humpty dumpty completed script 5 people

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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Theatre In Education Script about the consequences of bullying. For a minimum of 5 Male Actors


The Terrible Fate of Humpty DumptyDavid Calcutt

The play was originally written for, and performed by, Forest Youth Theatre in June 1984.The play is written with the intention of a continual performance, with action and events following without break from beginning to end. It was also intended that the play could be staged with a minimum of props, costume and staging. At its simplest, all that is necessary is an empty, open space, and strong, committed performances.The play is about bullying, which addresses a social issue relevant to a contemporary audience. Calcutt aimed to inform and educate his audience, thus making this a Theatre in Education piece. From this my group and I decided that our target audience should be Year 6-7 boys at our School, as this may be a significant time in their School lives (moving up to the Senior School) where bullying could potentially take place. Therefore, when developing my skill as actor it was important for me to present a convincing portrayal of [character name] that Year 6-7 pupils would relate to.Instead you could say that you decided to keep the period as 1984, when the play was first written and performed, to highlight to your audience that bullying is a taboo subject that has been around for years. This could have a positive impact on any audience members who may be suffering from bullying, as it would make them feel less victimised knowing that they are not the only sufferer.

Terry DumptonQuiet, reserved, the gangs victimStubbsPowerful, intelligent, the gang leaderJimmyGang member, a bit of a thug, not very brightPeteGang member, a jokerSammyTerrys friend, weak, hanger-on of the gangPolice Officer 1Police Officer 2Mr DumptonTerrys father, out of work, in his 30sHeadman, in his early 40s

Scene 1

Pete See my Frisbee Dumpty. My best Frisbee, this is. Ive had this Frisbee for ages. I love it. Id hate to lose it. Id go mad if I lost this Frisbee. Want to see how it works? (Pete throws Frisbee into the air.)Oh dear Its got stuck in the pylon. What am I going to do now?

StubbsYoull have to get it back Pete.PeteI know. Only trouble is, Im scared of heights. Cant stand heights. Cant stand the, I get a nosebleed just going to the top of the stairs.

StubbsYoull have to get somebody to fetch it down for you, then.

PeteThats right. Who, though?(Stubbs points at Terry)

StubbsHim!...(Pause.)All right Humpty? Up you go. Get Petes Frisbee back for him.Go on. Climb the pylon. Get it back(Terry stares up at the pylon.)Perhaps you aint our mate, then. Perhaps you don't like us at all. That means youre the kind of person whod sneak on us.(He walks towards Terry) TerryAll right, Ill get it

Sammy Dont Terry.

StubbsShurrup Sammy.

SammyIts dangerous.

JimmyYou wanna go up there instead?(Pause)

StubbsGo on(Terry starts to climb the pylon. Egged on by Pete, Jimmy and Stubbs start to chant Humpty Dumpty over and over again and then shout comments up at Terry.)

SammyDont Terry. Come down.

StubbsShurrup Sammy, unless you wanna go up there after him.

(The noise continues. Lights suddenly flash on and off. Terry hangs dead from the pylon. The Gang stare up in Silence)

Scene 2

JimmyStubbs what are we going to do?(all look at Stubbs)

SammyHe was just hanging there.

Pete:It was an accident. Thats what it was, wasnt it? It was just an accident.

JimmyCourse, yeah. Thats all it was. Just an accident.

SammyHe was hanging there. Just hanging there.(Jimmy laughts)I want to go home. I dont want to stay here. Im going home

JimmyNo, you aint. Youre staying here.

SammyYou cant stop me.

JimmyWant a bet?

StubbsIt was an accident. It wasnt nothing to do with us. We wasnt even here.

JimmyWhat do you mean Stubbs? We was here.

PeteListen, thickhead.Stubbs This is the story. We wasnt here. We was somewhere else. Down the town. Right? We dont know what happened. We dont know anything about it. Anyone asks us, thats what we tell them. We wasnt here.You got the story straight, Sammy?

Sammy What?

StubbsGot the story? We werent here.SammyWe killed him.

StubbsIm warning you.

SammyWe killed him. It was us. We did that.

