how to use linkedin to build your network and your business

Post on 13-May-2015






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Relationships Matter(and so do you!)


How is LinkedIn different from Facebook or Twitter. Extreme example. Point= your connections and profile are your reputation. How you present yourself and you are connected to makes a difference.

Data courtesy of Hubspot.

Why bother. LinkedIn by the Numbers. It much not get as much attention as Twitter or Facebook, but it delivers the numbers that matter.

Data courtesy of Hubspot.

It matters because 50% of LinkedIn users are the decision makers in their company.

Data courtesy of Hubspot.

How will you use LinkedIn?

It matters because 80% use as a recruiting tool. 41% of those who use it for marketing have closed business from it.

One stop resource on how to use site features based on your personal goals. Updated. Our goal today- how to position your profile using these features to reach your goals.Download the profile worksheet:

Me, me, me...

first- a word to the wise. What we commonly hear for social media advice- don’t be overly self-promotional, don’t talk about yourself more than someone else, in essence- don’t be this guy. Because we have heard it so often, it can be confusing to walk that balance of how do we show everyone what we can do if we can’t promote ourselves too much. How can we succeed? How can we use LinkedIn to help us be more successful (in our job search, finding new clients, establishing our name)In my opinion, LinkedIn is the exception to that rule. (but you don’t want to do it like this guy)

It’s actually who YOU know, who knows YOU,

and what YOU do for a living.”~Bob Burg

“It isn’t just what YOU know, and it isn’t just who YOU know.

(see a common element here?)Remember the advice of Stuart Smalley from SNL. You are smart enough, pretty enough, and doggone it! People like you!

what YOU do (and have done)

what YOU know (and don’t know)

who YOU know(and knows YOU)

Before you can put it all together, you have to take each individual part.What we will go over. How to take these elements and use LinkedIn to promote YOU.

-LinkedIn Profile Worksheet.-How to use LinkedIn for Business whitepaper. (additional how-to instructions)

Go Analog

This will help you to see the real (big) picture.

Planning and goal setting are a must for LinkedIn success. First, go analog. Download worksheet from my site. Pencil to paper is a therapeutic way to get outside your own head and perspective.What do you want your LinkedIn presence to do for you? Why are you using it? Who do you want to connect with and why?

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

What YOU Do


How many have heard the following, “LinkedIn is your online resume?”Ok, now take that thought, roll it up, and throw it away.Why? Not because LinkedIn doesn’t serve as an online resume.Because the concept of a resume as a 1 dimensional piece of paper is a misconception. What you do is not limited to your current or previous job titles or description.

What YOU do

First look at what have you accomplished. College student= in your classes, activities, internships. Business owners=for your client. Job seekers= for previous companies. Worksheet has 19 questions. Some of the questions:-What did you do that lead to promotion or greater responsibility?-What did you do that made you proud, confident?-What did you do that lead to better productivity?

What YOU Do


What special things have you done to set yourself apart at your previous job, with a customer, or in your classes? How did you do the job better than anyone else did or than anyone else could have done? What motivated you to do so?

What YOU Do

Success is not defined by the

heights you attain, but by the

obstacles you overcome to attain


What problems did you solve, and for who? What challenges have you been faced with that you overcame?


What YOU Do

So what factor, or WIIFM. Who does all this matter to and why would they care? As you write your accomplishments, think on who you are writing for and why they would care.

What YOU Do


list awards, from industry, school, employee of the month= whatever you got to show proof.

What YOU Do

Loud and Clear.

Get an outside perspective. Ask your clients, peers, teachers. Then ask if they would be willing to write you a recommendation saying just that!


What YOU Do

Last, but most important. Why do you do it? In the accomplishments where you went above and beyond, why did you? You didn’t have to, so why was that so important?

Put it together.

What YOU Do

Write your profile summary for the person who would be reading it (remembering why should they care)- using key parts of what sets you apart, what problems you solve. Next use your accomplishments to write about your experience. List your awards under honors and awards.The last thing to write- your title. Why Last? You want it to be your headline- the thing that comes out most prominent.SEO for LinkedIn. Use Keywords that you want to rank for in search engines in your summary, your profile, your title. For the links on your Profile that go to other site, use keywords as the Anchor text.<LinkedIn whitepaper on site has some SEO optimization tips>

what YOU do (and have done)

what YOU know (and don’t know)

who YOU know(and knows YOU)

What you know, and don’t know.

