how to upload your ranking data to the...

Post on 27-Feb-2021






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How to Upload Your Ranking Data to the Cloud - 1

How to Upload Your Ranking Data to the Cloud


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Video Transcript

If you’re serious about your online business...

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You Know How Important it is To Check Your Rankings

Then you know how important it is to check your rankings.

Everyone on the These Days Web Seems Like an Expert

It seems like everyone on the web these days is an “expert”.

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But the Advice is often Contradictory

The problem is, much of the advice out there is often contradictory...

The Old Wives' Tales

And it’s difficult to separate the pearls of wisdom from the old wive’s tales!

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Distinguish the Truth from the Lies...

When you’re starting out in SEO it can be difficult to distinguish the truth from the lies.

What do you do?

So, what do you do?

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The SEO Pros TEST...

What the SEO Pros do is to test out every new idea and technique for themselves before

believing anyone’s advice.

You Need to Track Your Rankings Regularly

To be able to test ideas effectively you need to track your rankings on a regular basis.

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Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

There’s an old saying that “Feedback, is the breakfast of champions”

There Is No Greater Truth

And In SEO there is no greater truth.

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Measure Using a Rank Tracking System

SEO Pros test every new idea, and measure the RESULTS of their work by using a Rank

Tracking system.

The Big Problem Is...

The big problem with tracking your rankings...

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It Takes a Lot of Time

It takes a lot of time. Even checking 20 or so keywords can add up to hundreds and even

thousands of searches each time you want to check your rankings.

You'll Waste Hours of Valuable Time

If you try to do this by hand you’ll waste hours of valuable time and give up in frustration.

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Another Option...

Another option is use a desktop software program to check your rankings for you.

However, This Can Still Take a Long-Time

However this can still take a long-time...

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You'll Often be Forced to Manully Click Buttons...

Often half an hour or more - and you’ll often be forced to manually open up the software, and

click a button to update your ranking data.

This Process Can Easily take Hours!

If you’re tracking multiple keywords, in multiple projects, then this process can easily take you


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The Good News..

The good news...

Market Samurai's New Rank Tracker

Is that Market Samurai’s new rank tracker service automates this entire process, so you can

spend more time doing the things that matter, such as building links, instead of repeatedly

clicking update buttons, and then waiting an eternity for your data to be returned...

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It Does all The Heavy Lifiting for You

Market Samurai’s automated Rank Tracking service does all the heavy lifting for you.

By Gathering Your Data in the Colud...

By gathering your data in the cloud...

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This Removes the Need to...

Market Samurai removes the need for you to sit at your computer and click buttons manually,

just waiting for your projects to update.

You Don't Even Need to Open up Market Samurai

With the new Rank Tracker, you don’t even need to open up Market Samurai to gather your


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It's all Done for You Behind The Scenes

It’s all done for you behind the scenes.

Your Computer Can be Switched Off.

In fact, your computer can be switched off, and all your ranking data will be gathered for you, on

your behalf...

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Like Magic!

Like magic!

In This Video...

In this video I’ll show you how to get started with Market Samurai’s new Rank Tracker in 3 easy


1) Your first step is to upload your existing Rank Tracker data to the cloud (including all of your

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historical ranking information)

2) The second step is to select the keywords you want to track automatically. And;

3) Step three is to check your rankings for the first time using the new Rank Tracker.

To begin step 1, let’s go to Market Samurai and upload our ranking data to the cloud.

Open A Project

Firstly, open a project that has existing Ranking Data in it.

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Go To the Rank Tracker Module

Then click on the Rank Tracker module.

How to Handle Your Rank Tracker Data

You’ll then be presented with a Dialog box containing two options for handling your Rank

Tracking Data.

Option 1 Is: move all your existing Rank Tracker data to the cloud. Choosing this option will still

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allow you to view all of your historical information, but more importantly will allow you to gather

new ranking data completely on Auto-pilot. Your rankings will be updated for you each week

automatically, without you even needing to turn your computer on. And;

Option 2 Is: Don’t move data right now, just view the old ranking information. Please note, by

selecting this option, your data is effectively in read-only mode, and you will not be able to

change, edit or update your ranking data.

