how to stop hair loss and regrow hair again

Post on 27-Jul-2016






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It is an undeniable fact that the thought of getting bald is so scary because it is simply not pretty. Generally in 20s we notice the receding hair and getting bigger forehead.And also we notice thinning of hair. Terrified of these changes generally we tend to cover it up with our haircut. We can manage like this for a few months but our parts part gets larger and that seriously affects our selfesteem. If you're also facing the same problem you come to the right place. In this short report I am giving you all that you need to know how to stop hair loss and regrow it again without any side effects.





Table of contents

Introduction ­ 3

Common Causes of Hair Loss ­ 3

Male Pattern Baldness ­ Causes, Symptoms Treatment ­ 5

Female Pattern Baldness ­ 6

Natural Treatment of Hair Loss ­ 7

Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions For Good Cover Up ­ 9

Natural Hair Regrowth Treatment ­10

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again



It is an undeniable fact that the thought of getting bald is so scary because it is simply not pretty. Generally in 20s we notice the receding hair and getting bigger forehead. And also we notice thinning of hair.

Terrified of these changes generally we tend to cover it up with our haircut. We can manage like this for a few months but our parts part gets larger and that seriously affects our self­esteem.

If you're also facing the same problem you come to the right place. In this short report I am giving you all that you need to know how to stop hair loss and regrow it again without any side effects.

Common Causes of Hair Loss It is very natural for a person to loss 50 to 100 hairs each day under the body’s hair renewal process. But most of the people at least once in their lifetime suffer with heavy hair loss. There may be various reason behind this; like medication, chemotherapy, exposure to radiations and certain chemicals, nutritional and hormonal factors, thyroid disease, skin disease or stress, etc. In most of the cases hair loss is temporary but in certain cases it may be permanent depending on the severity of disease. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are explained here. Hormones are stimulant to hair growth and causes hair loss problems. Hormones affect heavily our hair growth. These affect both male as well as female hair health. Hair thinning is one of the hormonal problems and affects both men and women. Hair thinning in male is specific and follows a pattern from the front through to the crown. Hair thinning in female does not follow any specific pattern.

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


Childbirth Many of the females experience hair loss after labor. In such a situation many of the hair enters the telogen or resting phase. Some of the females experiences hair loss within two to three months after giving childbirth. Hair problem due to pregnancy is temporary and in many of the cases eradicate within time, say 1 to 6 months. This occurs because of diverse hormonal changes that take place within the body during pregnancy. Birth control pills The females who are genetically programmed with Androgenic Alopecia, if takes birth control pills at much younger age encounters hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia is caused due to various hormonal changes. The females who have history of hair loss in their family must consult doctor before taking any birth control pills. This type of hair loss is temporary and may stop in 1 to 6 months. But in some of the cases, it has been noticed that a female cannot regrow some of her hair that was lost due to Androgenic Alopecia. Deficient diet A good balanced diet rich in varied variety of nutrients is equally important to your hair health. The person who eats less of proteins or has irregular eating habits suffers with hair loss. Generally to save protein our body pushes growing hair into resting phase. If your hair can be pulled out by the root very easily, then this may be due to lack of a well balanced diet. This condition can be prevailed by eating a diet rich in proteins and other necessary nutrients. Low serum iron If some person either may not have access to iron rich food or his / her body may not absorb enough of iron then this may cause hair problems. Women during menstrual period are more prone to be iron deficient. Low iron in the body can be detected by laboratory test and can be corrected by taking a diet rich in iron and iron pills.

