how to write a cold email that your prospects will respond to everytime

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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How to Write A Cold Email That Your Prospects Will Respond to Every Time

Heather R Morgan |@HeatherReyhan |

• 7 years of copywriting

• Helped hundreds of companies include their response rates including:

• Written 10,000 + cold emails

• Write cold email templates that get 3x more responses than the industry average

• Former economist (speciality: game theory)

About Heather

How To Write A Cold Email From Start To Finish.

Cold emailing is all about knowing your audience.

Chose at least 3 names from your list and e-stalk the heck out of them.

SUBJECT LINES are the gateway to your cold email.

Vague subject lines aren’t compelling.

Effective subject lines make your prospects think and wonder.

INTRODUCTIONS should entice your prospects and keep them reading.

Self-focused introductions don’t intrigue your prospects.

Thoughtful introductions show empathy and engage them in a conversation.

SOCIAL PROOF proves you can add real value.

Making claims without proof won’t make your prospects trust you.

Solid stats and numbers builds trust and confidence.

Your CALL TO ACTION is the last impression your prospects have.

Most CTAs lack incentive for the prospect to respond.

Enticing CTAs offer value.

This email template helped our client close 6 deals.

For more cold email tips download our latest guide:

“Copywriting Secrets for Crafting Seductive

Cold Emails”

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