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ICP Test Report Certification Packet

Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: Polyswitch Product #: 1206L380SLWR

Issue Date: October 18, 2011 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components.

Issued by:

<Global EHS Engineer>

(1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the Polyswitch RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used

Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1


Form 585-047 Rev. A 2/21/06


Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report

Total Parts Raw Material Part

Number Raw Material Description Page(s) 1 HDPE/LR5900 Polyethylene 3-12 2 N/A Ceramici filler 13-20 3 N/A Nickel Copper Foil 21-27 4 N/A Copper 28-32 5 N/A Tin 33-37 6 ZSR-150W Ink Acrylic- White 38-43 7 ZSR-150W Ink Acrylic - White (Phthalates) 44-47 8 N/A Prepreg (PP) 48-53

Validit nownFor QueSPtease u ith scs

t Itt||lIttt||l

Test Report No.: CE/2011122921Dale: 201110?,24 P a g e : 1 o f 1 0


The following sample(s) was/wer submltted and identified by/on behatfofthe client as:

Sample DescriptionStyl€/ltem No.Sample Receiving DateTesting Period

POLYETHYLENEHDPE/LRsgOO2011t02t1A201 1 t O2t 1 I r O 201 1 tOZ24

Test Result(s) : Please refer to next page(s)

re l r csk bsrsn@odendb€cm@ Ll;irt1.'r...i irF, */{ilt ;11j1}..:1r . /.il:i3r.1-1\.: 3d;+:t. , ,ti U{!.n3d@hd€s3dbyh€ . .mFny ' r b i 6db6GgEE lcod Ibnsds

36 ] sd lo f * f u f ! co rn ims f t ) l €rma or b nb*$'Kin

rbf .ob6dd bd63ui6rhr€ nnd beqdud.xc.pr nrui. Mhd ry maunmd *darm

:rrn.r ?L rl .lr Lrias6loila


th.nH L-ado.V - T.h.l

scsTest Report No.:CEnO11n2921 Dalet2l l l t \2t24 page:2 of 1O


Test Resultlsl


Test ltom (s): Unit Method MDL RosultNo.'l

Cadmium (Cd) mgikg With reference to IEC 6232t: 20(E andperformed by ICP-AES.

2 n .d .

Lead (Pb) mg/Kg With reference to tEC 62321: 2008 andperformed by ICP-AES.

2 n.d.

Mercury (Hg) mg/Kg With reference to IEC 6232'1: 2008 andperfomed by ICP-AES.

2 n.d.

Hexavalent Chromium CrCy'l) byalkaline extraction

mg/Kg With reference to IEC 62321: 2008 andperformed by W-VIS.

2 n.d.

Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCDD) (CAS No.: 025637-994)

mg/Kg With reference to US EPA 3540Cmethod. Analysis was performed byGC/MS.

5 n.o.

Perfluor@ctane sulfonates(PFOS)PFOS - AcidPFOS - Metal SaltPFOS -Amide

mg/xg With reference to uS EPA 3540C:'1 996 method for PFOS Content.Analysis was performed by LC/MS.

1 0 n.d.

PFOA (CAS No.: 00033567-1) mg/Kg With reference to Us EPA 3540c1'1996 method for PFOA Content.Analysis wa5 perfomed by LC/[,S.

1 0 n.d.

Phthalat€6BBP (Benzyl butyl phthalate) (CASNo.: 000085€8-7)

'/o With reference to EN 14372. Analysiswas perfomed by GC/MS.

0.003 n.d,

DEHP (Di- (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate) (CAS No.: 0001 17{1-7)

o/o With reference to EN'14372. Analysiswas performed by GC/MS.

0.003 n.d.

DIDP (Di-isodecyl phthalate) (CASNo.:026761-4G0)

% With reference to EN 1 4372. Analysiswas performed by GC/irS.

0.01 n .d .

DINP (Di-isononyl phthalate) (CASNo.:02855312-0)

With referonce to EN 14372. Analysiswas performed by GC/MS.

0.01 n.d.

ONOP (Di-n-octyl phthalate) (CASNo.:000117-84-0)

% f,,/ith reference to EN 14372. Analysisl€s perfomed by GC/MS.

0.003 n.d.

DBP (Dibutyl phthalate) (CAS No.:000084-74-2)

% lL/ith reference to EN 14372. Analysisi.as performed by GC/l\rS.

0.003 n . d .

n lh 3 rar €pdldar ody b ik smpr6G)cdd rhs r6i.@n €nd b tscom@nyhr;tr.iir+q.t|11r,:rl11fr,:i!1;li'.e4.,1-.r++la1r:E-j::iJ..1.t:.,rli!.1

vsub ]d l o tG6m€cMd i66ds *

rd'ons. f 3ry h3cmFntsso6,3rb.,crcadd 0d 63 uid.r rh. t'

l[| |lI|t[l]|lll


Test Report No.: CEn011l22g21 Da'.e:2011t'z24 page: 3 of 1O


Test ltem (s): Unit Mothod i,DL Re6ultNo.t

HalogenHalogen-Fluoine (F) (CAS No-014762-94-8)

mg/Kg With reference to BS EN 14582'2007.Analysis was pertomed by lC.

50 n.o.

Halogen-Chlo.ine (Cl) (CAS No.:022537 -15-1)

mg/Kg With reference to BS EN U5A22007 .Analysis was performed by lC.

50 n.d.

Halogen-Bromine (Br) (CAS No.:010097-32-2)

msik9 With reference to BS EN 14582''2cn7.Analysis was performed by lC.

50 n.d-

Halogenlodine (l) (CAS No.:01436244€)

mgfts with reference to Bs EN 14582:2007 .Analysis was perfo.med by lC.

50 n.d.

