how we all can bring transparency to sap job market

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  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    Career Center: How we all can bringtransparency to SAP Job Market?

    Posted by Balaji Parsewar8 Dec, 2012When a SAP consultant with fake experience joins an organization, exactly what happens? Is there

    something that goes wrong? If you think seriously, you will find out different obligations of the same, moral

    as well as financialalso. According to me following things takes place which are really harmful to entire SAP


    When a consultant with 3 years fake experience makes way to the organization, somebody with

    genuine experience of 1 to 3 years experience gets deprivedfrom his rights. Its immoral in


    In an organization when less skilled fake experience consultant gets more salary than existing skilledconsultant, it creates frustrationamong existing skilled resources which is the most damaging factorto skill matrix of an organization.

    Organization shell out more money for less skilled person who deserves to be less which is nothingbut financial loss. The most significant part of entire story is when it comes to delivery; customer which is most crucial

    asset for any organization gets suffereddue to fake skills of that consultant.

    It pollutes entire SAP Eco-system.

    Hence I always thinks about this, how we can all bring transparency to SAP Job Market by eradicating nexus of

    fake experience. I know its very bold topic to discuss but it is mandatory to discuss. Organizations which

    are driven by values & ethics will only sustain.

    Lets start with analysis as well as solution of this evil:

    1) Priority for SAP certified consultants at the time of recruitment -

    SAP certification is today one of the toughest program in IT sector which ensures high quality

    of training standards & rigorous testing methodologies. SAP certification ensures a candidates

    exposure through all the necessary aspects of that particular specialization & giving edge to that


    SAP can ask all his implementation partners to give priority to the professionals having SAP

    certified tag. If certified guys start getting priority, professional will do certification more

    vigorously avoiding fake institutes & fake certificates which leads to more transparency in SAP

    job market.

    2) Rationalization of SAP certification cost

    I had a dialogue with many persons who put fake experience on their CV. When I asked that person, why you

    do this things, this is wrong. He answered my question in a simple sentence, I cant affordcertification

    hence I am doing this. What that person answered, its fact. A person with normal financial background cannot
  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Career Center: How we all can bring transparency to SAP Job Market?

    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    afford SAP certification cost. In Indian context, SAP certification costs more than INR 350 thousands for ILT

    program. Amount is huge when you consider it Indian context & its per capita income & GDP etc. A person

    with high aptitude & attitude & willing to work hard only adopts evil way of fake experience only because of

    affordability issue.

    We can reduce the costs make it more affordable to more number of professionals who are willing to pursuetheir SAP career or SAP can adopt GRE/GMAT patternwhere higher the percentage of scores ensures

    eligible for higher percentage of scholarships. GRE/GMAT pattern will ensures financial assistance will goes to

    them who deserves to be the best.

    3) Education Loan facility for SAP Certification

    SAP can tie ups with private sector & government banks & ask them to provide loans for certification to

    the needy professionals. Today not a single PSU bank & very few private banks will provide loan for SAP

    certification. This creates a financial logjam for a professional who want to pursue their SAP certification. This

    concern must be addressed by SAP on top priority in order to ensure finance should not turn an obstacle for acapable candidate.

    4) Skills Registry

    This can be something which is difficult to implement but ultimately hit bulls eye.

    This exercise requires better coordination between SAP & its implementation partners. The idea I am

    presenting is in its crude format. It can be implemented in a prefect manner after a detailed thought process

    over it.

    SAP can build a portal which will be having database of its entire professional along with their skillsets. Each professional will be having unique number which he will carry throughout his professional life. SAP can ask to all his implementation partners to register all its SAP employees with this

    portal with their skills & number of years experience, his joining date, relieving date etc.

    The database will be maintained by implementation partners only & SAP consultants will have onlydisplay access to check correctness of data.

    It will be advisable for all SAP professional to mention unique registry number on their CV so thatemployer can access all details regarding skills & experience.

    SAP professionals registered by non-partner organization like SAP customers can be registeredunder different groups which will consist of end users, core team members, power users.

