icim 2013 - pucsp.br · carlos eduardo calmonovi, anpei president rubén dario sinisterra, fortec...

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ICIM 2013 Strategic Management for Sustainable


ICIM 2013 will be held at the Pontificial Catholic University – PUC - in São Paulo – Brazil - from 2nd to 4th December


ICIM is an International Annual Academic Event organized by Universities of

different countries, with participation of scholars and experts on Innovation from

30 countries.

From 2004 to 2006 it was held at Wuhan University of Technology – China

in 2007 it was held at Yamaguchi University of Technology – Japan

in 2008 it was held at UNU – MERIT The Netherlands, and it was then that

the PUC-SP was invited to become part of the team.; and hence in 2009 it

was held at PUC – São Paulo Brazil .

This year again it will take place in Brazil celebrating the 10th. Anniversary

Anniversary of the ICIMs.


Holland – 2008 Brazil -2009 China – 2010 Japan - 2011

ICIM 2012

Tilburg University, Eindhoven

Holland: 14 - 16 November

Tilburg University


Scientific Committee


EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

ICIM 2013


Congress on

Innovation and

Management 1. Social Technologies 2. Sustainable and Innovating

Cities 3. Renewable Energy 4. Education and Sustainability 5. Innovation in Health 6. Management and

Leadership 7. Creative Economy and

Green Economy 8. New Trends & Hot Issues 9. Design Thinking

The ICIM Meeting, that will be celebrating its 10th anniversary, has great relevance for the academic leaderships in the areas of innovation and management, always fostering processes of applied research in innovation in organizations and others stakeholders. Next International Conference on Innovation and Management ICIM 2013 will take place at the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo PUCSP 2th-4th of December, hosted by the Center of Future Studies NEF of the Business and Economic School of the University FEA of the PUCSP.


MAIN OBJECTIVES FOR THE ICIM 2103 - Underscore the great Importance of Education for Innovation and Sustainability; - Present ideas of international and Brazilian researchers, bringing together experts in fields related to the topic and other groups of interest; - Offer the opportunity to exchange knowledge from researchers on Innovation and Management to contribute with new strategies in times of changes; - Promote activities of Research and Development -R&D – in the academic level and Public and Private sectors, as an interlocutor for a necessary dialogue for sustainability; - Disseminate prospective methodologies, so that different organizations and publics may identify ways leading to a sustainable future; - Promote proximity between scientific knowledge and the market for the development of innovative projects; - Identify technology with potential to generate solutions for social, economic and environmental problems; - Produce knowledge from a proactive perspective towards Management and Sustainability; - Articulate various nets allowing access to knowledge to those who are interested in management based on excellence to promote

Sustainable Development.

Education for Innovation, Innovation for Sustainability Strategic Management for Sustainable Development ICIM 2013

Scientific Committee


Arnoldo José de Hoyos

Guevara - Brazil

Deng Mingran – China Geert Duysters – Holland Ken Kaminishi – Japan


Alessandro Marco Rosini (FMU), André Furtado (UNICAMP), Andyara Santis (Santander), Angelo

Palmisano (FMU), Antonio Vico Mañas (PUC SP), Beatriz Marcos Telles (PUC SP), Cláudio

Marte (POLI/USP) Christine Syrgiannis (GEPI/PUC SP), Diego Conti (PUC SP), Erika Zoeller

Veras (WUHAN University of Tecnology), Felipe Borini (ESPM), Fernando Grisi (PUC SP), Ivanete

Bellucci (FATEC SP), Koiti Egoshi (UNINOVE), Ladislau Dowbor (PUC SP), Lennon Jardel de

Araujo (PUC SP), Luiz Roberto Calado (SAINT PAUL), Milton Campanário (USP), Mônica Cairrão

Rodrigues (PUC SP), Raquel Pereira da Silva (USCS), Roberto Bernardes (FEI), Rosa Alegria,

Rosa Rizzi, Ruth Y. Lopez Trigo (PUC SP), Tales Andreassi (FGV), Telma Teixeira (FIG),

Vinnicius Vieira (PUC SP), Vitoria C. Dib (PUC SP), Flávia Pereira de Carvalho (Fundação DOM

CABRAL), Maria Cristina Amorim (PUC SP), Suzana Leal, Regina Maria da Luz Vieira (PUC SP)

CHINESE MEMBERS: Chen Jing, Chen Xiaohong, Dash Wu, Deng Mingran, Hu Xiangpei,

Hu Zhenhua, Jiang Dianchun, Jiang Zhongwei, Li Hua, Liu Xielin, Nguyen Huu Phuc, Sun

Shusheng, Wei Jiang, Wim Vanhaverbeke, Xie Kefan, He Shan.