StubbsJimmysee to him(Jimmy grabs Sammy.)Now listen Sammy. Youre in this with the rest of us So dont you go talking to anybody about it. Right? Cos if you do, it aint just the police youll have to worry about. Youll have to worry about Jimmy here making such a messo f your face that nobodyll recognise you again. They wont even know if you were a human being. Aint that right, Jimmy?

JimmyYeah. Thats right.

StubbsSo just remember, Sammy. Remember whose side youre on.Come on Jimmy. (Jimmy looses Sammy)

JimmyRemember Sammy(Stubbs, Jimmy and Pete leave.)

SammyTerryIm sorry I tried to help but Im sorry(facing audience)We killed him!(Sammy runs off.)

Scene 3

Mr Dumpton Hallo, son.


Mr Dumpton Seen your Mum?

Terry No.

Mr Dumpton Shes just this minute gone out you mustve missed herjust got in?

Terry Yeah.

Mr Dumpton Bit late, isnt it?

Terry Dunno

Mr Dumpton Its twenty to six!(Brief silence.)You Mums put your tea in the oven.

Terry Ill go and get it in a minute.

Mr DumptonWhereve you been till now, anyway?


Mr DumptonWhat do you mean, nowhere? You must have been somewhere.

TerryJust coming home.

Mr DumptonIt doesnt take two hours to get home from school.

TerryI went for a walk.

Mr DumptonWhere?

TerryI dunno, just a walk.

Mr DumptonWhere did you go for a walk?

TerryJust round the town.

Mr DumptonWhat for?

TerryI wanted to!

Mr DumptonYour good at reading, arent you?

TerryYes. Why?

Mr DumptonRead this letter for me, will you?

TerryCant you read it for yourself?

Mr DumptonI want you to read it(He gives Terry the letter)Read it!(Terry takes the letter and reads it.)Read it all right?So what youve just been telling me has all been a pack of lies. Hasnt it Terry? Hasnt it? You havent been at school at all. In fact you havent been to school this week. Thats right, isnt it? Tell me Terry!


Mr DumptonYes. And now Ive got to go up and see your Headmaster tomorrow.(Mr Dumpton snatches the letter and reads from it.)I would be very grateful if you would come up to school and discuss this serious problem with me. A serious problem, thatswhat it is, Terry. It is serious. And I want to know about it.(Pause)Why havent you been going to school?(Terry says nothing)I want a few answers from you. Its about time you started giving me someIf you dont, Ill give you something to think about!The kids, then? Is it the kids?(Terry looks up sharply)The kids. Thats it, isnt it? Am I right? Are they getting to you? Terry? (A pause.)

Terry: Yes.

Mr Dumpton: Now were getting there. I knew it must be something. What is it? Are they making fun of you? Bullying you? Is that it?

(TERRY nods. HIS FATHER goes on)

Why didnt you tell us before? Whyve you just let it go on? You shouldve told us, Terry. Well, never mind. At least we know now. Theres nothing for you to be worried about any more. Ill go up to school tomorrow and get it all sorted out.

Terry: No! You cant.

Mr Dumpton: I can, and will. Im not having you bullied at school. Im not having them make you stay away. Its got to stop. Now. I want some answers for you, Terry. I want to know all about it. Right, Terry? Right?

(A pause. Then Mr Dumpton says)

Now. Start talking.

Scene 4

Mr DumptonThat was how we found out, about the bullying at school. It was only yesterday. But it seems like a hundred years ago now. ITs them that did it. Them kids. Yopu go to that school and find out. Youll see.

Police Officer 1 It would help if you could tell us the names of some of these children, Mr Dumpton

Mr Dumpton Terry wouldnt tell us. No matter how much we asked him to, He was too scared.

Police Officer 2He never mentioned any of them by name?

Mr DumptonNo wait a minute. There was one boy he used to talk about. He cant have been one of that gang, though. I think him and Terry were friends. What was his name again? Sammy. That was it. He used to talk about a boy called Sammy.

Police Officer 1 Sammy what?

Mr Dumpton I dont know. Just Sammy.

