
Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Humanism Theory



Who can we thank for the Humanistic Theory?

Carl Ransom Rogers (1902-1987)-

American theorist most closely associated with the humanistic theory. Some times called “The Founder of Humanism.”

Abraham Maslow(1908-1970)

Born and raised in Brooklyn,

New York and attended

University of Wiscosin.

Also one of the found fathers of

the Humanistic theory.

What defines the Humanistic Theory ?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

People are inherently good and try to make morally right decisions.

Perceptions of your experiences is a result of your own view rather than environment.

Focus on “self”, the individual. Nurture over nature.

Decisions are goal-oriented , and organism has a natural tendency to strive, actualize and enhance individual’s experience.

This idea of a human’s journey to self actualization is best described in Maslow’s Hirearchy of Needs

Key Points• Focus:

– Human Freedom– Dignity– Potential

• The person must be studied as a whole

• Learning is student-centered and personalized

• Educators are facilitators

Main Purposes

• Developing self-actualized, autonomous people

• Areas of interest:

– Study of self

– Motivation

– Goals

What does the Teacher do?• With Technology:

– -The teacher demonstrates life skills.

– -Uses appropriate resources on the Internet to give their students knowledge.

– -Using different software programs so the students are interactive.

• Without Technology:

– -Teachers have open classrooms.

– -Finding alternative ways to give students assessments.

– -The teachers themselves become a facilitator

– of knowledge.

What do Students Do?

• With Technology:

– -Students choose what software they might want to use on their projects.

– -They can research information on the Internet on a subject of their choice.

– - Students can use technology to put creatively and imagination on their schoolwork.

• Without Technology:

– -The students can do a lot of co-operative learning.

– -The curriculum becomes more focus on what the students want to learn.

– -They learn to self-evaluate and monitor their own schoolwork.

Humanism Applied in the Classroom

Student-centered teaching focus on interesting topics

Teach life skills

Respect the rights of the students to self-determinism; development of self-concept

Teacher facilitates learning; allows for discovery

Nurture creativity

Find alternative ways of assessment

Technological Applications

Can use online activities to foster discovery of new ideas

Can encourage things such as just browsing the web to learn new things each day

Open Classroom

Not bound by a certain curriculum

Not locked in by age or grade

Low student to teacher ratio

Goals of individual growth, critical thinking, co-operation, and a need for life-long learning

Focus on Learning Styles & Co-operative Learning

Allows the student to utilize their own learning styles and whatever helps them learn best

Peer-teaching and self-learning

Work in groups with other students to decrease dependence on teachers and foster understanding of others







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