hypertrophy · 2020. 9. 16. · iii) 15sec max iv) 45sec easy component 2 5 rounds rpe 10 5min cap...

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Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 365 1








Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 365 3

Program Breakdown: Introducing “functional bodybuilding” with three

varied training phases throughout the 12 week program. Allowing a varied approach to optimise

muscle synthesis and yet still a large emphasis on good movement mechanics.


This product is fully protected by Australian and International Copyright Law. All rights reserved. This booklet or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher.

Phase One [WEEK 1-4]General strength in with both bilateral and unilateral movements.

Phase Two[WEEK 5-8] Intensity undulation.

Phase Three[WEEK 9-12] Agonist-antagonist/Time Under Tension (TUT).



RPE 1 Active Recovery All day pace, 30-90 min easy rides

RPE 2 Endurance Long Slow Distance, Walking, Light flexibility work

RPE 3 Easy

RPE 4 Tempo Hiking moderate terrain, Tempo riding 60-180 minutes

RPE 5 Moderate

RPE 6 Threshold 10-30 Minute running or cycling intervals

RPE 7 Hard Vo2 Max 3-8 minute work intervals

RPE 8 Very Hard Anaerobic CapacityStrength & Power Training, Mountain Running. 30 sec to 3 minute max efforts.

RPE 9 Extremely Difficult Sub <60 sec efforts, 5 RM lifts

RPE 10 Max Effort Neuromuscular Power Max Lifts, Sprinting 20 seconds or under.

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Primary SessionS:The primary sessions are your core focus each week within this program.

Session One - lower body (squat/horizontal hinge/flexion core stressors)

Session TWO - upper body (vertical + horizontal press & pull/midline rotational stresses)

Session THREE - full body (vertical squat/hinge/horizontal & vertical pull/rotation)

Secondary Sessions:Further conditioning that’s specific to enhance your training results.

Cycle A [week 1 & 3]Conditioning One Conditioning Two

Cycle B [week 2 & 4]Conditioning One Conditioning Two

Phase one has been designed to introduce both bilateral and unilateral stressors across all planes of movement. This is not only

to ensure maximal stimulus for optimal adaptation but to also mitigate coordination, neuromuscular and strength discrepancies.

By developing a more balanced foundation that reduces overall deficiencies, it will aid in generating higher performance, lower risk of

injury which all equates to greater success.

Phase One follows a linear approach to increase intensity in increasing the overall intensity of the major movements/focus during each session.

Allowing a steady increase of stressors that allow your body to adapt and gradually gain further capacity to push harder each week.


[WEEK 1-4] General strength in

with both bilateral and unilateral movements

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Session TWO Upper body vertical + horizontal press & pull/midline rotational stresses.

Component 14 Rounds, RPE 7a) 10-12 Barbell Back Squats b) 5.5 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges c) 10 Hanging Strict Leg Raises

Component 24 Rounds, RPE 7a) 10-12 Barbell Glute Bridgesb) 5.5 Dumbbell Curtsy Lunges c) 20 Diamond Sit Ups

*C1/2 exercise ‘a’ WEEK 2: 4 sets, 10 reps (increase RPE 7)WEEK 3: 4 sets, 8-10 reps (same RPE 8)WEEK 4: 5 sets, 8 reps (increase RPE 9)

*C1/2 exercise ‘b’ wk 3/4 utilise the front rack position to increase difficulty by also challenging your midline.

Component 34 Rounds, RPE 6a) 10 American Kettlebell Swings b) 5.5 Supinated Sliding Hamstring Curlsc) 40m Sled Push (fast & light)

*Each week increase exercise ‘a’ & ‘b’ by 2 reps i.e. wk 2 a) 12 reps b) 7.7 reps*Ensure kettlebell weight is challenging but never sacrifice the integrity of your form.

Component 14 Rounds, RPE 6a) 10-12 Overhead Press b) 5.5 Prone Rows c) 10-12 Bench Press

Component 24 Rounds, RPE 6 a) 10-12 B/O Row b) 10 Barbell Landmine rotations c) 10-12 Dumbbell Arnold Press

*C1/2 exercise ‘a’ & ‘c’ WEEK 2: 4 sets, 10 reps (increase RPE 7)WEEK 3: 4 sets, 8-10 reps (same RPE 7)WEEK 4: 5 sets, 8 reps (increase RPE 8)

*With linear progression, you decide with what tools you utilise. Potentially begin with dumbbells and over the weeks progress difficulty with a barbell when you feel competent at the particular movement.

