how to use linkedin for exposure and lead generation

Post on 14-May-2015






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If you’re “on LinkedIn”, but not using it to educate your target audience, build your community or mine it for leads – then you’re wasting the most powerful social platform a business person could ever ask for! If you’ve been to workshops and webinars that show you how to setup your profile – and you’re past that point – then download and use this powerful presentation to grow your exposure and leads using LinkedIn. You will get a “walk-thru” showing you how Stephen’s team at generates social exposure and generates leads for his clients using LinkedIn.


@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn Exposure and Lead Exposure and Lead Exposure and Lead Exposure and Lead GenerationGenerationGenerationGeneration

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

LinkedIn Profile Edit

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

LinkedIn Profile Edit

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

LinkedIn Profile Edit

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Who we are

Linked Insite provides… Social Media Exposure and Lead Generation Through LinkedIn

Strategy and implementation help for busy professionals

About Stephen H. Jones

• Owns and Manages GROWTH STRATEGIES, which provides marketing strategy and “hands-on”

assistance for businesses needing online (and offline) marketing and sales help

• Operates LINKED INSITE, which offers the LinkedIn Marketing Program that follows a proven

formula for social exposure and lead generation using LinkedIn

• Operates SOCIAL MEDIA DESTINATION, providing the support team for client account projects

and activities

• Recognized as a powerful strategic marketer, and professional consultant across multiple

industries for the past 18 years

Leigh Ellis, Project ManagerGrace Bragg, Project ManagerAndy Greider, Director of PM Mia Greenberg, Project Manager

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Todays’ Topic…

J.D. Power and Associates 2011 Home Buyer/Seller Study

Exposure and Lead Generation

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Today’s Agenda

1. Who's the Expert?• Positioning Yourself as the Expert

• Be a Resource for Your Prospects

• Using "Content Marketing" or "Education-Based Marketing"

2. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content• Where does good content come from?

• Where does it live?

• Tying the strategy together

3. LinkedIn Groups• Setting yourself up for success in other groups

• Using Discussions Wisely

• Building your own community

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Today’s Agenda

4. Connecting with Other Members• Inviting people who've "raised their hand"

• Inviting group members

• Inviting members of your community

5. Moving Them Through the Sales Funnel• Identifying prospects and partners

• Messaging ideal connections

• Tell them what you want them to do

6. Solutions and Q & A

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Who knows more about your products, services and industry…

your prospect?

or YOU?

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Positioning Yourself as the Expert

It’s critical for you to be seen as the “go-to” expert for your industry.

This gives you…

1. Credibility

2. Ability to be trusted / trustworthy

3. Recognition as the solution provider

4. Perception as the authority in your market

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Be a Resource for Your Prospects

“When you teach people how to buy your particular product or service, they will buy from you – because you’ve trained them how to.”– Chet Holmes

“Marketing is the lifelong process of educating your customers about why they should buy from you.”- Jay Abraham

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Be a Resource for Your Prospects

“Create content 20% of the time. Spend the other 80% of the time promoting what you created.”- Derek Halpern

Derek HalpernInternet Marketing “Guru” and founder of

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Using "Content Marketing" or "Education-Based Marketing"

1. Trust in Advertising is Terrible A recent report from

market research giant Nielsen

shows consumer trust in

traditional media advertising

has plummeted.

2. Content Marketing Delivers Quality Lead Generation “Half the money I spend on

advertising is wasted; the

trouble is I don’t know which

half,” said John Wanamaker.

This problem may be solved

with content marketing.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Using "Content Marketing" or "Education-Based Marketing"

3. Content Marketing Fulfills a Desire for More Information User behavior and technology is changing, consumers will now search out for information about your industry, before asking a real person or consulting other media. Marketers must rise to this challenge and build great content systems that engage, inspire, educate and inform users who seek.

4. Content Marketing Improves SEO Content Marketing willhelp you kill it on the SEO front, as search engines get smarterat delivering the right information to users, content marketingneeds to be at the center of any SEO strategy.

5. Content Marketing Will Position Your Brand as a LeaderProducing great, useful, authentic content will position your brand asa leader in your category, pushing brand uplift and vital word-of-mouth recommendations.

