how to rock content marketing in the age of 'content shock

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Business communicators have been doing content marketing, in one way or another, since we’ve been doing marketing. But digital technologies and social media have changed the game. We’re now under pressure to produce, distribute and measure more content, more often on more platforms than ever before. Our content isn’t just vying for attention with the other guy’s white paper; it’s competing with cute kittens and screaming goats. And even though businesses are dedicating about a third of their marketing budgets to content, most of us still don’t have enough time or resources to keep up. In this presentation for the Omaha, Nebraska IABC Communicators Camp, Carmen Hill shares the latest content marketing trends, along with ideas for focusing your content strategy and standing out in the stream. Content marketing may be at the peak of the hype cycle, but it’s never too late to learn a few new tricks.


How to Rock Content Marketing

in the Age of ‘Content Shock’

Omaha IABC Communicators Camp October 16, 2014

@carmenhill #commcamp

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Holy cats! Can you say

branded content’?!

@carmenhill | #commcamp

“A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and ultimately drive profitable customer action.”

~ Content Marketing Institute

What is content marketing?

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Content marketing 5 years ago…

Image: Randy Chiu, Creative Commons 2.0

Content marketing now Image: Randy Chiu, Creative Commons 2.0

86% of B2B companies are using content marketing.

2015 B2B Content Marketing Trends—Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

@carmenhill | #commcamp

77% of B2C companies are using content marketing.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

2015 B2B Content Marketing Trends—Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

70% of B2B companies are creating more content

than a year ago.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

2015 B2B Content Marketing Trends—Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

69% of B2C companies are creating more content

than a year ago.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

2015 B2B Content Marketing Trends—Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

55% of B2B marketers plan to spend more on content marketing in the next 12 months.

2015 B2B Content Marketing Trends—Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

@carmenhill | #commcamp

59% of B2C marketers plan to spend more on content marketing in the next 12 months.

2015 B2B Content Marketing Trends—Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Gartner Digital Marketing Hype Cycle Content marketing: ascending the “Peak of Inflated Expectations”

Trough of disillusionment

Technology trigger

Peak of inflated expectations

Slope of enlightenment

Plateau of productivity

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Mark Schaefer

Content Shock: The emerging marketing epoch defined when exponentially increasing volumes of content intersect our limited human capacity to consume it.

“While there is certainly buzzworthy content out there, some of which is even snackable, I do think content in general could be more relevant, more bite-size, and make a stronger brand impression with trending keywords and a more responsive design…”

This is not exactly new.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Doug Kessler called it back in 2013…

@carmenhill | #commcamp You can find the rest of Doug’s slideshare here.

More content is not the answer

~ Michael Brenner, “Is Content Marketing a Sustainable Marketing Strategy?”

•  On the average website 0.5% of the content drives more than 50% of the traffic.

•  Studies suggest that as much as 70% of marketing content goes completely unused.

•  The real problem is volume and poor quality (in other words, too much crappy content).

@carmenhill | #commcamp

So what are we going to do about it?

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Spend more & work harder?

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Spend & work smarter

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Spend & work smarter •  Be first

•  Be different •  Be strategic ""

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Spend & work smarter •  Be first

•  Be different •  Be strategic "

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Spend & work smarter •  Be first

•  Be different •  Be strategic "

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Be first

Early adopters earn the advantage.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Be first

In content marketing, there’s no such thing as “fashionably late.”

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Early to online advertising

Today? It would be more like 0.1%

1994: AT&T runs the first banner ad and gets a 44% click rate!

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Early to blogging: River Pools

It takes time to build an audience. River Pools got the jump on competitors.

Early to the event ebook…

Early to mobile content

#6secondscience #lowesfixinsix

“The unexpected nature of something completely new breaks through the filters.

~ Eric Wittlake

@carmenhill | #commcamp

“By the time something is broadly recognized as the next great opportunity, it’s really just table stakes.”

~ Eric Wittlake

@carmenhill | #commcamp

“The investor of today does not profit from yesterday's growth.”

~ Warren Buffett

Be different

Stand out from the stream. @carmenhill | #commcamp

“Your content has to be fun, be funny, look great... You’ve got to stand out and aesthetics are critical.”

~ Lee Odden, Author, Optimize

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Words matter (a lot), but they’re not enough

•  Consumers are 44% more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures than any other media.

•  Visual content increases impact. o  Whitepaper: 8,000 views o  SlideShare: 350,000+

@carmenhill | #commcamp

@carmenhill | #commcamp

@carmenhill | #commcamp

“One of the biggest misconceptions in B2B marketing is that you have to take yourself so seriously all the time and not have any fun.”

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Funny: #shipmypants

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Funny: yes, even in B2B @carmenhill | #commcamp

“Even if you sell technology or toasters or apartments or apps, your story is about people.”

~ Ann Handley, Author, Content Rules and Everybody Writes

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Case study: Xerox ‘Get Optimistic’ Business is an act of optimism.

Integrated content strategy

Interactive infographic

Be strategic

Focus. Filter. Find your edge.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.

~ Michael Porter  

Who’s your audience?

“It’s not about finding the right lure. It’s about finding the right pond.”

~ Tom Webster, Edison Research

Who does your audience listen to?

Extend your reach by engaging and earning the trust of relevant influencers.

Leverage 1: the action of a lever or the "mechanical advantage gained by it

2: power, effectiveness, e.g., trying to gain more political leverage

~ Merriam Webster

Case Study: Illumina

@carmenhill | #commcamp

@carmenhill | #commcamp

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Fast forward…

Illumina webinar: Starring Dr. Jennifer Gardy

Be awesome

First. Different. Strategic.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

“Your rival for online attention isn't your competition. It’s everything.” ~ Jay Baer, Author, Youtility

Not i




Not useful Useful

Credit: Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media and Content Marketing Institute




Good for social media. Bad for SEO.

Good for SEO Bad for social media.

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Credit: Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media and Content Marketing Institute

Useful and


Not i




Not useful Useful




@carmenhill | #commcamp

Credit: Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media and Content Marketing Institute

Not i




Not useful Useful




Goal: 80%

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Don’t be afraid to take (intelligent) risks

Safe  bread  &  bu+er  

Innova0ng  on  what  works  



Coca Cola Company’s 70/20/10 rule

@carmenhill | #commcamp

“The ones who thrive in this new world of chaos will be those who make their own rules.”


~ Kevin Spacey

Tools, templates & tips to make your job easier

@carmenhill | #commcamp

Content Marketing Institute






6 go-to sources for tools, templates & tips

CMI: Strategy & Planning

Content Marketing Institute Website

Hubspot: templates galore

Resource Library

Lean Content Marketing eBook

Marketo: eBooks, guides & how-tos

Resource Library

Free content audit tool

Kapost: content auditor tool (& more!)

Resource Library

Copyblogger: 20-part course

Content Marketing Books

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