ibm maximo adapter for microsoft project installation guide - 71_mx_proj_install

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Release 7.1

Installation Guide

IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project

This edition applies to version 7, release 1, modification 0 of IBM Maxim o Adapter for Microsoft Project and to all subsequ ent releases and modifications u ntil otherw ise indicated in new editions.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, du plication or d isclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract w ith IBM Corp.

NoteBefore using th is information and the product it supports, read the inform ation in ì N oticesî on page 33.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 iii

In s t a llin g t h e IBM Ma xim o Ad a p t e r for Micr oso ft P r oje ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Hardware configurat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Disk space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Softwa re configu rat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Pla t forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Other requirement s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Program folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Insta lling Maximo for Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Applicat ion server set up (BEA WebLogic user s on ly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3LDAP setup (LDAP customers only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Maximo for Project server insta lla t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Maximo for Project client in sta lla t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Ap p e n d ix A: Cu s t om izin g t h e IBM Ma xim o Ad a p t e r for Micr osoft P r oje ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Sect ions of t he MaximoProject .ini File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Saving login set t ings: The [system] sect ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Mapping colum ns for data t ransfer from Maximo to Microsoft Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

[wofieldmap] sect ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14[pmfieldmap] sect ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Sample copy of the MaximoProject .ini file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Ap p e n d ix B: La n gu a ge Se t u p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31About the TDToolkit .bat ut ility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Running the TDToolkit .bat ut ility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


iv IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 1

Installing the IBM MaximoAdapter for Microsoft



IBMÆ MaximoÆ Adapter for Microsoft Æ Project (Maximo for Project ) in tegra tes Maximo wit h Microsoft Project 2007, enabling you to use Microsoft Project scheduling data with your Ma ximo work order and prevent ive main tenance da ta .

The following informat ion describes the soft ware and hardware requirements to successfu lly in sta ll Maximo for Project .

Hardware configurations

Recommended hardware configu rat ions for Maximo for Project are the same as those for the Maximo Release 7.1 clien t work st a t ion. Refer to t he IBM Ma ximo Insta lla tion Guide, Relea se 7.1 for deta ils.

Disk space

Maximo for Project Release 7.1 r equires approximately 120 MB of disk space.

Software configurations


Maximo for Project Release 7.1 is designed to run on the following pla t forms:

Application Server Platforms Client Desktop Platforms

! Refer to the IBM Maximo Insta lla tion Guide, Relea se 7.1 for applicat ion server requ irement s

! Microsoft Windows XP! Microsoft Windows

Vista TM

Other requirements

2 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

Other requirements

Before insta lling Maximo for Project , you must have a lr eady insta lled the following applicat ions:

! Maximo Release 7.1 ! The Maximo Applica t ion Server (a com ponent of Maximo Release 7.1)! Microsoft Project 2007 (clien t desktop on ly)

NOTE For recommendat ions for opt imizing Maximo for Project ís performance and deta ils abou t customizing the MaximoProject .in i file, see ìCustomizing the IBM Ma ximo Ada pter for Microsoft Projectî in Append ix A.

For configu rat ion a nd other informat ion a bout Microsoft Project , r efer to the Microsoft Project documentat ion.

For specific soft ware r equiremen ts for running Maximo Release 7.1 and the Maximo Applicat ion Server, refer to your IBM Ma ximo Insta lla tion Guide, Relea se 7.1.

Program folder

The insta lla t ion program creates one new folder for the client deskt op.

Before you begin

! Verify t hat the Maximo applicat ion -specific business componen ts, which are included with Maximo Release 7.1, are inst a lled. If they are not , you must in sta ll them before insta lling Maximo for Project . Follow the inst ruct ions in the IBM Ma ximo Insta lla tion Guide, Relea se 7.1.

! Before insta lling Maximo for Project , you must have access to, and know the na me and/or IP a ddress of, the mach ine where the Maximo Applicat ion Server resides.

! You must know the name of your Maxim o applicat ion server .! You must know if your Maximo applicat ion server uses a non-sta ndard

mxe.regist ry.por t en try (not 1099) in t he maximo.proper t ies file.

Default Client Folder Default Server Folder

C:\ MaxProjectClient C:\ <maximo home direct ory>

Example: C:\ maximo

Installing Maximo for Project

Installing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 3

Installing Maximo for Project

Exit a ll other Microsoft Windows programs before insta lling Maximo for Project . You may leave Microsoft Windows E xplorer open.

