i f yorkweekly tribune. - nys historic...

Post on 13-May-2019






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THE AMERICAN. GROCERIES.S i s s o n B ro s '


W e l d e n

UNION SCHOOL0 - . v ' -•

-.ST' ■ "J' '- X

) . .■

W" A ,5. C‘

'\ §r_—.

TfiE OLD HAY SOW ..n: .

~- ..

‘.51 defendants nVirtue o f a ju d gm ent of Y ore c lS


sale madein tb e above entitled ar?Klan4

Q* December, 1894 the mh1senber a referee for that ’ , e

W c m u^oGiiu^u, WJ JVllOWg-ALL thnt fw,.T

hr parcel of land situate in the town^ J

Smithville iu th e ‘county of Chenaiico

State of New York. j te^d e d and d e M

.as follows, _^ g inn ine m th e centre of the

highway at-the northeast corner 0f land

sqld by James Hazzard to Jedediah Kendl»

and rnniu n gm a southerly direction aimZ

the centre’ of_a lane to the no uth e^ conipr

of Baid-Kendlea lahd;• thence west alone-

the south line of said Kendle’s land to th?

northeasteomer of lands occupied (in 18m

by Mary McBurney ; thence along the east

line of said lands la s t mentioned to the cen

tee of thb highway, ru nnin g east and west)tbence along the centeeof saidhighwavthe Squthwest comer o f lands owned tin

1877) by Mrs. T. J. Head; thence north

along the west-hne of sayl Read’s land to

the centre of the highway*jnsttoeutioned:thence along the centre of th e highway to

the place o f beginning, containing thirty-six hcres of land more or less, being the

sarnepremises conveyed to t j r i Hazzard bv

Jam.es Hazzard and wife, by deed bearingdate December 29, 1878, and recorded in

,u i u u —

Bcnbed in two certain deeds, both of which

are recorded in the Clerk’s office of Che­-

nango County, one iu boot of deeds No

128 at page 481, and the other in book of

deeds No. If" ’ ----------» - •

the same lan_

of the first p art by VUMIU1M. A

Coombs and Theresa B, Ztillig, by deed

bearipg even.date with said morhgago.Dated'Greene, N. Y,, Dec. 27, 1894

23w7 EUGENE CLINTON, Referee

W u u a h H. H y d e , Atty. for Plaintiff.

w v v

i. . : ..iii.

The Old Hay mow’s the place to playFerboys, wheif it’s'a rainy, day 1

I good’eal rutherbe up there

Than downin town, er anywhere/

When I.played-in our stable loft,7The good ojd hay’s so dry an' soft,An' feels so fine, an’smells so sweet,I 'most ferget to go an eat.

—a h u —







A C A I ) E M Y ' ‘.‘_ If;

"V .

Great G o M i^ pen t SaleP i n e 3?resli Gfcrofeferies ?

F a l l T e r m B e g i n s Se p t.


1 8 9 4,Xf 80^' 0ALB O N


An’ one timeonc’t I did fergetTo go 'tel dinnerwas all ’et—

Ana they liadshort-cake—an’—Bud he

Hogged up tlie piece Ma saved fer me !•

C L O A K S.

IOOO CLOAKS, L arg est

Stock, Greatest As­-

so rtment Ever

*Opened in our

Building !« *

Ihe Detest a i Choicest Styles!

E very g ar m e n t m ad e w ith­-

i n t h e p a s t t h r e e w eek s an d

ev er y olie offered a t h alf price

and less. T his w ill b e the

gre ate s t s ale th a t w e ev er had.

Th e .m an u fac turer h a s s e n t a

full lin e o f a l l sizes in al l the

different leng th s in th e dif­-

fe r e n t styles of m a teria ls to

disp o se of. and disp ose of th em

w e w ill. .T h e s e c lo ak s w ill b e

foun d in our g ar m e n t'dep ar t-

: me^nt, an d y o u w ill see m ore

c lo ak s u n d e r o ur ro of than

y ou w ill find in all th e o th er

s tar e s in B in g ham to n comb in­-

ed . T he^

p ric e s a t w h ich we

offer this en tire c o llec tion w ill

,s urp ris e yo u

.R e m em b er

there is n o t a last y ear 7s g ar­-

m e nt in th e a s s ortm ent. T he

loss to th e m anu fac tur e r s is

n ot ours. S ale now open.


