hrm report on sjibl by iubat

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Human Resources Management Practices of SHAHJALAL ISLAMI BANK LIMITED


Report On"Human Resources Management Practices of SHAHJALAL ISLAMI BANK LIMITED"Prepared ForJamee Ahmad (Faculty)College of Business Administration

Course Name Human Resource Management Course Code: HRM- 301

Prepared ByGroup Name :NORMSec: C

Group MembersNameIDProgram

Md.Yousuf Hossain11302151BBA

Rabeya Akther 11302116BBA

Sanjida afrin 11302070BBA

Sahadat Hossain13302019BBA

Submission date: 28-02-2015

Letter of Transmittal

28th February, 2015Jamee Ahmad Faculty College of Business AdministrationIUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology.

Subject: Letter of Transmittal

Dear Sir,It is a great pleasure to submit our report for the course Human Resource Management (HRM- 301)on selection & recruiting, training & development system, performance appraisal method, compensation &benefits of Shahjalal Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited we exerted our best effort under your intensive guidance and supervision.It was surely an opportunity for us to enrich our theoretical knowledge having relationship with the practice. It gave us the opportunity to have real life working experience and to get insight into the real banking procedure. Throughout the report we tried to describe our learning from the selection & recruiting, training & development system, performance appraisal method, compensation & benefits of Shahjalal Islami Bank.We hope that you will find this report informative and interesting. We will be glad to answer any sort of query throughout this report and we will be pleased to provide any further clarification or information in interpreting this analysis if you need.

Sincerely,Group NORM


Support from various persons is required for the successful finalization of any course. we have been fortunate to obtain the guidance and supervision of our teacher, our fellow classmates, and others. First of all we would like to convey our salutation to almighty Allah for enabling us to complete the report with sound health, and then Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) for having such a wonderful and unique course, through which we get the chance to learn about the HRM Banking services. We would like to pay our solemn homage to our course instructor Jamee Ahmad his guidance.

Students Working Part

Name IDTopics Name

Md.Yousuf Hossain11302151Selecting and Recruiting Process

Rabeya Akther11302116Training and Development System

Sahadat Hossain13302019Performance Appraisal Provided

Sanjida afrin11302070Compensation and benefits Provided

Table of contentS/LName of Contents

Page No:

iLetter of TransmittalI


iiiWorking part III

ivTable of contentIV

vExecutive summaryV

01Chapter 011-3

i. Introductionii. Company Profile iii. Vision, Mission, Values, Strategies


02 Chapter 024-14

i. Selecting and Recruiting Processii. Training and Development Systemiii. Performance Appraisal Providediv. Compensation and benefits Provided04-0809-1010-1213-14

03Chapter 03


i. problem and Suggestions ii. Conclusion

Executive summaryHuman Resource Management is an important strategic tool which adds value to the organization and is a necessary part of organizations function. So, this report is an assigned job as a partial fulfilment of course requirement which is given by honourable Course Teacher Mr.Jamee Ahmad, Lecturer, Department of CBA, IUBAT. In this report the overall work of the Human Resource Department of Local Company Shahjalal Islam Bank is focused and described. The goal of this report is to find out the Human Resource Management Practices of Bangladesh, in case of Shahjalal Islam Bank. Shahjalal Islam Bank is the organization whereactually the HRM activities are applied with a huge effort, and the outcome is also very satisfying.This report is focused on the HRM activities that Shahjalal Islam Bankpractices to develop their organization. The key factor of this Banks sustainable growth is Human Resource Management. They have always been committed to good employment practices and have set out the framework of Employment Principles on workplace practices, employee relations and employee human rights. Thats why they select the most talented and dynamic professionals from the available candidates, trusts in team work and respect each other.The report also includes the theoretical framework of various concepts of Human Resource Management and also contains the practices of Human Resource Management in Shahjalal Islam Bank for the purpose of relating the theoretical concepts with the relevant areas of an established organization.