Police Officer 2Sammy. Well, thats something for us to go on. Perhaps we can go up to the school and find out who this lad is. Perhaps hell know who the others are.

Police Officer 1Thank you for your help, Mr Dumpton. Youve been very kind.

Scene 5

Police Officer 1You. What do you know?

Jimmy Nothing. I wasnt there

Police Officer 2You.


Police Officer 2Yes, you. Did you know him?

PeteOnly a bit. Not to speak to. He was a new kid. I just saw him around.

Police Officer 1You.


Police Officer 1Did you know Terry Dumpton?

JimmyTerry who?

Police Officer 1Dumpton.

JimmyNever heard of him.

Police Officer 1He was at your school. In the same year as you.

JimmyWas he? Theres a lot of kids at our school. Never heard of him.

Police Officer 2You.

PeteI spoke to him once or twice. he was quiet. Kept himself to himself. I didnt have anything to do with him, really.

Police Officer 2Really?


Police officer 1Where were you?

JimmyOut with me mates.

Police Officer 1Can they corroborate that?

JimmyYou what?

Police Officer 2Where were you?


Police Officer 2When Terry Dumpton died.

PeteDunno. Cant remember.

Police Officer 2Start remembering

PeteIll have a go. I aint very good at remembering things, though. I suffer from amnesia.

Scene 6

TerryCrisp, Sammy?

SammyTa(Stubbs, Jimmy and Pete walk up to Sammy)

StubbsThis your new mate, is it, Sammy? This whos been keeping you away from us?

SammyLeave off, Stubbs.

StubbsWho is he?

SammyHes new. Only just started.

StubbsI know that. I can see that. I wanna talk to him.(He pushes Sammy aside. The others encircle Terry)

JimmyGis a crisp.(Terry offers the bag. Jimmy snatches it and stuffs the crisps into his mouth. The others laugh.)

StubbsYoure a pig Jimmy. Say your sorry for taking his crisps.


Stubbs(To Terry)You aint saying much. Why aint you saying much? Must be dumb.

JimmyYeah, thats right. Dumb. Open your mouth. I said, open your mouth(Pete and Jimmy grab Terry and force his mouth open)

PeteHes got a tongue. I can see it. He should be able to talk.(They let Terry go.)

StubbsI know what it is. Its cos he dont know us. Never talk to strangers. Thats right, aint it, mate? Never know what might happen if you do. This is Pete, this is Jimmy and you can call be Stubbs. Right. Now you know us. You can start talking.

SammyStubbs, give it a rest, will you?

StubbsYou still here?

SammyHe aint done no harm to you

StubbsGet lost Sammy. You aint wanted our company for the past week, so we dont want yours now.(Jimmy pushes Sammy away, who watches from one side)Right. You know is now. You know our names. Whats yours?


JimmyTerry what?

TerryDumpton.(They all laugh)

PeteDumpton! Terry Dumpton! He must live on a dump.

JimmyWhat sort of name is that?

StubbsIs that your real name?


StubbsHey! Terry Dumpton. Humpty Dumpton. Dumpton-Dumpty. Thats what his name is. Humpty Dumpty.(They all laugh and repeat Humpty Dumpty.

JimmyMake sure you dont go sitting on no walls. You might fall off!

StubbsRight. Thats your name from now on. Whats your name?

TerryTerry Dumpton.

StubbsJimmy. Remind him...(Jimmy grabs Terry.)... That aint your name. Your names Humpty Dumpty. Say it, go on. Humpty Dumpty.

TerryHumpty Dumpty.

StubbsAnd again.

TerryHumpty Dumpty

StubbsWhats your name?

TerryHumpty Dumpty.

StubbsOkay, Jimmy. Loose him now. I think he understands. Do you understand?


StubbsDont forget. Cos were in charge here. Not the teachers. They think they are, but they aint. We are.

JimmyThats right. Were in charge. And dont forget it.

StubbsI dont think he will now...(Stubbs moves away.)...Lets go.(Jimmy and Pete move away.)

PeteTarra, Humpty Dumpty.(As they go, Stubbs speaks to Sammy.)

