hybrid school (in-person learning) 2020/2021

Post on 25-Apr-2022






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Hybrid School(In-person Learning)


Hello!Please review the following as well as our SKORR video to learn how we can make hybrid (in person) learning safe for everyone.


What is ‘hybrid’ learning?

● It is a mixture or combination of learning at school AND learning at home;

● Students will still be expected to complete assignments independently at home;

● Mondays ALL students will be learning at home virtually;

● Tuesday - Friday, AM/PM Hybrid students will come to school for half a day AND complete work at home for the other half;

● The school day will be different than a regular school day○ School hours, class size, recess, lunch, visitors on campus, student pick up and

drop off, are some of the changes that you will observe.

Place your screenshot here

Please click on the computer to see a Welcome Back video and message from Dr. Koligian.


Things your student will need before coming to school

❏ Mask for face that covers nose and mouth

❏ Extra mask in materials folder or backpack

❏ Full Water Bottle with student name ( drinking fountains will be closed)

❏ Front office has any needed Emergency Contact Information updates

❏ Signed COVID-19 Family Agreement consenting to expectations / guidelines

due 11/12

❏ Plan for picking up and dropping off your student

❏ Plan for if your student needs to quarantine and / or be picked up from school

early due to symptoms and / or illness

❏ If students or guardians have difficulty following these guidelines, students may

be recommended to transfer to the Virtual Academy.

Water and Drinks at


The water fountains will be closed to limit exposure.

Each day, send with your student, a full water bottle with their name on it.

Food and Snacks at


Except for Student Care and Kindergarten,Students will not be eating anything at school.

Please do not send in a snack.


Lunches will be

‘grab and go’

Students will take their lunches from school at the end of their day to eat at home. Students will NOT

be eating at school.

Click the link to Food Services to sign your student up for lunch. Please contact the office if you do not know your

student’s ID number.

Weekly Schedule


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

No Hybrid (in person)


Morning Meeting will

be held virtually

AM- 8:25-11:00


PM - 12:00-2:37

AM- 8:25-11:00


PM - 12:00-2:37

AM- 8:25-11:00


PM - 12:00-2:37

AM- 8:25-11:00


PM - 12:00-2:37

Pick Up Materials

for Virtual Learning

7am-10:30am and

12:30pm - 3:45pm in

the multi

Pick up and Drop OffTimes

● Students may not be dropped off more than 10 minutes BEFORE school starts. No students on campus before 8:15am for the morning session and 11:50 am for the afternoon session.

● Only staff and students allowed past the red SKORR line prior to entrance gates.

● Students must be picked up within 10 minutes AFTER school is dismissed.

● If you don’t adhere to the schedule guidelines, your student may be recommended to transfer to the Virtual Academy.

Pick up and Drop Off


Gate 1 KinderSouth end of campus- Large Chain Link Gate near kinder playground

Gate 2 1st/2nd GradesMain Iron Gate between Multi and Kinder Building

Gate 3 3rd GradeMain Iron Gate next to the Dragon Drop-off structure

Gate 4 4th/5th GradesNorth end of campus - Large Chain Link Gate after Student Care

Drive through student drop-off/pick-up only allowed near Dragon Drop Off area.

Staff and Student Care parking only in this lot. Please refrain from driving through

and/or parking in the bus lane in front of school; also the parking area near

Kindergarten is not a drive through drop-off.


Students will be required to wear a mask at all times while in school. If a student is having difficulty following the guidelines, we will work on a solution.

Recess and Playground Equipment

The playground and recess equipment is closed until further notice.This will be closed before, during, and after school hours. Please help us to keep students off the equipment and playground.

Proper Mask Wearing

Masks need to be covering the nose and mouth at all times.

Please make sure that your student’s mask fits properly and is comfortable.

Please use a mask with 2 layers.

Click here for a video

Mask Care

Handwashing Information

Please review with your student

For 20 seconds

Lining Up6 feet Apart

Students will be required to stay 6 feet apart from one another at all times.

Covid -19signs

around school

Please look around campus for Covid-19 signs and follow the directions.

Covid -19signs

around school

Please look around campus for Covid-19 signs and follow the directions.

Covid -19signs

around school

Please look around campus for Covid-19 signs and follow the directions.

What if my student doesn’t feel well?

How am I feeling today?

Symptom Checklist

Please look at the checklist on the next slide to see if your student should stay home and / or quarantine.

Staff will follow this checklist to determine if your student will be sent home from school.

If your student exhibits any of these symptoms, they will be safely quarantined until a guardian can pick them up within 30 minutes.

Please make sure that you or your emergency contact is available to pick up your student within 30 minutes of the school calling.

See the checklist for the requirements that must be met before sending your student back to school.

School Quarantine

And Pick Up


What happens if we are not able to follow these guidelines?

If you and / or your student cannot follow these guidelines, your student may be a better candidate for the Virtual Academy. The only way to ensure everyone’s safety is for both guardians and students

to follow these guidelines.


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