hr - your role in creating a digital workplace

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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HR - Your role in creating a digitalworkplace

Contents• Digital Workplace – what does it mean?

• Digital Workplace – the vital role of HR

• Case study

• Your questions

Presentation Notes
Notes to presenter Digital Workplace is new business models, new ways of working, new technology The digital workplace is the FREEDOM to work as individuals and teams anytime, anyway, anywhere – Earl from NTT

“The digital workplace is the FREEDOM to work as individuals and teams anytime, anyway, anywhere”

Earl Talbot - NTT Europe

87%of remote workers feel

more connected to their team with video


66%of candidates prefer to use video conferencing during

the interview process

25%of employee satisfaction is accounted for by the workplace environment

Presentation Notes
Notes to presenter Digital Workplace is new business models, new ways of working, new technology The digital workplace is the FREEDOM to work as individuals and teams anytime, anyway, anywhere – Earl from NTT

Increased Productivity

• Nearly 40% say they work longer hours when remote working to

counteract any suspicion they may be taking advantage of the

company’s central office (Ipsos MORI)

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda


“Managers (and employees) can’t work effectively with their hands tied

behind their back. Employers must make it their New Year’s resolution to

give them the autonomy to succeed.”Ann Francke, CEO Chartered Institute of Management ‘Future Forecast 2016’

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda

The Digital Workplace Think narrow & broad…..

• Digital Workplace as the facilitator of new forms of engagement;

collaboration; data sharing and innovation – the foundation of

truly agile, high performing businesses

• This broad digital workplace definition is what unlocks strategic a

strategic, value adding role for HR

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda

Getting your arms around digital

• HR can’t help deliver consistently high performing cultures without strategically embracing our broader definition of a digital workplace

• Narrow digital workplace is a table stakes play

• Broad digital workplace is what will allow HR to create competitive differentiation for your business

It should already be part of your talent proposition

• Talent favours digital maturity

• Digital maturity is the product of organisational strategy, culture and leadership

• And if you’re not shaping that who is?

Presentation Notes
ATTRACT, RETAIN, ENGAGE Performance management has the problem if being a once a year thing – operational throughout the year Digital has the opportunity to keep to alive – spontaneous, project driven, almost blog based Here and now, real, present Developmentally good – e.g. ABN Amro losing people from one arm and recruiting people on another – roles are current Access to expertise across the company – don’t forget this Moving from a secondary form of communication to primary – essential Glassdoor – organisations that show themselves badly – transparency – you can’t fight it

Questions• Does your organisation have a clear strategy for a digital workplace

(narrow definition) ?• Does your organisation have a clear strategy for a digital workplace

(broad definition) ?• Are you and your colleagues in HR influencing that strategy ?• Does your culture foster and encourage digital initiatives and innovation? • Do you think progress on the digital workplace agenda helps HR have a

bigger impact in the business?

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda

Digital Workplace – delivering the HR agenda

“HR will care about the digital workplace because they care about flexible working, supporting a diverse workforce, and retaining talent.

They don’t want to talk about networks.”

Sophie Allen - Microsoft

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda Or is this the impact of workforce technology on all aspects of staffing

Meet Your New Best Ally• If you hadn’t noticed IT and HR are both in the engagement business

• A close IT / HR partnership will be the beating heart of a successful business with IT / HR jointly coordinating;• Engagement programmes• Changing job roles and skills profiles• Organisational structures to ensure alignment with business goals

Presentation Notes

The view from industry experts

• By 2020, 20% of organisations will include employee engagement improvement as a shared performance objective for HR and IT (

• IT professionals are being actively coached and educated to be vital change agents in the business

• Gartner)

Presentation Notes
We’ve read this so you don’t have to! IT are being coached in culture! Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda

Be the new power couple

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda Or is this the impact of workforce technology on all aspects of staffing

More glamorous?

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda Or is this the impact of workforce technology on all aspects of staffing

Too much…?

Presentation Notes
Making progress on a digital workplace should be on your KPIs Have you defined the vision (you need to be influencing it?) Have you found your hero? “Heroes” and “Allies” on the UC Journey Every hero needs a Yoda Or is this the impact of workforce technology on all aspects of staffing

The Digital Workplace

“In the absence of a strategic response, IT leaders will be out of step with changing business needs… leading to competitive disadvantage”



Digital Workplace

Presentation Notes
IT is a key role in the cultural and change agenda, Reference report on the chairs…. SO - Digital drives your UC journey (digital workplace is a concept and UC strategy brings it to life) The role of IT is changing – you are the hero!

The Hero’s Journey

Presentation Notes
The journey is the oldest ‘concept’ known to man. A (reluctant) hero starts a journey; he needs to help the people from the village. He starts a quest, there are helpers along the way – and dragons, he returns to the village triumphant.

Where are you onthe Transformation


VisionCompelling reason




AlliesLaunch Guides


Presentation Notes
Avoiding pitfalls, go at your pace, identify hero and allies Great opportunity for IT be empowered to make significant differences across the organisation and no longer be the cost centre – driving profit/growth! Technology is the enabler

VisionCompelling reason




AlliesLaunch Guides


Presentation Notes
Avoiding pitfalls, go at your pace, identify hero and allies Great opportunity for IT be empowered to make significant differences across the organisation and no longer be the cost centre – driving profit/growth! Technology is the enabler

Allowingassociates to

work where andwhen they are

most productive,cost-effective andenvironmentally


Presentation Notes
Why it worked Through a best in class deployment Plantronics achieved expected and unexpected outcomes. One of the (unexpected) dragons was the re-training of the middle management to deal with the management and performance of remote employees. Plantronics had a hero (MD), There was a vision from the top Performance management changed Training critical Phased approach Expected and unexpected outcomes – transparency, HR becomes a mouthpeice for the org, attract, retain, engage – low attrition!


Cost savings from reduced real estate

Attraction and retention of talent

More agile and responsive business

Safeguarded business continuity

Employee wellbeing

Increased productivity of employees

Upgraded management culture

Improved collaboration

Reduce attrition

Presentation Notes
Why it worked Through a best in class deployment Plantronics achieved expected and unexpected outcomes. One of the (unexpected) dragons was the re-training of the middle management to deal with the management and performance of remote employees. Plantronics had a hero (MD),

“It has changed work totally from where people go to what they do. It makes HR far more aligned to the business – it’s

easier to see where you add value, to integrate into the business. It looks at the future of work and encourages

innovation in a range of ways. It gives functions that are shut away e.g. HR the opportunity to be part of the programme. There is nothing you can’t deal with in this environment.”

Presentation Notes
Notes to presenter Digital Workplace is new business models, new ways of working, new technology The digital workplace is the FREEDOM to work as individuals and teams anytime, anyway, anywhere – Earl from NTT

Takeaways• Think of us as one of your guides• Complete the feedback form and register your interest• Make the first move – don’t leave your IT Crowd stuck under the stairs

We can do this together!

Email: LancasterHelen

Presentation Notes

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