Chapter -1

1.1 IntroductionShahjalal Islami Bank Limited is a shariah based commercial bank in Bangladesh which was incorporated as a public limited company on 1st April, 2001 under Companies Act, 1994 and commenced their commercial operation on 10th May, 2001 by opening its 1st branch. Its corporate head office is situated at 10, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Jiban Bima Bhaban, Dhaka 1000. At present, there are 53 branches, 5 SME centers and 8 branches of brokerage house of this bank.Human Resource Management is the most important component of modern organizations. The accomplishment of organizational missions and objectives depends, to a large extent, on having right persons in right positions as well as the commitment and contributions of those involved. This is why Human Resource Management has acquired a growing significance in current organization theory and practice. As a matter of fact, a sound and effective human resource management is seen as the most significant variable that determines the performance of an enterprise.

1.2Company Profile

Name of the CompanyShahjalal Islami Bank Securities LimitedCorporate Head OfficeJiban Bima Bhaban, (4th floor)10, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000Telephone No.88-02-7163253, 7173008, 7111384, 7118425Fax Mohiuddin AhmedChief Executive Officer(C.C)Md. Anwar HossainAuditorsM/S K.M Hasan & Co.Chartered AccountantsHome Town Apartment (8th & 9th Floor)87, New Eskaton Road , Dhaka-1000.Phone: 88-02-9351457, 9351564No. of Branches8No. Of Employees1550Stock Summary:Authorized CapitalTk. 5000 millionPaid up CapitalTk. 2140 millionFace Value per ShareTk. 10

1.3 VisionTo be the unique modern Islami Bank Securities in Bangladesh and to make significant contribution to the national economy and enhance customers' trust & wealth, quality investment, employees' value and rapid growth in shareholders' equity.

1.4 MissionTo provide quality services to customers.To set high standards of integrity.To make quality investment.To ensure sustainable growth in business.To ensure maximization of shareholder's wealth.To extend our customers innovative services acquiring state-of-the-art technology blended with Islamic principles.1.5 Values1. Result Driven2. Accountable & Transparent3. Courageous & Respectful4. Engaged & Inspired5. Focused on Customer Delight

1.6 StrategiesTo strive for customers best satisfaction & earn their confidence.To manage & operate the Securities in the most effective manner.To identify customers needs & monitor their perception towards meeting those requirements.To review & updates policies, procedures & practices to enhance the ability to extend better services to the customers.To train & develop all employees & provide them adequate resources so that the customers needs are reasonably addressed.To promote organizational efficiency by communicating company plans, polices & procedures openly to the employees in a timely fashion.To cultivate a congenial working environment.

Chapter -22. Selection & Recruiting SJIBL2.1 Recruiting:2.1.1 Meaning of RecruitingRecruiting is the process by which organizations locate and attract individuals to fill job vacancies. Most organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to replace those who leave or are promoted, to acquire new skills, and to permit organizational growth. Recruiting is an even more important activity when unemployment rates are low and economic growth is strong, as firms compete to attract the qualified employees they need to succeed. Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with the selection process by which organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates for various jobs. Without accurate planning, organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates for various jobs. Without accurate planning, organizations may recruit the wrong number or type of employees. It also focuses on the job applicant and the ways in which candidate looks for and choose a job.2.1.2 Recruiting Method: Recruiting AdvertisingA very common formal recruiting method is newspaper advertising. Ads placed in newspaper are accessible to everyone and thus do not discriminate against any groups in disseminating information about job openings. Recruitment advertising has an obvious target people who are seeking work and an obvious goal attracting these job seekers to apply for a job at a particular company. Newspaper ads, however, reach a much wider audience. A well-designed, informative advertisement may help convince those people who are not interested now to apply for the job to consider the company at some later date when they are interested in a new job.2.1.2. 2 Employment AgenciesAnother formal method of recruiting is to use an employment agency. An agency finds and rescreens applicants, referring those who seem qualified to the organization for further assessment and final selection. An agency can screen effectively only if it has a clear understanding of the position it is trying to fill. Thus it is very important that an employer be as specific and accurate as possible when describing a position and its requirements to an employment agency.

