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Gardeners’s Guide to Indigenous Garden Plants of Southern Africa G. Ebedes This handy pocket guide introduces local gardening enthusiasts to some of southern Africa’s most beautiful, beneficial and easy- to-care-for indigenous plants, giving guidance on how best to use them and how to ensure that they flourish. Gardener's Guide to Indigenous Garden Plants of Southern Africa offers:

A selection of 145 garden-friendly, low-maintenance trees, shrubs and bedding plants perfectly adapted to our local soils and

weather conditions

Text that’s direct and simple

Full-colour photographs that show plant details and ‘in context’ planting

Icons indicating at a glance whether a species is evergreen or deciduous, frost-hardy, suitable for a sunny or shaded position, fast or slow-growing, water wise, fragrant and attractive to insects or birds. An essential handbook for easy-care beautiful gardening. 168 p., SC , R 150 Penguin

HUTTEN-BUCHDIENST Posbus 7234, Pretoria, 0001


Die Wilgers

T & F: 012 807 0434

072 229 2148

The Executive Update I. Mann Business ideas and practices are constantly changing, but no manager has the time to read all the business books and articles that come out in a year. In this book, Ian Mann does all

the work for you, trawling

through recent business publica-

tions and distilling the most im-

portant new insights and deve-

lopments. Topics include: outsourcing; mechanisation;

obligations to stakeholders other than shareholders; the

strange world of banking; and leadership.

128 p., SC, R 180

Geknelde land


Hoe gebeur dit dat ’n hele gevestigde

gemeenskap sy tentpenne uitruk en die

wildernis intrek? In Geknelde land gee

FA Venter ’n diep-menslike antwoord op

dié en ook op baie ander vrae oor die

Groot Trek. Dit is die verhaal van die

Dreyer-gesin van Grensplaas en vertel

van die ontberings en terugslae wat dié

boeregesin moes verduur voor hulle

uiteindelik ook besluit om te trek. Die hooffiguur, Rudolf Dreyer,

weier aanvanklik om sy plaas te verlaat, selfs nadat dit verwoes

is. Geknelde land is ’n uitbeelding van die konflik in Rudolf se

gemoed en die stryd wat hy met sy medemens en met homself

voer voordat hy tot ’n besluit gedwing word.

328 bls., SB, R 250

FA Venter se Offerland, Gelofteland en Beloofde land sal ook nog later weer verskyn . Hierdie gewilde reeks is al geruime tyd uit druk uit en vorm deel van Afrikaans se klassieke letterkunde.

Making Africa Work G.Mills, O.Obasanjo, J.Herbst, D. Davis Sub-Saharan Africa faces three big challenges over the next generation. It will double its population to two billion by 2045. By then more than half of Afri-cans will be living in cities. And this group of mostly young people will be connec-ted through mobile devices. Properly harnessed and planned for, these are positive forces for change.

Without economic growth and jobs, they could prove a politi-cal and social catastrophe. Old systems of patronage and muddling through will no longer work. Making Africa Work is a practical account of how to ensure growth beyond commodities, and to create jobs. It’s a hand-book for dynamic leadership inside and outside the continent. Shouts: ‘I wish I had this handbook when I was president of Malawi’ Joyce Banda ‘At last, a book on “How” rather than “What” to do to improve the fortunes of Africa’s people. Leaders should read it, and learn.’ Mmusi Maimane, Democratic Alliance leader ‘By understanding the intersection of people, policy, cities and states, Making Africa Work is the go-to-guide to informed choices for a better Africa.’ Mondli Makhanya, City Press editor 240 p., SC, R 280

Banking details:

Absa The Grove

Hutten-Buchdienst 1630 350 480

Branch: 333 845

Postage & handling R 60

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PostNet / Koerier R 110

only to major centres

April 2017

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Melktert-versameling M-L. Guy , C. Maritz Daar is ’n melktert vir elke okkasie en na elkeen se smaak: met ’n skilferkors-kraag, krummelrige broskors, koekiekrummelkors of sonder kors; gegeur met kaneel, naartjieskil, perskeblare, neutmuskaat of vanielje, amandel, karamel, sitrusskil of kardemom; gebruik as ’n tert (gebak of ongebak), nagereg, skommeldrankie, “shooter”, melkskommel of as vulsel vir ander gebak soos

doughnuts: melkterte van oor die hele wêreld – Nederland, Portugal, Spanje, Amerika, Frankryk, Engeland en selfs China. 280 bls., HB, R 280