StubbsGangs getting together tonight after school, Sammy. Make sure youre there.

SammyI will.

StubbsYou better be.

SammyStubbs. What about Terry?



StubbsYou mean Humpty Dumpty.

SammyYeah. Can he come along?

StubbsI dont want that in my gang. Look at him. Hes a bigger drip than you, and thats saying something.(Stubbs goes. Sammy talks to Terry.)

SammyTheyre all right, really. Just having a joke. They like to have a joke. Youll get used to them. Its cos youre new. Once youve settled in they wont bother you no more...(Terry walks off. Sammy talks to the audience.)...He didnt believe me. He knew they wouldnt leave him alone. I knew it, too. I could tell. Stubbs had it in for him from them on. And the others just followed Stubbs. Me too, I suppose. There was something about Terry. I dont know what it was. Something that made you want to have a go at him. He never stood up for himself. He just stood there and took it.(Police Office 1 and 2 enter)I know I shouldnt done something. I shouldve told somebody, tried to get it stopped. They was my mates, though. You cant tell on your mates, can you?Police Officer 1I wouldnt call them mates. Would you?

SammyNo... It was Stubbs. He was the one. I was scared of Stubbs. Everybody was. It was like he was... I dunno... just bad... right the way through. He made everybody act like him. You couldnt help it. It was Stubbs.

Police Officer 2So you didnt tell anybody?


Police Officer 2Not even when he stayed away from school?


Police Officer 1Why are you telling us now, then?

SammyIve got to, havent I? I cant forget seeing him, hanging up there. I cant forget that. I have dreams about it. I wake up and I can still see him. It was my fault. I was just as much to blame. I was there. I never stopped it. I let them do it. I know its too late now but Ive just got to tell. Ive got to tell you how it happened. Maybe itll make the dreams go away.

Police Officer 2How did it happen, then?

SammyHe stayed away from school. The whole of that week. They didnt seem bothered about it. They never even talked about him. It was like theyd forgotten all about him. I thought perhaps they had. So I decided to go round to his house and tell him that everything was all right again, and he could start coming back to school. I never got the chance. They day I was gonna do that, Terrys Dad came up to school. And Stubbs saw his Dad. Thats when it all started again.

Scene 7

HeadAh, Mr Dumpton. Thank you for coming to see me. Please sit down...(Mr Dumpton sits down. The Head goes on.)I thought it worthwhile us having a chat together to see if we can do something about this problem.

Mr DumptonYes, Id like to talk to you as well.

HeadGood. Is Terry at school today?

Mr DumptonYes. I brought him up with me.

HeadThats good. Ill have a word with him later.

Mr DumptonIm very concerned about this.

HeadSo am I, Mr Dumpton. Your son hasnt been at this school for very long and, to be frank, he doesnt even seem to be making any attempt to settle in. And now, with his truancy, I think that if were not careful, well have a very serious problem on our hands.

Mr DumptonYouve already got one.

HeadI beg your pardon?

Mr DumptonTerry aint happy here.

HeadSo it would appear, despite all the efforts that have been made by myself and my staff...

Mr DumptonI know why. I know why hes been skipping off school.

HeadYou do? I would be so glad if you would enlighten me.

Mr DumptonHes being got at.

HeadBut he couldnt give you any names.

Mr DumptonBecause hes scared to. Theyve threatened to beat him up if he tells. Whyd you think hes kept quiet about it all this time?

HeadI think Id know if there was any bullying going on.

Mr DumptonTerrys telling the truth. Ive bought him up to be honest.

HeadId be very grateful if you would sit down and lower your voice.

Mr DumptonAnd Id be very grateful if youd do something about this bullying. Get it stopped. Its your job. Thats what you get paid for, aint it?

HeadTheres no need to shout, Mr Dumpton.

Mr DumptonJust see that you do it!(Mr Dumpton exits.)

Scene 8(Stubbs enters, with Police Officers 1 and 2)

Police Officer 1Stubbs. Stand there.

Police Officer 2Right. Tell us what happened.

StubbsNothing happened.

