i .. i i.··~·~; i . i i. i . i . . iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · desert...

Post on 23-Jul-2020






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Jng to do about It hadn't been · dctermlnt'd nt this writing. - • . -.


TuUy lhO\lL·


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Desert Dan lfags


·· --·moe 1u· · ----------~ -- - --

---. In Everyday ' ..

NEW CAB? One advnntnnc of flnnn<'lnrr n car tl1rough our hunk: lhl• borrowl'r may pluc1• tlw car lnnuruncc lo· <·rilly-and lrwlud(' lhl' lnl· tlal premium' In hla loan. Tlwrl' 11 rt• other udv nntar,cu. If you llrl' rf';iady to buy, noll w; fur mon• 1ntormn\lon.

• • • When our bunk pnyo a eh('('ll drnwn 1111 un n«''unt h('rr. wa punl'h holl'u In lt. 11mu II ln mnccllcd. ~n· l'flll«'d dwekn nr1• l'VIdcmco of po ymrnt - your ft:'t'Oipl.ll. Why not pny wll h chl'Cito, drawn on our bnnll?.

• • DID YOU ltHOW "that de· . - -· -posits in our bank arc In• uurcd up to $10,000 Cor (lach dcpo:~ltor, by rcaooo of our tumk'll ,membership Jn the . Fcdernl Dcpwslt lnsurl;lncc Corporation-? We utld tho • •

other FDIC member banks

. • •



Carrbo1o, Hew Mexico


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ChevrOlet's ~ special

hill·flattener8! •

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mllUon. . Wm. J. Bryan, secretary of

ttAte tot two y£!arn ln the Wll· JOn admlnlsttatlon, subrolttcd h15 mfgJ!atJon, due to disagree· ment wtth the president ~r a note tcnt to- Getmany. Mr. Bey· an Wrote Prtstdent .. wu~n. tn part: "I cannot join Un the Ul1UitnlAI.on t>1 1he note> wltb· out Vlohitlnl what l deem to bo an obll1aUon to my country and th& JlaUe lb\.'olved 1s of inlcl1 trumlt!nt that to remain .a mem­ber of the e&blnet would- be aa Unfair to you u it would be to the ca.u.e which ta n~ my

n•tnely' the preventlon of •

K. Such purchased the no. elle Jewelr)t Btoclt.

Hany G. N~an, son of Mt. and Mra.. W. 0. Notman of Lin· coin.- wu awuiled a prlze ln an atatorlcal contest at .St. Michael's Colle&e Jn Santa Fe.

Totn and Wllllatn. Bragg \\"ere bt Can~ from the lk)ntto. Thi!)l' tepOrtt!d .ltockmen took a .heavy percentage ot los~~M · :the .-prlrlr due to· deep snov."S'

· the mountatni. •


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-GLAQYS MORRISS.';.. Phone ·lll·



--- .. -- ----· -~--------- ---. --


I 00 to I capacity. Our delivery otruck 9ives prompt :service anywhere i'h Carrjzozo and vicl.~ity~ . .,

• l CALL 128.


·- "' •

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Rolland's Drug'. StOre · •

, EatabUahtd 1101 •

... .

• ' .

OH •

T~ey Ca• Do To Yoal!, •

Especialty when it comes to awarding dam. ages due to an automobile acctdetit. Ov•r­ntglJt, y~ur life•s savings c~uld be wiped. out. - ·

Atlditional insurance that WJ11 give you fuU prottction c:osls buUittfe. Stop in and let us quote you the rate •


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··hili. a. w. a. •w.· It w.-.. N whM, ft ' - • ,. .. "II ~.' • • • •

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to this rcmeay, Mrs. Floyd's mother used this 'remedy many

T.he wounds heiiled wltll·

t'Wb.en we stepped on a rusty (It ls naU, w.e put our toot ln"a pan of hard to see the !fame,) Then ~1 oU," Mrs. Floyd said. "Only fill the -spoon with wam1 water ,once 1t didn't ·help, when flalces · nhd gtve to tM ChUil. Reduce of rust~wero lett tn the wound. dosage for small children. Give

· ~hree tlml!s a day until relieved. - .


