hr system english(1)

Post on 16-Feb-2016






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System HR


We help you how to improve yourbusiness processes, and make thetechnology affordable for you.

Human Resources Management System

EmployEEs Data

We designed our system to be give a great flexibility in the main data entry screen by a well-organized tables and filtered by (Personal Information, Job Information, Addresses and Phone numbers, Personal Documents, Fixed Allowances, Fixed Deductions, Vacations Balances, Family Data, Health Insurance, GOSI, etc...).


You can enter all basic data for jobs with the ability to enter the full job description with specifying the job requirements, authorities, fixed allowance and deductions, and all the grade scale for each title.

titlE GraDEs

In the job description you are able to identify the title grades and you can put a minimum & maximum salary, with the ability to identify the fixed allowance and deductions for each grade.

pErsonal DocumEnts

PN-HR is giving you the ability to specify any kind of documents you want Passports, Iqama, National Cards, Driving License, work permission, etc...), with the ability to use both Gregorian & Hijri or one of them, with the ability to specify the renewal cost for each document. You are able to enter as much documents as you want for each employee with the document number, issue date, expiry date, issue place and the system with make an automatic alert when the document is about to expire.


Ability to create multiple contracts & formats with entering all detailed information, and ability to renew contracts as it is or modifying it as it need like changing salary or increasing the grade etc...Print the contracts on the company letterhead, also you can write your own contract on a word file and the system will automatically fill the employee details in the correct fields.


Identify all your properties and their cost on you with the ability to integrate this module with your asset ledger in the ERP.The system will follow up your properties and give you the ability to transfer them from one employee to another.The system will show you the assets that are handled to the employee when you do some transactions like vacation, end of service etc...

thE EmployEE’s historical filE

The system will save a record for each employee for every modification made, any incremental for his salary, fixed allowance, deductions, and any changes for the title and grade etc...



Real Estate Operation Management Software


Before we mention the flexibility of our system, we had to make sure that our system will be able to work anywhere. In the vacations we found that globally we have an unlimited number of vacations that if we included all in the system the clients will not be use most of them. For that, we had to keep the vacation field empty, at the same time we gave the normal user the ability to create as many leave requests as he want and specify the conditions and rules for each vacation alone. After identifying the vacations the user can make the request and through the workflow it will be sent to the employee’s manager for approval. And if it was approved the system will automatically effect on the vacation balance.

KEy bEnEfits

• Full details about each staff inside the o r g a n i z a t i o n

• Ability to specify any kind of documents you want Passports, Iqama, National Cards, Driving License, work permission, etc...)

• Create multiple contracts and formats with entering all detailed information

• Full control on follow up on vacations

KEy fEaturEs

• Recording all Employees Detailed Data in order to have full picture about each one.

• Keep track of all Personal Documents like ID, passport, driving license and their expiry dates

• Track the employee contracts and renewal.

• Save the Accountabilities belong to each employee and ability to transfer them between employees.

• Full control on employees Vacations and flexibility to create rules for each


Human Resources Management System

aDDitions anD allowancEs

Feel free to identify as much as you want for monthly (Additions & Deductions) or as you run your business like if it is a percentage or fixed number etc…

monthly salary

The flexible salaries transaction will give you the ability to add new transactions and identify the calculation method like (increasing or reducing salary, overtime, non-paid absence, deductions etc…). Payroll flexibility will make you able to choose whether you want to release salaries according to Hijri or Gregorian calendar, release on the end of month consider every month 30 days, calculate overtime and holidays work etc…


After approval, the system will automatically process the loan and make scheduling for return and that schedule can be modified by the user.Auto calculation for payrolls and post it on the ledger according to the cost center.You can automatically create end-of-service calculations with the ability to and post it to the general ledger of your accounting system.

payroll shEEt

Registration staff to give them their salaries and lack of follow-up to the recipients when they receive. Automated calculation of end-of-service for ad hoc and ad hoc and ad hoc leave tickets at the level of cost centers and posted on the general ledger for budgetary purposes.

Means for calculating the salaries charged to the adoption of various cost centers on the movement of staff movements and the number of days and hours worked by the employee in the cost of each center and posted on your general ledger.

Print marches gross salary or detailed on several levels. Print monthly salary slip for distribution to staff. You are able to pay your employees through cheques that automatically printed from the system, or making an electronic report to be sent to your bank, or even depositing the salary in your employees’ bank accounts.