Police Officer 1Dont come that with us. We know all about it. Weve been told.

StubbsYou dont need me to tell you, then, do you?

Police Officer 2Dont try being funny, Stubbs. This isnt the place for being funny. Things have got past a joke.

Police Officer 1What we want from you are the facts.

StubbsThe facts.

Police Officer 2Thats right.

StubbsOkay. His clothes were too small for him, he had dirty fingernails, and he was a real drip. Hows that?

Police Officer 1Were warning you, Stubbs. Youve in serious trouble. Theres nobody to help you.

StubbsI dont want any help. I dont need it.

Police Officer 2Did you mean to kill him?

Police Officer 1Did you do it on purpose?

Police Officer 2Tell us

Police Officer 1Start talking,

StubbsI got nothing to say.

Police Officer 2Stubbs!


Police Officer 2All right, son. Well just leave you here for a while to think about it. Think it over. Then well come back, and see what youve got to say.(Police Officers leave. Stubbs turns to the audience.)

StubbsHumpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

Scene 9

(Terry enters. Sammy enters, running.)SammyTerry. Go home.

TerryGet lost, Sammy.

SammyGo home, Terry. Dont wait round here. Youve still got time. Stubbs saw your Dad come to see the Headmaster. Thats why he told you to come here.

TerryNo, Im staying.

SammyWhat for? Are you round the bend? You know whats gonna happen, dont you? Stubbs is gonna get you. I heard Jimmy say. Theyre gonna get you.

TerryIf theyre gonna get me, theyre gonna get me. I cant keep on running away, can I? Ive got to stop and face them some time.

SammyPlease, Terry. Go. Before its too late.

TerryIts too late already.(Stubbs, Pete and Jimmy enter.)

StubbsI see Sammy got here before us. What you doing here, Sammy?


JimmyI bet he came to warm Humpty. Is that right, Sammy?

TerryNo. He didnt. He didnt say nothing to me. He just got here first.

Jimmy(to Terry) Nobody asked you.

StubbsRight, Humpty. Did you tell on us?


StubbsDid you?


JimmyIll get the truth out of him.(He grabs Terry and is about to hit him.)

StubbsNo. Dont so that.

JimmyYou said we was gonna get him.

StubbsLeave him Jimmy! Were gonna give Humpty a little test first. If he does it, well believe hes telling the truth. If he dont hes all yours, Jimmy...(to Pete)All right?

Pete See my frisbee Dumpty. My best Frisbee, this is. Ive had this Frisbee for ages. I love it. Id hate to lose it. Id go mad if I lost this Frisbee. Want to see how it works? (Pete throws Frisbee into the air.)Oh dear Its got stuck in the pylon. What am I going to do now?

StubbsYoull have to get it back Pete.PeteI know. Only trouble is, Im scared of heights. Cant stand heights. Cant stand the, I get a nosebleed just going to the top of the stairs.

StubbsYoull have to get somebody to fetch it down for you, then.

PeteThats right. Who, though?(Stubbs points at Terry)

StubbsHim!...(Pause.)All right Humpty? Up you go. Get Petes Frisbee back for him.Go on. Climb the pylon. Get it back(Terry stares up at the pylon.)Perhaps you aint our mate, then. Perhaps you don't like us at all. That means youre the kind of person whod sneak on us.(He walks towards Terry) TerryAll right, Ill get it

Sammy Dont Terry.

StubbsShurrup Sammy.

SammyIts dangerous.

JimmyYou wanna go up there instead?(Pause)

StubbsGo on(Terry starts to climb the pylon. Egged on by Pete, Jimmy and Stubbs start to chant Humpty Dumpty over and over again and then shout comments up at Terry.)

SammyDont Terry. Come down.

StubbsShurrup Sammy, unless you wanna go up there after him.

(The noise continues. Lights suddenly flash on and off. Terry hangs dead from the pylon. The Gang stare up in silence.Sammy steps forward)

SammyIm sorry, Terry. I let you down. I tried, but it wasnt good enough. Im sorry...(Pause)Forgive me. Forgive us all.


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