ican.iode.org announcing ican 8marcia berman marcia@vims.edu and kathrin kopke k.kopke@ucc.ie our...

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The Newsletter of the International Coastal Atlas Network

Volume Six Number 1 June 2017

Front page and back page: Stretched from the interactive map viewer for the COINAtlantic Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia Atlas showing abun-dances of rock crab from diver video transects (green 1-4 individuals, yellow 5-8 individuals, red 9+ individuals), overlain shaded relief multibeam bathymetry and low resolution elevation. All layers are delivered from remote OGC compliant web mapping services. http://coinatlantic.tools/csu/?mapset=sydney_harbour


Announcing ICAN 8 1

INVEMAR: Our Hosts for ICAN 8




‘RIDPSGIAC’ y su integración en el Sistema Nacional de Información Ambi-ental de Chile (SINIA). (Spanish)


State of New York Gateway: Focus on Data


COINAtlantic An-nounces the Sydney Harbour Atlas


SPINCAM and its integration into Chile's National En-vironmental Infor-mation System (SINIA) (English)


About the Network 14

ICAN - Best Practice Guide to Engage your Coastal Web Atlas User Commu-nity



Announcing ICAN 8 Coastal Web Atlases – Enhancing Ocean Literacy

Santa Marta, Columbia 11-12 September 2017

The ICAN 8 workshop: Coastal Web Atlases – Enhancing Ocean Literacy, Santa Marta, Co-lumbia, 11-12 September 2017 will explore how a coastal web atlas (CWA) can contribute to and support ocean literacy initiatives and will examine the role of CWAs in advancing ocean literacy with different audiences. Ocean literacy is the understanding of the ocean's influence on you and your influence on the ocean. The International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) is hosting the ICAN 8 workshop in 2017 to reflect on how a Coastal Web Atlas (CWA) can help to:

Increase understanding of the importance of the ocean to humankind,

Aid communication about the ocean in a meaningful way, and

Support informed and responsible decision making regarding the ocean and its resources.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 2

The ICAN Steering Group invites abstract submissions for the ICAN 8 workshop under the following overarch-ing thematic areas: Opportunities for CWAs to improve ocean litera-

cy Challenges in CWA development and usage for

ocean literacy Linking with other coastal and marine networks

and organisations to explore the potential role of ICAN and ICAN CWAs within enhancing ocean literacy

ICT and ocean literacy: how advancing web litera-cy can advance ocean literacy

Ocean literacy and engaging young people through your CWA

CWAs and community observatories

CWAs around the world – introduce your resource to the ICAN community

For more information about ICAN please visit the website http://ican.iode.org/ Send your submissions to the ICAN co-chairs:

Marcia Berman marcia@vims.edu and Kathrin Kopke k.kopke@ucc.ie

Our Hosts for ICAN 8 INVEMAR is a civil non-profit corporation gov-erned under the Ministry of Environment and Sus-tainable Development. Its mission is “to carry out basic and applied scientific research based on nat-ural renewable resources and marine and coastal ecosystems, which is of national interest. The pur-pose is to gather necessary scientific knowledge to formulate policies, make decisions and to elabo-rate plans and projects that will help us in the de-

velopment of; the management of sustainable resources, the recovery of marine and coastal ecosystems, and to improve the quality of life of Co-lombians through the rational implementation of the scientific capacity of the Institute and its articulation with other public and private entities”.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 3


The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange held its Twenty-fourth Session (IODE-XXIV) at the Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 28 and 31 March 2018. The IODE Session was attended by 67 participants from 31 IOC Member States and 5 Organi-zations. Each IODE project reported progress over the last inter-sessional period. ICAN co-chair Marcia Ber-man reported progress and highlights on behalf of ICAN. Most notable was the final transition of the web-site to the IODE platform (http://ican.iode.org/), the publication of two newsletters, presentations at 10 scien-tific and international meetings by ICAN members, and the publication of the ICAN-Best Practice Guide to En-gage Your CWA User Community (Kopke K. & Dwyer N. (Eds.).(2017). Paris. Intergovernmental Oceano-

graphic Commission of UNESCO (IOC Manuals and Guides 75) 28 pp. (English) (IOC/2016/MG/75)];(OceanDocs: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/9579). The Committee welcomed the work achieved by ICAN and the growth of the network; urging relevant organizations and projects to join the ICAN community. In addition, the Committee reviews requests from all projects for funding for the next intersessional period. ICAN re-quested a total of $33,500 USD to support continued web development, expert travel, the development of a searchable coastal web atlas catalogue, and the organisa-tion and execution of ICAN-8 and the biennial face to face ICAN Steering Group Meeting. The Committee appropriated $24,250 over the next two year cycle; ac-knowledging the importance of all items identified in the proposed work plan.