Sum of PBB9

mgikg With feference to IEC 62321: 2008 andpeformed by cC/lVS.

n.d.Monobromobiphenyl n.d.Dibromobiphenyl n.d.Tribromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Tetrabrcmobiphenyl 5 n.d.Pentabromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Hexabromobiphenyl 5 n . d .Heptabromobiphenyl 5 n.d-Octabromobiphenyl 5 n.d-Nonabromobiphenyl 5 n.d-Decabromobiphenyl 5 n.d-Sum of PBDES n . d .Monobromodiphenyl ether 5 n . d .Dibromodiph€nyl ether 5 n . d .Tribromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Tehabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Pentabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Hexabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.o,Hoptabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Oclabromodiphenyl ether n.o.Nonabromodiphenyl other 5 n.d.Decabromodiphenyl ether n.d.

nlful€3l€p.nd€ro^91otbgampl€l'1ededThsla*rc@d€mdberecmpsny r I rj I :r.: . .1:t-t!- rr!fi1,; :;l!lrllij:9rf /-$F-h\1.1|- A r+:_. - i:,i,riq,ftsddn€ft3$@dbylhocomp.nygdr.dbigGssE]condlbnso'sior 6odrdd 6n.r dddrB.ft s4

n s i b i t y 6 l o i s c e i l l d 6 s f u m e if t t r r ! f u a d d | ' g a 6 n s u e $ a b n o t b 3 E p d u d a e p l ' n l u l ' f u U l

Test Report No.: CE12011n2921 Date 2011t02,24 paoe:4 of 1O


Note :'1. mg/kg = ppm ;0.1wt% = i000ppm2. n.d. = Not Detected3. IVDL = l,Iethod Detection Limit4 . " - "=No tRegu ta ted

MCKINNEY ST, P. O. BOX 2583 HOUSTON,llm tll l]|ltt

L€l' b{d Th s r3d cPd €md b€ repdc m F r y r l l l r j t J r l l i l i ! ' ] l l ! ! : J i ; i n l l : : l { , - l i t s : h , l . ] : : m + r . 7 ! : r r i i q ,}Ed@frsdssdby'hecomp5dys6jodfoi,G*3E]cod1trsolsfor 66d,mc ftim.l doorn.ds suq ha rmbroi d ,'b rydsAtdion and judsddd cs6ddn y and w th n he his ol Cr€d s nsib e t r r ] g f u a d d | ' g d b n s u n e i b g , m n o l b e € p d U d a c e p l ' n f u r . w ] f u dt44oll.sndonol|| i6@ds1ol

PFOS Refer€nce Information : Dirocfive 2OO6/,t2ZEC({} lray not be pleced on the marker or used as a substance or constituent of preparations in a concentrationequalto or higherthan 0.005 % by mass.(2) May not be plac€d on the market in semi-finished products or articles, or parts thereof, if the concentration ofPFOS isequalto of higherthan 0.1 % by mass calculated with reference tothe mass of structuEllv ormicrostruclurally distinct parts that contain PFos or, for textiles or other coated matedals, if lhe amount of pFosis equalto or higher than 1pg/m'?ofthe coated material.

I : i r + ! ' 1 { i s6o?P}e t , ,

Menbs or rh. scs G/oup 66s 5A)

Test Report No.: CE12011t22921 Date:2011|t02t24 page: 5 of iO


l lllllltIltltll


Sample Material Digestion Acid

$eel, copper, aluminum, soldor Aqua regia, HNO3, HCl, HF, HrO,

Glass HNOy'HF

Gold, platinum, palladium, ceramic Aqua regia

Silver HN03

Pla6tic HrSO4, HrOr, HNOr, HCI

Others Any acid to total digeslion

cmFiv , r+Jr l i t ! r , . ! i t . x ! { , i , ; i r l t iq i f . i ! i t+ r r { : td , l r i I , r l : , l r tE tft9ddumdccsebyb6comts

$ b l e d l o T 6 f r 6 d d c m d i o B f u Eodamit don a! juffidEr d 55w5 d

i^db.j€p6du.6d€ic.pli iu|l ihod

1) Thes€ s€mples were dissotved tota y by pre-conditioning methoct according to betowflow cnan_( Cr- test method excluded )

2) Name of the person who made measurement: Climbgreatyang3) Name of the person in charge of measurement Troy Ch€ng

' r r , i r l ! r e l r r . ! i+s610r l ,e

Acid dig€stion by suitable aciddepended on different samolematerial {as below table)

Microwave digestion wilh


Add appropriate amolnt ofdigestion reagent

Heat to appropriate

tempe€ture to extract

Cool, filter digestate

through filter1) Alkal iFusion2) HCltodissolve

Add diphenyl-cabazide for

color development

measuae the absodance

at 540 nm by UV-VIS

Membo o/r^e 5cs6,o!p665 sAr

Test Report No.: CE12011122921Dai.e : 201110?,24 P a g e : 6 o f 1 0


Analwcal flow chart of halogen content1) Name ofthe person who made measurement Rita Chen2) Name of the person in charge of measureftent Troy Chang


Sample pretreatment / Separ€tion

Weighling and puttjng sample in cetl

Oxygen Bomb Combustton / Absorption

Dilution to fixed volume

Analy6is was performed by lC

0e(3)Gned rhs bd €tsn 6nd 6cmFiy *,: ,j ! ri!, . ]lri!*1l r!1*ir; rll'r1t.i:ei . .l.n*+lr.1'l:r ' :J i +i] . r 4: I'Jt Eun3dcqmd6]sd6ys€c.mp5

& b , a d l o T 6 . m s e d c m d i ] o c b l E


:nl!r: tE!*r3i li + 3e 01)r@

Test Report No. I CE12011122921Dale .2011102124P a g e : 7 o f 1 0


l|l|t l| |ltltll

Analytical flow chart of Soxhlet extraction (GC/MS) procedure

1) Name ofthe person who made measurement Lydia Fu

2) Name ofthe person in charge of measurement: Shinjyh Chen

I Te6t ltems: Phthalate , Benzotriazote , HBCDD , Np , DBBT ,

Organic phosphoru6 compounds


nhs|sll€M.€ldon|y1o1b3ampl€1'bddThsb{rupd€nndbaiqdcmFry rt+, jrj ii. . r ili :'!rrtlJ : jrirlrl::: ?j . r-kF,=!r.1.1\- :in+l . 4:i:,iu rj4

ny subrsd ro 6 G*ercond thns d ssuq6d b rems ad cturds 6r E

nsib]i'vtsiddcLei',ds"dhenrh6/ igtu aid dradpns ue ha ra iior b6 r.pdud scapr 'n ru I, wodfoa4ollasfelono'|h6@d3n1or

Test Report No. : CEnO11l22921Dale 2011102124 Page: 8 of 10


Analytical flow chart

1) Name ofthe person who made measurement Roman Wong2) Name of the person in charge of measurement Troy Chang


Firsl lesling proc€ss -----' Oplionatscreenprocess....... Confhnalion prcc€ss -.>


