how to qualify a lead -navneet vats

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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3 Golden Steps to Qualify the Lead

Every customer leaves behind an impression on the website. All of them do not turn into


If you are a smart online marketer then you ought to know which lead to pursue and which to neglect. But

that is easier said than done. Hunting for the right prospect can be time consuming process because you

will bump into bad prospects too. And they suck your time, energy and money.

So what needs to be done to qualify an ideal lead?

Here are the three steps you should always follow.

1. Bucket up the right leads

As a smart marketer you ought to have good sorting skills; a canny eye to pick up the right leads from the

pack. Start with them and on the way filter out the bad prospects. At the end of the day you have spent

greater part of the time chasing the right prospects than bad leads.

Focus on the leads that come from your industry vertical. Do not chase leads from other industry

because you are likely to end up wasting your time and efforts.

Once you know that your lead is perfect, zero on it. No matter even if it involves emailing or cold calling,

many times.

2. Set up and intelligent questionnaire and engage customers

Put up a questionnaire that pertains to potential customers problems. When they answer your questions,

they give you the cue about their authenticity as true lead. They are looking for a solution to their problem

and when you engage with them you know that they are genuine, potential customers. Guide them down

the conversion funnel. If your blog is starting point of the conversion funnel then an eBook is the midpoint.

Provide case studies or whitepaper and take them down the conversion funnel.

Once they engage with your content (knowledge base) you know that you are propelling the genuine

leads down the conversion funnel.

3. Honest is the best policy

Lead tracking and conversion is time consuming business. And you know that time is money. So be

straightforward when talking to a prospect. Avoid engagement with a prospect where chances of

influencing a positive outcome are negligible. The inquisitive types who just want to know about your

industry for their knowledge sake are the most likely not to convert. So if you sense that a lead is not

interested to buy your solution/service/product then it better to flatly refuse to engage with it. The longer

the engagement , lesser are the chances of conversion. Because a genuine prospect after going through

your knowledge base should not take more than necessary time to take an informed decision about your

solution, service or product.


You have to remember that at the end of the day you are not “lead usher” but “lead bouncer” who knows

what the true leads are and where they are in the pipeline so that they are turned into customers. For that

you need to zealously follow the three golden rules mentioned above.

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