and ends November 28.-

to t I r if a h t s an d Child ren .O



l^ER HELL,t Winter Term begins December8. .Holiday

recess of oneweek.-•

iE R S,

D o Y o u K no w t h at Par ego r i c,M O T H t -

. a v

B atem an 's D r o ps, G o df rey’ s C o r d i al ,m an y so - cal led So o th i ng Sy ro ps, am di il

Nen I won’t let himplay no more

In our hay-mow where I keep store

An’got hen cgga to sell, an' shoo

The cackle un old hen out, too!

who always has on hand a

March 15 Winter Tefm end*; Vacation:o f

one.week. <*•*

March 25 Spring Term begins, and end*

, June 21. vacationof ten weeks.

m o st rem ed ies f o r ch i l d ren a re co m po sed o f o pi u m o r m o rp h i ne 1

Large and Complete flssoitmentD o Y e n K n o w tb at op iu m an d m or p h i n e a r e stup e f y in g n ar c o t ic p o i son s f

An’ nen when Aunty she was here

A-visitun fromRensselaer,An’ bring my little cousin,—heC&n come up therean’ play with me.

D o Y o m K n o w t b at i n m o st co u n t r ies d r u g g i st s a r e no t p er m i t ted t o se l l n ar co t i cs

w i th o ut lab el i n g them p o ison s 1*

r OF --

But after while—whenBud he bets

’At I can’t turn no summersetts,I let him come up, ef he can

Ac’ ha’f-way like a gentleman!—James Whitcomb Riley.

P o Y o n . K n o w th a t yo u ah o u l d no t per m i t a n y m ed i ci n e t o t m g i v en y o u r c h i l d

t an less y o u o r y o u r p hy si c ian k no w o f w h at i t i s co m po sed 1 FA C U L T Y :

P o Yota K n o w tb st C asto r i a i s a p u rel y v egetab l e p r eparatio n , an d t h a t a l i s t o f

i t s i ng r ed ien ts i s p u b l i sh ed w i t h e v e ry b o t t l e t

Teas* Coffees, Sugars, WILLIAM N. HARRIS; - - Principal.

MISS MARY E. HARRIS, - - Preceptress.

MISS p e r l e 'm .SKEELE,





P o Y o n K n o w tbat C asto r l a I s th e p rescr ip t i o n o f the fam o u s D r .Sam uel Pi t ch er

,Thatithas beeninnse fornear

ly^thlrfyyea rs,andtha


iais nowsoldtha

ao f al l o ther rem edi es f o r chi l dren co m b i n ed f


—Susquehanna will bavo an ice carn­-

ival on tbe Susquehanna at tb at place.

—Chas. Hubbard of Sidney,fell frotn a

load of ice. was caught umitr Lbe ruu ;

nera and killed.

C A N N E D G O O D S,

S B E I > S,

P o Yom Know - that th e P a te n t O ffi ce D epar t m en t o f th e U n i ted States, a n d o f

o ther co u nt ri es, h a v e Issu ed ex c l u si v e ri g h t to D r . Pi t c h er a n d h is a ssi g n s t o u se th o w o r d

“C a s t o r i a” an d i t s fo r m u la, a n d t h at t o i m i t ate t h em is a state p ri so n o f f en se f

P o Y o n K n o w tb st o ne o f tbo r easo n s f o r g ran ti ng th i s go v er n m en t pro tect io n w as

b e d u so C asto r ia h n d been p r ov o n t o bg a b s o l u t e l y h a n a l e i s ?


SnctPrimary Department.


—The mission of lbe bicyclist b is been

discovered. One ran over and killed a

dog in Bingbamton.

—Johnstown,Fulton county.has voted

to incorporated ue a city.

-Tbe OneoDta Table company is about

to close up iffebusiness.

—A m an died near Canandaigua from

the t fleets ol“ bard cider," b at it look

four quarts of ihe stuft to kill him.

—Richfield Springs base ball enthusi­-

asts are endeavoring to raise $2,000

w itb wbich to secure a team tbe com­-

ing summ er tbat will defeat tb e Ooop-

eratown Athletics.

P o Yon Kaour that 35 average do ses o f C asto r i a are furnished f o r 35

c e n t s , o r o n e cen t a dose t


1st Primary Depatrment.

SEND FOR CATALOGUE.P o Y o n K n o w t h at w h en p o ssessed o f th i s p er f ec t p rep arati o n , y o u r chi ld r en m a y

b e k e p t w el l , and t h at yon m ay h av e unb r ok en r est ?

E G G S !

Highest mark et price paid fo r E g g s .Modem Appliances, good

ouis H eate d

iThoroughly Ventilated.

