hypermesh 12.0 tutorials-nastran

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nastran deck preparation


HyperMesh 12.0 TutorialsNastran Solver Interface

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HyperMesh 12.0 Tutorials - Nastran Solver Interface iAltair Engineering

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HyperMesh 12.0 Tutorials - Nastran Solver Interface

........................................................................................................................................... 1Nastran

............................................................................................................................................... 2HM-4200: Setting Up Nastran Static Analysis in HyperMesh

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The following Nastran tutorials are available:

HM-4200: Setting Up Nastran Static Analysis in HyperMesh

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HM-4200: Setting Up Nastran Static Analysis inHyperMesh

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

Define a model in HyperMesh

Apply boundary conditions in HyperMesh

Write the Nastran input deck

View the results

You will use the HyperMesh Nastran interface to create finite elements on the geometry of aplate with a hole, apply boundary conditions, and perform finite element analysis.


Step 1: Retrieve the model file and select the Nastran user profile

1. Upon opening, HyperMesh prompts you to select a user profile. Select the Nastranprofile.

2. From the menu bar, select File > Open > Model.

3. Browse to the file plate_hole.hm.

4. Click Open.

Step 2: Create material collectors and components

1. Right click in the Model Browser and select C reate > Materia l.

2. In the Name= field, type steel.

3. In the Type field select ISOTROPIC.

4. For the Card image, select MAT1.

5. Check the box for C ard edit m ateria l upon creation and then click C reate.

6. In the E= field, type 2E5.

7. In Nu field, type 0.30.

8. In the Rho field, type any number (if needed).

9. Click return to close the card image, and then return again to close the Material panel.

10. Right click in the Model Browser and select C reate > C om ponent.

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11. In the Name field, type shells.

12. Click the Property tab and select Assign property.

13. In the Name field, type pshells.

14. In the Type field select 2D.

15. For the Card image, select PSHELL.

16. Click C reate property.

17. In the card edit panel that appears, click on [T] and enter 1.0 as the thickness, then

click return.

18. Click the Material tab and select Assign m ateria l.

19. In the Name field, select stee l.

20. Click C reate.

This creates the component and property as well as assigns a material collector in asingle step.

Step 3: Mesh the geometry

The Automeshing panel allows you to mesh interactively on surfaces. It also includes toolsfor manipulating surface edges and meshing fixed points (locations where the mesher isrequired to place a node.) The elements generated are organized into the current componentand shells.

1. Press F12 to access the Automesh panel.

2. Go to the size and bias subpanel.

3. Click surfs and click displayed.

4. In the element size= field, type 40.

5. Toggle to elem s to current com p.

6. Click m esh.

7. Click return to save the mesh in the shells component.

8. Click return to close the panel.

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Plate mesh using element size of 40mm

Steps 4-6: Apply boundary conditions to the model

In this section, the model is constrained so that two of the four edges cannot move. A totallateral load of 1000N is applied at the edge of the hole so that all forces point in the positivez-direction.

Step 4: Create collectors

Before creating boundary condition and loads, load collectors are created first. These loadcollectors are used for boundary conditions and loads.

1. Right click in the Model Browser and select C reate > Load C ollector.

2. In the Name field, enter spcs.

3. Click C olor and select desired color.

4. Click C reate.

The collector is created.

5. Right click in the Model Browser and select C reate > Load C ollector.

6. In the Name field enter forces.

7. Click C olor and select the desired color.

8. Click C reate.

The collector is created.

9. Click return to close the panel.

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Step 5: Create constraints

1. In the Model Browser, right click on spcs and select Make C urrent.

2. From the menu bar select BC s > C reate > C onstra ints.

3. Select the create subpanel.

4. Click nodes and select by window from the extended entity selection menu.

HyperMesh opens the Build Window panel.

5. Click interior, if not already selected.

6. Create a window around the left and right edges of the model. Do this by picking pointson the screen with your mouse.

7. Click se lect entities.

The nodes along the left and right edges of the model are selected (see the followingimage).

HyperMesh returns to the Constraints panel.

Select these nodes to apply single point constraints

8. Click dof1-dof6, if not already selected.

Note: Dofs that are checked are constrained.Dofs 1, 2, and 3 are x, y, and z translation degrees of freedomDofs 4, 5, and 6 are x, y, and z rotational degrees of freedom

9. Click create to apply these constraints to the selected nodes.

10. Click return.

Step 6: Create forces on the nodes around the hole

1. In the Model Browser, right click on forces and select Make C urrent.

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2. From the menu bar, select BC s > C reate > Forces.

