i ^*^i^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/lewis... · i " 83 to 11 gravel...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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H GW I HP* Apptnvcd Stock F;>iw~!iia;c l-ubiii-iing Co.. Htlsna. Mouisiu—>I!*5L «3^^fcif I

• File jfco...... T-4GB.—Rs4SB.~? *..-- I

• DUPLICATE S a s t Helena Tes t Wel l # 2 . Uortih Cotmty..l«e.Kis..i?Clerk II STATS OF HONTAHA ,.., n n., -,. - ^ 5• ADM1OTSTEAT0R OP GEOUNBWATEE. CODE 1• • — - , Vm „, „„_„„ OFFICE OF STATE E B t a n d r - ^ 'u "u " j ', !! 1• Top or Ground n n ' ' i i •

I " (Bev. above sea level... £796 > Notice of Completion o f Gr6fiMflwlf&r~^ I• [— ) to 10* Qravel scuid clay-dry ArM-iror»ri•»•!«« Iw Meant nf Wot! I

I r LO toao Gravel aand day dry Appropriation by iVAe Ds ot wpu,, , r E R I• 20 t o 26 San&# Olay»dry (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 196iy '"" I• -- 25 to 30 Gravel with a little 1

I : £ t e UvSKf^SSttoB Wn-Jtttt.iLJtadMJl Address...<?.l^^..Mont^ „ I

• MJ^^^I, *> •> Dateof Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater...Ji3lar.-iSw...ia6S-— ^ •

• — 46 to 59 Gravel loose -water —* * •• 59 to 71 Sandy caly -dry Date wcll ^ ^ Dat3 compieted.....?^^/^- I• f 71 to 76 Gpavel -water Im j — ?6 to 80 G:?avel~SOEie Olayrype of well XSCilleii Equipment Vse&^*..$**-}-.k II _ Water {dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or •• 20 to 81 Gravel some Jbdt? armed) other) 1I — clay-hard aI Bl to 88 SraVGl clean Water Use: Domestic Q Municipals Other Q Irrigarton Q 1I water l e v e l 29» Industrial D Drainage Q Stock Q 1I " 83 to 11 Gravel - ^ a t e J ^ 1 1 ^ 8 I n t l i c a t e o n t h e diagram the character and thickness of the different 1• ~ y - PQ t strata aiet with, in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. •I RR 4-o Q** S i l t nfi gone Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- •I r^fivnl * bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. •

I 03 to 95 Gravel - o o 1 vm1» II - 95 to 100 Sandy s i l t • - - * » - J - ^ "™>"*™N» I• _ gravel c lay chunks very B«I* cum — i S SSI iES I• 8 0 f t 6 »«" (TMO 0P*« •R ; ~ 100 to 110 Gravel - very 6n lion© Kono I• _ hard - dry with clay chunka Hone no 13 no I• 110 to 113 Gravel, daod -water II "~ 113 to 114 Har&pan • p^ravel m• - very haftd I• 114 to 124 Sii.ty sand - clay niixod 1• "~ 124 to 131 travel water bearinlf- I 1• _ 1S1 to 132 Gravel 1I N Static Water Level for noa-flowing Well Kot ..tta.tftd. feet. I• - . ._; ! :.... .:....; ;.— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well— X&. I• ~ ----I—• ';— .!--...;—-I-— Pumping Water Level XiSHXQ. feet at CUMM). ga l pe r minute. •I 1 - X.: . i . . . : . . ' . . . : . . . . ! ._. ' , . . . . . • I• : I ' , ' . ' ; ; ; Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well ..Ii3UQ. _ „ •H ! w '• • • • '• ' i F. I• - ; ' : i : | How Tested none Length of T«58t ......HOniO I• : : • J i • Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of sbutofi, loca- I• \ _ ; . : : ; i tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any IH • : . ..: • I other similar pertinent information, including number of ; Im — I : '• '• — l ; ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) •I ~ HW...y4 Sec...a4 TlQ» R.3W.. I• _ Indicate location of well and m• place of use, if possible. Bach _ fl• — small square represents 10 acres. •B ~ •••• ' •

• » Show exact depth of bottom. •I 144 f e e t (see next page) rr"V,"-;-v" vV"7 m• Driller's. License Number •

I (over) 1I Driiier's Signature I• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder II in the county in which the well is located. II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. II

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Stato Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau cl mI Minos and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. 3 / 3 ^ ' - V I

'" 1

.... ' 132 to 134 «*? s«** aniims e«»t*. * * * •..*»«* •>*•*•. -i

154 t o 156 Soft t*aE&

126 to IS? E end ^ ^ ^ s * ^ 1

1^5 t e 144 Sandy c l ay - toy .. , ,

Isaac* depth o£ bottom 144 £©$U • "' , - " . : . • ,

- • ' • ' • \

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B J / .- •**t."P ** • A;ipmvcrt SiOiX Fcrra—State Publishes Co., Hclcm. Montana—419?3 '^j^fM 1

I Fil™.-3- T - 3 ^ -*-** — 1I DUPLICATE s a a t Baloaa Seat ISall #2 Horfcfc ^ ^ ^ ^ . . 4 . ^ ^ IB 8TATB0F B»HTA3iAii'M!:'.;L-» 1 V1#i|!a i n \ 2

I (Hev. above sea level 33931....) Notice of Completion cf Groundwater 1• 7 Appropriation by Mft&bAJEWii?IEERS 138 "fcO 134 Vfi3>y hard d r i l l i n g (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

• — CeaontacJ with & l i t t l e Trator I

I " i H to 137'ted MS* Oww*J&i*..atto*.H»Xw^^ II I Sw*S 142 «*«vei - wry

Drina-*rte*-&-i4ad^- - A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y ^ ^ a ^ ^ j• "Card - l i t t l e C l a y - Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groimdwater_. V l Q i S S I• ~ watAr dropping • j r ^ ^ w • - - •B _ lAtS^O 144 Sandy Clay - Date-weU started ... ••••:. Date Coapleted~.£AftjfiSfc _ — IV j day • » • • • • •»-•—r- I• Type of •wc lL .^ p ^ 3 ; 3 . o f t . BqTiipment Used-OftiA..4sill 1H - (dug, driven, bored or (Ctiurn, drill, rotury or J• drilled) other) 1• _ Water Use: Domestic • Mutdcipal Q Oilier • Irrigation Q 1• ~ Industrijil D Drainage Q Stock Q j

• _ "^8 Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different IB strata met with, in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rook or sand, e tc IH — Show depth at which water is eneoTintered, thickness and character of water- . I• __ bearm? strata and heipbt to •which -water rises in the well. J

B Sbtof Size and From To ...,___,,__ ^ IB » « w wdtwoi ff€^i iFcci) nxeomMmm IB B*«. c« lD , 55 j j ^ s r — 1• • « w «F««O (FMO . : I

B - 6* 6" Hone Hono Hone Ho t > Ho I

B __ * Stetic "Water Level for non-floving Well H o t te*%**l - .....feet. \ I

B - — ; : '; •• ': ; — Shut-in Pressure for Plowing Well ......HO. 1

• ----".—•: ; :...........—.. pumping Water Level aaafi feet at &&&& gal. per minute. I

1 : - .X.L..LJ :. !.__:.... • I• ; ! ; ; \ ! Discharge in gal per min. of flowing well -BQRO * - IB XV ;••" '•• ' ••' — — • ! i F. I

B - : : i i '; • How Tested ~no r» Length of TeBt ..|UUa» IB ; ; ' : \ ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, ccmeiitirg, packers, type of shutoff, loca- Imt - • " ' " : ' " : : • : tion of plftce of tise of groundwater if not at well, and any IB j • •— \ ;—I other similar pertinent information, including number of I

B ~ — '' " ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) I

H ~ m-Vi Sec.24- T.JLOHR..3S JH _ Indicate location of well and IH place of use, if possible. Bach 1fl — small square represents 10 acres. * I

I I I Show exact depth of bottom. t> C> J

I 144 tmt .r?...O..... 1B , DriUer's License Number 1

• .Oruler's Sigilatare ^ I

• This form to bo propared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder I

• in the county in which the well is located. 1

• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so trtate, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; "Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of j• Minns and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. «. I


*r\ • — — I• COUNTV OF ir.-n-S * CLARK V » -• " — - ^ / ^ - ^ /

< h«re«fcy c«r' . i ' , '. : V-t v.'««in lir '

str i i tncn! - - • - . ' --^ •••> r u j »jnc.e..on .

t h l 5 _ ^ . . • • - : • • • • ' . . (****— - •

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I _, ''.JpJ?. :c-£', oflftwriM^*"*

7 c«euty

I """" " —,• QW i Approved Slock Form—Slate Fnbiwrtng C o , Hdenn. Montana—«23«., «^^g>> s 1

I Kh N * _ ^ E C fc I v E f|\ T Lu R JL„.;.....r..l - ^ I

I DUPLICATE y\J ^U'c 1 0 1965 IS* County_..J^!M.AM?£fc. . .'. II - ^ j - STATE OF MONTAKA j• IIIUMD TH in fffl1ffIHl.HTP ftTOB OF GROUKDWATER CODE II . . T o p o f G r o o n d OFFICE OF STATE EHGISEBR 1

I ~ (Eiw. aboTO sea ieveL3aafi 6JL) Notice of Completion of Groundwater jI ~ Appropriation by Means of Weil II ~ DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 I• — Tan S o i l , r#ClC, t c m l ^ iTS (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) 1I & sandy c lay ^Tt* Well Ho. 2 I• _ Owner..JC^fc$...a£.-.£a&t-JLaleJia-JWdi^ I

I - ^ o T>ffler_.La3cne»i«4«ti» O o * - - ^ddre8s_Jiinnea?M)li8^..-Miittu- I

R — RttCk, b0Ulde ra , aa i»d D a t e o£ Notice of eppropriation of ground water...._ _ - I

• Date well 3tarted..|lap^2£-j- -19^5—- - I ) a t e C0Tn9l«tcd-..A^pil~-10y-l$6§- 1

I _ Type of welL._.DrilXedL Equipment usccL-Caiaaoda , 1• Rock , C l a y , San<5 8c (Dug, Driven, bored or drilled) (Chum drill, rotary or other) 1• ~ h a r d p a n Water TOSC: Domestic D Municipal £3 Stock • Irrigation Q IB - industrial Q Drainage Q Otber • 1• " Indicate on the diagram the cb wacter and thickness of the different strata 1• met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc Show Im — ts«rti#- oand afn-oUa n-? dcolh at wMch water i» eneownt«red, thickness and character of water-beuting > 1I — Clay 3 t r « a i c 8 0 1 strata and height to which the wtermes in the weU. I

H "steieot i Sbntm* ftSS io VBBr&UKVXOa 1M - IMSM WdKhl * • « ) W««> HUMWATOWCT |

• Hole olC»his m< imn l i ' 1I ~ o o o« Kin* *8K0D 0 30 "- ^ ^ <** • II - y %2raifil* JC«ateiit«d i n 56" hole) II _ 16* 3/8 0 58* II wan II „ 16" OD skalUlebe ste«l < II ahutt*r Wereenj 1 #3 58* 88* I

B — ** Static Water Level for noa-flowing well , 1

I - j : "" j i I -38M«ii .feet IB — ] i Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well II _ ! ; Pumping Water Level..^£JtA!! ~ feet I

• w • ' . . . • L_._- g a t—*^Q - -8R^ P e r ininute. 1I j ; Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well I

I ~ i ; How Tested..-. .!^TM]tWL.£B!P.. I

I I" ' } ' ! Length «f Tost.- ^ . . ^ Im — Ecmarlth: (Gravel packing, eementing, pack- I

• — Indicate location of well and • —-> • I

I - ^ ^ " S S S ! ^ ••^^•g^^i...w«..ni.i...»ith• _ acres. ...2S.....tila.«...iai,TlL<Jiei?...».8l!».JUft&». J

I „ .(Continue on reverse side) 1• USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state I• _ number of acres nnd location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- I

I _ tion)< J• L M M J Show exact depth of bottom. _^ I

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to> be filed by tha owner with the 7\^\^\?tr~~~$£n£u A I• County Qerk and Recorder In tie county in whfch the weU la located, tisiue copy to be DriUerwu^oeniie^luftilwr 1I rcUinjd by driller. (£7ft&MMi?n&80tQ Co* II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be •yaf^jlf^fiiW*yfcz" -......*,».. I• returned. DriKev's ^^XW^? c v » I

I " 3Wsr j

. _J

I s f . > / • • ' " ' : ^ — . : • * . = • • • . • - . • • • • . • • - . . • T . . ^ . . . . . , • , , , . . . - - , , . ^ , . . - . < . ^ — ^ , - r *

COliS^V OF LEW'S ft CLARK ^ s »

I ht.rc!>y tcrtify thai the wl«»*n h-

r r^T3rrwin^L»w ft**3 '" yPjjjf Ot

I* Ift^t*^^^ :" ? . I 'j [ ^ S ! ^ i t f ' - . > • . . • ' . "• ,••• . J ;,..; ..

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^HH d^awns^MP P F r E ' V f l D CcjT>ty..l«3filB'..&..<aaSJfe f-i fl

flfl| STATE OF MONTANA ,- DRILIER'S LOG J~ fl| ^ H ADMINISTRATOR C* CROUNDWATER COD. ' ' V - > - i d e a t e tr«> character, color, ;hick- 9

• MONTANA WATfR RESOURCES BOARD ^ ^ T yC H , T u : ^ = , : _,« s t r a t a , u c h a s « * , , d a y , d , •

• K NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER " '' !V>&*^> *«if. sandstone, etc s»,ow •

WM AfPMWMION BY MMNS OF ML g ^ o t t h L ^ w t 1H|H| • > D«velop*d after Jwroaty 1, 1962 •^^^^^ff •*•«= ___* , _ . .,r ^ HH|HH *^ tM l» f Ctt«p^*r 3357 Montana Setnten Laws, 1961, as anended) Top of Ground met, »iwre «a i*«i) . . t £ •|H|fl] tnfc form to ba prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed ««• T* •^ ^ ^ H ^ylthe mmwr wm th-> County Cte/k and Recorder in the county in CFWQ (F«tt> « •| ^ H w H * c h * » w e n li located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q.Q* 3.S' I i a AIAL,.. lMBBMi-«aJy- , •^H|B Hteete answer a51 quesfiotw. If rrot applicable, so slate, otherwise the ,, ..flW&fl^rijfflniWlHy HB ^ ^ B form may be returned^ QM gi V^rQ\ifA4J^§S(ji_^gfnstt fVinftj fl^ ^ B ' ' v ' - ^ 4wns«/ s?«a»il4t— -—— H^ H ,:. Owner .4c*B-I>»tia««to I For Admin^rator-rUs7~] | 3 W 2 & J ^ i e ^ i a 4 ^ « « ^ ^ m ^ •^ H •• • Address ! Fiie -?5./..1§'S<? \^^Jl^0rk^J^^Sm3ii3-mSl^-, •

• • , 1 J%JL_LJUI* -*. •| ^ H • __Maia,.ife»fesm.5SHm .'•..iuK>..»3,...li'33.- 2^^i»^sL^^4isM*U^Jd«M^—i. II{ H i • •• •• • •/ "' 4 - L-saafi ;—is tflj^R Date v.e1! ttartod ... J i l l * ^ . . 3 3 3 * GW1 ...U.S&. f1:.^., : l^^J£\-lmJW&zM2&lU^ B^ H completed Aay..4».iy?£..l j ^ Z ' J&I L^nMa-gUA»-BMldy gBKMJ»L.,i, •

| ^ R Type of well JOl ia* . - - 55131 -.Icfeteflft f ho3fl , , - - - . •^ ^ ^ ^ B C D n R . < W v e » . b o r e d o r d r i l l e d ) i . , , . } ,,., , ._ • _. --__,. - • - - - ..... ^ 1

H^BS Equrpmenr used .. GJmtti dj?Hl .„ \ • —•— •^ ^ ^ ^ H B (Qmrn drill, T0U17 or other) _»_____ _ _ _ _ _ ' -:- ^ H

HHB Water Use: Domestic 3d Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation Q "~ •

j^Be Industrial Q Draiftage Q Other Q* Garder./Lown Q H"~—*~ " " " — * 9 8

In^S * ' T : ..._L fln|HS USE: If uwd for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ' ~ flH^B »tate number of acres and locatfon or other data (i.e. Lot, Block •——- — — — — —~-< — H