Screen analysis




Analysis by GC/MS

vlssue Report

' ith3t*ll€pd'€1€rm|yloibgmp|e1s)le$dThsleslrepod€nm1bBcomFry !:lFritJs .ill i l l r!]}iJ,i;llnl..'ra ,]-ii+.twl. r. :i;li . r i: l.ltqrhdodiad3i3s€dbylhacohpanysuqedb6Gfficondltr3ois

dnt,id w rhn th€ imb or cr€d3 is dbrtEronscrsnradhs&mefrfFir. shre ard obr'gdron5 unk b6 ka nior b6 boodld ded in iu . w rd

Test Report No. : CE12011n2921Oale | 201110?,24 P a g e : 9 o f 1 0


Analytical flow chart of Soxhlet extraction (LC/MS) procedure

1) Name ofthe person who made measurement: Lydia Fu

2) Name ofthe person in charge of measurement Shinjyh Chen

rTest ltems: PFOS/PFOA , Benzotriazote

Sample pretreatmenvseparation


tfl[It]rIl ]t


comFry i.riJ:ii,i r. . .l:ll iej:' .r!1;lrt r-i4!riJr9* - ril++ q1\r f I F-.r'-! ui.c,1h€ fu3a3ss6dby lh6cdmp5 .ysuq6dbbGa@cond l t r 3o l s

ontand*rhinrturmisdcrbft\ isr p.i3b lysro bcrdandrrsddn

It,:, :i :!r r!:,r I rlt 1s6 @PD

Test Report No. : CE|2O11n2921Date :2011102124Page : 10 of l0

' * EndofReport '*


|l][ttt][tt tl

psGli€dd rh s rod 'eFd ennor bconFny d l r , ! i i i " . . r i - 1 r t 1 : i l 1 ! i , j : n ( r t : t r . , l . - l ' i 1 : 14 r - t \ , , i : j l . r ! , " r c l i : trnseum.m 6 6su6d by rh6 co'p,

FBb ' t s ro bc l d randh3d6un

Test Report No.:CE/2010/84979Date :2010111130 Page : 1 of 8

Validi nownFor QuesliPlease Co irh scs

|l1[[I l||]tur!

Sample DescriptionSample Receiving DateTesting Peiod

: CERAMIC FILLER (TlC)| 20101'l'1124| 201U1124IO 2010h1130

Thefollowing sample(s) was/wero submitted and identified by/on behalfofthe client as:

Tost Result(s) Please ref6r to next page(s).


Clr| .d L-c.*.t -frts.i

mPb(s)tesbd rh s bsr rePod 6i^d &compaiy rtl..jnl:rrl n'd" llrlrfiaillJi!!';" tl til l: *crlr;*t:ir1 a l.[r;ir]! '

in"i""1.*',i"lewr;ic".m.y5!!edbbG.isdcond!oisoibi . . " " d . " " f " - d d " ' . " " t s " , b r ^ " o j - . . * a l w " g " - ' r u m s - e.d.." fd*

"fo !"*.d - i**.;

" , i i - a . u ' t " i ' t o cm. *u ,a - ' t a ^y r i . " c *p , r y . oeo iidb €idued -eptni'r shoro,e,i. o 'ra,o"a'n"-un -

'. l!;ntl t!!i +;1i'it I + s6lo?'e



Test Report No. : CE/2010/84979Date : 2010/11/30 Page. 2 of 8


T€6t Result(s)

l l | l | l []t l | trtt


Test ltem (s): Unit Method MDLResultNo.l

Cadmium (Cd) mg/K9 With reference to IEC 62321:200a arldpedormed by |CPAES.


Lead (Pb) mg/Kg With reference to IEC 62321: 2008 andpedormed by ICP-AES.


lrercury (Hg) mg/Kg With reference to IEC 62321: 2008 andpedormed by ICP-AES.

2 n.d.

Hexavalent Chrornium Cr(Vl) byalk€line oxtraction

mg/Kg With reference to IEC 62321 : 2008 andperfomed by UV-VIS.


Perfl uorooctane sulfonates (PFOS)PFOS - AcidPFOS - Metal SaltPFOS -Amide

mg/Kg With reference to US EPA 3540C:1 996 method for PFOS Content.Analy6i6 was performed by LC/NIS.

'10 n.d.

PFOA {CAS No.: 000335€7-1) mg/kg With reference to US EPA 3540C:'1 996 method for PFOA Content.Analysis was performed by LC/MS.

1 0 n,d,

HalogenHalogen-Fluoine (F) (CAS No.:0't4762-944\

mS/kS With reference to BS EN 145A2:2007.Analysi6 was performed by lC.

50 n . d .

Halogenchlorine (Cl) (CAS No.:022537-15-1')

50 n.d.

Halogen-Bromine (Br) (CAS No.:01oo97 -32-2)

50 n.o.

Halogen-lodine (l) (CAS No.: 014362-44-8)

50 n.d-

h h ' 3 6 l € p . n d e l m | y b l s $ n p ] e G ) b s i & T h s b d € p o d e i n o | s r .c o o o a i v i i ' ! 1 l f i t ! , 1 ! J U " + - l ! j ! : i l j i L l r ' ; r ' { i i { n r . i l l l 1 . ! i : } } i i l i r I . ' l { r r a ' .

Ib'3 doomsl E ss€d by lhe cdhp,

- l l * : r l : f f i I F F !

Test Report No. iCE/2010/84979Date : 2010/11130P a g e : 3 o f 8


rll tt]|l|ltt|l

Test ltem (s): Unit Method MDLResultNo.1

Sum of PBBa

mg/Kg With reference to IEC 62321 i 2008 andperfomed by GC/IVS.

n.d.Monobromobjphenyl 5 n.d.Dibromobiphenyl n.o.Tribromobiphenyl n_0.Tetrabromobiphenvl 5 n.d.Pentabromobiphenyl n.d.Hexabromobiphenvl 5 n.d-Heptabromobiphenyl 5 n.d-Octabromobiphenyl n.d.Nonabromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Oecabromobiphenyl n.d.Sum of PBDES n.d.Monobromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.DibromodiDhenvl elher 5 n.d.Tribromodiphenyl ether n.d.Tetrabromodiohenvl ether 5 n.d.PentabromodiDhenvl ether 5 n.d.Hexabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.o.Heptabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Octabromodiohenvl ether n.d.Nonabromodiohenvl ether 5 n.d.Decabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.