Real Estate Operation Management Software

KEy bEnEfits

• Ability to add new transactions and identify the calculation method

• Full integration with GL

• Comprehensive manipulation for employees’ loans

• Flexibility in preparing payroll sheets

KEy fEaturEs

• You can upload the Additions and Allowances from a text or excel file if needed

• Flexibility to generate the Monthly payroll several times and cancel the preparation to hold salary of a certain employee if required

• Ability to put rules for each type of Loans in order not to exceed certain number and amount

• Can produce different Payroll Sheet for different project/cost center as needed


Human Resources Management System

connEct with thE timE punchinG machinEs

PropertNet HR management system is integrated with most popular time punching machines (Card Machines, fingerprints etc…). Data transfer will be as the user wants (every hour, every day, every week etc…)

The system will give you the ability to identify overtime and include it to the salary if it is in your company’s policy.On the delays the system is connected with the internal punishment module, and will give you the option to deduct on employees.

Time & Attendance


Real Estate Operation Management Software

KEy bEnEfits

• Flexible tool to import the data

• Integration with most popular time punching machines (Card Machines, fingerprints, etc…)

• Full analysis report for Time & Attendance

KEy fEaturEs

• Connect with the time punching machines

• Ability to do Data Import through file

• Different detailed Time and Attendance Reports in order to evaluate employees’ attendance and behavior

Data import

The data will be saved in a table inside our PN-HR system to be able to review it any time you want. You are able to connect these data with our Time & Attendance Module which will clarify the delay for employees with taking care of the special times like Thursdays, Ramadan etc…

The flexibility in the system will allow you to modify the data entered to the system by the administrator or the authorized person to solve the cases of forgetting the card or power disconnecting etc…

timE anD attEnDancE rEports

Built-in the system you can find huge number of reports in tables and charts that we can include some as example:

• Time & Attendance daily Report for all employees

• Time & Attendance Monthly Report for all e m p l o y e e s

• Time & Attendance daily Report for single employee

• Time & Attendance Monthly Report single e m p l o y e e

• Daily delay report for all employees

• Monthly delay report for all employees

• Daily delay daily Report for single employee

• Monthly delay Monthly Report single employee

• A lot of extra analyzing and charts reports


Human Resources Management System

Job rEquEsts

The system will record all the details for the job seeker with his curriculum vitae with a copy of his certificates and training courses.

You are able to print the recruitment request directly from the system, with the ability to modify the request format from the Administrator.

If you have a website, you can connect the system with the career screen and the system will automatically update the recruitment module with new requests.

DEpartmEnts rEquEsts

Some departments will need employees, for this the system has the ability to let your management put an employment requests and you can make a budgeting for each department and title.

The system will automatically compare the job requests with the departments’ requests and create a report for the candidates for each department and send it to the man in charge.

There are a huge number of reports for the job requests and departments’ requests built-in the system

Recruitment Manager


Real Estate Operation Management Software

KEy bEnEfits

• Record all the details for the job seeker with his curriculum vitae

• Connect the system with your website career screen and the system will automatically update the recruitment module with new requests

KEy fEaturEs

• Ability to connect the Job Requests with your website

• Recording the Departments Requests with a lot of detailed analytical reports

• Department to record employment requests and management can make a budgeting for each department and title


Human Resources Management System

traininG coursEs

Training courses will change from a company to another according to the company’s profession. So you can enter all training courses your company needs (Language Courses, Computer Courses etc…) with the ability to identify the cost for individuals and group.

You are able to Schedule training courses and record the trainees with courses’ times and locations.

traininG coursEs ExpEnsEs

Identifying courses expenses like transportations, residence, visa etc…

Adding expenses for each trainee on each course he finished.

traininG buDGEtinG

You can set the yearly training budgeting for each department alone with the ability to get a comparison report between budget and actual.

Training Manager

KEy bEnEfits

• Full details for each course in terms of course topics, audience, prerequisite, course materials, cost, duration and schedule

• Tracking the Training Budget/Cost for each department per year in order not to exceed the limit

KEy fEaturEs

• Full plan for your training schedule

• Ability to track all costs related to the training

• Ability to get a comparison report between budget and actual


Real Estate Operation Management Software

multi appraisal mEthoDs Like it is in the training management, you can identify as much as you need of appraisal forms and elements.