IHj and Addition) . . w fl


^ H ^as jwg j " ^ T 0K0 =^ .E«roRATioNr:f=':===f-^x—' _ j ! •• •

fl^B I ; I 1 1 Static water level .$1F«JS!. ft.* """ | .,,,..,..f. ' ' fl^ ^ H i • Pumping water level .ft.* ^ Z I E Z - K X L ' . , . - , _. — fl| ^ H | \ - 4 at 30 .....gallon* per troturtc.i LMJ.,\,M,,,....[ , • fl-Hfll ' ! measured .4a0ninute». after pwrflpingF' \ j " «,—„_>__—__-.—_.___—._, fl

Hi ^ ' _J _ bes»n- X—I : flfl^fl] ; ; * Measured from ground levek, .,_. «,,,.„_._»«__»---_-_«._>__«-____-,_.__-.. flHH§ t ; Well deveteped by . M-OizVg | } ' ; "" "" flHHv \ •) f ° r 2 houvt. 1 ^^ «._»—.___.____, v || ^ ^ H j • Power Pump t Hfi flHBH ! I Remarks: 'Gravel paek<n©t cwrwm''ing, „___,...«._«». __. ,—_—_—._-.- .—___._,-»-»_ ^ |flflf "" ~* ! packers, type of «.hutorflf " *~ *"'""" — •— — HBVf ait * ZZ ..Zl : •^ H | V4 .»..% Sec.24. • ;. •.'. fl|flS T...10-. N R..5 ».< _ _ _ . , • • fl


| ^ f l . ' Driller's S igni tuy^, i, ^^jj^jgit^mm^'. fl

^ H filler'. Address .ijaO..VXj!tMlUr.ki«»...l»«fc ' -«- ^ -— •

| H •••fl^^^M«W».f9ML LICENSE NO 22* . . - 6 9 J i ! Show BXdrt d e p t h o f b o t t o m I


I * - 2S***L^ir-J •- •• : ' . -«*•-• • J ! ' i t Of WON I ANA " , . ' i<—^y*:'; f • •• ... . -- ,.•.... •-• . ' a x ' N ' * or- UEWIS i, cjM-h , ;-• . v: ' T 1 " " * .: "'.• . '•• • i ; ' ^ : C : ' " - ' - ••• " " ; - . 1 ;:". '" : ?! : ••' ::. . , •/ • •;: i+lt:-/.. i-H " .'- iK: r*.(r*y ^ ; : ' • ' ^,-' ^ - * ' *' i l ; i ' "' '•'. t r i "" • . . . • , : . . - . • /;"• >: - i : - : i ' . ! • •

E ' .«tri:'-.fcri'iv. ;-.S J-, . •' ^ - £'': - > ' or- . . ' • ' : ': . •:' ..; .•-• ;: •• • ' '..- "£"!"'$- ,:

I > P ; S ^ V ^ -: b« •••; , . :g . . ,, -- ^ p . . -I », & . ..*'.: A If / T *1 •••I.--' fvTOrfl. -^ "' V », V ':;g ^, " ' -. '~' 'if:',-': '

• f^,^.^^. . Rf*-<?rc!t i ) ^ f ' ' i i a n d . ' •" •".. ' * ;.'* '•-' ",. ; ',- • • • - • " • ' v ^

• : — -*- :, .-; .^CajufTty.R«c<MilBr • • - , > ? .' ,t;; .."• - : ;. -'- 'v:'-:- '

I •• m'*fcjfiG$r£&«y •• *' • '* "• ' •".• '• ••.,-':i;li|;-':

• f T ... \, O«P«r* - ' - .... ' ; 1^- i :

• : ' : . . i i ( . . > - ; • • ; ; < ' ; . ' • • • . - : • : • • : ; • : ' ' : ' . ' * ; •' ' ; • ^ ' . . ^ " : :

B • '.••• F',:;, i f f . : • •• . ."" ] • ' . • • • • i : • • ' : - . ] ''• ' ': ' ''\l'' ' -i


^H rt»—. roauwins co*»»«n /» I I


• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE* ,n d i c a t e t h s ^ ^ eohf ^dk- |

I MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ' .. , . . ^ . ' . w K . t f strata such as soil, clay, sand, I

I NOT1C?- OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER " " " ' " ' f * ? 1 ' »ha«a, tanchtone. etc Show 1I APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEU S i ^ S S ^ ^• Developed after Jenwry 1, 1962 Ian _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I• (Under Chapter 287 Montana Swtskw Lews, J961, as amended) Top of Ground reir.. »b<~e •«. i-en IH This form to be prepared by driller, and ihree copies to be filed *t~« T» I• by the ewnar witn the County Clerk and Recorder ir the county in i ff**° ff , .. 1R wh'ch the well is lootJed. '.ast copy to be retained by driller. __flL.._8. T t p n * 4 1 IH Ptease answer all questions. K not applicable, sc state, otherwise the _______- -_ -___- - - - - - - - - - - 1• form may be returned. S . - . J S ffwr*^* .d*Wff*l ——. I

I -»--?»^^-^o____^_q UH--«>*-*m Address ....«9ft^4iSd_S3C.C. '... Rte -SJzLZ.'.iZ. i -O - - *»~ —^**y »• ttWW»t !

• .B»l«tMU_»«lMa_ .W«a^ _£;:>.l-./o. .,8ft- • A - J — P t t . -.—-I j

I Date v-H steted _.»5r_S,^lSm C5W 1 . . , ' / ^ / ^ , ^ ! , I f S I ^ 2 ,_a»te.C-t_y._L^U fc gfa>J JI compietod •-my..Aui»m...J 1 jjfc—itt fli«Jt—.— j8 Type of *» l l &OXUA pfifiC-fll 31_s«_Qf««a IH ._ (Og|, Ciirm. iond or drilled) i _ _________«_—_———————_——--—-_—-—- I

• EqulpmeiSt used (Stnom Z t e l l l _ iH • (Oiom drlU. rauur or wim) .. _ _ _ _ _ , •• - j

I Water Use-.; Donwstic 3 Munldpul D Stodt Q Irr ation D r-—-| f ' " I• ! ' * " 1M Inchistrial Q Orelnage Q Other • * Garden/Lawn D * 1 I

I I * • ' " ** "• ~ *•"•"" . ' ••-..' III USifc If used for irrigation, induttrial, drainage or other. Explain, ——— J I• 1 state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Slock — - — •« __»-—-__---«--_--- .-•- .—--.—. i

• and Addition). I


H :. nMta. ^ J l # SSn (Mi -e»K»AnoN» r I _. U).L n T_. ] II f j : KIM Pna T« ,.__ ____J_____«_______________»_-_. • I

H 6 _u 1? I*, • 09 j

I w ~~ ' "'"~ _ '_ " '-."'.,_.-._. ___.___" '• I• I I ! ! Stalk water level ...Ml ....ft.*""" -"•"- II I i Pumping water le\^ ...4t —ft.*._._,_.__._,«,,_»_._._.__»_.-._.___»_,_._«. I• j Jt.\ at lft.... gallon* per minute. ~ IW ; ; meatured «n!nute» after pumping „_«_,_,_,__.«,._._._._.____,_._.,____._»_.«__, I• '; • b*si»n- Z Z ;! I• w j • " *Meaiured from ground level. _*._.«. - - . -_.—_ I• • | | Well developed by a_dU__f;.._. ~ ~ _ -__ . 4H i . . . J . . . . . . for .....Jt .noun. _ . - . — . . _ . - _ . _ , - . . . - _ _ . — . - _ , — — - L , _ — . _ — - . , IB i ! Power „ Pump -. HP 1I i ! Remark*: (Gravel packing, comenilng,._,_. J—_—. —.———-.-.-.———-._--_—-. I• ~ packer*, type of shutoff) __ . . I

I A%!.V* tf.&A Sec... . .. ""~ZZ~2ZI~ZJ 1• T /..<?..... N R. 3- E 1• ^ W I• INDJCAT6 LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. I• EACH SWkAa SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. IH A I* i I i x i ——.—.«._,_»_,_—.—.——_.—._—.——.——.——._« I• DrlUer't Signature ..iJ^.^^....\L^./l-X<f2^^ I• n A I ._—.— _.—. .._,—.—.—._—.—.—.—,—.——,—.___ I• // // / —.—.— .— -.—.——.—• —.__._ .• Driller's Address ...U.WB..Orlffto..M»....Bll0W^^.llt«ib«Wt I > l I• UCENSE NO....»» - A J O b u Snow exact depth of bottom I

I . J>VV/i/ I


»IAI*L of * »c^*5 * - . \tM " I :. ' ** la**?1*1", — "4 - •.' : ' ,:l..:-M.:,

^ . y y . * , » ' < i t o c K V ^ » - . . ^ ^ ^ . 1 " * " •"•'•' • • "•• - A - - •• •••• !

......./'«aeor<>t o r t r n j ^ J ^ M i -.;; • •-'•• ,. : . : ; ; % ^ / ' " : i

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• • > • . . ' . • ; ; •. \ .'. i . " '; - 1

\ j ; . '; : ' ; '

^ H ^ i G w t X M s r t i * * f ? p S*> ?? - „ , County...l««la.4.-CaM*. I

^ B STATE OF MONTANA """ ~" DRILLER'S LOG * M IHJ 1 ADMINISTRATOR OF GKOUNDWATER CO?« ir,j>,««. h» ^*-,r*»r ™ w 4 ^ ' IK ,C MONTANA WATER RI^IRCES BOAR, ' ^ - ^ ^ T i ^ . S I• NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUN&WATER grave!, -hats, sandst-**, etc Show •• V APPROPRIATION BY MEANS O? WELL '-S^^.^S^^ I^M • Dmlope . after January 1, 1962 •

^ B fllndt Chapter 237 Montw Searion I m , 1961, a» amended) Top of Ground (E>~»bo~« *» *«»> — - _ - I

^^H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be fi'ed >x~- To I^ H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county ~<n <Fw0 <Fw<) __________________________„_ I^ H which rtie well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. H j ^ _ flanftr Tfltt tt irfl I^ H Plea»t answer atl questions. H not appficable, so s»ate, otherwise the —>_--„____-__—-_____«.—-_—_-_- I^^^H form may be returned. « «l» C^A^^M o ^ i f c i H

^^H rcr Acmtnistrator r. use i •

H Addret* „.!»..jltlMLflrtllfiiiiL..*... Rte.iSi3.i(.0S^ --H--11 &MMI—tfl^n*.- . I

H _j*rttnaJ««i^--»wiw^ ^p*:A.4nfi9i.r?3.... ZA.Z£lZammmmxn<it*tmi -.- IH Date well started JfeS«lL.I»*.lSm.... GW 1 ..Q?:..S?C;..£,**?.* -JHL..-AS tolty « i y Ifcfttt, I

H completed flfcoA I t . 1S71 [ - « - --»- - tf«f P.Ty «•»* I

^ B Typed'well Drilled _ r!_JLLM MX . ItW —— I

^^M (Dos, «rtv«. borM or *iB«tf) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I^ B Eqoipmunt used €k_m D l l l l .__•.,.__•_, -%_ORlLJD-M-S ——_. I| ^ H fChntn ifffi, rrt«ry or other) _ _ _ ________________________________________ I

| H Water l|»e: Domestic^] Municipal Q Sttxk Q Irrigation Q — ••* I

^ H ndustriel Q Drainage D Cther Q* Garden/Lawn Q — — " - ' I

^ H USE: \f used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I I^ H st«je number of acrei end location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ——-.-._.—-.-.—--_.--«-----—--.——---.-—. •

^M an-J Addition). . _,_. I

^M ESTIMATED ANWAL WITHDRAWAL . , ._ L . ,,, 1L.UJt,..., -„,,, . „ , — I

^ 1 5 ? TSL ®® * ~* HBWWUHOWI i m n n -. ^^^^L.ZH I__H 1_ ~ '"*iS«l_ i* _____.«.>________-_-_«_-«_- IH tlxu, 1TWU 0 M '""" * * 9

^ H j j j ; j Static water leval Jti ft.* * "" "~*~" I^ H i j Pumping water level ......M. ft.* _.___»^. I^ H ......J . ; . . . . . . at Xt.. .gallons per minute. Ij ^ H ; ; • measured minute* after pumping,__.____. ,__»^.«_1_»_____-__»____^—_ I^ ^ K j > beg*n. «____ j I^ M w I j * 'Measured from ground level. __-—. — . I| B 1 j Well developed by ..AK-liU-g... - •^ H j . , . . . . J . for ......ft ....hours. -._._...-.«_-_-._.-_._»-.___._»-«.-.»»_.«_-_. I^ H | • uewer Pump „ HP •^ B « i Remark*: (Gravel packing, ccn>enting, m _ _ _ _ _ _ , _«»,«_«„_,„„_,_,._.«.«.„»___»___.«. I^ H % packeii, type of thutoff) — - . —-»-»»>—• g



H Driller's Signature . . . . y O _ < r * ' ^sZdbrW&fftSrri I

D j Driller's Address « f l QyiefJlV ttt. B-Ow-W HontWI> u 1 T I^K LICENSE NO W8 |ft frt» Show exact depth of bottom I

I SZf'/Z I

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^-^_^-_^_____^__^B__^^^^^^^^^f i_B_^^^^^^H^^^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^|^^^H ^ |

I JOUN1Y OF LEWIS & CLARR ^ . . . . . ^ , • • . • • • : - . . . ; . • ; , •-:j-..;v •:;•:;•:;;.:;.;:; • . ' ^ ^ S i ^ - H

I , h ,Dy certify th«t tM i-«Nn «»• ? . f ' ;| •":'," -^ ^ - •.,'. , ' ' - ' ' •- %;• • - \ ^ " t ^ i S ' K ' *

I ...I < = ^ _ £ D 3 GW 2 Revised 1965 ' ; i ':--... ; ' . v / ; : - ... C o u n t y . - — ^ . . : . £ - . . : — ; M—

• ,,, STATE OF,MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG 0 |• g ADMINKTRATOR OF, GR0UNDWAT1R CODE , - 7 / , n d k a t e ^ ch ^ t W c J?

• y MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD n e s s o f s t r a f a s u c h 8S d 8 y , s a n d f

I S NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER / * « * _ ! . shale, sandstone, etc. Show

I t APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL S ^ ^ ^ H s e T t i• Developed after January,J, 1962 'I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Uws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground ' ''tan_»aSre w lweQ

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed F*— T O . • i*'' .,• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ffwo <B»^ - ^ _j• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q * .__ * *t* ft V .S,Q*±L• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so stale, otherwise the I rt• form may be returned. ^ t *-.{>* <"»». f»j»»J^f3^M{ jJf t lsr

I Address fl.l.GL. r-tlftM- *- -^OMl 3UU . fc l / j -Af l i^^ I

I /^^SLW^^SJ^, l±i±.d.2ij;M, ?*. WL s : sssissiafe j• * Date well s1arted^\\tet3t-?.-V.-LCt-% CW 1 • • — I

I comPlered^nd^.y\ll%> - •• -— j

I Type of well .C-t l iAI^ ~ " ^ I• ; * ( ( D u g , d r i v e n , o o r e d o r d r i l l e d ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' • ' ' • ' : 1

I Equipment used ^MAXn.S>.i:.dl _ • —'4 IH . (CInirn drffl, rouiy or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' ;j' I

H Water Use: Domestic^] Municipal • Stock • Irrigation • ;— '^i I

• industrial • Drainage • Other • * Garden/LawnV) S0'Z—** 1

I 'Describe _ • r-jr — " ^ I• USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, •„ % „, ' "^-^ J ", I• state number of acres and location or other data* (i.e. Lot, Block ~" ~—--*•• '•—"~—»- rr—-— ^m II and Addition) ,. 1 _ — _, 1 } 1


I SfflM ^W«M SS?) (FM) 3-ERFORATIONS [ """"""" I• Holt «f CMtm U_ . —- ——— — — — . — — . — — — » — - : •• Kind From To .'• ' •' :;• . •• •' Sta (Feet) (F«t) '..' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ^ — ,• , •

I • °a w --r-i z n ai__i ( I• " ] j f" •»-•< j Static water level _?-2 ft.*j_ ••*. :_ I• j . .. ! Pumdng water level "i.^_w»_?...ft.* ,_ ._;_, . _ ; : I• -. -j \ at ...X-CJ^XI.-.—cjallons per minute, - •>, : II ! > measured minutes after pumping;____, ._._._.—.—._._._—._._.——._,_.«. II ; ! began. ; I• i ! *Measored from ground, level. _ _ _ . _____ ___.-.«__,__.«._»—._.__."_. II ; ! Well developed byb>X^_.li.^O.. - . •-. - . . •• 1 J for . .—3s hours. "\> . . §• • j | Power Pump HP , mI ^ 1 • i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _______ _._.___.__, ,._,-.----', ._ ;i II jj~" ! packers, type7 of shutoff) • ' '' - *~*~ • I