3. Click nodes and select by window from the extended entity selection menu.

HyperMesh opens the Build Window panel.

4. Select interior.

5. Create a window around the hole of the model. Do this by picking points on the screenwith your mouse.

6. Click se lect entities.

The nodes around the hole of the model are selected (see the image below).

HyperMesh returns to the Constraints panel.

Select these nodes to create loading around hole.

7. Click nodes and select save from the extended entity selection menu.

8. Click return.

9. On the Tool page, click count and select the FE entities subpanel.

The nodes are counted automatically so that a calculation can be made to create a totalforce of 1000N.

10. Click the upper left switch and select nodes.

11. Click nodes and select retrieve from the extended entity select menu.

The nodes saved in the Forces panel are retrieved.

12. Click se lected to count the number of nodes around the hole (note the number of nodesselected).

13. Click return.

14. From the menu bar, select BC s > C reate > Forces.

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15. Click nodes and select retrieve from the extended entity selection menu.

16. Click in the magnitude = field and enter 21.277 (this is 1000/47).

The total load on the nodes around the hole is 1000N.

17. Click the plane and vector definition switch below magnitude = and select z-axis.

18. Click create.

19. Click return.

Steps 7-8: Create a Nastran subcase (a load step inHyperMesh)

Step 7: Create the loadstep

1. From the menu bar, select Setup > C reate > Loadsteps.

2. In the name = field, enter lateral force.

3. Check SPC, click the = button, and select the spcs load collector.

4. Check LOAD, click in the field, and select the forces load collector.

5. Verify that the type is set to linear static

6. Click create.

7. Click edit.

8. Click Output.

9. Click the option for Displacem ent.

10. Click the option for Stress.

11. Click return to exit the card editor.

12. Click return to exit to the main menu.

Step 8: Create control cards

1. From the menu bar, select Setup > C reate > C ontrol C ards.

2. Click SOL.

3. Click the switch next to Analysis and select Statics from the pop-up menu.

4. Click return.

5. Click PARAM.

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6. Click AUTOSPC.

7. Click POST.

8. In the card edit field above, click on POST_V1 to make this option editable and enter inthe value -2.

This option specifies that an op2 file should be created.

9. Click return.

10. Click return again to close the panel.

Steps 9-10: Write the Nastran input deck

In this section, write the Nastran input deck file, specified with the .dat extension, before

running Nastran.

Step 9: Write your file

1. From the menu bar select File > Export > Solver Deck.

2. Set the File Type: field to Nastran.

3. Select the desired directory and enter plate_hole.dat in the File : field.

4. Click Save.

5. Click Export.

This writes your HyperMesh database as a Nastran ASCII input deck.

Step 10: Save your file and exit HyperMesh

1. From the menu bar select File > Save As > Model.

2. Select the desired directory, and type plate_hole_new.hm in the File name field.

3. Click Save.

4. Exit HyperMesh.

Steps 11-14: View the results

After running Nastran, the punch file plate_hole.op2 is created. This file contains

displacement and stress results for your linear static analysis. This section describes how toview those results in HyperMesh.

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Step 11: Add a HyperView page to the session and load the fem andop2 files

1. On the toolbar, click the Add Page icon .

2. Set the Client Type to HyperView.

3. From the menu bar select File > Open > Model.

This opens the Load Model panel.

4. Click on the file icon next to Load model and select plate_hold.dat.

5. Click on the file icon next to Load results and select plate_hold.op2.

6. Click Apply to load the model and results.

Step 12: View a deformed shape

1. From the menu bar select Results > Plot > Deform ed.

2. For Result type select Displacem ent.

3. For Scale select Model units and for Type select Uniform.

4. For Value enter 25.

5. Under Undeformed shape, for Show, select W irefram e.

6. Click Apply to view a deformed plot of your model overlaid on the original, undeformedmesh (refer to the figure below).

Isometric view of deformed plot overlaid on original undeformed mesh. Model units are set to 250.

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Step 13: View a contour plot of stresses and displacements

1. From the menu bar select Results > Plot > C ontour.

2. For the Result type select Displacem ent (v).

3. On the toolbar, select the XY Top Plane View .

4. Click Apply.

5. For the Result type select Stress (t).

6. For Averaging method select Sim ple.

7. Click Apply.

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