i love you, girls

Post on 09-Nov-2015






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Subconscious influence on the viewer by means of pretty young women.


  • I Love You, Girls (Version 1.0, Pavel Kastl) Legal disclaimer: The text of this educational writing only represents the private opinion, fantastic imaginations and subjective

    feelings of an individual. The author disclaims any responsibility for the damage caused to anyone by the use of and/or manipulation with this document and he does not warrant the correctness, trueness, completeness, safety or usefulness of any

    information stated in it. The author apologies to the creators of TV show "MTV Beach Party", of movie "The Banquet" and to singer "Michal Hruza" for the used pictures of their work and negative words about them, and to all the readers for the lower quality of English, since it is his second language.

    By way of introduction I will say that there are normal and Hellish people, and the Hellish rule our

    human society. They have both good and evil intentions about normal people, but they keep the evil

    ones hidden from them. One of these is to find and/or create victims for a demon who likes to make people hurt them

    themselves, whereas one of the ways to get them is to use subconscious codes in (e.g. songs, movies,

    TV series, musical videos and) TV shows that would mediate the desirable contact between the demon and his victims.

    Now I will quote from "Reversed Meaning" alias "Meant For The Victim" (Version 3.9) that you should

    read first in order for you to understand this article completely. ______________________________________________________________

    And this time Russia. "MTV Beach Party'10", song " , ", which means "I love you, girls", but the singer sings "I love you, girls, I love you, boys". Bird's feather, black and white color, golden color, lighter hairs, words meaning "...the light of the Moon... ...in this evening the snow of stars is melting, but the light of your eyes will not melt... ...the night of magical illusions... ...the rain of fires...".


    Let's now have a look at the mentioned TV show. Before this song between the two moderators there

    appears a blonde woman with a "demon's hand" and then a man in a dark sunglasses (= eyes) grabs his

    crotch (= sexual organ) to emphasize these main people's places that the demon loves most, and then the male moderator very slightly emphasizes the eyes and then he looks to the ground with the movement of his hand.

    After it there are other discreet indications: a young woman in black swimsuit (next to someone with "demoniacal colors") does movements with hands very slightly reminding a bird (which is one of the forms the demon takes in the mind of his victim), and then one man looks to the ground.

  • Later the same man looks down again as if he dropped something (subconsciously it can be related to the sexual organ).

    Anyway, if you will investigate some "teaser for the demon" from a movie or a TV show, you may

    notice that it often gets a support from various helpful means. For instance, in the part of this "MTV Beach Party" that is before the song " , " there is a song that shows pathological movements and touching the crotch (the view of emphasized eye and crotch is enlarged). The song's

    name " " repeats the same syllable 3 times and the behavior of the people reminds that of the demon's victims that are forced to do what they would not normally do.

    And in the part that is after the " , " there is a "real demon".

    Anyway, the song about love for girls (and boys) has got also other support, for instance song " " (= your eyes) that contains some demon's mediators (mainly colors related to him, a tattoo and emphases on the hand & fingers).

    After this song there is the next one named "" (= loneliness) singing words meaning "I

    do not feel the hand".

  • After it another song follows by the name of "Alarm" with a "touched crotch".

    And, finally, then there are "the loved girls", this time showing two emphases on the hand in gloves.

    As a matter of interest, below there are two Hellish moments from the song (one per line). The first of

    them is a confusion by circular movements of the camera around the singer and then a view of (a female's butt and) the right hand with gold (I cannot fully exclude the possibility that the picture on that

    woman's T-shirt, remotely resembling a fish, could be the demon's mediator, too). The second of them is a "circular jump backwards", a changed angle of view, sunglasses and another circular thing, emphasized hand and very shortly after it (a female's butt and) red fingernails together with a yellow bracelet

    (normally used in this TV show) before the viewer.

    The next song is " " (= everything is possible) that starts with raised hands and a tattoo (and glasses). There is the same "butt with golden right hand" and the female dancer does movements with hands somewhat reminding the demon's hand and a bird (she does them also when a female butt is

    shown, which has a purpose; by the way, during one moment the camera shows numbers 40 - 13 on the boat).

  • By the way, this song hides an evil subconscious code related to female breasts. Red color, blonde

    color, yellow-golden color with a piece of black and small picture of something on the T-shirt, a blurred figure and a dirty blonde woman with golden glasses and red fingernails touching the female breasts as the demon's target.

    Who has seen this MTV show he or she could notice the following woman in red swimsuit (which has

    got something like a white fluff) who very often both lifts her hands to touch the head and moves her butt, because she was probably instructed to do so (the pictures on the left belong to song " ").

    In the end of this show that "red woman" looks at the viewer and then slightly to the right (during it there is an almost imperceptible Hellish thing in the behavior of her eyes) and then she raises two fingers.

    After it the moderator does some crazy looking at the viewer full of confusion not only in directions...

  • ...that ends with a view of that "red woman" - one of the demon's mediators - and then the whole show ends.

    I will mention here one more support for the whole Hellish matter (there are other I did not show), in

    particular song " " (= till the spring). The pictures below show a blonde woman, a look down, emphasis on the eyes (with a forward bend and water flowing down from the diving mask), and a look at the viewer (with a very little bit of confusing movements) and fingers.