I «W»W.^ sec. i::::::::::::::::!:::::::::^^-1-"^----—-- i II T L??....G& R -1 «j s. : • ^ _ _ ZZI IT II . s > — ; — • • II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. — - — • II EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. ' I

;. M , , s,an..re ..o..'..h.^e,...&.o.»i^^o^ — — II ' • '••.'•• •f.-';.;! ;. .«v- . A *^\ flh\:___, - _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . - _ _ , _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . « _ _ _ _ , , •

I Driller-i Address ^9'-.6.T.....--tJ^Va.^-...n.^Jex.'. ^ -I • Ij ..BM-t^y^A^^ UCENS6 NO....Sf ^_0___ Show exact depth of bottom . I

I ' STATE OF MONTANA I . ./ • . " . V ^ ' <' r "-.r ?.": •• '6OUNTYOF LEWIS & "CLARK f S i

i . • ; ' • ; : ; • , ; - . •:" %• > •£;':;,• v ^ / J H

I . i h e r e b y c e r t i f y t h a t t h e within In- • ".. ' :.„. ,.,, ".••••'••.• ' ^ -:- • •' 3 ' '•'. q~'::•%•• : f l• -rtnmiyt W M filed JB-4W Offl^on ' • • /.' f;;- ..' , .'5- • ,.3 ' ••,;..' "•.>.>.';'.-;;:.s; v J^ ; •• : > ^ /rf? :"• A=y' Wjgj/iBf.'yyf, • • •• • '"' • ' • -••'"" •••••- '"••" ••• ,.-• . ; > • - ' . !:."•• v i . ^ - : ; , ; ' - . - •

I J^_-jo'«o?k-^iMi and nscirt- " • . ;" , ; f . • ••'' ' ',, .•' :-. • ,V •fs.'iff.- •I i f l on page ,„,, t>f obk - r—' / " • • ' . • - ' : .','• -•'"'•. f •', : ' • :'--&:''-:P 9• ' ^f -j. v>-a»ehrtfe a f ' L a W l s ^ i m d / ' : ''! .. . . ;• ' ;. ;. - r .,;•.•;';?;:,".:;•': •• i r-..A r j ^ ^ b ^ t i t a f /H MnriMy^ . .^^ . . ' .... '". ;:. ': .„ •'-'. ...;•.. •• ;]!,::.;;,.. •

I \*a?*?"<- -D^m- :' '•••.• ••••'•• ' '; ' : ' " • ; ' y%\ -'-'^-V'•'M

B <^^^»3 GW 2 Revised 1969 C6unty....l«ldiL.A..CQUM_L._ —^ ^ B STATE rUB-l-MlNC COf*FAMT I


• 3 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER «'"•'• sh l l«' •««M«-. « • ?«>"

• o APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF W E « ^ g | I . r n « , • -th ZZ "JZ?£.• ^ Developed after January 1, 1962 C u . ^ l ' r t , ! 1 ^

• (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, at amendsd) Top of Ground anCT. .tore s« ie»en

H This form to be prepared by driller, end three copies to be filed n w TO• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (F" t ) <Fw*>

• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Jj j j _ _lflMtf,l._ffIH_t'H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the . . •• form may be returned. __E 8__ _ _ f t » M _ - S M W b l

I Owner Mk*M**m j For Agministrat0,s J ^ J L . - < * » . « - * . - . _ _

I Address ...... 8»WT..mj*!WI..J«U File £30*81 —«- - - * - ~»«»JiWill

| ^j|a|MkjnriM^M AJltiLlViasij --M- -» - ZBfcJ-g-- —, I

• Date well started ....4»TiA..f*JMKnL. GW 1 ../.;.0.<L£>;.#u - - S - —®- - $ » • » *

1 completed ...JWJ«l_ 19TI Z f i L _ ^ l _ UlCMLfilagE. —

I Type of well I«l«*4 —M-- —*» Q»XiIUyH ; ' • . •" ( D O R , d r i T t n , h o r e d o r d r i l l e d ) _ _ _ _ _ • ..•-'••••"

I Equipment u?ed r.C!BW»..lttWl „ - - * - - - H - -JlKttt tottTKl— J^ B ' . ( C h a m d r i l l , r o t v y o t o t h e T ) _ _ > _ _ _ ' • " • • • •

• Water Use: Domestic B Municipal G Stock • Irrigation Q """" ~~"" * " *~" i

I Industrial • Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn • — —— _ - — . — —

H *Describe „.. „ „ ——-— —--— -•————*-—.-_.—._-—-—.———«.'• USE: If used for irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, •——-—• - — — ' \• state number of acres and location or other data <i.e. Lot, Block —— — — — —. i

• and Addition). „ \


l WU3 "^dS? JKS ~^a -ERTORAtlONSQ Hole of cabic — — — — — • — — — — — — — — — —• Kind Prom To

I «to. ITU.. . W . * "™ """ -

I - V = .____ •I I j I j I Static water level M... ft.*I ! ! Pumping water level ....60 ft.*______ _____,__«__«»___«.__»»__«_____I —*.J .---^.^. at ....Hw. gallons per minute.H. ! X 5 measured minutes after pumping . _ _ _ — _ — _ _ _ - , _ _ _ _• ! I ! . began. L I Z " 1 T• I ; ' M e a s u r e d f r o m g r o u n d l e v e l . __ _ _ _ _ _ iR I j W e l l d e v e l o p e d b y . . . A d l i - |• j . . . . . . J _ . . _ . . for H. hours. _ « . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - » _ _ _ — _ _ « _ _ _ — .• j j Power.. Pump HP ________________________________________I ! ' Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• ' packers, type of shutoff) VI ***$ ' / 1 I"I <rf£ $.U.v*££..v* sec«5:£. ; ; II T.../.& N R....*?. KI * W _1_Z Z " " '« INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. I& EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. I

I Driller's Signature ..Axfejb(> &£&&«£&&/.. • II ( I n + II Driller's Address ....V«*5.OS^|n^JM|».....B»l«B|lk« ..lfafft»iU(U . I 1 1 I

I LICENSE NO....I.W - a Show eX8Ct depth Of bottOm j

1 ^" 1

S -•••• - - -.-.,.• ..r^-^^m^^i^mfi^e^p^^M

I - >• 234099 :H!U- : •A"^\ : : :: ; "•'^••r' 1• "• . - ^ * t r t y % - r j -• .•••• • • ••::. . /• r - : . : § : ' ; ^ I

I - •!... • ; *****i^t v •;,•-.> ^ i S i i l i• • STATE OF MONTANA : » « - . ' ?. . "*' ^ ' •' "•'• ' ' .'": ' ' " '-X'- ' ''.So^Vi •'„ • •• • n O U N T T OF LEWIS & CLARK frS** . . ': ;- :, ., " . -1 :. :"• , V ;.. ''£r-\~y'£%*'•;:" 1

B i t»ret>y csrftfy t h a t t h * wtthln ln« • "' r . . . . • - . :/ • •.;•-,- .. ' v ^ ^ ^ : ' : ? ' . ! ; ^ : ^ flH rtrurnenLWas fBed in nai office o n - ' ,; . • ! • . , ' :,,. ' ., ,;" ,.,. . ' • -:---' ••• ;'-;. ,;-•.-^P-i-- 9• • t t i H i . / T n.ji nf Y^)jA~*^ - <- ' -,: > -w; -v".- . ;*. •,;; ^ > . ' ;-- 'Si:*;-V-.';::. " •• f.D. 19^ZS?_aUCL:i-<(tmfn. paat j . '.; >. - I'. '"' "^ - ;. • -[•••\.^-::^: I• / •"o'ctocK'.j£jft. and recor» •; . " .•' . • -5 ^".- ,';.. . ... ; ; ' . . . 'rj ;;;4l. •H nrf o n p f c ^ a ,( : n f ' - f i r t f ik ..,•.•••. . v ' ' '"w ' •-•;;; -•' ;./• ..-. _•,-. • ••;:.•. •.'iri:;:\'\w •• •

H • o t _ _ _ _ _ ^ f « ' c o r d 8 of Ue«rt» a i j ^ f . , ""* ,_* ..;. .*!"'. ' •" :•',;."• •- '••," '^;y-"k... -M• anr* c o j a J T stale c< MotojiB**r ';'•';' ;f.' ••« :-

; : " .•"• -: ; - • • • • ^ v ^ s ^ ••; •

I y^m^^Sf^^0^ ' " .;. : •.:;? s S P ^ lI 1 _ ^ f 1 & € > x k r x > X . • • -• : • • • • ; ' :" '•• •:-"/:.: i W : ^ % 5 " ? I

I . . ^ • : ; > • ' : ' !' •-• . •• . ; • •; • ; , • •••• •' = • ; ^ ' W : S | # |

H | GW 2 Approved Stock Fornv-Snoe Publishing Co, Bdeu, Moatnn—50551 i<j^j> 3 •

H Pile No _ T & _._-<i II • * " • • • - • • - . - fo /t> a 1 1• DUPLICATE ... Count3at- .X_X t £ . I• T O O STATE OF MONTANA I• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE I• - . — T o p rf Q r w n i d STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD I

• ~ (Eiw. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater II * # /? Appropriation by Means of Well I• - 0 jZ- /<f (Ur4**f Ar+V+< DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 IB . f^A (Under Chapter 23? Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) •

I L yf >* ^r M^" ^a.Ml,^ II - a^±\5t>d^<t~^i<Jll^^ IB ^ Date of Notice of appropriation of groimdwater..-j..:i...'_~..*.€!l__ _„_ 9

• O> >t- * ^ Jt****** Date well started..dt aTrAJt-—.Date eompleted^J^^^lA.*!. J

B — V, CLrjLAj^r— TyPe of weU...j£fe^$dfcs£iK. -Equipment usedxjgsfe^-JBsbfrCJfft... fl• i ^ » ? *^ "^^ (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) •H Water use: Domestic 8 Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation O I• — Industrial Q Drainage D Other Q I

• Indicate on the diagraia the character and thickness of the different strata . •H met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show I• — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing •• strata and height to which the water rises in the well. •

I - - % £ I S F " ^ ,£o FKRHm.mNs ,,J I• Hole ** Cmtat Ktaa FioM j To •

I - i i/v* * ** A~* \ I

• v Static Water Level for non-flowing well .'] •

B —• . ! • ^J^J^1-—-*eet. * •B j _l Shut-in Pressure for Plowing WelL, — M

I — DOC. Ito- ^I^JILI ; j Pumping Water Level #4 ..feet :•] I

B " Filed tef rword ^ . w j —L .-. E at 1A. gal. per minute. ] •B thls_65^_—d«y "* &QS' rs-i™J>*K J \ < Discharge in gal. per mia. of flowing well '; II A. D. 19 +\b , a t , / ; ft if j j _ „.„ ; •

• •— ocioclu^e_J«. j j " How Terted &<*£»«*. ] I• ' ' ' — — ! ' Length of Test...JJ^n?ft:»^— . i •^ 1 V '! ^BM Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- ; •

• " " ^ . ^ S ^ T < _ B crvtyncofslmtoff) . _ ... ! I

• indicate location of well and .^ItcduttX. ...Q.M—..L^J±.."M^. ; •• _ place of tue, if possible. Bach IP ^? VLT f> M \ L ^ Mm small square represent* 40 / { ^ l u '"-v *•**•<"«-• - •• acres. fl

H . „ r ...(Continue on reverse side) •

• USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state : B• — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.s Lot, Block and Addi- •• tion). •

I - si' ~"'Z. 'i:r: ::z::::i::i::::ni I• L M J Show exact depth of bottom, " •

• Thit form to U prepare by driller, and three copies to b« filed by the owner with the ' ' '"''7'r'Z''"' xr™'«w *" •I County Clerk and Recorder In the county in which the well is located, ti,.ue copy to be Dniler s License Number •• rttalned by driller. ^M9Uf J^* J f ^A flI Please answer all questions. U not applicable, no state, otherwise the form will be 4&t$m\^"f.2z~xS£3z&, •I returned. Drillers Signature. •

L •

I -, . ;, (SSSNTr^,. ...,- •.-• - .~^^w-lI 214161 ' f t y * 23T..-•• I

I ^ - -: :- ~4 ' I• STATE Of MOHTAM* J - - - I• BOUNTY OF LEWIS iCIARK IS- ^ - •I n«rrty c«ti»y that th. wtmin'm ? j . •

I =SsSpc££r ••:-; : : I• / -o'ctock- /?**• Jf ... -" •

I . , J * ^ 2 •?- ••••" : v . < • '. : . •' - \ l •'•:' ; " '<: •..;;:;; I

i - : i

1 ^^•^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^"•^^-^B^KW^B

H ~ gjf»>3GW:!Rtvi«dl9«> - -5 CcuRty...J«!il»..*..Gl«lSt--t I


B ~ ; NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ' 9 i*« i , shate. undswne, ac show I

I • v AWROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WH1 ' t&VS&ZL'SS3L ' •B :••- Developed after Jtrrory 1, 1962 I

I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, •* amended) Top of Ground , naCT. .bow se» lertn _ _ ^ _ _ I

B This form *o be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed FW» T» •'*"% I• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in *Fw<) (F***) "v I• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. SUOL.BJQ! T t r r ' JJ IWt t t tHl f rtii-T ' IH Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ff-i<-L IH form may be returned^ , ____. ffinfl* friW* gWl^^lT *^ftT .i ••....;'•,; 1

I Owner JV-».-«*C«^. | For Administrator's uTTl * ^ ^ S l * * ~ m * ^ * * m M * ^ I

I Address jy8054o__y»- - File A3J5Z7.. 3S_ttl-5k-Cl_a___.-->-r>Miwly grw-l — I

W •- il#_H--lb«U» d<Z?K..S-.C.,.-J..9..73 5klQJ Z Z Il-t*q-_._-_ol. _,r I

• Date well started A-fasl.l^..1922... GW 1 ..Mt*5T../P-.'.../2?..*.... 1

I • completed _agut.l3t..l$72..- — \ 1

I :. Type of well drilled _ '- ; 1^ B (Due. drtTtn, bond or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I

• Equipment used ..oh-t3&..dx_IL „ • IH (Cbura drtU, rouiy or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • I

I Water Use: Domestic [J Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation • —- I

• Industrial D Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn D ~* ~ ^ 1

H 'Describe __—__-____•.___—_-___——_-.___——_i I• USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ———— ——— --—---———-•-•—--—-----—---—--- v •• state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block *~ ""' I I

• ' and Addition) . • 1

• ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL , 1^^H ' Ittiffl Of H l - J _M_dl p | | ^ <••_ "' n»_« _«Ml _i | ^ H ^^_ B H B | _ a ^ ^ M a ^ ^ M H M M P ^ M B M ^ M M M j ^ f l

H ; DvflM We¥5!L (F***) (F* - ) PERFORATIONS ,' •• A« "lii« Prom T» •*"'- •• • • • y j j " f C S 1 S ^ O 1 ""• <FW!0 <Fw<) 1I [ ' lm 4 ; •• : p i p t ._, •.:.. .^ 1

• "J I j J i I Static water level _2->»9f ft.» [ "~. : """ II ; ! % j Pumping water level f t . * . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » _ _ _ - . — _ - . _ II ^ j -4--.-— at JO gallons per minute. IH * ! j measured minutes after pumping_______________________________ I• ! | ! began. _2 mI i j *AAeasured from ground level. _ _ _ . . _ « _ _ ____« .____- ._« .» .« ._«__ . -•• I• , | j Well developed by V a U l m - . •• ._. . - . j . .J for ...J hours. ____. >^__ __»___«.«.________>.. * •• j ; Power Pump..... HP _______________ ___-_____________,__->_____-_(_— MI ! ! Remarki: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ _,__, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » . _ I• n

! packers, type of shutoff) ——- •

I •• • m-.v*..«% sec..a4 . fl m• T...10 __ R.-3- . j . _ : •• ).. • & W ; II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. II , p EACH SMAU SQUARLfiEPRESENTS 40 ACRES. — I

I ' Drintr 'sSlgnatur^^y^.^lZ^^.^g^i^^a, . , r. I

I Driller'. Addres»aaO"0-.OMfc«rAf»» • fe* - "• ~^ ^ ^~ I

I *&n*,»o*uxm LICENSE N 0 . w —*U4H show «8Ct deP'h of bottom I

I ;

I ,«.^^safips;

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• s ^ k - 3 GW 2 Rcv«d I960 - 3 Co\^..!C.f^«.--0.jZ.'.'?S^-


• NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ***?• sha!e' *•"***«' f ° / ^• i APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ^it^ZZ^t^.• Developed after January 1, 1962

H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground asset. »bo»e m iwd)

H v This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed Vnm T»• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ( ™ n ****"• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. 0 (*P~ jT/l ?/& QfJf^YfcfaH Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _______ _——. i 'H form may be returned. «__« _ / t\fc .diffVi__. - . .i. .'