>ol cafe

Library and

with SteamApparatus,aud

Tliis school dT rs superior advantages to

the young people ot the neighboring dis­-

tricts, to prepare for Teaching, for College,or Business. Concerning a course of studycall on or address, Principal, William N.


W a ll,

t h e s e ar e w o rth k n o w i n g. T h ey a r e f ac t s.

The W i t e fl s

ature o f

( s on eve r y

w ra p p e r


.ChildrenCryforPitcher’s C as t o r l a* I N the m atter of the sale ofreal property

of MatildaWade, deceased) for the pay­-m ent o f debts ahd funeral expense?. In

pursuance bf a decrea of the Surrogate’sCourtof Chenango County, dated October

20th, 1894, the undersigned, administrators

will sell atpublic auction, a t the law office

of Eugene Clinton, in the village o f Greeno,Chenango County, N. Y., February 23d,

1895, a t 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the fol­-

lowing premises: All th at lot or parcel of

land situate in the village of Greeno, Che­-

nango County. N. Y,, bounded and des­-

cribed as follows: Beginning nt the north­-

west cornerof th e promises herein descrit-

ed, on the east line of the D . , L. &W. R. R.

Co.; running thence easterly along the

southerly line of lands of the Greene Manu­-

facturing Co. to lands of Jennie Bolt;thence southerly along tbe lands of Jennie

Bolt two rods to the lands o f Mrs. QeorgoMoNitt; thence westerly along the lauds of

Mrs. George MoNitt to the northwest cor­-

ner of lands of Mrs. George MoNitt; thenco

southerly along the west lino of lands of

Mrs. George McNitt to the village lot be­-

longing to D ie D., L. & YV. R. R Co.;

thence westerly along tho northerly linoof

tlie villajge lot belonging to the D.. L. & W.

R. R. Co., to the east lipe o f said railway;thence northerly along' tlie easterly line of

said rfcllwajr to the place of beginning.R. K» ATWATER,)

' .AMOS N. WADE, CAdministrators.

E fcafc fls CfiiRTON, Aw y .24w7 for Administrator*. Greens, N. r.


Chenango Connty. Eugpber against Barney Flanagan.

To the above named defendant:

* You are hereby 8ummoncd to answer

tho complaint’in this action, and to serve a

copy of youreanswer on th e plaintiff's nt-

toVneywithin twenty days after the Service

of this.Summons, exclusive of tb e day of

service, and in case of your failure to ap­-pear, or answer, judgment will be token

against you by default for tho relief de­-

manded m the complaint.Dated December 5,1894.

1 desired ia

io L . Hncom-

F . H . COW L ES, ,

(Successor to J. S. Wood,)

Respectfully announces to tlio people of

Greene and surrounding country, that

ho h as on hand and will con­-

stantly keep in stock a

full and complete as­-

sortment of

Tu it io n: Academicroom$6.00and$7.00;Grammar room $5,00; Intermediateroom

$4.00; Primary room $3.00.

—I t ia oluimed tb at tramps cost the

towa of Lenox, Madison Coun y, §1,-

297 50 last year.

—Clothes line Ibioves nre b otb eric g


A W I N T E R ’S E N T E R T A IN M E N T !R. P Chandaix, M. D., President.

M. S. Pabkee, Secretary.


25 cents, with age, sex and stamp and re­-

ceive horoscope ot future life Madame Jub-

ber, dead trance-medium, seventh daughter,"born with a veil and wonderful gifts of sec­-

ond -eight; toils past, present and Ittfure.FULL NAME OF WHOM YOU WILL

MARRY; positively no Imposition; advice

nn business, lore, marriage, speculation, di­-

vorce, changes, missing friends.* sickness,wills, pensions, and all affairs of life; everyhidden mystery levealed: helps all who are

In trouble: never talla; glvea advice on,allpoints of interest, business transactions, love

affaiis, family troubles, stock speculations,lawsuits, absent friends: cures witchery, fils,drunkenness, opium bablt, rheumatism and

mysterious diseases.

