i. bellwork: a.copy: a sentence is made up of a subject and a verb that express a complete thought....

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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I.I. Bellwork: Bellwork: A.A. Copy: A sentence is made up of a Copy: A sentence is made up of a subjectsubject and a and a

verbverb that express a complete thought. Sentences that express a complete thought. Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period(.), begin with a capital letter and end with a period(.), question mark(?), or exclamation point(!).question mark(?), or exclamation point(!).

B.B. The subject is what the sentence is about.The subject is what the sentence is about.

C.C. The verb is what the subject is doing/state of The verb is what the subject is doing/state of being. being.

D.D. Underline the subject(s) once and the main verb(s) Underline the subject(s) once and the main verb(s) twice in the following sentence. Then, identify all twice in the following sentence. Then, identify all parts of speech: “The boys flopped lazily onto the parts of speech: “The boys flopped lazily onto the couch and flipped on the TV.” couch and flipped on the TV.”

To Kill a Mockingbird ch. 1-To Kill a Mockingbird ch. 1-2 2

by Harper Leeby Harper Lee



Blk #

1. When people are exposed to evil, they will become evil themselves.  

2.  People are either all good or all bad.  

3.  Even if you know you’ll fail, it’s important to fight for something you believe in.  

4. We can know a lot about a person based on their family and their background.

5. The most valuable lessons are learned in school.

6. Stereotypes help us form opinions.

7. People fear what they don’t know or understand.

8. Certain groups of people deserve better treatment.

9. Our justice system is always fair and just.

10.It’s hard to change a stereotype—even when facts prove the stereotype wrong.

What do I want you to What do I want you to watch for as you read watch for as you read

TKMB?TKMB? The importance of understanding The importance of understanding

people by looking at life from their people by looking at life from their perspectiveperspective

What happens when the innocent are What happens when the innocent are exposed to evil/when the innocent are exposed to evil/when the innocent are victims of evil?victims of evil?

Lessons learned through life Lessons learned through life experiencesexperiences– How experiences lead to maturityHow experiences lead to maturity

III. Great DepressionIII. Great DepressionA.A. Worldwide, Worldwide,

economic economic depressiondepression

B.B. About 1929-1940About 1929-1940C.C. Personal income, Personal income,

tax revenue, and tax revenue, and profits all droppedprofits all dropped

D.D. UnemploymentUnemploymentA.A. USA: 25%USA: 25%B.B. Other countries: Other countries:


IV. Jim Crow EraIV. Jim Crow Era

A.A. Jim Crow EraJim Crow Era1.1. 1865: 4 million 1865: 4 million

blacks freedblacks freed2.2. 95% blacks lived 95% blacks lived

in South, 1% in South, 1% lived in Northlived in North

3.3. Freedom from Freedom from slavery did NOT slavery did NOT mean freedom mean freedom from from discriminationdiscrimination

IV. Jim Crow EraIV. Jim Crow EraB.B. Jim Crow LawsJim Crow Laws

1.1. Laws that created a Laws that created a separate but “equal” separate but “equal” societysociety

2.2. Blacks and whites Blacks and whites had separate had separate schools, bathrooms, schools, bathrooms, stores, water stores, water fountains, etc.fountains, etc.

3.3. Literacy laws made it Literacy laws made it difficult for blacks to difficult for blacks to votevote

4.4. Lynching occurred if Lynching occurred if Blacks rebelled Blacks rebelled

IV. Jim Crow EraIV. Jim Crow EraC.C. The Nadir The Nadir

(lowest point) (lowest point) of American of American historyhistory

1.1. Segregation, Segregation, racial racial discriminatiodiscrimination, and white n, and white supremacy supremacy was worse was worse than in any than in any other timeother time

Life during TKMB settingLife during TKMB setting

Read “World of Jim Crow”Read “World of Jim Crow” As you read, look for information that As you read, look for information that

answers this question:What attitude answers this question:What attitude towards non-whites do the Jim Crow towards non-whites do the Jim Crow laws demonstrate? laws demonstrate? – Jim Crow laws show that non-whites Jim Crow laws show that non-whites

were considered to be ______________.were considered to be ______________.– 3 specific examples that support this:3 specific examples that support this:




V. To Kill a MockingbirdA. Written by Harper LeeB. Published in 1960C. Winner of Pulitzer PrizeD. Themes:

A. Racial injusticeB. Loss of innocence

E. Removed from some public classrooms

VII.VII. CharacterizationCharacterizationA.A. Definition: The methods a writer Definition: The methods a writer

uses to reveal the personality of a uses to reveal the personality of a character.character.

VIII.VIII. AssignmentAssignmentA.A. Read chapters 1-2 (3-29)Read chapters 1-2 (3-29)B.B. Finish assignment sheetFinish assignment sheetCharacterCharacter Event/fact 1Event/fact 1 Personality Personality


22Personality Personality inferenceinference






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