S-98 W. du Toit 'n Hoëspoed verhaal wat die leser vanaf die ysige vlaktes van Oos-Seberia na die tropiese waters van Angola neem, van beraadslaging oor staatsveiligheid tot per-soonlike verhoudings van spioenasie en intriges tot die gevegsintervlak. Geplaaas in 'n tydperk wanneer allerlei slinkse transaksies en heimlike operasies uitgevoer is. 220 bls., SC, R 240

Stone Print E. Furter The book demonstrates the innate universal structure in our works, including art, rock art, hou-ses, kivas, temples, villages, sacred sites, monuments, pyramids (Egyptian, Chinese, Olmec as well as Mayan pyramid fields), and cities. The examples range from the Ice Age thaw at Gobekli Tepe, Malta, and Scotland; to prehistoric sites such as Babylon; semi-historic sites such as the Giza, Avebury and Stonehenge landscapes; historic sites such as Ephesus, Rome, Axum, Quebec, and Cape Town; and across all continents and cultures, including Africa, the far east, south America (including Nazca) and North America (including Mystery Hill). Among the cultural media that carry the human code, and camouflage it from our conscious mind until revealed by structural analysis; are rock art, ‘fine’ art, ritual, myth, poetry (such as two examples of Babylonian building rites, and two poems by William Blake) buildings, sites and re-gion (such as Babylonia). Nature also express archetypal structure. Stone Print reveals several direct links between sub-conscious cultural expressions, and the periodic table (when charted on a spiral as by Maurice

Peyroux); chemical elements; reflexology charts of our palms, irises, teeth, earlobes and inner ears. Our eye-hand-mind co-ordination expresses the same universal structure in building sites, even by different architects, and different generations of rulers and builders. Stone Print, the human code in art, buildings and cities, now enables conscious access to our subconscious behaviour, which is revealed as standarised, rigorous, universal, eternal, complex, yet measurable. The book places the discovery of subconscious behaviour (first reported by the author, Edmond Furter, in Mindprint in 2014), in the context of the esoteric crafts of alchemy, kabbalah, cosmology, astrology, and art; as well as the context of each human science: art history, archaeology, anthropology (with a humorous detour into popular archaeology), psychol-ogy, and sociology. The implications of the discovery of the universal stone print structure for popular culture (including various schools of popular archaeo astronomy) , and for the human sciences, are significant. 400 p., SC. large size R 260

The South African Land Issue

W. Weber

“Land and land ownership are contentious issues

often abused for political purposes. The South Afri-

can Land Issue provides essential facts exposing

some of the current false land claims and refutes

fables and tales” Jaco Schoeman

72 p., SC, R 60 published 2015

Peter Moors Fahrt nach Südwest G. Frenssen Gustav Frenssen schrieb diesen berühmten Roman nach einer ihm bekannten, wahren Geschichte. Der junge Holsteiner Peter Moor, meldet sich aus jugend-lichem Fernweh und aus Abenteuerlust, im Jahr 1904 freiwillig zur Schutz-truppe. Er wird angenommen und nach Deutsch-Südwestafrika geschickt. Peter Moor beschreibt in norddeutscher Knappheit, doch treffend, die Überfahrt und die ersten Eindrücke der langen Reise. In Südwest angekommen, ist er über die erschwerten Lebensbedingungen und die Ratschläge der erfahrenen Kame-raden verwundert, findet diese aber bald bestätigt. Der Feldzug gegen die aufständischen Herero ist im vollen Gange und bald befindet er sich inmitten der Gefechte am Waterberg, die ihm und seinen Kameraden das Letzte abver-langt. Entsetzlicher Durst, Erschöpfung und Typhus schwächen und dezimieren die Schutztruppe. Auch der Holsteiner zieht sich einen Herzschaden zu und wird als dienstuntauglich erklärt. Der Krieg gegen die Herero und Nama war für die Schutztruppe durchaus kein militärischer Spaziergang, sondern ein lebens-gefährliches und strapaziöses Unternehmen, das vielen Deutschen, Soldaten wie Zivilisten, das Leben kostete. Diese Neuauflage ist durch Skizzen und Fotos sowie Auszüge aus dem Generalstabswerk erweitert, Fußnoten erklären Be-griffe, Daten und Orte. 147 S.. Taschenbuch, R 190