$5.01)0 CHALLENGEto nny mediumor fortuneteller wbo can ex­-

cel her in ber wonderful revelations ol the

pnar, present nnd future events of persons*lives. Ml challenges accepted, and In return

CHALLENGES THE WORLD.„Business slifcfly (Jfitalo abd conffdehtfal

Madame JbbbeTwill always stand as blgbabote the commtiu. roedltrmato this countryas tbe President Shove tho ragpicker, whlleber charge* for-the truth mo the-nume aa

Wbattbeothermediums charge'lor (alsehoodSkeptical people wbo, on account of thp

many misrepresentations lo lbe papers, lmve

lost faiib 'in newspaper advertising should

write and be coovlhccd that all advertise­-ments are not frauds

GREAT V AL U E WEEKLY NEWS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE.—Lestersbiro is to bave a new opera


S tric tly Pure Drugs,

—There aro twenty grargo organizetione in Otsego connty witb a member

ship of abo ut 1,000

—A oompaDy with a capital of 8100,-

000 bas been organized to manufacture

the Barnes bicycle in Syracuse.

—Tbere wore sixty-four dootb, sixty-leven b irtb s and sixty-two marriages m

W laten last year.

—Twb Afton boys brok otbrongh tbe

iffia while skating, one day la s t week,

andcam o near being drowned.




F o r a t r if l e -

Chemicals, Proprietary Medicines, DyoIPO L I C I E S


i i n

I f f YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE.Stulls, Choice Perfumes, Toilet Articles,


Chamois*, Sponges, Shoulder

"Reliable Com panies. Braces and Druggists

it is a N A T IO N A L f a m i l

Ibe United Flatea

n twentv-pacejournal. Is tlio loading Republican family papor orthcUuitcd States.


^pA p E Rj nndgives all tbe general news nf

. ifforclgn lands iu a nutshell lie“AgTl-cu m irnl” department lias d o superior in Ine Country. Its“ Market Ite-

ports” arc recognized authority. Separata departments for “The Fftinlly Cir­-ri e,**“ Our Y —

~” ' - — -

. ...

“H otr i c

erp. 1ta goners! . .

Haul and exhaustive.

~ WM& WEBSundrios.



— BV —


—T&o new building for tbo Thanks

giviog hospital at Cooperstown is Dear­-

ly completed and will cost when done


A r ti S t *7'T tftteFF ah itii i tel t tfs,


dKfifcHB, N . Y,t /


4a . t • i .

Brushes, Sash, Blinds andDoort?Wtrnfow, ,

A S P E C IA L C O N T R A C T enables us lo offer tbia aplendkl ioarnsl and T h o

A m e r i c a n” forGlass, Putty, <fcc.

Pure Wises and tiqnors

Office in tho noiv BanlT building.-•—An exebauge says tbat only a few

years ago Otsego coun'y bad eight c ot­-

ton m anufactories but thnt to day there

isn’t one.




(T h o rogular subscription for tbo tw o p ap ers la $>2.50 )

F or medicinal purposes.

—F. D. Wnkemnn of Pinesvillo re­-

ceived §1,354.64 for tbe milk of eigh

teeQ cows darin g tbo year 1894

—Th e Cfoopei’atown village benltb

board has. decided lha t no ice shall be

o at on Otsego lake within 800 feet of

the shore.

A fids line of choice brands o f

Butter, HIid.es an d Skins,am o ti rnv N a mat diq iN at ' ant t i ms TOBACCO AND CIGARS.

at h!slato placo ofbuginoea.Address all order* to

THE AMERICAN.Ifia well known throughout the world that

mediumsare the only reliableseers, and tbeir

chaims cause love, speedy marriages aud

success inbusiness.-Yi tn Fbt’obr K*v«*t-fo in a Du d Tranok Unites tbe icpsratcdand causes speedy snd hnppy marriage witb

tbo ono you love; causes good lack In ell

things by proper advice. Skour* a CnxBu

and WeakDiamokds RevCals everythingMxa Jobber. Box 75, Naw Al ba nt, Ind

Lc oc t CharmFr i i . Cat this ont and aave

it Mentionthis paper. I9m6

All of which I will sell at the lowest prices.CunninghamBlock.

P l i j slc ians* P r e s c r ip tio n s

—Of Delaware county’s supervisors

eight aro farmers, seven nre m erchants

two aro physicians, one is a bank c a sh­-

ier and one a lnwyeY

— George, tbe oldest son of Albert

Rockwell, uf C incinnatus, formerly o!

German, started to go bunliDg; Aa be

was passing through a narrow g ate he

fell and the g an was discharged, (be

shot passing thro ug h bis head. Ho

lived only about threo hours.—Sher-

bune News.

Write vnnr name and address on a postal card, send It to Geo W-Best, Room 2. Tribun0

Building. New York City, a d sample copy ofTHE NEW YORK WEEKLY T R lli

UNE will bo moiled lo yon

Grecfio, April 1,1804

Ar-curately compounded.

