human resource development policy of ideal development ... policy/hr policy ida.pdf · ideal...

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Human Resource Development Policy



Banajodi, Padmapur,

Keonjhar,Odisha 91-9437056605/9776712440

E-mail: Website:


Ideal Development Agency(IDA) is well known at national,state as well as districts

level for its credibility towards livelihood development of the people which help the

organization to sphread its vision through out the community also the globe . Team

building,sharing of the best practices ,replicating innovations, learn from other

stakeholders ,institution building and synergy building and convergence is our

major activity. We are having more concern to women and children and the family

coming from the vulnerable section of the society.

Previously in 1997 we had prepared a document on staff policy again revised on

2013 . This document is finalized the Human Resource Policy in 2016 by assembling

all the staffs ,members of organization and core team of IDA.While revisiting the

document we had referred few national and international also state level

organizations perspective on HR and their policies. Along with two members

secretary and one Executive Body member had attended a training at CYSD

Bhubaneswar Making HR policy of Organization. Along with we have interacted with

ASK Gurgoan our training partner while revisiting the document.

The Challenges lies in understanding, making others understand and all of us are

accountable to the same. Critique says that this HR policy is an ambitious policy. This

will be carried out if we have adequate fund and assurance of funding. But our long

run perception towards development of the socially excluded communities will be

blessed for long term association of Human resources as well as funds from

Government and donors.

In Human Resource Development Policy, we incorporated the list of elements and components for better and collectiveness effort of Human Resources of the organization as well as the organization growth perspectives. To coincide both way of organization and human resources growth and development, some key procedures, organization binded rules have to obey by all the staffs and management. In our Policies we highlighted the following thematic areas for progress and perspective of the organization with a sustainable approach of Human resource development and organization growth.

Principles and Values

Code Of Conduct Compensation Confidentiality Conflict Of Interest Copyright

Entitlements and Provisions

Employee Expenses And Allowance Policy Employee Records Holidays Hours Of Work Internet And E-Mail Use

Job Evaluation And Apprisal Leaves - Bereavement And Compassionate

Leave Leaves - General Leave, Professional

Development And Educational Leave Leaves - Maternity Leave, Parental And

Adoption Leave Leaves - Sick And Personal Leave Performance Management

Policies and strategies

Alternative Work Arrangements Conflict Resolution Contract Workers And

Employment Status Discipline

Privacy Policy Recognition And Reward Termination Workplace Diversity and


Power and Responsibility

Hiring - Recruitment And Selection Hiring - Offer Of Employment Hiring - Probation Hiring - Orientation Hiring - Employment Of Relatives Hiring - Filling Of Temporarily Vacant


About IDA IDEAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (IDA) is a non-government, non-profit making organization active in North Odisha. The organization came into being during the year 1990 following long association of its members with the destitute people in the Bans pal Block. As a nascent organization, during the initial year of intervention, it has made its presence felt in the remote Suakati village of Banspal Block by undertaking rehabilitation activities for the Senior Citizens. The members of the organization follow the thumb rule of "United we stand and divided we fall", which has enabled the organization to instill self-confidence and self-reliance among the members. Taking a cue from the principle, they approached individuals to come under one umbrella and named this umbrella as "IDEAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY.

IDA operational in the district of Keonjhar (Odisha) since 1992 – a journey continued since

last two decades. It extends out towards ensuring its’ supports for rendering better service

to the vulnerable senior citizens, children and families for enabling them ensure to improve

their livelihood and provide quality services. It adopts a right-based approach for its’

metered interventions in sundry themes viz., Women Empowerment, Integrated Nutrition

& Health Program (Reproductive Child Health), Hygiene & Sanitation & Child Rights&

providing quality services to the vulnerable families.The key thematic areas of its activities

are socio-economic empowerment, livelihood and food security, political participation,

holistic health and protection of human rights. It seeks to see a positive social

transformation through value-based people’s movement. These unions have been

attempting to bring transparency and accountability in MNREGA by reducing corruption

and red-tapism.

VISION: A society where all human being live with dignity and equality.

MISSION: Empower the most marginalized communities, especially Women and Children; and enabling

them to take initiatives towards self-sustenance.

Ethics and Core Value:

IDA values dignity, self-service and gender equality. The office also values casteless and creedless society and so the title of your name if indicates the caste will not be used in our office work. You are to make sure about these values before accepting this offer. The office provides sufficient opportunities for self-excel in your personal life and job. Hence your involvement to own the organization is highly appreciated to grow professionally and personally. We respecting the socially excluded groups for their traditional will power, knowledge,

skill and traditional ethics of communities belongs to socially excluded groups and their


since its inception evolves in the process of Human resource development and more

concern on tribal values and ethics. Without degrading natural resources and keeping

environment greenery with focusing ecology are the key concerns which must have to obey

by all staffs of IDA.

