ibm cloud solutions customer deck

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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IBM New Cloud Solutions

IBM Cloud Solutions 2015/2016



AMM - IBM Cloud AMM - Migration Service

ICIA - IBM Cloud Infrastructure for Analytics (Big Data - Hadoop AAS)

ICDES - IBM Cloud Data Encryption Services (Data Security)

IDTES - IBM Developement Test Environment Service (fixes SDLC challenges)
BLUEBOX Dedicated Open Stack As A Service

SOFTLAYER IAAS & Private Cloud


Migration Service


IBM Cloud Automated Modular Management (AMM) migration service is designed to streamline the time and costs of workload migrations onto SoftLayer. The offering provides a self-service dashboard to migrate both single and group physical/virtual image workloads onto the SoftLayer platform, and monitor the migration. The service also virtually eliminates manual steps, such as determining server sizes, provisioning migration servers, installing migration software, and configuring VMWare and virtual machines. Through our offering, you can perform these steps via one user-friendly portal.

Paint Points / Benefits / Value Proposition

Expedite time to value Significantly reduces migration times and provides up to three instances of technical support per migration

Reduce migration cost Provides a highly automated web portal, allowing you to manage migrations in house

Decrease production server downtime Uses live capture & incremental data sync during the migration to virtually eliminate downtime for your production servers & business applications

Support your diverse requirements Supports public, private, bare metal and VMWare targets in SoftLayer as well as Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems

Boost productivity while better safeguarding dataEnables security-rich transfers of single or multiple workloads

*The first 10 Migration Instances are free per customer account

IBM Cloud Infrastructure for Analytics


Leading companies are infusing analytics throughout their organizations to drive new insights that can optimize business and IT operations. But building enterprise-grade analytics capabilities in house requires a significant investment in infrastructure and advanced technical skills.IBM Cloud Analytics Application Services delivers high- performance clusters for running enterprise-grade big data and analytics workloads on a dedicated bare metal infrastructure and is preintegrated with industry-leading analytics tools.

Paint Points / Benefits / Value Proposition

Setting up a high-performance analytics infrastructure in house is expensive and requires advanced IT skills Need to be agile, able to experiment and rapidly apply analytics to a variety of business needs Need to manage and optimize resource use to accommodate demands of big data and analytics workloads

IBM provides a cloud-based, enterprise-grade analytics plat-form to support a variety of big data and analytics workloads. We provide on-demand access to high-performance analytics clusters and preintegrated analytics software designed for turn-key deployment. A cluster management portal designed for ease of use helps you set up and manage your solution more quickly. Unlike other cloud analytics providers, IBM is virtually the only vendor that can provide the price/performance of an enterprise-grade platform through our use of bare metal servers, which help reduce performance issues found with shared hardware. IBM is a recognized leader in both cloud and analytics, including respected consulting services for business analytics.

Top reasons why IBM is better: Better price/performance because of high-performing bare metal infrastructure and preintegrated analytics software Support for a wide range of enterprise-grade analytics workloads Recognized leader in cloud and analytics

IBM Cloud





IBM Cloud Data Encryption Services (ICDES) is a ground breaking new software defined data security solution from Security First Corp. that is white labeled under the name "IBM Cloud Data Encryption Services." IBM Cloud Data Encryption Services provides an advanced level of data / file protection and fault tolerance to meet all of your enterprise data encryption needs. Data storage is one of the top workloads and increased data security capabilities should continue to benefit customers. The adoption of ICDES creates a new standard for superior data protection with lower all-in costs than other solutions, providing a broad range of opportunities to fulfill customer requirements including:

Data Protection & Data Privacy

Fault Tolerance & Data Integrity

Disaster Recovery



Reduced Cap-Ex and Op-Ex


Paint Points / Benefits / Value Proposition

IBMs service can give complete privacy, integrity and lifecycle control of data produced and stored in the cloud to the owners of the data on IaaS provider infrastructure.ICDES provides advanced security with cryptographic splitting by combining AES-256 encryption with advanced data splitting that renders your data invulnerable to brute force attacks. Its built-in resiliency options allow for creating data high availability and disaster recovery architectures.

IBM Cloud




Offering Models

Security Only (Compliance): The 'Secure' modeloffers provably secure data security that is used for unsurpassed data privacy and protection and can help meet compliance requirements. This model is represented by the light blue portion of the diagram.

