the target gene was subtracted from the Ct for the control gene and the relative

quantity was calculated as 2-ΔCT.

Chapter Four Results 118

Figure 4.1. Sorting CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations based on the expression CCR7 and CD45RA. The populations were sorted from five healthy donors. Representative plots show the gating strategy used during the sort and representative percentages of each population are shown. A) A representative sort for CD4+ T cell populations is shown, representative purities for the sorted populations are also shown. B) A representative sort for CD8+ T cell populations is shown, representative purities for the sorted populations are also shown.

Chapter Four Results 119

4.2.2 Gene expression profiles identified through microarray correspond

with the expression found through Real Time PCR analysis

To analyse the correlation between the microarray results from Chapter 3 and the micro

fluidic card results, the gene expression profiles for the 96 genes selected for validation were

compared. The microarray data were available as a log 2 ratio of reference/sample, whereas

the Real Time PCR data was available as a relative quantity value. Since the PCR data did

not have a reference sample run alongside, which would enable calculating the log 2 ratio of

reference/sample for the PCR data, a different approach was used to analyse correlation

between microarray results and PCR results. For each comparison made, the fold differences

were calculated for both the array data and the PCR data; these were then converted to a log 2

scale, because the range of the fold differences was too high to be represented well on a linear

scale (Supplementary Table 1). The log 2 value of the fold difference from the PCR data (Fig.

4.2 x-axis) was then plotted against the log 2 value of the fold difference from the array data

(Fig. 4.2 y-axis). The plots in Fig. 4.2 clearly show that the data from PCR and array for the

96 genes which were selected for validation correlate to each other.

Chapter Four Results 120

Figure 4.2. Comparing the log 2 fold differences from the Real Time PCR data to the log 2 fold differences from the array analysis. The fold differences for each comparison made, were calculated for both the microarray data and the Real Time PCR data; the log 2 value of both data sets were plotted against each other to show any correlation. The comparisons made within the CD4+ T cell compartment are shown in A) The comparisons made within the CD8+ T cell compartment are shown in B) and the comparisons made when comparing the CD4+ T cell populations to the CD8+ T cell populations are shown in C).

Chapter Four Results 121

4.2.3 Comparing the three differentiation states without distinguishing

between the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment

To assess genes which are shared during differentiation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations a SAM analysis was performed; the samples were divided into the three

differentiation states: naive, central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM). The samples

were not divided between CD4+ and CD8+; therefore each SAM group contained 10 samples

(five CD4+ populations and five CD8+ populations). This analysis resulted in a SAM gene list

of 34 genes which differed significantly in their expression between the differentiated T cell

populations and a false discovery rate (FDR) of 1% (Table 1). The median values of the

relative quantities (RQs) for the three cell populations as well as the fold differences between

the three populations are shown. CCR7, LRRN3 (Leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 3) and

L-Selectin (SELL) are all more highly expressed in the naive and CM samples compared to

the EM samples. CXCR5 was shown to have highest expression in the CM population, with

the lowest expression found in the naive population. GZMA (granzyme A) and PRF1

(perforin) were most highly expressed in the EM populations of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.

Chapter Four Results 122

Table 1. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 34 significant genes (1% FDR).

Chapter Four Results 123

4.2.4 Comparing the three differentiation states within the CD4+ T cell


To generate a list of genes which are significantly differentially expressed between the three

cell populations within the CD4+ compartment a SAM was performed, dividing the samples

into three groups. This generated a list of 26 genes with a FDR of 1% (Table 2), Fig. 4.3A

shows the HCL based on this gene list. The HCL reveals that these 26 genes allow good

clustering of the samples into their relevant differentiation states. The PCA (Fig. 4.3B)

visualises the clustering of the samples. The PCA shows that the naive and CM populations

are the most similar in their gene expression compared to the EM population.

Chapter Four Results 124

Table 2. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD4+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 26 significant genes (1% FDR).

Chapter Four Results 125

Figure 4.3. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD4+ T cell populations. The populations were sorted from five healthy donors. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 26 significant genes (>1% FDR). A) The HCL shows how the samples cluster based on the gene expression of these 26 genes. B) The PCA visualises the clustering seen in the HCL.

Chapter Four Results 126

To identify the genes significantly differently expressed between CD4+ naive and CM

populations, a paired SAM was executed. This means that the naive and CM population from

one donor were paired together in the analysis, to address any donor variability that may have

been present. The paired SAM resulted in a list of 12 genes, with a FDR of 1% (Table 3). All

12 genes were more highly expressed in the CD4+ CM population than in the CD4+ naive

population, with tetraspanin5 (TSPAN5), BHLHE40 (also known as BHLHB2, basic helix-

loop-helix protein B2), F2R (coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor) and MYBL1 (Myb-

related protein A) showing more than tenfold higher expression in the CD4+ CM population.

Table 3. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and central memory (CM) CD4+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 12 significant genes (1% FDR).

The same approach was used to identify genes which are differentially expressed between

CD4+ naive and EM populations. In this case the paired SAM resulted in a list of 16 genes

(Table 4) with significantly different gene expression between CD4+ naive and CD4+ EM T

cell populations (1% FDR). LRRN3 and CCR7 were the genes with the highest fold

difference between the CD4+ naive population and the CD4+ EM population. The genes with

the highest fold difference between the CD4+ EM and CD4+ naive population were F2R and


Chapter Four Results 127

The last comparison to be made within the CD4+ compartment was between CD4+ CM and

EM populations and to this end a paired SAM was executed. The paired SAM resulted in a

list of 20 genes with significantly different gene expression and a 1% FDR (Table 5). All

genes except for one were more highly expressed in the CD4+ CM compared to the CD4+ EM

population. Surprisingly the gene which was more highly expressed in the CD4+ EM

population was CD8α, with over fivefold fold difference. LRRN3 was the gene with the

highest fold difference between the CD4+ CM population and the CD4+ EM population.

Table 4. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and effector memory (EM) CD4+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 16 significant genes (1% FDR).

Chapter Four Results 128

Table 5. Comparing the gene expression of sorted central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD4+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 20 significant genes (1% FDR).

4.2.5 Comparing the three differentiation states within the CD8+ T cell


To generate a list of genes which are significantly differentially expressed between the three

cell populations within the CD8+ compartment a SAM was performed, dividing the samples

into three groups. This analysis resulted in a list of 22 genes which were found to be

expressed at significantly different levels between the three differentiation states (1% FDR,

Table 6). NGFRAP1 (nerve growth factor receptor (TNFRSF16) associated protein 1) was

found to have the highest expression in CD8+ naive T cells and its expression dropped down

as the cells differentiate. LRRN3, CCR7 and L-selectin were also all expressed highest on

Chapter Four Results 129

CD8+ naive T cells and their expression was lowest in CD8+ EM T cells. GNLY (granulysin),

F2R, GZMK, SLAMF7 (SLAM family member 7) and GZMA were all upregulated in the

more differentiated populations compared to the naive population.

Table 6. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive, central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 22 significant genes (1% FDR).

Comparing the CD8+ naive and CM populations using a paired SAM resulted in a list of 14

genes, with a FDR of 1% (Table 7). All genes were found to be upregulated more than

twofold in the CD8+ CM T cells compared to the CD8+ naive T cells. The genes with the

highest fold difference were mostly associated with effector function, such as GZMA, GZMK

and PRF1. CXCR5 was found to be more than fourfold more highly expressed in the CD8+

CM T cells compared to the CD8+ naive T cells.

Chapter Four Results 130

Table 7. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and central memory (CM) CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 14 significant genes (1% FDR).

Gene expression of CD8+ naive and EM populations was then compared using a paired SAM,

this resulted in a list of 23 genes with a FDR of 1% (Table 8). Four of these genes were found

to be upregulated (> 2 fold) in the CD8+ naive population compared to the CD8+ EM

population, these were LRRN3, NGFRAP1, CCR7 and CRTAM (cytotoxic and regulatory T

cell molecule).

The paired SAM used to identify the genes significantly differently expressed between CD8+

CM and EM populations resulted in a list of 12 genes, with a FDR of 1% (Table 9). The

genes with the highest fold difference between the CD8+ CM population and the CD8+ EM

population were LRRN3, NGFRAP1 and IL-2RA (IL-2 receptor α chain). GZMH, KLRF1

(killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily F, member 1) and Tspan15 (tetraspanin 15) were all

more than tenfold more highly expressed in the CD8+ EM population compared to the CD8+

CM population.

Chapter Four Results 131


Table 8. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive and effector memory (EM) CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 23 significant genes (1% FDR).

Table 9. Comparing the gene expression of sorted central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 12 significant genes (1% FDR).

Chapter Four Results 132

4.2.6 Comparing between CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation states

To find genes which differed in their expression between CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

differentiation states, three separate SAM analyses were done comparing the CD4+ naive

population to the CD8+ naive population, the CD4+ CM population to the CD8+ CM

population and the CD4+ EM population to the CD8+ EM population. Comparing the CD4+

naive and CD8+ naive T cell populations to each other resulted in a SAM list of 10 genes,

with a FDR of 1% (Table 10). Only two of the ten significant genes were upregulated in the

CD8+ naive population compared to the CD4+ naive population, namely CRTAM and

TSPAN32. CD4, TSPAN9 and GPR183 were the genes with the highest fold difference (>10

fold) between the CD4+ naive population and the CD8+ naive population.