JAPANESE MEMBERS: Kazuhiro Fukuyo, Motonobu Kubo, Nakio Ohshima, Yoshiyuki

Matsuura, Nguyen Huu Phuc.

HOLAND MEMBERS: Aquatias Christine, Ard-Pieter de Ma, Irmtraut Mecke, John Rijpma,

Walter Mcmanus, Tim de Leeuw, Monique Greve.


CHAIRMAN: Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara (Brasil)

CO-CHARMAIN: Geert Duysters (Holanda), Den Mingran (China), Wang

Yingming (China), e Ken Kaminishi (Japão)

MEMBERS: Alessandro Marco Rosini (Brasil), Antonio Vico Mañas

(Brasil), Cheng Guoping (China), Diao Zhaofeng (China), Gao

Weiyi(China), Guo Jian (China), Ladislau Dowbor (Brasil), Mônica Cairrão

Rodrigues (Brasil), Rosa Alegria (Brasil), Shi Yourong (China), Wang

Aimin (China), Wang Huiju (China), Wang Shijie (China).


Afonso Braga (Brasil), Alessandro Marco Rosini (Brasil), Chen Yun

(China), Diego Conti (Brasil), Erika Zoeller Veras (China), Fernando Grisi

(Brasil), He Shan, Huu Phuc (China), Liu Yang (China), Michel Freller (

Brasil), Renata Pereira da Silva (Brasil), Rosa Rizzi (Brasil),Telma Cunha

( Brasil), Telma Teixeira (Brasil),), Ruth Yamada Lopez (Brasil), Vinnicius

Vieira (Brasil), Yang Xiaorui(China).


02 - December

14h00 at 15h00

18h00 at 20h00

The event has a great relevance for the academic leaderships in the area of innovation and management, for the manage processes of

innovation in the organizations and others stakeholders. Thus, from 02 to 04 of December of 2013 - International Conference in Innovation and

Management ICIM2013 will be happening at the PUC-SP, organized by the Future Studies Center – NEF of PUC-SP.



Local: Hall Tuca

For the Opening Session, we will have the presence of the Education Minister Aloizio Mercadante, together with the Chairman of the organizing committee of each

country: China, Japan, Holland and Brazil

Local: Hall TUCA






Aloizio Mercadante

Minister of Education

Arnoldo de Hoyos -


Deng Mingran – China Geert Duysters – Holland Ken Kaminishi – Japan

RISUS Revista Inovação e




Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara (Brasil).

Associate Editors

Deng Mingran (China), Geert Duysters (Holanda), Ken Kaminish.(Japão).

Editorial Board

Alessandro Marco Rosini (Brasil), André Furtado (Brasil), Antonio V. Manas (Brasil), Ard-Pieter

de Man (Holanda), Bastiaan P. Reydon (Holanda), Belmiro N. João (Brasil), Chen Jing

(China), Chen Xiaohong (China), Cristina S Amorim (Brasil), Dash Wu (China), Elizabeth

Florescu (EUA), Evandro V. Ouriques (Brasil), Felipe Borini (Brasil), Hector Casanueva

(Venezuela), Hu Shuhua (China), Hu Xiangpei (China), Hu Zhenhua (China), Irmtraut Mecke

(Holanda), Ivany Fazenda (Brasil), Jerome C. Glenn (EUA), John Rijpma (Holanda), Jiang

Zhongwei(China), Jiang Dianchun(China), Josu Takala (Holanda), Kazuhiro Fukuyo (Japão),

Kazuya Inaba(Japão), Ladislau Dowbor (Brasil), Li Hua (China), Liu Xielin (China), Li