For this example, I’m going to select option 1, and move my project’s ranking data to the cloud,

by clicking the ‘GO’ button.

For This Example: Select Option 1

For this example, I’m going to select option 1

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Click 'Go'

And move my project’s ranking data to the cloud, by clicking the ‘GO’ button.

Transferring Data...

Market Samurai will then begin transferring your project’s ranking data to the cloud.

Don’t forget, this initial transfer could take a while if you have a lot of historical ranking data to

move. However you’ll only need to do it once per project file.

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Click 'OK'

Ok, I can now see my ranking data has been successfully moved to the cloud, and neatly

placed into a campaign, so I can just come down here and click the ‘Ok’ button.

Campaigns Screen Overview

We can now move on to step two, which is to select the keywords you want to track


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You can now see the Rank Tracker campaigns screen.

A Rank Tracker Campaign is Like a Container

A Rank Tracker campaign is like a container that keeps all of your ranking information together,

such as the keywords, domains, and URL’s you’re trying to rank for.

Create Multiple Capmaigns

You can create a separate campaign for each niche you’re interested in.

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Campaign Column

So coming back to Market Samurai, on this screen you can see a snapshot of all your

campaigns and their related settings. Moving from left to right, in the first column is your

campaign name, which was carried across from your project file.

Status Column

The second column shows the campaign ‘status’, which will be either active, or paused.

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Quota Used Column

Next is the ‘quota used’ column, which shows how much of your total quota is being used by

each campaign.

Region Column

And, then there's the region where your tracking results

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Language Column

The language.

Last Updated Column

And how long it’s been since your campaign was last updated.

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Your Campaign Status is 'Active' by Default

By default your campaign status has been marked as ‘active’, however before you can begin

tracking your rankings in the cloud, you first need to select the keywords you want to track.

Open Your Campaign

To do this, firstly open your campaign by clicking on it’s name.

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Click 'Ok'

1) You’ll then be prompted by a dialog box that explains how to select your keywords. You can

see here that all I have to do is check the box next to each keyword, and then click the track


2) So I’ll just click ‘ok’ down here.

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Total Quota Used

You’ll also notice that up here in the top right hand corner is your ‘total quota usage’. The more

keywords you track, the more of your total quota will be consumed.

Change Your Rank Tracker Plan

In the event you run out of quota, you can either prune your list of tracked keywords down a

little, or click the change plan button over here, and choose a more suitable plan.

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Select Your Keywords to Track

So I’ll just select my keywords.

Click Track

And when I’m done, I can come down here and click the ‘track’ button.

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Your Keywords are Now Tracked

Market Samurai then notifies me that my keywords are now being tracked, and to expect my

ranking data to be updated in a few minutes time. So I’ll just click ‘ok’.

Continue Using Market Samurai...

You can then continue to use Market Samurai as you wish, for example looking for new

potential keywords in the keyword research module.

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Your Data Will then be Automatically Displayed

When your data has been gathered in the cloud, the next time you open your rank tracker

campaign, your new data will automatically be displayed.

Next Update...

You can also see how long it will be until your next update, up here. in this case, it’ll be in '6'

days time.

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In This Video we Looked at:

So just to summarize, in this video we looked at how to move your existing rank tracker data to

the cloud quickly and easily, while maintaining all of your historical ranking information. We

saw how to select keywords you want to track automatically, and finally how to check your

Rankings for the first time using the new Rank Tracker.

Market Samurai's New Rank Tracker Does all the Heavy Lifting for You...

As you can see, Market Samurai's new Rank Tracker does all the heavy lifting for you. No

longer do you need to spend hours each week, opening project files, and clicking update

buttons as you painfully watch progress bars slowly creep across the screen.

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And you don’t even need to have Market Samurai open, Now you can set it, and forget it.

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