Table 10. Comparing the gene expression of sorted naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 10 significant genes (1% FDR).

Chapter Four Results 133

The SAM comparing CD4+ CM and CD8+ CM T cell populations resulted in a list of 33

genes, with a FDR of less than 1% (Table 11). Six of the 33 genes were upregulated in the

CD8+ CM compared to the CD4+ CM population, amongst which were CD8α and CD8β.

CD4 showed the highest fold difference between the CD4+ CM and the CD8+ CM population,

followed by NGFRAP1.

Comparing the CD4+ EM and CD8+ EM T cell populations resulted in a list of 21 genes, with

a FDR of less than 1% (Table 12). Four of these genes were more highly expressed in the

CD4+ EM population, namely CD4, IL-2RA, NGFRAP1 and TRIB2 (tribbles homolog 2) all

of which were more than twofold more highly expressed. Among the genes upregulated in

the CD8+ EM population were many genes associated with effector functions, such as

KLRC4 (killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 4, also known as NKG2F),

NKG7 (natural killer cell group 7 sequence), GZMH and PRF1. CD8α and CD8β were also

upregulated in the CD8+ EM population.

Chapter Four Results 134

Table 11. Comparing the gene expression of sorted central memory (CM) CD4+ and CM CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 33 significant genes (1% FDR).

Chapter Four Results 135

Table 12. Comparing the gene expression of sorted effector memory (EM) CD4+ and effector memory (EM) CD8+ T cell populations. SAM analysis resulted in a list of 21 significant genes (1% FDR).

4.2.7 Shared and unique genes in CD4+ and CD8+ differentiation pathways

To identify genes shared during differentiation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations the

SAM lists generated when comparing the naive, CM and EM populations within the CD4+

and CD8+ compartments were compared. This resulted in nine genes which were found to be

shared between these comparisons (Fig. 4.4). As can be seen in the figure all nine genes

showed a pattern in which the CM population exhibits an intermediate gene expression to the

naive and EM populations. This pattern suggests that these genes are important in the

differentiation from a naive T cell to a CM or EM T cell in both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell


Chapter Four Results 136

Figure 4.4. Nine shared genes can be found when comparing the differentiation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. When analysing the SAM lists generated when comparing the naive, central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) populations within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartments, nine genes were found to be shared.

When trying to identify genes which were consistently different between CD4+ and CD8+ T

cell populations the SAM lists generated when comparing the CD4+ naive to CD8+ naive,

CD4+ CM to CD8+ CM and CD4+ EM to CD8+ EM were compared to each other. One gene,

TRIB2, was found to be shared (Fig. 4.5). This suggests that this gene is consistently

differentially expressed between all CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Four Results 137

 Figure 4.5. One shared gene can be found when comparing the differentiation states of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell. When analysing the SAM lists generated when comparing the CD4+ naive to CD8+ naive, CD4+ central memory (CM) to CD8+ CM and CD4+ effector memory (EM) to CD8+ EM one gene was found to be shared.

Chapter Four Results 138

4.3 Discussion

The results from the previous Chapter suggested a pathway shared between CD4+ and CD8+

T cells during differentiation. Real Time PCR has been used as the gold standard for

validating gene expression levels and to validate the microarray analysis of the CD4+ and

CD8+ T cell populations 96 genes were selected from the gene lists generated in Chapter 3

and tested by Real Time PCR. Real Time PCR has the advantage over microarrays in that it is

a highly reproducible and more quantitative way and it allows the testing of more samples

than would be possible by microarray analysis (Fig. 4.6). Large scale microarray analysis is a

useful tool to analyse large quantities of genes at the same time and identifying genes of

interest, to validate and follow up on such genes a more specific microarray can be designed

which might contain genes from the same gene family as a gene of interest. Real Time PCR

analysis can then be used to validate the gene expression identified through array analysis, as

it is a more quantitative technique as well as allowing the researcher to analyse a larger

sample pool.

Microarray analysis of the T cell populations within the CD4+ and CD8+ compartment

identified tetraspanin18 as a differentially expressed gene between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.

The Real Time PCR data of these same T cell populations did not show this difference to the

same extent. Instead, whereas Tspan18 expression by microarray analysis was consistently

found to be higher in CD4+ naive, CM and EM T cell populations when compared to their

CD8+ counterparts, the Real Time PCR analysis showed that this was not the case when

comparing CD4+ CM to CD8+ CM. In the Real Time PCR samples expression of Tspan18

was found to be higher in the CD8+ CM population compared to the CD4+ CM population. In

Chapter Four Results 139

both the naive and EM populations Tspan18 expression was again found to be higher in the

CD4+ compartment. Protty et al (2009) analysed the expression of tetraspanins in platelets

and found that CD9, CD63, CD151 and Tspan9 were expressed on platelets. They also

analysed expression of the 33 different tetraspanins in various human cell types and found

that when comparing CD4+ helper T cells to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, Tspan18 was also more

highly expressed in the CD4+ T cells compared to the CD8+ T cells 148. This data strengthens

our initial finding of higher Tspan18 expression in the CD4+ T cell compartment. Based on

our identification of Tspan18 in our microarray analysis, tetraspanin family members were

included in our Real Time PCR validation experiments. This allowed us to identify that

several tetraspanins were differentially expressed during T cell differentiation, such as CD81

and CD82; both of which show increased expression in the more differentiated cells of both

the CD4+ and the CD8+ compartment. CD9 expression seemed to be lowest on the CD4+ CM

population, with CD4+ naive and EM cells expressing similar levels of CD9. Within the

CD8+ compartment CD9 expression did not significantly differ between the three


Chapter Four Results 140

Figure 4.6. Comparing microarray analysis to Real Time PCR analysis. Large scale microarray analysis allows analysis of large quantities of genes at the same time and identifying genes of interest. Validation and follow up on such genes can be done with a more specific microarray designed to contain genes from the same gene family as a gene of interest. Real Time PCR analysis is then used as the gold standard to validate the gene expression identified through array analysis, as it is a more quantitative technique as well as it allows the researcher to analyse a larger sample pool.

Real Time PCR analysis of genes selected from the microarray data resulted, as expected, in

several differentially expressed genes. One of which was KLRC4, also known as NKG2F and

found to be raised in CD8+ EM T cells. KLRC4 is a member of the NKG2 family of C-type

lectins. MHC-Ib molecule HLA-E functions as a ligand for the receptor encoded by these

genes and its binding results in an inhibitory signal to the cells expressing the receptor,

mainly NK cells and some T cells 149. Some family members can also send an activation

signal when recognising MHC molecules and whether a receptor is inhibitory or activating

corresponds to the characteristics of their cytoplasmic or transmembrane domains 150;151.

NKG2A contains an immunorecptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM) in its cytoplasmic

tail which upon activation results in a inhibitory signal. Family members with activating

capabilities have a truncated cytoplasmic domain, therefore lacking the ITIMs, these

Chapter Four Results 141

receptors associate with adaptor molecules (e.g. DAP12) which contain immunoreceptor

tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) 150;151.

The transcript for KLRC4 has been identified in studies however Kim et al (2004) are the

first to describe protein expression of KLRC4 in NK cells by performing

immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting 149;152. KLRC4 has a high homology with NKG2C,

which binds to DAP12, prompting them to assess whether KLRC4 could also bind to DAP12.

The mouse pro-B cell line Ba/F3 was transfected with either NKG2C as a control or with

KLRC4 as well as with an ecotropic retrovirus encoding human DAP12 with a Flag epitope

attached to allow identification on the cell surface. Subsequent immunoprecipitation with an

anti-Flag antibody and immunoblotting showed that KLRC4 was able to bind to DAP12.

Further analysis revealed that the KLRC4-DAP12 complex was not expressed on the cell

surface. The association of KLRC4 with DAP12 suggests that it could have a role in cell

activation. Somewhat contradictory is the fact that KLRC4 contains an ITIM motif in its

cytoplasmic tail, which could suggest that KLRC4 could have a role in cell activation as well

as a cell activation inhibitory role. The data in this chapter shows KLRC4 is differentially

expressed on T cell populations, being the most highly expressed gene in four SAM gene

lists. When comparing the differentiation states without distinguishing between CD4+ and

CD8+ T cell populations, its expression is highest in the naive populations and drops down as

the cells differentiate. KLRC4 also comes up as differentially expressed between the naive,

CM and EM populations within the CD4+ compartment; however within the CD4+

compartment its expression is highest on the EM population and lowest on the CM

population (Fig. 4.7). When comparing the differentiation states between compartments,

KLRC4 is shown to be more highly expressed in CD8+ CM and EM T cell populations

compared to the CD4+ CM and EM T cell populations respectively. It is clear that CD8+ T

cells express higher levels of KLRC4 which corresponds with some reports of expression of

Chapter Four Results 142

previously thought to be NK cell specific markers on CD8+ T cell populations, indicating the

possibility of these cells to express a receptor which is thought to be associated with the

innate immune response.

