human lower body muscles

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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Human Lower Body Muscles. Group III. Muscles of Abdominal Wall. Human:. Abdominal Wall Muscles. Group III. Muscles of Abdominal Wall. External oblique. Rectus abdominis. Linea alba. Internal oblique. Transversus abdominis. Inguinal ligament. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Human Lower Body Muscles

Muscles of Abdominal WallGroup IIIGroup III

Human: Human:

Abdominal Wall MusclesName of the Name of the


Rectus abdominisRectus abdominis Flexes vertebral column, Flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomencompresses abdomen

External oblique External oblique abdominisabdominis

Compresses abdomen, lateral Compresses abdomen, lateral trunk rotationtrunk rotation

Internal oblique Internal oblique abdominisabdominis

Compresses abdomen, lateral Compresses abdomen, lateral trunk rotationtrunk rotation

Transversus Transversus abdominisabdominis

Compresses abdomen, lateral Compresses abdomen, lateral trunk rotationtrunk rotation

Internal oblique

Linea alba

External oblique

Rectus abdominis

Transversus abdominis

Inguinal ligament

Muscles of Abdominal WallGroup IIIGroup III

Pay attention to the direction the muscle fibers run

External obliqueO: RibsI: Iliac crest of ilium and linea alba

Internal obliqueO: Iliac crest of iliumI: Lower ribs

Transversus AbdominisO: Iliac crest of ilium and lower ribsI: Linea alba and pubis

Serratus anterior

External oblique Internal


Linea alba

Rectus abdominus

Transversus abdominis

Six Pack Ab’s

Muscles of the Gluteal Muscles of the Gluteal RegionRegion

Name of the MuscleName of the Muscle Action/sAction/s

Gluteus maximusGluteus maximus Extends and rotates Extends and rotates thigh laterallythigh laterally

Gluteus mediusGluteus medius Abducts and rotates Abducts and rotates thigh mediallythigh medially

Gluteus minimusGluteus minimus Abducts and rotates Abducts and rotates thigh mediallythigh medially

Tensor fasciae lataeTensor fasciae latae Abducts and rotates Abducts and rotates thigh mediallythigh medially

Muscles of the Gluteal Muscles of the Gluteal RegionRegion

Tensor Fascia Latae Gluteus Medius Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Medius


Sciatic Nerve

Sciatic Nerve


Gluteus Medius


Psoas major

Extensors (Quadriceps)Extensors (Quadriceps)

Name of the MuscleName of the Muscle Action/sAction/s

Rectus femorisRectus femoris Extend leg, and flex thighExtend leg, and flex thigh

Vastus medialisVastus medialis Extend legExtend leg

Vastus lateralisVastus lateralis Extend legExtend leg

Vastus intermediusVastus intermedius Extend legExtend leg

Extensors (Quadriceps)Extensors (Quadriceps)

Rectus femoris (vastus intermedius is deep to this)

Vastus lateralis

Vastus medialis

Group XGroup X

Thigh, Deep Anterior viewHuman: Human:

Group XGroup X

Thigh, Anterior viewHuman: Human:

Flexors (Hamstrings)Flexors (Hamstrings)Name of the MuscleName of the Muscle Action/sAction/s

GracilisGracilis Flexes leg and adducts thighFlexes leg and adducts thigh

SartoriusSartorius Flexes leg and thigh, and Flexes leg and thigh, and abducts and rotates thighabducts and rotates thigh

Biceps femorisBiceps femoris Flexes leg and extends and Flexes leg and extends and adducts thighadducts thigh

SemimembranosusSemimembranosus Flexes leg and extends and Flexes leg and extends and adducts thigh, medially rotates adducts thigh, medially rotates thighthigh

SemitendinosusSemitendinosus Flexes leg and extends and Flexes leg and extends and adducts thigh, medially rotates adducts thigh, medially rotates thighthigh

Flexors (Hamstrings)Flexors (Hamstrings)


Biceps femoris



Group XGroup X

Thigh, Posterior viewHuman: Human:

Group XGroup X

Thigh, Deep Posterior viewHuman: Human:

Posterior thigh


Iliotibial band



Adductor magnus

Biceps femoris

Lateral head of gastrocnemius

Gluteus maximus

AdductorsAdductorsName of the MuscleName of the Muscle Action/sAction/s

Adductor longusAdductor longus Flexes, adducts, and Flexes, adducts, and rotates thigh mediallyrotates thigh medially

Adductor brevisAdductor brevis Flexes, adducts, and Flexes, adducts, and rotates thighrotates thigh

Adductor magnusAdductor magnus Flexes, adducts, and Flexes, adducts, and rotates thighrotates thigh



Adductor longus

Adductor magnus



Group XGroup X

Thigh, Deep Anterior viewHuman: Human:

Anteriomedial thigh

Adductor longus

Iliotibial band


Femoral artery and vein


Adductor brevis


Vastus lateralis

Vastus medialis

Tensor fascia lata

Anteriomedial thigh

Inguinal ligamentIliopsoas

Tensor fascia lata Spermatic cord



Adductor longusVastus lateralis

Rectus femoris

Vastus medialis

Quadriceps tendon



Tensor fascia latae


Group XGroup X

Thigh, Lateral viewHuman: Human:

Muscles that move the footMuscles that move the footName of the MuscleName of the Muscle Action/sAction/s

GastrocnemiusGastrocnemius Planter flexes footPlanter flexes foot

SoleusSoleus Planter flexes footPlanter flexes foot

Peroneus longusPeroneus longus Planter flexes and evertsPlanter flexes and everts

Peroneus brevisPeroneus brevis Planter flexes and evertsPlanter flexes and everts

Peroneus tertiusPeroneus tertius Dorsiflexes and evertsDorsiflexes and everts

Tibialis anteriorTibialis anterior Dorsiflexes and invertsDorsiflexes and inverts

Muscles that move the footMuscles that move the foot

Muscles that move the toesMuscles that move the toes

Name of the MuscleName of the Muscle Action/sAction/s

Flexor digitorum Flexor digitorum longuslongus

Flexes the toesFlexes the toes

Extensor digitorum Extensor digitorum longuslongus

Extends the toesExtends the toes

Muscles that move the ToesMuscles that move the Toes

Group XIGroup XI

Lower Leg, Posterior viewHuman: Human:

Group XIGroup XI

Lower Leg, Deep Posterior viewHuman: Human:


Soleus (deep to Gastrocnemius)

Achilles tendon



Tibialis anterior

Peroneus longus

Peroneus longus

Group XIGroup XI

Lower Leg, Deep Lateral viewHuman: Human:

Group XIGroup XI

Lower Leg, Deep Lateral viewHuman: Human:

Lateral compartment of leg

Tibialis anterior


Fibularis longus

Fibularis brevis

Extensor digitorum longus

Fibularis tertius


Head of fibula

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