• •

For sunburn: Put soda ln the .palm of your hand and pour In a little vinegar. Apply the mix· ture, while foaming, to sunburn. Apply all often as needed. It wlll taltc away the burn and leave a tan

. _, -, . '

joyed The

during July •u•u

•. ------It's Jun•! What's

Ahea~ for ~ewlyweds? Llvlng stt~.n!ltwl!l {)( th1s .

newlyweds wlll be better than those of any comparable group anywhere at any time In the par;t. say tho edltom of Chang.

' .


Fewer brides ana live wlth parents

• •

• •



heals. It

find. IIomes In the !lu\>urbs wlll with one·llalt cup be economically :attainable. The and apply the lotlon. ncwlywl!lla -Wlll havo a better . CAny New 1\fcxtco folklore COn• time of tt than their pnronts as trlbutlons may be addressed to far ru1 time to play ts concerned. Ted Rayndr, 2715 North San The 30-or 3S·hour week ta com· Marcial Street, El Paso, Texrur.) Jn,u. . It means tlme to travel,

----.- . · time to enjoy tho outdoors.

*ABOUT PE"PLE ttnTf~h~~dt~:~~(!~~~~~e ~~~ U turo Wtll feature pnrerle:tlly OV•

Mr. and Mrn. DIU M.ncVelgh ery klnd ot automaUc cclcctronlc .nre leovtnn , this Sund.ny tar a 1 convcnlcnc~ lmaglncd by man. three Wei!ks val!lltlon to vlstt Greater .variety of prepacklgcd Mr. MacVclgll'a .parents. Mr. and 'and fi'OZ(ln foods wUJ make Mts; c;hadcs Schuler ln .Audu·j cooking n dream. Hou!IC3, too, bon, flew Jersey. .,-- 1 wlJI bo designed Cor a mtlXlmum

Mro. Roy Rlcharcf nnd Mrs. ot comfort and a minimum of Pete Johnson attended cooking 1 upkeep. Blgg17 tamllles wlll ba cchool In Santa Fe Monday 1 the rule. NewlywedD will eopy through Thun:day of ·this week. thclr a.nd ral!O

Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim •· ~z====t:SU~:::f . • era of normalcy Is du(l

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~· ~~· ~·· WE'RE. HELPINt ·, •

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u.· S. CKOICE BEEF .. .

7'' CUT .................... "..... LB • •

- ---- - - -- -

----------- ------------ -


ARMOUR'S STAR ............... - .. LB. •

• . '

.·SKINLESS . -Peyton Del Norte ._ ............... .-.-.... LB.

LEAH BOSTON BUTTS ............. ~ ................. US. CHOICE IUP - Jettoa Del lforte. .. .. . L'B. --~----- --·

IB.EASTS or DRUMSTICKS-MAll NEt.. ... ~.. r.l. CBOXCE 'JftP - reytoa Del Korte ... .. :.... . LB. .. • • •

• ..

-.---- -- ---

GRAPEFRUIT J·UICE ADAMs·-- 46 oz. 21c () .

DOG f·QQD IDEAL_;.-.. - ........ 16-oz. ca·n 2for 25c •

TOMATO JUICE HuNT's --"·--~ ........... 46 oz. • 25c ,. ' .

• •


where Jim han been tlanslcrred 1 these newlyweds born In tlie wtth tho Slgnal Gang .of. th<l, dcpres.slon and raised 1n a wun

atfl'tllbl1$g ••• pun Southern Pnclflc. ~ring world, but Uic ; Mrs. Ira Greer, of Tucumcari probably won't abate. The threat

Jlat1Uczl lemollade •• was In Cllrrl%ozo over the weclc of global war. will be the con· ·APPLE SAUCE Wl:lnE HOUSE -·-----· .... No. 303 15c

rlch Ill 'Fltcmlill- vlnltfng Wlth her sister, Mrs.J stnnt worry. Maybc 10, more Meyer Barnett and brother, Peto , likely 20 yeD.rS from now, a

Btacty to pour Johru:on. She returned to Tu·l sturdler peace may preva11. Sut, , ~ Hn'e. cumearl with the Jim Iinrnetts . there nro unpreccdcnted oppor •.