Component 33 Rounds, RPE 6a) 10-12 B/O Row Reverse Flys b) 10 Weighted Push Ups or Dipsc) Max Chin Ups

*Exercise ‘b’ ensure keeping tension by not locking out at the top, nor resting at the bottom. *Max chin ups - remain strict and utilise full range. Record each set and compare each week.

Session One Lower body (squat/horizontal hinge/flexion core stressors).

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Session THREE (Full body) vertical squat/hinge/horizontal & vertical pull/rotation.


Component 14 Rounds, RPE 6 a) 10-12 Dumbbell Thrusters b) 5.5 Dumbbell side plank w/ reverse flysc) 10 Kettlebell Sumo High Pulls

Component 24 Rounds, RPE 6a) 10-12 Dumbbell Deadlifts b)* 5.5 Barbell Landmine Row, Clean & Pressc) 10 Dumbbell Step Ups

*b) If you don’t have access to a barbell or the movement is too complicated, substitute with a dumbbell row, clean & press.

*C1/2 exercise ‘a’ & ‘c’ WEEK 2: 4 sets, 10 reps (increase RPE 7)WEEK 3: 4 sets, 8-10 reps (same RPE 8)WEEK 4: 5 sets, 8 reps (increase RPE 9)

*with linear progression, you decide with what tools you utilise. Potentially begin with dumbbells and over the weeks progress difficulty with a barbell when you feel competent at the particular movement.

Component 33-5 Rounds RPE 810 Dumbbell hammer curls20 hanging L sit flutter kicks 10 inverted rows/pull ups

Component 13 rounds a) 500m row RPE 6 b) 8.8 kbell bottoms up press c) 8.8 cossack squats

Component 24 rounds a) 30 loaded dish flutter kicks b) 20m suit case lunges c) 20m suit case lunges x 2 (each side) d) 10 loaded s/tap push ups

Component 35 rounds a) 45sec row RPE 8-9 15sec rest/transition b) 45sec burpee over rower 15sec rest/transition

Component 110 roundsi) ski 20sec hard ii) ski 40sec easy

Component 25 x E3MOMa) 250/300m ski b) 20 kick sits c) front rack hold for remaining time @ 30-50% body weight

Component 34 rounds a) 8 American swings RPE 8 b) 12 air squats into 8 loaded kick throughs c) 8.8 bias or normal 16 supine rows



Component 12 rounds a) 2km air bike (4km for bike) b) 2km ski c) 2km row

*E3MOM round 1 - 10 burpee box jump overs round 2 - 10 burpee pull ups

Component 110 rounds EMOM One15cal airbikeEMOM Twoa)5 pull ups b)10 push ups c)15 squats

Component 25-10 rounds a) bike cals b) x mt. climbers (each side) c) elevated glute bridgesd) renegade rows e) side plank to reverse fly (25 per side)





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Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 365 Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 36510 11

Phase Two introduces a new format that practices the same sessions three times each week. This will develop insight on intensity control

and stronger movement mechanics. Having repeated stressors at multiple intensities will create varied stimuli that allows new

adaptations. Ensure you correctly regulate the intensities appropriately so you’re sure not to over stress your body each week. If you feel you

require a ‘deload’ week, simply substitute the heavy day with another light or other conditioning.



TwoPhase Primary SessionS:

The primary sessions are your core focus each week within this program.

Session One - Medium 8-10, 6 Rounds Session TWO - Light 12-14, 5 Rounds Session THREE - Heavy 5-6, 4 Rounds

Secondary Sessions:Further conditioning that’s specific to enhance your training results.

Conditioning One Conditioning Two Conditioning Three

Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 365 Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 36512 13


Weekly RPE: 8

Week 6

Weekly RPE: 8

Component 1a) Deadlifts b) Piston floor press c) Front racked lunges

*C1/2, the selection of what equipment to use should be dictated by your experience, skill, strength and what’s available to you.

Component 3a) Inverted row b) Sled push & drag c) Dips

*sled push. light/fast (40m), medium/steady (30m), heavy/slow (20m).

Component 2a) S/A overhead press b) Renegade rows c) Front squats d) Glute bridges

Component 1a) Rack pull* b) Bench pressc) Bulgarian lunges

*if you don’t have the setup to perform a correct rack pull, simply place weight plates underneath barbell plates until the bar reaches below the knee.

Component 3a) Pull ups/inverted row b) Sled push & drag c) Weighted push ups

*sled push. light/fast (40m), medium/steady (30m), heavy/slow (20m).