I /»#«2te^ ffllArH^^ssn ^^ j j^^^^a^ , ,I Address JBJL'^LJSJUL File *&£<%£ £Z j. ~ ~

• ^JLMEJ^IM^MA^I (Ljs^ma. &«^ 31 mi '• Date well started /^f..L/....ft^r GW 1 — — — - —

I completed O..CTj.l-lQ _J ZZ ZZ ', '

I Type of well £j5..Lh:.tsi.t[..6. f> — •^ 1 y^ (Dae dfltn. boted or drilled) ^ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ — _ _ _ — —

• Equipment used ...(*.&.B.h.£....£A£.L$ ~ :^ B (Ctan drfd. rotary or other) . _ _ _ _ _ r

H Water Use: Domestic \& Municipal • Stock • Irrigation Q —•-—' ——— - — — - — — * " " - ' * • • " *

H Industrial • Drainage D Other Q* Garden/Lawn 0 ^ ~ — — ——«-- •

I *Describe „ „ ' — - ^• USEi If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ——— — — 1• state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. tot, Block — — - • — — —-—--—"--—-- .——..——••.

I ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ^«^..<*?^?! ZIZ ..«.- .«. . ,..,.„^ D '" " ' " '' ' . ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' *\ assgs^sszssg^^asaag ____^_d _______ . „ . . ^_...J .

H miM wtWM <»*«o <r«««) reuwwAtioNs >• KM PPM U _______ ' • .

• / T L % "" ' 'I * % S o CO^^H j t j | £ rf| _ _ _ .. . .. .. „_. . . . - . . • . -— . . •. _.

• J»OLQ .

I ' w 'Sf'c ZZIZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ• I i I ; I Static water level •^•3Lr ft.*"""""" ~• I j Pumpina water level ....JTSl. ft.* ««._-»«.-.—»«-»_-.—H J 4 - «t ^..y. gallons per minute.'""I • ! meaiured«5fc.4?..minute» after pumping ._,„_,_, _.«.«.. .«„«_».«.-._-__-__-»«,-»-»—.I j '; began. «_____, •- -H w | j * 'Measured from grouvTlevel. _ ..^^ ... —.—_»-_«.. !

• | ; Well (feveteped by {fMihMM.. Z• i j for jR .hour*. mmi m «,-.«.—«. - . « . — — — .• j j Power Pump.... HPI ! i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ _ _ _ , . . . . . ^ . . ^ . m . , . . X

I . ' • packers, type of shutoff) "*" .._ _____ .. ...• latrr /*, • iW S e Sc.Af^/'/4 m'.V* Sec...^ .• T .f/«.N8 M..3L0I # wI INDICATF LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE.


f Driller's Signature ..CA..!..4&..?. ^...ffCd^trr. —

I Driller's Address £&2.£.M*.M.?M:. 1 J T~~ |

I tf.£.L£j(MA UCENSE UOJJPO SA Shi* exact depth of bottom

^ • . . .

I 230918 ^

I STATE OF MONT AHA. I _ . *0iM6* •*» -6 ~T4\

I • :OUNTY ofLEWIS & CLWW {** ;. +~2!!z i J J 7 \ . - . . - . • ^ ^ i ; . .-. .-;;.:; 'I nereny certify that the iwttNt* life " '.,- . ;-, • - ... .

I . t n iM-1 ,5 was fiTcd in n«r o f t t e * Ol) ',- . . .*" . :' ,-. |, . ; ; - ,-;• •,; ••;r:

I .-».££*-<*< ot*fMs><L—' - .:• ~; : ... .;•• x, . -,...i, 2 : . ?-r-^.:I \ D . i a ^ 5 3 - . a t O — n r t n . P « « • ..-- . , • ! " .... , . . . . L # ••. r c., . ;'.,;i ...;y . :-v r:-iv.

I . _ ^ o ' c t o c t t f j l w : snd r e c o t * .. " ^ -. •• - ; , - : *• ^ : ••. ••• • (? ••••;:• -;• •> • • * ; - •

• -rf on fjay.i.^-^ of Book n n«" B ' .'A> .% .,- " .•' " '''•<• •'.'-.-,- • - '

R « . _ . ^ J t s s w t o o f l - e K j t / S P ^ • ' " / ' • ' " • :• - '•"• '.;-•'- - : : ' • • ' ' -'" ' ^'•••'

I , "aarn Co*fl)T Stj*» ot Monffhf**^ ' . , - r ' • t"": ' " :X.. ,-J £ . -:. ',. lw:-,- ;

I : ^ ( P ? ^ ? ^ ^ r ? ^ ,;J < ,..-• .,;' r? .-•••• •-. •;-;.' < , ; i , ,

I ^ < ^ • - . . - • • •. , .• •'•' - ^ • • • - ; : •• , : . ; : , . : ; . : , : ] . r \

1 tt• • T '

^ - J ^ ~ — ~ ' • — - M

^M "^gSks GW 2 Rtrised !9W k" t ' , - , ^ D * County.....llHl«.A.5l«rtk.f. — •


H ' NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER a""*1' shsle- «•"**». • » Show •

• •£ APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WH1 ^tt^ZZI^Zt. IH «"> Developed after January 1, 1962 •H %{Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961. as amended) Top of Ground aa«T. .bo-.«. lertn I^ ^ ^ B w - * r — • • . . . — . - „ i, , . I | • •• ••- •• •• ^ ^ M

^ H This form to be preoared by driller, and three copies to be filed n™ To H^M by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in g** ) (Fe<*) H^ H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. ____. J L _ _QlK_A-2aWaU> I^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the __________ __________________________ I^^H form may be returned. _ __ _fi_AJ_M._BS_____-_—. —— •_!

^ 1 Owner..--- »JS*? . For Administrator's Use " ^ ' " :uUL JSU9 — •

I Add^tt^A.&X--.-l/-^- File <£$&2O.S. ~-»- -M-- -J--3-1 11

I ^ t?wf < -i_rf«« >. c .-- -> HI completed ,.JJ!B>».Jg^Jigg. j . -g - --86J; TM-tr flMimJteMal-..~-ZZ I

H Type of wetl ..._Drill»4 „ \ .. -i I^ H O>n«. driven, bored or drOM* I _____ - •^ H Equipment used i?WH».l)lrtll — •^ H (Cbofn drUt, rotary or otbtr) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - — - _ - — _ - - - - - - - - — ^ |

^ B Water Use: Oomestk ft Municipal Q Stock n Irrigation • • •

^m Industrial Q Drainage D Other Q* Garden/Lawn Q — ' "— •

_BHH V 1 % ^ ^ . ^ ^ ' L ^ M __ _^^_ ____ A^_ ___ti___fe H _i ___K____4__h _______________« ^ ^ ^ _ ^ K H * HMfc ^A^ H^^MMfe^B tflBM'flriMk__V s l ^ l _

^ ^ H uescficc ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..„ *..........„,.. ..... _—•——• _»*__••—___ *_ __ —_ _ _

^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ' I I^m state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block - .__- ._._————.——._.- ._.— •


H M M "wiSi1 anS) (P£«O TOtroRAiKiNs ^ ^ " 3 ~ " H • •••. •

• 6 1- XT » . 0 » "• — — .,— - 1

H I • I < | Static water level ....IT ft.* """"*. """•" •^K ! j Pumping water level ...10 **•* ._.______.«.— _«____——.-.«.«.— IWM J—- ^ at .....M. .gallons per minute, H^B j j * measured. minute* after pumping . _ _ _ _ _ _ « , _ , _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _ I__r ' ; began. __________ . .. .. •^m >y j • • 'Measured from ground level. _ «» «. -.—«._. __ I• j ! Well developed by Bftillag. [ ; HH - i J for A hours. ^ —— H^ 1 J j Power Pump HP HH ' ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _,__„, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IH ' ' packers, type of shutoff) . • . •

• ..$£JM #_&*- s-..AM :ii ;" '::iii:;::i:"" i:i::m z z zzz Z Z I Z Z I Z Z I I Z Z I


m . n _ A •I Driller's Signature ^A^jhtW ty*rlfxA%4tifrt->/. I• , Driller'* Address W a*_ma.J^ I -J- 1 • I

I ^v L1CEN*K NO 3kW M ^ e Show exact depth of bottom H

I n " S34ZC8; - • ^jSSTSS ,' ^ :O:J:?:il§|H , SI ATE OF MONTANA I , ^ • • I ' V * - - - - - . / 1/ i :' "' • • -• • •' - • - - -" • :''M?MM'-W&:.: - H• . JOUNTY O f LEWIS * CLARK | » *. "...;•;,!: ^ ^ ;; ^i ;-':

;',- .'':;'•• ^B:.':^^^i§t'r«

H • '• • h*r«D5' c« r t i^ tha t t f» twithw m> ' » • :--i'.':•! ' "? ' • • - ' • ' r '^- • .5 ' ; • • ; - . , - / 'V ;^ ; ' ' ^ - : : S - ; < S p | ^ f t : ; •H : f t n « m # h t w a s Oted in m y o f f l o * . o n , • •'''•"•'? " ' '•* " .••-' '"' • ••••'•--v^ •'::'i-t'~^--^--^u:: '^M• t w i L . ^ . , ^ * ' ii«^ erf ayfiUs^f ' •:• •> ; . • • . * • * . • • "• • ' • . '•:,^;.-^">-'-.-:v,;-;:i-^ «• A.0^19 f^. . . ;#! :&&tfat\. pMt • t j • ;..• -.ii . ^ _.._. *»;• ••;• - : : : . ^ - i ; . • ' • v n ^ l f S i ^ : •H : * . < 3 L ' b " i W o c 1 k " - y £ M / : : , ; : '•; - • • - • : ' » ^ i ' 1 ••'".. - S ' •?. ' '"* ^ - . ,'• •' ••••• .'v ' ":^.K'.:^':^S: ' ^ |• . . — — „ . jafcdrd* of i«W»»-* C t M T . " •••!-r-'i • .•„-• \,r.i -.«r a"; -.• "•' : :- '• ''•:::i~-^M^- HI . D9U«5^>yw.<rf,Mont8nii.'BK#** i'*^ ,- * '••'' •:..:-% %. ^ " • •• . 'r \:-^'• ••••••rM:'^. r H

• • V r ^ J f l ^ Y i / f " - ' >^-/AVlrit^-t —~JL*<---> ),":~::-:'~> - *!: '.; •. r-:; . • :-. ; l i:- ••v::-^.^f'!l^; •• • • - C o u n t y R i c c y i w .. . • • : - '•• •;:y^- ' . , :_: < r f i -' • - . ; . - ' i ^ :• ..•; : i : •;-•••'• : f t " f i : * # ^ ^ 1

I • • : *?&?JAUA:^gx6^—* • >v-.....te, - ) % . - r •-• : f . ; ; ; ^ P S ^ - «

] • • ." ' .-. s ;; •-' : - v « : : : : ••• [ : \ : u M


^ B CT Aprrcvcd Stock Form-Stait I'uUlishir.B Co.. Hcltaa., McmaTia—41921 ; «*. *>*~j £•";. fl

• Pile No T /&J.S. .- J 1

• DUPLICATE County ^T...^:. .L^Z :... •

B STATE OF MONTANA II ADBUNISTEATOB OF GEOirNDWATEB, CODE f 0 ''-^^ •• OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER •• — . :- . _ -i--I.:::.".-. •• Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights IH (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) •

I \.^jLjl/iA-a.djLJ*~ , of //.J^jied^^ /J*A<x..«-... IH ( I (Namepf ^propriator) (Address) (Town) •I County of O C ^ . . ^ , . State of .Vx%»<3yO^*-~ •• have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effort prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: B

H ^ ^ I i i ! | i j ; I 2. The beneficial -ase on which the claim is based./&i4$m4XC*.}..&«£fC •I ^ ^ -—: 1—i •;•—-! I — .^...~A*i**«**&aXii*&eit*~.. •

• —', ; : ! !—I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- MH '• : ! '• • ; ous the use has been £ S M £ ^ . , ../.-(*'.-&..& m

I • i ; i ' l 11 • - ^ = ^ = = = IH . j ! : ; < 4. The amount of grotmd-water claimed (in miner's inches or gallons flH ."K.1;....: .; • < : — per minute) ss^-OT..«*«»« •

H ; 1 :. ; | I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof •I , >^*-Jfrd4a«^ &*^..^.C**K^~^l*+l. M

• ^'^iate^V^P^''C " " .A^^XU^^^ •I s ^ w ^ S S ^ o S S 6. The means of withdrawing such ater from the ground and the loca- . j I• tion of each well or other means of-withdrawal ^..CX*6<-MMM6 •

I ZIIZZZZZIZZ2IZZIZZ"~ZZZZ1.IZZ II 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the •well, wells, or other works for with- •• drawal of groundwater f?rrarz^ferr..-y/^»g>"O.» <—v*&^, « • fl

• 8. The depth of water table rf..£$......tf&£T.. •

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each, well or the general specifications of any other IB works for the withdrawal of groundwater ./2. ••;•- xr—yf vv >*"" fl

I ==EEE=EEEEE=EEEEEEEEEEi i IH 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year *r?!Z0r......*/L&Gt*irs&. I

fl 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available fv&tZ&l... .<2*%/i»il<C**&!&m... H

I ~ Jfl 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including < •I reference to book and page of any county record - - — I• .3w»*-*—- fl

I Signature of Owiior.^k^r^jjZ^lfZy^^ ; fl

fl ' Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. H

B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. H

I Original to the County Clerk and Bccorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of HI Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. - ^ ^ . J L A ? |


I : m • • ' . • • .••, •-.-•• •-. ^®:SS^^:;1I •: /r^^f .,;• .••;-.-•.. .: • . • ; ; ^ s : y ^ & : : 1

I ' ^^r^i.,'' ; " : ^ " : v - "••• • • • . • . . ] "llf||JI • ' htriiby cert i fy !>,•>• .• ' ' '• . • ""• ' : •-•• ' : U.'--:- '.'"'"• ••-,•-'•' . •

I *? - ^ ^ ^ t ' w . ••••.;. M-!!-:^i m• , 8>—. « 2 . J 2 ^ S ^ - V •••'•;y-;^1->;.«

• ^ f ^ ^Ao^ "6* ^* C p £ * * CountyI«»*i«l. ,.XaaJCk _... 9


• 4 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GIKHINrf^tBR/^r^V.,PF ^r^ifflf*1' shale' sa"dstone' •»«• show 1I 'I AWROPRiAI N BY MEANS OF Wai ^ H & t ^ :£!_"?,£ I• ^ Developed »fter January 1, 1962 •

• (frnder Chapter 237 Mom«n» SenlOn Uws, T961,. « .mended) Top of Ground m ~ .,--,.-. »-^ 3815 I^ ^ H r i , . i * ' " " ' " . ' " ' — — ' ' ' " t i - • I , • i _. i • • ^ H

H Tfiis form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed FK» TO •• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <Fw<> ***** •• -which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. «fitP* Ir-SL -tPP-JCEU •• Please answer all questions. |f not applicable, so state, otherwise the • • , _ • I• form may be returned; ^ Q I ^ . 0 i Sftftfry -jpjfty gtfrw^ -^fr* •

• owner JEmnCi8..«htta ^p£7=3£i5]£n J^Q ! d-S^gffi***- -• II Address-BcaU26 _ R!e 6Z3*I.}2S].. -iS-ft 33-fll .-^Lt3L.olAyny mwi ;_. 1

B ..aa li-Balaffli iiontaaaL /3pal.££i1../.2a2. -B-ft !flufl I IEat-ga^U»»a>«.^aa«t~.. I

• Date well started .fiprSX-5,-19?3 QW \ ..J:M0.M^9.?^ |Jfc*flL ttnfetrm r>f lml» =-.. I