We respect the women and children and child friendly atmosphere with high degree of


Recruitment policy

We aim to be an equal opportunities employer, our employment policy aims to ensure that

no job applicant or employee receives less favorable treatment on the grounds of gender,

marital status, ethnic origin, people with disability, age, class, caste, HIV-Aids, personal

circumstance or any other grounds which are not justifiable, interms of equality for all.

Besides that in recruitment process the organization must give priority to the socially

excluded groups in general and women in special.

Recruitment of new staff is to be planned on the basis of project demand and approval. To

check the regular recruitment process, we are trying to break the turn over process and all

the recruitment process is through a rigorous process of personal test, written test, and

cross verification of last employment history. Information on the vacancies needs to be

advertised in web based system or news paper. Below the Associate level, the line manger

have the power to recruit in field level with prior permission of Head office. The board

members, Core staff are the panel members in the process of recruitment. The selection

process depending on the performance in personal and written test along with past history.

The organization is having discretion & power to reject and terminate if fake documents

produced during and after the recruitment The selection process is followed by impartial

judgment. For management and administration level staffs recruitment, external

consultants hired.

All the employees must have to complete 1 month induction after appointment and six

month in probation. In probation period the job profile

These are the following key aspects followed in selection process:

1. Women and social excluded groups are given more priority

2. Experience in same line of activities and experience in IDA is also given more


3. Beyond education qualification, experience in development sector, perception

on present trend of development, attitude towards pro poor and socially

excluded groups are key areas considered in selection process

4. Left out candidate/ ex staffs of IDA also given priority in selection process

Hiring of consultant s and part time staffs:

In case of project requirement, the managerial staffs can recruit consultant and part

time staffs for accomplishing designed activities

The hiring of consultant and engagement of Part time staffs must be in written

correspondence with upper line management and copy mark to executive director

Keeping in view to accelerate the programme/activities a strong TOR with

consultant must be required and the TOR signed by both parties and witnessed by

Managerial staffs.

No cash transactions made for hiring consultants and the provisioned amount will

be transferred to the respective consultant after completion of assigned task.

Programme officer and below the rank are not directly appoint or hire consultant,

Education Parameter in recruitment process:

Level of staff Minim um Qualification

Experience in Development sector

Experience in Middle management level

Director Post Graduate 15 years 15 years Senior Manager Post Graduate 10 years 10 years Manager Post Graduate 7-10 Years 7-10 Years Programme Officer

Graduate 5 years 2 years

Senior Associate Graduate 4 years 1 year Associate Matric and

above 2 years No

Field Assistant Matric or above

1 year No

Volunteer/service staff

Below Matriculation

No No


During the probation period the management is at liberty to terminate your services with

or without assigning any reason there of by giving 24 hour notice if your services are not

found satisfactory. After probation period, if the management not satisfying the

performance of the staff, s/he will be terminated with notice period of one month both side

vice versa. During notice period, the assets of the both sides have to be settled and hand

over to concern authority.

Either contracting party may terminate the contract giving 24 hours notice in writing

without giving any reason. .

Attendance and discipline

Working hours are from 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM. from Monday to Saturday. The working hours in summer session will be reduced as convenient by the management and staff

Compensatory off is not allowed. Apart from this the staff member will be expected to be available for duty extra hours or even on holidays as and when required for purposes of work related to IDA .

Attending office on Sundays will depend on work schedule and deadlines and the decision to come or not to attend office on Sundays will be taken in consultation with the respective Regional Heads or above with the immediate supervisors as the case may be.

Everyone must signed the attendance register while entering into office and also movement register for travel outside and return details

Half day leave not allowed and encouraged for all staffs from managerial level to field level

In case of emergency, s/he may leave the station with taking authorisation from line manager in written.

During the term of the contract, the staff member shall not take any personal

advantage/benefit from Community Based Organisations and federations/ any community organisation /Vendors & Suppliers without the written consent of the Organization.

The staff member shall not use the liquid money collected from Community organisations/any community organisation for any official purpose for the personal purpose without any authorization. Unauthorized use may be subject to termination.

In between the official time no one allow to leave the office premises for personal work and does not indulge any anti social activities within the office premises. only field staffs are allowed to go field.