Component 2a) Strict overhead press b) B/O rows c) One & a quarter back squats d) Hamstring curls (banded/GHD/machine)

*C1/2, the selection of what equipment to use should be dictated by your experience, skill, strength and what’s available to you.


Weekly RPE: 8

Component 1a) Deficit deadlifts b) S/A bench pressc) Reverse lunges

*to create deficit for the deadlift, simply stand on a sturdy platform that’s only a few inches above the ground i.e. two weight plates.

Component 2a) Piston overhead press b) Piston b/o rows c) Front rack squats d) Kettle bell swings

*C1/2, the selection of what equipment to use should be dictated by your experience, skill, strength and what’s available to you.

Component 3a) Bias inverted rows b) Sled presses c) S/A rows*sled press. light/fast (20m), medium/steady (20m), heavy/slow (10m).

Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 365 Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 36514 15




Component 13 rounds RPE 7a) 500m row b) 20 wall balls or goblet squatsc) 500m row d) 10 snatch to overhead reverse lunge

Component 25 rounds RPE 10a) Ski (150% of your BW is your distance)b) 40m sled sprint @ 50% BW c) 20m dead ball crawl @ 75% BW

*If you don’t have access to a sled substitute for 20 weighted jump squats

Component 110 roundsi) 30sec hard ii) 30sec easy iii) 15sec max iv) 45sec easy

Component 25 rounds RPE 105min cap on each exercise 1. work to heavy 1.1 TGU 2. work to heavy 3.3 dead clean press3. work to heavy 5.5 s/a squats 4. work to heavy 2 pull ups *kettlebell or dumbbell

Component 16 rounds1. EMOM - 150m ski into max chin ups 2. EMOM - 12 lunges into max push ups 3. EMOM - rest *Score is your lowest round of chin up & push up total*Lunges are 30%/50% of BW

Component 23 roundsa) 32cal bike b) 16 clean & press c) 8 burpees





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Component 16 rounds1. EMOM - 10/15cal ski into 12 shoulder tap push ups2. EMOM - rest

3 min rest

Component 26 rounds1.EMOM - 12/20cal bike into 10/20 kick sits 2. EMOM - rest

3 min rest

Component 36 rounds 1. EMOM - 100/150m into max leg raise with hip lift 2. EMOM - rest





Weekly RPE: 8-9

Component 1a) Deadlifts b) Close grip bench or neutral grip dbell press c) Deficit static lunges

*To create deficit for the the static lunge, simply stand the front foot on a sturdy platform that’s only a few inches above the ground. Then in a controlled fashion begin to descend the back knee towards the ground, once in the bottom position, squeeze the loaded glute until leg returns to beginning position.

Component 2a) 1 & 1/4 overhead press b) Plank rows c) Deficit squats d) S/L glute bridges

*C1/2, the selection of what equipment to use should be dictated by your experience, skill, strength and what’s available to you.

*To create deficit for the squat, simply stand both feet on two sturdy platforms, that are only a few inches above the ground. Hold a weight with both hands at the hanging position in between your legs. Descend until either the weight reaches the floor or until you reach end range.

Component 3a) Standing dbell or bbell high pulls b) S/A sled rows c) S/A snatches

*Sled s/a row. Ensure to switch arms half way and all distances remain at 20m.

Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 365 Copyright © 2019 Andrew Pap, Everyday 36516 17

Phase Three continues to shift the focus from various intensities for growth development and repetition to now implementing Time

Under Tension. TUT highlights the focus on not the amount of weight that’s being manoeuvred but rather increasing the time the muscles,

connective tissue and respiratory systems are placed in duress.This will give greater adaptations that the body must create to cope

with the various weeks under fluctuating tempo’s.




Example of tempo control • 3-0-1-0 • The first number (3) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.• The second number (0) denotes any pause at the midpoint.• The third number (1) is the concentric, or lifting, component.• Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.

Within this final phase prepare to fluctuate your weight each week to suit the various tempos on each exercise. Place emphasis on the tempo and technique rather than the weight and ensure you reach the rep count.

Primary SessionS:The primary sessions are your core focus each week within this program.

Session One - upper and lower body vertical/horizontal, push and pull stressors

Session TWO - lower body vertical push/hinge, midline and full body rotational stressors

Session THREE - lower body vertical/horizontal push and hinge stressors

*Tempo focuses change pending on the movement and where/when to correctly load the movement

Secondary Sessions:Further conditioning that’s specific to enhance your training results.

Conditioning One Conditioning Two

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• Superset 1a/b and then 2a/b for one round.• Minimal rest ‘30sec’ between sets and virtually no rest ‘5-10sec’ between exercises.