1 tunltlcs ror lhe new groom. He . 'l'ilch nnd daughter, wm find the best jobs tn elce-

loan, and son, Johnny, left last tronlcs, engineering, ntomfc en-A QIJAlY Fddny mornlng for El Paso crgy nnd chemicals, Other"ptos· ·S· ,. . • . wbe~_ tlteY wlll s~nd sevetal pects: rctaUlng, advertlstHg, ualcasl ~a;Jr:th }.Irs. 'l'Uch IJ sister and I airlines. CO!\strtlctiOn work and,

~~~ZJL_!';-~·~11')·.,~·-::._._j "" · 11 .... _ A A. y "~d or course, mMfclne and related ..... orr..... .ur. nn .... .,. • oung '"" professions

• -,

· _ . . severi:il gUests at their hotne ----·-------.... -·· lr~llle •bln1W hloe'• Sunday. TI.tflY were Mr. and Mrs. and Sandy, _from OU . Cenw, QHUtJ'· .Didr!" ~Cidw:tll ce ~14 Charlie Jones and sons, JameJJ N. l'tt.. and Mr. and Mrs. l. s.

.· '

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Tabor lron1 RoswelL · · Mr. and !.Irs. Fred Bockelman

were In CAtdzozo Monday trom the: llcarlllrus.

Mfs8 Annette Edington l.s working at Fort Jtuachucua, AriZ., ffi!s summer. She plans to eontlnue her education at New Mexico Western Unlvetilt;y this fall, transtetdfig fi'orn .EUtem New Malco Untveratty.

Mr. and ld'dt 1• E. ThOrnton m~ · to ~rro anti Albu· quuerque Sunday. They took theft son, Carl, to the Boys' Stllte ' conventton In Socotto and . brought horne Glenn Thomton, who completed another Yt!ar at the State Uitlvemty. -

·~~7.Uttlttk Wftll · 1Wtt DlMtr it il

- ..•. , · • · · ' tiMeflllnt ut a l(RA ,T fl*lu•.,.kiltf lt.6df

• ........ \lj; tocfat'.;,;'lt Cl(jjt* . _._..,., ... ,. oat:r ;pet\ulu. to ' · . ...,........... 111-i'lfll' tOt ii~f . .. ••ibi.fii'~Hi 1'itillct:, ... ,..,.,

·•ra· ••· - ,., --. ·--.:------':-~·- __ , ____ ... ~

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• . •


. ' . Stokely's A-.Green Cllt Spears.. .... 300 29c CORN . '

B01)'ER KERNAL -·Whole- Kernel _. 12 oz. -cans .

• •

-• __ frg~en __ LfltBY~S----... "·-.... " ........................ tO-o~. . •

' . . . --- ---.. . ..

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. ' • • • lc:Y,_ .. CAUPOR~---~_,-·--·~-~---·---·· --


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.. Pried •f&ctlve . . ' . 1 Qtlt ~...,. 11tfr Gilly I . s&H •

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w~ arrgnge your finCU\cing! •

' • • • •

, · Appliances, . Home Rept~irs, ·Floor_.

AlTO BRIEFS···.~---~·· (~\~EM' ~\' iit.nlli!Q()P) . ·Dr-,. ~md ~s. · J, H. JohJWtQne · •

and (laughters. lUta J'ean ·~t~4 'Ruth Ann. ot Y$let11, Texas, we~ llerP. tor the WCJ:!~end. · · · · · . "' The C!lmenters Qf Cttrpenter f'l'urserle& · tn RQSWell have been cat their · Eagle Creek summer bQme· "f<lr . the pru;t feW clays. 'l'liey 'ha<l It!~> brother, · Don Car· .pente~:, Qt :Penver vtsitl.ng ·them. ~ Mr •. and Mrf>. JimmY RQgers · ·


,mr·s. Leo J'<~well of Capitan were' · recent visitors at the Jim · Euens. . .·

GeQrge· · Dingwall and · f. B. Lindamood were In· Alamogordo on busineB!l 'Wedn~sday of last week. ', Mts. Margaret • Randel and Miss Hattie CQftee ot El :Paso are enjoying. a, few days rcmt at their summer home Itt Eagle CrePk ..