B completed Jkp«U-.8r.J.97^ -I — M

H Type of well QVilXad - "— IH (Dog. driven, bored or drilled) . _ _ _ _ _ . •

H Equipment used ObttttB.clrDX —*• • — — — — I^ 1 (Cbora dHn, roury or other) _ « _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • H

• Water Use: Domestic E Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation D " "~~""' ' *""" 9

• Industrial Q Drainage D O*her Q* Garden/Lawn D *~" •

9 ^Describe „ , _ -•__.-._.—.—,.._.--»»_»—_.—.«—.——_— —.—-.——4 H

H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, T"~~1 I• state number of acres and location or other data (i-e. Lot, Block " — — - — . — - . —— •

• and Addition) . . ' I

I ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL . , ; .,„, IJg ^^^=^r*~~~rrrx_^^_^rr~~ = . '• - — — V • ^H• V&S* ^ 5 ? $ 3 ) <&) PERFORATIONS __-_-------_—_--___-—-- HB 1M» ef CariM • — — .——«- — . — — _ — . — . - . — . — . _ . — H• KIM From To •H She <Pcd) ifttf) ' •

• 6 5/«« 6« 1,5' 74.0« • •

I — — . II "X. Sv II -~^—~ ' - —El - & I• j j T j I Static water level i|3,5 ft.* i \; SH ! ] Pumping water level ft.*_______________________________ : > IH . . . . . . j „—4 at 22 gallons per minute, •I ^ ! ; measured minutes after pumping.^ — _____.________ — — „ ._ ._ , ._ ,_ ._ I• .. ! | ! began. p ^ . _I ! i *Measured from ground level. __<.___ _ _ „ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . . IH j j Well developed by b a i l i n g -. _H j -'-_._„ or .4t hours. _« ._ . . ____«»______ - . _—.__«___ - . . ^_^H ! ; Power Pump HP 1 HI ! ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cement ing,___________________________ flH ' " packers, type of shutoff) ________»_._______________ - I• _ i •• ...*..% ...JMM Sec , .^ , _• so w.. N R * * m• & W •• INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. > '- I• EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 4<k ACRES. 1 •• Driller's S ignatur fc^fc«_Ow** !^ '£<-^^^ I

I Driller's Address ....^.C..Cw«*f»r..ATO.,..¥»it "X. T " ( ^ H

I H»l*aa,.._faBtona..596ca LICENSE NO 225 7<MO» show exact d e P t h of boMom I

" — I

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^M c ^ , 3 G W 2 Revised 1989 ^ ; . ^ ,_^ ^ - , - , - -_ -_ , -*~ CovntytftZ^Kt)..*..£££*??&. I

H STATE OF MONTANA * * DRILLER'S LOG « o |• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATiR CODE Indicate the character, color, 4 idc -8 MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD n e s s _, s t r a t a s u c h „ ^ d , V f s a n d #

• V» NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ^ & shale sandstone, etc. Show_K '-'•* A ».-»-.*«-.>>• A-MSH-I nu • . . . . » i-m i-r-i • depth at which water is found and

• ^ APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ^ to which water rises |n WB,L• *:; Developed after January 1, 1962H : , (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, a* amended) Top of Ground (EI~. rtow te* level) _

^m This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed *««*> Tjj» ;H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in _ _ •'"'•^ B which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ ^ t£ 3 ^ ^ 7 * 1 _ Z _ ^ A A A J ^ . _. -'^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _____ _____ ^• form may be returned .-4_-_ -%?_! P.^rAsS^&.jfe&dJZJL., i I

I Ownerlto . M.M^M^p^^^^ Use I ^ ^ M^U^Ll —• Address &kJ& - Rle^3<£r.0..7. S I 3t2L - ^ 4 = — — ~

• &r.^^./^^^...^M4r. //jLf.^.../S.73. ^H Z&I IBB^jL^kAfa^^JZ:• Date well started ^JuLlf.M.lll7X... GW 1 M.S*£..J2MJJA... 2&~ •&&- ~$b&J&LA-6&&4>.

• completed £hg>psX..A.J3!lAn — •

• Type of well ...jQ/^Mi.f^.^ H (Dag, driven, bored or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

H Equipment used &h&&tf.^ H {Churn drill, rotas; or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _——_—_—-____•_____—••____—_____—-—_———

B Water Use: Domestic ^ Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation • — — """""""I

H Industrial • Drainage Q Other O* Garden/Lawn J[Sk ~ *" "* — — — — — |

H 3• *Describe — |H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, -—-—-•—---— *H state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — — ——— -•——._. — — . — » — . — . — — k

H and Addition) k... .__«__._,_»_»..----- ._.___._.————.— *


^m Stan of Sh» and Pnm T» _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ „ _ 'H Drill-1 WdtM (Ferl) (F««() PERFORATIONS• Hot* of C_rtntH ,. KM From To »___--________-—-______——-

• 6?" /7- fe 0 7 ? ste <Fe€0 lFt-) ZZ —I \DP^ ZIZ

^ ^ B -_M-__>a_>- •_.->_>--»_« «-«• MM* «--» M_-r-mM * - * _» •-->«~» • * • «Mft «-»«*_•_•_•«•-««-»-

• , J* , Od .• \ I j I Static water level ^...L ft.*H ! I Pumping water level J.v. f t .* ,___,_____,__.____.______»_..„,___H j ^ at $?..Q gallons per minute.H ; j measured .-wQminutes after p u m p i n f l . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ —

• w i : _ be0Bn- -->^—~- -»-—• ; I X *Mea»ured from ground level. _ _ _ . . _ _ _ i _ _ . — _ _ . _ _ — — — . _ . _ « — - . <• j j Well developed by .J£)AJLM^. '_ ' 'B j J... for JS. hours. f . _ , _ _ _ _ — _ — _ — — . — . — — .• '; j Power..£jU,Ce..... Pump iW?:.... HP |Z »_| ! J Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ ____. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ « . — — _ _ _ « . . _ _ . — _H l__—-—--_______—-_____ packers, type of ihutoff) _____.________-______«»«_-_________«_

I M..>U5..£V< sez..<3.l ::I:::I::::::IIIZ"II:""ZZ• T J..0 ®R...c5. E

I INDICATE LOCATION OF V/ELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE.• EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES.• IP "T^ ' n ——.—- ——————I Driller's Signature ......sAt. «hte***t. !-h^r^i^^. • —

I Driller's Address &r^^-r~*^ j/hrm^h*" Z- 1 1 _- I

I LICENSE NO JJP. - ^ Show exact depth of boHam I

I S3, rig I

——— J

r ..I ,-. 33450? j ^ ^ j t r j • ,,-.-^ii1 OONTY or UvviS & CIA*K 1 S. v :: -'i !

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• < ^ J G W 2 Raised 1%9 £"-,-— ^ __ - - - CountyJZZZ. ?....- -T-tXT.


• W MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such as so?!, day, sand,

• ir? NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUND^/AtER ? : : & **&&> sha1*' iS8ndstone ' f c Show

• g APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WElf ' - < ™ g j ; * * & ^ J -• •*•* Developed after January 1, 1962• (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (B~. above sea kren

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed vnm To• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in " ~ ) <F*") ., .,• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ 0 _> ttff-*****; f Jg****^• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ' V~\• form may to returned; _£ -q <% cpt^«*X.-f~ C4xS

• o**mJ&u*^&**«b"Vi , A, . . r-r^ 1 -4SL Jt£L. :^JJ6^^±£±^L• uwra^oc «zz. « for Administrator s Use v'

I Address 1^LM.4.±^. File .&333S3. ^ ^ IZI i^SL

I J^ft^BL fydtfjim ZO-£gZ->~zLlz&£L H :I Date well started JfU^k GW 1 , & M Izl ^ -J&ZZL —^ |

I completed .S^/l..l^\ ] | • I

I Type of well ^ ^ . 4 ^ ^ . . __ IH ZZ ^ |H /y A> (Dog. dri«B, bored or drilled) _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ^ '• j

• Equipment used )r^^^^7.. ——; IH (Omrn drm, rotiiy or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' • " ;;-H Water Use: Domestic/Qs Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation D "——'————\

• Industrial Q Drainage D Other D* Garden/Lawn p ^ — —— \

H *De»cribe „ — - - ———.~—————~———————————-;

• USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I• state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — . « - — — — - _ — . — —

• and Addition) _ _ « . _ — . _ . — ' i

I tpWjcJl^' — \• ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL l..J..<....'??Z... . . ; \

I ; M ^«g {sa 1 (&) ~ rE iTATONs Z Z I I H - . -:\H , . . ^ Ktata Pro* I To

\ V"%- p -.

I W „ €> _ _ _ . ««,_, _ . _ — > _ _ - . _ _ - . - . _ — . — - . _ .• , I j I Static water level fZ....(.. ft.* _____ . -__w_____-_--____--_____.• ! j Pumping water level ,~J2JL ft.* _ „• j J at .^3..?.._...gallons per minute.I ' ! measured ,.. !..minutei after pumping.___ _ _ _ . ._„,_«.«.______»»_____ • | ! began.• ! ; * Measured from ground level., , _ _ «_ _• \ \ % Weil developed by ..^. .<?.^^k. •- ,• j j for ....&&.. hours, i^, ; _«.._.• j j Power.£rf.<C.'.... Pump...V....:*'.... HP| .„_I ! ' Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _« ._____^_«__ — _« ,_„_H ' packers, type of *hutoff) _________________________________

I 72.C.14 vi sec..^..^... ;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;";;;";"";"" -• T ia N R 3. i „• s wI INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE.• EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. _

I Driller's Signature .{J^.r^*^^. .cEr^^f^T• /0 / *[+ j . _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ , . .___________»__i__.^____

I Driller's Address Q^^r^-I^ry ty^T^Z*??*' I -I- 1

I LICENSE NO 3 <^ So Show exact depth of bottom

I —

:I 233953I - ' ' • ' . • • • . • y1% ..

• ' STATt OF MONTANA I ' ..%•••!"*§ i/7 """ ' • '. ' "" .-; ''• A'-: Z ':-^i?~ i• COUNT* Of LEWIS & CLARK \ ** - J & A •; . r • . ..h, •.-. . , ,• .-, </ •...» . r. . . . . . . •••• ..••; : . . ; • . •• V ^ ^ - i ? ;

B t hereby eerttty thai the within h* . •••'• • • ••• . • rr--^itiir i• rtrumwl w s » ffle<J in^my flffto* oa • .. ,' .! i• t h t » _ 2 S L day o T f r y g * ^ „. , •. •. • •. ... :;: •..;•• ,• •:.;.^..;:.• V 0 U « j 2 a i . a t i « 5 S f - J n l n . ! : P » « t . : ' • • • . ' • • • . , . . ' . • . ^ N i : -• • _ ^ _ _ o I c t 6 c k i 3 < i M v 8 ' « l i r « ^ p » - • ' ' , . • " • • •;'.. . :••• . ' -.•"•• ^ r t : 4 > :H * d o n p u t . - ^.;pf . B o o K , . ^ r ,, . , ' . -h ;;•. - •: • • ••;., '; '^::-} :

I ' • / - " • ' S j ' ;": County RwWgJ' '"^ ' • "' " ';.. - .' '?[ ... ?" • '^. '•'•'••• ••:••?%;'/ ''

I' : C ^ ;^v,^>;- " .y • ' '• ' •:-• •; ... r • • ' " • • y ; 5 ^ 3 r :• . ~)O*> •-- -;. '• , ^ ' ' ' : • , : • '• ' ..' •. y-^vjMi ' ' •. !^K '" t f * j -: ' • ' • •• ''•"' • i f 1 1 ' ' . . ; : ' 1 ' " •

B ' ••••• ' :• ' ' '. ' ', • '• • ' • • ^ p ' l - ' i ;

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I : : ^ ... • • , : ' • . i '• •'] ; : : '.'. \ \ ; ' "H^f \

^ ^ ^ B STftTt N I U I H t M S COMPANY j

H SYATE OF MOOT ANA := • " 9 " DRILLER'S LOG Q H• ADMINISTRATOR OF ©ROUNDWATER CODE Indicate the character, color, t C k - 1

• - MONTANA WATER RESOURCES - j y . y P A E T - - r i T OF WATr. L n e M rf s t r a t a s u c h „ ^ d a y t ^

• N O T I C E O F C O M P L E T I O N O F G R O U N D W A T E R D C i E h V gravel, shale, sandstone, etc. Show

H APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL w hr te which water rises in ^H Dwtoped after Janaary 1, 1962

^M (Under Chapter 237 Montana Sesriow laws, 1961. a* amended) Top of Ground OCT. «bo*t «c» fcnp

^ B This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed rnm TO• • by the owner with the County Cletk and Recorder in the county in g t * ° ffM" ,-______-—————^m which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ J _ . . . . JL__ RW?Y t f lB - a i l| H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _ • *ftBH form may be returned; .__ _JL__£L~ TtffUTTlt ,gf%Tfil.i .. , ~ - : -

• Owner -^..^V^...^^^....^ Administrator>s Use I j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t , grral 1^

H Address -|fr-"ft*..&u*..B*A«HL File ^ 3 3 ^ 3 ) h-5 3 - -S0-" 3»A-»t<K ~

I - --4B* -K^*»»r-4featM». &f£iLL*..&23. -•**» -48 fllf »•* =• ~ —

H Date well started 4?*b.--*r-WW- GW 1 .J;J.S:.^..o.n.. —«• 9 * - 8»%dH»t»» •

H completed ?«W -S8r 197« - 7 * - >4?4 {lay-. -—-—-—• "

H Type of well -.-.-Sri3rl«)4 - -3§-.~3* lhi»d f i t — - — - .^ H (Dog, driven, bored or drilled) ______ • ______________«»- -——-__•__ - - - -« - - - - - .

H Equipment used Churn-dri l l —* • ftAw> -—•—-—»—•—«—>-;^ H (Orarn <WU, rcrtury or other) . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ , '.

^ B Water Use: Domestic (£| Municipal D Stock D Irrigation • — — — . - " — - — — - « - — - —--'

^ 1 Industrial Q Drainage Q Other • * Garden/Lawn £] "*" -"*""*———-—'~—'"^

H '•Describe — .-—••.•—^

IH USE: If used for irrigatian, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, *""^m state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block j — — ———; - — — — . - « . — — — — — . - > — '

H and Addition) „ . _ , _«——-.«_»«_-» -


I W I _%S. <%r) <*• naiFoiiAnox* . ._ • Kt«4 Frata T« ___________ •

• 6 1? Iks 0 77 j ,—»

H ' « " ZZZ._» _«__»_«.«».««—H J j J > I Static water level SO .ft.* "" ""***""""*""".""""""*" • ;

^ B ; I Pumping water level S4 f t . * . _ _ _ „ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ « . — » . « _ _ . _ » . —H | J 4 at ^ o gallons per minute.__V ' J '• .•'••i.jvj'cd . ...minutes after pumping„ „______. . « _ „ _ „ . _ _ _ - . _ - _ ^ _ « . _ — .H { j { I began,g | f, ; ; * *Meavured from ground level. ___. _ _ _ _. . . -H - . - . ^ . . . .—. - -—.H • ! Well developed by B_ilia« "" "*^5 ] j for 2 —riourt. ___..—_— — — _ _ _ - » - . — — . — - ~ _ — -^ B '; • Power Pump HPH j • Reinarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _— —_«^__._»_»_«,_,_,_^M ---X__-------~-_ packers, type of »hutoff) . . . .

• MG.Sk.* J/.£..VA sec.ji.y. 1Z"Z1ZZIZZZIZ""Z |H T . . . ^ . @R....*2. . E —_«__,_,_»_,_,_



• Driller's Signature .\«Jw....}±i?X*&W^.-

H Driller's Address .-S35-«rl«i»-»a, liel«na,fcoatajav ' ' •• LICENSE NO 7 » Show exact depth of bottom


I ' ' ' ' j / 5-—•§ - •• I

. - : • • • : • ; : • , '

& SIATC OF MCM*lAftA f• COUNTY OF LEWS * CUM* >*• •' ;I I tmmtn Mffliy On* -tNi ««Mft to !I '; «rumjwt .WM <*? « t a r M M • , •- • V . ••

I • ^.MJ&LJu&SLjijtok. ptm • -• ' • - .' •••,• ' f •'<MK*J£1M ' . , , ...• ' — J » « o r i «if l«M«. AOhp . ' . ' " \ " ••-.

I ' ; ; - : s w ( , - : ''•• ' ; ; " : ' - • ; ' r -: "•".• : • • 'r • .