2.1.3 RECRUITMENT PROCESS2.1.3.1 External Recruitment ProcessThe external recruitment process for Shahjalal Bank Limited (SJIBL) will comprise of the following steps and procedures. Head Count PlanningHead Count Planning in SJIBL must be a part of the bank's overall business plan. It will start as soon as approved business plan is received. For all new positions there should be budget approval. The head count plan for every division should be developed by analyzing pertinent factors including potential/expected workload and expertise requirements and ensuring the optimum and effective utilization of the Human Resources for the entire bank, both for current and future requirements, forecasted employee turnover/employee mobility and any potential transfer, promotion or any such relevant factor. The divisional head count plan is to be submitted to HR at the beginning of the year and HR is to take the due approval of the projected head count. The approved head count will be communicated to division by HR and recruitment for any vacant and new position will be done as par the approved head count. Manpower Needs and Recruitment RequisitionWhile requesting for filling the replacement of existing vacant position or new position, the concerned division will need to fill up a Recruitment Requisition Form and obtain necessary approval from divisional head before sending the same to HR. No recruitment will be processed without receiving recruitment requisition from the concerned division and the requisition must be made for approved head count. A copy of the role profile (if available) and the approved organ gram has to be attached with the recruitment requisition. In case of requisition for a new position, which was not included in the approved head count plan, the concerned divisions have to provide proper business justification for the post and take approval from concerned divisional head, head of HR and MD. Only after this has been duly approved HR will process the requisition for recruitment and selection. Job PostingAfter receiving duly approved requisition from line division, HR will post job opening both internally and externally on the right medium for the target group of potential recruit. The job posting will have detail description of the job, the qualifications required to be eligible for the job, the deadline for application and posting or mobility related issues where applicable. CV Sourcing and Short ListingInterested candidates will apply against the position and the potential candidates will be short listed by HR based on the expectations defined by the concerned function in the requisition form. Short listed candidate will need to sign a declaration form informing whether he/she has any relative working in Shahjalal Bank. This declaration must be collected from the candidate at the time of interview. The CVs which have not been short listed will be sent a computer generated regret letter in the form of an email. Rejected candidate can not apply for the same position within the next six months. Written TestShort listed CVs will be called in for a written test if the application is against the post of temporary or officer. However for candidates applying for the position of senior officer and above, written test is not mandatory however can be taken at the discretion of Human Resources Division and the line manager. Candidates sitting for a written test must secure 45% marks to proceed in the recruitment process. Candidates who have not qualified in this round will be sent a computer generated regret letter in the form of an email. InterviewCandidates who qualify in the written test will be called for an interview. The candidates must be informed about the interview time, date and venue at least 48 hours prior to the interview. All communications with the candidate like setting interview time and date, position and salary negotiation etc. will be done by HR only. An interview board will need to be formed with a minimum of three members, one from HR and one from the line division/department and one cross functional. The interviewers sitting in the interview board should be at a higher position that the position for which the candidate is being interviewed.

The interviewers must follow the following principles-Interview PreparationEstablish RapportConduction of the InterviewInterviewer Not Attending an InterviewCancellation/time Change of the Interview Job OfferAn approval needs to be taken from the MD for all permanent position and temporary position the approval is given by Head of HR. Selected candidates will be made a job offer after salary negotiation and upon acceptance of the job offer the candidate will be sent for medical test at bank selected diagnostics. There will be no salary negotiation for temporary employee. Individuals joining as officer will be on a probation period of six months. Any employee joining above officer level will not have any probation period. Medical TestAt SJIBL, the job offer is contingent on passing medical examination conducted by the Bank nominated diagnostic centre. Appointment LetterThe appointment letter will specify all the terms and condition of the job and will need to be approved as per the following structure.Position Approval AuthoritySVP and below Head of HREVP and aboveMDDMD and aboveBoardContractual BoardTemporary/Part-time Internal Recruitment ProcessShahjalal Bank encourages people to grow from within and therefore will give equal opportunity to recruit suitable candidates internally against any vacancies. Job PostingFor any vacancies in Shahjalal Bank, internal announcement will be made simultaneously with the external advert. The internal job posting will be made on Shahjalal Bank Intranet. Interested internal candidates can apply for the post in case the candidate has spent at least six months in his current role to be able to apply for lateral internal move, and at least one year in his current role to be able to apply for an opening in a higher position. CV Short listingInternal candidates will also be short listed based on their fit for the opening, performance record and potential to perform in the vacant role. Employees who are not short listed will be notified through an email. InterviewShort listed candidates will need to face an interview with the Divisional Head and HR, along with the external short listed candidates. If the internal candidate is finally selected in the interview he/she will be informed. Appointment to the New RoleThe joining date will be mutually agreed between the home and host division and the agreed time line should be followed. The transfer/promotion/regularization will be formalized through the defined process in due time. Internship ProcessAt Shahjalal bank we believe in acting as a development partner of the universities and young talents of the country, and internship is one of the ways of addressing this. We will provide internship to students from well reputed, UGC approved universities, in three cycles in a year. We will take maximum 25 interns per cycle. To be able to qualify for the internship selection process the student must have a minimum CGPA of 3 on a scale of 4 from a reputed university