• • '• - "

' '·' ' -~· . ' ' .

~ .

You can also include the Labor Costs. This Easy Plan entitles-you


Tho cheerful, liP·to'·dato sub· llt'bail hOme abOve W~ll onc:e th~ ·drab 1910 house 'hown at rJrbt. Taldnr oft ibe olcl· faiiJdoned porch anct atld!pc aUraeUv~mod"'

roof, lU)W

our Store;sumas · · 1111 Buildirii~aterials·~ -~ ' ' .-/""" . .,

\ . . -" > • I

---------- ' •

don of El Paso. -·~=:-~=1t~~n~Chat1te Peebles, Mrs. ' .. . . . ~· - . . }ieebles and children

and Mrs. LllUe Anderson visited ltlends In Cap"an one day last


WUWQW . .Jl"f>n

A NEW ROOF • A NEW PAINT JOB • A. NEW FENCE • A BATHROOM~ · Frlday night a forest fire- broke

out In Water Canyon near Glen· coe. By Saturday night it was under control but stfll being . • . .

• • •

r 0 19' I


TELEPHONE 105 llOB· GIBSON. Mana~r ·


Up to $2;500, No Down Payment!

Up to 36 Months to 'Pay. taken

property not hav• tc> be clear. A promfss()ry nole is all that Is Tequlredl l ,

- r

. '

• ... 'I .. ------ ----·- -~-- .-........ --

• •







• . ..


closely ·

living room colcrn that do a lot to .nglng TnA porcbless vers'ion (above) houses a young look:. a·llg4t

reveals the attracUvc brulic gray·blcnd asphalt roof ia attrac· portioJm ot the house and Uve in ltselt, lind forma an attrat:· a bright, cheerful interior. Uve background tor the white

All wfudowa were replaced. Arr sldlng. • attractive addJtlon Js tho large • 'Tho yellow shutte~s on tho scc­mulU-paned pqnderosa pine pic· ond noor wlniw emphasize tho turc window, which "Jnvltes" tho h_orJzonwl U 11 Q( tho l10U!Je, outdoors- Into the UvlnB room and mnldng t,ho s cture look lower glvcs tho passerby• a gllmp!le· of nnd wider. Tho new pa.nclod en-the cozy Interior. . trance door Is carnation red.'

Comp-.sor Station and Farmington. WhUc away ,_.., they took Nath.Cl Deno to the eye

Mro. w. c. Turner, Sr.'o broth•tuiJedrult!rt'· ln Durango, Colo., who er ::md .fnmlly, Mr. nnd Mrn. R. n. pwseribed another omall·pox Glass and Chlldren. SUsan and vaecl.rlaUon each ·time her eye Dobby, arc vls!Ung In her home breaks out. 1 VltuB infections

five yearn out of the ten yearn before they were dlnilbled 15bould get further lnfo~mat1on ab<)ut thls law.

Active mllltru')' st!rvlee and (Continued' on Next Page)

hcrt-. "They hrwe l>«!n Uvlng tn "':"" __________ .;....,...-..--------, GrtenwJclt, n. L, but are rnovUig to ~~n Diego, cattt.

Bill and BeverlY Turner are vtsltlng relatives In Texas nnd Arkansas.

lb Ann the

h~t grandmother. Mrs.. A. Kar• ' ger, Sr. .


BOX.325 Carri:Zozo, N. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Treadwell

$petit Monday at the A. ·c. Knr· ger home Mr. Tread...,'t!ll m our ~------...,.....,....,. _ _, _ _.....,. ..... ...,....,. .... _.,.,.. ..... ~ San Juan assistant .plant ouper· tntcndent. . ~h. and ~ Dan OWens

the Blue Water Statton soo1p~~d at tho A. C. Karger home n lew hours on Friday.

Bobby Noy~ 19 spendlng a tn9nth with hls aunt nnd uncle tleat Clayton, N. M.