There are four par ts to the in st a lla t ion of Maximo for Project :

! Applicat ion server setup (BEA WebLogic on ly)! LDAP setup (if a pplicable)! Maximo for Project server insta lla t ion! Maximo for Project clien t insta lla t ion

If you are insta lling on WebSphereÆ and do not use LDAP, skip to ìMaximo for Project server in sta lla t ionî on page 6.

Application server setup (BEA WebLogic users only)

This sect ion applies t o BEA WebLogic user s only. If you are using WebSphere, skip to ìMaximo for Project server insta lla t ion î on page 6.

1 Microsoft Windows Vista customers must update J COM to t he la test ver sion of J -IntegraÆ in order to run Maximo for Project on BEA WebLogic. See the J -Integra support site (KB a rt icle 65892) for deta ils.

2 St art BEA WebLogic if it isn ít a lr eady running.

3 Log in to t he BEA WebLogic console.

4 In the left pane of the console, select E n v ir on m e n t > Se r ve r s .

5 On t he Summary of Servers screen, click your Maximo server . The Set t ings screen opens. Click the Protocols tab, and then the jCOM subtab.

6 In the left pane, click Lock a n d E d i t so that you ca n make modificat ions.

7 Select the E n a b le COM check box, and click Sa ve . In the left pane, click Act iva t e Ch a n ge s . J COM is now ena bled.

8 Logout of the BEA console.

9 Shutdown and r estar t your Maxim o applicat ion server .

10 Log in to t he BEA WebLogic console.

11 In the left pane, click Lock a n d E d i t so that you ca n make modificat ions.

12 In the left pane of the console, select Se r v ice s > J COM. The Com Resource Classes screen opens.

13 Press t he Ne w but ton. In the Cla ss Na m e field, type: p sd i

14 Click OK.

Installing Maximo for Project

4 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

15 In the left pane of the console, click Se cu r i t y R ea lm s . Click on your secur ity realm (default is myrealm). The Set t ings screen opens.

16 Click the Roles and Policies tab, then the Realm Policies subtab.

17 Expand the J COM policy list by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to it .

18 For the psdi class, click Vie w P olic y Con d i t ion s . In the Policy Condit ions list , click Ad d Con d it ion s .

19 From the Predica te List drop-down menu , select Gr ou p . Click Ne x t .

20 In the Gr ou p Ar gu m e n t Na m e field, type: e ve r yon e

21 Click Ad d , and t hen F in ish .

22 Verify t hat the policy was added to the group everyone in the Policy Condit ions list . Click Sa ve.

23 Logout of the BEA console.

24 Shutdown and r estar t your Maxim o applicat ion server . You must r estar t your server for t he changes to take effect .

Installing Maximo for Project

Installing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 5

LDAP setup (LDAP customers only)

Customers who use LDAP will need to configure their applicat ion server s to run Maximo for Project .

WebSphere users 1 From the WebSphere administ ra t or console, select Se c u r it y > Se cu r e Ad m in is t r a t ion , Ap p lica t ion s , a n d In fr a s t r u ct u r e .

2 Expand J AAS (J a va Au t h e n t ica t ion a n d Au t h or iza t ion Se r v ice ) > Ap p lica t ion Login s .

3 Creat e a new login called MAXIMO_WEBSPHERE.

4 For this login, configu re a J AAS Login Modu le with the following in format ion

! m od u le c la ss n a m e : ity.common.a uth.modu le.WSLoginModuleImpl

! Use log in m od u le p r oxy: Checked

! Au t h e n t ica t ion st r a t e gy : REQUIRED

5 For this login module, configure custom proper t ies and provide the following propert ies:

! Name: delegate

! Value: ity.common.a uth.modu le.WSLoginModuleImpl

6 Save and r estar t the node for th is server .

BEA WebLogic users For more in format ion on configu ring Maximo for Project to run on BEA Weblogic with LDAP, r ead the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project Release Not es. You can access the release notes from t he ìMore Informa t ionî sect ion of the IBM Ma ximo Ada pter for Microsoft Project Quick S ta rt Guide.

Installing Maximo for Project

6 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

Maximo for Project server installation

You will now insta ll the por t ion of Maxim o for Project that resides on the machine where Maximo is insta lled.

NOTE If you are insta lling Maximo for Project in a double-byte langua ge, you must set your server ís r egional set t ings to tha t langua ge before runn ing the in st a lla t ion program. You can r e-set your r egional set t ings after complet ing the insta lla t ion .