2.2 Selecting2.2.1 MeaningHiring good people is particularly challenging in technology-based organizations because they require a unique brand of technical and professional people. They have to be smart and able to survive in the demanding cultures of todays dynamic organizations. In addition, many of these qualified individuals are in short supply and are able to go wherever they like. Once applicants have been identified, HRM must carefully screen final candidates to ensure they fit well into the organizations culture. The realities of organizational life today may focus on an informal, team-spirited workplace, one in which intense pressure to complete projects quickly and on time is critical, and a 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) work mentality dominates. Selection tools used by HRM need to select out people that arent team players and cant handle ambiguity and stress.

2.2.2 Selection Process

3. Training and Development SJIBL3. 1 Training & Research of SJIBL:SJIBL Bank employs a large number of employees for performing various jobs. Some of them are recovers. They need more knowledge and skill for better performance of jobs. They are, therefore, in need of proper training to contribute` to the achievement of the organizational goals. There are some jobs that require little or no training but many of them need to be performed by adequately training. The use of modern technology has created new jobs in the organization, which required training.Training involves the change of skills, knowledge, attitudes or behaviour of employees. Although training is similar to development in the methods used to attract learning; they differ in time frames. Training is more present day oriented; its focus is on individuals' current jobs, enhancing those specific skills and abilities to immediately perform their jobs. Employee development, on the other hand, generally focuses on future jobs in the organization.Training differs from education. Training is concerned with increase in knowledge, skills and abilities of the employees in doing a particular job: It has a narrow aim limited to increase in knowledge and skill related to a job. Education, on the other hand, broadens the mental faculties and horizon of knowledge. It is concern with enhancing general knowledge and motivating one to understand the total environment.Training is often understood as a learning experience. So, if employees are to understand what training can do to improve an employee's job performance, employee should begin by explaining how learn.Training widens job related knowledge of the employee. Employees become more skilled and update their knowledge through training. Training provides necessary instructions for performing the current job efficiently. Training differs from education and development.3.2 Types of Training

Foundation courses have two parts: theoretical training in the academy and job rotation. The officers on probation are required to undergo both in a period of one year. During this period, three-phased training programmed is effective. On theoretical training say, general banking, the officers are required to undergo rotation in general banking activities under the supervision of HRD. Similar process is followed in' case of CRM & Foreign Exchange.

3.2.1 FacultyThe academy has built up a pool of knowledgeable/competent trainer within the bank. In addition to permanent and professional trainers, speakers are drawn from operational side so that on. the job experience may be exchange and share d. Over and above, speakers from Central Bank, professional training institutions, universities, research organizations and Govt. organizations are also invited to share views and experience. Senior and retied bankers are also regularly to enhance effective of training.

3.2.2 Methods of TrainingThe academy holds need-based training courses/workshop/seminars etc. which are finalized by Training & Research Division in constantly with various department and senior executives at Head Office. Training inputs are constantly reviewed / modified for achieving the objective. Methods in training include: discussion/ lecture/workshop/case study/games/ role play/ film show/ simulation/group work & presentation/ project visit and so on.

