i’m good at i’m some- i seldom or · i’m good at this i’m some-times good at this i seldom...

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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I’m good at this

I’m some-timesgood at this

I seldom or never do this

Healthy Recovery Practices

Act as if: I behave the way I see winners behave, even when I think it's stupid (I can’t think my way into good acting but I can act my way into good thinking)

Bad Days: I start my day over at anytime. (When things go wrong, I don't go with them.)

Begin each day: I read something inspirational—recovery meditation, Big Book, Emmet Fox—something that sets a spiritual (or principled) tone for the day

Break old habits: I keep plenty of mineral water, sodas, coffees, and/or fruit juices to carry in my hand. (Especially the first year)

Break old habits: I find new eating and socializing places and only frequent restaurants that do not serve alcohol.

Calling people: Besides my sponsor, I talk to at least one other person in recovery every day. I practice phoning people when I'm feeling okay so that I'll be able to call more easily when I'm in need of help.

Chips: I pick up chips from my home group or any group that gives chips to mark my clean and sober time.

Clubs: I have found the closest 12 Step clubhouse to me and joined it.

Clubs: I go to the clubhouse at least once a week, have refreshments, and make a habit of welcoming at least one newcomer.

Clubs: I volunteer to serve at my local 12 Step Club and/or treatment center.

Compare: I compare myself to myself over time, not myself to other people’s progress.

Compulsion: I assign a speed dial to my sponsor's number on my phone.

Compulsion: I carry a recovery book or install a recovery app on my phone for quick inspiration and use it throughout the day.

Compulsion: I have created a "Recovery Group" in my phone's contacts and immediately call someone when a compulsion hits and at the HALT moments.

Compulsion: I think the drink or drug through when an obsession grabs me.

Computer: I join at least one on-line or email meeting that I "attend" or recovery oriented social media group that I participate in so that I am practicing these principles in my digital affairs.

Computer: I subscribe to one or more "daily recovery message" services by email, app, twitter or other subscription service.

Conferences: I attend as many 12 Step conferences as is feasible.

Contact high: I take contact highs seriously and do not stay in enclosed places with people who smoke dope.

Sober Task Analysis: Compliments of PocketSponsor.com 1 of 4 ©

I’m good at this

I’m some-timesgood at this

I seldom or never do this

Healthy Recovery Practices

Discipline: I make my bed every morning. This is good self-discipline.

Energy: I put the same amount of energy into recovery as I did into keeping my supply current—I remember what lengths I went to for that first fix, pill, or drink. I now put that same amount into making meetings and following the tasks on this page—I make it my sobriety priority

Feelings: I know that my feelings lie to me so I don’t act on my feelings—I call my sponsor before acting based on a reaction to emotion. Feelings are not facts.

First year: In my first year, I do not make a major life decision, such as to marry, divorce, change careers, or make major purchases. I Keep it Simple.

Friends: I change my definition of a friendship from those who participated in my disease to those who now support my recovery.

Friends: I stick with the winners. I hang out and socialize with people in the program and people who don’t drink or drug. Although I welcome newcomers, I spend more time with those who know the program.

Gratitude: I create gratitude lists on a regular basis and use my cell for this if I havea smart phone (ask your sponsor what a regular basis is). I can’t be hateful and grateful at the same time.

Honesty: I get rid of the shadows and lies of the past. I put light on the dark things and they lose their power. "We grow by our willingness to face and rectify errors and convert them into assets." P 124 Big Book

Home Group: I have a home group where I vote and attend regularly.

Home Group: I attend my home group’s business meeting as a way to ensure the program is still there down the road for others.

Home Group: I give my phone number to my home group so people can call if theyneed help (or if I need help).

Interrupt negative thoughts: I counter my ‘drinking thinking’ or drugging thoughts with the tools I learn in the program.

Inner alcoholic/addict: I learn what my inner addict/alcoholic likes to tell me to break down my defenses. I fortify my defenses with the help of my sponsor.

Listen: Although I should participate at meetings, I pick at least one meeting a week where I do not speak. This way I won’t be deciding what to say and I can get out of my ego and truly listen.

Live in today: Today, I take care of myself. Tomorrow I can worry about "them."

Maintenance: Whatever my drug of choice is, I don't use other substances as a maintenance program.

Medical: I tell my physician, counselor, therapist and all professionals in my healthcare that I am chemically dependent and I do not take unnecessary mind affecting chemicals in any prescription.

Medical: When it is absolutely necessary that I take mind affecting chemicals, I do not self-administer. I always have a trusted friend, family member or my sponsor allot them to me.

Meditate: I meditate on a daily basis

Meetings. I make (or made) 90 in 90 meetings the first time around or 180 in 90 if it’s the 2nd or more times around.

