how to soothe a crying baby

Post on 24-Jan-2015



Self Improvement



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There are lots of reasons your baby could be crying, but these tips can help you soothe her and help her feel better. The secret to calming your baby is to find out why she is crying and then work to resolve the issue. With patience and love, you’ll be able to calm your baby, even in the middle of the night.




Every parent has experienced that time when their baby is crying and they don’t know what to do to soothe her.

Babies cry as a way of communicating and there are many, many reasons a baby will cry.

However, there are also many ways to make a baby feel better and dry her tears.



A hungry baby is a fussy baby. When your baby is crying and it’s been a while since her last feeding, try a bottle.

A bottle isn’t always the answer, but if your baby is hungry it will quiet her down and could even put her right to sleep.

For an older baby, offer a cracker, snack or sippy cup. A toddler who isn’t speaking yet or is just learning to communicate her needs may cry when she’s hungry.


One of the first things to check when your baby is crying is his nappy. A wet or dirty nappy is irritating to a baby, and he may cry to let you know he’s ready for a change.

It’s wise to take a few clean nappies, baby wipes and even a change of clothes with you in a diaper bag so you can fix this problem on the go.


Sometimes a baby will fuss because she wants some attention. She may be bored or not stimulated enough, and some interaction will do the trick.

Cuddle her, talk to her and play with her.

Even young babies can recognise their parents’ faces, so some cooing and a game of peek-a-boo can be just the thing to cheer a crying baby up


Crying can be a sign that your baby needs to burp, especially if he just ate. Babies need to be burped after eating from a bottle, and sometimes crying can be a sign of irritation due to gas.

Hold your baby over your shoulder, covered with a burp cloth, and gently pat him on the back to encourage him to burp.

This can take some time, so be patient and even the stimulation you provide with this activity can be enough to calm an upset baby.


Teething babies are notorious for being fussy. When babies’ teeth are coming in, their gums are irritated and even painful, which will cause them to cry.

One of the easiest ways to sooth your baby’s gums is to gently run your clean finger over them.

The trick to making a teething baby feel better is to provide safe things for her to chew on and use to comfort her gums.

Try offering a baby spoon that has been chilled in the refrigerator, toys designed for teething or a damp and cold washcloth. You can also use over the counter medications that are specifically made for teething babies.


Before your baby was born, he was used to moving around with you all day.

Now, stillness can feel strange and even be upsetting to a baby. If your baby is crying and has been lying in her crib or on the floor, get her moving.

Try rocking, gentle bouncing or taking a walk. If your baby is old enough, encourage her to learn to roll over or start crawling. Easy games like helping her scoot over to a toy are a great distraction and help her develop her muscles and skills.

As your baby starts to move around, crawl and walk on her own, be sure to use a baby gate to keep her away from stairs and other dangerous areas.


A baby will fuss if he is too cold or too warm. If your baby is crying, try helping him warm up or cool down by adding or removing layers of clothing, snuggling him with a blanket or changing the temperature on the thermostat.

Keep in mind that young babies should not sleep with lots of bedding, as they can easily become tangled and suffocate in them.

If your baby is fussy at night or naptime, and you suspect he is too cold, dress him in a warm onesie or footed pyjamas.


If you aren’t able to calm your crying baby, take his temperature. Tears can be a sign that your baby doesn’t feel well, and if he has a temperature, take him to see a doctor right away.

Fevers can be dangerous for babies and young children, so even if your baby has a slight temperature, contact your doctor.

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