Note :1. mg/kg = ppm i o.1wts/o =2. n.d. = Not Detecled3. MDL = lrethod Detection4. " - " = Not Regulated



PFOS Refercnce Information : OiJective 2006/122lEC(t) May not be placed on the market or used €s a substance or constituent of preparations in a concentration equal toor higherthan 0.005 % by mass.(2) [,,lay not be placed on the ma*et in semi-f]nished producls or adicles, or pads thereof, if the concentration ofPFOS is equalto or higherthan 0.1 o/o by mass calculated with refeence tothe mass of structurally ormicros'tructurally distinct parts that contain PFOS or, fortextiles or other coated materials, ifthe amount of PFOS isequalto or higher than 1Ug/m'of the coated malerial.

prels) red.d rh s E3r.8pod ennd scomoany tt+ i! ilitl, [r 1',1F.].]Er:-rt ;dlliE': S t,tillri+{alrE g : +il. -nrlrlit&'Th s d@!n.nI 9 ig6d by !1. compa

&q6d 6 r€ms aid condlons 'lrf E Atedoi s d.am ro rh. rmidon or 'abL v.

ptrib '9 's b G cretu and ih s dodm

Test Report

1 )


No. : CE/2010/84979Date : 2010/11/30P a g e : 4 o f 8



These samples were dissolved totally by pre-conditioning method according to betow flow chaat.( Cr- test method excluded )

Name of the person who made measurement ClimbgreatYangName ofthe pe6on in charge of measurement Troy Chang


Sample Material DigestionAcid

Sed, copper, aluminum, solder Aqua regia, HNO3, HCl, HF, HrO,

Glass HNOs/HF

Gold, platinum, palladium, ceramic Aqua r€gia

Salver HNO3

Plastic HrSO1, HrOr, HNO3, HCI

others Any acid to total digestion

n n s E b 3 l E p o d r € l e r o n L y l o t € s a m p b c ) l e 5 b d T h 9 G 3 l . € P o d € n n d *comoad itr ' i !: i+ , 41t' iF l l 'E11il l;1i ' iE " E:_ tl i +d.l l i :-+ 1. . iJ:[ l,] i tt l .Thsb0menlsisedby66comoa[y9'edb]b6era|cond!oisol$

pms6 4 !s b G Cled 'nd rh s dddml h e r l g h G a n d o b g a l m s m d l h e ' '

Itiir r[!i,r!r,.,n I r s610rr4 aD 1r s6 0r2t nt

Acid digestion by suitable aciddeoended on different samDlematerial (as below table)

Add appropriate amount of

digeslion reagent

Heat to appropriate

temperature to extract

Cool, filter digestate

through filter1) AlkaliFusion2) HClto dissolve

Add diphenyl-carbazide for

color development

measur€ the absorbance

€t 540 nm by UV-VIS

Test Report No. : CE2010/84979 Date:2010/11/30


Analytical flow chart of Soxhlet extraction (LC/MS) procedure

P a g e : 5 o f 8


1) Name of the person who made measurement Lydia Fu

2) Nameofthe person in charge of measurement Shinjyh Chen

rTest ltems: PFOS/PFOA . Benzotriazole

Sample pretrealrnenu6eparation



mpreG) €ned rh 3 6' epdd dnnd @compary ' ' r . i t t : r . L l j l l . #h ' t 9 l ! , r 1 ! r f ; iE i . t 611 ! l i l 1 l r , . 4 r r i . - t , [ r ] i a t ! .rh 3 @m6nl s ised by h6 company $bjed b rs 6ed codd r oi3 or s

s!q6d b rehs eid coidtuns br E tuemd s drav. ro s€ rmturoi or 'ab It

-Lfl r i fE tif;]t,.t , + 3m 01,

Test Report No. : CE2010/84979 Date:2010/11/30 Page: 6 of I


t||tum ||t||]

Analytical flow chart of halogen content'l) Nameofthe Derson who made measurement Rita Chen2) Name of the person in charge of measurement Troy Chang

nrreG) resd rh s bd '@on onnd scdmpaiy t r i r i rn i? r , r . rL l { ' i ' 1 r r t :1 r r i , r r ! ' r ta . t . r l i f {1 ! r r r , , * : r r i i l - r r , r l i r i !4 .r h s d o d f i m l c s d b y h 6 c o m p a n y s q e d b c e i g d c o n d ! o B d s .

Sample pretreatment / Separation

Weighting and putting sample in cell

Orygen Bomb Combustion / Absorption

Dilution to fixed volume

Analysis was performed by lC

Membe' or rhe scs Goup 15cs sA)

Test Report No. : CE/2010/B4979Date r 2010/1 1/30 Page : 7 of 8


tfi]|||| ||tlttl

Analytcal flow chart1) Name ofthe person who made measuremenl Roman Wong2) Name ofthe person in chafge of measurement: Troy Chang

r Te6t ltems: PBB/PBDE, TBBP-A-bis

FiBttesling pocess -----' Oplionalsc€en process ..-- Confimalion process - '>

Screen analysis

Sample extraction/Soxhlet method

concentrate/Dilute Exfacted solution

PBB/PBDE: Analysis by GC/MSTBBP.A-bis : Analysis by HPLC/DAD/IVIS

lssue Report

pelslr.sbd hE re$ rpdd 6^idr becomrany i i + ! t ! ; o , , f i l , r l i { i r r 1J i ! n t ! l , i l cF . r t i , i r * { r 1 r - i =F i : 1 , , . . . - r , l i , l t ! t !

Atunrn 3 drawn io h€ Lmrdon or l'ab 'Vinbm^'frer on.nd luisd.!on sussdon t add w r , r i r he mGdo$ i sns i pssb ' r l a ro bogdadd lh3do tum



Test Report No. : CE/2010/84979Date.2010/11130P a g e : 8 o f 8

" End of Report -

flrm tt||tflrl[fl

prels) resbd rh s Es repod 6idd bec o m r a i y t J i , ' , i i 4 . ! J { i , i i r . r , f j 1 l i 1 , r i q n . l " . l i l ^ l r , e a i 1 r l . - : r J 1 t r ! | .Th s @men s iged by 6e cmpa

lbjsd to r€ms aid coid{o.s br E ars on 3dEmroh€Lmrdonofuab'V

spoisb'ty6lolscl: i landh'sdd

-L{1i!!1 ttn{]3, !i (+e6@:)2!err r+e6{0r)2err 9w4r.om


Test Report Number : TWNC00190468

Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited

K. Y. Liang Director

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.

Page 1 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

Applicant: Littelfuse Inc. Date : Feb 01, 2011 LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City,

Malvar, Batangas

Sample Description:

One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Nickel/Copper foil (for RLD) Date Sample Received : Jan 28, 2011 Date Test Started : Jan 28, 2011

Test Conducted :

As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages.