    5) Fresher drive for certified consultants

    SAP can ask all his implementation partners to conduct freshers drive for certified consultants

    who do not have any professional experience in SAP consulting. This is win-win proposition for

    both the candidates as well as employers. Employer can save on salaries offered as they are

    hiring freshers & candidate is getting an opportunity to work with an implementation partner.

  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Career Center: How we all can bring transparency to SAP Job Market?

    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    This is one of the option candidate will get rather than affixing fake experience along with his


    In a knowledge based industry like IT/Software, real strength of an organization is not in its balance sheet

    or net profit or cash in hand but quality of manpower it have & it will generate in future.

    An IT organization will only sustain in the long run by ensuring continuous supply of talented & best fit


    This nexus of fake experience & certification is polluting entire IT industry. I will term it as moral hazard

    to SAP Eco-system. Great companies will not sustain merely on profits it making but these profits must be

    accompanied by values & ethics of transparency & accountability. Even in past we see several

    examples of profit-making business entities turns into bankrupt units in the absence of ethics & values &

    corporate governance.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Please do share your feedback on the same. If you really like the blog,

    please do not forget to hit like & ratings button.



    1824 Views Tags: sap_certification, transparency, fake_experience, sap_job_market


    24 Jan, 2013 11:06 AM

    Hi Balaji

    You are 100% right.Cost and affordability is the big concern for the genuine candidates.

    But why dont the recruiters provide the financial assistance.Firstly,If a fake candidate is shortlisted by

    the company,then it is the recruiter's risk.However,if that candidate is indulged for such kind of fraudulant

    practices,then the equation is very clear that he already put his career in risk and loves to be in danger end.The

    candidates also never think of security,the reason is IT is a huge industry and he is dared to survive anyware


    It is burning issue in nowadays of IT industry and the company's should follow better selection procedures and

    I think the recruiters should have a dialogue with the candidates regarding the SAP Training and certification if

    they feels that the candidate is capable.

    Thanks and regards

    Anil Kumar

    Harish Krishnan
  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Career Center: How we all can bring transparency to SAP Job Market?

    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    14 Jan, 2013 3:17 PM

    Re: 4) Skill registry

    Well, I don't know - we are making an assumption here, that somehow companies (made up of people at the

    end of the day) are somehow more ethical and moral than well,people. If people can pad their CVs with fake

    experience/qualifications, what prevents implementation partners from inflating the number of skills they have

    in the Skill registry? There is another blog where it has been about SIs replacing experienced and skilledprofessionals with less experienced, junior consultants to drive up their profit margins.Clearly, going from there,

    to padding the skill registry is not such a great step.

    Nevertheless, a genuine problem, and I appreciate your efforts to come up with some ideas on solving this

    problem. I am however, very much afraid that a fundamental moral elasticity has crept in to the mindset of a lot

    of people, and unless this is addressed, (how?), there will be no lasting solution.


    11 Jan, 2013 8:29 AM

    hello Bala,

    I think SAP freshers certify should get priority over the fake experience people.

    If the trend is go like this then people really scared for taking any course. But one think is cleared without

    mangers this is not happen i think all this people involve for increasing fake people in industry. They just

    making their community and its challenge for hard worker and fresher. I also got suggestion for showing fake

    exp for taking job in industry but i doesn't want to do like this fake carrier. Hope thing will change and industry

    make rule like partner certify only hiring..!!



    Balaji Parsewarin response to Barbara Asabreon page 4

    11 Jan, 2013 6:38 AM

    Dear Barbara,

    Thanks for asking. Please go ahead with the same.


    Balaji Parsewar

    Barbara Asabre

    10 Jan, 2013 9:31 PM

    Dear Balaji,

    I am drafting a comment for posting on SAP Community Forum which has a bearing on this article, particularly

    the section on Skills Registry. Would you mind if I post the URL of your article in the forum? I will cite your

    name and the URL. Please let me know what you think.
  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Career Center: How we all can bring transparency to SAP Job Market?