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1 , • - ' . • . • • •

i V- : ' ' ', : :


t •

ft^^_te._ . - .- . . . . . . . . . i

^ B GW Approved Stoci FPT-T-W-Sutr Pobtt-hirrp Cv>.. Hc!cn». Mcatan»—C23* «^^B><« ! '";'• I

• File No T1Q 3 R 3 I l I


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater RiyiiWiAN 7 t964 I• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lavs, 1961) .... I• • '• «i r A i -, ._ \* i , s- I

• l Cl-ty. .at. E*at Cialaiia , of Ea«t l*ilena — I• (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Ttmuj II County of. TdP*** -fimfi (H4H*T State of.. HQUtCUOsX - IH hare appropriated gronadwater aeoording to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

Wk j i i ! j j • | j 2. The beneficial use on -which the claim is bssed-.-lfeaiicllKli. I

I --! [-] ;--; [- *-^ - - -H j ^ j j ; , ^ ^ ^ o r approaimsts date of earliest beneficial ttse; and how eontkm- II ....•—\ •— ';—:—;— oas the use hati been B»8»64 S i x IMOitf^ ISW&gfc^&Tl I

• w ; • • J ; • i r. _ __ _ __ _' * ~_ I

I """• '; • ; :" "i *. The amount of grotmdwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I• ..--;....':—.: ;—. :.„..:.... per minute) ...100~g»pa»...-- I

H 1 '• '- '• I < \ '< I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage aud dcssariptioi of tb« Iss^i I• s to which water has been applied and name of »«: owner thereof JH tvnvit - - II as_%.aasec T..iaiba..i — • " - I• Indicate pomt of appropriation ~' " " " IH Mid ptaee ot ttse, if possible. Kach . . . . , . , . . J J V I I• small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means ot withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- II tion of each well or other means of withdrawal — IH llO HgP t in>f l tT r t ' !> P\T\P *^ Q*>ffttiM* O f I^ITIflWT^ I• ||n<l.Saa^Qro»oh»ll Bteg—t». II 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I• drawal of groundwater 8«8«64 9*80«*84 I

I 8. The deptii of water table...,...^O..ft» - I

• 9. 8o far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of atiy other I• works for the withdrawal of groundwater ttf* TP gt4»l Plpt 100 f»tt PtPfittad II ~*t..S»-.«s4-43..1*^^-...- ~ - - II 5*a»~«5pss***d ?Wa» Olooiif -e hour* Aa»laelan» r July & ug* • I• »4 hcw# pwp d«y ~vb** r»od»d In D»a, J«n, Cc Jf*b» - — - — - I

I 10. The estimated amount ot groundwHter withdrawn each year ^Vtlfflf" -»— - I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if •v»«.M«^p t o i l . "TRTtl-ICtiMMf I

I Y>Mktill^ to IJOO t—t* with 4Bd» «lay* f- - I

• 12. Such otV.er information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying cut the policy of this act, including I• referenrje to book and page of any county record — f e - W l l d»il<Ug* • - I^-Btf t to Jftftgr»«ad— II VjHMffl o f rc»Xtt> —— ~- ~- "•• • — '•"• -- •••'— 1

I Signature of ftTmar~~m\ T lAitfiurj^m >.^.-.ftiLMrwfeg_ I

I D a t e ^ - ^ ^ ^ S . II Three copies to bo file I by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of tltc county in which thn well in located I

• Plcaec answer nil questions. If not applicable, so irtfltc. otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk ond Recorder; Dtiplicntp to the State Knjnnccr; Triplicnt* to the Montana Bureau of II Mines and 0«olOi?y. a»d Quadruplicate »i rtlif Appropritttur. . / <A<r I

B ^ . . . S t t 1 1 OF MONTANA , ' J |• COUNTY Of LEWIS & CLARK | '• « : ' ; 1

• • ***** cmrttfy mat the within in. :. " " . ' • ' - ' 9I ttrwmtnt wps filed In rny office on , • ' IB tWfc_ jfc_day o1<@ges&s_..^ " 1 " M• AA19-Xar_at_M^T^« ^ . 1• | • - & ° o'cfock^.M. ::

; ff ., :•. •• : • : ;i- . : , ; . - I• -r-r •* 'cord9 otl£^*Cterti .- E• Couhty,fit«teofMontSnaT ; * •

I . - i •••'-;! .I . • .". . .•••, - ¥ • ' ' *' %

I : .-..• :; ? - \ : \ i ;' • 4 ; :

I U • . • '-•• • . . : • ^ r . W ?

• . , w l • • • • • : ' • • •

1 _ _ _

H GV Approved Stodt Form—Si.atc Publishes Co.. Helena, Montana—«1921 c ^ >3—j ''"'$ 1

I File No T ./.&....JL ^-T- 1

• DUPLICATE County. T^_^t*^^T ^..LltetA^ I

I STATE 0? MONTANA ••• - ._ II ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODEJ % I• OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER Lj I• ^- H i964 II Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights I• *"*«fi i * i i i

• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws. 1961) " - ' ^ i : . <_;._ f\ I

I II i .$4^^..J/.../L?.K3«&c£ , of. ./L5L.:7-£.LJ &L*£:..J&ArMt*- — I• f^ame of Appropriated . (Address) (Town) I• County of....rr5^,<<t^kr?. sL LJ^^J^. State of >?^^wfe*r?r£i>~ I• have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

I » J J /J I• j i i i I j j j I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based ..~??tc+?vi*a&r*!+*tt..... 1Wk •&£%£», ! .!.-—! j . ....rr^^^rr*V^r^r-^gf: I

I •^•"•i I i i s " ^ i ^ i« , , , , | , 2 Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial tise; and how contnra- <iI .....j„..:..„.:.__. j . . . . : ;..„. ous the use has been /..'?.'/..&. ~ . . . ^ M ^ ^ f c r - ^ ^ ^ - ^ . . . , II w *•' ' '. ': 1 1 i E _ - ~ I• . . . ; . . j ; . ^ The anioxmt of groundwater claimecU(in miner's uiches or gallons I

I ; j ; : i i _ C^...-..0I^^£ZAi.^ ~ I• : : j i ; ; 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands : I• R to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof I• /..£....^^^.....-jnrr.... < ^ ^ II ^j(/..^«/fSec^^..T..^R.....3.. ..~<£*.**ixs*i €........1... I• Indicate point of appropriation " «... •

I ; S l f ^ r e ^ p w ^ i o M S 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground an£the loca- IB tion of each well or other means of withdrawal....*^i^£MaSuc-^. IH ^^-dtt-fc«lwtm5^7........................—......_.....—........—...._—... •

H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, •wells, or other works for with- I• drawal of groundwater J./^.^.O — - « I

• 8. The depth of water table 3...$.....did^...: - 1

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth, of each weU or the eeneral specifications of any other I• works for thawithdrawabof groundwater JZM...rf^.K....aL&e*jfc-. —/l^....-f*c«-^A<^.....^fAflC«^..^. I

I Z==Z============L-_• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year /.z..^..C..<?...<S....^*c:..... I

• 11. Th* log of formations encountered in tho drilling of each well if available....~r?£&>&4t/£~ -s3£*^?sr&Wk-*o.. IE )x^^......^±^^iJc • - I

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including I• reference to book and page of any county record rrr.:... ~ - ~ — IH i

I I• " * "" VI ^ ^ jT-~3/-43 n /9 S+ }/ P • 1 I• (I'll *~fl£-T*r Signature of Owner..../^^S^^.....^..^^^^^<. II w/^^/mw' Date j ^ jit jfj£_I Threo"copieB to bo filed/oy the owner with the County Clerk and Kecoider of the county in which the well is located. I

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofI Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for tho Appropriator. / " J /I

• *

S T A T E O F f*'->r-M » N A > / > . < : . ' - . > , : : : : ' i ; : ".COUNTY Of LEWIS '. CLARK > b5> ; . . . :;- . ; . . .

I fwmfiy certify tV't it* witmn tn- ' - , . 1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-,.. ]ih. \stmment was filed in my ui:ice on . f,

A . 0 . 1 9 j L a L _ a t ^ t _ ^ _ m i n . past . t.

/ n-rtnck /^-M "i'. # - ' ' * : '"' : • ' ; . - . . : ' '..V-l'

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I G^ Approved Stock Fcrm—State Publishing Co.. Helena. Muatana—»1338 •=^^«=£1>3 ^*

• File No T Rv. -»—>•/ +

• DUPLICATE County™.. I^..A .^.....Z_..


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Ri^WE ENGINEER II - , ^^JUnder Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I , C'J^&J^UL^ iifHfi* ^ ^ ^ - ^ II T^^&wp °fr> V&f&fi^j? ""* (&Wjfy$%£f (Town) I• County o i^v-^-"^*^ UL L..J_ State of II have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January L^.962, as follows: I

I N Q^^&xseS** IV i ; • ; ! ! 2. TJie benef^^ugej^jy^hich the claim is based—J£>!~-- I

K ....,_ j , j j ; ^ ^ ^ amount of j^undwa^^c lay iw^in jgjj^j^giches or gallons I• j. ; ; - - - - ! ' ! per Tninnto) ^T* ...ty^^. /lti\. - „„„..„.„._.._„„ „.„..„„.... I

• '• j ! i j 5. If ^5dfOTjrng»tiony-give th^^ea^ejfcj^descrij^o^^^l^ ]&F*9vr' I• s to/wB^^^atyir--lfiwQMMi apHied wdCnSmr of ^ e ••ut™jy''Tnweoc 1 JK •

I V*i *^ Jt< i*,* -. •»/. "" F" ™ ~* ~ " " m• „ %. Sec?.?™ ?2*;. RSir. - — •• Indicate point of appropriation " •~~^~~-~ H• and place of use, if possible. „ _, . . » , • , . . - A*. SLJthtt * -.. I• Each small square represents 10 6. The means of^wJthdrurin^-OTch wat.;r from the g r g £ 0 » 6 d the |• acres. lo&taBCot eBd&k&Vwottiermtpi of withdrawal .<£-. .... I

I 7. The date of commrac^ep0(io£wS&!$fe^ ""fF* I

• 8. The depth of water table : tf(L J.—.A ••••—~- »» — H

• 9. So f a r \ a i t may be available, the type, sizXajJI?.fttfi'l&fi&fyvfo JutiAn the<g<fe^(W sp^meatwns tftxtf^iet •• w<yAy1ffft/i^3Hthdj'saal of groundwater .*£/.—L „ Jr.. Qfc.. J!L. I

• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each y c a r S f e ^ ® ^ . . j f ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ . . . ^ . . ^ . . I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available—/yclr.:..._.... — M

I 12. Such other information of a iiimilar nature as mayAe useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including I

I . Signature of §vntex^..^Jp/yjL~&..{^..^..L.^g^j{.— I

I D e^c...^^..... II Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is •

I located. I

I Pleane answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and lleeordcr; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau II of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. <Li°' Q


^ V * T ? O F M W . ' T A M A » . • . ; • • ' . " , '. •".• .":• f•DUWTY OF U W ! 5 & C1VWK ? ' • • • ; - : ' ; - 1 / ' ' I '

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H GW1 Aopro»«J Sux* Fonn—State Publishing Co., Helen*. Monlant—«5641 .«&&•% fl

I File No... _ ^ T C ^ t W O O I C S B W ^ * ^ T.^^.^^..r. _. I

I DUPLICATE JM.18^6 Caimt,-=^±J2^ I

I TOfflff, • • • - ^ T ^ " ^ ^ - S T A T E 0 F MOSTAHA IH WW'^ _ « u. - ^jyaimnsxRATOE 0? GROUNDWATER CODE •

I . .TopoiGnmnd t ^ ' <ffJ£^-—- <>***CE 0F STATE < ^ ^ II r* (mev. above sea l e v ^ L r ^ r —NoTiSTof Completion of Groundwater II - Appropriation by Means of Well II - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 II — (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, .1961) . •

• _ Owner ........ <L ^4rewJeE^2««a^ I

I F R nc k 5* Dnuer^.t.i%^..i£LC^^.M.£.L3.MA^ IK ' , Date of Notice of appropriation of ground-water _ —. •

I Date well started.«jL-JW..j-.~.£.-lxT--.I>ate completed.-^.^*-.-.—-.-.#?-..» •

• _ Tvpe of weU...£.fi.iir...4^«4?.Eqtupment tisedCAfiitfZT^fi** I• * (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) <a• — . *A Water use: Domestic Q Municipal D Stock n Irrigation O 9• _ 1 ^ Industrial D Drainage D Other Q II Indicate on the diagram th 8 character and thickness of the different strata •H met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show •• _ depth at-which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing •H strata and height to which the water rises in the welL I

M - /% » A ( / K **- DrtW W«*» <FtH) <F«0 " " " " " " * •• ( fl / » V r Bole of CMtat Kto« I Fraa To •

I — IP *A A F ° ' o c r 0»e 0/ N Static "Water Level for non-flowing well •

I - '.£??<*'**•>•#~*h—r~i—r~i ••• -iMLji*. • II __ 9% sd'f</'/X-f/ *<**+"*'**»* m \ ] Shut-in Pressure for Plowing Well..^JW.-. II _ hu^t^.^M j / ? Z tX'^JK. 1 1 Pumping Water Lcvd-.-.-fJL feet I

I L ^bjJV7t:7Jhdy ! 1 S •• -"*<£ «al. per minute. II 3 3 ** r . " * * * ' • / « 3 tf^'It I 1 D»clmrge in gal. per min. of flow^ weU •I - ^^-ih^hfi/cu^ !"*" 1" HowTMted....^yA.J--.A^MA— II " CM ^ th< e°O*tsf ' L 1 ! Len^h<rfTe£!LjgU~/s^-ftjS. II _ ' " / f (f»<y ^ « ( ! i ^ e ^ Remai'ks s (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- II - / T " 1 ^ *PU»"'S *»<* v - T R ers.typeo shutoff) „ I• _ '"•*'l i r ^ t f ofi ^ " 7 ^ / { I n d i c a t e iocation of well and y - ^ I• place of use, 5f possible. Each J\ / /) j \ / /^ •• - small square represents 40 "" f-\/- ftj~j.M....+0l. mH > acres. I

• ~ (Continue on reverse side) flH ~~ USE—If used for irriffation, industrial, dtainagc or other. Explain, state •H _. number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- •• tion). •

I r wf\TPR 1• uLsA Show exact depth of bottom. I

I "Ji'o " I• This tovm \l« be prepared by drlUer, and threo copies t o be filed by the owner with the 'i!."V,'i"",""T" "IV V" I• County Qm* and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tis.iue copy to be Driller s License Number ^ ^ •• retained by driller. ^y fl J JL J^ I

• Please answer all questions'. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the fonn will be J&^.ljrf7x...^Jf*(&«P^i. ; •• returned. Driller's Signature. .- j |

I Hl^f I

I m t i s ^ i T 2 ! -— • ••*•••? •"••

I fag*** j " ; -•';- ^ ;,; ,,,;• ' — i •" - • • • * : ' " ' •, . • • • • . - . ' : > • . - • • ' ' • . .


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1 W v • • ••"* . .- : y - ^

"1^m GW 2 Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co.. Helena. Mouuu—*KSS. - ^ ^ » 3 . j


I ~ "flBkv. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of GroundwaterI — Appropriation by Means of Well• - 0-12 DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962• — Topsoi l Ft Boulders (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended)

I - foacKT e. FOX &srB _ 12-ft. to 21 ft Owner VnuuM^nQnu^UWU-i^ A.ddres8^-^ieRtn-~eft.^,B Course t rave l ;B - Drffler_.v;9&..i=i.R4s*y -Address-—.^i^s?~...:-.«a.f..- —- f

B • 21 f t to 43 f t iB Clay ' C-r&vel Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater -

• ^ 43 f t t o 74 f t Dat« well started—aee_....£«s? Date coropleted.-&ge.;-7.^6?

V ruruiing sand " s i l t , Churn• _ Type of -well—3T.«.a.i e a Equipment used stmrmI 74 f t t o 76 f t (DII* dftfrwuWed or drilled) (CfcunFffitnTttrtwy or other)I — gravel x c l e a n sard Water use: Domestic fi Municipal Q Stock O Irrigation HH _ Industrial d Drainage D Other •H Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strataH met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show• _ depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearingH strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

I ' »*•* « « « * iSmii *» raKFOKATJONS ' -:• — DrBM W«WM <F«O OFctO " " ^ " * " " "• Hole ofCMtat K M mm 1 ft

• - 6" 17 1 b . 0 75 " " • « • < « > •B ; — none

• — > Static "Water Level for nan-flowing well ^• _ I j I I I . feet, iI j ! Shut-in Pressure for Flowing "Well —. ;

• __ ! ; Pumping Water Level 55 feetB w '• .1 E at....3Q.— gal. per minute.

