ibm zflash setup

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    © 2009 IBM Corporation

    zFlash Setup, Management, and ConfigurationFebruary , 20!"

    S#$%& in San Fran'is'o

    IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation S#$%& Session !"0(

    )om MathiasIBM S&*#MC'om

    &lpida )zortzatosIBM z*/S +eelopment'om

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation


    )he IBM zFlash introdu'es nonolatile memory in a dis3li3e pa'3age on an I*/'ard that 'an be used by /perating systems li3e z*/S for paging storage and toultimately improe oerall z*/S performan'e. Be'ause zFlash is both nonolatilestorage and an I*/ dei'e, there are some uni4ue aspe'ts of zFlash as 'omparedto traditional +$S+ and I*/ adapters. )his 5ho6to7 presentation 6ill 'oer theseuni4ue aspe'ts, in'luding setup, 'onfiguration, management, monitoring and

    eentual dis'ontinuan'e of zFlash by 'oering the z*/S, #ard6are ManagementConsole 8#MC and Support &lement 8S& 'ontrols for zFlash.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age " 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    :hat is zFlash 8a3a Flash &;press<

    ■ F=$S# &;press

     > Flash &;press is a CIe I/ adapter 6ith ?$?+ Flash SS+s > hysi'ally 'omprised of internal storage on Flash SS+s > @sed to delier a ne6 tier of memory storage 'lass memory > @ses PCIe I/O drawer

     > Sized to a''ommodate all =$% pagingA &a'h card pair  proides 1.4 TB usable storage 82.1 )B totalA Ma;imum 'ard pairs 8 !.D.E )B

     > Supported on z*/S !.!" plus 6eb delierable

     > Designed for continuous availabilityA Con'urrent Firm6are update for seri'eA %$I+ !0 design

     > Iediately usable A ?o 'apa'ity planning neededA ?o intelligent data pla'ement needed

     > !ecuredA Flash &;press adapter is prote'ted 6ith !21bit $&S en'ryption.A Gey Management proided based on a Smart CardA Se'ure Cryptographi' &rase meets audit re4uirements

    One "las# $%press Card



    Flash mi'rose'onds

    +is3 millese'onds



    One "las# $%press Card



    Flash mi'rose'onds

    +is3 millese'onds



  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup

    4/45age 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    %epresentatie @se Cases Flash &;press

    Flash &;press 'an redu'e laten'y delays from paging to bringsystem aailability to ne6 heights and improe oerall seri'e leels

     $ppli'ation related errors 6ill re4uire 'olle'tion of diagnosti's.)hese diagnosti's 'an be 'olle'ted faster 6ith Flash &;press,redu'ing paging related delays that 'an impa't your oerall system


    #aing your 6or3ing data resident in Flash 'an help a''elerate startof day pro'essing, and improe seri'e for many industries at thebusiest time of their 6or3 day a time 6hen they 'annot afforddisruptions.

    +B2 and Haa in memory buffer pools 6or3 to store and pro'essappli'ation data. +B2 and Haa 'an benefit from !MB pageablelarge pages 6ith Flash &;press, improing oerall performan'e.

    Flash &;press 'an redu'e laten'y delays from paging to bringsystem aailability to ne6 heights and improe oerall seri'e leels

     $ppli'ation related errors 6ill re4uire 'olle'tion of diagnosti's.)hese diagnosti's 'an be 'olle'ted faster 6ith Flash &;press,redu'ing paging related delays that 'an impa't your oerall system


    #aing your 6or3ing data resident in Flash 'an help a''elerate startof day pro'essing, and improe seri'e for many industries at thebusiest time of their 6or3 day a time 6hen they 'annot afforddisruptions.