Security + High Availability (HA) + Resiliency: The'Advanced Secure' modeloffers security (for compliance) and adds to it data resiliency with the ability to architect a highly available data system. This model is represented by both the light blue and orange portions of the diagram.

Security + HA + Resiliency + Multi-site Recovery: TheAdvanced Multi-site' modeloffers security (fro compliance), resiliency, high availability, and the ability to split data between geographically different data center sites so that a complete disaster recovery architecture can be implemented. This model is represented by all three color blocks (light blue, orange and red) in the diagram.

IBM Development & Test Environment Services [IDTES]


IDTES is a cloud offering that provides development and test teams with on-demand,production like environments. Customers are faced with inefficiencies and constraintswith their software development lifecycle (SDLC).We removes these constraints,enabling customers to innovate faster. IDTES is the only Environment as a Service platform on the market today. The key reasons to use IDTES are

Accelerate time to delivery / time to market

Reduces production issues

Lowers cost of development per release

Paint Points / Benefits / Value Proposition

Accelerate time to Delivery / Time to Market Delayed time to revenue

Cant meet market demands

Cost overruns due to delays

Customer Satisfaction

Reduce Production IssuesProduction Defects

More repair, less innovation

Wasted time on defect reproduction

Churn and Lost revenue

Lengthy mean time to repair

Lower Cost of Development per releaseInefficient use of CAPEX / OPEX

Late delivery / poor quality

Low utilisation of people / resources

Increased cost die to inefficiency

Poor ROI on current environment



Blue Box provides a remote managed private cloud, powered by OpenStack and now running on Softlayer,that makes it easy for clients to embrace cloud for a broad range of workloads and leverage a hybrid cloud environment by easily integrating into existing IT and with consistency across OpenStack clouds. With Blue Box, customers benefit from the ability to readily and easily deploy workloads in dedicated (hosted) and local (on-premise) cloud environments. Key benefits of Bluebox are

Private Cloud as a Service: Data sovereignty, no multi-tenancy, no noisy neighbours, dedicated performance and cost predictability.Rapid provision and deployment - available within hours:
Enhanced business agility and competitive advantage.Highly scalable for end users from 3 node cluster upwards:
Elasticity matched to business workloads.Portability: Powered by OpenStack but immediately usable - no vendor lock-in (adoption, consumption and flexibility from day one).Pure OpEx transaction, no capital expenditure required: Operational scaling without capital investment.Full service infrastructure model: Provisioning, Deployment, Management and Support, 24/7, 365 days a year - skills without bills.Powerful user friendly interface through an operational dashboard: Immediately usable, always available.

Pain Points

Require a flexible infrastructure to meet line-of-business needs for faster times to market and fluctuating demands Need to manage data in the cloud with same rigor and security as on-premise dataDesire to use open technology to avoid vendor lock-in and to position for expansion into hybrid cloudSpinning up Openstack is difficult. Its a heavy lift and complex. Customers say they want open but its cost, time and resource intensive.

The global SoftLayer cloud platform delivers a unified architecture

Only infrastructure solution with a common management interface and API across a unified architecture

Mix and match bare metal servers, virtual servers and turnkey private clouds, and manage them from a single control pane or API

The global SoftLayer cloud platform delivers a unified architecture enabled by powerful software.SoftLayers robust, full-featured application program interface (API) delivers significant benefits.SoftLayer API supports 3,841 function calls to over 279 services

Supports REST, SOAP and XML-RPC interfaces

Enables full auto-scaling implementations

SoftLayer brings all the elements of disruptive cloud together under one simple user interface.

SoftLayer Infrastructure Management SystemBare metal and virtual server provisioning

Integrated BSS/OSS

Comprehensive network management

Data Center & PodsStandardized, modular hardware configurations

Lower inventory carrying costs

Optimized asset utilization and profitability

Increased provisioning flexibility

Simplified capacity management

Globally consistent service portfolio

Triple NetworkProprietary network architecture

Pod design allows clients to grow across multiple racks or rows in the same layer 2/3 domain as needed.

Flexible deployment models and enterprise grade infrastructure options

World Class
Cloud Infrastructure

+40 global cloud centers, including 2 x Amsterdam, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Milan

Secure integration to on-premises systems

Open, secure, and scalable

Cloud infrastructure-as-a-service choices

On-premises private cloud and systems

Global cloud footprint

Secure, high-speed network

More Info

David SmithIBM MSP Specialist

David Barry +353 18811072

IBM Corporation

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