Group Photo IODE-XXIV, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Marcia Breman, ICAN Steering Group Co-chair, is in the front row fourth person from the left. Lenore Bajona, Data Manager, Ocean Tracking Network, an ADU of the IODE, third person from the left, is a member of COINAtlantic’s Geomatics Working Group.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 4

Proyecto “Red de Información y Datos del Pacífico Sur para el apoyo a la Gestión Integrada del Área Costera” (SPINCAM) y su integración en el Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental de Chile (SINIA). En Chile, la segunda fase del proyecto de cooperación internacional “Red de Información y Datos del Pacífico Sur para el apoyo a la Gestión Integrada del Área Coste-ra” (SPINCAM, por sus siglas en inglés) , dirigido por la Comisión Oceanográfica Internacional COI-UNESCO y la Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Sur (CPPS) , se inició el año 2012 y tuvo como punto Focal Nacional al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y como Punto Focal Técnico al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, institución encargada de almacenar y realizar el pobla-mientos de datos. El año 2012, el Ministerio del Medio Am-biente, mediante Resolución Exenta N° 0179 crea el Comité Interinstitucional de Información Ambiental con el fin de coor-dinar las distintas iniciativas y proyectos en materia ambiental. Así también, el año 2014 se constituyó un Subcomité de In-formación Costera y Marina cuyo objetivo es proveer y validar información específi-ca del ámbito costera y marina, que sería clave en la coordinación y gestión de las actividades del proyecto SPINCAM a ni-vel nacional. Este subcomité está conformado por re-presentantes de las distintas instituciones y/o servicios que tienen directa relación con la administración y manejo del borde costero y marino como es la Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura (SUBPESCA), encargada principalmente de la normativa y el marco regulatorio en torno a las acti-vidades pesqueras y acuícolas del país, el Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) dedicado a la investigación; El Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura (SERNAPESCA), servicio con potestades fiscalizadores y de gestión sanitaria en relación a las actividades de pesca y ex-tracción de recursos, también, destaca la Subsecretaría para la Fuerzas Armadas (SSFFAA), institución directamente relacionada con el uso del borde costero y por último, el organismo admi-nistrador de la actividad marítima a nivel Nacional que

es la Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante (DIRECTEMAR). Durante el año 2015 se elaboró un diagnóstico de la in-formación y datos disponibles en las instituciones que conforman el Subcomité, de manera de construir un set de indicadores que contribuyan a la gestión integrada del borde Costero y Marino. En base a los datos entrega-dos por estos organismos, fue posible la creación de in-dicadores que dan cuenta de las presiones sobre los eco-sistemas costero y marino, por ejemplo: número de con-cesiones acuícolas y marítimas a nivel nacional, cuotas de captura y desembarque de las principales especies comerciales, emergencias ambientales ocurridas en las zonas marinas, ya sea por causa antropogénica (derrames de hidrocarburos) o naturales (marea roja),

Figura 1. Representación geográfica de las comu-nas que conforman el Caso Piloto.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 5

que se mide a través de la abundancia relativa de algu-nas micro algas portadores de venenos o floraciones de algas nocivas (FAN). Así también se construyeron indicadores relacionados al estado de la biodiversidad en base a censos de lobos ma-rinos, avistamientos de cetáceos y evolución de recursos explotados en Áreas de manejo de Recursos Bentónicos (AMERB). Se consideraron además indicadores de respuesta que dan cuenta del esfuerzo de fiscalización a nivel pesquero mediante las inspecciones realizadas por SERNAPES-CA. Caso piloto Proyecto SPINCAM Algarrobo, El Quis-co y El Tabo. En el marco del proyecto SPINCAM II se consideró un área experimental local integrada por las comunas de Algarrobo, El Quisco y El Tabo, ubicadas en la provin-cia de San Antonio, en la Región de Valparaíso. El área presenta varios Santuarios de la Naturaleza y sitios de interés turístico, por lo que se convierte en un potencial balneario turístico, sobretodo en época de ve-rano. En la figura 2, se representan 3 Santuarios de la Naturaleza ubicados dentro del Proyecto Piloto. En esta zona piloto (Figura 1), a partir de un trabajo conjunto entre el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, los Municipios de Algarrobo, El Quisco y El Tabo, y los principales actores locales, se construyó un conjunto de indicadores que fueron incluidos en la publicación “Indicadores para la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Coste-ras: Caso Piloto SPINCAM comunas Algarrobo, El Quisco y El Tabo”. En este documento (Figura 3), se describe la gestión ambiental desarrollada en cada co-muna y además, se incluye un total de 26 indicadores que dan cuenta de las fuertes presiones turísticas e in-mobiliarias, del estado de la zona de estudio y de las res-puestas sociales y/o gubernamentales ante dichas presio-nes, abarcando temáticas como:

Población flotante

Generación de residuos a nivel comunal

Ventas por rubro económico

Desembarque pesquero

Actividades de reciclaje

Proyectos con Fondos de Protección Ambiental

Calidad de aguas de uso recreativo

Indicadores de biodiversidad como es el censo Aves en la laguna El Peral y un censo enmarcado en el Islote Pájaro Niño.

Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental (SINIA) El Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (MMA) administra el Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental (SINIA), el cual, constituye la principal puerta de entrada a la informa-ción ambiental que dispone el sector público en Chile. Dentro de las funciones del SINIA, definidas por el Depar-tamento de Información Ambiental del Ministerio del Me-dio Ambiente, se encuentran articular la información am-biental del país y disponerla de manera fácil y oportuna para los ciudadanos. Este mecanismo de difusión, resguarda el derecho de acce-so a la información ambiental de cualquier persona (Ley N°19.300, 1994). Con el fin de facilitar la accesibilidad e intercambio de información, se desarrolló, en el año 2013, un proyecto de mejoramiento del SINIA donde se almace-nó la información bajo estándares internacionales (Dublín Core e ISO 19.115) en un Catálogo de Meta-datos, el cual permite organizar la informa-ción y para la recuperación de ésta por parte de los usuarios. La norma Dublín Core es

Figura 2. Santuarios de la Naturaleza considerados en el caso Piloto del Proyecto SPINCAM.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 6

utilizada para la descripción de información documental, indicadores y bases de datos, mientras que la norma ISO 19.115, establece los elementos necesarios para describir información georreferenciada ya sea vectorial, imágenes o datos en formato raster.

Como se muestra en la figura 4, otros dos elementos in-cluidos en este rediseño son: la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) que permite la visualización espacial de información ambiental y el Sistema Integrador de Informa-ción Ambiental (SIIA) enfocado en la información estadís-tica e indicadores.

Considerando que uno de los objetivos perseguidos en la segunda parte del proyecto SPINCAM fue generar Sis-temas de Información que apoyaran el desarrollo de in-dicadores y su representación espacial, fue necesario migrar e integrar la información y datos relativos al pro-yecto SPINCAM al Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental y a la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, ya que surge la necesi-dad de visibilizar los datos e información costero-marina a través de estos sistemas, permitiendo apoyar la toma de decisiones. Para ello, se agregaron algunos de los indicadores cons-truidos con la información contenida en las institucio-nes1 que se abarcaron en el diagnóstico de información. Dentro de la sección de SPINCAM que fue incorporada dentro del SINIA se consideran:

Indicadores: Aquí se pueden visualizar los indi-

cadores construidos en base al diagnóstico de in-formación, recopilando los datos disponibles a ni-

vel institucional. 1Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura(SUBPESCA) y Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura ( SERNAPESCA)

Mapas: dentro de la IDE, se presen-tan servicios de

Figura 3. Portada Publicación del Caso Piloto proyecto SPIN-CAM

Figura 4. Esquema estructural del Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 7

SPINCAM como: Migración 2002 Comunas Costeras. Caletas Pesqueras. Número de Pescadores por Caleta. Desembarque por Caleta.

Publicaciones: aquí se encuentran alrededor de 100 documentos y publicaciones del país, carga-dos en la plataforma de Ocean Docs2, correspon-dientes a informes o productos de investigación e información costera y marina, dentro de los cuales se consideran estudios relacionados con la flora, fauna, variables oceanográficas y socioeconómicas localizados en las Áreas Marinas Costeras de Múl-tiples Usos en nuestro país, informes técnicos confeccionados por la Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura en relación a los planes de seguimien-tos de las Áreas de Manejo de Recursos Bentóni-cos (AMERB) y estudios relacionados con espe-cies marinas protegidas en Chile, tales como los cetáceos, lobos marinos, pingüino de Humboldt y otras especies representativas de las áreas costeras protegidas, los que servirán como línea base para

los próximos estudios científicos que se lleven a cabo en las costas Chilenas.