Office Timing is mentioned below

Sl No Particulars Time Remarks

1 Pray and Sramadan 6 AM to 8 AM Who are residing inside the IDA premises

2 Breakfast 8.30 AM to 9 AM

3 Official work 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM

4 Lunch 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM

5 Office work 2.30 PM to 4 PM

6 Tea Break 4 PM to 4.30 PM

7 Office work 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM


IDA will deduct 10% of the salary or maximum the Rs 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only from staff member’s Salary up to the salary will be Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand) only as a security deposit per month which will return back with interest after 3 months from the resignation/termination after getting all clearance from their supervisor/regional head.

If any financial discrepancies/shortcoming arises during the staff member’s service period, the application for the release of the security deposit will not be process till the date all official and field settlement has been finalize.

If any advance taken by the staff member for the official purpose and not return

back the balance amount with all supporting expenditure document to the finance department, which also be deduct from the security deposit.

Use of office property

The staff member shall not use telephone, transport, computers, internet or consumable items for personal use. Unauthorised use may be subject to reimbursement by the Organization, or even termination of contract. The staff member shall take every precaution to safeguard the Organization’s property against misuse, damage, or loss. Communication and inter/intra correspondence:

Without prior approval no one shall present the organisation and its activities in any

forum/ workshop and other platform

All written correspondence with different stake holders shall be through official

internet and official management system. No one directly correspond with donor

and other stake holders.

Verbal discussion are not encouraged and official it will be not allowed

Line managers are liable to communicate official decisions and resolutions and


For better understanding at grass root level, Odia is medium of language preferred

to use instead of English.

Project in charges/Managers are sole responsible for compiling and reporting to

Donors in deadline of the project.

Direct communication with donors are to be taken serious action by the



Without prior permission of line manager no one take leave and leave the station. Station in charge have to be informed before your station leaving and joining.

Official documents are not privatised and presented anywhere. In concern with manager, staffs may use the documents and present it in any forum.

PPT/Proposals (sanctioned/Applied) are not generally used by below the managerial staffs. The grass root workers have the rights to have the project proposal but due to avoid the malpractice and hijacking it is banned for the workers below rank.

All the documents and projects must be done in both word and PDF version. The documents developed at both central and field level must be shared among the managerial level staffs.

No one should not representing the organisation without prior approval of line manager and Executive Director

All information, data, documents, specifications, guidelines, reports, etc., whether as hard copy or in electronic media furnished by IDA or come to the knowledge of the staff member during discharge of his/her duties shall be regarded as property of IDA .

Similarly, any process tool, business or project solution developed, being developed, modified and/or created by the staff member shall similarly also become the exclusive property of IDA.

The Staff member shall use the information only for the purpose of discharging His/her duties in IDA and shall not retain original, duplicate, Photocopy or in any electronic form and shall be returned to IDA immediately on completion/termination of the contract.

Code of Conduct

Any shortcoming in performance, behaviour or attitude will be brought to the staff member’s notice by the Organization, with an indication of the standards expected.

This will normally be verbal in the first instance, but for more serious breaches may be in writing.

Continued shortcomings will be identified in writing and be considered a warning

that the contract may be terminated. Further unsatisfactory performance will lead to termination.

Respecting each other and respecting the communities and target population are the values of the organization. If someone not done will be punished by the management

Sexual harassment and physical relation with others are being punished and both

will be terminated at the spot without any compromise and consideration and

further clarification.

Use of Alcohol inside the office working hours is totally banned. If someone takes,

she/he is liable to punish by the core team.

Expenses by employee and provisions:

Everyone from field level staffs to managerial level staffs have the rights to

spent the programme cost but most of the programme related expenditure

must be done by field level workers and the network partners instead of

Associate level staffs

The programme advance requested followed with Advance requisition and

detail plan of the programme along with cost break up

No one can allow to take further advance without settlement of previous


All Programme Advances are made through Account transfer to respective

staffs. For meeting the urgent, cash transactions can be done limit to Rs 5000/-

The Programme Advance for purchase of office stationeries are not allowed for

above Rs 5000/-. All the stationeries to be procured by HO level and followed

by procurement guideline and policy of the organization.

Salary advance for the staffs who are having more than five years association

with the organization but the advance amount is not more than three times of

the employee’s salary. The advance will be settled within the time frame as

mutually agreed.

Travel and Dearness allowance:

Travel bills and vouchers are being settled reimbursement as per the actual basis. No

advance will be given for travel to project area and within the project area. Travel bills

along with the supporting of travel plan, travel details and reports must be attached by the

concern staffs.

Dearness allowance:

Dearness allowance will be provided to the staff members in the prescribed following

amount differently for local, cities and metro towns.