B '"' K. • Discharge in gal. per tain, of flowing well

B ~ 1 iB |__ j ". :H ; | How Testcd.....uw}p - •B - - I i 1 S - . ^ e n g t h o f Test £...4.?.K?.B : — L(?*T *{ \J^^y^'/L^%^9^ix\»: (Gravelpacking,cementing,pack-

I < - /^^c.4rT./^.R4/^^Pe0f8hUi0££) :• s — Indicate location of well and •B > place of use, if possible. EachB ; — small square represents 40 "' —-—• "•^m i acres. » «...

B i (Continue on reverse side)

B USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, stateB i— number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-B ': tion).B .2£rl(UitB..^ax&./~..fiar.den.

B ; I M I M J Show exact depth of bottom.

• 38• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copiei to be filod by the owner with the ._....„............_....».,...„.• County Cleric w»d Recordw in the county in which the well i» located, tiwuc copy to be Drillers Iaccnse ISumDcr• retatoed by dilller. / Q Q ,

• Please answer x]\ questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be - • --4 "scf• returned. Driller's SignaTure.

1 ,

I • • - • • •• ' | | | n • „....,„,.:,. M . . , ,>-, , -:- -.•yt.-.-..,-,vv;.™- ., " ' ^ ^ ^ M ^ * * ^ * ' '«

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I : : ' " : i i : - . " ' ! • • • ••••• . . ' : : v i : : ' ;

I r M •£'•*>" - • ; - ' •• • • • £ .

G W 2 Appro«d Stock Tom—Suie Publishing Co, Helen*. Mrtaun*—7»3IB <§?•* '

Pfle No T.^2?. . - -R~-^.-^Ue^l_

DUPLICATE Crmntf^Zt^eSTXi £•> C^Oft*/


[ — 1 Top of Ground QgFIOB PIT STATE ENQI&EEBCCT 17 1983 —

^ (Eiw. above«alevel > Notice of Completion of <$l|)$J[itdt$tt!r^LERAppropriation by Means of Well

<2> - ,5" *2?: o&£&' (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session La\*s, 1961)

I <~ Owner-vl^tett^^^^^LAddresa 2£.-^4*&s~=^_

• _ ^L^t^tJL^1 D a t e o f Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater.. _

H ^ ^ -*£&*&<' -^^c^-s D a t e w c U 5tart«A^^f:..«2^AJFr...._Datc Completed./^^^.- - ? . i ^ j ^ . ^ .

V >>- ^ *> o ^f Type of welL._<i^e«!^&^ Equipment U8ed-./^^«*^r5—^_I _ / £ - ^ ^ • — ^ <* ° /*' Wag, driven, bered or (dmrn, drin, rotary or• ' a r ^_S s drffled) other)• — <^et^<£^ F~ &&<*&>.-*-'• _ ' ' Water Use: Domestic | ^ Municipal Q Other Q Irrigation Q• Industrial Q Drainage Q Stock Q

I . " ei Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different• ~ *j » Jg( jfo gs ^^r. strata met with in drilling, such as soil, day, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc• — jp?-. -p^f Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- \I _ ^CA*^*/' -^Ec^^^W^t*-*^1^-- bearing strata and height to which water rises in the welL ;

B M M wd«M«r tr«o <r«o pswowsnow .;

: "-" I 1 j — I• * Sutic Water Level for non-flowLg Well .«*"*.• feet

• - i i : ; • ;— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well „ ........

• ----':—;--•'; i — ; * " j — Pumping Water Level <s?«>T. ...feet at HP.. gal. per minute.

B ___ I ! .—*-•• ; ; j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing welL - «„I w — • — • — ! — • — • — ' — i — F. / T ? j» « y• - i "• « • i i H o w T«rted...6«5aJ«ACfefc<L Length of Test.....«C...T!fek*.../.....-.«.• • ; : i • i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shtttoff, loca-• ~- •': | :"""; •"*" tioa of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any• ....\....']....'• .--• i i other similar pertinent information, including number of

I - Jy> 'wAjLiLJLaAt* -/u*~"™irriKlrtcd'if "**fwlrri«milMl) • iI , - ....„%— Sec-etrfC r../O *...£."*& \• _ Indicate location of well and '• place of use, if possible. Bach _ _ ^ ;• imall square represents 10 acres.

• L M M J SBO* e x* c t d«ptb of bottom. og

I Driller's License Number

• Driller's 8ig«(iture J

• ThiN form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder

• in the county in which the well is located.

I Please answer mil questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofI Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Approprintor. ,• (' V 3 . r .

rI __,_., .,,,:«/.,-.i~,;,..1 ., . ,,.,,^^,vr«'*rs^sW^^^^sm^- >

I i - if***** PC} • •- - •-?>-•.• :

• C O U N T Y O F C E W I S * C L A R K l*5

I t h e r e b v c e r t i f y Ih.-it t*»e w i l t i l n I n - . . "'. . . ' ''.-[*:• r, . . . . . . II " s t r u m c n ! j i > « f i teo tn A y p f f t e o n ~ . • BI I im.JJJ^rsJJy£C_1__ , . . , •.• •:, •••;_ •-. ..•.•:•. • • • • • : • • «

I i _ _ _ r _ j / L . J i e c : - - r - . ! - t r t 4 y i * > < C t o H i /: ..;. -•.'••, , .;. ••• ;;; : ; ; ; . ^ • ; :

I ' £ & t r t L , S t ^ t » « • w i o n i w i i L - ' - " " • ' ' # •'• ;' '• "' •• '•• ' '••• ; ; f - ? l •- • "• "' • .'

I ' N ^ J I f r ^ C ' C c ^ ^ / J C ^ M ^ - K ^ * ^ ^ • ^:- "•• '" ': ; •-: ': .• v "'••••'" .-"' \ - , ; . ;

I • ~ I C^y^fhs*u ••••• ' • •" "•'•• •

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i •• • . .1". -**#-•

^H SVSTT rumaswma co*r**-> ^H

• STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG I• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE Tnd(Cate ^ character color# * - „ * . fl• MONTANA WATER RESOURCES DOARD ness of strata such as soil, clay, sand, I

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER s""?1* shal*- «ndstone- f - J * 0 * II APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL g * * S ^ T ? JS I• Developed after January 1, 1962 fl• (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground <He». xbon»k»*u I

fl This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed Jgj"» *» I• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county "m <FHO ffwO •• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. «,_?_ _J£ 22&yQlJ.—Jt—Jz:l&X-— I• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the r fl• form may be returned; . JL - __?_.. &J.£$L-$kSXQi!isJL i I

I Owner&t,J.l£rU...Z^eX.S£M.A Por AdministratOf. Use I ^ 5 g !*Jd*tS-JL<U&iL \ I

I Address £<?! .. .!..£<H ! |__ Pile .£.J±3.<?/.. -J±l5jZ .5kl2*.)L £ I

• ^W^^ifer%j5l5^fe^, &-£^:..-., r2.«. -_!2.at -aUQi --b f I

• Date well started Hftj,tcJ__4y./.3f.Z6. GW 1 |-_?£. .S2t> iS_iJ____L___<_t: •• I

I completed /,MftL.g-/gifje>J - j ^1& JJL S^^liJ^LS&hXL > I

• Type of weil JD.tri/feA ^ ' IH , (D»g, tfrlren. bond or drtDcd) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , • HaV * / ^1H Equipment used £~.uJ(ArXJh..: ^ ,..„.„ —•—• ——~ - . -»—.- - - . - - - -—•- .—-- - - - - -———* flH •-*• <CMita * f l l , reury or ether) .. '. . • » . 9

• Water Use: Domestic Jgf Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation • —— ——" — — ——[ •

• Industrial Q J -ainage Q Other • * Garden/Uwn * [ I

• USE: If used for irrigation, Industrie!, dwinage or othw. Explain, ] M• ttete number of acre* »nd iocatton or other data (i.e. Lo», Block L"~ ——— - - . — - - • - - . - - - — — — — - — « — •

I and Addition). _, _,_» ._.__._ I


• S « I j5__T^ S® I 0S* "««roiunoN. t I Z : : I• , u ., & * W-» I rnm I f __________ . •

• t>" n Ik o z-z* *~ ^ «•«> IZZZZZZTIZZIZZZ: II AjoNt 33 ^3; ^ ___ - I

I j j J j I St«ic watet level &3. ft.* *" — «- m• i ; Pumping watar level ...3.Q. ft.* _, •• —...-j .^. at ......../i?. oallont per minute. IB i \ m»asur*d ./ift?mhHite« after pumping ______ ^^^^.___«__»««.___._,_.__.-_—___ •• ; ? began. ["" , ... "" : ':'' IH w j j K • M e # t u r B d ^on, g-ound \9v%i __ ^^ •• j ! Wall o v»tep»d by .flMrMj?.. ] •I i j for .....fk hoort. ___, _ _ _ _ . I• | \ ?owr.&k£S.u... Pomp~JU±~. HP •I ! ! Ram««V«i (Gr*v#l packing, cementing, _____ ______ .«.__.«.___,«_„„__„.____ _ IB J ! p^en. type of Cutoff) .„ —

B % 'A Stc../:..y. /S^A—A&4A*t&C«..Ul)C£d*u..... •


I YAJ) O J?^ - P t) I1 DrlUer'i Signature .J..}^....r^r^q. xb^rjL*:***.. fl• _ r\ I M /i .—._.«. ———._______»-_«. - ._—_•_»__,_ BI Driller's Address {^^T^^i ?^V>rra^Vr*, t J - ^ — - v II fb+*r--£pL**^. LICENSE NO ^ <&. - ^ Show *x"ct depth °* boftorn fl

••••••• r j aB'.Se* Jj g ;

* • • • • • • r n \ o .« - ^ ~ • " • • • •

H, t 5^ » * ' ir p* n •: ' I 3 « **>1 p SL it . m

I - \ - ^ ] I• «4i&'iGW***«m't9t* (jouniy.jLemS &...Q<>&C..K I• STATE OP MONTANA DRIUBfS LOG 1| AOJMHKTtATO* Of GKOUNDWATK CODS ,n d i c e t e t h e c h a r K t e r i w t e r th ick . 1I MONTANA WATH tESOURCtS BOARD P«_SS of strata such as soil, clay, sand. 1I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER . 9ravw! sha le sandstone, etc show 1

I APPROPRIATION BY MEANS Of WEU * & - ^ * 5 ^ E \ S ! 1• Developed after J«n«ary 1, 1962 I

• Wndw Chapter 2»7 Mwitwf Swrion Uwi, 1961, M emended) Top of Ground <ig-. .bar,*. 1 - ^ _ 1

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed vnm to •• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in **** <r*"> I• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. '_£__ J 3o&SQlL—$.-.£l/&)L. 1• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the •• ;; form may be returned. .Jl_ lIZ. J&Jik)LJL-££e&&l , I

I I o™QULl£^..XSteiS£i^i for Adtnlnittrdtor, Use I p E p ± . W ^ ^ J L £ / ^ j II Address £2.LMi..<k*U _.$L File JIJ1&0/.. -A&1&2-. .SdP*?. . 1 1

• £^±d£^m<*£&,^.^ Z2bs^:..^^5?-. -52l&2-U&dBi£fcfc. s I

P Date well startedlta.ttk..6t,./.l?.ft GW 1 |_l2. . .2£-- ^ ^ 2 < 1 _ +&U£ 1

I I: completedAl»re.L.g#../?./Q,,I ] pZKlK&a&il^L&ScJUL _ i I

I Type of well .JDIXXJIGA ;. '. _ J I• 0>n«. drhrtn. bored or drtOad) j I > M

• Equipment used £.h.MrX.h.... „ IH •••« <Chnm dctn, reuiy ot other) _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ — - — — — — — — - — — _ - ' 3

• Water Use: Domestic Jjf Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation • *• B

• I Industrial Q ..ftr«ln«ge D Other Q » Garden/Lawn $£. I

SB .• *Describe _ „ „ — — , •

H U « ! If used fot Irrigation, industrial, dreinage or other. Explain, ) I ' I• state number of acres and location or other data (i-e-Lot, Block — — "~ ~—" I

I \ and Addition) IZZZ ._. , . •HJ <1,w.i*»""**'""J"i'*<""'7~^««»» ,— .t i • ' • I H

H »^Tfl^TED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL /G>£?.J.O.Q.Q....aa4&te<*J , I .i I

i SiS I ' ytf 555 <&> FntnJ^oN. ; I

I i (,*• nib o s* « sa ,&, - ^ ^ J , — — j < I

I ' ZL±ZZZZZ ': II 5 —" » F 1 « IS ; J~ ^ I < I Static woier level £.3.. ft.* _ ^ > fl• | ! ! Pumping water level ....7.Q. .ft.*i «__.»...______._«_.» ^ I• J J—- •! at /..&. gallons per minute, __-___—>_i_-__-_-__ii_^_i-_-__1-_ *A •• i ', j measured .//»?<?mir(u»es after pumping . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . „ . „ »^._«_____ " •B V 1 ! began. " ~ » ^ n• ?! • ! • '•"" 'Measured from ground level. _ __ ' IK ) S i Well developed by .p&Mfi, *" "**" ' , 1• ' i J for .....^.. hours. i ", I• j Power.<CA<0?.,.... Pump .7.?^.... HP •• 5 '• Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ____ - __« .„ ,____ .__ . . __« . . __ — — _ V• & Jz i——i .' Mckers,, type of shutoff) " «—»«- •I (^ ' ^ ^ l ^ . . ^ . . ^ . . ^ — I I• S '/4 V* Sec /..fi*^..^3aA*^<".U*£d**s.... , •• ) T NR E 1• INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. > B


I i Driller's Signature .J.^....^!±™^7. Sr^r^L*: .. I

B I Driller's Address ?^f*^r<^j fc+rr^*r* I " T . I• f^y^pL^^tK^. LICENSE NO "$.<£. ****/ Show exact depth of bottom I


I *•'•• >*^ *~ •H O' * ' Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co.. Helena. Moraan -41921 J* > 3 fl

• ^ . ^ pL*. ^ |• File No T /.^MjEt....^. S<^J II DUPLICATE County <?r\ f.-.Sr^.. •• STATE OF MONTANA 1I ADMINISTIIATOE OF GBOtJNDWATER CODE r D i E C E I X / E F n ^ I• OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER Ml 1 . I

• UUJANg t964 • II Declaration of Vested Groundwater R&hft, II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ l f t I t t N fcltf t Cfi I

I l ^^^^s^^^pLa^^ , <£..jp{.#£JLi^:J$u^..^ I• ^Nanfe of/Approjfnator) (Address) (Town) •• County O { ^ ^ = A ^ - < ^ . ^ - - ^ < 2 ^ - ^ State ^....J^p^i^*^^^. •H have appropriated groxmdwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: •

I , " , *f I• ; ; ; i j j I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based.s?££??<*rvfe: •

• ! i : I ; ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- ^H j ! j . . . .; i i — ous the use has been. . .^^^*^.. , /--sa/±r. /...&..$-.&. M

H W '? ' ', i j i E _ _ _ S

I " I ; I j i ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •I — I . ..: : ; ! ; — per minute)-....• .!?.. .^<t-e^...^2<^----•^*>^*rf'*-^^^ - •

M : I ! : ; j 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •• " _s. o to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof S

I * ***i'-7B&*&i **u**:^rE--EEEEEEzEEEEEEz. \• Indicate pomt of appropriation •• and place cf use, if possible. Each ' _, . . , , , » ... . •> .. , •I small square represents 10 acT- s. 6 The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- •I tion of each well or other means of withdrawal •• J£^^.£djr^£**^-.~J£k<!4>>.....I 7. The dave of commencement and completion of the construction of tlie well, wells, or other works for witt-• dr«.wal o;' groundwater <£&£fp>*£:../(.a....- f..3^$~J —

I• 8. The depth of water table jf/.6...f&SL..:

I 9. So far as it m&y be available, the type, Bize and depth of each, well or the general specifications of any otherB works for the withdrawal of groundwater. ..^ - —• ., w .jQC/i^c^C^it^:......T.....Ca.. *^&u<tdtL*.~^<si!u*<tea<!~<gt 7....-&..G.../e&zr.:• *L. .....