    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    Best wishes,

    Barbara Asabre

    SP ROin response to Ravi Sankar Vennaon page 5

    18 Dec, 2012 5:41 AM

    Ravi, i would say 100%

    Balaji Parsewarin response to Ravi Sankar Vennaon page5

    18 Dec, 2012 5:27 AM

    Hi Ravi,

    What you said is fact & nobody will deny it.

    Though we all recognize the issue, we do not have solution for the same.

    I have tried to address the issue through my blog & tried to provide solution for the same.

    Looking forward for your valuable inputson the same.

    I hope this thought process might result into something good which is beneficial for entire SAP Eco-system.



    Ravi Sankar Venna

    15 Dec, 2012 10:49 AM

    Hi Balaji,

    Definitely not less than 90% CVs in the market are either fake or exaggerated. Thats it. End of the story. My

    allegations look painful, but this is the true situation. This is across the board from Junior Consultant to Top

    position. I have seen number of falsified consultants. It is very unfortunately not only for SAP, but across IT

    industry. This is a big disease, I am doubt if they can ever be eradicated, unless the strict controls fro the

    employers or recruiters. My personal doubt is this 90% is every going to increased only in the future. God only

    should help the industry.



    Balaji Parsewarin response to Venkat Reddyon page 6

    11 Dec, 2012 10:17 AM

    Thanks Venkat for all the good words.

    In my point no. 3, I have mentioned regarding education loan or financial assistance for certification cost.
  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Career Center: How we all can bring transparency to SAP Job Market?

    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    If that could be achieved, it will be very helpful for all SAP aspirants.

    It will solve cost problems.



    Venkat Reddyin response to Balaji Parsewaron page 6

    11 Dec, 2012 9:14 AM


    I completely agree with Balaji.

    I have some thing here to add as a small comparison.

    Suppose some one is sick and he wants to go to doctor and there are two doctors.

    1. Qualified doctor with only 2 years of experience

    2. Unqualified doctor with 10 years of experience

    In this situation whom you will consider?

    In my case probably I would always prefer to go to Qualified one, as it will certainly give me confidence, as he

    is been certified by some great people and the qualified guy knows what exactly he is doing and why.

    When it comes to our health we are very particular, then why not millions of pounds worth SAP??

    The other thing author is discussing about the affordable fee in Indian Context, I can say even in U.K, fee is

    pinching high, and it is about 350 which is very high. But then see how much an average contractor earns per

    day. It is about 350 to 500, and to get that I think you need to spend this much, more over quality comes with

    filtration more.

    I think SAP Should make it mandatory for the companies to hire only certified guys, else it will not support such

    institutions who are not going with there terms.

    However topic is interesting and very bold and Yes it is very essential to talk about it.



    Balaji Parsewarin response to SP ROon page 7

    10 Dec, 2012 5:09 AM

    Hello Mr. PPIO,

    Thanks for your comments.
  • 7/24/2019 How We All Can Bring Transparency to Sap Job Market


    Career Center: How we all can bring transparency to SAP Job Market?

    Generated by Jive on 2015-11-25+01:00


    There is no alternative to knowledge & skills you posses. But here the question is what are the best possible

    ways to eliminate evil of fake experience.

    Certification may be one of the solution. By reducing cost of certification & asking implementation partners to

    hire certified freshers we can discourage those guys who gets attracted towards affixing fake experience to

    their profile for getting a job.



    SP RO

    9 Dec, 2012 10:34 PM


    Honestly I do not understand the idea of your post...

    I remember several projects when certified consultants did their work not very professionally and

    other guys (people whore not certified) spent time to fix all those mistakes.

    I also believe that some non-certified sappers are able to do much more than some certified consultants.

    Almost every CV may have some sort of fake experience it is just a question how to identify this


    From my point of view an experienced employer / recruiter is always able to feel if something is wrong

    meeting / talking / asking a candidate.

    I completely do not agree with your 1) Priority for SAP certified consultants at the time of

    recruitment -


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