Meetings: I bring up my troubles and fears in discussion meetings. (We are only assick as our secrets.)

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I’m good at this

I’m some-timesgood at this

I seldom or never do this

Healthy Recovery Practices

Meetings: I get out of my comfort zone and go to meetings that I’ve never been to before—outside my area. I make meetings every time I go out of town.

Meetings: I attend at least one gender-specific meeting a week.

Meetings: I participate in discussion meetings.

Meetings: I sit in the middle to front of meetings and don't "hide" in the back.

Meetings: Whenever possible I make the "meeting before the meeting" and the "meeting after the meeting." If I don't know what this, I ask.

Musts: There are 56 “Musts” in the program. I find out what they are.

Nutrition: I get the right nutrition, especially when in withdrawal. I eat a balanced healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

Observe practicing drunks & addicts: I notice drunks and druggies, especially when they are trying to pass as sober. I listen to what they say, how they behave, and watch their mistakes. Is that a wonderful life?

OTC: I only buy mouthwash without alcohol in it

OTC: I only use non-alcoholic, non-narcotic and non-dextromethorphan cough syrups and cold medicines.

OTC: I read labels and don’t ingest what may affect my mind or emotions.

Paraphernalia: I get rid of all my drinking gear. Wet bar? Turn it into a planter. Liquor cabinet? Donate it to a non-alcoholic. Beer in the fridge? Fertilize the garden.

Paraphernalia: I get rid of all my drug gear. Prescription pad? Tear it up. Bongs with sentimental value—into the trash. Silver spoon?—do not make a ring—toss it!

Prayer: I pray for the still suffering alcoholic and addict (or create good thoughts if I don't pray).

Prayer: I pray for those that piss me off (or wish them well if I don't pray).

Prayer: I pray or meditate on a daily basis.

Principles: I identify the principles in my steps and review each day to see if I’ve applied them in my life (Step 10).

Recovery: I take recovery seriously. I know these are life and death issues.

Remember: I do not forget my last drunk or drug run and share that experience with others.

Service work: I always find the newcomers and speak to at least one after every meeting.

Service work: I clean up cups and put things away after meetings.

Service work: I commit to being the coffee maker, greeter, or room opener for a group.

Service work: I commit to chairing a meeting on a regular basis (once I have enough clean and sober time, usually a year).

Service work: I contribute to the H&I fund.

Service work: I offer to write letters to those from institutions.

Service work: I offer rides to meetings to those who have lost their license or transportation.

Sober Task Analysis: Compliments of PocketSponsor.com 3 of 4 ©

I’m good at this

I’m some-timesgood at this

I seldom or never do this

Healthy Recovery Practices

Service work: Once I have the required amount of sobriety, I volunteer at the central office or run for a position in my home group.

Service work: I put chairs away after meeting or set them out before.

Service work: I say “yes” when someone asks me to lead a meeting.

Service work: I say “yes” when someone asks me to speak at a meeting.

Service work: I say "yes" to all 12 Step calls I am asked to go on, but do not go on a 12-step call alone.

Service work: I volunteer to help with bringing a meeting to an institution.

Sleep: I learn to get restful sleep without mind-affecting chemicals. I try meditation, possible supplements or herbal teas, and I count my blessings.

Slogans: I don’t underestimate them. I post some of the better slogans on my bathroom mirror, in my car, and on slips of paper scattered around my home.

Social events: I check menus and order meals made without alcohol (contrary to popular belief, recent studies show that the alcohol is not all cooked out).

Social events: In initial sobriety, I only attend social functions that serve alcohol with at least one other person in recovery with me.

Sponsor: I have one.

Sponsor: I am one (as soon as I have a year or more).

Sponsor: I call my sponsor every day in the first 90 days, even just to check in. After 90 days, I ask my sponsor how often I should be calling.

Sponsor: My sponsor knows a drug is a drug is a drug. If my sponsor thinks it’s OKto celebrate a sober birthday after someone smokes pot, I get another sponsor.

Steps: I work them with a sponsor, not in my head or by myself.

Workshops: I sign up for 12 Step workshops at least once a year

These are generally good recovery practices. Check off the column that best describes how you practice that task. Not all of the above have to be done all the time. You want to do enough at any given time to keep yourself in the safety zone.

There are 82 practices. Mark your count:Column One ________Column Two ________Column Three ________

You should have at least 40 in the first and second column at any given time—this is a bear minimum. It is better to have 60 distributed between the first and second column, with at least 20 in column 1.

Analyze the tasks you perform to maintain your sobriety. If you are scoring less than 40 in the first two columns, your disease is bigger than your recovery. Your job is to make your recovery much larger than your disease. Discuss this task with your sponsor and find out what you can do differently to get and stay in the safety zone of sobriety.

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