Figure 4.7. KLRC4 gene expression is highest on CD8+ T cell populations. KLRC4, also known as NKG2F, is a member of the NKG2 family of C-type lectins.

NGFRAP1 (Bex3) interacts with the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), which is a

member of the tumor necrosis facor receptor family. NGFRAP1 interaction with p75NTR

modulates nerve growth factor (NGF) signalling through NFκB which can result in regulation

of cell cycle, apoptosis and differentiation in neuronal tissue 153;154. NGFRAP1 encodes

p75NTR associated cell death executor (NADE) which binds to the death domain of p75NTR

in response to NGF resulting in apoptosis of neuronal cells.

NGFRAP1 is identified in several of the SAM lists when comparing the differentiation states

of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. When comparing the differentiation states without distinguishing

between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, NGFRAP1 is shown to have the highest expression on

naive T cells and lowest in the EM T cells (Table 1). It shows this same expression pattern

when comparing the three differentiation states within the CD8+ T cell compartment (Table

Chapter Four Results 143

6). Comparing its expression between CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations shows that in both

compartments the expression is lowest in the EM population (Table 4, 5, 8 and 9) in the

CD8+ compartment expression is highest in the naive population, while its expression level in

CD4+ naive cells is similar to that of CD4+ CM cells (Fig. 4.8). If naive and CM T cells

express high levels of NGFRAP1 this may make them more susceptible to p75NTR mediated

apoptosis, which would indicate a pathway for controlling naive and CM T cell responses.

Figure 4.8. NGFRAP1 gene expression is lowest on EM CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. NGFRAP1 binds p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), a member of the tumor necrosis facor receptor family, this binding can result in apoptosis.

SLC22A17 (Solute carrier family 22 member 17) is also known as brain type organic cation

transporter (BOCT) in mice and Miharada et al (2007) suggest that the human homolog

might be a receptor for lipocalin 2 (LCN2 or 24p3) 155. As a protection mechanism mamalian

cells remove iron from the environment to prevent it from being used for bacterial cell

growth. LCN2 is a secreted member of the lipocalin family of proteins and has been

implicated in iron trafficking in and out of the cell. LCN2 on its own cannot bind iron, but it

can bind iron through binding with a small molecular weight bacterial siderophore, which is

Chapter Four Results 144

an iron chelator 156. Internalisation of LCN2 bound to iron leads to the prevention of

apoptosis, whereas LCN2 internalised without bound iron leads to apoptosis as a result of

LCN2 shuttling iron out of the cell 156;157. The expression of SLC22A17 (BOCT) in our data

is highest in the naive populations of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and lowest on the EM

population. SLC22A17 does not come up as significantly different when comparing the naive

population to the CM population in both the CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartment, indicating

that these cell populations express similar levels of this gene (Fig. 4.9). If this high expression

of SLC22A17 correlates with the cell surface expression of the LCN2 receptor, this could

indicate a pathway for naive and CM T cell populations to perform a task more commonly

associated with innate immune cells, suggesting an evolutionary link.

Figure 4.9. SLC22A17 gene expression is lowest on EM CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. SLC22A17 encodes the receptor for lipocalin 2, which is involved in iron trafficking.

Microarray analysis identified CXCR5 as a differentially expressed gene when comparing the

three differentiation states within the CD4+ compartment as well as in the comparison

between CD4+ naive T cells and CD4+ CM T cells. Its expression was found to be highest on

Chapter Four Results 145

CD4+ CM T cells. CXCR5 is the chemokine receptor for CXCL13 which is expressed on all

B cells as well as on CD4+ follicular helper cells (TFH). TFH cells can be found within the B

cell area of secondary lymphoid organs where they help generate an effective B cell response

by supporting antibody production and isotype class switching 58;158. The Real Time PCR

data for CXCR5 showed that the difference between CD4+ naive and CD4+ CM T cells

identified in the array analysis is maintained, but it also shows that CD8+ CM T cells also

express high levels of CXCR5 (Fig. 4.10). The higher expression on CD4+ CM T cells could

correspond to the TFH cell population, but the higher expression on CD8+ CM T cells has not

been described before. Quigley et al (2007) describe a CD8+CXCR5+ T cell population in

human tonsil B cell follicles as well as peripheral blood which does not express any CCR7.

They describe these cells as early effector cells because of the lack of CCR7 expression

combined with their ability to produce IFNγ and GZMA. Stimulation of these cells in vitro

led to the upregulation of receptors needed for interaction with B cells, such as CD70 and

OX40. They found that CD8+CXCR5+ T cells could support tonsil B cell survival and IgG

production 158. The cell surface expression of CXCR5 on the CCR7+CD45RA-CD8+ CM T

cells will have to be analysed to examine whether the high expression found in the mRNA

levels of these cells corresponds to the protein levels. If CD8+ CM T cells indeed express

high levels of CXCR5 on their cell surface, these CD8+CXCR5+ CM T cells could provide B

cell help, as do TFH cells; with the exception that CD8+CXCR5+ CM T cells will be able to

respond to different antigens presented on MHC class I molecules as opposed to TFH cells

which respond to antigen presented on MHC class II molecules.

Chapter Four Results 146

Figure 4.10. CXCR5 gene expression is highest on both CD4+ and CD8+ CM T cell populations. CXCR5 expression is associated with CD4+ follicular T helper cells (TFH).

The results in this Chapter show that the data collected through microarray analysis in

Chapter 3 could be validated through Real Time PCR analysis, providing proof that more

extensive analysis of the potential new target genes identified by microarray analysis is

needed to ascertain their role in T cell biology.

Chapter Five Results 147

Chapter Five

Expression of Tetraspanin Family Members on

CD4+ and CD8+ T Cell Populations

Chapter Five Results 148



5.1 Introduction

The purpose of analysing gene expression profiles of different subsets of T cell was to

identify genes or gene families associated with specific subsets and which may be involved in

differentiation of T cells and T cell function. Several family members of the tetraspanin

family were identified by microarray and Real Time PCR as showing differential expression

on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets. Tetraspanins are a family of membrane spanning proteins,

consisting of 33 family members in humans and mouse 73;74. They consist of four

transmembrane domains, a small and a large extracellular loop and two short intracellular

amino and carboxyl tails. Many tetraspanins are posttranslationally modified by the addition

of palmitate to the cysteine residues closest to the membrane. This addition of palmitate

allows the formation of tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs) at the cell surface.

Tetraspanins have been implicated in having a role in many biological functions, such as cell

activation, membrane fusion, adhesion, differentiation and metastasis 78;79;80;81;82. CD9 has

been described to be involved in membrane fusion, metastasis suppression and sperm-egg

fusion 80;81;83 and CD81 in cell migration, hepatitis C infection and also membrane fusion 84 80

85 89. CD63 is highly expressed on late endosomes and exosomes 78. Several binding partners

which tetraspanins associate with on the cell surface have been identified; Yanez-Mo et al

(2008) showed direct association of CD9 with ICAM-1 as well as recruitment of VCAM-1

into TEMs by its association with CD151 87;88. CD151 is also described to associate with

Chapter Five Results 149

α3β1 and α6β4 and by doing so is involved in regulating integrin-dependent cell morphology,

migration and adhesion 86.

In the previous chapters various members of the tetraspanin family showed differential

expression based on their mRNA in T cell populations. Using microarray analysis

tetraspanin18 was shown to consistently be able to distinguish between CD4+ and CD8+ T

cell populations. We wished to determine whether the surface expression of tetraspanins

corresponded to the mRNA data from the microarray and Real Time PCR; to date however

there is no working monoclonal or polyclonal antibody against tetraspanin18. I therefore

analysed the cell surface expression of the tetraspanin family members where antibodies were

available. The analysis of tetraspanin family member gene expression via Real Time PCR

indicated that CD81 and CD82 showed differential gene expression along the T cell

differentiation pathway, therefore antibodies against these tetraspanins were included in the

flow cytometry analysis. Antibodies against CD9, CD37, CD53, CD63 and CD151 were also

included. CD53, like CD63 has been described in the endocytic pathway 8. CD9 was found to

show a biphasic expression on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations and therefore the

possible function of CD9 on T cells was also examined.

Chapter Five Results 150

5.2 Results

5.2.1 Expression of tetraspanin CD9 on human CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations is biphasic

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) were isolated from fresh heparinised blood.

The cells were subsequently stained for the markers CD4, CD8, CCR7, CD45RA and CD9

and analysed by flow cytometry. Fig. 5.1 shows the expression levels of CD9 on CD4+ T cell

populations based on CCR7 and CD45RA. As described above, the markers CCR7 and

CD45RA allow the distinction of several T cell populations within the CD4+ T cell

compartment, namely naive (CCR7+CD45RA+), central memory (CCR7+CD45RA-) and

effector memory (CCR7-CD45RA-). The top part of Fig. 5.1 shows representative plots

showing the gating strategy used to analyse the data. The percentage CD9 positive cells in

each differentiation state (based on an isotype control) varied between donors, however a

trend can be detected showing that the CM population has the lowest level of expression

compared to the naive and EM populations (Fig. 5.3).