    +B2 and Haa in memory buffer pools 6or3 to store and pro'essappli'ation data. +B2 and Haa 'an benefit from !MB pageablelarge pages 6ith Flash &;press, improing oerall performan'e.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup

    5/45age 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    z F=$S# Implementation



    "irware (anageent of 'dapter 



    System Bus


    !'P 1*.n




    I/O )ubI/O )ub

       0   C   I  e

       0   C   I  e

    PCIe IO Drawer 



    "las# $%press Cards

    0  CI     e

    %$I+ Controller 


    !torage Class (eory



    "las# $%press Cards

       0   C   I  e

    %$I+ Controller 


    !torage Class (eory





       C  o  n   t  r  o   l


     $/B $I+$:s

       +  a   t  a   )  r  a  n  s   f  e  r












    +P', 1*.n



    "irware (anageent of 'dapter 



    System Bus


    !'P 1*.n




    I/O )ubI/O )ub

       0   C   I  e

       0   C   I  e

    PCIe IO Drawer 



    "las# $%press Cards

    0  CI     e

    %$I+ Controller 


    !torage Class (eory





    "las# $%press Cards

       0   C   I  e

    %$I+ Controller 


    !torage Class (eory







       C  o  n   t  r  o   l


     $/B $I+$:s

       +  a   t  a   )  r  a  n  s   f  e  r












    +P', 1*.n

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup

    6/45age E 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    /utline■ Introdu'tion to zFlash

    ■ Initial Setup

     > Customer Seri'e %epresentatie 8CS% ortionA Install Smart Cards in Support &lements 8S&

    A Install zFlash 'ards if ne'essary

    A Create air 

     > Customer ortion

    A ?o I/C+S 'hanges

    A $llo'ate zFlash memory to partition8s

    A Configure z*/S to use zFlash

    ■ Management > Management of zFlash $llo'ations

     > zFlash C#I+ details

     > ie6 artition to C#I+ map

     > ie6 Flash $llo'ations for a spe'ifi' artition

     > ie6 Flash 8details

     > System $'tiity +isplay 8S$+ * Monitors +ashboard

     > Console &ents

     > Se'urity =ogs > Status 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

     > Configure /n*/ff 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

     > Seri'e /n*/ff 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

    ■ )erminating Flash

     > Change all instan'es of z*/S to no longer use zFlash

     > +isband all zFlash pairs

     > %emoe S& Smart Cards and destroy 8optional

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup

    7/45age ( 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Install Smart Cards in Support &lements 8CS% responsibility

    ■ Cards 6ill be installed by the CS%

     > +uring ma'hine installation if zFlash shipped 6ith the ma'hine

     > Before installing the first zFlash adapters 8if the ma'hine 6as not shipped 6ith zFlash

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup

    8/45age 1 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    More on Smart Cards

    ■ )he data on the zFlash 'ards is en'rypted. )his is done to preent a''ess to the data if a zFlash 'ard

    is remoed from the system, su'h as for a repair a'tion or thru some mali'ious a'tion 8i.e. theft.■ )he Smart Cards are an essential part of managing the en'ryption 3eys.

    ■ )he blan3 Smart Card is the same one used by the )G& dei'e.

    ■ )he rimary S& 6ill 'reate an authenti'ation 3ey using the smart 'ard and store it on the S&. )he $lternate S& 6ill uses the smart 'ard in it to store the 3ey sent from the primary.

    )he smart 'ard, the S& hard6are, the C&C, and the generated Gey are tightly 'oupled in order topreent a''ess to the data on the zFlash 'ard in any pla'e other than the C&C it 6as formatted for.

    ■ If for some reason the smart 'ard fails on the primary an automati' s6it'h to the alternate 6ill happenand a seri'e 'all 6ill o''ur to hae the smart 'ard or the S& seri'ed. )here are pro'edures toensure the repaired S& or Smart Card is properly updated 6ith the en'ryption 3eys.

    ■ )he 3eys 6ill not be presered during migrations*upgrades. So, persisten'e of data on the zFlashadapters is thus not guaranteed. )he zFlash adapters are therefore good for things li3e paging

    storage but should not be used for situations 6here persisten'e is re4uired.

