how to select the right online platform for any meeting

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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How to Select the Right Online Platform for Any Meeting

There is No One-Size-Fits-All Meeting Platform

Most problems with

meetings are people

problems; lack of

preparation, poor meeting

skills, boring presentations,

bad habits,... the list goes on.

But not all of them. To hold a successful, productive meeting, you also need the right equipment.

Example of poor preparation

3 Ways to Select Meeting Software

Option 1: Don’t really choose.

This “good enough, let’s wing it” approach frankly works pretty well for independent teams or small companies.

3 Ways to Select Meeting Software

Option 2: IT Picks.

This is the most common choice, reflecting the long-standing IT-centric rather than business-centric approach to buying software that dominates corporate software purchasing.

3 Ways to Select Meeting Software

Option 3: Match one or more meeting platforms to business needs.

This "best tool for the job" approach allows more mature companies to better support and optimize for the unique needs of different types of meetings.

Common Feature Sets

All meeting platforms share some common features and assumptions.

• Audio conferencing

• Web conferencing

• Meeting productivity

• Webinars & Webcasting

• Decision support

• Board portals

We'll briefly cover six of the most common feature sets:

Technical Communication Features

Audio Conferencing

Example products: Skype, UberConference, TurboBridge, Intercall

• If you have remote participants, you’ll need some form of audio conferencing.

• Many systems integrate with several options.

• You can (and often should) pick audio services separately from the rest of your system.

• Keep in mind: you can have more than one audio service.

Technical Communication Features

Generic Web Conferencing

Example products:, AnyMeeting, GoToMeeting, WebEx

• Desktop sharing, application sharing, document presentation and chat allow people in different locations to look at the same thing at the same time.

• This feature set represents the electronic equivalent of a conference room, a pen and a notepad.

• You should assume that your team will need these features, at least some of the time.

Features for Specific Meetings

Meeting Productivity Features

Example products: MeetingHero, MeetingKing, Less Meeting, Lucid Meetings

• Features can include schedule coordination, agenda management, task tracking, note taking, and meeting records.

• Productivity features help groups organize, run, and document their meetings.

• Most features it easy for multiple people to add notes, comments, and other contributions directly to the online meeting record.

Features for Specific Meetings

Webinar and Webcasting Systems

Example products: MeetingBurner, ON24, GoToWebinar, Adobe Connect for Webinars

• Common features: online registrations, “presenter-mode” audio, Q&A panels, branded splash screens, session recording and attendance reports.

• Webinars or webcasts aren't intended to be collaborative experiences - they are one-way communication in real-time.

• Meant to increase awareness and sales, the reporting and follow-up features are critical to the event’s goal.

Features for Specific Meetings

Decision Support

Example products: MeetingSphere, Powernoodle, 1000minds, Conteneo

• Common features: online brainstorming, idea grouping, priority ranking and voting.

• When strategic planning and other high-stakes meetings get bad results, teams and companies fail.

• Decision support tools provide the infrastructure required to guide groups through highly structured, complex engagements.

Features for Specific Meetings

Board Portals

Example products: Boardvantage, Diligent Board Books, Directorpoint, BoardEffect

• Board portals provide organization, guidance, and security features so the board can focus on their goals while also adhering to the rules.

• To avoid legal trouble, meetings must be documented in a very specific way.

• Board portals are used in remote or in-person meetings, and are the least likely to include integrated web or audio conferencing features.

Matching Features to the Meeting Type

Two factors determine the minimal technology you need to be successful:

• Meeting purpose

• Attendee list

People often underestimate the importance of picking the right system for

their meeting’s audience.

Matching Features to the Meeting Type

Next we’ll match features to these meeting types:

• One-on-ones

• Ad-hoc group calls

• Status meetings

• Planning / decision-making meetings

• Sales calls / client reviews

• Committee and Board Meetings

• Webinars

• Video Conferences

One-on-One Meetings

Audio-only or other simple systems work well for one-on-one meetings.

Ad-hoc Group Call

When people work remotely, you need a way to quickly get everyone on a call, but not much more.

Example: Hey - can we quickly check in? Fred’s got a question!”

Groups of 3 to 5 people:

Groups of 5 or more:


As the group grows, it’s harder to be understood on a conference line. Make sure you have a way to chat and quickly share your screen.

Status Meetings

Status Meetings need to be focused and quick.

Features: +

Meeting productivity tools are ideal for status meetings, making it possible for people to provide information in advance.

Audio-only does not work for status meetings. If there’s no way for people to participate, then they aren’t paying attention.

Planning / Decision-Making Meetings

These meetings are special: they generate the best results.

Features: +

These meetings require an agenda and clear definition of the desired result.

Participants record the resulting plan or decision in the meeting record and then distribute it using the productivity tools.


Groups of fewer than 10 people:

Planning / Decision-Making Meetings

Features: +

The meeting leader will need audio and web conferencing to provide instructions during the process.

Many decision support tools encourage anonymous contributions, and provide a guided way to efficiently gather input from a lot of people at once.


Large groups & complicated decisions:

Sales Calls and Client Reviews

Sales calls require high-polish, and they fail when your client can’t join your meeting.

Select a system that will work on any computer and doesn’t require your customer to install or download something or register with an email address.


Always be prepared to show your prospect your screen or a document if needed.

Features for groups of 5 or fewer:

Sales Calls and Client Reviews

Features: +

Sales professionals who want to impress clients

should use a meeting productivity system to capture

prospect questions and follow up with an email that

clearly lists next steps.


Groups of 5 or more & important conversations:

Committee and Board Meetings

Committee and board meetings are collaborative working meetings with lots of extra rules. They need agendas, record keeping, attendance tracking, and more.


The meeting leader needs a way to organize the meeting and

run the group through the meeting content, and the designated

note taker records the minutes directly in the system.

For regular meetings: ( OR )

Committee and Board Meetings


Committee working sessions typically result in an

updated document – a business plan, a new specification

draft, etc.

The most efficient way to run this is to assign one person

to share their screen while they update the document

while others contribute content.

+For working sessions:



Most webinars are to increase market awareness, marketing

leads, and ultimately new sales - they hope to attract and impress

a wide audience.

The best systems support a highly polished and controlled

presentation in addition to reporting for sales and marketing

teams to reach out afterwards.


If you’re doing webinars, you should use a webinar system.

What About Video Conferencing?

Video Conferencing

Example products: Google Hangouts, Fuze, Vidyo, iMeet

• Video conferencing enhances online meetings by making it possible to see as well as hear the other participants.

• With video, you can communicate emotion and nuance in a way that other modes cannot.

• When video fails, it distracts and disrupts the conversation, often irreparably.

• Bad video is more than a technical glitch – it's a meeting killer.


1. Online meetings systems are designed to support a range of meeting types, but no product supports ALL meetings well.

2. Meetings are not nails, so you should stop trying to use a single online meeting platform hammer.

3. Groups have more productive and engaging meetings when they use tools designed for the type of meetings they run.

4. For best results, companies and organizations may need to invest in more than one meeting platform.

When you're in the market for new meeting software, knowing what type of meetings you need to support is the first step.

Once you've identified the feature set (or feature sets) you need, take a look at the other criteria on the Top 10 Things to Consider When Purchasing Meeting Software checklist.

Download the spreadsheet and use it to compare different options.

Next Steps

About Lucid Meetings

• Keep all stakeholders informed

• Meet when it's convenient for everyone

• Prepare your meeting agendas online

• Give clients the best meeting experience

• Write it down to get agreements that stick

• Encourage team accountability

• Send meeting notes instantly

Lucid Meetings provides all the tools you need in one cohesive online meeting platform.

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