The one Day DA is mentioned below for different level of staffs

Destination Field workers Associate workers

Manager level Director level

Local within the project area

NA NA 50 100

Within the state

200 250 400 500

Metro cities 300 400 600 800

The staff members who will attend the training, workshop or seminar against invitation of

the funding agency, no DA will be reimbursed. If the agency allowed food and

accommodation facility during the period. The DA will be provided for transit period.

The above mentioned DA need to be flexible according the size and provision of DA of the

project and any changes in the prescribed DA will be supported and intimated to the staffs

members for whom applicable through inter office memo by management.

The DA will be settled with the tour reports, training reports and learning.


The salary will be given through bank transactions not by cash and the monthly

salary will be given followed by the Performance rating, line management approval,

leave status and MPR/MAP along with dues on the staff.

Without prior approval of line manager, finance and administration section may not

take steps for salary payment and advance settlement.

Salary slab and grade system applicable for all staffs from Director Level to field

worker level.

Payment will be made within a week through account payee cheque/ cash after deduction of taxes at source as per the existing income tax laws (if applicable). Only for exceptional cases and for amount below Rs.3000/- only can be given in cash.

No additional benefits or emoluments will be paid, other than any actual expenses incurred during the course of duty and specifically agreed beforehand and supported by receipts.

Performance Appraisal and Objective setting:

Each staffs have to go through the Performance Appraisal and Objective setting in regular

basis in every quarterly basis and finally at end of every year by line manager as a part of

the self and organization growth. This would help the human resource capability and

capacity building and increasing accountability and responsibility factor. Keeping in view

to address the regular turn over of staffs for better opportunity, the organization is

focusing on capacity building initiatives through the approach of Performance rating and

objective setting. On the basis of organization objective and project goal, the performance

rating and objective setting will be done. The objective setting is a medium of individual

goal set for next three months followed by Performance rating. The Q/A and assessment by

line manager along with loyal to the organisaiton and completion of assigned task are the

key areas to be viewed while rating by the line manager. On the basis of Performance

Appraisal, the staffs are being graded and salary will be enhanced and promotions made. In

un satisfactory result the concern staff will be categorized and demoted instead of


Key factors of Performance and reasons:

Understanding the own role and the required skill for performance

Knowledge attitudinal growth and applicability in terms of project requirement

Dependability in terms of taking more than the assigned taks with independent


Assessing the training and capacity building requirement for the staffs

Relationship with other colleagues within the team and concerned stakeholders

Time commitment and regularity in functioning, implementing, reporting and

making other compliances within the assigned duties and responsibilities.

Organizational Structure

Governing Body

Executive Body

Executive Director

Program Managers

Finance and Admin Manager

School Manager

Program Coordinator

Program Associate/ Block Coordinator/Cluster Coordinator

Field Staff

Cashier Accountant

Principal/Head Master/Mistress

Teaching StaffNon-teaching


Support staff

Communication & Documentation


Management team consisting of strategic positions

Leave Rules


“Service” is the period during which a staff member has continuously worked in the organization including the probationary period. The termination of the staff member’s service for any reason will automatically constitute discontinuance of service, regardless of whether the staff member is subsequently reemployed.

Any Sunday/Holiday falling during privilege /sick leave shall be treated as leave.

During the probation period, leave will not be permitted. Granting of such leaves

will be the sole discretion of the sanctioning authorities.

Leave during probation period will be counted as loss of pay and the leave days will be added to the probation period. In case of emergency and health ground the Line Manager may give minimum 3 days to Maximum 5 days leave during the probation period of six months.

Leave rules will apply only to full time staff member after confirmation of one

year services including probation period. The training period cannot be accumulated as service period.

All leaves are non-cumulative and are not encashable.

Privilege Leave

All staff will be entitled to 12 days privilege leave (PL) in a calendar year. This is

applicable only for those who completed three years service in the organisation. A

letter to this effect after three years should be received by the employee from the


PL cannot be combined with any other leave. In special cases it may be combined

with sick leave with the approval of the leave sanctioning authority.

A person will not be entitled PL for the period of his unauthorized absence or leave-without-pay.

Prior sanction should be taken by the staff member availing privilege leave in the

specified leave application form.

Applications for PL must be submitted one month in advance if the leave requested

is for more than a week and the permission taken in writing. Application for leave for duration of less than a week need to filed and permission taken in writing at least 3 working days in advance. No staff member can proceed on leave unless the competent authority sanctions the leave. All applications for privilege leave must specify the contact address while on leave.