    ■ Bottom line )he Smart Cards must be installed so that the S& is prepared to store and handle theen'ryption 3eys used to prote't the data on the zFlash adapters.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 9 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Install zFlash 'ards if ne'essary 8CS% responsibility

    ■ Installed in pairs in Sene'a 'ages, one per I*/ domain

    ■ airs are 'abled together 6ith 2 S$S 'ables

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !0 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Install zFlash 'ards if ne'essary 8CS% responsibility

    ■ /n'e installed, the 'ards are isible on the Support &lementJs @ser Interfa'e as a C#I+

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !! 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Create pair8s of zFlash adapters 8CS% %esponsibility

    ■  $ 5'reate pair7 operation must be performed that allo6s the paired adapters to initialize themseles

    into a pair and format the storage.■ +one ia a ne6 S& tas3, "las# !tatus and Controls

    ■ Seri'e ersonnel only

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !2 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Create air 

    ■ Sele't Create Pair to 'reate and format a pair 

    ■ @se the %efresh button to monitor the progress of the formatting.

    ■ It ta3es a 6hile 8! to 20 minutes to 'omplete the pairing*formatting operation.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !" 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

     $llo'ate zFlash Memory to partition8sManage Flash Allocation S& and #MC tas3

     $ailable on both the #MC and S&.■ +isplays 'urrent summary Flash information for the system.

    ■ +isplays 'urrent Flash information by partition.

    ■ @se to $dd, Change or %emoe allo'ations to a partition.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age ! 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation )as3Js $'tions

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age ! 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation $dd zFlash $llo'ation

    ■  $llo'ation 'an be done for a partition defined in any I/C+S or a partition not 'urrently defined.

    ■ May be done after initial zFlash setup as ne'essary 8su'h as 6hen a ne6 partition is defined.

    ■ &;ample of pi'3ing an e;isting partition

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !E 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation $dd zFlash $llo'ation

    ■ &;ample of typing in a ne6 partition name

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !( 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    z*/S Configuration

    'llocating "las# to a partition

    A )he initial and ma;imum amount of FlashMemory aailable to a parti'ular logi'al partitionis spe'ified at the S& or #MC ia a FlashMemory $llo'ation panel

    A +ynami'ally 'hange ma;imum amount of FlashMemory aailable to a logi'al partition

    A $dditional Flash Memory 8up to the ma;imumallo6ed 9 'an be configured online to a logi'alpartition dynami'ally at the S& or #MC

     > )his 'an also be done ia an operator'ommand

    A Can dynami'ally 'onfigure Flash Memory offlineto a logi'al partition at the S& or #MC

     > For z*/S this 'an also be done ia anoperator 'ommand

    A 0redefined sub'hannels, no I/C+S needed

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !1 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    System z Flash irtualization

    Full irtualization of physi'al Flash'ards a'ross partitions

    ■ )o Soft6are, Flash is an abstra'tedStorage Class Memory Spa'e

     > &a'h =$% 'an be 'onfigured6ith its o6n SCM address spa'e

     > $llo'ate Flash to partitions by

    amount, not by 'ard size

    ■ Kualities of Seri'e are Built in

     > &rror Isolation, )ransparentmirroring, Centralized diagnosti's,et'.

     > #ard6are =ogging, F%@ Call,%e'oery Independent of soft6are

     > @nderlying te'hnology istransparent

    z*/S   z*/S




    Data transfer between(ain (eory and

    !torage Class (eory


    !torage Class

    (eory 0!C(


    Partition InitialaluePartition







    !torage Class(eory 0!C(


    z*/S   z*/S




    Data transfer between(ain (eory and

    !torage Class (eory


    !torage Class

    (eory 0!C(


    Partition InitialaluePartition







    !torage Class(eory 0!C(


  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age !9 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    zFlash for z*/S aging alue

    ■"las# (eory is a faster paging device as coparedto )DD >)he alue is ?/) in repla'ing memory 6ith Flash but

    repla'ing dis3 6ith Flash >Flash is suitable for 6or3loads that 'an tolerate paging

    and 6ill not benefit 6or3loads that 'annot afford to page >)he z*/S design for Flash Memory does not 'ompletely

    remoe the irtual storage 'onstraints 'reated by apaging spi3e in the system. 8Some s'alability relief ise;pe'ted due to faster paging I*/ 6ith Flash Memory.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 20 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