En las próximas etapas de SPINCAM, se espera contar con los datos relativos al Programa de Observación del Am-biental Litoral (POAL) que realiza DIRECTEMAR, donde se mide la calidad ambiental marina y dulceacuícola en distintos cuerpos de agua, distribuidos a lo largo de la ju-risdicción nacional, incluyendo la Antártica e Isla de Pas-cua. Estas mediciones realizadas en los distintos cuerpos de aguas de jurisdicción de la Autoridad Marítima, se en-cuentran georreferenciados, por lo tanto, podrían ser un insumo relevante para forman parte de la IDE.

Marcos Serrano Ulloa, Jefe Depto. de Estadísticas e In-formacíon ambiental


Figura 5. Visualizador de mapas del portal web de la IDE. 2http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/5392

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 8

Focus on Data! Great Lakes folks, and specifically those in the Lake Erie and Niagara River Watershed, will be pleased to hear that, in partnership with Erie County Environment & Planning, we’ve started adding information from a watershed Atlas they have developed. There are now 14 new datasets related to their mapping effort available on the Gateway with another batch coming soon. These are state-wide and in some instances region–wide datasets that Erie County used in developing their Atlas. You can find the information by simply searching on “Lake Erie”, here is a link to the map viewer with all of the new datasets added to the view: Lake Erie & Niagara River Watershed In addition to more Lake Erie & Niagara Watershed da-ta, Long Island Sound-Centric folks should stay tuned for the next Gateway Update… As always we appreciate suggestions regarding addi-tional geospatial information that you would help you in your work or to understand your world around you.

Download Away! About two weeks ago some astute users notified us that there were issues with downloading some of the da-tasets. We identified the issue and it was in effect a “switch” that hadn’t been turned on for datasets that

we’ve added since the beginning of the year. This has been rectified and all datasets that are indicated as avail-able for download are now telling the truth! A big Thank You to those who provided us feedback on the bug, keep up the great work!

The Numbers We had a BIG month in April with some major mile-stones achieved and surpassed. On Thursday, 27 April, the Gateway exceeded 100,000 pageviews and sur-passed 18,000 visits since its launch on 29 September 2015. April 2017 experienced the third highest monthly visitor count out of the 19 months the site has been pub-licly available, the two higher months were October 2015 (essentially the month of its launch) and June 2016 (when we first sent an eblast about the Gateway out to the local government listserv with over 13,000 recipi-ents).

Social Media The facebook and Twitter icons at the bottom of Gate-way pages link directly to our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/informationgateway/ and twitter account https://twitter.com/NYGateway You can stay up to date on facebook and/or by following our twitter feed. Please like us and share us on fb and retweet!

State of New York Gateway: Focus on Data

The Gateway map viewer showing three of the 14 new data sets added.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 9

As always, please don’t hesitate to provide feedback on your visit to the Gateway so that we may continue to improve on it’s usefulness and your experience.

Gateway Team Division of Community Resilience and Regional Pro-grams Office of Planning & Development New York Department of State jeff.herter@dos.ny.gov

COINAtlantic Announces the Sydney Harbour Atlas

Sample map from the Sydney Harbour Atlas with a partial legend.

COINAtlantic has released version 1 of an Atlas for the harbour of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Atlas is built on a customized version of COINAtlantic’s Search Utility and displays map layers served from several OGC compliant web mapping services including COINAtlantic’s own WMS service of the data stored in the OBIS Canada Information Publication Tool, and

other web mapping services provided by the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada. The Atlas is intended to display spatial data relevant to an urbanized coastal ecosystem. The Atlas can viewed at: http://coinatlantic.tools/csu/?mapset=sydney_harbour

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 10

Project “South Pacific Information and Data Net-work to support Integrated Coastal Area Manage-ment” (SPINCAM) and its integration into Chile's

National Environmental Information System (SINIA).