Chapter Five Results 151

Figure 5.1. CD9 expression on CD4+ T cell populations is varied between donors as well as differentiation states. CD9 expression on CD4+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, the letters A-F denote the 6 different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line.

Chapter Five Results 152

Fig. 5.2 shows the expression levels of CD9 on CD8+ T cell populations based on CCR7 and

CD45RA. Again some variation can be seen in the expression levels of CD9 on the four

differentiation states between the six donors, however a trend can be seen in which CD9

expression goes down as the cells differentiate. The naive population has the highest

expression levels, the CM and EM populations show similar levels of expression and the

EMRA population expresses the least CD9 on its cell surface (Fig. 5.3). The change in CD9

expression between the naive and EMRA populations of the CD8+ T cell compartment is

statistically significant as determined by Kruskal-Wallis test with a Dunns post test

(p=0.0154 for change in MFI and p=0.0051 for change in percentage positive cells).

Chapter Five Results 153

Figure 5.2. CD9 expression on CD8+ T cell populations is varied between donors as well as differentiation states. CD9 expression on CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, the letters A-F denote the 6 different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line.

Chapter Five Results 154

Figure 5.3. CD9 expression on CD4+ and CD8 + T cell populations is varied between differentiation states. The statistical significant differences were identified by Kruskal-Wallis with a Dunns post test. A) The percentage of CD9 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD4+ T cell populations. B) The percentage of CD9 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD8+ T cell populations (*=p 0.0154, **=p 0.0051).

5.2.2 CD37 is not expressed on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations

Fig. 5.4A shows representative plots for the CD37 expression on CD4+ T cell populations.

The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data, cells were gated

on their forward and side scatter profiles and subsequently on their CD4, CD45RA and CCR7

expression. As can be seen in the figure, the CD4+ T cells do not express any CD37 on their

cell surface (compared to the isotype control). Fig. 5.4B shows representative plots for the

Chapter Five Results 155

expression of CD37 on CD8 T cell populations and as was the case with the CD4+

populations, the CD8+ T cells do not express any CD37 on their cell surface.

Figure 5.4. CD37 is not expressed on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. CD37 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line. A) Representative plot showing the CD37 expression on CD4+ T cell populations. B) Representative plot showing the CD37 expression on CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 156

5.2.3 CD53 and CD63 expression on CD8+ T cell populations increases

during differentiation

Fig. 5.5A shows representative plots for the CD53 expression on CD4+ T cell populations.

The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data, cells were gated

on their forward and side scatter profiles and subsequently on their CD4, CD45RA and CCR7

expression. The CD53 expression on CD4+ T cells seemed stable during differentiation (Fig.

5.6A). Fig. 5.5B shows the CD53 expression on CD8+ T cell populations and the expression

of CD53 on the cell surface seemed to increase as the cells become more differentiated (Fig.

5.6). The increase in CD53 expression on the CD8+ T cells as they differentiate from naive to

the EM and EMRA populations is statistically different, as determined by Kruskall-Wallis

with a Dunns post test (p=0.0119 for change in MFI and p=0.0107 for change in percentage

positive cells).

Chapter Five Results 157

Figure 5.5. CD53 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. CD53 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line. A) Representative plot showing the CD53 expression on CD4+ T cell populations. B) Representative plot showing the CD53 expression on CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 158

Figure 5.6. CD53 expression on CD4+ T cell populations stays similar as the cells differentiate, but the expression increases during differentiation on CD8+ T cell populations. The statistical significant differences were identified by Kruskal-Wallis with a Dunns post test. A) The percentage of CD53 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD4+ T cell populations. B) The percentage of CD53 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD8+ T cell populations (*=p 0.0107 for % positive cells, *=p 0.0119 for MFI).

Fig. 5.7A shows representative plots for the CD63 expression on CD4+ T cell populations.

The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data, cells were gated

on their forward and side scatter profiles and subsequently on their CD4, CD45RA and CCR7

expression. The expression of CD63 on the cell surface of CD4+ T cells seemed stable during

differentiation (percentage positive cells and MFI represented in Fig. 5.8A). As was the case

with the CD53 expression on CD4+ T cells, the MFI of the populations did not change as the

cells differentiated (Fig. 5.8A). Fig. 5.7B shows that CD63 expression on the cell surface of

Chapter Five Results 159

CD8+ T cell populations showed a slight increase as the cells become more differentiated,

however this increase seen in the percentage CD63+ cells is not significant (Fig. 5.8A). The

slight increase in both percentage of positive cells and MFI on the more differentiated CD8+

T cell populations is not a statistically significant increase.

Figure 5.7. CD63 is expressed at low levels on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. CD63 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line. A) Representative plot showing the CD63 expression on CD4+ T cell populations. B) Representative plot showing the CD63 expression on CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 160

Figure 5.8. CD63 expression on CD4+ T cell populations stays similar as the cells differentiate, but the expression increases during differentiation on CD8+ T cell populations. The statistical significant differences were identified by Kruskal-Wallis with a Dunns post test.. A) The percentage of CD63 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD4+ T cell populations. B) The percentage of CD63 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 161

5.2.4 CD81 is expressed at high levels in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell


Fig. 5.9A shows representative plots for the CD81 expression on CD4+ T cell populations.

The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data, cells were gated

on their forward and side scatter profiles and subsequently on their CD4, CD45RA and CCR7

expression. The CD81 expression on CD4+ T cells seemed to stay stable as the cells

differentiated (Fig. 5.10A). Fig. 5.9B shows the expression of CD81 on CD8+ T cell

populations. The CD8+ T cells show a slight increase in CD81 expression as they

differentiated (percentage positive cells and MFI shown in Fig. 5.10B). No statistical

difference could be found in the percentage positive cells comparing all populations. The

change in MFI between naive and EM populations is statistically different (Kruskal-Wallis

with a Dunns post test, p=0.0383), however the median values between the more

differentiated CM, EM and EMRA populations did not differ much.

Chapter Five Results 162

Figure 5.9. CD81 is expressed at high levels both on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. CD81 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line. A) Representative plot showing the CD81 expression on CD4+ T cell populations. B) Representative plot showing the CD81 expression on CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 163

Figure 5.10. CD81 is expressed at high levels in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. The statistical significant differences were identified by Kruskal-Wallis with a Dunns post test. A) The percentage of CD81 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD4+ T cell populations. B) The percentage of CD81 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD8+ T cell populations (*=p 0.0383).

Chapter Five Results 164

5.2.5 CD82 is expressed at very high levels on CD4+ T cell populations and

its expression decreases on CD8+ T cells as they differentiate

Fig. 5.11A shows representative plots for the CD82 expression on CD4+ T cell populations.

The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data, cells were gated

on their forward and side scatter profiles and subsequently on their CD4, CD45RA and CCR7

expression. The percentage CD82 positive cells was ≥ 95% on all three differentiation states,

however the amount of CD82 expressed on the cell surface of CD82 positive cells

(represented by the MFI) showed lowest expression of CD82 on the naive population,

whereas the CM and EM populations showed the highest MFI (Fig. 5.12A). The change in

CD82 expression on the CD4+ T cells as they differentiate from naive to the CM and EM

populations is statistically different, as determined by Kruskall-Wallis with a Dunns post test

(p=0.00097 for change in MFI and p=0.0008 for change in percentage positive cells). Fig.

5.11B shows the CD82 expression on CD8+ T cell populations and the expression of CD82

seemed to decrease as the cells differentiate. Both the percentage positive cells and the MFI

readings showed the highest expression levels of CD82 on the CM population and the lowest

expression on the EMRA population (Fig. 5.12B). The change in CD82 expression between

the CM and EMRA CD8+ T cells is statistically different, as determined by Kruskall-Wallis

with a Dunns post test (p=0.0035 for change in MFI and p=0.0004 for change in percentage

positive cells).

Chapter Five Results 165

Figure 5.11. CD82 is expressed at high levels on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. CD82 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line. A) Representative plot showing the CD82 expression on CD4+ T cell populations. B) Representative plot showing the CD82 expression on CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 166

Figure 5.12. CD82 is expressed at very high levels on CD4+ T cell populations and its expression decreases on CD8+ T cells as they differentiate. The statistical significant differences were identified by Kruskal-Wallis with a Dunns post test. A) The percentage of CD82 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD4+ T cell populations (**=p 0.0097, ***=p 0.0008). B) The percentage of CD82 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD8+ T cell populations (**=p 0.0035, ***=p 0.0004).

Chapter Five Results 167

5.2.6 CD151 expression is highest on CD4+ and CD8+ EM T cell


Fig. 5.13A shows representative plots for the CD151 expression on CD4+ T cell populations.