4. Performance appraisal method SJIBL4.1 HR Development Approaches of SJIBLThe SJIBL arrange the development process for their employee and management in the two ways. Development can be thought of as growing capabilities that go beyond required by the current job; it represents efforts to improve employees ability to handle a variety of assignments. Development is beneficial to both the SJIBL and the individuals. Employees and managers with appropriate experiences and abilities enhance the ability of SJIBL to compete and adapt to a changing competitive environment. In the development process, the individuals careers also gain focus and evolve.SJIBLs HR development approaches are described, under two major headings: job-site development and off-site development. Both are appropriate in developing managers and other employees. The HR Perspective discusses the variables that facilitate participation in development.4.2 JOB ROTATIONAT the SJIBL job rotation process happen of change an employee from job to job. In SJIBL have precisely planning the program for each employee. Job rotation is widely used as a development technique. For example, a promising young manager may spend three months in the customer service unit of SJIBL, three months in corporate planning, and three months in cash department. When properly handled, such job rotation fosters a greater understanding of the SJIBL. At SJIBL, job rotation is used during a 15-month sales training program. Trainees work in at least three areas, such as industrial sales, retail sales, and product training. Especially when opportunities for promotion are scarce, job rotation through lateral transfers may be beneficial in rekindling enthusiasm and developing new talents. The best lateral moves do one or more of the following:Move the person into the core business.Provide closer contact with the customer.Teach new skills or perspectives.In spite of its benefits, managers of SJIBL recognize that job rotation can be expensive. Furthermore, a substantial amount of managerial time is lost when trainees change positions, because they must become acquainted with different people and techniques in each new unit.4.3. SJIBL Off-Site MethodsOff-the-job-site development techniques are playing at SJIBL an effective role because they give the individual an opportunity to get away from the job and concentrate solely on what is to be learned. At SJIBL, meeting with other people who are concerned with somewhat different problems and come from different organizations may provide an employee with new perspectives on old problems. Various off-site methods are used at SJIBL.4.4 BANKING CUSTOMER RELATIONS TRAININGThough SJIBLs main customers are the individual people this type of training are very effective. In SJIBL customer relations training originated. Initially, the purpose of the training was to prepare supervisors for people problems brought to them by their employees. This type of training focuses on the development of the human relations skills a person needs to work well with others. In SJIBL customer relations training programs are aimed at new or relatively inexperienced first-line supervisors and middle managers. Human relations programs typically have sessions on motivation, leadership, employee communication, and humanizing the workplace.The problem with such programs is the difficulty in measuring their effectiveness. The development of human relations skills is a long-range goal; tangible results are hard to identify over the span of several years. Consequently, such programs often are measured only by participants reactions to them. In SJIBL reaction-level measurement is the weakest form of evaluating the effectiveness of training.4.5. Performance AppraisalPerformance appraisal is the process by which an employees contribution to the organization during a specified period of tine is assessed. Performance appraisal is integral to the successful operation of most organizations. During this process, employees are evaluated formally and informally to determine the nature of their contributions to the organization. Appraisal occurs during time periods and in meetings that are scheduled to produce reasoned consideration of contributions, but it also occurs informally as employee contributions are observed, or when an evaluation is brought to the attention of others..Performance appraisal is treated as an evaluation and development tool, as well as a formal legal document. Appraisals review past performance emphasizing positive accomplishments as well as deficiencies and drafting detailed plans for future development. The performance evaluation also serves a vital organizational need by providing the documentation necessary for any personnel action that might be taken against an employee.Management by objectives (MBO) specifies the performance goals that an individual hopes to attain within an appropriate length of time. The objectives that each manager sets are derived from the overall goals and objectives of the organization,although MBO should not be a disguised means for a superior to dictate the objectives of individual managers or employees. Although not limited to the appraisal of managers, MBO is most often used for this purpose. Other names for MBO include appraisal by results, target-coaching, work planning and review, performance objectives, and mutual goal setting.Though The SIBL is a service oriented organization means the banking organization so that the Management by objective appraisal method is applicable for evaluate the performance.THE SJIBL MBO PROCESS In the SJIBL implementing a guided self-appraisal system using MBO is a four-stage process.Job review and agreement of SJIBL Employee: The employee and the superior review the job description and the key activities that comprise the SJIBL employees job. The idea is to agree on the exact makeup of the job.Continuing performance discussions: The employee and the superior use the objectives as bases for continuing discussions about the employees performance. Although a formal review session may be scheduled, the employee and the manager do not necessarily wait until the appointed time to discuss performance. Objectives are modified mutually, and progress is discussed during the period.

