icx usfq projects 2014-ii

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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Ecuador, Ecuador, from the middle to the world!


• +70 Members

• 5 Functional Areas

• 30REs 2014

• 27 trainees 2014

• Best Ecuadorian delivery

• Quality philosphy

Sebastian Montalvo

Delivery & Quality Coordinator

Nicole Nicolalde

Project Impacta Hoy Leader

Katherine Garate

VP ICX 2014

Gabriela Morales

Project Ruta Ecuador Leader

Paula Castells

Match & Cooperations Coordinator

• Our focus is translated to Quality, we try to improve our structure and standards each time. We expect to have an awesome experience with all our members, Tn Takers, host familias as well as our trainees! We want the best Eps for the best projects we are creating, and make the real impact our country needs!


Environment & Animals


• Project focused on children and teenagers from 5 to 14 years old, which seeks for developing new skills and tools with them in order to create a positive impact on society, where interns have to touch topics such as entrepreneurship and environment neccesary for them to become impact agents and develop a project can be a business plan or a social project.

• Interns will be divided into groups of three and will work in Schools and NGOs.

• 1st Ed: November 24th-December 6th (December 14h under conditions)

• 2nd Ed: December 27th– January 5th

• Benefits: Airport Pick up, IPS, Buddy, Host Family, 2 meals, trip packs, Trainings, and Leading Sessions

• Contact: Nicole.nicolalde@aiesec.net

TN-In-EC-SF-2013-22, TN-In-EC-SF-2013-34, TN-In-EC-SF-2013-38, TN-In-EC-SF-2013-40

Ruta Ecuador




• Project aimed at communities of different regions of Ecuador which aims to promote tourism and social responsibility , creating projects to the needs of each community and thus have a positive impact on them through empowerment and multiculturalism.

• 15 interns will live and work in the communities from 3 different regions, travelling each 2 weeks.

• Required Arrival dates: 26th Dec-2nd January.

• Project Start Date: 4th of January.

• Benefits: Airport Pick up, IPS, Buddy, Accommodation, 2 meals, trip packs, Trainings, and Leading Sessions, Transportation between Regions

• Contact: paula.castells@aiesec.net

TN-In-EC-SF-2014-62, TN-In-EC-SF-2014-63, TN-In-EC-SF-2014-64, TN-In-EC-SF-2014-65

Come to Ecuador and live the

Experience of your life! #EcuadorInspira

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Vicepresidente de

Intercambios Entrantes

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