The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data, cells were gated

on their forward and side scatter profiles and subsequently on their CD4, CD45RA and CCR7

expression. The expression of CD151 on CD4+ T cell populations is shown to go from almost

no expression on CD4+ naive T cells to > 40% positive cells in the EM population. The

highest expression of CD151 could be found on the CD4+ EM cells (Fig. 5.14). The change

in CD151 expression on the CD4+ T cells as they differentiate from naive to the EM and

population is statistically different, as determined by Kruskall-Wallis with a Dunns post test

(p=0.0043 for the change in percentage positive cells). The expression of CD151 on CD8+ T

cell populations showed a similar trend (Fig. 5.13B and 5.14B), although there seemed to be

a bigger spread between donors in the CD8+ compartment. The increase in CD151 expression

on the CD8+ T cells as they differentiate from naive to the EM population is statistically

different, as determined by Kruskall-Wallis with a Dunns post test (p=0.0372 for change in


Chapter Five Results 168

Figure 5.13. CD151 is expressed at low levels on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. CD151 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations was analysed by FACS for six different donors, percentage positive cells based on isotype control, indicated by dotted line. A) Representative plot showing the CD151 expression on CD4+ T cell populations. B) Representative plot showing the CD151 expression on CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 169

Figure 5.14. CD151 expression goes up in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations as they differentiate. The statistical significant differences were identified by Kruskal-Wallis with a Dunns post test. A) The percentage of CD151 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD4+ T cell populations (**=p 0.0043). B) The percentage of CD151 positive cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the CD8+ T cell populations (*=p 0.0372).

Chapter Five Results 170

5.2.7 Expression of tetraspanins on the cell surface of CD4+ or CD8+ T cell

populations is not altered when comparing populations based on CD27 and

CD45RA or CCR7 and CD45RA

As described before different surface markers can be used to divide CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations into several distinct differentiation states. CD27 is another marker which when

used in conjunction with CD45RA describes naive, CM, EM and EMRA populations. To

check if any difference in the expression of the tetraspanin panel could be found when using

CD27 instead of CCR7 to divide the cells into the four populations, the cells were stained

with both CCR7 and CD27 as well as CD4, CD8β and CD45RA. As can be seen in Fig. 5.15

and 5.16 the expression of the tetraspanins on the four populations for both CD4+ and CD8+ T

cells follows the same expression pattern regardless of which antibody was used to identify

the populations. This indicates that CD4+ and CD8+ populations based on CCR7 and CD27

are homogeneous in their tetraspanin expression and one can conclude from this that these

two cell surface markers therefore are identifying the same populations.

Chapter Five Results 171

Figure 5.15. Tetraspanin expression on CD4+ T cell populations based on CCR7 (black) or CD27 (green) does not differ. The expression of the different tertaspanins is the same in the populations based on CCR7 as in those based on CD27 expression.

Chapter Five Results 172

Figure 5.16. Tetraspanin expression on CD8+ T cell populations based on CCR7 (black) or CD27 (green) does not differ. The expression of the different tertaspanins is the same in the populations based on CCR7 as in those based on CD27 expression.

Chapter Five Results 173

5.2.8 CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells within CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations do not differ in the ability to produce cytokines

To examine the possible consequence of the biphasic expression of CD9 on the different

CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations (Fig. 5.1 and 5.2), the ability of these cells to produce

cytokines was tested. Six different donors were used, their PBMCs were stimulated with

PMA/ionomycin in the presence of Brefeldin A for 3 hours after which they were fixed and

permeabilised and the intracellular cytokines were detected using specific antibodies. The

cytokines identified were IFN-γ, IL-17 and IL-22. Fig. 5.17A shows the flow cytometry from

a representative donor for CD4+ T cell populations. The top part of the figure shows the

gating strategy used to analyse the data and the histograms show the expression of CD9 for

the naive, CM and EM populations. The bottom part of Fig. 5.17A shows the expression of

CD9 (x-axis) against IFN-γ (y-axis), as expected the ability to produce cytokine upon

stimulation was lowest in the naive cells, increased in the CM and was highest in the EM

cells. Fig. 5.17B shows the percentage IFN-γ production of CD9 negative cells and CD9

positive cells from all six donors. The figure shows that there is no significant difference in

the ability of CD9 negative and CD9 positive T cells to produce cytokine within the CD4+

compartment. The same trend was found for the ability of these cells to produce IL-17 and

IL-22 (data not shown).

Chapter Five Results 174

Figure 5.17. No difference between CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells IFN γ production in CD4+ T cell populations. A) Representative plot (n=6) of the IFN γ production of CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells in CD4+ T cell populations. Dotted line indicates isotype control. B) The percentage of IFN γ production in the CD9 negative (left) and CD9 positive cells (right) CD4+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 175

Fig. 5.18A shows the flow cytometry stain from a representative donor for CD8+ T cell

populations. The top part of the figure shows the gating strategy used to analyse the data and

the histograms show the expression of CD9 for the naive, CM, EM and EMRA populations.

The bottom part of Fig. 5.18A shows the expression of CD9 (x-axis) against IFN-γ (y-axis),

as can be seen the ability to produce cytokine upon stimulation was lowest in the naive cells,

increased in the CM, was highest in the EM cells and dropped down slightly in the EMRA

population. The figure shows that the percentage of IFN-γ producing cells in the CD9

negative population is slightly higher than in the CD9 positive T cells. Even though CD8+

cells are known to have a more limited repertoire of cytokine production and preferentially

produce IFN-γ, the production of IL-17 and IL-22 was still analysed. The production of IL-17

and IL-22 was found to not significantly differ between the CD9 negative and CD9 positive

populations for both the CD4+ and the CD8+ compartment (data not shown).

Chapter Five Results 176

Figure 5.18. No difference between CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells IFN γ production in CD8+ T cell populations. A) Representative plot (n=6) of the IFN γ production of CD9 negative and CD9 positive cells in CD8+ T cell populations. Dotted line indicates isotype control. B) The percentage of IFN γ production in the CD9 negative (left) and CD9 positive cells (right) CD8+ T cell populations.

Chapter Five Results 177

5.2.9 CD9 expression on sorted CD4+ CM and EM T cell populations  

To analyse the effect of cellular activation on CD9 negative T cells, CD9 negative

populations were sorted from CD4+ CM and EM populations for two donors. The cells were

then seeded at 10,000-70,000 cells/well and were either stimulated with α-CD3/α-CD28

beads and cultured, or not stimulated and cultured, after which their CD9 expression was

assessed. Fig. 5.19A shows the sorting strategy used to sort CD4+ CM CD9- cells,

representative flow cytometry plots are shown. The cells were gated on size and granularity,

the expression of CD4 and CCR7+CD45RA-. An isotype control (IgGκ) for the CD9 antibody

(Fig. 5.19A first histogram) was used to establish specific staining for CD9 (Fig. 5.19A

second histogram). Fig. 5.19B shows representative purities for CD4, the CM population and

subsequently the sorted CD9- population. Compared to the purity on day 0 a subtle increase in

CD9+ cells could be seen for both the unstimulated and the stimulated cultured cells at day 2.

The number of CD9+ cells on day 8 returned to a similar percentage positive cells as on day

0. Fig. 5.20A shows the percentage CD9 positive cells from one sort for the CM CD9- sorted

population in culture (a technical replicate is shown for day 2). Fig. 5.20A shows that

especially the stimulated cells increased their CD9 expression after two days in culture, but

that this increased expression has disappeared at day 8 in culture. Fig. 5.20B shows the

percentage CD9 positive cells from a second sort for the CM CD9- sorted population in

culture. An increase in CD9 positive cells can be seen in the stimulated cells after two days in

culture. For this second sort, there was no day 8 time point to corroborate the drop back to

day 0 CD9 expression levels seen in the first experiment.

Chapter Five Results 178

Figure 5.19. Sorted CD4+ central memory (CM) CD9 negative sorted populations. Cells were sorted and cultured for 2 and 8 days, either unstimulated or stimulated with α-CD3/α-CD28 beads on day 0. CD9 expression was assessed after day 2 and day 8 in culture. Percentage positive cells based on isotype control. A) Sorting strategy used to sort CD4+ CM CD9- T cells. Histograms show isotype control and purity on day 0. B) CD9 expression on sorted CD4+ CM T cells on day 2 or day 8 in culture.

Chapter Five Results 179

Figure 5.20. Percentage positive cells of sorted CD4+ central memory (CM) CD9 negative populations in culture. Cells were sorted and cultured for 2 and 8 days, either unstimulated or stimulated with α-CD3/α-CD28 beads on day 0. CD9 expression was assessed after day 2 and day 8 in culture. Percentage positive cells based on isotype control. A) CD9 expression on CD4+ CM T cells in culture from first experiment, a technical repeat for day 2 is included. B) CD9 expression on CD4+ CM T cells in culture from second experiment.

Fig. 5.21A shows the sorting strategy used to sort CD4+ EM CD9- cells, representative flow

cytometry plots are shown. The cells were gated on size and granularity, the expression of

CD4 and CCR7+CD45RA-. An isotype control (IgGκ) for the CD9 antibody (Fig. 5.21A first

histogram) was used to establish specific staining for CD9 (Fig. 21A second histogram). Fig.

5.21B shows representative purities for CD4, the EM population and subsequently the sorted

CD9- population. Compared to the purity of day 0 the percentage CD9 positive cells

Chapter Five Results 180

increased substantially after two days in culture (Fig. 5.21C), this held true for both the

unstimulated and (to a lesser extent) stimulated cells. After eight days in culture, the CD9

expression was back to a similar level as on day 0. Fig. 5.22A summarises the flow cytometry

data for the first experiment and it is clear that CD9 expression was increased on day 2 and

dropped back down on day 8. The increase in CD9 expression was higher in the unstimulated

cells than in the stimulated cells. This increase in CD9 expression was also clear in the

second experiment (Fig. 5.22B).