R 10. The estimated an;otint, of groundwatcr withdrawn each year -.

I 11. T?ve log of formations encountered UMiie drilling of eachwfifl if available• ...J..l:..££...i?..-£..'.. S??fy£txi*t£./..!Lrf£rt:*au^J?J*..^^^ ,I ^^.L^...^A..^..,..^^^i«-«--^^..f^^^su-*-t_2-.

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingI reference to book and page of any county record ~

• Signature of Owner. .^^^^jc~^^^^^%£^u^fi<^.

I Date...<2x*...1.....U t.k.3r.1

• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk arid Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

I Please answer nil questions. If not applicable, no slate, otherwise the form will be returned. M

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate U, the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of II Mines and Gnoiogy, and Quadniplicate for tho Appropriator. zj-a/jT" I

I ^73 ' 1


J5TATE0F M f ' N r A N A • t • . . - 'COUMTY OF L t W S «• ^i-ALK

, harcby c«rttfy t f c * t * s » n • • * «• ,

• l y - ' / ' - ' s ' . ' • ' i - • ' • • •

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. • , ' • ' • • ' ' • « • • • ' ' : . ¥ : " ' • • ^ ! ! ! : ; - ' - 1 . ; . ' " •

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- • : . . • • - • • ' • ' . ' " . • • £ * ' ' ' • • " ' • ' " ; : ' ; ' • . ' • . •.

• . ; ' • • ' • ; . '; v

f T - - " • • ' . • • ' - • ' "•

• ' : \ ; : T t / - . - : : '•.••.•• ^


I •- -2f IH G W 2 Approved Slock Form—Slate Puphshins Co., Helena, Momma—4W33 « ^ - s M

• • File No— _ . . *~ T—A^&iiB^-sLj^L.. 1


• ~ (Hev. above sea level > Notice of Completion of Groundwater II ~ Appropriation by Means of Well 1• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

1 " ,*«T Xlttt* *Uy. Driller w^Lt(*r 1 1 4 4 » ^ ^fre^---«*a* r-»Mrt«a* I• Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater _ „ „. •

B - Date well started...$...•}#..«...4$. Date Completed ft...«iBl..-.«49. ' I

V Water at 46 ft* I• TypeofwelL PrfVi^fl Tump mini TTIIIII (HnHjH P r i l l IH _ (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or 9• drilled) other) •I Water Use: Domestic Q^ Municipal Q Other n Irrigation O II ~ Industrial • Drainage • Stock Q I

• e3ES Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different \ II ~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. i I• Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- : II bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. •

B Site of Slieand From To nrBcnDATimm •• ; DKUcd WdWrtof (Feet) (F«ct> r P t l F O R A T I C W W •• - Bolt Cmlng | M Pro* To < •• > Sin (TMt) (FMO •

• •' • • r 1B . * Static "Water Level for non-flowing Well gQ4 feet. % I

B ! ~ ' I— :-".-! ' • : i— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well——..« „ » I fl

B —;—!----'• ' ;—:—: Pumping Water Level $£ feet at. SO gal. per minute. i I

B """! ; i I i ; Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well „ _ ; IB W ~ ! • ' • \ i E ' IB - : : : ; • '. How Tested—Bfc&ST- —Length of Test....g..^^B.. •B __ ....',---•.....:.... ',..—:-—';.-. • ; •• ; : ' i ' '• Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- |B - '"": l . ' ; i •"""' tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any •B . . j : :_. ..; • ;_._„ other similar pertinent information, including number of 9I ~ ^ , 1 S*C Bk'KtH? e*Jfi*/™ T acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) „ |

• - ...... ...... Sec..£f T^'k&P „ iB _ Indicate location of well and mB place of use, if possible, Bach •K — small square represents 10 acres. I

B - — 1 Show exact depth of bottom. 4918" •

B «.-~^ Driller's License Number Am I

• OWuKPs Signature ^ •

• This form to be prepared by driller, aad three copies to be tiled by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder II in the county in which the well is located. I

• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of I• Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ,« fl

- • • • • • • • • • . • - - - • • . . , . . , , , - . -M M . - . i . I . - . . - » f - . . - . ' . , . . , . . ^ . . _ ....^..rt^^^rafS^p^^SJ^gs^pft,...,

.- ' < f S S T ^ • :v:-rrr.


t hereb/ certify that .the within In- ;strumeM was tiled In pw office on ;

w * £ y ^ * - ^ ) ^ f l c ^ _ m i n . ^ p a i s t ; :,. • :.:-':. •''-.•

County,JttateAl Montana. A . ' 1

• • . , " , ; ' ) v . v • ' ' v

' , 1 • " - - ' • ' ' " ' M [ \ - , • • ' '•>••• • , • : • ; .

• " " * J " ' ' " • ' • • . • • - ' " ' . '

• • . • • . . , . ' ; : <

^ ' " !

1 - , , • • • \ ,

•; % ± ' • ''• .- •• ' : . •. ' , ' . , ' , ." " ;

I —• • ——_

HJ *» Approved Stock Fore;—State Publishmc Co., Helena. Montan*—JQSK attr^t&W- j * •• Q*J <\\J / I• File No T ).Z _..R. ^ _ _ 1

I * c^ f* 1• TRIPLICATE County TZ. . S-w- 1• STA1E OP MONTANA rT\ ip p ** «~- _, .-_- S

I A D M I N I S T R A T O R O P G R O T J N D W A T E R C O D E j n ' f j l j II " O F F I C E O P S T A T E E N G I N E E R S E P 4 1 9 6 3 —' II Declaration of Vested Groundwater R%TrtfE ENGINEER IB (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I i.._JF.?M.^*_«^/oc.4!IM.l*-.fflra!LE- , of~21Z^«^.l9i^X^^^^39^.3jAmh~^^^ I• (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) •• Cotmty of l<auis-A&&-£l!H&—- — State of Mtwrtffrm II have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962. as follows: •

• N I• ; '; I '; ; : 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based—Eash-irripatioa- I• — , — , — ; ; — 1 — ; — ....4>T.l«m..aiA..gsrdat^.si!^ 1

• ; • ; '; ! | 3. Date OT approximate date of earliest beaeficial use; and how con- M• — : ! ! '. ';—j tinuous the use has been-Jima.4,-%9f&..~.Ahaxt~aBG»..a...va*.. I• ! 1 | '- i ! ..£ar...ttec»_ac..A«r..baur&.jRlua..tiauw^ - 1I w —i—|—i——i—•—!— E •— - -- — ~ - I• j I ! ; i ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •• — j — i — j i — ; — ; — per minute)-OttcAmpagag-galonw iwir mSnwti^ , , I

I 1 1 i I I ' • ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •H s to which water has bee>. applied and name of the owner thereof , •• Ltt%,hJ^'h^* BltxA.g of.-th*.orlplnal .tffl<Mlt».., I• y goc T % .....#*!..».ii»...n«Xfjift»...\iBfBt!>w*i . _ II Indicate point of appropriation * " * II and place of use, i f possible. - m , * - . j - . ^ - ^ t - . . . i . I• Eax-h small square represents 10 6- T t e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the •• acres. location of each wejl or other means of withdrawal..j5rt.JR?.fftl9?* •

• . ..»l^..]i*.i. J.*..B»<*. . ^ Im 1. The date of coirmencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I• duwal of crouniwater..4»«..!*..1%!.«.^ . II ^^fm.h..^^..y^%..M^..j^^ - I• 8. The depth of water table...JMf(Llla..1£.l&*..dM^..^^ i J

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ' I• works for thv withdrawal of groundwatcr....S«M..MI..ISa»..3..«lw»«* „ \ I

• 10. The estimated amt>unt of groondwater withdrawn each yenr lUkBCMB. • I

m 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available Sana.asadlahla* H

• 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including II reference to book and page of any county record .%)3tnaMU. „ ; I

• Signature of Owner ,......v... ....;— I

I Date...jJ«tt*.29#...196a I

• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I• located. I• Please answer all tjucstionh. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Euginecr; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau BI of Mines and Geologj', and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. er M





J, ^ t , . „ , , „ |

STATE OF MONTANA » , c ' • • J - ? ! ^ ^ / * ~ ~ ^ _COUNTY Of LEWS & CLARK > SS. ~— - f

1 hereby certify that the within irvstrumwil was liied in mx.ofT5ce onthis.ja(JL&,-dsy n< (^<~*-4^

_ _ _ / ! _ o'clcck.iiL*.'!. an<1 record- *w l o f l w a of Her'* J L • ' • ' • '

ytZ County RaWrdw ^ - ^ . '•

I Ditputy '

• ' - - \

• • • • . ' • - i

. ? • • • . (

| * ' • • ' • • ' : |

i • • •'•-• i

: I * Ik-- =i • • l



— • — _

• * r w * % Approved Stock Form—Sute Publishing Co, Helen*. Mtmuua—3*3tfc 5 s ^ ° a

I • ** V• Pile No ' T 1O-IL...... 3u«I DUPLICATE County !...&.£ —


I " (Her. above ci*^*L ) Notice of Completion of fiqEW^&aJfiS cct>I • : o . 2i soil, So^ Appropriation by MeaS^f t f l f r m t l : R

• g r a v e l (TTnder Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I• — 2 - 26' lasge coarse . f\ /L«—' \ft 26 - 32' Very t i g h t O^ner^Vf ** : . ../!?:...„ AddressI - c l a y bound D r m e r Price & Lindsay. ^ddre8s™-^.«l?y.* «?5*?-_• _ gravel I• 3 2 - 3&! very s i l t y D { ., . { Appropriation of Qrotmdwatcr • j• — gravel , some v» * . ift - , o . , J 1 8 ^ Date well started... AlJg.... l8Jf...6lJOate CompleledA««....2p.iL.I?©_....-_V 38 - lj.3' c l a y j• — 1*3 - U6» f a i r l y c l ean Type o f W5iL...drilled. Equipment Used...5l™«?...M?:. 1I _ g r a v e l & S a n d (doB, driven, bored or (Clrorn, drfll, rotary or j• driUed) other) Jft — 3U-~ 35 * some water „ j• _ <l-3 - Ijlj.1 n tt Water Use: Domestic fi Municipal Q Other Q Irrigatjon Q JI Industrial Q Drainage Q Stock Q |ft *^l Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different Ift ~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc ]ft — Show depth at wlach water is encountered, thickness and chancier of water • Ift bearing strata and height to which water rises m the well. jI • • « * Ktaccaa Fioa T» mtWWLATIONB 1

• ntmtt w«nw«( (mo CP«C) 1 " * r e * * " w " J

I - 6 5/3« 6 5/8" 0 , 6 , - w-» • •ft _ XS».

ft _ « _ !! —, Static Water Level for non-flowing Well .?.?. feet. 1

ft - L...1 ! . : . . . , . . . . ;— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well -... \ I

ft — | — • •— i"*-j—i Pumping Water Level !z?..... feet at s?. gal. per minute. ) J

ft " i ' j | *; ! ! Discharge in gat per min. of flowing well „ „. ; I

I - W \ r * l i I i K How Tested *&** .Length of T«Mt....2JL^!«S. \

ft : '; \ \ '; ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pacher^ type of shutoff, locv i jft - •"•*••'—;•""; 1 ';*"*; tion of pkee of twe of gtoundwater if not at well, and any | jft \...\ '• ....'• ,:..-.;.... other similar pertinent infermation, inclnding number of \ ]

ft - Tract 'itv ' •" •'•' ' '"' acred irr igated, i f use d for i rr iga t ion ) , j

I - "WkSgito Sec...?JL TlP_ R...L. „ J• _ Indicate location of well and ift place of use, if possible. Ba«h „„, ^ ._ J• — small square represents 10 acres. 1• or lot 5, Blk. 2, Goralch Addn, _ j

ft MMM Show exact dtpth of bottom. o x 3 J

ft DriUcr's License Nnmber 1I Pi $~P 'I .KmsuZSZ^^^.• Driller'»* ^ignatmre j• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copi-M to be filed by i •: owner wiA ihe Count; CJurk uad Recorder I

• in the county in which the well is located. I

I 1'ioaKe answer all questions. If not applic*\>le, so slate, ofhvrv.i»e the form Till be retnrn<* , I

ft Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Stat^ Engineer; Triplicatt io the Montana Bureau of I• Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriotor. ,,.. -^ 1 • J


I '• • • • « t t « i » r ^ v r ^ - ' > s - ^ _ ^ . , , ^ ^ ^ - 5

I - 4 ^ ^ U « ^ j ••••• -

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• . ••• - * » . . . . <

I - • •.-, ;7"H"' ' . • ••• • • " • • • • • . .

I ;, m h"; % • •• :

I • *

__ -^^.-.. — . . „ .„, t_ — __, ^,,.r....S.^{/.? -"!f. ./. m

• STATE OF MONTANA '* '" - •-' DRILLER'S LOG t\~) I• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE Indicate the character, color, tl,*fc I• MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD t ness tf strata such as stfl, clay, sand, I

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER «rav^r *•_;: »ndstone' «*• *ow I• APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ^ * ^ j £ '^w^. I• . Developed after January 1, 1962 1

B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground <Eie». stove «ea )<*«) Ifl This form lo be prepared by driiler, and three copies to be filed jg-« T* I• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (~_*> I < F t * 1• which the well is located, last copy to bs retained by driller. _QL . £_LZ_ J5L£UMJ£-£lJEL£JStsJGL~m—.—-. \B Please answer all questions. If no; applicable, so state, otherwise the , - . I• form may be returned. j i ^ „.,.,,,. ,.._£ fr (5&}fJffm.> ••• S

I Owner Z»~W ^. W , , lt£jL JOCAXMK I• uwner_ _ For Administrator's Use ^ ^ I

I ; m** Mi ^LL^iL. m«.. jz^kteiL ^ — I

I ? pe»fe well started AS^U&A."!1.7J.. GW 5 ..£:4<$....&.:.r.2?..:... 1

I ' ? '/ comP»etedAMr-.2-:.l?] I ] 1 L—I - ^ II Type of well fiA/Ak£# _ t ^ • I^ H (I>p». drhcn, bored ot tfrUM) mmm^mm^l — _ _ „ . , •

I Equipment used C.J^M.JdtJ^i. j£j0J?A:sF _ — 1^ H (Chora drill, rotarr ot other) _ _ _ _ _ ______ • I

• Water Use: Domestic jg£ AAunicipal Q Stock n Irrigation • - -— — -_—_—.—>—— I

H Industrial Q Drainage • Cnher Q* Garden/Lawn fiC. " ^ — — - • — -—.—.-.*——— •

B USE: If used for Irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I I• state number of xset and location or other d»ta (i.e. lot, Slock — — — J . — — — | - — — — — - . — — . — — . - - — — •

B and Addition) _«._,_. _.«._.. — « _ - . _ - . — . _ . — _ . _ ^ ^ — _ _ I


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I ^ r n ' /f fEZizzzzz I1 if, 1 I• j . __ ^ j St8tic w^^ }evft( J ^ c ? ft • «, » ->-». •B j I Pumping water JeveK....... ft.*.«____,_,_,_»..«._,_._»___,_._._»». ... ._-_,_„_-» ' IB . . . . . J ...^ at &Q.. gallons p%r minute. t ...,-... IB i j measured minutes after Purnplna._._..„„..„...-.„_,„-._._,_,-.„•-.—---..._, IB ! j b e g a n . . . , .. mmm^m^mmmm^m^mmm^^m-m^mm^mmmmm. , IB * ! ' 5 * *Me«w«d fr.>m groy^Jfv.j, - . ^ , . Ifl ' V I Well dej«lopid by I?.O..'*S.(5:.(." ]~ IB j J:, j for /#*^. hour*. __._. . ._ ._»- .—_.- ._ _.-.-.-.—._.-.—, «fl j I Power Pump........ HP •B j ; Remark*: (Gravel pecking, cementing, _ _ _ „ . . « , -_._._._._.««_>_._»_»_._»_._,...- •H ^ parkas, »vp« of shutoff) ______ _____ mmmmmmmMm^^m^m^Mmm^mm^.^__, I

• T /<?. N R.. . .^ j | Ir.-.Y. . I• f w » , , ; >_ Ifl INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE- * 1


» Driller's Signature .„&*...*...<#£<!. r^,.*4**&**£\r. I

I Drtlta* Addreu tf gA ^JMAY Rl)' tZTT I » II .....'7ti.:feUr»H»r:.. LICENSE NO./#.<?. -^~ Show •K'ct <k»*lh of boltem ' I


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