6. Content Marketing Will Influence Consumer Decision Making Content marketing can influence purchase intent and decision-making. Consumers are on average 70% of the way through the sales funnel before engaging directly with a brand. Content marketing allows you to influence decision makers well before they have made up their minds.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Using "Content Marketing" or "Education-Based Marketing"

7. Content Marketing Will Feed Your Native Advertising Great content has to find a way to its target audience. One way content can be distributed is to seed content using paid advertising products called native advertising. Native advertising is placed in a newsfeed on social media or relevant partner websites as a suggested post.

8. Content Marketing Delivers Strong ROI Because good content will last a long time, your investment in content marketing will remain

relevant for potentially many years. Also, studies have shown that per dollar, content marketing produces 3 times more leads than SEM and costs 30% less. Source: Kapost & ELOQUA

9. Social Media Feeds On Your Content Marketing Content forms the basis of your social media strategy, without great content, your social media platforms are worthless and people will not follow or engage with your brand on Twitter, Facebook or any other social network.

10. Consumers Will Love You Great Content marketing is useful for the target audience, it aims to help, inform, inspire and entertain. Helping your current and potential customers first, and not even thinking of selling, will build trust, word-of-mouth and deliver high quality, long term customers, advocates and super fans.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Using "Content Marketing" or "Education-Based Marketing"

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

I. Who's the Expert?

Using "Content Marketing" or "Education-Based Marketing"

“LinkedIn Increasingly Popular As Inbound Marketing Tool”

“Businesses need to establish themselves as reputable and authoritative, so their expertise draws leads into the sales funnel. Social networks offer opportunities for inbound marketing, and LinkedIn is especially effective in this regard.”

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

Where does

good content

come from?

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

Where does good content come from?

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

Where does it live?


On your BLOG


@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

Tying the strategy together

You want to get…

…people who are grouped

or associated by interest…

…to become engaged

with your message…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

Tying the strategy together

…pique their interest

to click for more…

…land on your

website, blog or

social community…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

II. Creating, Finding & Using Good Content

Tying the strategy together

…then interact with

your website…

…or engage with you

by phone or email…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Questions and Answers

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Setting yourself up for success in other groups

Know who your ideal

“best buyer” prospects are

Search for them to find

out what groups they’re in

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Setting yourself up for success in other groups

Join yourself to those

(and similar) groups

Keep about an 80 / 20 rule

of prospects vs. your interests

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Using discussions wisely

Engage with membersusing discussions thateducate, inform orhelp…

…while at thesame time, positioningYOU as the resourceand industry expert!

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Using discussions wisely

START w/ quality

content from your

blog or etc.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Using discussions wisely

THEN create a


question around

the topic; post as

a discussion.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Using discussions wisely

POST it to as

many relevant

groups as you

can manage

responses for.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Using discussions wisely

This one action, puts several things into motion for you…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Using discussions wisely

Positions You as theThought Leader and Expert for This Area

1 2 3

Causes People Who Are Interested in the Subject to “Pop Their Head Up Out of the Crowd”

Interested Parties Will

Visit Your Link, Leave

a Comment, “Like”

Your Discussion and

Reach Out to You

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Building your own community

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Building your own community


Reasons for Building Your Own Community…

Attract the people you want to attract. Could be clients, prospects, partners, vendors or those of a certain interest.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Building your own community


Reasons for Building Your Own Community…

You dictate control and set the culture of the group. You decide who’s in, what get’s discussed, etc

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

III. LinkedIn Groups

Building your own community


Reasons for Building Your Own Community…

Better positioning w/ members. You can invite to connect w/you as the owner, promote others as “Manager”, etc

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting people who've "raised their hand"

How to engageWith new contactson LinkedIn…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting people who've "raised their hand"


When someone comments

on your discussion, send

them an invitation to

connect (if they’re likely a

good contact for you).