In Chile, the second phase of the international coopera-tion project “South Pacific Information and Data Net-work to support Integrated Coastal Area Manage-ment” (SPINCAM), directed by the International Ocean-ographic Commission COI-UNESCO and the Perma-nent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS), began in 2012. It had as the lead agency the National Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as the technical lead agency the Ministry of Environment, the institution responsible by the storing and maintaining data collections. In 2012, the Ministry of Environment, through of ex-empt resolution N° 0179 created the Inter-Institutional Committee for Environmental Information in order to coordinate public environmental information. Also, un-der this committee was created in 2014 the Subcommit-tee of Coastal and Marine Information, with the target to provide and validate specific information for the coastal and marine area, which would be key in coordinating and managing SPINCAM project activities at the nation-al level. This subcommittee is made up for representatives of the various institutions and / or public services that have a direct relationship with the administration and manage-ment of the coastal and marine borders, such as the Un-dersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA in Spanish), which is mainly responsible for the regula-tions and regulatory framework for the fishing and aqua-culture activities of the country; the Institute for Fisher-ies Promotion (IFOP in Spanish) dedicated to research; The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA in Spanish), the service with inspection powers and sanitary management in relation to fishing activities and extraction of resources; the Undersecretary for the Armed Forces (SSFFAA), the institution directly related to use of the coastal border; and finally, the managing body of maritime activity at the National lev-el, the General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine (DIRECTEMAR in Spanish). During 2015, an analysis of the information and data available in the institutions that make up the Subcom-mittee was made, in order to build a set of indicators that contribute to integrated management of the Coastal and Marine borders. Based on the data provided by these

agencies, it was possible to create indicators that ac-count for pressures on coastal and marine ecosystems. (e.g.: the number of aquaculture and maritime conces-sions at national level, catch and landing quotas of the main commercial species, environmental emergencies occurring in marine areas, either anthropogenic (oil spills) or natural (red tide). The later is measured through the relative abundance of some micro algae car-rying poisons or harmful algal blooms (FAN). Also, indicators related to the state of biodiversity were constructed based on sea lions censuses, cetacean sight-ings, and evolution of resources exploited in Benthic Resource Management Areas (AMERB in Spanish). In addition, response indicators were considered that account for the inspection effort at the fisheries level through the inspections carried out by SERNAPESCA. SPINCAM’s Pilot Case Algarrobo, El Quisco and El Tabo. In SPINCAM II‘s framework a local ex-perimental area was considered at the local level located at Algarrobo, El Quisco and

Figure 1: Geographical representation of the communes that make up the Pilot Case.

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 11

El Tabo, in the province San Antonio, in the Valparaíso Region. The area has several Nature Sanctuaries and places of tourist interest, making it a potential tourist resort, espe-cially in summer. In the Figure 2, are represented 3 Na-ture Sanctuaries located within the Pilot Project area. In this pilot zone (Figure 1), a joint effort between the Ministry of Environment, the Municipalities of Algar-robo, El Quisco and El Tabo, and the main local actors, built a set of indicators that were included in the publi-cation “Indicators for Integrated Coastal Zone Manage-ment: Pilot Case SPINCAM of local level Algarrobo, El Quisco and El Tabo”. The document (Figure 3), de-scribes the environmental management developed in each local level and included a total of 26 indicators that account for the strong tourist and real estate pressures, of the state of the study area and the social and / or gov-ernmental responses to these pressures, including topics such as:

Transient Population

Generation of Waste at the Communal Level

Sales by Economic Sector

Fish Landings

Recycling Activities

Projects with Environmental Protection Funds

Water Quality for Recreational Use Biodiversity indicators such as the census of birds

in the lagoon El Peral and a census framed in the Islet Pájaro Niño.

National Environmental Information System (SINIA) The Ministry of Environment (MMA) administers the National Environmental Information Sys-tem (SINIA in Spanish), which is the main gateway to environmental information available to the public in Chile. The func-

Figure 2. Nature Sanctuaries considered in the Project SPIN-CAM’s Pilot Case.

Figure 3. Cover of the publication Project SPINCAM’s Pilot Case

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 12

tions of SINIA, defined by the Department of Environ-mental Information of the Ministry of Environment, ar-ticulate the environmental information of the country and make it easy and timely for citizens to access. The dissemination mechanism protects the right of ac-cess to the environmental information to any person (Law N°19.300, 1994), in order to facilitate accessibility and exchange of information. In 2013, an improvement to SINIA was developed under international standards (Dublin Core and ISO 19.115) through a Metadata Cata-log, which allows organizing the information and acces-sibility by citizens. The Dublin Core standard is used for the description of documentary information, indicators and databases, while the ISO 19.115 standard, describes geospatial information like a vector, images or data in raster format. As shown in Figure 4, two other elements included in this redesign are: Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE in Spanish) which allows the spatial visualization of envi-ronmental information and the Environmental Infor-mation Integrator System (SIIA) focused on statistical information and indicators. Considering that one of the objectives pursued in the second part of the SPINCAM project was to generate information systems that support the development of indicators and their spatial representation, it was neces-