Mr. •nd Mrs. John \Vhittnyte and son. and Mrs. F. F. Whit· ~ ftoni Mfchlgan. were vi!IJt· ()ta in the Fred .g;hlttnyre homn recently ..

· .Edwird Allen Ugnttoot Is -m!Ung his aunt and uncle llugo, Okla., and Dorothy Nell Llthttoot fi vtstUng tn .the Prim 'Mlllet -home at Ancho.

JOy, ;n_rnmy, and, Johnny Had• • '


t.:,t - .. . .... , o· : -,. . - . " .,

. - ~ '

DO YOU KNOW ? ? - • that •

STAR RADIATOR , is N.w Mexico's mosf eomplet. Iadiatot "'SirVICit ·


You can bring your c~r to out shop when you arrive •

at Rosw~U irt the mornfng and the cooling wlll ~ serviced and your car wlrf be ready for yot.J..to get back home in time to feed your cows, or w~at have you. -.

114 'S. MAlt{ . ' _ROS'WEI.L1 N. M. . -~-1943.

• ' ..

' . ' '

• - - t> ' > • • ' 11' '

t~ Our COHH· ~L .. -:·~ ~,. famoot fot··Food. ..• ~' . . ~~ - - ' . ' ' ' . '

• ~ . -'



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• TRADE AT,.·. •

Feed & GroCery· · S:tofe · · · . . .•• ~·AND SAVS!

;L •

. '


SAVINGS AC.COUNT IS NOW The sooner you start your savings dccount with' us, tho sooner.,you'IJ have thllt nest egg-to buy a home or busi· ness or meet emergency needs. See un Jodayl Open your savings. account NOW to provide for your futuro.

Present Dlvi~.nd Rate on Saving$ 40/o •

.. ' •. "'' ""' "0 -- -.' ' • -- -· •

~J~~~~v~o~! ~!~Ood~a~c~h~o!se~ln~~a:.t~r~~a-:;n~. ~a~t~:a~;j~~~~~; low caloric count. dom nrc 81 followa: For a moderately actlve mnn n

Food W.trrht of Solidi C:ORI.at plnt of whole mllk otters the fol· • (It .,.•) lowing appro)G!mnto percentagea

t• ot dnlly nutrient needs:

Cnhrend. wAmhltort.-.................. ., ... --··· ;M.Gl Ctllclum' ••u••••Uu········ •···· "q•· .... 13~~

cese, e can .... , .......... _.. . .RlbA" ftvJn .,,,., ·H" . lean . .."33 ~ -~--·-nu~-n~.:.'" - ..,.,.,.(I-

E ,., Phosphorous •. ... .. .............. .... 37~ ggn ................................. - .. •-*····---· . ..w.u Protein ··•·u••····· ........... :.... -2S%

Potato ............... _........... .......... .23 Vtt~mtn A ...... 15~ 16 .. ._......... . ...... "' '" ., .......... , •• ,. ............ n?••••·•~t.,u .1'

3 'rhlnmlnc .~: ............ ~ . .., ..... ,."»··· 11~

•u_ .... .,. .... _._ ...... _.~................. • ""-rblc "Ald "r:l Oranges --: ............. u.a.u .......... uuu.-............ .13 N4~~n .IW_ ............. uau.::.,... •• au;: Carrots --.. - .. -~__.... .12 Iro""n\,;"' ···-· .. ·-~h._. ..................... _ ... ~. 1~ ~"-bb ,ii •:•••••••u•-•-~<~u•••~•o ....... o•a•• .. • '"· '-'i.& ugo --···-··-:..···--- .o Strtng Bcnns .... -"_ ...... ~~...... .p Tomato ···-·~ ........ .-.. ............ _..... ...•... , .a l.d!ttuce .... ·............................................ .5

Water makes -up the durer· ence between the above percent· ages and 100%. lncldentaJly,




illllt as other of food nre IN THE MA'I"rER OF 1 CbSCntlat, TilE LAST WILL >