• Superset 1a/b and then 2a/b for one round.• Minimal rest ‘30sec’ between sets and virtually no rest ‘5-10sec’ between exercises.

Component 15 Rounds1a) 8 bench press 1b) 8 b/o row 2a) 8 overhead tricep extensions2b) 8 bicep curls

WEEK 1 a) 3-0-1-0 b) 1-0-3-0 WEEK 2 a) 1-1-3-0 b) 3-0-1-0WEEK 3 a) 1-0-1-0 b) 1-0-1-0WEEK 4 a) 3-0-3-0 b) 3-0-1-0

• Superset 1a/b and then 2a/b for one round.• Minimal rest ‘30sec’ between sets and virtually no rest ‘5-10sec’ between exercises.

Component 24 Rounds1a) 20m sled push b) 20m sled pull c) 20m sled press d) 20m sled row

• C2, adjust weight between lower body and upper body exercises. • Rest between rounds.

Component 34 Rounds1a) 10-12 upright rows 1b) 8 piston press 2a) 8 pull ups/inverted row2b) 8 suspended bias push ups • Regress to normal push ups if bias are too difficult.

WEEK 1 a) 3-0-1-0 b) 1-0-3-0 WEEK 2 a) 1-1-3-0 b) 3-0-1-0WEEK 3 a) 1-0-1-0 b) 1-0-1-0WEEK 4 a) 3-0-3-0 b) 3-0-1-0

Component 15 Rounds1a) 8 deadlifts 1b) 8.8 kneeling shoulder press 2a) 8 goblet squat 2b) 8 hamstring curls (band/machine/GHD)

WEEK 1. a) 3-1-1-0 b) 3-0-1-0 WEEK 2 a) 1-1-3-0 b) 3-0-1-0WEEK 3 a) 2-1-2-0 b) 1-0-3-0WEEK 4 a) 3-3-3-0 b) 3-0-1-0

• Superset 1a/b and then 2a/b for one round.• Minimal rest ‘30sec’ between sets and virtually no rest ‘5-10sec’ between exercises.

Component 24 Rounds 1a) 8 s/a floor press b) 8 s/a plank row c) other side d) other side e) 8 low to high wood chops f) other side g) 8 high to low wood chops h) other side

• C2, wood chops can be executed with cable machines or bands. • Virtually no rest between exercises and only minimal rest between rounds.

Component 34 Rounds1a) 8 reverse flys 1b) Max weighted diamond push ups 2a) 8 bias pull ups/inverted row1b) 8 triceps extensions *rings/cables/free weights etc

Session One Session TWO

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Component 15 Rounds1a) 8 back squatsb) 8 American swings 2a) 8 glute bridges b) 8 Bulgarian split squats

• Superset 1a/b and then 2a/b for one round.• Minimal rest ‘30sec’ between sets and virtually no rest ‘5-10sec’ between exercises.

Component 24 Rounds1a) 8 upright rows b) 8 bicep curlsc) 8 toes to bar

• Virtually no rest between exercises and only minimal rest between rounds.

Component 34 Rounds1a) 8.8 leaning 1 arm Dbell flys b) 8.8 s/a tricep extensions • Rings/cables/free weights etc

• Superset 1a/b and then 2a/b for one round.• Minimal rest ‘30sec’ between sets and virtually no rest ‘5-10sec’ between exercises.



CYCLE B (WEEK 10+12)

Component 15 rounds1. EMOM - airbike 20/30/40cals 2. EMOM - rest3. EMOM - 10.10 landmine clean & press4. EMOM - rest

Component 23 rounds 10 repsa) Dual dbell high pull to external rotation b) Single leg dual dbell RDL c) Single leg dual dbell Arnold press d) Prone ring plank with renegade row

Component 310 rounds, air bikea) 15sec RPE 10 b) 45sec rest

Component 116min AMRAPa) 20cal ski b) 15 TTB c) 10 burpee box jumps

Component 216min AMRAPa) 20cal row b) 15 push gorillas c) 10 pike rows

Component 316min AMRAPa) 20m broad jump burpees b) 15 ball slams c) 20m reverse bears

Component 13km skiE3MOM 10 hindus 10 renegade rows

Component 23km rowE3MOM 30 squats10 dual dbell push press





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Component 13-5 roundsa) 1 km COC RPE 83 x b i) 3 squats ii) 3 overhead push press iii) 3 ground to shoulder iv) 20m carry

Component 2For TIme50cal row40 burpees 30 swings20 thrusters 10 pull ups




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