Chapter Five Results 181

Figure 5.21. Sorted CD4+ effector memory (EM) CD9 negative sorted populations. Cells were sorted and cultured for 2 and 8 days, either unstimulated or stimulated with α-CD3/α-CD28 beads on day 0. CD9 expression was assessed after day 2 and day 8 in culture. Percentage positive cells based on isotype control. A) Sorting strategy used to sort CD4+ EM CD9- T cells. Histograms show isotype control and purity on day 0. B) CD9 expression on sorted CD4+ EM T cells on day 2 or day 8 in culture.

Chapter Five Results 182

Figure 5.22. Percentage positive cells of sorted CD4+ effector memory (EM) CD9 negative populations in culture. Cells were sorted and cultured for 2 and 8 days, either unstimulated or stimulated with α-CD3/α-CD28 beads on day 0. CD9 expression was assessed after day 2 and day 8 in culture. Percentage positive cells based on isotype control. A) CD9 expression on CD4+ EM T cells in culture from first experiment, a technical repeat for day 2 is included. B) CD9 expression on CD4+ EM T cells in culture from second experiment.

Chapter Five Results 183

5.3 Discussion

The aim of the experiments in this chapter was to correlate the cell surface expression of

tetraspanins on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations with their mRNA levels identified in these

cells by microarray and Real Time PCR. Tetraspanins have been implicated in organising the

cell membrane resulting in coordinating signalling pathways and several groups have

reported a role for tetraspanin microdomains in MHC II clustering on APCs 73;82;132;133. The

experiments in this chapter show that the family of tetraspanins shows differential expression

patterns on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations.

In most cases the expression levels measured by microarray, Real Time PCR and flow

cytometry corresponded very well (Fig. 5.23 A and B) indicating that for most tetraspanins

mRNA levels and cell surface expression do not differ too much. For CD37 cell surface

expression was undetectable above an isotype control (Fig. 5.4 and 5.23A), but was

detectable at mRNA level on both microarray and Real Time PCR. The cell surface

expression of CD9 detected by flow cytometry corresponded with the mRNA levels

identified through microarray and Real Time PCR.

Chapter Five Results 184

Figure 5.23. Summary of tetraspanin expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. Trends in expression levels, based on the median fluorescence intensity values from flow cytometry data, are summarised for each tetraspanin.

Tetraspanins have been described to be expressed on endosomes, which are formed by

budding of endocytic vesicles from the plasma membrane and on multivesicular bodies

Chapter Five Results 185

(MVBs) 78. MVBs can mature into lysosomes, which can fuse with the plasma membrane

when triggered, turning them into exosomes. Tetraspanins CD53 and CD63 have been

described to be highly expressed on exosomes 78;159. Exosomes can transfer lipids and

proteins, deliver mRNA or in the case of cytotoxic T cells deliver perforins and granzymes.

CD63 has been described to be mainly localised on the lysosomes of resting platelets, but

after platelet activation CD63 expression is increased on the cell surface 159. The data in this

chapter shows that for CD8+ T cells the expression of CD53 and CD63 goes up in the more

differentiated cells (Fig. 5.23). This increased expression of these tetraspanins on the more

mature cells of the EM and EMRA populations could be due to the fact that these two

populations are capable of exerting effector functions by releasing cytotoxic lysosomes. The

CD53 and CD63 expression on the cell surface could reflect a stage in the recirculation to the

plasma membrane from endosomes/exosomes.

CD151 regulates cell migration through its interaction with the integrin α3β1 and α6β4 and

its involvement in matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) expression 81. After CD151 knockdown

in a carcinoma cell line the expression levels of several MMPs were reduced. The CD151

knockdown cells also had impairment in their mobility and in α3β1 internalisation. The

importance of CD151 in integrin trafficking was shown by mutating the sorting motif of

CD151 resulting in reduced α3β1, α5β1 and α6β1 endocytosis and accumulation of these

integrins in intracellular compartments. The expression of CD151 on both CD4+ and CD8+ T

cells was shown to be highest on the EM and EMRA populations (Fig. 5.23) and these cells

need to be able to migrate into tissues. CD151’s involvement in integrin trafficking and the

fact that memory T cells are known to show a higher and more varied expression of integrins

than the naive population, could correlate with the increased CD151 expression found on the

more differentiated cells 81. In cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)

Chapter Five Results 186

CD151 expression was found mostly on endosomes/exosomes, which could indicate that

similar to CD53 and CD63, the increased expression of CD151 on the EM and EMRA T cell

populations could be due to recirculation between endosomes and plasma membrane 160 161.

Unternaehrer et al (2007) described that CD9 on mouse DCs is involved in the

multimerisation of MHC-II molecules on the cell surface and suggested that this

multimerisation could enhance the ability of DCs to engage with the T cell receptor 134. They

found that MHC-II formed clusters on the cell surface of DCs, but not B blasts. They then

focussed on the expression of several tetraspanins known to be predominantly expressed on

the surface of cells. CD81 was expressed at high levels on B blasts, but not on DCs. Whereas

CD9 was expressed at high levels on the DCs and not on B blasts. When they transfected BM

derived DCs from CD9-/- mice with a I-E-GFP construct and tested I-A/I-E clustering by

using I-A or I-E beads, they found that in the absence of CD9 MHC-II clustering was

abrogated. To test whether CD9 was indeed capable of directing MHC-II clustering on the

cell surface, a B cell line which does not express CD9 was transfected with a CD9 construct

and this resulted in I-E coimmunoprecipitating with I-A. Kropshofer et al (2001) used an

antibody against CDw78 microdomains on human cell lines and found that tetraspanins CD9,

CD81 and CD82 associate with MHC-II in these microdomains 133.

When sorted CD9 negative cells from CD4+ CM or EM T cells were cultured in vitro, an

increase in CD9 positive cells was found after two days in culture (Fig. 5.19-22). This

increase in CD9 positive cells disappeared after prolonged culture of these cells without

restimulation (8 days in culture). The increase in CD9 positive cells after stimulation could

indicate CD9 involvement on recently activated T cells. As Unternaehrer et al (2007) show,

Chapter Five Results 187

CD9 on DCs is involved in clustering of MHC-II molecules. In resting cells the cell

membrane is thought to be in a liquid disordered state (Ld) in which the cell surface

molecules are spread across the plasma membrane evenly 162;163. After activation the cell

surface molecules needed for activation are packed more densely and in a more organised

fashion into liquid ordered states (Lo) resembling rafts. Gordon-Alonso et al (2006) describe

CD9 and CD81 involvement in HIV-1 induced membrane fusion, showing that adding

antibodies against CD9 and CD81 to human T cell lines results in an increase of viral entry

into the cell 80. They suggest two possible ways for CD9 and CD81 to enhance HIV-1

induced membrane fusion, firstly indirect by enhancing T cell activation, through their

involvement in different signalling pathways in T cells (such as the activation of protein

kinase C). Adding antibodies against CD81 has been shown to stimulate T cells and activated

T cells are more susceptible to HIV-1 infection. The direct pathway for CD9 and CD81 to

enhance HIV-1 entry could be through the organising function of tetraspanins on the cell

surface, shuttling co-receptors and TCRs together to form activation rafts. If CD9 expression

on the sorted CD9 negative CD4+ T cell populations is involved in recent activation of the

cells, I propose a model of CD9 involvement in CD4+ T cell activation (Fig. 5.24) where

CD9 recruits molecules to form an immunological synapse. In a resting T cell the molecules

are relatively equally distributed across the plasma membrane (Fig. 5.24A). After an APC

presents antigen on its MHC molecule and this is recognised by the TCR on the T cell surface

CD9 could start shuttling co-receptors such as CD4 and CD28 and linker for T cell activation

(LAT) into the immunological synapse (Fig. 5.24B). To test whether CD9 is indeed present

in the immunological synapse, I propose an experiment in which sorted CD9 negative CD4+

T cell populations (CM or EM) are stimulated in vitro with α-CD3-α-CD28 magnetic beads

(Fig. 5.25). The activated T cells are then homogenised using nitrogen cavitation, lysing the

cells while leaving the plasma membrane bound to the magnetic bead intact. Through

Chapter Five Results 188

Western Blot analysis and Real Time PCR, it can then be determined whether CD9 is present

in the immunological synapse after activation, this experiment was adapted from Zech et al

164. The production of cytokines by CD9 negative and positive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was

shown to not differ (Fig. 5.17 and 5.18); this indicates that CD9 could still be involved in the

activation status of these cells, but its expression does not convey any differences in cytokine


Chapter Five Results 189

Figure 5.24. Model of CD9 involvement on recently activated CD4+ T cell populations. A) The cell membrane of resting T cells may contain small rafts of proteins. B) When activated by an antigen presenting cell (APC) clusters of T cell receptors (TCRs) and CD3 with signalling proteins such as LAT and Lck can form. Tetraspanin CD9 could be involved in forming these rafts.