Yuan(China), Marli Elizabeth R dos Santos (Brasil), Motonobu Kubo (Japão), Nakio Ohshima

(Japão), Nguyen Huu Phuc (China), Nobuo Hirohata (Japão), Roberto Bernardes (Brasil), Sun

Shusheng (China), Sylmara L. Dias (Brasil), Tales Andreassi (Brasil), Ted Gordon (EUA),

Tomohisa Kimura (Japão), Walter Mcmanus (Holanda), Wim Vanhaverbeke (Holanda), Wei

Jiang (China), Wilfred Dolfsma (Holanda), Xie Kefan (China), Xu Lida (China), Ye Jianmu

(China), Yoshiyuki Matsuura ( Japão), Zhang Ding, (China), Zhonguei Jiang (China).

Managing Editor

Rosa Rizzi (Brasil).

Managing Board - BRASIL

Alessandro Marco Rosini, Fernando Grisi, Rosa Alegria, Ruth Y. Lopez, Vitoria C. Dib.

EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

9h00 às 11h00 - MAGNA SESSION - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: ENVIRONMENTAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Glauco Arbix , FINEP President Marina Grossi, CEBDS President Ladislau Dowbor, PUC-SP Moderator: Rosa Alegria 11h30 às 12h30 - CONFERENCE: PROMOTING OPEN AND COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION THROUGH INTERNATIONAL INTERCHANGE Jakarin Srimoon, UTTC Tailândia Presenter: Suzana Bandeira 12h30 às 13h30 - Lunch Time


EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

DECEMBER 3 - MORNING Location: Hall Teatro Tuca PUC-SP

RISUS Revista Inovação e




Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara (Brasil).

Associate Editors

Deng Mingran (China), Geert Duysters (Holanda), Ken Kaminish.(Japão).

Editorial Board

Alessandro Marco Rosini (Brasil), André Furtado (Brasil), Antonio V. Manas (Brasil), Ard-Pieter

de Man (Holanda), Bastiaan P. Reydon (Holanda), Belmiro N. João (Brasil), Chen Jing

(China), Chen Xiaohong (China), Cristina S Amorim (Brasil), Dash Wu (China), Elizabeth

Florescu (EUA), Evandro V. Ouriques (Brasil), Felipe Borini (Brasil), Hector Casanueva

(Venezuela), Hu Shuhua (China), Hu Xiangpei (China), Hu Zhenhua (China), Irmtraut Mecke

(Holanda), Ivany Fazenda (Brasil), Jerome C. Glenn (EUA), John Rijpma (Holanda), Jiang

Zhongwei(China), Jiang Dianchun(China), Josu Takala (Holanda), Kazuhiro Fukuyo (Japão),

Kazuya Inaba(Japão), Ladislau Dowbor (Brasil), Li Hua (China), Liu Xielin (China), Li

Yuan(China), Marli Elizabeth R dos Santos (Brasil), Motonobu Kubo (Japão), Nakio Ohshima

(Japão), Nguyen Huu Phuc (China), Nobuo Hirohata (Japão), Roberto Bernardes (Brasil), Sun

Shusheng (China), Sylmara L. Dias (Brasil), Tales Andreassi (Brasil), Ted Gordon (EUA),

Tomohisa Kimura (Japão), Walter Mcmanus (Holanda), Wim Vanhaverbeke (Holanda), Wei

Jiang (China), Wilfred Dolfsma (Holanda), Xie Kefan (China), Xu Lida (China), Ye Jianmu

(China), Yoshiyuki Matsuura ( Japão), Zhang Ding, (China), Zhonguei Jiang (China).

Managing Editor

Rosa Rizzi (Brasil).

Managing Board - BRASIL

Alessandro Marco Rosini, Fernando Grisi, Rosa Alegria, Ruth Y. Lopez, Vitoria C. Dib.

EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

14h00 às 15h30 - ROUNDTABLE: POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR INNOVATION IN BRAZIL Carlos Eduardo Calmonovi, ANPEI President Rubén Dario Sinisterra, FORTEC President Gerson Pinto, NATURA VP Inovation Moderator: Antonio Vico Mañas 15h30 às 16h00 - Coffee Break 16h00 às 17h30 - ROUNDTABLE: INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES Maurício Broinizi Pereira, Coordenador da Secretaria Executiva do Movimento Nossa São Paulo Marcos Weiss – Centro Universitário FEI/SP - INNOVAR&S - Núcleo de Ensino e Pesquisa em Inovação João Brito Martins – Gestor de Inovação - EDP Brasil – Estudo caso: Aparecida /SP, Inovicity Project Claudio Luiz Marte – IPT/USP: Mobilidade Urbana Moderator : Vinnicius Vieira 14h00 às 17h30 - Parallel Sessions - Presentation of PAPERS


EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

DECEMBER 3 - AFTERNOON Location: Hall Teatro Tuca PUC-SP

RISUS Revista Inovação e




Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara (Brasil).

Associate Editors

Deng Mingran (China), Geert Duysters (Holanda), Ken Kaminish.(Japão).

Editorial Board

Alessandro Marco Rosini (Brasil), André Furtado (Brasil), Antonio V. Manas (Brasil), Ard-Pieter

de Man (Holanda), Bastiaan P. Reydon (Holanda), Belmiro N. João (Brasil), Chen Jing

(China), Chen Xiaohong (China), Cristina S Amorim (Brasil), Dash Wu (China), Elizabeth

Florescu (EUA), Evandro V. Ouriques (Brasil), Felipe Borini (Brasil), Hector Casanueva

(Venezuela), Hu Shuhua (China), Hu Xiangpei (China), Hu Zhenhua (China), Irmtraut Mecke

(Holanda), Ivany Fazenda (Brasil), Jerome C. Glenn (EUA), John Rijpma (Holanda), Jiang

Zhongwei(China), Jiang Dianchun(China), Josu Takala (Holanda), Kazuhiro Fukuyo (Japão),

Kazuya Inaba(Japão), Ladislau Dowbor (Brasil), Li Hua (China), Liu Xielin (China), Li

Yuan(China), Marli Elizabeth R dos Santos (Brasil), Motonobu Kubo (Japão), Nakio Ohshima

(Japão), Nguyen Huu Phuc (China), Nobuo Hirohata (Japão), Roberto Bernardes (Brasil), Sun

Shusheng (China), Sylmara L. Dias (Brasil), Tales Andreassi (Brasil), Ted Gordon (EUA),

Tomohisa Kimura (Japão), Walter Mcmanus (Holanda), Wim Vanhaverbeke (Holanda), Wei

Jiang (China), Wilfred Dolfsma (Holanda), Xie Kefan (China), Xu Lida (China), Ye Jianmu

(China), Yoshiyuki Matsuura ( Japão), Zhang Ding, (China), Zhonguei Jiang (China).

Managing Editor

Rosa Rizzi (Brasil).

Managing Board - BRASIL

Alessandro Marco Rosini, Fernando Grisi, Rosa Alegria, Ruth Y. Lopez, Vitoria C. Dib.

EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

09h00 às 10h30 ROUNDTABLE: EDUCATION AND FUTURE José A. Valente, UNICAMP Ubiratan D´ Ambrosio, PUC-SP Nabi Bux Jumani, IIU-Paquistão Moderator: Ivany Fazenda 10h30 às 11h00 - Coffee Break 11h30 às 12h30 - ROUNDTABLE: RENEWABLE ENERGY Edmilson Moutinho – Instituto de Energia e Ambiente – USP Eduardo Bernini – Tempo Giusto Consultoria Moderator: Edson Bouer – A.T. Kearney Director 12h30 às 14h00 - Lunch Time


EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

DECEMBER 4 - MORNING Location: Hall Teatro Tuca PUC-SP

RISUS Revista Inovação e




Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara (Brasil).

Associate Editors

Deng Mingran (China), Geert Duysters (Holanda), Ken Kaminish.(Japão).