Greens, April ID, 18S3

EUGENE CLINTON,Plain tiff's Attorney,

Offico address and Post-office address,Greene, ChenangoCounty, New York.

To Barney Flanagan, defendant:

Tho foregoing -Summons is served upon

you by publication, pursuant to an order

of Hon. AlbertF. Gladding, County Judgeof Chenango County, N. Y

.,dated Decem­-

ber 28,1894, and fifed with tho complaintin the office, of the Clerk of Chenango

County, N. Y„ at Norwich, in said County.Dated December 81,1894.

EUGENE CLINTON,Plaintiffs Attorney,

Offico and P. O. address, Greene, Che­-

nango County, N. Y 23w7

G. E. R I O T S





N ew G oo d s.

Tlio undersigned having bean restored to

health by simple meanB, after suffering for

several years with a severe lung affection, and

that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious to

make known to fellowanfierera the means ol

cure To those wbo desire it, ho will cbecr

folly send (free of charge) &copy of the pre­-scription nsed, wbicb they will find a euro

care for Consumption. Asthma, Catarrh,BsoNcnms and nil throatandlong MaiaDiis

He hopes all sufferers will try bis remedy, as

it is Invaluable. Those desiring tbe prescrip­-tion, weich wilt cost them nothing, and may

prove a-blessing, will please address,25yl R V EDWARD A. WILSCfN,

• »Brooklyn, New York.

—Harvey B aker of Oneonln, has a

blroadaxo wbicb was made by his gre at

grandfather, about 14C years ogo. Mr.

Baker has bad it iu bis possession m ore

than 50 years.

THE Artistic Horseshoer is conducting a

first class

H orses h oe i n g an d

B l ac k s m i t lii n g S h o p ,

AT GREEN E, N . Y.,ey.

It is with pleasure that I call the atten­

tion of the publio to iny new an d elegant

L in e o f S to v es, SUPREMECOURT—CHXmuoo Countt

—David Grant sg sti Peter Goon and

othere. By virtue of a judgment of fore­-

closure ana sale duly granted and entered,in the above entitled action, I, the sub-

E.-Chase, in Greene, N. Y,.

on Saturday,

February 9th, 1895, a tone o’clock p. K., the

real estate and mortgaged premises by said

judgmeiit directed to be sold and therein

described as follows:

=-Hcbarfe baa a rival cf Job in tbe

person of a citizen who in the past fire

weeks has had tbe care of twenty seven

bbils on his person, and wbo makes

no complaint.”

—Homfer lost over $47,000 by fires

last year.

PARL O R S AND RA NG E S .On tlio opposite comer to the Trowbridge

House, where you w ill bo able to get all

Repairing done, and i f you bare Horses

that nre troubled with any of tlio followingdiseases;

I carry different makes of Ranges, both

four and six hole, and new styles of Square

—Cazenovia had the lowest death

ra te of aDy town reporting in the state

for November.

Hoof Bound, Contraction,

Quarter Cracks, Too Cracks, Sand Cracks,Corns, Side Bones, Sore Tendons, Over­-

growth of Sole, - Interfering. Quitter or

Thrush, or Tender Feet, Knee Knocking,Stumb'ing. Clicking or Forging, or Mixed

Gnita, Rocking Over. Wearing Shoes more

on one side than on the other, or any horse

that don't Travel Square,

and Round Parlor*.

S to v es at A ll P r ic e s, "AU that tract or parcel of land situate

in the town of Greene aforesaid, and all

aud singular the lauds and premises con­-

veyed to the said John M. Porter by Solo­-

mon Harris,by deed dated September29th,1862, and at that date recorded in Chenan­-

go County Clerk’s office, in liber 114 of

deeds at page 304, <fec. And tho particular

descriptions and boundaries of said prem­-ises as contained in said deed are herebyadopted and form a part hereof the same

as ir herein fully written, containing twCn-

ty-five acres of land, be the same more ot

toss.” Dated December 24, 1894


L. & L. E. Ch a s e , Plaintiff’s Attorneys,Greene, N. Y.____________________22wtt

He a r t d is e a s e ,^ *

m a n y o th e r a fi m e n t s wb en t b e y

h a v o t a k e n h o l d o t th e sy st e m,

b orer g ets b e tt er o f it s own accor d,

b n t

C ons tan tly g resra worse . Tb ere axe

t h o u sa n d *w h o k no w t be y b a r e a d e f e c t i v e

U fcart , p a t w Ul no t n d n i s th a fac t . Th e y

don 't wan t th e i r f r i en d s t o worry , an d

D o n ’ t k n o w w k a t t o ta k e fo r i t , aa

th e y b a r e b ee n to l d t i m e an d a g a i n t h at

h e a r t d i se a se w a s I n c u r a b l e . Sn c h w as tb o

c a se o f M r . Si l a s F a r l e y o f D y e s v i l i c , O h i o

w h o w r i t e s Jo n o 19 ,1 8 9 4 , a s f o l l o w s:

“I b a d H e a r t d i s e a s e fo r 9 3 y e a r s,

m y h e a rt h n rt l n g mo al m o st c o n ti n u a l l y .

T h e f i r s t 1 5 y e a r s I d o c t o r ed a l l tho t i m e,

t r y i n g . se v e ra l p h y si c i a n s an d rem e d ies,

nn til i n y ' R m td oc tor to ld m e lt was on l y a

q u esti o n o f t i m e a s

I con ld no t b e core d .

Z g ra d ua lly g rew

wo r se,

ver y wea k,

a n d c o m p l e t e l y d i s­-

couraged , nntil I

B r e d , p r op p ed h a l f

u p I n b e d , b e c a u se I

co u ld n ' tU c d o w n

nors it n p . Thi n k­-

in g m y" t i m e h a d

come I t o ld m j r fam ­

ily - - W b at 1 w a n te d1

"do n e ' WBtm -' I w a s

'g o n e . B a t o n - th e f i r s t d a y o f M a r c h o n -

t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f M f e F a n n l o Jo n e s,

O f A n d e r so n , I n d.,

1 c o m m en c ed ta k i n g

D r . Mil es >N ew C ure for th e H ear t

;*p d »w o n d e rf u l t o t e l l . I n t e n d a y s I w a s

-w o r k in g a t l i g h t w o r k a n d o n M a r c h 19 c o m ­

mence d f ram i n g a b arn , w hi c h i s h eav y

iW o r k . s n d X b a r’ n t l o st a d a y si n c e . . l a m 50

y e a r s o l d .f i - ft . iV% I n c h e s a n d .w e i g h 25011m

.Jf: b e li eve I atn fu ll y cure d , an d

l am now Oil y anx i ous th atevory ono s h a ll

i m ow .o f y oa r . w o n de r fu l r e m e d i e s."

py esv lU e , Ohio. S mss F a bl s y .

“ Dr. M t lw s Heart OnreJs sold o n a positiveguaranteet h a t th e flrdTbottlo v r l l l b en efi t .A l l d r u g g i st s s e l l Jt a t W


5 b o t t l e s for15- or

H ^r i Q lf0

from Cheap Medium to a High Art, high

price. I am prepared to sell these Stoves

[cMATS.IHfflE MAE)• C O P Y R I G H T S.


CA W I O B T A I N A P A T K N T ? T o t s

B £°< B { 4 > n aiw SEOd sn b o n est op in ion, w r it ® to

M I I R I t Ac < G q ..v t b aiu k v sh« d i i B sr i z r i t y x e« r s’KK p en en ce l ath e nst sn t a t m si ness. Com m n n l ca.

r i o n s I t f i ot l r ooofldent l sa. A U n n Jb s s k o f In -f o nsst l o Q ooaeer n log P a t e n t s an d how to ob*

* f ^r i o m e o f m eo b sn -le ri sa d sc l e iA i se b ooks m a t t n o


.r~rr—_raTJ-iV**w*uiyiw*>uo ftiuuuuwiui*I'O l o w w . T h i s SBlen di a osper ,

iw n r i w eek ly,e l e e i a t i y i l l ast n ted .b m sb y ta rth e

l« w e« cir c u l at i o n of« n y scl en t lA s w ork in tb e

w q r l i l .* S Bsm p le o o c l essen t f r M L

■ ®W ^ ^ ™ i o D in o n < l i l r , t t »* y e s r . si n g l e? t t n < i £ j e!l t,^ P r e r y ' I i UD5e» o o n tt l o s b esa .t l f n i p i stes. In oolor e, an d p hot o graph s o t new

at very low prices. I invite you all to come


and see me as I always take pleasure in

And he will shoe them properly, and in ­

struct you how to have them shod and

treated in the future to cure them. There

ia no use in having a horse laine, ii you

know just what is the matter and what

kind of Shoe is suitablo for the disease.

Horsemen should bear in mind tliat by Mr.