Number : TWNC00190468

Test Conducted

Page 2 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm)

Testing Item Submitted Sample

Heavy Metal

Cadmium (Cd) content ND Lead (Pb) content ND Mercury (Hg) content ND Chromium VI (Cr6+) content ND

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Monobrominated Biphenyls (MonoBB) ND Dibrominated Biphenyls (DiBB) ND Tribrominated Biphenyls (TriBB) ND Tetrabrominated Biphenyls (TetraBB) ND Pentabrominated Biphenyls (PentaBB) ND Hexabrominated Biphenyls (HexaBB) ND Heptabrominated Biphenyls (HeptaBB) ND Octabrominated Biphenyls (OctaBB) ND Nonabrominated Biphenyls (NonaBB) ND Decabrominated Biphenyl (DecaBB) ND

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Monobrominated Diphenyl Ethers (MonoBDE) ND Dibrominated Diphenyl Ethers (DiBDE) ND Tribrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TriBDE) ND Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TetraBDE) ND Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PentaBDE) ND Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HexaBDE) ND Heptabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HeptaBDE) ND Octabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (OctaBDE) ND Nonabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (NonaBDE) ND Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether (DecaBDE) ND

Number : TWNC00190468

Test Conducted

Page 3 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm)

Testing Item Submitted Sample

Halogen Content Fluorine (F) ND Chlorine (Cl) ND Bromine (Br) ND Iodine (I) ND

Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected

Responsibility Of Chemist :Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen

Date Sample Received : Jan 28, 2011 Testing Period : Jan 28, 2011 to Feb 01, 2011

(Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement:

Restricted Substances Limits

Cadmium (Cd) Content 0.01% (100ppm) Lead (Pb) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Mercury (Hg) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) 0.1% (1000ppm) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ehters (PBDEs) 0.1% (1000ppm)

The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material.

Number : TWNC00190468

Test Conducted

Page 4 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Testing Method Reporting Limit

Cadmium (Cd) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Lead (Pb) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Mercury (Hg) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr6+) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex C, by alkaline digestion and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

1 ppm

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary.

5 ppm

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary.

5 ppm

Halogen Content With reference to EN 14582:2007 by calorimetric bomb with oxygen and determined by ion chromatography

50 ppm

Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample

Number : TWNC00190468

Test Conducted

Page 5 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI)/PBBS/PBDES Contents Reference Standard: IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008

Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid:

Material Acid Added For Digestion Polymers HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 Metals HNO3,HCl,HF Electronics HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4

*2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected.

Sample preparation

For different material, digest the sample with appropriate acid*1

Make up with deionized water


Analyzed by ICP-OES

Weigh sample and add alkaline solution

Definite temp. extraction

Make up with deionized water and add diphenyl-carbazide solution

Cool and filter the extract


Weigh sample and add organic solvent

By Soxhlet extraction or Solvent extraction

Concentrate the extract and make upwith organic solvent


Analyzed by UV-VIS

Analyzed by GC-MSD

By spot test

Get 50cm2 sample

By boiling water extraction

Metal Polymers / electronics

Negative *2

Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved

Take sample and immerse into Aqua Regia, start to strip plating layer

Stop the stripping procedure upon color change completely

Take the Aqua solution as plating component and stripped body as substrate component

For non-metal part For metal part

Number : TWNC00190468

Test Conducted

Page 6 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart:

Test For Halogen Content Reference Standard:EN 14582

End Of Report

Add absorbent in a combustion flask & place weighed sample in equipment

Fill oxygen into calorimetric bomb

Ignite then leave the flask at room temperature

Transfer the absorbent into a volumetric flask

Make up with deionized water

Sampling/grinding or cutting

Analyzed by ion chromatography

Number : TWNC00190468

Test Conducted

Page 7 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401


Test Report Number : TWNC00190798

Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited

K. Y. Liang Director

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.

Page 1 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

Applicant: Littelfuse, Inc. Date : Feb 10, 2011 LIMA Technology Center,

Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas

Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Plated copper(for SMD) Date Sample Received : Feb 01, 2011 Date Test Started : Feb 08, 2011

Test Conducted :

As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages.

Number : TWNC00190798

Test Conducted

Page 2 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm)

Testing Item Coppery Metal

Heavy Metal

Cadmium (Cd) content ND Lead (Pb) content ND Mercury (Hg) content ND Chromium VI (Cr6+) content (mg/kg with 50cm2) Negative (< 0.02)

Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected < = Less than mg/kg with 50cm2 = milligram per kilogram with 50 square centimetre Negative = A negative test result indicated positive observation

was not found at the time of testing.

Responsibility Of Chemist :Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen

Date Sample Received : Feb 01, 2011 Testing Period : Feb 08, 2011 To Feb 09, 2011

(Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement:

Restricted Substances Limits

Cadmium (Cd) Content 0.01% (100ppm) Lead (Pb) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Mercury (Hg) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content 0.1% (1000ppm)

The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material.

Number : TWNC00190798

Test Conducted

Page 3 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Testing Method Reporting Limit

Cadmium (Cd) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Lead (Pb) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Mercury (Hg) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr6+) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex B, by boiling water extraction and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

0.02 mg/kg with 50cm2

Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample

Number : TWNC00190798

Test Conducted

Page 4 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI) Reference Standard:IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008

Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid:

Material Acid Added For Digestion

Polymers HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 Metals HNO3,HCl,HF Electronics HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4

*2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected.

End Of Report

Sampling/grinding or cutting

For different material, digest the sample with appropriate acid*1

Make up with deionized water


Analyzed by ICP-OES

Weigh sample and add alkaline solution

Definite temp. extraction

Make up with deionized water and add diphenyl-carbazide solution

Cool and filter the extract


Analyzed by UV-VIS

By spot test

Get 50cm2 sample

Boiling water extraction

Metal Polymers / Electronics

Negative*2 Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved

Number : TWNC00190798

Test Conducted

Page 5 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401


Test Report Number : TWNC00190797

Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited

K. Y. Liang Director

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.

Page 1 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

Applicant: Littelfuse Inc. Date : Feb 10, 2011 LIMA Technology Center,

Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas

Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Tin(for SMD) Date Sample Received : Feb 01, 2011 Date Test Started : Feb 08, 2011

Test Conducted :

As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages.