5. Compensation and benefits provided of SJIBL5.1. Benefits provided of SJIBL

1.Batter knowledge in Islamic banking system for serve and attract the customer for adapting Islamic banking System.2.Batter knowledge on banking software and make efficient in providing banking service3.Helps remove performance deficiencies in employees and achieve the SJIBLs goal.4.Greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in the SJIBL.5.Accidents, scraps and damages to machinery avoided at the SJIBL.6.Serves as effective source of recruitment for the SJIBL.7.dissatisfaction, absenteeism, complaints and turnover of employees. SJIBL can reduces8.Helps person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict to achieve the SJIBLs goal.9.Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co-ordination to achieve the SJIBLs goal.10.SJIBLs employee improves management relations.11.Aids improving SJIBLs communication.12.Helps employees adjust to change and achieve the SJIBLs goal.13.Improves the moral of workforce of SJIBLs employee.14.Develops a sense of responsibility to the organization for being competent and knowledgeable.15.It is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future and to achieve the SJIBLs goal.

5.2. Compensation of SJIBLCompensation is the reward or price for labour. The goals of compensation administration are to design the lowest Cost pay structure that will attract, motivate and retain competent employees, and that also will be perceived as fair by these employees.They fare better in terms of operational efficiency, as indicate by lower staff rations and more competitive compensation levels rose to 90% in 1998/99 from 85% c the Economist intelligence unit limited 2001 EIU country profile 2001 Bangladesh 39.

Chapter 033. Concluding part3.1 Problem and Suggestions

1. lack of recruitment in different level does your bank prefer.Last year, Bank recruited 120 fresh graduate and 160 experienced employees in the junior level. The ratio is Fresh: Experienced =4:5.In the Mid and Top level Bank usually does not give preference for external search and now 193 employees have been working in the mid & top levels who have been appointed through internal promotion.

Experienced Fresh Graduates External Search Internal SearchIn Junior Level-160In Mid Level - 120Top Level-1932. The bank provide any special facilities for lack of contractual employees.From our finding we see that there is no special facility for contractual employees.3. Give the basis of promotion in the bank.According to HR, the basis of promotion in the bank is performance. Normally, a promotion becomes due within two years. But we got mix responses from the responders (i.e., employees). Their views are different. These are given below:Attribute ResponsesNo. (%)Qualification (education, experience) 11 37.93Seniority 4 13.80Performance 14 48.274. The training and development services SJIBL .At the time of entry, every employee has to participate on the year lowing training programs.1. General Banking2. Foreign Exchange3. InvestmentThese are on the job trainings. In addition to this, every year bank organizes several training programs like SME, Debit Cards etc. on need basis.Last year, on the job 20 employees and off the job, in land 35 employees and in abroad 05 employees were given training.

3.2 ConclusionThe report has attempted to point out recruitment and selection process in SJIBL.. We can get little information about recruitment and selection process in SJIBL. Recruitment and Selection Procedure of SJIBL during the last ten years has proved that with strong desire and will power one achieve whatever target he may have. Almost all the leading banks in our country have various procedures in recruitment and selection process in comparison with SJIBL. But it has succeeded in achieving more desirable employee than many other competitors. This has been possible only because of strong recruitment and excellent selection procedure. SJIBL Bank employs a large number of employees for performing various jobs. The academy has built up a pool of knowledgeable/competent trainer within the bank. In addition to permanent and professional trainers, speakers are drawn from operational side so that on. The academy holds need-based training courses/workshop/seminars etc. which are finalized by Training & Research Division in constantly with various department and senior executives at Head Office. SJIBLs HR development approaches are described, under two major headings: job-site development and off-site development in performance appraisal. In SJIBL have precisely planning the program for each employee. Job rotation is widely used as a development technique. SJIBL customer relations training programs are aimed at new or relatively inexperienced first-line supervisors and middle managers. Human relations programs typically have sessions on motivation, leadership, employee communication, and humanizing the workplace. SIBL is a service oriented organization means the banking organization so that the Management by objective appraisal method is applicable for evaluate the performance.

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