Rich’s theory of shoeing, be does not burn

on his shoes nor cut the frog out, but tries

to.keep the foot in its perfect shape. I use

only the Putnam Hot Forged and Hammer

Pointed Horse Nail. New shoes 30 cents:

Corking and Setting 15 cents; Setting 121c.

showing my goods. Also agent for

F u ll er & W arren F urnaces,

a Ad d e a l e r i n



— C oun ty o f

Chenango.—In the matter of the Dis­-

tribution of the Proceeds of the sale of the

real estate of Charles W . Barnett, deceased/

for the payment of his debts, &o. Notice

is hereby given that the proceeds of the

sale of the real property* ofCharles W. Bar--

nett-, late of the town ofGreene, ChenangoCounty, N. Y., deceased, lately made under

And by virture of the order of. th e Surro­-

gate of the County of Chenango b y David

Sherwood nnd Daniel B. Barnett, Admin­-

istrators of said estate, will be distributed

by the Baid Surrogate among the creditors'

of the said deceased, in proportion to their

respective debts according to law, at the

Surrogate's office,, in the village of Norwich

on the 4th day of February, 1895, at ten

o’clock -in4he forenoon.


Barbed Wire, Iron and Lead Pipe, &c., <fcc.*

R e p air in g ' P r o m p tl y A tte n d q d to* “T H E L E A D I N G P A P E R .”M r. S. G r e er V e terinary S ur g eon

au<l D e n ti s t,


F . H . BEALS .

Greene, April 1, 1893. R V O


THE ^ MORNING ^ S ONLate from England, is also practicing at

the same place. Satisfaction given in all

branches. Hoping you will give u s a share

of your patronage, we remain

Your Obedient Servants,*13 PROF. G. E. RICH.

_________________ S. GREER, V. S. _

I' ' '


sa !Twa1n’qi31§'.'.£';'!3?J;‘.T,E‘-’§.“.Y.§‘.'i.“ 0%’ -1

.:.'.r.‘:;».*:;°:*::;‘’;':'.*~4..*,;.d°?.ii':..°--e.:-:»':pmrun once. audtor '10‘

s n

Only Daily' Published in ChenangoCounty.

Made a

ftfell Man

©f Me.

All the Local News each day in addition

to tbe Telegraphic News of the

Entire WorfcL

F l o w e r B ee d sAPaperforthe HomeaniFireside.

3c. Per Pack e t.

O lean ae t h e B o w e l s Bnd P a r i t y th# B l o o d !C a r o D i sr rh o aa. D y se m e r y a a & D y so r a si a ,

au d_gj v e h ealt h y a c t i o n to tb a en t i r e ayatem .

‘ Dated-Norwich, N. Y.,

Dec'ber IS, 1894,ALBERT F. GLADDING,

Surrogate of Chenango Co., N. Y.

E u g en e C u n to n , Atty: four Administra­-

tors, Greens, N. Y.


a p m a u o a a :

p rod u c es t h *a bo - r sr e sv U s l a ' j o d a ys.-I t sets

O pw er fu l l r an d qu ick l y , C a tM Vrhen a l l O tborr i s i iT oo n s r acn 'w i U r egai n tbe i r l o st t tt n l ao o d ,and old

■e n w i l l teeovo r tb ei r y ou t h fu l t i s o i b y n sir*

B K V l 'V O ,It o o l ck l r t n d sar v l y 'f er tar t sN o rT o n s.

p e* s,Lost V i t al i t y , I m p ot en t/ , N i g h t l y .Em i ssi ons,

l a s t Vow er , Fal U u g-k tem o r y, Vfest U ur D i sesses. sad

su ef f ects o f sel f - sb u ss o r si e e se sn d i n d iscretio n

,wblenu ndttono{prslady.b«slnps«orni»rritge.I tno t o n l y to r se b r n tar t l n g s f tb t sest U t f i l i eese-bn t

L . as-

•■ cb t h o p i n k g l o w t o p a l e s h e e k s a o d i s-

•f o r i n g th i A re o f - x o nt l k - l t - w sra a o f f i n san i t yt e d Con su m pt i on . IbsSsC e t g Sr l Sf j R E VT V O , no

I t •arr M car rt sd i n rest po cket. B y m sl i ,

• L O O xtt rp ar i n ge. o r sl r t o r i B S.O O,-w i th a p o sl

t i y a wr i tten g uaramtae tb eore er retnn d

• h e M e i r . O i r c n l sr ttee.' A d dr sse

• t r e a t a e r r e t o n to sn d b l o o r i b n U d e r“


Special articles for the Farmer, Mechanic

and sons of toil of all vocatfona DailyButter, Milk, Chgese and Financial Reports

Should be Head in “every Household,

Tested Seeds o f all varieties?