The business of humans gatn·. AND T.ESTAMENT OF.) Mo.M7 tng come' ot the water they need J'OliN n. DOW.NING, 1 fro.m foodstuffS lS .part of na· Deceased ······4-·" .. ···-·" ) lJJre's great design. It Ia com. NonCE: OF llEAnlNG UPON mon knowledge that man must FINAL JlEPORT AND ACCOUNT replenish the warer content· ot · OF EXECU'l'OR hiiJ body to make up for conUnu· STATE OF NEW MEXICO, TO: otm t~es through petapltatton Wtlltam E. Downing, Downing and other body funetton.s. Ranch, Cnpltrut, New r.fexlco;

What are our $0Utces of wa. Mlnnte Ddwnlng 3282

. ... ..,

Attatra Subcommittee which started executlvtl sessls>ns tan~ Monday on the bill expects to have It ready tor Jloune con· olderaUon wlth!n a few dnyn.

The <'onz~S!Jlonal deltmatlons from New Mexlw nnd otlrer Up. per Bnoln Stnte!\) have worked tirelessly to wtn nupport for the bill. The worlt hllll to be done behind the r.;c•nes, oo to npea\t, ·tnstead ot on the floor ot the llollllC. Although the oppool· tlon hn~bccn highly vocal nnd dctenn(ncd I .teel opUmtnttc about the twentual outcome. We have had to nurmount dumy ob· atnclen and nUll have oome to overcome, but 1t l!l my opinion we hnv.e ma.de (!ood pro{:rew to· ward victory.

the has to give nome lmpctun ln the Uouoo but we nUU have a tou.i:h bottle o..hea(J. Passage of the Colorado nlvcr BUl and leglslotton provld· lng for a va!rtly expanded high· way development program would mnkc thn first &er;.!llon

. . '

· Ptopane~Butane Gas WE CAN fiLL YOUR

150, 250, 500 or 1,000 GALLON TANK •

~·HARDWARE co.r . .

. We Give S & H Green Sta~ps fHOKE II P. 0. BOX A . CA!UUZOZO

• •

ll!:r,----~~t§er~?~Th~c~re~~~~th~r~ee~t~<!1~l~fi~u~l~datH~~~~O~e~n~e~t~fir~~~~--~~ ~~~Er

& 1 .. ·o-AN ASSOCIATI·ON soups. etc.); ~2 water . Strett Dailo.s, ; Mnry K. gasoline the wCiy n• judges aviation gat ••• ln soUd toods, and (3 watet pro. DoWnfng Tenn1s, Virden Mnnl· duced In th~ body u a l't!lUlt of toba. C#.nada· ~nuna Downing

I ..., metnbOUc. p~ b.-when J•-•·-b' .,. • · VltD.n 'riiE llD!EB.VISlOlf OF nm STATE ~Cl nEn.. tuel t~ am burned in l11e 4..-...n oro, -.l:!ltas, Hurbert body for energy such "tneta F. Cb!WtOlet Garuge, bollc water'' amOunts to ~&bout UobM, Mexico; Madelle

Smltb Cowen, 5'717 Avenue T, n pint a day. . Galvt!Ston. Texas; Evelyn Smith



.. •

• • •

On the food solltt. side, hu· Kdth, 2001 Avenue K, Lubtwek, mans gain v~rylng deyrees ana TelCU, and to all unknown heirs

~ .. ._._._.__.._ .......... ~ ............ .-........ .-.... ._ .. ~ ~ John n. ~In£ d~~. and to • all u_nknawn perwns claiming any Uen upon or rlt~ht, title or interest J.n or to the es.



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-·'LINCOLN •· :COUNTY· NEWS.:.~ •*•""'-·'·~JC't "'

' . . '

. . " .

. ' ,-;,r . ;

tate ()f snld decedent: G~GS: , N011CE IS HEtu:BY GIVEN

that WilHam E. Downing bas 1 .......... --u hla Flnal Bepart and .Ac·

count as Executor ot the Estate of John n. Downlng, deceased, togetl}er with hla petltlon pray. lng fM hls di~Jeharge; that the

Bryan ltendrlcks, P.to­Judg(! ot Lincoln

Mexico, · aet the

Room of the Court at Catrlzozo, Llnooln Courtty, New Mexlco~ aa tM -day. time and Place tot heirlng objectlo%15. if any there J>e, to ·the final ac·