Extension of PL should be avoided. However, in compelling circumstances, the staff

member must send his application at least 4 days before the expiry of original leave and have it approved by the sanctioned authority as the case may be.

The other rules regarding the PL shall be followed.

Sick Leave)

All staff will be entitled to 12 days sick leave in a calendar year.

Sick leave availed for more t3 consecutive days must be supported by a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.

Leave application along with the necessary support medical documents has to be

filed in within 2 working days of joining duty.

Leave without pay

In exceptional cases the management may grant leave without pay. This will be decided on a case-to-case basis. Any leave in probation period will be treated as leave without pay prior to approval by Line Manager.

Maternity leave

A maximum of three months’ maternity leave with pay is admissible. This leave could be

availed both before and after delivery but the total duration of leave cannot exceed three

calendar months. Maternity leave cannot be taken in parts. This leave is given only for

those who have completed three years long term contract.

Concern on Gender balancing in staffing and other amenities:

Objectives of the Gender concern in HR Policy

To promote equal opportunities for male and female staff and create a gender sensitive working environment at the workplace.

To promote and ensure gender equity and equality (in terms of rights and access to resources, responses and services) in strategies, projects and programmes to reflect the efforts and aspirations of the poor and disadvantaged target communities in IDAs intervention areas who are the ultimate beneficiaries and owners of local development processes.

To act as an effective deterrent against gender discrimination and harassment both in workplace and in programme intervention areas.

Making Provisions for Maternity/Paternity Leave Benefits • A woman employee after confirmation shall be entitled to three months of Maternity Leave on full pay. • In case of miscarriage / abortion, confirmed women staff on rolls can avail one week of Maternity Leave with full pay. • Male employees, confirmed in service, when their spouses have children, shall be entitled for seven days of leave either before or after childbirth. • Maternity/Paternity leave can be availed for only up to two live children

Organizational Policies and Systems to Reflect Gender Needs. • Making all HR systems and policies gender-sensitive and responsive, and integrating gender indicators into staff performance appraisal systems. • Incorporating and explicitly mentioning gender sensitivity as an essential element in the tasks/job profiles in all terms of reference, including TORs for external consultants. • Ensuring that the conceptual clarity and sensitivity on gender issues will be one of the important selection criteria in recruitment processes and capacity building efforts of staff. Ensuring Women Participation/Empowerment in Intervention Areas. • Strategic orientation to staff in the field based programs and advocacy initiatives towards increasing women’s access, control and ownership over the natural resources, processes and organizations. • In case benefits accrue to women in various plans and policies of the Government, care should be taken by the staff to ensure that these benefits actually pass on to the eligible women and are not usurped by other male members of the family or outsiders who seek to benefit from such plans and policies by utilizing the women. • Efforts should be made to integrate gender concerns into the scaling up of and developmental programs. • Empowering women members of communities by informing them about their rights, the laws of the land, and ensuring capacity building through trainings to inculcate leadership

qualities in them so as to be assertive in governance issues and thus ensure gender balance in community/village representation in the governance mechanism. • Furthering deliberate and intense efforts to promote participation of women and their collectives in various aspects of Natural Resource Management (NRM), livelihood opportunities and ensuring women’s representation/leadership in community based organizations created to enhance community rights over resources, ensure sustainable use of resources, and provide livelihood/ income earning opportunities for its members. • Ensuring equal wages for equal work for both men and women and also ensuring gender friendly facilities in their workplace, like creche, provision for women supervisors, separate rest areas and toilets, so that women members may participate and perform in work areas without feeling disadvantaged or insecure in any manner. • Making special efforts to constantly identify vulnerable women/women headed families and provide them the necessary support and guidance to voice their needs and assert their rights over and access to resources, responses and services. • Building awareness and sensitivity within the men in the target communities and mobilizing their support towards gender balance in all walks of life. Conflict of Interest

In case of any conflicts raises at from different level of programme implementation, management, discipline, system and policy level, the core management team of IDA will sort out the problems and resolve it with intimation to upper rank management. The sexual harassment cases to be decided by the Managerial and senior management staffs with the support of core management committee,

The management committee have the power to terminate, impose punishment and

demotion of job profile as per the choice and velocity of the crime and problem

Grievance redressed mechanism at different level established and well profiled for creating good working environment and all staffs have right to file grievances in case of any impartial judgement made in favour of him.

If no satisfactory actions have taken by line manager and core management, s/he

directly put the grievance before the Executive director and Governing Body of the organisation.

In case if some organisational interests are in threats, the Governing Body directly

interfere and resolve it without any support of line manager and other staffs

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