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Post on 07-Aug-2015






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The Simple Lifesaving

Steps of Hands

Only CPR

By: Riley Woodruff

CPR in America

According to the American Heart Association 70% of Americans would feel helpless in a situation needing CPR.

A person who immediately responds to someone in need of CPR can double or even triple their chances of survival

When is CPR necessary?

CPR is used when a person enters cardiac arrest.

Cardiac arrest can occur from an electric shock, a heart attack, or can just simply stop beating.

The 2 Simple steps of Hands only CPR

Step 1: Find the nearest phone and call 9-1-1

Step 2: With proper hand placement begin chest compressions in the center of the person’s chest until help arrives.

Instructional Video

Benefits of Knowing Hands Only CPr

When put in a situation with a person with cardiac arrest you don’t have to panic.

You can now possibly save a persons life.

Now that you know CPR you can begin to teach it to your friends and family.

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