1 Inser t the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project CD into the CD-ROM dr ive.

2 Click S t a r t and select R u n .

3 Type: d :\ m a xm sp r oje ct .e xe (where d is your CD-ROM dr ive) and select OK or press E n t e r .

or ,

Using Windows Explorer , open your CD-ROM drive folder and double-click m a xm sp r o ject .e xe .

The inst a lla t ion progra m displa ys a series of windows. Follow t he inst ruct ions on the screen.

4 In the open ing panel, select the langua ge you wish to inst a ll from t he drop-down menu. Click OK. The Get Insta lla t ion Type window opens.

5 Select the Ma x im o Ser ver opt ion and click Ne xt . The Int roduct ion window opens.

6 Click Ne xt . The Applicat ion Server Type window opens.

7 Select the opt ion for the applicat ion server type you are using. Click Ne xt . The Choose Insta ll Folder window opens.

8 Specify t he locat ion where the Maximo for Project server files will be in sta lled (E xample: C:\ Maximo). Click Nex t . The Pre-Insta lla t ion Summary window opens.

9 Review the in format ion in the window. Click In s t a ll. The Inst a ll Complet e window opens.

10 Click Don e to close the Insta ll Complet e window.

11 Update your databa se by running u p d a t e d b .b a t from the <maximo>\ tools\ maximo direct ory.

12 **If E n glish is you r ba se la n gu a ge , sk ip t h is st e p a n d p r oce e d t o s t ep 13.

Otherwise, run the TDToolkit .ba t file. If you are in sta lling mult iple languages, run the TDToolkit .bat file after the fina l inst a lla t ion . For in format ion on running TDToolkit .bat , see ìLanguage Setupî in Appendix B.

Installing Maximo for Project

Installing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 7

13 **L in u xÆ u se r s on ly: I f you a r e n ot r u n n in g Ma xim o on Lin u x, sk ip t h is s t e p a n d p r ocee d t o s t e p 14.

To run Maximo for Project wh ile connect ing to a Maximo insta nce insta lled on Linux, modify the hosts file on your Linux server .

To modify the hosts file:

a Open the hosts file from the following dir ectory: /e t c /h os t s

b Modify the hosts file so tha t the hostsname a nd the IP address are no longer on t he same line.

Exa mple:

Or igina l host en try:

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs# that require network functionality will fail. LINSRV1 localhost.localdomain localhost

New host entry:

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost172.22.12.54 LINSRV1 (IP and Name of the Linux server)

14 Rebu ild and deploy the Maximo .EAR files. For more informat ion, see the IBM Ma ximo Insta lla tion Guide, Relea se 7.1.

15 Shutdown and r estar t your Maxim o applicat ion server . You must r estar t your server for t he changes to take effect .

Installing Maximo for Project

8 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

Maximo for Project client installation

You will now insta ll the clien t por t ion of Maximo for Project . Verify that Microsoft Project 2007 is insta lled on the client desktop.

1 Sta rt the Maximo server if it is not a lready runn ing.

2 Inser t the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project CD into the CD-ROM dr ive.

3 Click S t a r t and select R u n .

4 Type: d :\ m a xm sp r o je ct .e xe (where d is your CD-ROM drive) and select OK or press E n t e r .

or ,

Using Windows Explorer , open your CD-ROM drive folder and double-click m a xm sp r o ject .e xe .

The inst a lla t ion progra m displa ys a series of windows. Follow t he inst ruct ions on the screen.

5 In the open ing panel, select the langua ge you wish to inst a ll from t he drop-down menu. Click OK. The Get Insta lla t ion Type window opens.

6 Select the C lie n t opt ion . Click Ne xt . The In t roduct ion window opens.

7 Click Ne xt . The Choose Insta ll Folder window opens.

8 Specify a loca t ion where the Maximo for Project clien t files will be insta lled (Example: C:\ MaxProjectClient). Click Ne x t . The Enable Project for All Users window opens.

9 Select t he checkbox to a llow all u sers on th is machine access to Maximo for Project . If you clear the checkbox, only users wit h admin ist r a tor privileges ca n access Maximo for Project . Click Nex t . The Get Maximo Project Informa t ion window opens.