The system gives you the ability to print appraisal forms directly for each employee.

KEy bEnEfits

• Ability to print appraisal forms directly for each employee

• Track the employee appraisal during his life time

• Rank elements of appraisal based on importance and weight

KEy fEaturEs

• Ability to define different elements for different appraisal method with different weight for each

• Assign different appraisal method for every job with different appraisal elements.

• Ability to modify the salary from appraisal screen if approved

• Appraisal can be done weekly/monthly/quarterly or yearly as needed

Appraisal Manager


Human Resources Management System

PN-HR gives you the ability to deal with many Government Relations Officers (Government RO) and you can deal with (Internal Government RO, outsourced Government RO, offices etc…) Enter the documents types that you need in the processes (Iqama copy, passport copy, Picture etc…)

Identify each governmental procedure, the time to finish it, and the required documents for it. Enter the Government RO data, and you will be able to read it from the employee report if the Government RO is internal. Insert to the system Government RO invoices (Fuel bill, documents copy, etc…)

Send your documents and receive them through your shipper like (UPN, FedEx, ARAMEX, etc…) and you can identify these shippers in the system and follow them up. You can do appraisal for your Government RO through the system.

Employees’ requests can be entered to the system and followed up through it, with the ability to print the letter of identity automatically.Delver the documents to your Government RO and print a receive receipt that your Government RO will sign on for monitoring purpose.

When your Government RO will return the document and finish the process the system will print a return receipt for clarification.

Rejected requests will be identified with the reason, along with the accepted requests.

After the procedure finish the system will automatically calculate the deference between the receiving and the returning dates to measure the efficiency of the Government RO.

The system will record the petty cash given to Government RO and calculate the expenses and compare them together.

Setup all letters you need for your company (letter of identity, sponsorship transfer request, visa request, etc…)The system will automatically print letters for a specific employee or group of employees.

Government Relationship Manager


Real Estate Operation Management Software

GoVErnmEnt rElations rEports

Built-in the system you can find huge number of reports in tables and charts that we can include some as example:• Government RO details and Government RO’s account report• Employees’ requests for a period• Delivered and Returned requests for a Government RO report in a period• Sent requests to branches in a period• Government RO petty cash reports including cash receipts for a period and Expenses reports

• Appraisal and comparison for Government RO in a period ans a lot of extra analyzing and charts reports

KEy bEnEfits

• Ability to deal with many government relations representatives

• Better performance for the Government Relations department

• Huge number of reports in tables and charts to evaluate the tasks

• Full control to track Employees’ requests

KEy fEaturEs

• Identify each governmental procedure, the time to finish it, and the required documents for it

• A lot of Government Relations Reports in order to analyze the results

• Record the petty cash given to Government RO and calculate the expenses and compare them together


Human Resources Management System

PropertyNet self service module is a web based system and is used from all the company’s employees.


The employee is allowed through the self-service portal to view and check a lot of information like:Salary status.• Personal information.• Personal documents and expiry dates.• Status of balance/pending/accumulated leaves.

moDify pErsonal information

Your employees will be able to modify their personal information by themselves like:• Addresses and phone numbers.• Marital status.• Certificates.

moDify family information

The system is able to let the employee update his family information.

Vacation rEquEsts

The employee will be able to make his vacation request through the portal with required information. The system will automatically transfer the request to the line manager for approval and then to the next manager till it is proceed.

businEss traVEl rEquEsts

This procedure is made by giving employees the authority to create their business travel requests, add all required details like kind of quest, start date, number of days required etc…, and through the workflow the system will send the request to the line manager for approval and the second manager till it finish according to the company’s policy.

loan rEquEsts

Ability to create loan request, insert required details like kind of loan, amount, installments etc…, and through the workflow the system will send the request to the line manager for approval and the second manager till it finish according to the company’s policy.

Self Service and Workflow


Real Estate Operation Management Software

KEy bEnEfits

• Increase the satisfaction/productivity of employees

• Save the time of other involved people in HR

KEy fEaturEs

• Reviewing of salary/personal information/ Personal documents and expiry dates

• Ability to Modify Personal Information or family information as needed

• Ability to record the Vacation Requests by employee and then follow a predefine workflow for approval

• Ability to record the Business Travel Requests by employee and then follow a predefine workflow for approval

• Ability to record the Loan Requests by employee and then follow a predefine workflow for approval


Human Resources Management System

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