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting people who've "raised their hand"

Same thing if they “Like”

your discussion…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting people who've "raised their hand"


Since they’ve demonstrated

interest in your subject-matter

or solution…

…send a “unique” invitation to

connect with them that thanks

them for their comment or “Like”

Use “Groups” as the selection

for how you know this person.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting group members

Another way to make

use of the groups you’ve

selected to join and

participate in…

…is to connect with

those likely prospects,

prospective partners or

good “connectors” in the


@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting group members

A conversation about connecting with someone you don’t know

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

J.D. Power and Associates 2011 Home Buyer/Seller Study

What happens when you don’t know Jack?

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

J.D. Power and Associates 2011 Home Buyer/Seller Study

What happens when you don’t know Jack?

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

J.D. Power and Associates 2011 Home Buyer/Seller Study

What happens when you don’t know Jack?

4 Reasons It Might Be Good to Connect with “Jack”:

1. Begins the relationship and rapport-building

process with them

2. Could be a “door opener” for you; someone

who could introduce you

3. Access to a particular contact he or she has

4. Possible JV partner for you

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting group members

Send 25 – 50 invitations per month to ideal contacts you share groups with.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

IV. Connecting with Other Members

Inviting members of your community

As the group Owner,

reach out to the 2nd

degree connection

members who might

make good…

prospects,JV partners, referrers,connectors, mentors,vendors and etc.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen


You understand YOU’re the expert, a resource for your industry and see the value of “education-based marketing”.


You understand the value of creating helpful, interesting content regularlythat’s posted on your website / blog.


You’ve set yourself up for success in groups by using discussions and building your own community.


You are connecting with group members who’ve "raised their hand“ and connecting w/quality people.


@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Identifying prospects and partners

1st PRIORITY: Capture the people opting-in to your network

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Identifying prospects and partners

1st PRIORITY: Capture the people opting-in to your network

Based on their profile, determine if they would be a likely prospect or partner

for you based on: 1) their title 2) what they do 3) where they work 4) who’s in their network 5) what industry they’re in, etc.

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Identifying prospects and partners

1st PRIORITY: Capture the people opting-in to your network

Filter out those who are likely prospects or the decision-maker for your product

or service, and…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Messaging ideal connections

2nd PRIORITY: Keep the engagement going

Send them a unique message – or series or messages – to continue the

communication and move the person to a phone call or email interaction

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Messaging ideal connections

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Messaging ideal connections


RULE #1 Don’t try to sell your services – sell the

next communication

RULE #2 Keep your message short

RULE #3 Mention what’s in it for them

RULE #4 Pique their interest

RULE #5 Be clear and concise


@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Tell them what you want them to do

3rd PRIORITY: Get them to take action to do something

Now that you have their attention because they’ve engaged with your discussion

or accepted your invite request – what do you want them to do now…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Tell them what you want them to do

Tell them what step to take next (but you don’t have to shout it)…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Tell them what you want them to do

In your message to the new connection you’ve

identified you want to move through the sales funnel,

ask them:

• If they’re interested in an exploratory phone call

• A question about their industry, business, service,

etc to start an email conversation

• If they’d like to join your private email list (via Constant Contact) for helpful

periodic messages you send – never call it your newsletter

• If they’d be interested in passing referrals – which sets up a meeting

• How you can specifically help them, be a resource for them or answer a question

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

V. Moving Them Through the Funnel

Move your Visitor through 4 simple steps

1. Create content that attracts your prospect

2. Distribute it to social communities of your target

3. Reach out to those who’ve engaged with your resource / information

4. Continue the interaction by sending them a message of next action

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

If you KNOW this is what you need, but completely overwhelmed…

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started


� Month-to-month program (no contract)

� Builds your network of 'ideal connections‘

� Positions you as the market educator, and 'go-to' expert for your


� Creates and builds your own community of prospects

� Experienced and skilled Social Media Manager dedicated to you

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

Initial Setup

� Create or optimize your personal profile

� Create or optimize your business profile

� Optimize your settings, privacy controls and preferences

� Join you to 50 business groups full of your target market prospects

� Create or optimize your business group, to attract and build a

community of your ideal 'best buyers'

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

Ongoing Every Month

� Post 15+ strategic Network Updates (approximately every other day)

