how to replace faulty sbcx

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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How to replace Faulty SBCX

Product ZXG10 iBSC/GU-BSC/GU Wireless System/GU Network Management Version

Equipment Hardware Version Equipment Software Version

Board Hardware Version Board Software Version

Incident Error Code Page Views 24

Author Trupti Ranjan Nayak Knowledge No. WHD20120423643223

Incident Description (Incident Phenomena) Networking Environment Problem Cause Analysis Solution Summary and Notes

Incident Description (Incident Phenomena)

1. In linux system, somebody run wrong command chown R gomcr:gomcr $OMCHOME /../ . In Above command between $OMCHOMEand / there is a space,it should not be there. If there is aspace between $OMCHOME and /,it means firstly change the owner of $OMCHOME directory and then /../ root directory,if we make this mistake,all the filess property changed,the filesbelonging use and group change to gomcr user and gomcr group, it will bring some unpredictable we must reinstall a new linux system replace the old one. 2;If SBCX board hardware have same issues and always poweroff automatically,we should use a new one replace the old one. 3;If SBCX can not telnet&ftp,when we go to BSC location and found the harddisk alarm LED always light,we can declare this SBCX is faulty,and need replace it.

Networking Environment


Problem Cause Analysis

The new SBCX must be have the same configuration as the old one,especially the hostname,ip address.and all route which cfg in faulty SBCX


Firstly Add router for new SBCX: Then we need restore both the OMCR and OMCB data Use ibackup files restore the OMCR data 1,Get the backup files at Minos or old SBCX,if the old SBCX can run normally. The backup files under the directory /export/home/omc/backup/ibscX in Minos and /home/gomcr/backup in SBCX.we need get the cfg,db,version files,and upload it to new SBCX Normally,our system can automatically backup the cfg data and db data and ftp them to Minos at 2am everyday, backup the version file and ftp to Minos at 2am every month 15th. 2,Upload a new license file under the directory:/home/gomcr/ums-svr/deploy 3,Telnet the new SBCX,stop all java process and then enter the directory /home/gomcr/backup which save the cfg,db,version files which we got from old SBCX.excute restore commands $perl $OMCHOME/tools/ibackup/ file=/home/gomcr/tools/ibackup/backup20100415101319.tar this command restore the cfg version and db data 4,Start the java process,and login iSMG 5,Open software management,synchronize all version from NE to server.(optional) 6,Check the SDR version,if there is not SDR version package in basestation software management, we need upload it. 7,Creat ompcfg.ini file in software management 8, Synchronize all tables 9,Call test,and check the PM data.make sure everthing is like before. Use script restore OMCB data Backup the OMCB data 1, First backup the OMCB data in old SBCX. Use oracle user Make backup directory under the /oracledata # su - oracle $ cd /oracledata $ mkdir backup 2,Upload to /oracledata/backup under the oracle user. 3,Use root user give the execute right for that script # chmod 755 /home/oracle/ 4,Check the SID of OMCB database # su - oracle $ echo $ORACLE_SID If the result is gomcr we can use command change it $ export ORACLE_SID=omcb After change,we need check again,This is very important $ echo $ORACLE_SID 5,Use the oracle user execute the script $ cd /home/oracle $ ./ When it start,it will let u input two parameters The directory which saved the backup data /oracledata/backup The SID of database OMCB After finish,all the data will save in /oracledata/backup,we need download it and upload it to new SBCX. Restore the OMCB data 1,Stop the OMCB process,and make sure all the process had been stopped. 2,Ftp this file to SBCX /oracledata/backup unzip it and and give ot 755 right #su - oracle $cd /home/oracle $chmod 755 $unzip $chmod -R 755 recover $ echo $ORACLE_SID If the result is gomcr we can use command change it $ export ORACLE_SID=omcb After change,we need check again,This is very important $ echo $ORACLE_SID $ cd recover $./ This step also need input two parameters The directory which saved the backup data /oracledata/backup The SID of database OMCB Then start the OMCB and login,check the site status and version and try to synchronize one site

Summary and Notes

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