10 Ent er the Maximo user name and password for the user who will be using Maximo for Project . If your maximo.proper t ies file has a n mxe.regist ry.por t en try in it , enter that value in t he Se r ve r R MI P or t Nu m b e r fie ld . If you used t he st andard 1099 value and do not have an entry, leave th is field bla nk. Click Ne xt . The Get Maximo Server Na me window opens.

11 Ent er your Ma ximo server name (E xample: MXServer ). Click Nex t . The Get Applica t ion Server Informat ion window opens.

12 Ent er t he Server Na me/IP a ddress and the port number of your applicat ion server . Click Ne xt . The Pre-Insta lla t ion Summary window opens.

13 Review the in format ion in the window. Click In s t a ll. A message window opens, indicat ing t hat the MXMSProject .dll has been successfully in sta lled.

Installing Maximo for Project

Installing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 9

NOTE If you get a message asking if you wish to overwr ite a n exist ing file with an older file, keep the newer file.

14 Click OK to close the messa ge window. The Insta ll Complete window opens.

15 Click Don e to close the Insta ll Complete window. Depending on your operat ing system, you may be prompted t o r estar t . If you are, do so now.

16 Sta rt the Maximo server if it is not a lready runn ing.

17 In the Maximo Work Order Tracking applicat ion, crea te a query t hat will retu rn a work order .

18 Open Microsoft Project . The Maximo for Project dia log box opens.

19 Click Loa d Ma xim o Wor k Or d e r .

20 Ent er the user name and password for your Maximo server .

21 Select the query you created in Maximo, then click La u n c h . The work order is loaded in to Microsoft Project .

Installing Maximo for Project

10 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 11

You can use the Ma ximoProject .ini file to customize how Maximo and Microsoft Project in tegrate.

Use a t ext edit or to change set t ings in the MaximoProject .ini file, which is loca ted in the MaxProjectClient dir ectory of the computer where you insta lled Maximo for Project .

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project A

MaximoProject.ini Section Function

[sys t e m ] (Opt ional) Sets the login defau lt values and au tomat ic login for the Log In to Maximo dia log box that connect s t o the Maximo Applicat ion Server.

[w ofie ld m a p ] Lets you map addit ional field pair s between Microsoft Project and MAXIMOís work order dat abase columns.

[p m fie ld m a p ] Lets you map addit ional field pair s between Microsoft Project and MAXIMOís PM dat abase columns.

Sections of the MaximoProject.ini File

12 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide

Sections of the MaximoProject.ini File

The MaximoProject .ini file conta ins the following sect ions:

! [system]! [wofieldmap]! [pmfieldma p]

The fields immediately following the [sect ion na me] are the values that define Maximo for Project ís set t ings for that sect ion.

Saving login settings: The [system] section

The values in t he [syst em] sect ion define whether you log in to Maximo manually or au tomat ically from Microsoft Project .

Sam ple entry:


Notes for t his sect ion:

LOGINMODE If t he LOGINMODE=Auto line is uncommented (does not begin with a semi-colon ;), the login dia log box does not appea r, and you are logged in au toma t ically using the system values defined in the MaximoProject .ini file.


You can assign defau lts for each login field (Use r Na m e and P a ssw or d ). To change a defau lt for a field, en ter a defa ult value to t he r igh t of the equal sign.

NOTE If no default s are set , enter values for the User Na m e and P a ssw or d fields when you log in to the Maximo Applicat ion Server.

Sections of the MaximoProject.ini File

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 13

Mapping columns for data transfer from Maximo to Microsoft Project

The values in t he [wofieldma p] and the [pmfieldma p] sect ions of the MaximoProject .ini define which work order or PM data is t r ansfer red to Microsoft Project . By ma pping field pairs bet ween Maximo and Microsoft Project , Ma ximo will t ra nsfer data from specified work order or PM columns to new fields in the cor responding task in Microsoft Project .

Each specified task field appears as a new column in t he Gant t Chart table. Select Ma xim o > Up d a t e Wor k Or d e r s to refr esh data in Microsoft Project .

For both sect ions, each map line con ta ins a key name and the values for these paramet er s:

! MAXIMO column na me

! Microsoft Project t ask field na me

! lookup sta tus in Maximo for Project

NOTE You cannot change t he key na me.

Available fields You can use the following Microsoft Project task fields to map to Maximo fields:

! Date1-Date10! Text1-Text27! Cost1-Cost10! Number1-Number20! Flag1-Flag20

NOTE Select a data type for the Microsoft Project field that is compa t ible with the data type of the MAXIMO column. For example, if the Maximo field is a lphanumer ic (ALN), configure the Microsoft Project field as Text . For Yes or No (YORN) fields in Maximo, configure t he Microsoft Project fields as FLAG fields.