� Send 50 Invitations to targeted preferred connections

� Seek 2 Recommendations

� Format and distribute 3 engaging / educational Discussion posts to 50

LinkedIn groups of targeted prospects / partners

The content will be relevant, educational, informative and resourceful,

and is best practice to have the content linked back to your website or blog

� Send 'Thank You' message and Invitation Request to all who leave comments

or “Likes” your posts

� Create and distribute 1 strategic Poll survey

� Send up to 50 Invitations to connections to join your group

� Send 1 custom announcement message to all of your group members

�Manage and monitor your group postings and requests to join

� Send 1 custom message to all of your connections (as needed)

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

Ongoing Every Month

� Post 15+ strategic Network Updates (approximately every other day)

� Send 50 Invitations to targeted preferred connections

� Seek 2 Recommendations

� Format and distribute 3 engaging / educational Discussion posts to 50

LinkedIn groups of targeted prospects / partners

The content will be relevant, educational, informative and resourceful,

and is best practice to have the content linked back to your website or blog

� Send 'Thank You' message and Invitation Request to all who leave comments

on your posts

� Create and distribute 1 strategic Poll survey

� Send up to 50 Invitations to connections to join your group

� Send 1 custom announcement message to all of your group members

� Manage and monitor your group postings and requests to join

� Send 1 custom message to all of your connections (as needed)

Month-to-month for only $2,000.00 /mo

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

Ongoing Every Month

� Post 15+ strategic Network Updates (approximately every other day)

� Send 50 Invitations to targeted preferred connections

� Seek 2 Recommendations

� Format and distribute 3 engaging / educational Discussion posts to 50

LinkedIn groups of targeted prospects / partners

The content will be relevant, educational, informative and resourceful,

and is best practice to have the content linked back to your website or blog

� Send 'Thank You' message and Invitation Request to all who leave comments

on your posts

� Create and distribute 1 strategic Poll survey

� Send up to 50 Invitations to connections to join your group

� Send 1 custom announcement message to all of your group members

� Manage and monitor your group postings and requests to join

� Send 1 custom message to all of your connections (as needed)

Month-to-month investment: $300 - $595 per month

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

Ongoing Every Month

� Post 15+ strategic Network Updates (approximately every other day)

� Send 50 Invitations to targeted preferred connections

� Seek 2 Recommendations

� Format and distribute 3 engaging / educational Discussion posts to 50

LinkedIn groups of targeted prospects / partners

The content will be relevant, educational, informative and resourceful,

and is best practice to have the content linked back to your website or blog

� Send 'Thank You' message and Invitation Request to all who leave comments

on your posts

� Create and distribute 1 strategic Poll survey

� Send up to 50 Invitations to connections to join your group

� Send 1 custom announcement message to all of your group members

� Manage and monitor your group postings and requests to join

� Send 1 custom message to all of your connections (as needed)

Month-to-month investment: $300 - $595 per monthOne-time setup fee of $197.00

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Getting Started

Ongoing Every Month

� Post 15+ strategic Network Updates (approximately every other day)

� Send 50 Invitations to targeted preferred connections

� Seek 2 Recommendations

� Format and distribute 3 engaging / educational Discussion posts to 50

LinkedIn groups of targeted prospects / partners

The content will be relevant, educational, informative and resourceful,

and is best practice to have the content linked back to your website or blog

� Send 'Thank You' message and Invitation Request to all who leave comments

on your posts

� Create and distribute 1 strategic Poll survey

� Send up to 50 Invitations to connections to join your group

� Send 1 custom announcement message to all of your group members

� Manage and monitor your group postings and requests to join

� Send 1 custom message to all of your connections (as needed)

Month-to-month investment: $300 - $595 per monthOne-time setup fee of $197.00 is waived as an attendee today

LinkedIn Marketing Program

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Questions and Answers

@StephenHJones #LinkedInLeadGen

Who We Are

Stephen H. Jones with Linked Insite

4701 SW Admiral Way, Suite 244

Seattle, WA 98116


Our process is SIMPLE:

� We position you as the expert in your industry to your target

� Bring prospective clients / partners 'out of the woodwork' to engage with

your website and with you for follow-up

� Build your community of prospective clients / partners

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