Number : TWNC00190797

Test Conducted

Page 2 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm)

Testing Item Silvery Metal

Heavy Metal

Cadmium (Cd) content ND Lead (Pb) content 14 Mercury (Hg) content ND

Chromium VI (Cr6+) content (mg/kg with 50cm2) Negative

(< 0.02)(#)

Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected < = Less than mg/kg with 50cm2 = milligram per kilogram with 50 square centimetre Negative = A negative test result indicated positive observation

was not found at the time of testing. # = Due to the insufficient sample area, reduced total sample

surface of 10 cm2 was used and the dilution factor was adjusted accordingly.

Responsibility Of Chemist :Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen

Date Sample Received : Feb 01, 2011 Testing Period : Feb 08, 2011 To Feb 09, 2011

(Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement:

Restricted Substances Limits

Cadmium (Cd) Content 0.01% (100ppm) Lead (Pb) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Mercury (Hg) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content 0.1% (1000ppm)

The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material.

Number : TWNC00190797

Test Conducted

Page 3 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Testing Method Reporting Limit

Cadmium (Cd) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Lead (Pb) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Mercury (Hg) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr6+) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex B, by boiling water extraction and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

0.02 mg/kg with 50cm2

Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample

Number : TWNC00190797

Test Conducted

Page 4 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI) Reference Standard:IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008

Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid:

Material Acid Added For Digestion

Polymers HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 Metals HNO3,HCl,HF Electronics HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4

*2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected.

End Of Report

Sampling/grinding or cutting

For different material, digest the sample with appropriate acid*1

Make up with deionized water


Analyzed by ICP-OES

Weigh sample and add alkaline solution

Definite temp. extraction

Make up with deionized water and add diphenyl-carbazide solution

Cool and filter the extract


Analyzed by UV-VIS

By spot test

Get 50cm2 sample

Boiling water extraction

Metal Polymers / Electronics

Negative*2 Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved

Number : TWNC00190797

Test Conducted

Page 5 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401


Test Report Number : TWNC00190472

Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited

K. Y. Liang Director

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.

Page 1 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

Applicant: Littelfuse Inc. Date : Feb 08, 2011 LIMA Technology Center,

Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas

Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Ink (Acrylic) white(for SMD) Date Sample Received : Jan 28, 2011 Date Test Started : Jan 28, 2011

Test Conducted :

As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages.

Number : TWNC00190472

Test Conducted

Page 2 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm)

Testing Item Submitted Samples

Heavy Metal

Cadmium (Cd) content ND Lead (Pb) content ND Mercury (Hg) content ND Chromium VI (Cr6+) content ND

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Monobrominated Biphenyls (MonoBB) ND Dibrominated Biphenyls (DiBB) ND Tribrominated Biphenyls (TriBB) ND Tetrabrominated Biphenyls (TetraBB) ND Pentabrominated Biphenyls (PentaBB) ND Hexabrominated Biphenyls (HexaBB) ND Heptabrominated Biphenyls (HeptaBB) ND Octabrominated Biphenyls (OctaBB) ND Nonabrominated Biphenyls (NonaBB) ND Decabrominated Biphenyl (DecaBB) ND

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Monobrominated Diphenyl Ethers (MonoBDE) ND Dibrominated Diphenyl Ethers (DiBDE) ND Tribrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TriBDE) ND Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TetraBDE) ND Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PentaBDE) ND Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HexaBDE) ND Heptabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HeptaBDE) ND Octabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (OctaBDE) ND Nonabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (NonaBDE) ND Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether (DecaBDE) ND

Halogen Content Fluorine (F) ND Chlorine (Cl) 607 Bromine (Br) ND Iodine (I) ND

Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on wet weight of tested sample =

mg/kg ND = Not detected

Responsibility Of Chemist :Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen

Date Sample Received : Jan 28, 2011 Testing Period : Jan 28, 2011 To Feb 01, 2011

Number : TWNC00190472

Test Conducted

Page 3 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Limits

Cadmium (Cd) Content 0.01% (100ppm) Lead (Pb) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Mercury (Hg) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) 0.1% (1000ppm) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ehters (PBDEs) 0.1% (1000ppm)

The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material.

(Ⅲ) Test Method:

Testing Item Testing Method Reporting Limit

Cadmium (Cd) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Lead (Pb) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Mercury (Hg) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr6+) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex C, by alkaline digestion and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

1 ppm

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary.

5 ppm

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary.

5 ppm

Halogen Content With reference to EN 14582:2007 by calorimetric bomb with oxygen and determined by ion chromatography

50 ppm

Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample

Number : TWNC00190472

Test Conducted

Page 4 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI)/PBBS/PBDES Contents Reference Standard: IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008

Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid:

Material Acid Added For Digestion Polymers HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 Metals HNO3,HCl,HF Electronics HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4

*2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected.

Sample preparation

For different material, digest the sample with appropriate acid*1

Make up with deionized water


Analyzed by ICP-OES

Weigh sample and add alkaline solution

Definite temp. extraction

Make up with deionized water and add diphenyl-carbazide solution

Cool and filter the extract


Weigh sample and add organic solvent

By Soxhlet extraction or Solvent extraction

Concentrate the extract and make upwith organic solvent


Analyzed by UV-VIS

Analyzed by GC-MSD

By spot test

Get 50cm2 sample

By boiling water extraction

Metal Polymers / electronics

Negative *2

Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved

Take sample and immerse into Aqua Regia, start to strip plating layer

Stop the stripping procedure upon color change completely

Take the Aqua solution as plating component and stripped body as substrate component

For non-metal part For metal part

Number : TWNC00190472

Test Conducted

Page 5 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart:

Test For Halogen Content Reference Standard:EN 14582

End Of Report

Add absorbent in a combustion flask & place weighed sample in equipment

Fill oxygen into calorimetric bomb

Ignite then leave the flask at room temperature

Transfer the absorbent into a volumetric flask

Make up with deionized water

Sampling/grinding or cutting

Analyzed by ion chromatography

Number : TWNC00190472

Test Conducted

Page 6 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401



,fl-d'*E+TeSt RepOft

it4(No ) : cE/2010/e2827 Es(Date) | 2o1o/os/24F * ( P a g e ) : l o f a



itE #+4ire+rS:14618ft618, SEC. 3, YEN-PING RD., PING.JING, TAO-WAN. TAII'AN


trT''l{*[g,i !b F,P '*.#, -B- E BP +*.it**P *gtpT (rh. fouo'ins ssDples,asls€r€ 6(britt€d andi d e a t i f i . d b y l o ! b e h a l f o f t b . c l i e l r a s ) :

i [&-?{S(saopt . Des.r ip t ion)

* l S d l t ( S t y l e / I t " o N o . )

i t ' f+ E *(s . ' iL . Receiv ins Date)

, r l i { ,S H (Test ins Pe. iod)

t r ld , ' * * ( rest ResuI is)

I IM(ZsR-1s0)$

I ZM-400SF, Zll-40011F-1, At 4OO{F(N), ZV 400IB, m{y. SH, nU, tN, n!,!H(N), SI{ (H), 13A089, PC,W, pC-G, IC t i ! , lOOr- , 9rr / , SW, FM-1

: 2 0 1 0 / 0 9 / r 6

. 2AlA/49/16 TO 2010/09/24

f i -?-T-F (PI . , " . refer to next pases) .