CAUTION Do not reuse the sa me field in mult iple sect ions.

Sections of the MaximoProject.ini File

14 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide

[wofieldmap] section

Use this sect ion to t ransfer specific work order data in Maximo t o Microsoft Project . Maximo for Project t ransfers the Maximo da ta t o the cu rrent work order project , and displays it in the Gant t Chart table.

Sam ple entry:

[wofieldmap]WOMAPROW1=location text1 TRUE

In the preceding entry, the map line con ta ins:

Notes for t his sect ion:

Key name The key na me always star t s with WOMAPROW. You can map up to 99 rows (WOMAPROW1-WOMAPROW99) in this sect ion .

Work order column name The MAXIMO dat abase column from which work order data is t r ansfer red to Microsoft Project a nd stored in the cu rren t project . The dat a from the MAXIMO column appea rs in the project ís Gan t t Char t table.

Microsoft Project field The Microsoft Project task field that holds t he incoming Maximo work order column data . This field name is langua ge dependent ; it must m atch the field na me in Microsoft Project .

NOTE Select a data type for the Microsoft Project field that is compa t ible with the data type of the MAXIMO Work Order column. For example, if the Maximo work order field is ALN, or a lphanumeric, the Microsoft Project field shou ld be ALN also. You must spell MAXIMO column names and Microsoft Project fields cor rect ly.

Lookup status This set t ing determines if a Select Value list is enabled for the Ma ximo for Project field. If TRUE, the Select Value list is enabled in Maximo for Project . If FALSE, the Select Va lue list is disabled.

NOTE Enabling lookup sta tus will impact performance because popu lat ing the value lists means more data is t ra nsferred.

Parameter Value Description

Key Name WOMAPROW1 Key name

Maximo Column Name locat ion MAXIMO column name value

Microsoft Project Task F ield Name

text 1 Microsoft Project task field name value

Lookup Sta tus TRUE Lookup has been enabled in Maximo for Project

Sections of the MaximoProject.ini File

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 15

[pmfieldmap] section

Use t his sect ion to t r ansfer specific PM data in Maximo to Microsoft Project . Maximo for Project t ra nsfer s the Maximo data to the cur rent project , and displa ys it in the Ga nt t Chart table.

Sam ple entry:

[pmfieldmap]PMMAPROW2=assetnum text2 TRUE

In the preceding entry, the map line con ta ins:

Notes for t his sect ion:

Key name The key name always star t s with PMMAPROW. You can map up t o 99 rows (PMMAPROW1-PMAPROW99) in t his sect ion.

PM column name The MAXIMO dat abase column from which PM data is t ra nsfer red t o Microsoft Project a nd stored in the cu rren t project . The dat a from the MAXIMO column appears in the project ís Gan t t Char t table.

Microsoft Project field The Microsoft Project t ask field that holds the incoming Maximo PM column data . Th is field na me is language dependen t ; it must ma tch the field na me in Microsoft Project .

NOTE Select a data type for the Microsoft Project field that is compa t ible with the data type of the MAXIMO PM column. For example, if the Ma ximo PM field is ALN, or a lphanumeric, the Microsoft Project field shou ld be ALN also. You must spell MAXIMO column names and Microsoft Project fields correct ly.

Lookup status This set t ing determines if a Select Value list is enabled for the Ma ximo for Project field. If TRUE, the Select Value list is enabled in Maximo for Project . If FALSE, the Select Va lue list is disabled.

Parameter Value Description

Key Name PMMAPROW2 Key name

Maximo Column Name assetnum MAXIMO column name value

Microsoft Project Task F ield Name

text 2 Microsoft Project task field name value

Lookup Sta tus TRUE Lookup has been enabled in Maximo for Project

Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

16 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide

Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

; MaximoProject.INI

; NOTE: When a Semicolon (;) is placed before a line of text that line of text; will be ignored by the application. For the application to read a value, the semicolon; (if one exists) must be removed.

; The [system] section allows you to customize parameter defaults for the ; MAXIMO Login dialog box that connects this client to the MAXIMO MXServer. ; Semicolons (;) should not be placed in front of the SERVERIP, ; SERVERRMI, SERVERPORT, or SERVERNAME parameters and each of these must ; contain a valid value. In the case of SERVERRMI, the semicolon (;) should; only be removed if the server has a non-standard entry (other than 1099) ; in the server's mxe.registry.port setting.

