how to use the lcsh

Post on 07-Nov-2015






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Library of congress subject headings


Library of Congress Subject Heading Lists

Class note by Uloma Doris Onuoha, PhD

Library of Congress Subject Heading Lists

The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) use bold face for a proper subject heading.

Scope notes(Used to explain what is covered by a heading).

Contains cross references which will guide you to the most correct headingUSEUFRTBTNTUSE (directs from an unused term to a used term)

UF (Used for)

RT (Related term)This is used to connect or associate terms that are related

BT / NT (indicates Whole/part relationship)


LCSH makes use of subdivisions as a standard way of expressing concepts, methods, or techniques that are common to several fields or that may be applied to numerous headings:

Subdivisions are indicated using a dash ( - )

(May Subd Geog) May Be Subdivided Geographically

Tracing classification number

Assignment Using the LCSH find the authorized subject headings for the following books:

A sociocultural theory in anthropology: a short history by Merwyn S. Garbarino

Heroes of the scientific world: an account of the lives, sacrifices, successes and failures of some of the greatest scientists in the worlds history by Charles Robert Gibson

Teaching adults: an active learning approach by Elizabeth Jones

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