Chapter Five Results 190

Figure 5.25. Model of analysing CD9 involvement on recently activated CD4+ T cell populations. Sorted CD4+ T cells are incubated with α-CD3/α-CD28 magnetic beads, the T cell gets activated after which the cell is lysed by nitrogen cavitation, leaving the plasma membrane bound to the magnetic bead intact. The bound plasma membrane can than be analysed through Western Blot and Real Time PCR to identify whether CD9 is involved in these activation rafts.

CD81 has been described to have an antiproliferative effect on B cells where it is part of a

complex with CD21, CD19 and Leu13 79. On human thymocytes CD81 has been shown to

associate with both the CD4 and the CD8 co-receptors and the addition of an anti-CD81

antibody resulted in adhesion of the cells. The anti-CD81 triggered adhesion could be

blocked by anti-LFA-1 and anti-ICAM-1 antibodies, suggesting that this adhesion is caused

by these molecules. Crosslinking of CD81 on thymocytes resulted in a costimulatory signal to

CD3 and subsequent proliferation, but each of the antibodies to CD3 or CD81 on their own

had no proliferative effect on the cells 79;98. The data in this chapter shows the percentage

CD81 positive CD4+ T cells slightly decreases as the cells mature, whereas a slight increase

can be seen on the percentage CD81 positive CD8+ T cells as they differentiate (Fig. 5.23).

When looking at the MFI of the positive cells though, it is noticeable that the amount of

CD81 on the positive cells does not change significantly (Fig 5.10), except between CD8+

populations (p =  0.0383). This suggests that in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells throughout

differentiation the naive cells and the antigen experienced CM, EM and EMRA populations

Chapter Five Results 191

express similar levels of CD81 on their cell surface. Todd et al (1996) cultured thymocytes in

the presence of an antibody against CD81, which resulted in the upregulation of the

activation markers CD69 and CD25 98. They found that the majority of the CD69+ cells

cultured in the presence of anti-CD81 had a CD4-CD8+ phenotype. This could suggest that

CD81 has an important role in CD8+ T cell generation in the thymus and possibly in the more

differentiated CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells might need CD81 expression to become more

easily activated and increase their proliferation; it is possible that CD9 performs a similar

function on CD4+ T cells.

The results from Chapter 5 show that several tetraspanin family members display differential

expression on the T cell surface. CD9 expression was found to show a biphasic expression

pattern on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. An increase in CD9 positive cells was found after

two days in culture (Fig. 5.19-22) when sorted CD9 negative cells from CD4+ CM or EM T

cells were cultured in vitro; this increase in CD9 positive cells disappeared after prolonged

culture of these cells without restimulation (8 days in culture). The increase in CD9 positive

cells after stimulation could possibly indicate CD9 involvement on recently activated T cells,

however there was no difference in the production of cytokines by CD9 negative and positive

CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (Fig. 5.17 and 5.18). This result does not exclude CD9 involvement

in the activation status of these cells, but its expression does not seem to convey a difference

in cytokine production.

Chapter Six General Discussion 192

Chapter Six

General Discussion

Chapter Six General Discussion 193


6.1 Introduction

CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are important mediators of the adaptive immune response and they

can be subdivided into several populations based on the expression of cell surface markers

and transcription factors as well as the ability to produce cytokines. The principle of using

gene expression profiles to analyse previously described cell populations has been

successfully used in several studies, resulting in the identification of several target genes and

cell type specific gene expression profiles 108;110;117. The aim of this study was to analyse the

gene expression of sorted CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations based on the expression of

CCR7 and CD45RA to identify gene profiles for these cell populations as well as genes of

interest to be analysed further.

During the course of this thesis I have shown that by using microarray analysis on sorted

CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations shared and distinct genes can be found. The gene

expression profiles analysed suggested a linear pathway of differentiation for these

populations; they could not exclude a divergent differentiation pathway necessarily. I have

also provided evidence that the data generated through microarray analysis could be validated

by Real Time PCR. Furthermore the role of the tetraspanin gene family of interest, which

arose from the microarray data was analysed for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, indicating the

differential involvement of tetraspanins at various stages of T cell differentiation.

The finding of gene expression profiles relating to naive, central memory (CM) and effector

memory (EM) T cell populations for both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells can be of importance when

examining T cell mediated diseases in humans. The profiles identified in this study are

Chapter Six General Discussion 194

specific to a steady-state condition, with no inflammation present; however the fact that these

genes have proved to be important in distinguishing between T cell populations at a steady-

state implies that they could also be important in a disease setting. The genes identified in this

thesis could reflect a baseline expression level which changes when the immune system is

activated against a pathogen and returns to baseline after antigen clearance. It would therefore

be interesting to analyse the gene expression of these cell populations in a disease setting.

The tetraspanin gene family has been described to be involved in many important cellular

processes, such as cell activation, adhesion and differentiation 77;165;166. Several tetraspanins

show wide distribution on many different cell types (e.g. CD81 on most human tissues),

whereas others show a more restricted level of expression (e.g. CD37 on B cells).

Tetraspanins are known to associate with other molecules such as integrins, signalling

enzymes as well as other tetraspanins 77;165. The many interactions that tetraspanins can form

suggest their involvement in the plasma membrane as molecular facilitators which organise

the membrane into tetraspanin enriched domains (TEMs) upon activation. Differential

expression levels of tetraspanins found in this study indeed suggest a role for tetraspanins in

T cell activation, migration and lysosomal function. The fact that tetraspanins are capable of

forming homodimers and heterodimers suggests that there might be some redundancy in the

function of different tetraspanins.

Chapter Six General Discussion 195

6.2 A shared differentiation pathway for CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations based on CCR7 and CD45RA

The results from Chapters 3 and 4 suggest several genes which can be used to distinguish

between naive, central memory and effector memory T cell populations. These genes suggest

a linear pathway of differentiation, but they do not exclude a non-linear pathway of

differentiation (Fig. 3.32 and 3.33). One of the limitations of microarray analysis is the

generation of a large data set, which on its own is not biologically significant. Further

experiments leading on from microarray data are always needed to examine the function of

target genes identified. The genes identified in this study will need to be analysed more

extensively to ascertain their function in T cell biology. Another factor to consider is that the

cell populations analysed in this thesis were all collected under non-inflammatory conditions,

from healthy donors. The populations analysed were therefore in a resting state and how their

behaviour in rest relates to that which occurs under inflammatory conditions cannot be

ascertained from this study. Based on the results from the gene expression analysis I would

suggest an adaptation to our models of differentiation described in Chapter 3 (Fig. 6.1, 3.32

and 3.33). During acute inflammation naive T cells are activated and give rise to short lived

effector T cells, capable of producing inflammatory cytokines as well as releasing vesicles

containing granzymes and perforin. Memory T cells can either be formed during this same

acute inflammation stage and persist over longer periods of time, or they arise at the end of

the expansion state by late-arriving naive T cells. The late arriving naive T cells can

differentiate along a linear pathway of differentiation or a non-linear pathway to give rise to

long lived CM and EM T cell populations.

Chapter Six General Discussion 196

Figure 6.1. Adapted linear and non-linear models of T cell differentiation to reflect active inflammation and resolved inflammation conditions. A naive T cell is activated and gives rise to short lived effector T cells, which produce cytokines and release vesicles with effector molecules such as granzymes and perforin. As the inflammation is resolved central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) T cells arise either in a linear pathway of differentiation (A) or a non-linear pathway (B).

Chapter Six General Discussion 197

There are several restrictions when examining immune mediated diseases in humans, such as

the localised nature of some inflammatory responses. This restricts the access to samples

required to further characterise the disease; the rheumatoid joint is an example of such a

restricted access site. Not only the access to the site of inflammation can be limiting, but also

the sample size after collection can be restricting. Chaussabel et al (2010) discuss the idea

that gene expression analysis of peripheral blood cells can be used to identify potential

biomarkers for disease as well as provide more insight in the pathogenesis of disease (Fig.

6.2) 167;168. The gene expression profiles described in Chapter 3 for naive, CM and EM T cells

could provide specific gene profiles to analyse in a disease setting. Chaussabel et al (2010)

postulate that peripheral blood cells upon their circulation through the body between central

and peripheral lymphoid organs as well as migrating to and from sites of inflammation come

into contact with multiple environmental cues. These environmental cues can then result in an

altered phenotype and genotype of these peripheral blood cells which can be measured by

flow cytometry as well as gene expression analysis 167. Comparing the gene expression of a

steady state to that which occurs during an infection can lead to the identification of

biomarkers as well as gene expression profiles specific to a disease. McKinney et al (2010)

for example used transcriptome analysis to identify two subgroups of CD8+ T cells in a

cohort of 32 patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis

(AAV). They found that the gene expression profile of one of the CD8+ subgroups

corresponded to a poorer prognosis for patients 169. Pascual et al (2008) studied rheumatic

diseases in children and identified IFN and IL-1 as important genes in systemic lupus

erythematosus (SLE) and systemic onset juvenile arthritis (SoJIA), respectively 168. These

studies underline the possibility of using gene expression analysis within a disease setting

allowing the identification of prognostic gene expression profiles as well as disease specific


Chapter Six General Discussion 198

Figure 6.2. Graphical representation of how gene expression analysis of peripheral blood cells can be important in identifying disease related transcriptional changes, adapted from Pascual et al (2010). Comparing gene expression profiles in health to those collected from cells in a disease setting can provide important information on disease severity, prognosis, potential diagnoses and therapeutic targets.