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


Male Pattern Baldness ­ Causes, Symptoms Treatment Androgenetic alopecia, better known as male pattern baldness, is a fact of life for millions of men. The most common type of hair loss for men, it is best identified as a pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown. It is estimated to affect 90 percent of men by the age of 50 as a consequence of hormonal function and genetics. Many different treatments exist to combat pattern baldness, including medicines such as finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine) and procedures such as hair transplantation. More than ever before, men with male pattern baldness are seeking out companies such as Bosley to perform hair transplant procedures for a permanent restoration of their natural hairlines. Causes Male pattern baldness is related to hormones called androgens, specifically an androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It attaches to receptor cells on the scalp and hair follicles, interrupting and interacting with the normal mechanics involved with continual, healthy hair growth. Men whom display male pattern baldness typically have lower levels testosterone, but a proportionately higher level of DHT in their body. Other factors such as lifestyle factors and terminal illness may cause hair loss as well. Symptoms The most notable symptom of the onset of male pattern baldness is hair loss along the hairline that gradually recedes into an “M” shape. The hair at the crown begins to thin, eventually meeting the receding hairline and creating a horseshoe pattern of hair around the sides of the head. Male pattern baldness is typically diagnosed by the appearance of this pattern. Other diseases such as alopecia areata or folliculitis may cause dissimilar balding patterns and should not be diagnosed as male pattern baldness.

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


Female Pattern Baldness Female pattern baldness a.k.a. alopecia in women is the most common form of hair problem that women come across. It involves a typical hair loss pattern, resulting from hormones, aging and genetic predisposition. Hair loss pattern resulting from alopecia in women Unlike in men, female pattern baldness does not cause hair loss in a well­defined pattern. The hair starts thinning all over the head though there is no hairline receding. It is rare for alopecia in women to result in total baldness. In the case of females, the scalp hair loss may begin at any age though usually after 40. The patterns of female pattern baldness can vary considerably in appearance and may include:

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


• Diffuse thinning all over the scalp often with more noticeable thinning toward the back of the scalp. • Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp but not involving the frontal hairline. • Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp, involving and sometimes breaching the frontal hairline. Symptoms of alopecia in women In normal condition a woman tends to lose around 100­125 hairs per day. Losing more hair than that indicates that the condition is not normal. The following two conditions indicate alopecia in women – • Hair thinning over the entire head • Hair loss at the crown or hairline, from mild to moderate Causes of female pattern baldness The disease is triggered by the presence of a male hormone called testosterone in female body. Testosterone is produced by androgen hormone.

Natural Treatment of Hair Loss The treatment for hair loss may be divided into two types. One type includes the artificial methods like hair transplantation, use of drugs, etc. The other type includes various ways of natural hair loss treatment. The artificial hair loss treatment methods are undoubtedly effective. However, a natural hair loss treatment method is always a safer alternative. Some tools for natural treatment for hair loss The following herbal supplements play very effective roles in natural hair loss treatment – Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) – It is a palm­like plant of the North American origin. Extracts from saw palmetto berries contain fatty acids and sterols. The latter block 5­Alpha­Reductase

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


and reduce DHT uptake by hair follicles. They also reduce the block binding of DHT to androgen receptors. The liposterolic extract of saw palmetto combined with beta­sitosterol (a phytosterol common to many plants and grains) has produced notable improvements in anti­androgen activity in several research studies. Boarage oil – Boarage oil is one of the proven hair loss treatments. It contains omega­3 fatty acids. Its presence in a diet may help to prevent hair loss. In fact, it may even help promote hair re­growth. Boarage seeds also contain gamma linoleic acid (GLA), an omega­6 fatty acid. The latter ­ a good fat ­ may help prevent male pattern baldness. Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) – It has been used as a hair tonic for centuries. It supposedly stimulates new hair growth and revives hair color. DHT is the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness and a nettle root extract reportedly prevents testosterone from being converted to DHT. Green tea extract – Green tea extracts also hamper the conversion of testosterone to DHT. The catechin concentration in green tea is higher than that in black tea. Unlike black tea, green tea is not allowed to dry and ferment. That helps to retain catechin integrity. Grape seeds ­ Grape seeds contain OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins). They stimulate epithelial cell growth and check the growth­inhibiting effect of the molecule TGF­beta2 produced by androgen affected hair follicles. Apple skin – It is another effective natural hair loss treatment agent. Studies have established procyanidin therapy as a potential treatment for male pattern baldness. Apple procyanidins reportedly have high level hair­growth promoting capacity. The skin of green apples is the richest known source of procyanidin. Black cohosh – It has the ability to regulate estrogen hormone levels. Therefore it is potentially helpful in hair loss prevention and restoration. It is a regular component of natural hair loss restoration formulas. Licorice ­ This native European herb is famous as an excellent expectorant and is an effective hair loss treatment agent as well. As black cohosh, it can also regulate estrogen hormone level. Ayurvedic anti stress tea – Consumption of a mixed drink of Nardostachys Jatamamsi and Bacopa Monnieri each day may prevent hair loss. Beside that, it also helps in relieving stress.