    Little later there is an indication of the demon's hand with emphasis on the thumb and on the index finger.

    And this scene (placed into the next song " ") shows the same singer. Its supplements are a

    yellow-red color, animal movements with the hands, the finger with red fingernail pointing toward the

    eye, a circular thing to create confusion, a look at the viewer, a closed eye, fingers close to the viewer, and red color.

    PS: There are many details I did not mention so far, for instance a ball, a small circular thing used by the man who indicates

    "the eyes + down", advertisement with Hellish numbers, the reminder of "Michael Jackson" in Hellish colors (who was "two in one"

    - the body of a man and the face of a woman, whereas being "two times" is related to Hellish people), a blonde woman that seems to have the lower part of her swimsuit in the way that her butt is seen a bit more than normally (if you like it, subconsciously it can connect the thought of her butt with the blonde color of her hairs that are across it, in the same way like in case of the "red woman" the thought of her butt can be connected subconsciously with the thought of raised hands & lifted fingers, red color and

    other), the golden color of musical instrument connected with invisible eyes, blonde and black color and a "bird's hand" and so on.

    ------ More information about my theory of so-called "Hellish People" is currently located at www.pavelkastl.cz ------

  • Bonus 1

    The following "teaser for the demon" originates from movie "The Banquet" (a big demoniacal statuette with a golden color + a small golden demoniacal statuette + closed, touched and bleeding eyes + a look at the viewer + fingers and hand + red color + the mask...).

    Bonus 2

    There is a singer, name of "Michal Hruza", the several musical videos of which seem to contain "teasers for the demon". I only

    took a quick look at them, but I have noticed "the teaser" in every one of them. Nothing too specific, mainly indirect indications and

    small subconscious addressing, but the evil intention is present, nonetheless. "Bila velryba" (= the white whale). Most often it deals with a bird, but a fish, a hornet and other is possible, too. By the way,

    the song contains words meaning "the wings" and "I slowly lose all sense of reason". In the musical video there are some colors attracting the demon + small emphases on the eyes and other.

    For example, a moment when the viewer is subconsciously opened (the white flag goes "into him" and then the man who holds

    it suddenly appears nearer than before).

  • This video for a song "Naporad" (= permanently) starts with words meaning "You are waking up a fire in an endless desert" (whereas fire is related to Hell + it has Hellish colors, and the color of the sand is related to the demon) and emphasis on the eyes

    and on the hand. There are some words of confusion and those meaning "One only step and it cannot be returned back", which can be related subconsciously to the emphasized eyes.

    A newer work is video "Zakazane uvolneni" (= the forbidden relaxation, or, if you like, the forbidden release) containing words meaning "...to realize it, to close the eyes for a moment, the space will turn slightly... ...my aura and my God seems to me to be burning inside of me, it is the truth, a vicious circle, the forbidden relaxation..." Well, in some cases confusion together with closed eyes and such a relaxation that will open the listener to various influences can help the demon enter him.

    I see that in contrast with the old Hellish style the way of processing of this musical video has already recorded some small changes, in the use of numbers, for example. The first picture showing the car with a probably normal registration number has a Hellish number of the type of production (603) and color close to the demon together with red one as well + there is some small

    figure on it. Then a man in black and white clothes raises his hands partly (subconsciously it can remind the wings of a black & white bird) and some woman raises the hand while touching her head. The clip contains some confusion, golden color, hands near the eyes, closed eyes, one eye, a look at the viewer (its subconscious meaning can be "behave like me", see the commentary bellow) and other.

    Here is an interesting situation, showing a pathologic aggressive reaction of the woman who takes a look at the viewer. It reminds me that demons regularly make some people release their aggression to a wrong direction and attack someone who does not deserve it. Such a scene in a video (numbers 3 and 6 are present more than one time, which emphasizes them) can help the demons enter some predisposed victims to make them behave like that.

    Bonus 3

    Now something for "Reversed Meaning" (Version 3.9). There is a case with a doctor who gave me a medicine with number 3

    written on it. Next time when I was there because of my urine I found out that it was sent to the investigation from ordination number 3 at 13:00.

    Then I have leaved for the shop of a hypermarket-type, which was expected (there were two in the neighborhood). I went into

    one of them and I took one wrapping of sugar from the only open package. However, later I found out that its paper cover smells of a vanilla in the same way like sugars at my home. I have placed them into the same display cabinet with a vanilla candle and

  • they started to smell of it and therefore I have thrown them into the bin. In the previous day(s) I have loudly talked about it at home and also that I will need to buy a new sugar. Interesting was that that the number of the new "smelling one" contained 3 x 3.

    Apart from it, later I have discovered that I have a strange bill, either from the seller or from someone who put it to my bag

    without my knowledge. Time 13:03, a closing number 3.13, paid 30,- in cash with the change 6,- (which is also a Hellish number)

    crowns. By the way, later I have visited two different branches of the same hypermarket and bought two new sugars, but they had no smell and the both had a normal number.

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