$u-$hltftC$.d fo.

Ch.dc.l lrto..to., - T.lFa

i h $B cn €Fn €tu ot ro dr ener{s) rn.d rhG rn Epon cnd & qd6:+rE;tur . u:+l*l**1{gdm2t$ea . 4*E*i!+a;r ei!-:+ir , Tirarrif&"ftLr.nfuFnk9.dbyih.6paryundHacea6iddmsof$dftpnBd,&n b $e rinbdd drbdrity, ituirtur d rd ju, didbi isgdEd $@h. ^iy hordsoihi5td R@n r:dd rh.conFn/56ndinsid & rih. dra ibryhdon oot 'id m ft. conFn'/s 5oh e5Finbii'y tro Gtoh ddrnq |ll d'.r 'bha $d obrbd

a*&r*l${sttEE4-t rdqrturbie rrei cdury,rawii /!nl!sl&r*El€9tr9f r + tr61da2s


M.nb€,oiihescsc@p (s6ss )

rr{H,+t+Test Report *,4(No.) : cE/20r0le2827 ES(Date) : 2010/09/24 FIL(PaE") . 2 or 4


dtE ti+tl lF € +tA:+46 r8 ff618, STC. 3, I'EN-PING !{D., PING-JENG. TAO WAN, TAIIAN

I ' l l lg t (T"sr Resulr r )

HA,4{N(PART NATIE)No. 1 6 Ef#i', (flHITE PASTE)

ll |lIt]|||Ilt||l

f i A ( N o r e ) :1 . m g l k g = P P m ; 0 . 1 { t % = 1 0 0 0 P p R2 . n . d . : N o t D e r € c r e d ( , t l i * )

3. I , iDL = Method Detect ion Lisir ( t l i4F t f l in fF{d )

i ii rhB sn rcFn @, mt ro s€ $md€o knd.rhL kn rc@d cnid b 4dklfBie!8 , rlti8€sRt69ifja2lt ILe i " fiSaaEi]}iit =6;1 !1 , T lliirrllqts .frLr€nR.FdL]gdby$e6Fryu#bca,coiddofudkeFi

siEhFnJTsind|45ft! aomFnts $e Epcibii 'ynb ib

frem*d,nqj|d'.t ' leh$.ndob|le,

duni bEraiFicounerawd/*lignul*EnE$I* t+s6laDDe

,rl&,4 E +.fi(U! i t )

rl&t}f( t i6 thod)

tn{trlElnlt( DL)

* *

N o . l^i*4+:-*. /Hexabronocyclododecane (HBCDD)

( C S N o . : 0 2 5 6 3 ? - 9 9 _ 4 )

4+us EPA Js4oct*. t^^1aFtft/X'i*d, i * : r l . / t r i i th reference ro US EPA3540C n€thod. Analys is sas per fornedby @/MS.


1, lrilR., +fi / Phtbalatesf , f :F&PX*T{F / BBP(Benry l buty l p l tnala re) (cAsN o - : 0 0 0 0 8 5 - 6 8 - ? )

+txN 143?2, 'r{Ria,EtrA/f :*&Ania. / l v i th .e fe rence to EN 143?2.Ana lys is was per io rmed by GC/MS.

0 , 0 0 3

I IX:F{{:aE& / DBP (DibutylP h t h a l a t e ) ( c A s N o . : 0 0 0 0 8 4 - 7 4 - 2 )

++Er{ u3?2, ',rF.{E.l{ A/f :*&}f,xl< . / S i t n r e f e r e n c e t o E N 1 4 3 ? 2 .Ana lys is was per lo r f ted 6y cc l t l s .

0 , 0 0 3

DEHP (Di_ (2-€thy lh€xyl )P h r h a r a t e . ) ( c A s N o . : 0 0 0 1 r 7 - 3 1 7 )

t-+Ftr r43? 2. 4fi.{EE{.A /f :*aihxlz - . / l i i n r e f e r e n c e t o n { 1 4 3 7 2 .Analys is vas per forned by cc/ i ls .

0 . 0 0 3

, i f : tsS:**aE / DrDP (Di-i s o d € c y l p h r h a l a t e ) ( C A S N o . :

026761- . r0 0 )

4*rli rt37z. ,x*.fq.lfdlf t*d,'d.xlz ' . / s i !h re fe ren .e to EN l , t3?2.

Ana lys is was pe . fo .oed by @/MS.

0 , 0 1

f iX:?*:4+!6 / DrNP (Di-i s o n o n y l f h t h a l a i € ) ( c A S N o . :

0 2 8 5 5 3 - 1 2 0 )

++rN u37z,,,{*r*8.,rff4,/f *61*,!j<. / { i th re fe rence to EN 14372.

Ana lys is was p€r fo rn€d by GC/MS.

0 . 0 1

,tf:F6:ra+FE / DNoP (Di-n-o c t y l f h r h a l a r € ) ( o \ s N o . :

0 0 0 r r 7 - 8 4 - 0 )

++EN 14372, 'x f,, {€ a },f d, / fr:*d, i* l< - . / $ i t h r e f e r e n c e r o E N 1 4 3 7 2 .

Ana lys is ras per fo rned by @/VS.