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


Cinnamon and Dragon Bone ­ It helps in solving round spots of alopecia.

Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions For Good Cover Up If you are beginning to lose your hair, while looking for a solution, you may feel too embarrassed to go out and socialize. Even a short trip to the neighbourhood store may make you feel uncomfortable as you fear what others may say about your appearance. Using cosmetic solutions for good cover up of your thinning scalp can help you still get up and go. The first way in which you can still look presentable is through hair loss concealers. There are a variety of these that are easily available. One common hair loss concealer helps in building fibers. These are tiny fibers that are placed in the area where the scalp area is losing hair. You get the appearance of thicker looking hair in those particular areas. You can also use a masking lotion, hair thickener or hair fattener in order to give your hair more volume and look thicker throughout the day. Another consideration that you can “cover up” is to simply change your hairstyle. Your hairs are built to naturally turn and grow in a particular way. If you are losing hair in one area, choose a style that can help you cover the scalp area. Having an excellent beautician or hair stylist will help in determining which style can help you achieve this. Different types of shampoo are also available that will help you get the effect that you want. For instance, one type of shampoo can enhance volume of your hair and will provide your scalp with extra nutrients in order to stimulate growth. This essentially boosts the appearance of your remaining hair while speeding up the growth of new hair. For cosmetics that will help you to improve your appearance to cover up your hair loss, please ensure that the ingredients in them are proven to help and that they do not have any negative side effects. Having an idea of ingredients that help in hair growth or prevent hair loss definitely helps. Another way of doing research is to read product reviews for effectiveness. Cosmetics for hair loss is highly recommended if you are conscious about your hair loss and having feelings of negativity about the way you look. Do explore the options of cosmetic solutions as this can well mean getting rid of your depression and getting a life, while waiting for your new hair to grow!

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


Natural Hair Regrowth Treatment Looking for ideas on natural hair regrowth treatment? There are actually a lot of safe and effective natural methods that you can try in order to reverse hair loss. Here are some of them: Eat your way to better hair: Hard to believe isn’t it? To think that what you’re actually eating can affect your hair in so many ways, positively and negatively. Want to slow down the process of hair loss and get your hair back to the healthy original state you always remembered it in? Then you might want to start transitioning over to a low fat high fiber diet. Aside from this, you’ll also want to concentrate on foods that contain biotins, which play an essential role in maintaining healthy hair. Fish, cooked eggs, whole milk, and various nuts and fruits – all of these are good sources of biotins so it’s best that you take note of them. Drink plenty of water: It’s not only that gets thirsty, as even your hair requires the moisture that water provides. Dehydration can lead to symptoms like constipation, eczema, thick dandruff, wrinkly skin, foul breath and hair loss. Remember that your body is made up of 98% water and you need to maintain it at optimum levels if you want to keep your hair in place. An easy way to quickly replenish and establish enough water in your body is to routinely drink at least 8 ounces of water immediately after you urinate. You’ll know you’re getting enough water when you observe that you are urinating more frequently. Supplements: The fact that you are experiencing hair loss is a surefire indication that something is amiss in the nutrition department. It’s actually okay if you take supplements in pill form; just remember

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


though, that your body may only be able to absorb a small percentage of what you ingest, and will depend on the condition of your digestive system as well. Taking vitamins in colloidal or liquid form will boost your absorption rate allowing your body to get the nutrients that it needs. A scattergun approach can be done by taking multivitamins. This will at least ensure that you are getting some of the vitamins that you body lacks or needs.

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How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again


How to stop hair loss and regrow hair again

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