White Identity

J. Taylor

In White Identity Taylor systematically marshals the

data to show that: People of all races pay lip service

to the ideal of integration but generally prefer to

remain apart. Study after scientific study suggests

that racial identity is an inherent part of human

nature. Diversity of race, language, religion, etc. is

not a strength for America but a source of chronic

tension and conflict. Non-whites--especially blacks and Hispanics but

now even Asians--openly take pride in their race and put group

interests ahead of those of the country as a whole. Only whites

continue to believe that it is possible or even desirable to transcend

race and try to make the United States a nation in which race does not

matter. Taylor argues that America must reassess dated assumptions,

and that we need policies based on a realistic understanding of race,

not on fantasies. Most provocatively, Taylor argues that whites must

exercise the same rights as other groups--that they must be unafraid

of considering their own legitimate interests. He concludes by warning

whites that if they do not defend their interests they will be

marginalized by groups that do not hesitate to assert themselves,

numerically and culturally. The culmination of 25 years of writing

about race, immigration, and America's future, this is Jared Taylor's

best and most complete statement of why it is vitally important for

whites to defend their legitimate group interests.

348 p., SC, R 220

Bewaffnung und Ausrüstung von Spezialeinheiten Dieses Bildlexikon vermittelt mit über 200 brillianten Farbaufnahmen und Hunderten von Detail-Benennungen einen gekonnten Einblick in die Waffen- und Gerätekammer der internationalen Spezialverbände und Geheimdienste. Kurze Begleittexte vertiefen die Bildinformation, die Leser jeden Alters einen schnellen Zugang zu dieser packenden Thematik ermöglicht. 61 S., gebunden R 190 Großformat 1994 erschienen

Klein Kook & Geniet E.v.d. Berg Kook en geniet se kleinsus is die perfekte wegspringplek vir beginners in die kom-buis. Die immergewilde kookgids vir kinders is nou terug in 'n nuwe pragtige en vrolike nuwe baadjie - met dieselfde vertroude gunste-ling-resepte. Dit bevat meer as 55 smulresepte vir jonk en oud, spesiaal uitgesoek en getoets deur Eunice van der Berg. 172 bls., SB, R 220

Asterix en die Speelplek van die Gode R. Goscinny Julius Caesar is vasbeslote om Asterix-hulle se woud te ontbos en te omskep in ’n moderne woonkom-pleks vir die Romeine met die naam die Speelplek van die Gode. Cosinus is die talentvolle jong argitek wat die projek onderneem en hy dryf die slawe om die bome uit te trek en te begin bou. Eers probeer Asterix-hulle die bouproses verhinder,

maar besef dat die slawe benadeel word. Die Speelplek van die Gode word gebou en die Romeine trek in. Hoe gaan die Galliërs hul geliefde woud met wildevarke terugkry? 48 bls., SB., R 130 vra ook vir ander Asterixtitels; we also stock a few English titles

Troepie—From Call-up to Camps C. Blake This book is a collection of excerpts from inter-views with former conscripts in which they recall their time in the South African Defence Force. The chapters are structured according to the general sequence of a conscript’s experience: receiving call-up papers, klaaring in, the first week of Basics, bush phase, second-phase training, general service, the Border, Angola, the townships, klaaring out and camps. It includes stories

of various lengths, from a paragraph to a few pages; it’s a book that is easy to dip into. Appendices give additional information on a range of matters, from the context of the Angola War to National Service medals. A comprehensive glossary explains mili-tary terms. 306 p., SC, R 210 Afrikaans: Troepie—Van Blougat tot Bosoupa