     $ z*/S zFlash Configuration

     $@ S)/%$L&







     $@ S)/%$L&







    /FF=I?& SCM

     $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)


    "irware (anageent of 'dapter 

    z*/S   z*/S

    (ain (eory (ain (eory


    CO2"I3 !C( O""+I2$




    /FF=I?& SCM

     $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)

    !C( Increent

    !C( Increent

    !C( Increent


    'llocated !C( Pool "ree 02ot Initiali-ed "ree 0 Initiali-ed

    !C( Increent !C( Increent

    CO2"I3 !C( O2+I2$

    /?=I?& SCM

     $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)


    !C( C)!C


    !C( C)!C

    /FF=I?& SCM $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)

     $@ S)/%$L&







     $@ S)/%$L&







    /FF=I?& SCM

     $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)


    "irware (anageent of 'dapter 

    z*/S   z*/S

    (ain (eory (ain (eory


    CO2"I3 !C( O""+I2$




    /FF=I?& SCM

     $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)

    !C( Increent

    !C( Increent

    !C( Increent


    'llocated !C( Pool "ree 02ot Initiali-ed "ree 0 Initiali-ed

    !C( Increent !C( Increent

    CO2"I3 !C( O2+I2$

    /?=I?& SCM

     $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)


    !C( C)!C


    !C( C)!C

    /FF=I?& SCM $++%&SS I?C%&M&?)

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2! 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    )ypi'al Customer Configurations for zFlash

    ■ Flash 'ard pair memory size is !.)B

     > Min ! Card air 

     >Ma; Card airs

    ■ Typical custoer configuration is 5 to 6 +P',s per C$C and 473B 8 673B

    for paging configuration dataset si-e■ $ven wit# 17 +P',s per C$C eac# +P', #as 157 3B of "las# (eory

    available for its paging datasets ore t#an double t#e current typicalcustoer configuration.

     >'ll paging data can easily reside on "las# >+ata 6ill preferably go to Flash and only go to dis3 8if any 6hen Flash is full

     >?o intelligent pla'ement of data on internal Flash needed

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 22 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    zFlash s +is3 la'ement Criteria

    0aging +ataset

    #++s or SS+sF=$S#

    Main Memory

    Che'3 +ata Chara'teristi's 8i.e

    must reside on flash or must

    reside on dis39

    If data 'an reside on either

    'he'3 spa'e aailability

    Flash full

    If spa'e aailable on both 'he'3

    response time statisti's

    Flash is faster 

    Che'3 +ata Chara'teristi's 8i.emust reside on flash or must

    reside on dis39

    If data 'an reside on either

    'he'3 spa'e aailability

    Flash full

    If spa'e aailable on both 'he'3

    response time statisti's

    Flash is faster 

    $vict Page

    0aging +ataset

    #++s or SS+sF=$S#

    Main Memory

    Che'3 +ata Chara'teristi's 8i.e

    must reside on flash or must

    reside on dis39

    If data 'an reside on either

    'he'3 spa'e aailability

    Flash full

    If spa'e aailable on both 'he'3

    response time statisti's

    Flash is faster 

    Che'3 +ata Chara'teristi's 8i.emust reside on flash or must

    reside on dis39

    If data 'an reside on either

    'he'3 spa'e aailability

    Flash full

    If spa'e aailable on both 'he'3

    response time statisti's

    Flash is faster 

    $vict Page

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2" 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Flash s +is3 la'ement

    +ata )ype +ata 0age 0la'ement

    P+P' 't IP+/2IP tie P+P' pages will be placed bot#on "las# and dis9.

    IO IO data will always be placed on dis9 0"irst toIO accepting datasets wit# any spilloverflowing to nonvio datasets

    Pageable +arge Pages If contiguous "las# space is available pageablelarge page will be written to "las#.