' «>unt and tlial .at the satd time · the pr'(l•ba1te


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2 Contlnuout sbowi H19bUy

THURS., rJii.. June 9·10

Alan ~dd, Patricia' Medina


SAT. SUH., MOM., June 11·12·13

Gene Kelly, Van Jobnson


~., FilL. Jllne il: 11)

Walt f>lsney's · .


THVM .. l'l'IL, fuM 16·11

TliUltSw FJU .. June 16·17 Wm. Bendix, Art. Kennedy

1-'ronk l.ovcjoy, Kl•<•rc Drarmcllc -In-•

Mad At The World CRASH OUT

In yearai.ahead Taolta

•,, \ . " '' " '. ,'' ·: '.

' . ,.. ..

(with ltylintitJ~pi~ --b.ft,M ~inl}-Only Ford brluga you the )~bttuty of'XhtUl*

dethinl styling. 'Ulfllowrt tOOlllne,Jonget lxldy llno arxt Batter rear ~ock all uy .. ~ w:W .Arkt tfidde, the LUltU')' Lounge lnttrion fe.tu~ colort Gd fabdci ~~i £« ~BhttitMJn .. ~ ' . -

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·- In •rnooth•r .Q<llntl , _ . . _ __ _ __ _ __ _ . . b .._ "'

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(with An,u.POiatcf Ball.J<>im &uptrt,J~) ~ · · · No m•tter w~ Yoo zt'~ thk Jdv~ tom\ of i"on.rs

Dali'·Joiot Front ~>too ~ your w1y. nte: ·. have ~ tilted to~ . thb bumpt from .I

' . ' . ; ·," ', c -· . . '



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. .. ' ·.,;_,or w~"ki. lt•in · Homest~dmt1ttghtS -for Oil and Gas ·

New Mextco


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the mind



• Rtlabfe. 5ttpp1y ... ·

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• • WE S.I:LI: AND JNSi ALL -•


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__....L._O_P_G_E -s- sbQw Mortuary U.bou Ambul.cnK:v s.mc. l'!lOKE U

~LOIJGJ:tr•• Wm. 1. !lc'Velgb. Noble Grand

Uc.nry> Means. S~taey 1\tefllng Eaeb "tue!lday ~l&ht

C()Jttr Clt.llPtU ... it ..

011)0 UI1'Uif S1'.U

Meet on th~ Fint .'l'btulday in J!&di Month vwaa. stet Wy r.YHt4

Mta. teana Bt()wrl, W. lot . Mr& teanette Letnon, SectetarY

Patr~tfng of All Kinds BILL DEL 'MJUil

SPJIAT- lllt15K- Slmt'l sCENic •xcro11AU

lh~M 7l Canboao, N. Ma.


--· •n , ten T__,....,,,._.-s:!7WW::O''"'n·t· T

Sarg•s Drive-In COOD FOOD ALWAYS OD v. s. 54 South ~KewKab

. .

• • ..... _ *

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• ' < H • ' ' ·.•

• •

• . . . ..

WC'Iltl'rn In' Corona were FOR SALE nhopplng and vlnltlnc friends In -Lots 1 & 2 Block 1-1';1, l'nno Tul'nday, We"dncnday rN CORONA, NEW MEXICO und Thuroday of thin week. FACING ON HIGHWAY 54, Sec

Ttw Corona Women'Q Elden· or write Everctf VIckrey, 4123. ulon C'lub mC'mbl'ru will hold n cumberland Street, El Pat>o, joint meeting wllh Cnrrtwz.o and Tcxns. 6·10·1tp llondo·Extenolon Clubs at Cnrrl· ~..,......,......., __ ......, ....... _. __ _ zt•W Thurndny, June 111. 1'hc t' program will bC' on turnlture mnklng. e GAME· DEPT.

Mrtl Harry P. C'row took her

to ;AibuquNq«t> Tut'lldny whC'fl' ~------­th(•y C'au!fhl lhl' bun tor Lanr, f"M:61lllf1'Uf'l




S~nday • Monckiy Ju11e 12·13



"DRAGNET .. (Wqnilt'C4lor)



Tues., Wed., ·Thurs. Juu 14·15·11


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top related