6.3 Differential expression of tetraspanin family members on CD4+ and

CD8+ T cell populations

Tetraspanins have been implicated in many biological processes and it is therefore not

surprising that several family members are shown to have differential expression on different

T cell populations. Many tetraspanins, however, exhibit overlapping functions in their ability

to organise tetraspanin enriched microdomains (TEMs). CD9, CD53, CD63, CD81 and

CD151 were shown to have differential cell surface expression on T cell populations, as well

as TSPAN18 on mRNA level. CD53 and CD63, which are known to be expressed on MVBs,

expression increased as the cells differentiated correlating with the increased potential of

Chapter Six General Discussion 199

those cells to produce vesicles. CD9 and CD81 expression seem to follow opposite

expression patterns on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as they differentiate, with CD9 expression

going up in CD4+ T cells, but down in CD8+ and CD81 expression going down on CD4+ T

cells but up in CD8+. This could suggest a role for CD9 in CD4+ T cell activation and CD81

in CD8+ T cell activation. CD9 and CD81 might bind to CD4 and CD8 respectively, or bind

to an unknown CD4 specific or CD8 specific cell surface molecule, resulting in the

enhancement of T cell activation. This includes the possibility CD9 and CD81 organise the

plasma membrane around the TCR-co-stimulatory molecule complex which could enhance T

cell activation.

It would be interesting, however, to analyse the differential tetraspanin expression found on

human T cells more in depth. The experiment I suggest in Chapter 5 to analyse the

involvement of CD9 in CD4+ T cell activation, can easily be used for analysing CD81’s

possible role in CD8+ T cell activation. The differential tetraspanin expression found on T

cells in this study, as was the case with the gene expression profiles, were assessed during

steady state conditions. It would be interesting to see if these particular tetraspanins, which

show differential expression under non-inflammatory conditions exhibit the same expression

patterns during disease. Tetraspanins have been implicated in several disease settings, such as

CD9 and CD81 in HIV-1 induced membrane fusion, CD82 as a tumour suppressor and

CD151 as a promoter of tumour progression 80;81 and it would therefore be interesting to

analyse the expression of these tetraspanins on the CCR7/CD45RA based T cell populations

in peripheral blood of patients with these different diseases.

Chapter Six General Discussion 200

6.4 Future work leading from this study

The aim of this study was to examine lineage relationships between human CD4+ and CD8+ T

cell populations based on CCR7 and CD45RA. Through microarray analysis gene expression

profiles could be assembled to distinguish between sorted human CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations. These gene expression profiles show that the central memory population

consistently shows expression values intermediate to the naive and the effector memory

populations. As described before this suggests a linear pathway of differentiation, but does

not exclude a non-linear pathway. To analyse which of these pathways is involved in the

generation of differentiated T cell populations, I suggest an adaptation of Schepers et al

(2008) method for cellular barcoding 170. Schepers et al (2008) generated a retroviral plasmid

library, with each plasmid containing the GFP gene as well as a unique barcode formed by a

random stretch of 98 bp of noncoding DNA. Cells of interest can be retrovirally transduced

and their progeny analysed by a barcode microarray. To use this strategy for further analysis

of the data generated in this thesis, there are two models which can be followed; an in vitro

human model and an in vivo mouse model. For the in vitro human model sorted CD4+ or

CD8+ human naive T cells will be labelled using the Schepers et al barcoding method; the

cells are then stimulated in vitro using αCD3/αCD28 beads. Cells are collected on day 0 as

well as after 48 hrs, 7 days and 14 days after which CM and EM populations are sorted based

on the expression of CCR7 and CD45RA. The RNA and genomic DNA of these cells are

than extracted to be analysed by Real Time PCR and barcode microarray respectively. The

Real Time PCR analysis will include the genes identified in this thesis and the barcode

microarray will allow analysis of the progeny of the naive population from day 0. These data

can then be correlated to each other to allow a conclusion to be made on which pathway of

Chapter Six General Discussion 201

differentiation naive T cells follow to give rise to their differentiated progeny and whether

their progeny corresponds with the cell types in steady state conditions.

The second model I suggest is to analyse the differentiation of naive T cells in an in vivo

mouse model. This involves validating the gene expression profiles generated in this thesis

using murine T cell populations. Sorted CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations from spleen and

lymph node based on CCR7 or CD62L and CD44 expression are analysed by Real Time PCR

for their expression of the genes identified in the human model. If these genes can be

validated, naive OT-I T cells can be labelled with a barcode, after which they are injected

back into the mice which are then challenged with ovalbumin (OVA). At day 7 after the

OVA challenge the spleen and lymph nodes of these mice are collected and the cells are

sorted based on CCR7/CD62L and CD44 expression. The samples are split in two; one for

RNA extraction and a second for genomic DNA extraction. The RNA is used in the analysis

of the gene expression profiles of these cells, whereas the genomic DNA is put on the

barcode microarrays. Subsequent analysis of the results from those tests will show whether

the cells which are formed after antigenic challenge of naive T cells correspond to the CM

and EM populations described based on the genes identified in this study; as well as how they

relate to a single naive progenitor cell.

LRRN3 consistently showed highest expression levels on naive T cells and lowest on EM T

cells, similar to the expression pattern of CCR7 and L-Selectin. Since LRRN3 has not yet

been described in T cell biology, it would be interesting to identify the role of LRRN3 on T

cells. The fact that LRRN3 follows the expression levels of chemokine receptors involved

into gaining entry into LNs (CCR7 and L-selectin) might suggest that LRRN3 has a similar

role on T cells, however leucine rich repeats (LRRs) have also been described in pattern

Chapter Six General Discussion 202

recognition receptors (PRRs) such as TLRs 115. The higher expression of LRRN3 on naive T

cells could suggest a way for naive T cells to recognise antigen, independent of MHC

presentation, and a crossover between innate and adaptive immunity. The first experiment to

identify LRRN3’s role in T cells would be to assess whether LRRN3 is actually expressed on

the cell surface. This would be easiest with an antibody, but as no antibody against LRRN3 is

available as of yet, I would suggest constructing a plasmid containing GFP labelled LRRN3

and transfecting naive T cells which are already known to express it at mRNA level. The

expression of LRRN3 can then be analysed by flow cytometry to assess whether LRRN3

expression can be found at the cell surface. If LRRN3 is found to be expressed at the cell

surface, a cell type identified by Real Time PCR not to have any LRRN3 expression can be

transfected with the construct. If LRRN3 functions as a PRR it might respond to one of the

known ligands for TLRs. The transfected cells would therefore be incubated with known

TLR ligands after which the possible interaction between LRRN3 and a ligand can be

assessed by immunoprecipitation using an antibody against GFP.

CXCR5 expression was found to be highest on both CD4+ and CD8+ CM T cell populations,

to analyse whether this high expression level of CXCR5 mRNA corresponds to high

expression of CXCR5 on the cell surface, flow cytometry analysis can be done. If the cell

surface expression of CXCR5 corresponds to the mRNA levels, it would be interesting to

investigate the function of CXCR5 on these cell populations. CD4+ TFH cells continuously

express CXCR5 at high levels on their cell surface and high expression levels found on CD4+

CM T cells could correspond to this cell population. High expression of CXCR5 on CD8+

CM T cells has not been described before and it would therefore be interesting to further

investigate the function of CXCR5 on these cells. To determine whether CXCR5+CD8+ CM

T cells can maintain B cell survival, I suggest sorting CXCR5+CD8+ CM T cells as well as B

Chapter Six General Discussion 203

cells from the same donor and co-culturing these cells together. B cells would be co-cultured

with CD4+ TFH cells or B cells cultured alone as a control. After seven days in culture the

cells will be stained for flow cytometry analysis of CXCR5, CD8 and CD19 expression as

well as a stain to exclude dead cells. The supernatant of the co-cultures will be analysed for

IgG expression to analyse whether CXCR5+CD8+ CM T cells can support B cell production

of IgG.

Taken together these data identified gene expression profiles for CD4+ and CD8+ T cell

populations, as well as identifying several genes of interest whose role in T cell biology

should be studied further. However, transcriptome analysis could not identify populations of

T cells encapsuled within our sorted populations, such as subsets based on cytokine

expression. These subsets may become more apparent in a disease setting. In conclusion,

transcriptome analysis has shown great potential in identifying genes specific to individual T

cells subsets. Future studies should concentrate on both global gene profiles and individual

gene analysis in such subsets.

Chapter Seven References 204

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Chapter Eight Appendix 224

Chapter Eight


Chapter Eight Appendix 225


Please see enclosed CD for appendix data

8.1 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 1

8.2 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 2

8.3 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 3

8.4 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 4

8.5 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 5

8.6 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 6

8.7 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 7

8.8 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 8

8.9 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 9

8.10 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 10

8.11 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 11

8.12 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 12

8.13 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 13

8.14 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 14

8.15 Chapter Three Supplemental Table 15

Normalised microarray results for all samples

8.16 Chapter Four Supplemental Table 1

top related