how to migrate magento to opencart

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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How to Migrate Magento to OpenCart


How to Migrate Magento to OpenCart

Magento is a platform with vast customization opportunities, numerous templates, large and helpful

community, advanced features. However, a lot of e-merchants complain it is too difficult to manage Magento

store. Really, if you don’t have at least medium technical skills, you will face some difficulties while

administrative process. In contradistinction to Magento, OpenCart store is lightweight, easy to download and

install, has convenient and clear control panel. Thats why a lot of online stores owners decide to migrate

Magento to OpenCart.

In order to help you avoid difficulties while moving all data from Magento to OpenCart Cart2Cart provides an

automated migration. An easy step by step instruction will help you understand how it works and perform

straightforward data transferring.

Stage 1. Create Cart2Cart account

In order to start work with Cart2Cart you have to sign in with your Google or Facebook account or register a new one.

Stage 2. Setup Source Cart

Select Magento as your Source Cart. Next you have to enter your current online store’s URL. After that download Connection Bridge on

your computer in order to give access to your data. After downloading you have to exact it from zip archive and paste to the root directory.

To do that you have to use FTP client and Total Commander or FileZilla. For better convenience look through FAQ with video tutorial.

Stage 3. Setup Target Cart

The same procedure you have to repeat with target OpenCart cart.

Select Target Cart.

Enter target shop’s URL.

Install Connection Bridge.

Stage 4. Entities Selection

Now you have to select entities which have to be moved to OpenCart. Just tick items you would like to migrate or pick Check all box. There

also is a possibility to order additional options to expand migration opportunities.

Note: For migration from Magento to OpenCart is is possible to move products and products categoriesSEO URLs.

Stage 5. Multi-store Configuration

On this step, you have an opportunity to map your source and target stores, as Magento supports Multi-store function.

Stage 6. Currencies Mapping

In a case you use more than one currency to sell your products, Cart2Cart provides an opportunity to move them, as well. If you don’t, just

skip this step.

Stage 7. Orders Status Mapping

If you’ve chosen to migrate orders, on this step you will have an opportunity to map their statuses.

Stage 8. Demo Migration

Absolutely free Demo Migration will help you to understand how it works. We highly recommend not to skip this step. Moreover, it will take

you only a few minutes.

Stage 9. Full Migration

After successful Demo Migration, you are able to start Full Migration. Make sure you have enough money on your account, double check

entities, which have to be moved and press Start Full Migration button.

Stage 10. Check Migration Results

After the process of data migration is completed you will receive an email notification. We can congratulate you with just established new

OpenCart store.

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