0 . 0 0 3


SGSx{-d,#+TeSt RepOrt

lt '4(No ) : cE/2010/e2827 Es(Dat") 2010/09/24 E*(Pas.) . 3 or 1


'tE *+9*fi.re+!&:86r8 tt618, SEC. 3, YEN-PING RD., PING-JENG, TAO-I'IJAN, TAI$'AN

*n+4(Gc/Ms)+fifi,Af, /Analytical flow chart of Soxhlet extraction (GC/MS) procedure

1) ralit,/.F : 6+irE /Nameofthe person who made measurement Lydaa Fu

2) jr4:t A l/- : t*.*trti / Name of the person in charge of measurement: Shinjyh Chen

I jrlli,n E cresr rtems): qaFl . *ji_:.4fr{t,a}t. i.&ri+:ie . +[h . s pa:

&:NA?B, . AlA4ltAlt / Phthalate ' Benzotriazole ' HBCDD . NP . DBBT '

Organic phosphorus compounds

*4 / Data

in rhiser cM ctor ontlorhe eme elt 6bdInis 6r rc@d 6ino( b. ,.o'od<€d, d€pr h ru , whhdi Fior*iiln tsh+BFilsE , rrsa64G1ta;n2*,nrtsi . +l1s*i{4ad+@itil TiI*ltIi4 "rhirrdR$onrii$udbyd'.conpaiy $ib e d hrpJ ,wis'6h/led, aid 6i.dnmrorhe mhionorrbsriry, i&nnif.nronandluddhonh*3&fmdr d$econp:i/3fidi93

tu conp'/s 6r.6p.nsih itbbi6do.unfusetaiqdididelmdiA

! hdurBrz@!,raF, d4 r.iwln /6rLKn&!FEIE}&rfi r + 3s onza

,rl|-d,+t+Test Report

fi4(N" ) ' cE/2u10/s2a27 ES(Date) : 2010/09/24 Ht \ (Paae) : 4 or 4


dtEi tf +4fi €+tA:fC6r 8 !E618, SEC. 3, YEN-PING RD., PING.JENC, TAO-WAN. TAIIIAN

I l | [ ] I | l t t t l

"* { l+}*€ (End o l Repo. t ) **

h&) rnd.rhL rn eFn aniot b€ E!rcdBt+ti;nl8 , rlt4*laRLlldldzitdtca . 6lux *t4+^ii =6;! !J , .Ii llBjtd4 .ftnr€nfuFnBjg.dbylh.6ts^yL dowi rd d. nibdon orrhhriry, 'nd.miiar{ion:nd}iirdidim s5 d€nEd$ d $. c6Fi/5 indiis!

rfi. <ontsnyr F. Brsibr r L b alomund(ih.t' 'kdndcund'A

3nl'&ijtl{PitrrHr.!"r ! hdutturzq!,ia Fi cd(y, rN:n /All6nrda*& nE&t}qi r + s6 Or)a r7e t } e (o,),a 7 *wl!(m


MtrEr d rh scs G'dp (Ks s4

Test Report Number : TWNC00190473

Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited

K. Y. Liang Director

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.

Page 1 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

Applicant: Littelfuse Inc. LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas

Date : Feb 08, 2011

Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : PP-HF(for SMD) Date Sample Received : Jan 28, 2011 Date Test Started : Jan 28, 2011

Test Conducted :

As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages.

Number : TWNC00190473

Test Conducted

Page 2 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm)

Testing Item Light Yellow Plastic Film

Heavy Metal

Cadmium (Cd) content ND Lead (Pb) content ND Mercury (Hg) content ND Chromium VI (Cr6+) content ND

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Monobrominated Biphenyls (MonoBB) ND Dibrominated Biphenyls (DiBB) ND Tribrominated Biphenyls (TriBB) ND Tetrabrominated Biphenyls (TetraBB) ND Pentabrominated Biphenyls (PentaBB) ND Hexabrominated Biphenyls (HexaBB) ND Heptabrominated Biphenyls (HeptaBB) ND Octabrominated Biphenyls (OctaBB) ND Nonabrominated Biphenyls (NonaBB) ND Decabrominated Biphenyl (DecaBB) ND

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Monobrominated Diphenyl Ethers (MonoBDE) ND Dibrominated Diphenyl Ethers (DiBDE) ND Tribrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TriBDE) ND Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TetraBDE) ND Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PentaBDE) ND Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HexaBDE) ND Heptabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HeptaBDE) ND Octabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (OctaBDE) ND Nonabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (NonaBDE) ND Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether (DecaBDE) ND

Halogen Content Fluorine (F) 835 Chlorine (Cl) 413 Bromine (Br) ND Iodine (I) ND

Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected

Responsibility Of Chemist :Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen

Date Sample Received : Jan 28, 2011 Testing Period : Jan 28, 2011 To Feb 01, 2011

Number : TWNC00190473

Test Conducted

Page 3 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Limits

Cadmium (Cd) Content 0.01% (100ppm) Lead (Pb) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Mercury (Hg) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content 0.1% (1000ppm) Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) 0.1% (1000ppm) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ehters (PBDEs) 0.1% (1000ppm)

The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material.

(Ⅲ) Test Method:

Testing Item Testing Method Reporting Limit

Cadmium (Cd) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Lead (Pb) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Mercury (Hg) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES.

2 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr6+) content

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex C, by alkaline digestion and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

1 ppm

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary.

5 ppm

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary.

5 ppm

Halogen Content With reference to EN 14582:2007 by calorimetric bomb with oxygen and determined by ion chromatography

50 ppm

Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample

Number : TWNC00190473

Test Conducted

Page 4 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI)/PBBS/PBDES Contents Reference Standard: IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008

Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid:

Material Acid Added For Digestion Polymers HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 Metals HNO3,HCl,HF Electronics HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4

*2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected.

Sample preparation

For different material, digest the sample with appropriate acid*1

Make up with deionized water


Analyzed by ICP-OES

Weigh sample and add alkaline solution

Definite temp. extraction

Make up with deionized water and add diphenyl-carbazide solution

Cool and filter the extract


Weigh sample and add organic solvent

By Soxhlet extraction or Solvent extraction

Concentrate the extract and make upwith organic solvent


Analyzed by UV-VIS

Analyzed by GC-MSD

By spot test

Get 50cm2 sample

By boiling water extraction

Metal Polymers / electronics

Negative *2

Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved

Take sample and immerse into Aqua Regia, start to strip plating layer

Stop the stripping procedure upon color change completely

Take the Aqua solution as plating component and stripped body as substrate component

For non-metal part For metal part

Number : TWNC00190473

Test Conducted

Page 5 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401

(Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart:

Test For Halogen Content Reference Standard:EN 14582

End Of Report

Add absorbent in a combustion flask & place weighed sample in equipment

Fill oxygen into calorimetric bomb

Ignite then leave the flask at room temperature

Transfer the absorbent into a volumetric flask

Make up with deionized water

Sampling/grinding or cutting

Analyzed by ion chromatography

Number : TWNC00190473

Test Conducted

Page 6 Of 6 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.

8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114台北市內湖區瑞光路 423號 8樓

Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401


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