how to tap into your manager's sales coaching skills

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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TIPSfor Tapping Into a Sales Manager’s Coaching Abilities

Many sales managers neglect to coach their sales reps because they don’t know how

However most sales managers already have many of the skills needed to become great sales coaches

First, they need to make sure they have a

drive to see others succeed

Because their success is based on the performance of

their team

For sales managers, their sales experience can be their greatest attribute

They have the credibilityto offer insights and guidance as a coach

Particularlywhen it comes to

Opportunity Coaching

Which involves helping sales people implementstrategies for specific sales opportunities

A bigger challenge for managers is when it

comes to Skills Coaching

Where they must help their reps develop better selling skills

This involves determining what skills to coach on, and following a defined coaching process

The Defined Coaching Process

Create a coaching plan1

2 Observe sales calls

Debrief following a sales call3

Create a Coaching Plan1

Identify 2 – 3 areas for improvement

Such as identifying priorities or managing objections over a reasonable time period

This keeps the plan highly focused and


Observe Sales Calls2

Managers often confuse joining reps

on sales calls with coaching

In a coaching call, the manager observes the

customer interaction

With emphasis on specific areas identified for improvement

Debrief Following a Sales Call3

The debrief should take place as soon as

practical after the call

Offer a few encouraging words about something

that went well

Then lead the sales rep in self-discovery

as to the areas for improvement

This allows for more ownership of the improvement by the sales rep

and more productive coaching conversations

Sales Coaching can drive revenues up by 20% or more. Help your Managers become great coaches.

Download White Paper


By Norman Behar


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