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.


What you know is based a lot of what you have done. Based on your accomplishments, where does your area of expertise lie? Also, what new knowledge have you gained and what new things do you want to gain? Where do you want to grow?

What YOU know

Seek out Answers.

The unique aspect to LinkedIn. Answers. Seek out answers for yourself, to share with others. Share your wealth of knowledge, get more knowledge from others. Connect and grow. Another way to gain new contacts.

What YOU know

Answer Questions

Tips: Give detailed answers, supporting material to back up your answer. Give more explanation on your blog and link it. Link to others blogs. If you answer someones question, most times they will message your directly to either thank you, or ask for more info. This is an opportunity to connect. Accept or ask for the connection, follow them.Use your manners! Don’t trash another’s answers or say bad things about a competitor. Add a new perspective instead.

Ask Questions

What YOU (don’t) know

Don’t pretend you know everything, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask questions to gather knowledge for blog posts, find out where you prospects are at, learn how to do something, find recommendations for tools. Find out if others are having similar challenges. Use your manners! Remember to grade the answers, select the best answer, and thank people for their time answering. If you develop a conversation, connect to that person and grow your network.

Listen. Learn.

Use LinkedIn Answers to find out what people are asking about. Prospects, peers, potential employers- what is the buzz and the most asked question? Can you use that for your next blog post or in talking to your next prospect or employer?

what YOU do (and have done)

what YOU know (and don’t know)

who YOU know(and knows YOU)

Who you know (and who they know), who knows you and how to connect with them.

who knows YOU

Who YOU know

Who theyknow

Tips: Connect your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. See the whitepaper for step by step instructions. Nearly every site feature on LinkedIn is a new opportunity for you to connect with more people. The more you use the features, the more people you will be exposed to.

Who are your 200?

Who are your 200?

who you know. friends, people you have worked with, people you do work with, people you went to school with. The average person knows 200 people. -Wizard to connect to email contacts.-Ask for recommendations!

Now what?

Once you’ve met. Now connect. A great tool to stay connected to the person you just met and get to know them better.


LinkedIn Groups, Discussions, How to use.

And this is...

Get introduced. Great way to meet prospects at a company you want to work for, or do work for. Find a mentor. Plan to connect at actual events.

New Place. New People.

Connect with those attending common conventions or seminars before you even get there.

Detective Work

Check out who is checking you out. What do you have in common? people? groups? visit their profile, see what discussions they are in. Join the discussion. Follow them to see their updates. Invite to connect or ask to be introduced.

Add color

You now have the foundation established for your presence. Now to add some life to it. Add a photo!

LinkedIn Apps

Depending on your goals for LinkedIn, some apps will be more relevant to you than others. Real estate wanting to connect with the movers and shakers?= Rofo to see what is being listed and who the most active agents are. Designer looking for work?= Behance to display your portfolio on your profile. Lawyer who wants to stay on top of trends and people?= Legal updates. Consultant trying to establish expertise and leads?= slideshare. Student or job seeker?= link your blog. Business owner trying to raise visibilty and generate leads?= company buzz. Speaker?= Tripit.

LinkedIn for Leads

LinkedIn Ads= PPC structure that hyper-targets your audience. Tip= Know where your audience is in their buying cycle, match your offer and content to that to make it compelling and interesting enough to them to click on and disrupt them from what they are doing.

Find Your Job

LinkedIn Jobs

LinkedIn Companies, your news feed and network.

LinkedIn EventsLinkedIn Events

LinkedIn Events, see who is attending your interested events, promote your event, whether a webinar or a conference.


LinkedIn Account Upgrades. If you plan to use LinkedIn for prospecting or job seeking- consider upgrading to a premium account.

Keep Moving

Not a one time deal. Each of the pieces work together if you keep the momentum going by connecting to others, answering questions, and filling out your presence on LinkedIn.

Connect with me!


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