    If "las# is not available in t#e systeconfiguration pageable large pages will bebac9ed wit# 49 page fraes.

    'll ot#er data If available space e%ists on bot# "las# anddis9 t#en a9e a selection based onresponse tie.

    +ata )ype +ata 0age 0la'ement

    P+P' 't IP+/2IP tie P+P' pages will be placed bot#on "las# and dis9.

    IO IO data will always be placed on dis9 0"irst toIO accepting datasets wit# any spilloverflowing to nonvio datasets

    Pageable +arge Pages If contiguous "las# space is available pageablelarge page will be written to "las#.

    If "las# is not available in t#e systeconfiguration pageable large pages will bebac9ed wit# 49 page fraes.

    'll ot#er data If available space e%ists on bot# "las# anddis9 t#en a9e a selection based onresponse tie.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    z*/S zFlash @se Cases

    ■ Paging >-/O! paging subsyste will wor9 wit# i% of internal "las# and

    $%ternal Dis9A Self )uning based on measured performan'e

    A Improed aging erforman'e, Simplified Configuration >Begin Paging 1 (B +arge Pages only on "las#

    A &;ploit Flashs random I/ read rate to get C@ performan'e byenabling additional use of =arge ages. Currently large pages arenot pagable.

     >Begin !peculative Page8In of 4: Pages 1(B Pages only on "las#

    A &;ploit Flashs random I/ read rate to get Improed %esilien'e oer+isruptions.

    A Mar3et /pen, :or3load Failoer

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    ?e6 z*/S Message

    I$%0"!I @S& /F S)/%$L&C=$SS M&M/%N F/% $LI?L IS &?$B=&+

    $L&SCMD$==, /?=I?&D;;;;;;;;M

    A Issued during I= to indi'ate 6hether SCM is in use for paging, 6hat alue

    6as used for the $L&SCM parameter, and the amount of SCM that is in

    use for paging

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2E 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation Change zFlash $llo'ation

    ■  $llo'ated 'an only be 'hanged for ina'tie partitions 8$IM2 or undefined partitions 8?&:$%)?

    ■ Changing $llo'ated results in loss of data

    ■ Changing allo'ations for an ina'tie partition

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 2( 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation Change zFlash $llo'ation

    ■ Changing allo'ations for an a'tie partition 8noti'e only the ma;imum 'an be altered

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 21 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation %emoe zFlash $llo'ation

    ■ %emoe $llo'ation 'an only be performed for an ina'tie partition

    ■ $ll data 6ill be lost

    ■ $ 6arning message 6ill be issued and 'onfirmation re4uired beforethe %emoe $llo'ation is done

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age 29 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Manage Flash $llo'ation ie6 artition to C#I+ Map

    ■ Sho6s information for all C#I+s

    ■ S& and #MC

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "0 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    zFlash C#I+ +etails

    ■ +isplay information for one C#I+

    ■ S& only

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "! 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    ie6 Flash $llo'ations )as3

    ■ +isplay information for one partition

    S& only

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "2 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    ie6 Flash

    ■ For the sele'ted C#I+, sho6s you some physi'al and allo'ation details

    ■ S& /nly

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "" 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    System $'tiity +isplay 8S$+ * Monitors +ashboard

    ■ Oflash is not supported by System $'tiity +isplay 8S$+

    It is supported by Monitors +ashboard. %efer to the ne6 5$dapters7 table in the lo6er right.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age " 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Console &ents

    ■ &ent logs 6ill be generated 6hen a flash allo'ation is added, 'hanged or remoed

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age " 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Se'urity =ogs

    ■  $ppropriate se'urity logs 6ill be generated for zFlashrelated a'tions.