Bitthft fim l it!


Tw elve Plants by Mail, 80 cents.


an order of Hon. Albert F. Gladding,

Surrogate of th?-County of Chenango, N-


notice is hereby-given, to all persons

having claims .against, Ihe estate, o f Ered

erick N. Leach, late o f the tow n o f Greene,in said County, deceased, that they are're­-

quired to present the same, and exhibit the'

vouchers thereof, ,to tlie Undersigned, tho'

executor of, A c , of said deceased, at his

office in the town o fGreene^ County a/or*-

said, on.or before the;6th dajr ofApril, 1895<

Dated Gaptember24,1884. . :L. ELWYN CHA8B, Exteutbr,

9w26-aad Attorney in peftoo.-

8 Verbenas, 3 Pansies, 1 Rose, 1 Feverfew

I Double WhiteVidet, 4 Heliotrope, 1 Chry­-santhemum, 1 Fuchsia. Catalogue free.


_________ Bingbamton. N. Y.

Agente wantedin every town and ham­-

let. Liberal commissionsand prizes. Send

foir free sample copj and terms*

THE M Q R im ra STT3NV

N O R W I C H,

N . Y . -

l" L

AX/ L OFFER U,ysale on easv tern..-, ....

v V house, Jot and Blacksmith shop and

stand of Frank J . Leitell, at Brisbin. Pos-^ , i


- *20..

^ C.’JL:. u. wfi'cri House'.

WHENin Binghamton go to. the Coffee

House, 98 State St., for meals or

lunches. Warm meals cost but 20 Cents.

T—- ppi-rtri a t all hours.


e e i r . i r c n sr t t ee.' r sseHOTALMIMCINCCO; «* Rtwr *t, CH!C«0, IU

I ariaj JO R IA U B Xa S




A GOOD PIANO. - I nquire of -

*8- E iKL. CUNNmSHAifc

.»-,‘ .4NJ‘R JBUCow3e^ t)rn||l*k; araeiie, N. Y. I7y.l

T O R l A




O oo d L R i g s.

Prices reasonable.


Greone, May 14,1894 *42

C henan g o V a lle y M ills.


We have received a good kupply of


Learning and Sheep Tooth Corn,


for Silage and Fodder; all of which is guar­-anteed to us true to nkme.

Also a quantity of

Y ello w G er m an M illet,

of fine quality.

M e a l M i d d l i n g s,

B r a n , & c.,

at the lowest prices, 1 tar r y a good


Fe e d,,

which will be sold as low as the lowest.

l a k e p l as t er

constantly on hand.


and in the best maimer.

Goods delivered free on the corporation.Thanking the public for past favors, I

hope by strict attention to business, to merit

a continqance of tho Bame."

Terms cash. J.


Greene, May f, 1894.

13 . C . L Y N C H,

jG t l E E iV E , N.


Manufacturer and dealer iu all kinds of


M ar lil e au d G ran i t e.

Cemetery Work o f Every Description


All work puaxanteedto give satisfaction.

N o w and original designs furnished on ap

plication. Correspondence solicited.

Factory near residence on Locust Street,Gre«n«. N . Y.


TH © S u n .

The first of American N ew spapers,

CHA R LES A. DANA, E ditor.

Th e Am erican C on stitu tion, th e

Am erican Idea th e Am erican Sp irit.

Thego first, last, surd (HI th e time

foreVef 1

Daily, by m a i l, ...........................

$8a year

Daily and Sunday, by mail, - $8a year

The Weekly, - - - - -


. $1 a year

T he Sunday Sun

is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the


Price 5c. a copy. By mail, - - $2 a year

A ddress THE SU N,

New York.


THE undersigned offers for sale his new

House and Lot on'Van Buren Street.

•Also 1 Colt two-years old: 1 three-year old,and 1 four-year old; 1 Top Buggy nearlynew, and 1Sidebar Buggy.

*15 0.



1T o l o 3 P r l u t l u g

DONEA . T l owra t e..



Wedding Cards, Ball Invitation*, Danes

Programs, VjMting sand Business Cards,^

c tio n B illi,L e tter, Note aad Bitt Heads

nd-Envelopei, ©ndiorf: notice. -

top related