; The INFOHOST, INFOPORT, and INFOPATH parameters are set during installation ; and should not be changed. They point to the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft ; Project Information Center

; You can set defaults for the USERNAME and PASSWORD parameters.; If the LOGINMODE=Auto line is uncommented, the login dialog box will not ; appear and login will be automatic provided the parameters are valid.





; The [wofieldmap] section enables you to map additional MAXIMO work order; fields to specified Microsoft Project task fields. IBM MAXIMO Adapter for Microsoft Project ; uses these mapped field pairs to transfer data to or from MAXIMO to Microsoft ; Project. You can define up to 99 rows (field pairs) in this section. Each ; row starts with a numbered keyword (WOMAPROW1-WOMAPROW99). The parameters ; for each row include the work order field name, the Microsoft Project task ; field name, and whether lookup has been enabled on that column in Microsoft Project.; To configure field lookups and enable field data to be SAVED BACK; to Maximo, please read the comments following the [pmfieldmap] section.

; The title of the column header that displays in the Microsoft Project Gantt chart; is the value from the TITLE field of the maxattribute table.

; Following are the Microsoft Project task fields that are available; to map to Maximo fields. Note that the Microsoft Project data types ; should match the Maximo column data type as closely as possible.

; Date1-Date10 configure with Maximo fields like DATE,DATETIME ; Text1-Text27 configure with Maximo fields like ALN, UPPER; Cost1-Cost10 configure with Maximo fields like AMOUNT ; Number1-Number20 configure with Maximo fields like FLOAT,INTEGER, SMALLINT

Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 17

; Flag1-Flag20 configure with Maximo fields like YORN

; Below is a sample [wofieldmap] section. Note that these fields would not be; mapped (and no data would be transferred) unless the semicolons were removed; from the beginning of each line.

[wofieldmap];WOMAPROW1=location text1;WOMAPROW2=assetnum text2

; The [pmfieldmap] section enables you to map additional PM work order fields; to specified Microsoft Project task fields. IBM MAXIMO Adapter for Microsoft Project; uses these mapped field pairs to transfer data from MAXIMO to Microsoft Project. The ; format is the same as in the [wofieldmap] section above, except that it uses ; fields from the Maximo PM table.

[pmfieldmap];PMMAPROW1=location text1;PMMAPROW2=assetnum text2

[options]; Logtype and logfile dictate message logging. The Logtype can be NONE, SQL (SQL statements), ; ERRORS (error messages and certain program instructions), SQL-ERRORS (previous two combined),; or FULL (all the previous and performance information).

; Logfile can be a full windows path or just a file name. If the path is omitted it will save in the ; Maximo Project Adapter install directory.


; If IGNORETASKS=TRUE is uncommented, the Work Order tasks will not be; loaded into Maximo Project when a Work Order query is selected.




; If UPDATEFINISHANNOUNCE=TRUE, a message box displays when an update from Maximo is complete.


; If SAVEPREDECESSORS=TRUE, predecessors will be saved back to Maximo as actual predecessor data.

; NOTE: Tasks loaded from Maximo with Sequence Numbers and then saved with this option on will; save as Maximo predecessors


; To enable Work Order data to be SAVED BACK to Maximo from the [wofieldmap]; section above, you must must have a corresponding field section below, and must; set editable=true. You should understand the data being transferred between Maximo; and Microsoft Project before editing the fields below. Application errors may result; if fields are not properply configured.

Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

18 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide


; Only enable the USESSL = TRUE if your server is configured to use SSL.

; [field-INSPECTOR]; lookuptype=false; editable=true

; To configure a field for a table lookup in Maximo Project, ; the following settings are required:; lookuptype= table (Valid settings are table or valuelist); lookuptable= the Maximo database table; keyfield= primary key field; description= field value to be displayed

; example:; [field-SUPERVISOR]; lookuptype=table; lookuptable=PERSON; keyfield=PERSONID; description=DISPLAYNAME; editable=true

; To configure a field for a valuelist lookup in Maximo Project, ; the following settings are required:; lookuptype= valuelist (Valid settings are table or valuelist); lookuptable= valid settings are: SYNONYMDOMAIN, ALNDOMAIN or; NUMERICDOMAIN; for example:; [field-STATUS]; lookuptype=valuelist ; lookuptable=SYNONYMDOMAIN; keyfield=VALUE; description=description; editable=true






Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 19















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

20 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide

















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 21
















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

22 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide
















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 23

















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

24 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide


















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 25

















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

26 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide

















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

Customizing the IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project 27

















Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

28 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide














Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

29 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide








Sample copy of the MaximoProject.ini file

30 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Userís Guide

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 31

If you a re inst a lling IBM Maximo for Microsoft Project in an environment where you have mult iple languages enabled for Maximo, or if E nglish is not your base language, you will need to run the TDToolkit .bat u t ility for Maximo for Project , wh ich is located in your C:\ maximo\ tools\ maximo direct ory. Running the ut ility once will update a ll addit ional langua ges (including the base and secondary Maximo language) that you ha ve enabled.

About the TDToolkit.bat utility

TDToolkit .ba t popula tes t he corresponding mult i-la nguage table of the MAXIMO databa se with data from the xliff file. The usage of the TDToolkit .bat bat ch file is as follows:

TDToolkit.bat ñlmp ñpmpupdateproject ñversionîV<Maximo version number>î


For this r elease of Maximo for Project , you run the following from the DOS prompt:

C:\maximo\tools\maximo> TDToolkit.bat ñlmp ñpmpupdateproject ñversionîV7100-000î

The TDToolkit comma nd will update a ll languages you have insta lled simultaneously. The version paramet er (îV7100-000î ) is the default for a ll Maximo 7.X ver sions, so t he TDToolkit u t ility will upda te Maximo for Project from version 7.1.0 to the cur ren t ver sion you have insta lled.

NOTE The TDToolkit command is case-sensit ive.

Running the TDToolkit.bat utility

To enable Maximo for Project for mult iple languages, or if English is not your base language:

1 Insta ll the Maximo Server por t ion of the insta lla t ion program on your Maximo applicat ion server , if you have not a lr eady.

NOTE If you a re inst a lling Maximo for Project in a double-byte language, you must set your serverís regional set t ings to t hat language before

Language Setup B

Running the TDToolkit.bat utility

32 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

runn ing t he in sta lla t ion program. You can r e-set your r egional set t ings aft er complet ing t he insta lla t ion.

2 From the DOS prompt , browse to the TDToolkit directory:


3 Run the pmpupdate command to import the Xliff file in to your database:

C:\maximo\tools\maximo> TDToolkit.bat ñpmpupdateproject ñversionîV7100-000î

Your Maximo database is updated with the Xliff file cont en t (t r ansla t ion files). The TDToolkit comma nd updates Maximo for Project for a ll languages that you have insta lled on your Maximo a pplicat ion server .

4 Check the TDToolkit log file to ensu re it r an successfully.

a Locate the: TDToolkit<t imestamp>.log file in :C:\ maximo\ tools\ maximo\ log

b Open the log file a nd look for t he following log in fo:

Command line: -pmpupdateproject -versionV7100-000 Connected to jdbc:db2://<host>:<port>/<db_name>Database platform is <database_platform>.Updating Multilanguage for PMP/IS.ÖÖProcessing MAXMESSAGES.Reading MAXMESSAGES.XLIFFÖÖCalling UpdateTextIndex class.........Done.

NOTE Ignore the other errors messa ges, such as ìTable MAXMODULES have either no da ta that need t ra nsla t ion or the XLIFF file is missing.î


In your Maximo environment , you ha ve English established as your base language, but a lso have user s that access Maximo in French and Chinese. You insta ll Maximo for Project in English (both the server and client port ions). The insta lla t ion automat ically places the MAXME SSAGE S.xliff file in the C:\ maximo\ tools\ maximo\ <lang_code>xliff\ project direct ory.

You then run TDToolkit .bat , wh ich enables Maximo for Project in French and Chinese, ba sed on the enabled languages on your Maximo applicat ion server .

NOTE Your language code will differ , depending on what language you insta ll. For example, FR mea ns French.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 33


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34 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

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36 IBM Maximo Adapter for Microsoft Project: Installation Guide

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 37


ConfigurationH ardw are 1Software 1


Disk space, required 1


File locations 2


H ard w are configu ration 1


Installation requirem ents 2


Login settings 12


Maxim i file 11pmfieldm ap section 15system section 12w ofield map section 14


Platforms 1


Requirements, installation 2


Software configuration 1


TDToolkit.bat u tility 31


top related