sary to migrate and integrate the information and data related to the SPINCAM project with the National Envi-ronmental Information System and the Spatial Data In-frastructure of Ministry of the Environment, to support the need to visualize the data and coastal-marine infor-mation through these systems, supporting decision mak-ing. Some indicators was constructed with the information contained in the institutions1 that were included in the information analysis. The following were considered within the section of SPINCAM that was incorporated within the SINIA: Indicators: You can view the indicators constructed on the analysis of information, and data available at institu-tional level. Maps: The SDI SPINCAM services are presented as: Migration 2002 Coastal Communes. Fishing Coves. Number of fishermen per cover. Landing per cover. 1Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA) and National Fisheries and Aquacul-ture Service (SERNAPESCA)

Figure 4. Scheme of the National Environmental Information System

International Coastal Atlas Network Newsletter Page 13

Publications: There are about 100 documents and pub-lications of the country, inside the platform Ocean Docs2, corresponding to reports of research and coastal and marine information, that considered studies related to the flora, fauna, oceanographic and socioeconomic variables located in the Coastal Marine Areas of Multi-ple Uses in our country, technical reports prepared by the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture in rela-tion to the plans of monitoring of the Areas of Manage-ment of Benthic Resources (AMERB) and studies relat-ed to marine protected species in Chile, such as ceta-ceans, sea lions, Humboldt penguin and other species representative of coastal protected areas, which will serve as a base line for upcoming scientific studies on the coasts Chilean. In the next stages of SPINCAM, we expect to have the data related to the Coastal Environmental Observation

Program (POAL in Spanish) that constitutes DI-RECTEMAR. This program will allow the capture data of marine and freshwater environmental quality meas-ured in different bodies of water, distributed throughout national jurisdiction, including Antarctica and Easter Island. These measurements are performed in different water bodies of jurisdiction of the Maritime Authority, and are geolocated in the SDI. Marcos Serrano Ulloa, Jefe Depto. de Estadísticas e In-formacíon ambiental

MSerrano@mma.gob.cl 2http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/5392

Figure 5. Map viewer of the SDI’s web portal

ABOUT THE NETWORK ICAN is an International Oceano-graphic Data and Information Ex-

change (IODE) project of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and comprises over 60 member organizations in more than fifteen countries. The overall aim of the ICAN project is to be a global reference for the development of coastal/marine web atlases (CWAs). The long-term strategic objective of ICAN is to help build a functioning digital atlas of global coastal areas. We define coastal/marine web atlases as collections of digital maps and datasets with supplementary tables, illustrations and information that systematically illustrate coastal areas for the purposes of coastal zone management and planning, including marine spatial planning, often including cartographic and decision support tools, all accessible on the Internet. By the sharing of the expertise of its members, ICAN intends to lead, influence, guide and inform in a coherent manner on matters related to development and use of coastal/marine web atlases in order to find common solutions to CWA development whilst ensuring maxi-mum relevance and added value for end users. ICAN will encourage and facilitate global operational in-teroperability between such atlases based on the principle of distributed information and standards-based Internet web services in order to enhance coastal and marine data and information discovery, access and exchange among users, including policy makers, resource managers and the general public. ICAN govern-ance is via a Steering Group of 16 members of which the Co-Chairs are Marcia Berman of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary (marcia@vims.edu) and Kathrin Kopke based at Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy (MaREI), University College Cork, Ireland (K.Kopke@ucc.ie).

Map legend on page 1.

ICAN have compiled this best practice user interac-tion guide because successful interactions with po-tential Coastal Web Atlas (CWA) users during the development of any CWA are as vital for the suc-cess of the resource as the continued interaction with existing audiences to ensure longevity and continued use. This hand book is conceived as a practical “cookbook” and was compiled by gather-ing information from ten atlas developers as well as extracting relevant information from ICAN work-shop reports. The information has been summarised and analysed leading to two sets of recommenda-tions, one focused on the development of new atlas-es and the other focused on how to maintain inter-actions with audiences of already developed atlas-es. We hope that the handbook will allow both new and established CWA developers and hosts to bene-fit from best practice examples as well as learn from experienced challenges, in order to increase capacity to successfully interact with user commu-nities and target audiences, while managing coastal and marine data and information in a user friendly way. The final product is a resource that hopes to complement and link to a variety of OceanTeacher activities, support IODE training in courses, there-by being of value to all who manage and present marine data and information.

"ICAN - Best Practice Guide to Engage your Coastal Web Atlas User Community"

Now available as IOC Manu-als and Guides No. 75: http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/9579

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