Unternehmen Rettung F. Brustat-Naval Ihrer Natur nach waren es Handels-schiffe, die buchstäblich die Hauptlast trugen in der vom Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine und der Seekriegslei-tung ausgelösten größten Evakuierung der modernen Geschichte: die Rettung der ostdeutschen Bevölkerung während der letzten 115 Tage des Zweiten Welt-krieges. Ungeschönte Augenzeugenbe-richte und histor-isch gesichertes Zahlenmaterial dokumentieren auf erschütternde Weise die Situation von Opfern und Tätern. 362 S., geb. Schutzumschlag, R 230

Prices can change without prior notice

out of print – außer Druck – uit druk, last copies or second

Selous Scouts Lt.Col. Ron Reid Daly as told to Peter Stiff The Selous Scouts were the toughest and most efficient killing machine any-where in Africa, and its members consisted of the finest guerrilla fighting men in the Western world. Unconventional in many ways, disregardful of parade ground discipline, unorthodox in their dress, yet a force so tightly knit in the face of danger that those who knew anything about them could only marvel. 432 p., HC, dustcover, R 400

Die große Verschwendung V. Packard Packard untersucht die Aus-wirkungen eines Wirtschafts-systems, das auf raschen und ständig zunehmenden Kon-sum aller produzierten Güter angewiesen ist, um auf die Dauer existieren zu können. Eine frühe Kritik unserer Verschwendungsgesell-schaft. 384 S., geb. Schutzumschlag nur R 110 1966 erschienen

Lexikon der Gesundheit :

W. Draeger

Ein medizinisches Fachwörterbuch mit Sonderteil Erste Hilfe. Dieses

Buch ist für den großen Kreis jener Menschen bestimmt, die sich für

alle Fragen der Medizin und Gesundheit interessieren. Die mehr als

2800 Stichwörter informieren auf einfache und verständliche Weise

über den Aufbau und die Funktionen des menschlichen Körpers, über

Krankheiten und allgemeine Gesundheitspflege, über die verschie-

denen Bereiche der medizinischen Wissenschaft und die Möglichkeiten

und Methoden zur Vorbeugung , Verhütung oder Heilung von Krank-


591 S. geb. nur R 140

The other side of the Hill L. Hart In the PAN GRAND STRATEGY series, this is an account of Germany's generals, including their own version of the mili-tary events of 1939-1945 and details of their rise and fall, presenting a picture of the Second World War as it was seen by the men who commanded the panzer divi-sions and the might of the Wehrmacht. Originally published in 1948. 485 p., HC, dustcover, R 290

1000 Wunder der Tierwelt

N. Lentz

Was könnte spannender und aufregender sein als

die 1000 Wunder der Tierwelt. Wer hätte gedacht,

daß manche Affen freundlich grinsen können, daß

es blutsaugende Schmetterlinge gibt oder daß ein

Maulwurf rückwärts ebensoschnell läuft wie vor-

wärts? Interessante Fakten und unterhaltsame

Informationen machen dieses Buch zu einem wah-

ren Schmöckervergnügen.

347 S., gebunden nur R 150

America in the Modern World D.W. Brogan - published 1960 - Written by a likable Scottish visiting professor of history, this is a brief book concerned with the Ameri-can impact on the world and the present appeal of the American way of political life. The book is divi-ded into five essays. In the first two, A World They Never Made and A Challenge to Democracy, the author outlines various crises in American history, which marked changes in the American political nature and in Europe's attitude toward the U.S. He deals with the present American disillusionment in Asia and the Near East and attempts to explain it in terms of the American attitude of optimism and belief in progress and the natural goodness of man. In The Character of American Life he defines some distinctly American traits and discusses the mechanics of the political system and its relevance to the contemporary world of political competition. In essays on Education and Culture he distinguishes be-tween the achievements of an egalitarian and European society and he points out what he calls the great American educational superstition: that all that must be needed or learned can be taught. Though basically sound there's actually nothing here that is new or exciting enough to merit special attention. No one is going to quarrel with the author's proposition that the battle for the minds of men depends on more than increased production of consumer goods. This reads like lecture notes and commentary rather than the witty, perceptive writing on other countries, other peoples that charac-terized some of his earlier books. 117 p., HC, dustcover, R 230 published 1960

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