how to train a german shepherd – 8 essential steps for doing it the right way

Post on 13-May-2015






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DESCRIPTION - To Turn Your German Shepherd Into The Perfect Dog Easily and Fast


How To Train a German Shepherd – 8 Essential Steps for Doing It the

Right Way

German shepherd can be an amazing and loving family pet if properly trained. Position yourself as a pack-leader, take good care of him, teach him with perfect manners and you will earn a companion for life.

Train a German Shepherd

1. Walking him Your German Shepherd needs plenty of regular exercise. Be sure to train him to heel, to walk on its lead before taking him outside.

Train a German Shepherd

2. Feeding your dog•It is normal for any dog to go off his meal for a few days at his new home. Do not worry, he will eventually eat when he feels really hungry. •Your dog should be lean, strong and muscular. Therefore don’t make him over-feed.

Train a German Shepherd

3. Introducing strangersIt is essential to introduce a German Shepherd as soon as possible to strangers because his reaction can be unpredictable when it is not well trained.

Train a German Shepherd

4. Retraining and establishing orderRescued dog has to be trained for a new environment. Set house rules if you don’t want him to show unwanted habits.

Train a German Shepherd

5. How to train •The tone of your voice, right teaching methods, consistency and discipline are important when introducing him your commands. •Give a lot of praise when he does it right.

Train a German Shepherd

6. 3 Essential Commands•Start to train basic commands : “Come”, “Sit” and “Stay”. •When he doesn’t get it right, repeat the exercise but keep calm and be patient. Don’t over-do the trainings.

Train a German Shepherd

7. Walking without a leadFirst you may train your young German Shepherd off the lead at first, so that he can enjoy human companionship. But be ready to grasp his collar if he starts to wander.

Train a German Shepherd

8. Walking on a leadThe next step is to train your dog to walk on its lead. Use a long training lead at the beginning of the trainings. Choose a well-fit collar so that your dog feels comfortable in wearing it.

Train a German Shepherd

When your dog has mastered the above skills, it is time to teach him to walk without pulling. Remember that it is dangerous to walk a German Shepherd if he leads the walk because he is often more powerful than human beings. The next important part is training him to ignore distraction and keep calm even if some other animals or strangers are nearby. Don’t let your dog intimidate people, dogs or other pets.

Train a German Shepherd

German shepherd as all other dogs can be a wonderful family pet if properly trained!

Train a German Shepherd

Train a German Shepherd

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