how to visualize oracle big data spatial and graph with ogma

Post on 03-Mar-2017






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How to visualize Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph with Ogma.

SAS founded in 2013 in Paris | | @linkurious

Introduction to Linkurious.

Graph visualization startup.

200+ customers.

AML, intelligence, cyber-security, medical research.

Ogma.js, graph visualization library to build interactive graph interfaces.

Graph databases in 2017.

Graph Databases Management Systems (GDBMS) have been skyrocketing in popularity the last years.

More than 500% popularity increase since 2013.

In graph dbs data is stored as a graph of entities (nodes) and relationships (edges). Database popularity changes per category, February 2017 - DB

Engines ranking

Relationships as first-class citizens.

Graphs are everywhere in today’s complex and vast datasets.

Graph dbs allow to query through connected data to answer business’ questions.

Many companies, from fraud detection units to IT management departments adopted graph technologies.

Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph.

Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph was launched in May 2015.

Offers graph and spatial analytics service on top of NoSQL and Hadoop databases.

Uncover relationships and patterns in big data to better understand customers, performances or risks.

Why visualization?

Help humans leverage graph insights.

Review alerts (false positives), advanced investigation (collect proofs, identify accomplices or beneficiaries).

Faster and more effective analysis.

Challenge today for Oracle BDSG customers.


There are plenty powerful dataviz tools. But they aren’t designed for the analysis of graph data and not directly compatible with Oracle BDSG.


Oracle BDSG offers great analytics and spatial services to users but doesn’t include any graph visualization tools.

Graph visualizationlibrairies.

Among the existing solutions few are able to tackle the challenge of big data while Ogma can render up to 100 000 nodes and edges.

Make sense of Oracle data with Ogma.

Ogma is a client-side JS visualization library compatible with all modern browsers.

Visualize, customize and interact with up to 100 000 nodes and edges from the database.

Integrates seamlessly with Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph.

Uncovering fraud in the Panama Papers case.

Linkurious was used by the international consortium of data journalists working on the Panama Papers leak.

2,6 terabytes of highly connected data and 350 journalists.

They collaboratively identified tax evaders, criminal money launderers and corrupt public officials.

Graph-based search at NASA.

NASA uses Linkurious to connect seemingly disparate documents from their knowledge database.

Built a topic model for a subset of 2.000 lessons data to easily access and navigate NASA’s knowledge.

Visually search and discover connected topics to capitalize on existing knowledge and data.

IT management with graph technologies.

Companies IT infrastructures are growing in complexity.

Impact of a failure in IT network is hard to estimate and to communicate.

Upgrading aging networks is a struggle without proper understanding of the infrastructure.

Visualization helps communicate complex results and drive action.

Visualize and investigate fraud with Ogma.

Loading Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph fictitious dataset from database URL into a web application with Ogma.

Nodes customization with Ogma (colors, icons, size depending on value) for a clearer visualization.

Switching to a hierarchical layout to detect anomalies.

Investigation of the suspicious sub graph with filters.

Integrating Ogma with Oracle BDSG

A specific connector translates the data stored in Oracle BDSG into a list of edges and nodes for Ogma to display.

The Oracle BDSG plugin handles the connection and queries to the Blueprints API.

Embed graph visualizations tailored for your users into your web applications.

Empower analysts with graph insights.

Ogma helps build interactive and custom graph UIs that empowers people.

High performance, compatible with Oracle, easy to customize look and interactions.

Investigate threats, review alerts, make smarter decisions.

Visualization of graph data with the Ogma library.

Sources and links.

Bibliography :

● Oracle. Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph. Available: [February 2017]

● Oracle. Announcing Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph. Available: [February 2017]


● Istock● Data visualization icon by Creative Outlet from the Noun Project● Browser Analytics icon by Oliviu Stoian from the Noun Project

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