  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "E 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Flash Status and Controls States 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

    ■  $dapter States

     > ?ot Installed > /nline

     > /nline in progress

     > /ffline

     > /ffline 'he'3 stopped

     > /ffline in progress

     > /nline 'he'3 stopped

     > Seri'e > Configuration error 

    ■  $rray States

     > ?ot formatted

     > Format in progress PQ 'omplete

     > @nformat in progress

     > Formatted

     > Configuration error  > %ebuild in progress PQ 'omplete

     > &;posed

     > @nformat re4uired

    ■ ort States

     > @n3no6n > /perational

     > Seri'e

     > +angling

     > Che'3 stopped

     > Configuration error 

     > &ntering seri'e mode

     > &;iting seri'e mode

     > %epair in progress

     > ?ot installed

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "( 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

    Configure the zFlash $dapter /n*/ff 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

    Configure the adapter online or offline.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


    age "1 0!*21*!" S#$%& Session !"0( IBM Systems © 20!" IBM Corporation

     $dapter Seri'e Mode 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

    &nter adapter seri'e mode or e;it adapter seri'e mode, they are both disabled right no6 be'ause theadapter status in /nline.

  • 8/18/2019 IBM ZFlash Setup


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    ort Seri'e Mode 8Seri'e ersonnel /nly

    ■ &nter ort $ seri'e mode or e;it ort $ seri'e mode, the e;it is disabled 'urrently be'ause the portis 'urrently in operational state.

    ■ ort B Seri'e behaes the same 6ay.

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     ;ou s#ould now understand t#e steps to set up IB( -"las#.

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    Ba'3up Material

    Ba'3up Material

    % i t i f IBM % =i 3 $

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    %egistering for IBM %esour'e =in3 $''ess

    ■ %egistering for IBM %esour'e =in3 $''ess

    ■ )o ie6 the do'uments on the %esour'e =in3 :eb site. you need to register your IBM %egistration I+8IBM I+ and pass6ord 6ith %esour'e =in3.

    ■ )o register

     > /pen the %esour'e =in3 signin page http**'om*serers*resour'elin3*

     > Nou need an IBM I+ to get a''ess to %esour'e =in3.

    A If you do not hae an IBM I+ and pass6ord, sele't the R%egister for an IBM I+R lin3 in the

    RNour IBM %egistrationR menu. %eturn to the %esour'e =in3 signin page after you get yourIBM I+ and pass6ord.

    A ?ote If youre an IBM employee, your IBM intranet I+ is not an IBM I+.

     > Sign in 6ith your IBM I+ and pass6ord.

     > Follo6 the instru'tions on the subse4uent page.

    % f + t ti

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    %eferen'e +o'umentation

    ■  $ailable from 5Boo3s7 group of Classi' Style @I and the :el'ome page of the )ree Style @I 8 IBM%esour'e =in3 =ibraryTz&C!2Tubli'ations

     > IBM SC21E9!9 #ard6are Management Console /perations Luide 8ersion 2.!2.0 > IBM SC21E920 Support &lement /perations Luide 8ersion 2.!2.0

     > IBM SB!0(0"0 $ppli'ation rogramming Interfa'es

     > IBM SC212E0 Capa'ity on +emand @sers Luide

     > IBM SB!0(! Common Information Model 8CIM Management Interfa'es

     > IBM SB!0(!E %*SM lanning Luide

     > IBM S$22!011 System /erie6

     > IBM SC2(2E2" $dan'ed :or3load $nalysis %eporter 8IBM z$6are Luide■  $ailable from IBM %esour'e =in3 =ibraryTz&C!2T)e'hni'al ?otes

     > System z #ard6are Management Console Se'urity

     > System z #ard6are Management Console Broadband %emote Support Fa'ility

     > System z $'tiation rofile @pdate and ro'essor %ules


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    IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.'omU are trademar3s of International Business Ma'hines Corp.,registered in many Vurisdi'tions 6orld6ide. /ther produ't and seri'e names might betrademar3s of IBM or other 'ompanies. $ 'urrent list of IBM trademar3s is aailable on the6eb at 5Copyright and trademar3 information7 at http**'om*legal*'opytrade.shtml.

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    zFlash Setup Management and Configuration

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    zFlash Setup, Management, and Configuration

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    Feb , 20!" Session !"0(

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