Editorial Board

Alessandro Marco Rosini (Brasil), André Furtado (Brasil), Antonio V. Manas (Brasil), Ard-Pieter

de Man (Holanda), Bastiaan P. Reydon (Holanda), Belmiro N. João (Brasil), Chen Jing

(China), Chen Xiaohong (China), Cristina S Amorim (Brasil), Dash Wu (China), Elizabeth

Florescu (EUA), Evandro V. Ouriques (Brasil), Felipe Borini (Brasil), Hector Casanueva

(Venezuela), Hu Shuhua (China), Hu Xiangpei (China), Hu Zhenhua (China), Irmtraut Mecke

(Holanda), Ivany Fazenda (Brasil), Jerome C. Glenn (EUA), John Rijpma (Holanda), Jiang

Zhongwei(China), Jiang Dianchun(China), Josu Takala (Holanda), Kazuhiro Fukuyo (Japão),

Kazuya Inaba(Japão), Ladislau Dowbor (Brasil), Li Hua (China), Liu Xielin (China), Li

Yuan(China), Marli Elizabeth R dos Santos (Brasil), Motonobu Kubo (Japão), Nakio Ohshima

(Japão), Nguyen Huu Phuc (China), Nobuo Hirohata (Japão), Roberto Bernardes (Brasil), Sun

Shusheng (China), Sylmara L. Dias (Brasil), Tales Andreassi (Brasil), Ted Gordon (EUA),

Tomohisa Kimura (Japão), Walter Mcmanus (Holanda), Wim Vanhaverbeke (Holanda), Wei

Jiang (China), Wilfred Dolfsma (Holanda), Xie Kefan (China), Xu Lida (China), Ye Jianmu

(China), Yoshiyuki Matsuura ( Japão), Zhang Ding, (China), Zhonguei Jiang (China).

Managing Editor

Rosa Rizzi (Brasil).

Managing Board - BRASIL

Alessandro Marco Rosini, Fernando Grisi, Rosa Alegria, Ruth Y. Lopez, Vitoria C. Dib.

EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

14h00 às 15h30 - ROUNDTABLE: SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Joelson Nascimento, CEAT/USP Gilvan Davi, UNIREDE President Armando Tortelle, Anpecom President Marcos Bernardes, UNIFEI/MG Moderator: Francisco A. Serralvo 15h30 às 16h00 – Coffee Break 16h30 às 18h00 – CONFERENCE: TRENDS IN STRATEGIC ALLIANCES Dave Luvison, Keller Graduate School of Business, Netherlands Presentation of PAPERS – VIPs 09h00 às 16h30 - Parallel Sessions - Presentation of PAPERS 18h00 CONFERENCE : A HISTORY AND WAYS OF INNOVATION IN CHINA Luiz Antonio Paulino, UNESP CLOSING CEREMONY


EDUCAR PARA INOVAR, INOVAR PARA SUSTENTAR Gestão Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ICIM 2013

04 Dezembro - AFTERNOON Local: Teatro Tuca


CALL FOR PAPERS ICIM2013: WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, TILBURG AND PUC SP UNIVERSITIES We invite you to inscribe for academic activities in next ICIM 2013 idealized by the Universities: Wuhan University of Technology, Yamaguchi, Tilburg and PUC SP, to be held in PUC-SP Brazil. Submit your academic and scientific paper until 31 August 2013. More information about submission of papers in: http://www.pucsp.br/icim. We are looking forward to your support for promote and submission of academic paper for this important international conference about Innovation and Sustainability. Annals: All papers approved will be include in Annals of Conference of Articles in 2013 Magazine: Papers selected will be published in RISUS – Revista Internacional de Inovação e Sustentabilidade <http://revistas.pucsp.br/risus>. For each article accepted at ICIM 2013, it is required to have at least one of the authors registered at the main conference before 2 December 2013. Paper Presentation Format The English is an official language in ICIM 2013.

Each paper must have 12 pages maximum. The papers should be in MS-Word Format. Please submit your paper via e-mail to nef@nef.org.br. For more detail information about submission rules, consult the requirements of paper presentation format in <http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/risus/about/submissions#authorGuidelines>. We are looking forward to your contribution for professional and academic research. Yours Respectfully ICIM 2013 Scientific Committee PUC SP: http://www.pucsp.br, Wuhan: http://public.whut.edu.cn/outweb/ , Yamaguchi: http://www.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/english/, Tilburg: http://www.tilburguniversity.edu Registration Fees : U$ 250.00

Education for Innovation, Innovation for Sustainability Strategic Management for Sustainable Development ICIM 2013














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