how towrite forgod

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A book that shows you step-by-step how to write a book for God.


How to Write For God

Publishers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Written and Distributed by Visions House Publishers

Prepared by: Vision House Publishers-How To Write For God February 2008


There are not many books on the shelves about writing for God. However, Vision House Publishers have prepared a book for the person who wishes to give God all the glory in their lives. We understand that this place called, �Life,� is a foreordained journey back home with the Lord, and all that has been done has been a divine setup by God. We realize that this is not our permanent home, and that God has prepared a place for us in heaven. Every gift and talent was given to us before the world began, and before God formed you in your mothers� womb, He created you a prophet unto the nations. Therefore, God had a plan before you were born, and that plan is to prosper you, not to harm you, but to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) When we write our books and periodicals God is telling us to give a word to the unsaved and the saved. God does not want us to live in ignorance, so He has chosen you to prepare your books for them who are living in darkness, to the loss, broken hearted, the blind, those in prison, the captives, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. This is how Jesus began His ministry. (Luke 4:18) Since we are followers of Christ, your ministry should be a carbon copy of Jesus ministry. Everything you do should be done to glorify God. Most people whether saved or unsaved who ask the question, �How do you write a book?� don�t understand that there is a calling on your life to do the work of God, but you must first be, �saved.� God has given us �passion, vision and purpose.� You must have salvation, you must repent, turn from you old ways before you can began a work for God. (1 John 1:9.) Those feelings that we encounter about doing something great, all come from God. But your energy must be focused on developing a �Relationship,� with God. It�s just like meeting someone for the first time; you must get to know that person, and his/her expectations. Well, God has expectations for His children. Once you get to know God, and all He expects from you, your purpose becomes much clearer in your mind. God created you with a purpose in His mind. Do not think that it is unusual to have great dreams and visions, that there must be something wrong with you, or you are thinking to far from what the world expects from you. You are not ordinary, but extraordinary. You are an ambassadors for Christ Jesus, the apple of God�s eye, His priceless treasure, you are fearfully, and wonderfully made by God to do His good works in this earthly realm. Whatever gift or talent you have, just know that it did not come from the world, but from God. If you are a writer, then you are a writer for God, and He is the pen of your heart, instructing you on how to save His people. You are God�s earthly administrator, placed here on earth to make a difference in the lives of others. You are placed here to show the love of God in your character, and through the books that you write for God. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10)

Prepared by: Vision House Publishers-How To Write For God February 2008

Step One: Be Prayerful

a) Ask God if this is what He want you to do b) Ask God what is the title of the book c) What should I say Lord (listen for His voice, and wait) d) What pictures should I use for the front/back and author page e) Who will be my publisher Lord

Step Two: Beginning pages of book

a) Copyright page Publisher will do the copyright for you When using scripture: KJV is not copyrighted, NIV and other versions of the Bible is recommended to get permission from Zondervan .(Included in this packet is information from Zondervan) Table of Contents (TOC will be generated by editor)

b) Introduction page c) Thank you page (Holy Spirit) d) Acknowledgement e) Preface f) Other options for beginning pages (Prayer)(seek guidance of Holy Spirit) However, stay

within industry standards, seek wisdom. g) Author page and Conclusion page (optional ending � seek guidance and wisdom)

Step Three: Starting the Chapters

a) Chapters can be in several different formats, such as:

Example: Chapter One, Chapter 1, Chapter I (use numbers, roman numerals, or word number)

It is recommended that you use English words and numbers. The fonts are usually Times Roman, and the font size is 12. Using Microsoft word is the application most editors use when editing/formatting, and changing your manuscript into a PDF (Print Digital File) is what the printing company will ask for when you have completed your manuscript. (SEE


Step Four: Instruction Remember that God is the pen of your heart. Seek His face for instructions on every chapter. Contemplate on His word. Be still and seek peace. Find a quiet place, and block out distractions. Each time you sit down to write, you are being guided by God, and saying what He want you to say to His people. You actually have an assignment to do for God. I know there are many

Prepared by: Vision House Publishers-How To Write For God February 2008

distractions that we encounter. But if you seek God on redeeming the time, He will setup a place for you to write, with a peaceful environment. Sometimes God will move you out of the mess to get His will accomplished. Expect the unexpected when you are doing the will of God, but be mindful, and always acknowledge God�s presence in your circumstance. Remember, God has chosen you to spread His gospel through your gifts and talent. You are a publisher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God has chosen you to tell your testimony to the world, and you will overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of your testimony. (Revelations 12:11) Step Five: Remember to glorify God, and not to give the enemy no glory while you write, but to refer to the enemies job description that God had created him for, and that is to be a waster and a destroyer, but let the reader know that Jesus came to give us life, and life more abundantly, (John 10:10 ). Step Six: Avoid gossip, and speak no evil of no man while you write, but uplift your brother and sister, even if they have done you wrong, speak of forgiveness, and how God honors forgiveness. The Bible tells us to let know corrupt communication proceed from your mouth, but that which edifies the hearer only. I have included the scriptures to support communication and forgiveness under �Scriptural support.� Step Seven: Permission statement/oral and written If you are including the lives of others in your book, make sure that they approve of it, and/or use other names to protect the innocent, if you will. Be guided by the Holy Spirit. If necessary get their permission orally or in writing. Remember not to use any corrupt communication concerning the lives of others. (Ephesians 3:29) Writing a book for God requires commitment, and an obedient attitude unto Christ. Remember we are over comers. Here are some nuggets to help you stay strong through the process: Scriptural Support: Romans 10:9, 1 John 1:9, Matthew 6:14-15, Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 1:5, 1 John 5:4, Romans 8:28-30, Hebrews 11:1-6, 1 Peter 2:9, Ecclesiastes 3:1, Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3: (2, 8, 15,16, 23), Colossians 4:29, 2 Timothy 2: 2-4, 1 Peter 5:5, Isaiah 43:19, Psalm 12:1-12, Isaiah 45:2-3, Habakkuk 2:2-3, Isaiah 61:3, John 15, 3 John 2, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:13, Philippians 4:19, John 14:23, Ephesians 6:10-20, Ephesians 3:20, Ephesians 1:3. .

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